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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Postoffice at St, Helens, Oregon, u second-class mail matter. Issukd Evkry Friday Bv K. H. FLAGG. Editor and raopaiimm. One copy, one year, in advance. , . ,l 00 Sis months. 60 1 Legal notices 25 cents per line. FRIDAY, Not. 9, 1908, JAPANESE AGITATION. The people o( the Pacific Coast do not desire and will not tolerate competition between onr laboring men and either the Chinese or Japanese. Neither do they intend to hav mixed schools for the co-education o( the Caucasians and Mongolians. Any threats on the part of Japan will not effect Ibis decision, as it is well known that the Japs are in no position to enforce a boycott ol American products. The trade with the Japanese is largely in their tavor and brings them a revenue tney can ill afford to spare. The loss ol their American customers would mean to them nothing less than national bankruptcy, and as to the threat of war, that certainly will have no effect npon the people of the United (states. Japan, by ber patriotism and Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream ol tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. POXOJA AT DEER ISLAND. A Large aa EatkwUstle Meeting ef i the Ceaatr Orange. Pomona for Columbia County met at the Grange Hall in Deer Island, on Sat urday last. There was about fifty rep resentative of the local granges from nnity of purpose has accomplished great different parts of the county, and the thine?, but sbe is not and never will be, I session was a useful and enjoyable one. in a Do&ition to contend with the stronvl After the appointment of the usual est nation on tho face of tbe earth, and I committees on resolutions and condol that is what the United State is to-day ence, reports were heard from the dif- in natural resources, wealth, intelligence, ferent local granges of the county as and everything that roes to make a na-1 follows: on great. We are in no danger froaa I Vail Grange reports a membership of the outside, and ouronly question aboald 2T, with eight candidates for the next be the Instice of the Jaoanese comDlaint I meeting and more in prospect. The and the effect of any action upon oar grange owns its hall and has no in own people. It is probable, moreover, debtedness. that the agitation of the question at this Yankton Grange reports a member time is caused not so much by the Japs hip of 32, an increase since- the last Fo- who are I mora, mere is money in the treasury as by those in this country anxious to secure Coolie labor. TILE TREASURY GRAFT. Mr. George Steele, Oregon's Stat Treasurer elect, is undoubtedly highly gratified at learning that the courts in Wisconsin have compelled men who have held tbe office in that state to disgorge something like (300,000, which they have received from the favored banks as in terest on public money. Past State Treasurers in Oregon have joyously ac. cepted this graft, but Uncle George is an exception to the rule. He is a farmer and a friend of the farmers, for did be not state during the primary campaign that the "damned banks'' were trying to down him, and unles the farmers came to bis assistance they would undoubtedly succeed. Well, they came. From tbe woods and the plains ; from the vallsvs and the hillsides, they rushed to the polls in defense of the farmer's candidate for State Treasurer, and the schemes of the Portland bankers were blasted by the whirlwind of re form. George was elected, and the power of the money ring in Oregon was crushed. It is said that tbe statute of limitations raus in favor of our past treasurers, and that they cannot be com pelled to disgorge. There is some talk of legislation, whereby the State will re ceive an income from its funds, bat with the farmer's candidate triumph and Rouse Bill 104 banished from the State House, legislation looking to re form in tbe office of tbe Stale Treasurer would be a work of supererogation. George is the real thing and needs no statutes to compel him to honesty. NORTHERN' SPV APPLES. and the trustee are negotiating for the purchase of a new hall. Tbe attendance is good and considerable interest is man ifested in the meetings. Vernonia Grange reports 45 members in good standing. They are gettingiready to build a new ball and hare a goodly surplus in the treasury. Clatskanie Grange reports 55 mem ber. It is out of debt and prospering. Natal This is probably the banner grange of the county. It has 63 mem bers in good standing. There is a good attendance at tbe meetings, and at each meeting there is a literary program. They have a drill team preparing for the contest. Beaver Valley Grange reports 43 in good standing. Good attendance and good interest manifested in the meetings. Cedar Grove reports good progress and is building a ball. Has had quite a num ber of deaths, either through sickness or accidental. Has a membership of 35. Milton Grange has surrendered its charter, and its members have affiliated with other granges. None of them have gone out of the order. Deer Island is in a prosperous condi tion. It owns its own hall and has money in the has a member ship of 42 which is a considerable in crease over last year. This grange meets semi-monthly and has very interesting sessions. The report from, the local give the people from all station a local evening train service, thereby making it impossible for the people to transact their business in Portland and return borne the same day; and, whereas, these same condition no doubt prevail throughout our state, therefore be it Resolved, that it is the desire of the Pomona Grange of Columbia County that onr representative to the legisla ture use his best endeavors to have a law enacted to compel all transportation companies where they are operating an evening train, to stop at all stations when flagged, be it further Resolved, that the Grange State Legis lative committee present this matter to the next legislature. J. H. Collins, W. J. Fi-LUtarox, R. P. Brass. Committee on Resolutions. The time for the election of officers having arrived, that order was taken up and the following were elected for the ensuing two years : Worthy Master James Barr, of Clats kanie. Overseer Robt. Lovelace, of Rainier. Lecturer I. II. Copelaod, of Houlton. Steward Frank Peterson, of Mist. Assistant Steward Jos. Holtaday, of Deer Island, Chaplain Mrs. Jennie Lovelace, ol Rainier. Treasurer T. C. Watts, of Goble. Secretary J. U.Collins, of Clatsianie. Gatekeeper Jiew ton Parker, of Ver nonia. Ceres Mrs. Mattie English, of IVer Island. Pomona Mrs. J. II. Collins, of Clats kanie. Flora Miss Era Burns, of Rainier. Lady Assistant Stewart Mrs. Pringle, of Vernonia. The proceedings in the evening con sisted of the usual literary entertain' nient and initiation of the Pomona de gree. FOOL GAME LAWS. SUMMONS. Ill (ho CluMilt Utiiirt i( Hi ltP nf OrvipMI, II lim vow ii it in uiiiiHi""' t t V. Krlu, I'lulmirl, vs. Krii- r'rlu, Poleii't Tit kratlt'ea rllf. ttit nhttve llnttlttl tlett'llil.llt Ill 1 lie 1111111 ol Hie state iin'rvnii; t""",v herein riiiin-i in nmusr amianatier me . iilalnl aixl ayaliial viiii In the almve iillll.-.l nil on or before III ITth ilay n( Uwvmlier, mm. which la Ihe time ,hmtII liiriui' Itw will ininiilaliit In tlit iinlvr i( iilihtHitkni l lila atiimiiuua, ami II "'i lalltiiaii aprear ami anawer. Ihe lilalitllirr. Ill apply in ih !" (...Ik. h.kuf .L..I..ILI..I It, I It A.mtnlllll. 1,1 wit: a tteere ol lhi court illlln the bomb ol matrimony heretofore ami now exlitl" I" mm the tilalnllir ami ilefenilaiil hnln, on the yroiinil that lh naltl Ui'(mlanl ilartil Ilia laiuilir without Juat or any can ami avalital hlii wlah, will ami ooiiwiit, at IMrllaiid, Onitoa, In the month ol April. ta, and et .liiceealtl date aalil oVrVmlaiit haa niiillnueit to lit eieral an I apart front aaltl planum without jnat or any caita ami atalnal hla wlah, will ami eon ul, ami lor alien otiier anil lurlhvr rellel aa may bo Juat ami (unliable III lh Thla attmmona la piiMlaheit by tinier ol the lion. t. a. Melinite, mint or ina aiatva tfiiiiueii court, whli'h oHer waa tluly iual ami rllel In !.! court on llivMh day ol Tt itai of trie nrat mini ration ol una ail in niona belli th elh itajr l Nor.. I WW. ami lh Hale ol ina laal puoiieailon Invrvol 01 lis hid am .iiar ui I've., two. I. unit r net Fftt. Alloruera Kir Plaintiff, I'hanitwroK'ommerve, Portland, Or. NOTICE FOR PI BUCATIOX. Department ol the lulerlor. latin time al IMrtlaml. ttieron, Nor, , in. VOTU'K Id HKKKBY OIVKK THAT IN t'OM- puamtwnn lit provlalona ol I he act ol Oonaraaa ulJuo a, 17. vntlllr-l "An art for me aar or umber lamia In Ihe state, ol Oregon, I alltornfa, Narada and rlahliietu Terrlkirr.' a.ilerttled to all the pul.llr laud alalee by art Ol Alletlat Mih. law, tiuaiar Adoll Hrhola. Porllaml I'nuiilyol Mnliminiah. Mai ol lr (on, ha thlailay Mini In thla orra- hla aworn aiatrtavni ... Jin fer lh pun haa nl lh UH o .swtiou No. a, lu Towiiahlp No. t north run No. 3 Waal, ami w ill orTrr pnl lo a how that lh land nuiaht fa mora valnabla for Ita lluibfr or alon thau lor aartrultural purra ami lo eataMlah hla claim In aald land lat'or Hi Rriiatrr and Koeclver at INirtlaml, (Jr.. on Monday the .'li day ol January, wn. nanamra aa wiinraava: mm J. sehiHt, ol brnleen, .u : t rl Srhlwrs. ol IVrtlaml, r, Frvdl' Herllna. ,J C,.rilu,l. Or: William Wllaon, ol Ponlacd. Or. Any ami all peraoru rlalmlna aleonlr lha above ilearrlb,! lamia are miuralrd to sla Ihrlr elalma lu thla orHf on or before aald ilal day ( anaai, 7,.r. AUiKNKdKS. IIRKH.MKK, Reslater. nonet TO cttoirots " t IIAKI.M MOHBIrl W. II. IMwi.ll, Allorty hr Admlnlalralor. II to IJ J HUMMUNS, iBlMOIifullfourlolthe Wal ol Orerw hw th.l'oiiniy ol folninhla. Usil nnlllvait, plalnilrr V. John II. MullUatl, To joh'Vmilllrati lh sUirs named ilitMil- lnth namollhHllolOrfon: Vou are hereby reunited lo appear ami "''' plaint Sle.1 walnal ou In lh alwre Mlllleil eiiiirl au.l raua au or before IHH'eiiiher l.vh. iM.hlrh laaU waeka atutr Nor. mt, Ion. ,k. i... ,h am mi i Kallon ultnla nolle, and II von fall In w appear ami answer th tilalnllir will apply tor lu rellel I rayed lor In aaldoomplaliil, to wll: Mr a .leerea inaaoir Ins lh buodi ol matrimony now V"!l,"f ' . ...... , ..i.inim au.l itelemlallt ami lor aiioh other ami lurlher reiki aa lo the court areata meet and Juat, Thla aiimwiua la i.iimtanen ny tinier - Hon. Thoa. A. Mcnrld. juiiire "t naneil curt, mad and entered on th llllh day ol October, iws. R. I. irm'aaa l . Alloruey for flaintlir. SUMMONS In the Circuit rourt ol th Aateol Orrtfon, lor the t'ouuty of i:olumlla. n . A. nuniley, I'lalmlrT. ra. Willma llitnllev. IVIrndant. To lllma llnnlley, Oclendanl, In th abut v entlilc.1 auit In lh nam ol the rtaieol trvon you are hereby rciulreit and commaudeil to appear and anawcr the rompuinl led aaain.i ,.n n the aiT eniiin-M auit. rmtweeo mtw ami trie tun day ol Kencmber, Itaa). Mul aull U eowmenred by niainiin aaaluat yiu l' alamlute dlvtiei', I ami If vn lall to anawvr between now ami aald lime, lor waul ihereuf, th plalnii will late Juditmcnl afalii.t inu Utt an alwolul dlviMi-e ami diiaolllliou ol Ibe luarrlaa now llllic between yiHl ami aald plalallrT. TbU aula mom la wrnl by imbllrallon In puraaane to an or tier made by the Hon. T A. Mcttrtde, Jn.l ul the t'ireult t'ourt ol th Mute of Orr,.n, lor in I'oiinlr of t oluinbla. datetl tartober Mb, IMS. ald twder pnivitlea that th Sral publication ol thla aummoaa aball be made ow the Slh dar of Nor., 1 and thai tb laat publication be mailc on the .lit day ol liecember. Iw. KPKNt'KH, lit MS f VHKKI.I., Allorueya l. riaiiuitr. NOTICI FOI PUSUCATION l'nlttrllleUmltlnc, Portland, ttrvtnn. eit. t. !. Notle la herhy alven lhal lu compllaitr wlih the pmrtalona ol the ortol I ot June , I, entitled "An act lor the aaie or limber landa In Ihe alale of t'allhiriila. Oreaoit. Nevada, awl Wa.hltilon Territory," aaelcu. el loall th Public Uml ntatea by act ul Au ...l I lmr) Allien Mchmltlllll. ol AUdou, ft.uulj ol Waahluaton, Hlale ol tlrron, haa thlailay Slnl In thla other hla aworn alalemenl No. TuvJ, hir lh purchaaeol th ue,nwitl neeilon No, W. In Towiiahlp No. North, Kaur No. t Weal, ami will offer to abow lhal Ihe land aonabl la more valuable lor Ha Umber or atone thau lor agricultural purpnaea. a mm i ea,win hla claim lo aald laud beltte Ihe Krflater ami Kecelver al ronianu, I'rearon. on neooeaaia ihe lh day ol Kovvoiner, imm. it nam wllneaaee: t'hrlil Van IU k. ol rortlaotl. eon: IMIO nteOellman. ol Attoaa. toetfoa, ai hen Heliisen. nl Albion, iiresuni lu-rnhanl Altdiui. Oreeon. Any ami all neraoua claiming adversely ihe above dearrtbnl landa are rxiueate,! lo SI thai lalaia In tbla nmc on or tie ror aaltl jtin o ul Nnvfmber, IW. ALtlKRNON . PRriMKIt. tteartater. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR DU8INB88 M7K liavc the txwt and m(wt Vf fullv mmlpiMMlJob Print ing Otilce in OiilumbiA County Jtnl we are prepared to do all kind of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL Witt CQHYIKCE OREGON MIST I rraV rV none i rot miliaria. One of the worst fool laws in Oregon is that which permits any hunter to kill fifty ducks per day and then prohibits 1 their sale. Tbe same law also prohibit 1 the sale of Chinese pheasants, trout, and granges we believe, other game, and requires Mr. M. O. Lownsdale, of Lafayette, Yamhill County, in an article in Pun day's Oregonian has tbe following good words for Columbia County's Northern Spy apples. .Northern Spy apples grown at Scap poose and shipped to Hood River held up longer and better in every way than the choicest Hood River fruit. Now, we of the Willamette Valley do not consider tbe Northern Spy a good keeper, and wonder what would have been the result if some of our valley keepers had been in the test. The Northern Spy raised in the Willa mette valley may not be a good keeper, but we can certify from experience that the Northern Spy raised in Columbia County is an excellent keeper, as was demonstrated at the Lewis tnd Clark Fair. We had Northern Spys there in September that had been taken out of cold storage in July. It is nothing un- urual for the farmers of the Warren and Bachelor Flat neighborhood to bring Northern Spy apples to market in the springtime. It is a good keeper and it is a heavy bearer. We think it can easi ly be demonstrated that the Northern Spy, in this county, will yield bigger profits to the intelligent orchard ist than can be derived from apples in any other section. It is beautiful in color and shape, and its flavor is not excelled even by the famous SpiUenberg. It can not too often be stated that there is no in dustry in Oregon that will pay better than raising Northern Spy apples on our side hill stump lands. Mr. Holladay, who raised the Spy apples spoken of by Mr. Lownsdale, states that tbe net profits from a single acre run as high as $otlO, and it is safe to say they would average half that' amount. Tbe onlp drawback to the growth of this industry is the length of tiuie it takes to put an orchard upon a profit paying basis. It takes ten years to bring an orchard into good bear ing, though some revenue can be derived during that time. The cost is in the neighborhood of $15 J per acre, including everything, and, estimated upon the bais of profits, it should be worth f 1000. It is a guarantee of independence to any young man who engages in it, and should be attractive to those who have the pa tieaee to wait for certain results. were consiaereti to oe very encouraging. 'erery dealer to pay a license of fifteen There are less granges in the county dollars before he can sell any salmon, than there were a number of years ago, Of course these laws are constantly vio yet the membership has increased and lated, as they do not have the support there U much greater interest in the 0f public sentiment. So far as the li or', ' cense for selling bsh is concerned no Tbe noon hoar baring arrived, Pomona dealer in a small town can stford to pay took a recess and the members repaired j it and the effect is to force the fish to to the upper story of the Grange Hall, the canneries, the cold storage, or the where the Patrons of Deer Island Grange big city markets. Th) game law does hal prepared a sumptious banquet, j not protect the game, but it prevents turkey, ducks, chickens, and all the ac- any citizen of Oregon, unless he desires ceasories necessary to please the appetite ; to violate it, from having game upon his of tbe most particular. After full justice table, unless he is lucky enough to be a had been done to the hospitality of our sportsman or have a friend who will hosts, Pomona reassembled, when the make him an occasional present of tih following resolutions was adopted: I or game. Neither is it right that those Whereas, it has pleased iiJ to vM j w ho pay rental for duck lakes and ex from bis sphere of usefulness in this li(e(lnd lorgesuuis feeding the lakes, should to the world beyond, our beloved brother, be prevented from recouping themselves John K yell ber j, a worthy and en tliusias-1 by a sale of their surplus game, provided NOTICE FOI FINAL SITTLEMIHT. SOTU'K la heretrr alven bv lha nn.l.r.ltl aamlmlnlairatnr wlih th willanne. of lb raiaieau. Mraerre. ileceaard. thai he hi nicutnthe omce of tbe Lountr t'ourt of ibe siaie oi vrri,u, lor t oiumbia lounly, hla rlu.l account ol bia admlniatration upon aaitl dale. Ittfelher wlih hla nual report and petition fr Sital arllleiiieni and dlatrlbotion; and that Ike Hon. K. . Italian. Judee ol Mid Court, haa au- -Intel Saturday, the Brat day ol liecember. !, al leno'cltN'kln ihe forenoon ol aal.l a.. aa :he lime, aud lb courtroom o aald e-Hirt In Helen, nre-rwn. aa lha place ol heartn aald arcotinl. report and petlilou aud lh aetllamenl of aaltl eatate, at which lime ami place aur per aoniiitereatcd in aald eatale may appear ami ale oloertlona in wntltil loaaidacconiit.refort ami lriuitm, or auy part or either 01 me aenie JOfKPit H MKMfcKVK. Adinlnlatratnr with the wilt ai.ucic-l ol lh cetale of J, W. Mearrve. defcaed W. II Powell, Attorney lor AdmiuUlralur, rirt pub. Nov.Wh. Lat pub. Nov. SUtb. Sy C. PiSCHKR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. KAISIKR ORIUON Poreat Reaerre IJeu rtclca-tloa No. UfflM. Culled SMIe Land OHW. Portland, tireetva Kr mem Iter, V. Iw. tttOlM U KeiMhv etvn lhal JtdiH rtwiam vrhoee noatoffl, e atblreaa la Portland, tireeou haa matte anolleallon lo erlerl nmter the Act ol June , a7. ( Slat, at) tho Ml... in tie. arrlbe.llracta.riW t.NWi.. SWI. SK I. aVctlou I In Townahlp S Nairn. Kant S We. Within the neat thirty an, from date hereof proleeta, lareowteata aealnat tbe eelrettea on the Rponml lhal the lend dearrlbetl. or an worthm thereof, la more valaehle Ha mineral than lor aartcnlturw! purpneee. will it received ami noted tor rwtmrt to tbe I'ommlaaioner ol tbe Oeoeral lAm omce. AUil.RtNa pHRrWaK. Metlaler Plret pabllclloa tan. It Iws. Laat pabllcathHi N jr . Iww. NOTICE OF CUAIOIAN SALE OF IEAL ESTATE- Noll.' I, hereby alven that I. P. J. Hili (iiantlaa ol the peraon and nab of Hartierl ft Hrli.a mlmir. timler arel by virtue nl an onurr tit the t ouuty t:ourt ol I lalaop t'ttniity. Hlate o( tirvwon. ma-a oo tne Jvtn nay ol la-iotajr, A P IWaVdlretUlna Ihe ale of Ihe real relate herein after itearrlbe.1, will on Friday the EOth day of November, lent, at the tomr ot iwo o t-lni-a p m.. at the fmut tltaar M tbe t'ounty t'.Mirl bona, ol t'olnw Ma CVnulv, liretn, In )t llrb-oa. therein aelt at public auction to Ibe kil,eM bbbler It.r eaeh. all Ihe rlht .title ami liiirrral el aatd Herbert a. Itrlt In ami lo lha Nttth half ol ibe North wet quarter ol at-dkm Tra In Townahlp Pour North of Ran Two Wrati n Ibe Willamette Wril.llaii In I ,. I. mil. la t'ounty. Hreiron. atib)ccl lo the tlowrr inter! ol I'h.ieb A. Harr therin. nueh aale Will Imi made for caah in haml. aub (rtlulhe eoiitlrmailtui of a.l.t lounltlourt ol t lalv.p t'ounly. Stale nl llrrfron. Ibtletl Ibu Slat day ol urtolr A p Ivor.. Pi MK1X. nnarttlan ol the Peraon ami P..taie of Herbert a. Hrli, a minor. JR. II. R. l UPP, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T IIKI.RSS UkCtioK. h. 0. quick a. m. holton The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. TlTLKS EXAMINKO Abstracts Mad Non-Kksidkst Taxks Paid Rkai. Estatk Loans, rrc , fV r A H. HENDERSON, REAL ESTATE, JERSEY STREET, ST. JOHNS, ORE. Any cutnmuuication from my Columbia County friendi re. garding investments in St. Johns and vicinity will receive prompt and careful consideration. kV J tic member of the I'umona Grange; tberefore be it Resolved, That we extend to the mem bers of the bereaved family our sincere sympathy in this hour of their bereave ment and commend to all hi, example they keeT within the law as to the nam her to be killed. The courts are called upon to enforce these laws, and yet the average citizen, who pays the coats of maintaining Iheut, has no interest what ever in the matter. All he has to do is aa a good husband and father and a pro- J to foot the bill. The n.en who hunt gressive and intelligent member of this order. Resolved, That the charter ot this grange I e draped in honor of his memory, and that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minntes ami lie pnl lished in the county papers. Mks.Je.nnik fvcLAce, Man. C. W. Jones, , H. Flauo. Committee on Condolence. Several of the members made brief re marks eulogestic ol the character of Urn. Kyellherg. The committee on resolutions ducks in this county are not as a rule taxpayers here, and even if they were, t' ere terms lo be no good reason why other prorty holders, w ho never par ticipate in the sport, should be called upon to pay for its preservation. Es pecially is this true where they are not even permitted to purchase the game. f)o the proprietors of the mills and camps along the Columbia river make proper provinions (or the sa.'et of their men? Hardly a week goes by but whitt somebody is killed or crippled while ; working in the camis. liieie wns "re-sub- 1 ce",'.v 1 tmnsli up in the Columbia City ' :.., . i . ... , iTiiiiip mm iienrir allien otiu limit ana mitted the following, which were adopt- j,,:,,, cilf(lt or ,e othH ,,( Royal Oak Dresser. No. 6H. When you are this Drraarr you will have and very tangible cvulrm-c i.l the fact tlutt we Kb furniture at lower rates than any other firm in the city. The sue of this ilrear-top ls.M inches, with oval bevel plate mirror IUiSI incite. It j. m9'lc ( royal oak with beautiful quarter grained top and Ironl. There are four drawers, top drawers Imvinir swell fronts, juat like the illustra tion, and all arc fitted with caat brsiu pulls and lurks and keys A very neat and Jtttrai tive deaiKn and one fail to pleaar "nr price is only MY $3 CASH. 11.50 MONTHLY MSend for our complete fiirni- .iiik, iiiowing tlie hue iiirniiurcwciH ll on the hiatal, meut plan. We pay (rcK,t GEVURTZ&SONS PORTLAND, OH EG0N 173-175 PI KMT BTltKKT ai-aa7 vamhili, btjikkt ed: Whereas, the full distribution of seed is nseless and of no value w hatever to farmers of this county; therefore it it Resolved, that our senators and con gressmen be requested In write nguinrl any further appropriation by the federal government for the free distribution of seeds. J. II. Collins, W.J. Fi i.i.turo.v, It. P. Bt axs. Committee on Resolutions. Whereas: railroads and all transpor tation company's doing a freight and passenger business are recognized and regulated br law us common carries, and Whereas, the N. 1. It. R. Co. is now and has been operating and running two afternoon passenger trains daily from FortUni to Gobls and has rtfuaed to them quite severely ; and we are in formed that this wns cttnsed by an in-! experienced engineer and a poor engine. ' A ninn ii not required to have any li- ivnxe lo run n lodging eniiine, aud the lo?ii"H company ran put any one they: want in charge of I heir machines. In' this case it war a man new at that kind j of work. It seem lliat the loromolive was an old fashioned machine that is' equipped with a sinnll marine engine, i In coming down the hill the engineer j threw it out of geur in some way, and; when it got started there was no stopping j it. It is ton bad that good men have to be ruined for life on account of the gross , neglect of their employers. If n decent amount of iittention wns paid to the j safety of men w ho work in the mills and esiupf, it is safu to say that so ninny J uien wonld not lie sent to the hospital. on account of accidents caused at these place. in yWJ7y5?' When you buy that new fall suit of Welch, remember his iron clad guarantee "IF NOT BIGHT, WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT. Made Right,: :Fit Right,: .Priced Right SUITS $7.45 to $25. WELCH raEcLAogAN 091.013 unaoitnu r Maura rimtr ana.. . caiiourt inn AH Til HIT A O0MPLKTC UNI OF SUITABLE KINDS FOR WINTER WEAR I kTNrnHT'Q WALKOVER AND i IVlXlVJlll O SOROSIS STORE WASHIHOTOK H0 THIHD STS. HITIUC. IHttl i I VVtayatyay4v' Vf mniwwwwmwwimifitmr mrmmmmrm I THE BIG STORE DOW BY THE PIC SAWMILL ; Receiving New Goods Every Day! In the Week. - iis a .imputation of Ung Mantling for Only tbt IWat In S l General Merchandise! una a- '-3 Dart & Muckle. St, HelfiiiH, . Owgo.f AUAUiiumiUiUiUiUiUsUiiuaiiu WESTERN MEAT COMPANY 8PENCE 4 POPE, PROPS. JfjjS Handle e only fresh nnd "Mts used. vvi. i,a. ' : riiu i"c.a s-. r : a. and will i;n ,i V . ",,c I,cra ot We ia cm valley 'l' 'a iscrivin ,C rUCRt lhr,cc y steer iu the couul A I , 1 1ryr our ho,ue cred pork mid corned beef, lA-avc orders fnr ii.ei,-.... j.. . ---w. mcp! uucks aua cmcKcus.