The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 21, 1906, Image 3

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    0 ii 7, " prises uti
T MP A I "ol"ei"l," e Oregon Butt Kitlr, In-
lVH- M'jclu'linathe ClillenKe (,V(:f) Cuti for
hkVhl IM lutkl 1.1. 1 ...111 I .. . .
.... iii.uci ami nun cow in tlie dairy
tent, being uf llolstcln-l'rie.laii stock.
'I . a ...
Talk tl R' CuluutliU County Hunk.
Kev. Tlinion, o( Urckliain, held ser
vile ll mly ""'" ""'I vnlng
In the M. J' Church lit thin city. Ilotli
. ...i..... uen well tumlrit ml vety.
lHB)y well phjiwwl with Rev. Tlimc
, prcmhliig. ' ' wrong "
... i many tiling wti liavt never
More licMrl couie Irotn ttw pul.l. Rev.
Thompson In a win who would tlo much
K,HH In atiy community, ami the twotile
lu re wcitiltt lik tt hv the cunler me
mIkhIiIiu wthiihr.
,MiM UIU Muckle, ol Itiilnlrr, wa a
St. Jleleii vlaltor till week,
l,ev order hr your Ice cream (or
j,,r Sunday Ulnuer. Ilteker', tit
IKrr l-lHiulCronKe will give grand
Ull lu lltelr hull Saturday night, October
mi. Ticket IT. PUlifcr win oe ervu
A iln hotel M Ihust desiring It.
CommkkCUI. ACCorNT-W are glad
i.. ,ii elirckiaK account wttli Individ
unit, littn. anctetlea. corporation, anit
tunk,ani glv crelulncl roniit alien
...... in all itiinc, wlielher large or
.mall. Columbia County Itawk.
lit I.wi llaoKKK Chun. Welilier
.ii at aoik In Stieriuail Jlrotber
lagging camp n l'riday had the
mi.lortuiie to have W leg Mourn in a
pn ullar manner. He w walking
lnii.l a log which was twlng drugged by a
.1. ukey engine. A limb ol a tree became
caught In the but "u, " M
b-rl II lew back wllh learlul (orce,
..inking Weblwr below the knee and
.napping hit leK a though it had been
ItonUmnier ktf cream. Hie very Ul.
taker's, Ml. Helen.
Hiwit-SToKK NirTUlJ The wedding
Mi- Klhet Amy Row to Albert Uroy
Stone, look place at the realdew ol the
tinde't parent, Mr. and Mr. Win. M.
k.. In this tily. Hottmlay allermwu.
Sej,!, ,Mh, In the preence ol a lew
liicmU and relative, r. Thumn, ol
C.fhui. offwUliuK. ' Ihe k ,r"w
4l,e.d were Mr. R. R. Carl.toil and
Uunlitcr Mildred, ol Gre.hauii Mr.
N itluii Kirhard, ol I'orllaud; Mr. and
Mr. C. I, Crandall and Mr. William
lrtridire, ol Seattle ! alia Heme llann.
t i:v-invilt, Wivonln; Mi Ull
Mu.klc.ol Rainier; Mr. Ch. Slock
cll, and daiiKhter, ol CUtakanic; Mia.
I.ulu l'uruiley. ol irliam, ami Mure)
Ikiuict. ol Jaiteaville, VU. Mr. and Mr.
Hum ill continue to make llu-ir home
in M. Helen where they are both well
known and eteened.
A!l ttialicr nlruled to our tare a
lfctel a ulctly confidential. Columbia
County Hank,
Nkw HoaT roa ST. llKl.KS-Tbe
Multuomali 1 now makiii rcKulur daily
tri Iwtween St. Helen and IVrtWnd,
she Ic4ve Mucktea' dock at 7 a. m.;
iimvinK at Portland at 10 a. in. Return
iiiK .lie leave IVrtland at S 30, arriving
1. 1 St. Helen at S p. m,
Wecitcnd to our cutotucr every la
cility conitent with conervtive liank
inK and are lully e'aipjl to aflortl them
wiUlactory arrvice and many advance.
Columbia County Hank.
Hih "ilTH WmTMiv Mr. S. A. Mile
celebrated hi7lh birthday on Monday
t..nt. Mr. Mile I the oldcM j.ioneer ol
St. Helen, having reldcl here over hall
atciiturv. Ill memory ol men and
event U .mething rental k iblc. AtuoliK
IlKMcol hi children who were preent
vrre Mr. S. K. Ruller, W. A. Mile,
Mr. W. II. IktwnliiK and Mr. 1'rank
Mile, all ol Portland.
t have money to loan on approved
rvlctiite iccunly. ..,.,,
8U Helen, Orcon
Money to bmo at eight r cent,
t 'olumbia County lUnk.
Columbia County had me Jf1
'iHKHiltr at the Slate I'air, among them
Iwing Mr. l'rank U-vcll and Judge V. A.
Moore and daughter Kitty. J'l'V
M.-.r.. u... r.ncciallv enihuiiic1 lur-
,l-r ol (luif to decomte
wilh nd never lulling to pt"k goinl
word lor hi old home county.
Hone and light wagon lor ale, or to
im.l. Ir Wf calllc, A giKMl onrguiii
...mi i.- inmitr at the meat
ml IWJ n..,. .......--
uiurkct, St. Helen.
Ten thonaaml cake, ol Rainier oap
were given away at the HUte I'air aim
il... .....Muunlrd with advertise-
..I it... resource ol Columbia
i niiMtv Tntv -five thounuiid ucll ad
vcrtincmcnU were printed at the Mist
uflice and n many ul ioible ol them
circulated at the lair. Had Ihe weather
i i .i..,i., tm week there would
bortuire ol advertiwng
Wantkm-A cook! Man or woman
Amilv at St. Helen hotel,
An electric rood Irom Portland to
Coble I. one ol the poaaibllitle ol the
. - u....i. .in.i would lie a
ncur iiiture. obvh
jiuylng lnvctmeut Iroui the ttart ami
would trvcre a. rich a action ol country
a any In Oregon.
American and Sinccrldad cigar., the
lender III high grade good.. kcr ,
St. Helen.
MIhb Cella Lurch, ol Cottage Grove, I
paying a .hort to Mr. W. H.Powell,
ol till cltv.
Columbia County, booth at the State
n.., .i...i,l .billv with flower.
A'Uir Wll UVUlLlw.. r
i.u Mla Kittle Moore.
Syrup ol White rine and Tar, the old
reliable cough remedy, l'or v
TVi.titttitr jlmirirUt.
We pay Interc.t on Columbia
County llnnk.
MAMiRD-nyJnrtlMH. V. Wtkln.,
. at the Juatic1 re.ldence, In St. Helen.,
JMIm Su.l Farrell to Utorge Emery.
'"n ni.u re ell-
tilled to our thank lor ihclr contribution
hi Columbia Countv' riliiblt i.t n..
nuile I'nlr re Mer. Win. Arm.trong,
ami tlmigliter, W. I. l'ullerloii, NeU
Peterwiti, Fred LtaiiirrfleM. Au Hull..
ly, Mr, and Mr. Wynckoop, Calvii
Mr. It. A. Iuu r I ,...
... ... ... nn ' n-
yen and number ol other whoae nume
we cannot mail at preacnt, Including
the contributor at Deer Island who netit
in uie neaiitllul pink amile with the un
pronounceable name.
T. W. Uoblnuin uii.t ..... 1 1 i -
moved Into Hie boiie viunlcd by Prol,
INNIUIII. Air. H.ilil.lMin 1. fiin-.iiini ..I
the Weatcril Coojieriige Company' boll
Murriace licenL- liuve Iwii luunl
durlnu ll.t. fui.i wk in r 1 xli.m
and Cora M. l nher; to Suie Alice Colvln
and S, J. Tildcn Crnlmui, and to I.ltrlc
Kurattl and Kino ParUnrn.
Collection remitted on duy ol pay.
mcnl. Colluuibla Countv Hank.
raints, Etc.,
GiwtTicH. Etc.,
Feed, Etc.
Ail (iiiarauteeil. Etc,
M. 0. (J KAY.
I'jcli week liring u new depositor.
Columbia County hank.
Tiik I'aiCK of Id'caa Attorney Pow
ell vi.itcd Deer Uland lat Tuesday lor
the purKwe ol panng lor the plain
till in an action brought by I). A. Katon
to recover damage Irom Jame Andre
lur the killing ol three Mallard duck.
The killing wa admitted, the coutc.t
Iwing over the true Ca.h value ol uid
duck. Mr Andre offered to wy !.".'
damage, but Mr. Katun held that the
duck were worth lar more tban that
amount. Ol conn theae were not ordi
nary duck., but unuiuallv iolelliircnt
duck, tamed and trained lor the purpose
of decoying innocent wildfowl within the
hunter' range, and therefore ol coini- value to their owner, Hut Mr.
Andrew could not tell thi Irom where
he bot. They bore no ditiuguihing
mark ol their ability and to hi eye
they were u.t duck, lor eating purpose.
Hereafter when Mr. Andres goe duck
he will enamlne each duck before he fire
il and endeavor to discriminate be
tween the Irsined and untrained bird.
The trial resulted in a verdict lor plain
till lor J-1 and coat.
Mr. R. J. I'rake and daughter have
rrived home from the Oiegon Stale Kir.
Geo. K. i'rake came borne hun.lay.
liringtng a carload ol cattle. P. A.
Prake. look one car loud on to JsortU
Yakima aud Spokane, to exhibit at the
lair, there.
IIoomini; Rainikr Sii fuinilie Irom
Kentucky in all thirty person arrived
in Rainier lost Wednesday evculng and
ill make home there. J lie town I
filled with new people and room at Ihe
hotel are cree. It will take a numlier
ol dwelling house, to accommodate the
There are a numlier ol case ol meale
in St. Helen.
Pon Bi.k Sit niilchcow, with or
without calve. Impiir ol
Columbia City.
The Dale Will ll(rdy,
veniber Brd,
n .... .rroueoulv atittiHl III the Mist
In.t wmik that tho dnlo of the next Po
mona would la) Saturday, Nov. 10h.
The correct date I Hnturdiiy, Nov. 3rd,
nd the Place of liieellng m
Inland, n. the Patron ol that Orii"ll
havo exU-nded an Invitation ui me e-
;.,-,.i..ilteototlnlt ell'i-t. l)wr
(land ii handy place ol mi-ellntf. and
a. the crop, will nil be In, th Ptw"
ihotihl turn out In force aim n.nae n
inlorc.tlug and profitable event.
Prawn for the lo.rl, rThlch
Meet Oclober U.
Dayid Whlttlg, Mist,
C. K. Brant, Rainier, larmer.
C. W. Jone, Clatkanie, farmer.
Abraham Crouse, Yankton, larmer.
Thou. K. Ml". Honlton, Carpenter.
John nachiuan, Jr Mit, larmer.
C. A. Hiuiplc, ClaUkanle, merchant.
V. S. Shearer, FUhhawk, larmer.
Carl J. Sacarlaacn, Quincy, larmer.
Ncl.A. Cahulierg, FUhhawk, larmer,
Wllburn Hall, Vernonl. larmer.
W. 0. Satterlee; Reuben, larmer.
C. H. Owen., ClaUkanle, larmer.
j'll, Adam., Vernonlii, lurmer.
Otto A. Miller. Scnppoow, larmer.
O M. Farr, Goblc, former.
r "a. Andcwon, Deer Inland, larmer.
Ncl A. Nelson, Rainier, larmer.
II p.. Ditiblce, Rainier, larmer.
Otto 11. Malm.ten, Vernonlo, larmer.
Will Wood, Venionia, lurmer.
M. P. Young. ClaUkanle, larmer.
K. O. Jone., Coble, farmer.
J. N. llrlnn, Yankton, logger.
John W. Jone.. ClaUkanle, larmer.
Paul llcrkenfeld, ClaUkanle, farmer.
T O. Nelwn, ClaUkanle, farmer,
Wm. Robert. Mayger, farmer.
E. O. Shaiinahan, Vernonlo, former.
J It. Wright, Mit, farmer.
M, Link, Ooble, merchant.
Items of Interest to Mist Readers
The llurkur-IIiirti.aa'iiilll ha Nlarted
up again, after lying Idle aluce the mid
dle ol July.
I. W. Keawy went out to lluxlon lait
week and bronght In a ton ol merclian
dlnv. It ii becoming tjuiUt the thing
nowaday, to have freight .lilpped via
the new It. R. The freight It about the
mm a to CliiUknnie and the hauling
much cheaper.
I. T. Karly and lUti-r, Orace and
Kdlih, have moved into the Maynird
property on Second St., nnd C. A. Milli
and lfu into the little cottage, corner
M.plu and Third Street., belonging to
Will Lindsay.
S. V. Muliurlum went out to Portland
latt aeiik to virit friend, there lor a few
day., after which he wa to go to some
waUrlug place lor rest and recuperation.
Cha., Adam., ol Woodlawn, wa. in
the Valli-y Inst week, buying up .beep
for th Portland market. He bought 7Q
ol John Adam, and quite a number Irom
partial up the river.
Paul K. Ilaker closeit very .urcltil
term ol school at lltixton la.t Friday.
Mr. Ilaker line made many friend, in the
valley dining hi stay among u, n I lie
will la) inisaed.
Robert 8enrer left last week lor
Portland, where ha will .top with hi.
brother ond litter, Omar and Oral, hi.
intention, being to attend the city high
chool during the winter. Tbl. will be
the beginning ol Robert' career a. a
college atudent, and we opine he 1. In it
to continue to the finishing of a com
plete course.
Rev. A. K. Myer. I at Mist holding
series of meeting. He will lie gone
over Sunday and expect to continue
the meeting all next neck, but will be
here at the II o'clock service Sunday,
Sept. 30th.
Hon. Wallace and lie, of Cen-
terville, Vahington connly, visitetl
with Charley lleriferson nnd wife over
la.t Sunday. They bad been visiting
with the other llergerson fniiiiliei and
other friend near Kiel during the week
previous, taking anouilng in our bonuii
(ul Nfhaleiii Valley.
We got thing a little mixed up in our
last week', correspondence, sending Mr.
nd Mr. West out to Washington county
and Portland lor a visll, and Mr. Hurt
and family to town aa their home lor
the winter, neither ol tthich statement
wa. true. We obtained our 'informa
tion, n we .uped, from liiet liiuidi.,
and while they had intended to go out
a. we rrorted; and Mr. Hurt wa. no
gotiatiug for the linker place, and a. we
thought had secured it, yet tiling tailed
to materialise. Mr. aud Mr. We.t will
make their visit In the near future, and
Mr. Hurt 1. negotiating lor nnotlier
(Kriirn Til H'iistii)
Mi. Cullie Pouieroy hat been on the
ick lilt lor several day.
Mis Anna Moeck visited with Iricnd
In Portland Saturday and Sunday.
Ml Ague Bum returned Sunday
Irom a two week visit at the coast
Mr. Fred Halbert will move to the
Cain and Cilaon mill, where her husband
ha. a poaltion, In a lew days.
John Nelson, who live near the l'or,
laud Lumber Company's incline, bus been
quite 111 for several day.
Mis Alma Fay, ol Portland, spent a
week with Mis Kva Burn at Hudson, re
turning home Sunday night.
The C. C. Wilson Lumber Company i
expecting Ibe arrival of a ntvam schooner
which ho been due ionic time.
Mr. Miller, daughter and granddaugh
ter, ol Columbia City, were visitor at
the Burn home near Hudson over Satur
day and Sunday.
Mrs. John Dibblce returned last Satur
day from a ten day visit with friend in
Seattle and other place on the Sound.
The you 11 sou o f Mr. and Mrs. J. I).
Cain, aged about five month., died at
Portland hut Sunday and wa. brought to
Rainier for burial. The funeral took
place Tuesday morning iroui Old Fel
low Hall.a large number of sympathetic
friend attending.
The Preston Manufacturing Company
resumed operation. Monday morning
with a full force of hand. The famous
Rainier Mineral Soap will be manufac
tured and a long steady run I ahead.
ICastern distributors have been secured
who will disoe of nil the product that
can be turned out,
The State Bank of Rainier hat pur
chased a tract ol SOi'-t) lect, lying be
tween the Deilx and Newroin blocks,
and will erect a flue building lor bank
i'nnd office purposes. A largo fire proof
vault, inside measure 0 by 12 teat will be
built, resting on a solid foundation buiit
Irom the ground up. Tlu walls ol Hie
vault will be thick enough to admit of
two air chamber., Ihu. mnking itduubly
linprevious to heat. Safety deposit
boxes are to lie Installed which may be
reuted and will ens bio customer, to
store valuable papers.
Carl Stewart wa. on the sick list Sun.
The ltainicr Mill and Lumber Cou.t
pniiy have bought the jlarkeutinc
"Amelia," a vessel that I as been in
port here several times and tak n uwny
lumber cargoes. She carries about
half million feet, and will ply between
Kaiuier and Sun Frntic.Wcoand Oakland.
The Company have bought Ihe vessel to
help them in caring for the product of
their mill. Under favorable conditions,
a round trip can be iniide every tix
weeks. Tho cargoes will in the main
go to supply the Company' California
trade. Lumber freights are at present
extoi tionate, it costing ".25 r thou
sand Irom hero to San Francisco. A
Our new and exclusive designs in all manner of men's
4 a -m . m m m A J
wear are now in. specialties m men s snns ana
cravenette overcoats. Best lines 01 underwear.
Dealers in reliable goods only
Now a to the future of the Nehalcm,
I can not give in proper manner, or, in
other words, it would not secut like any
thing il 1 do not give the past and the j wv, , lnigM u gllim(1 by t,lia
present. purchase, as well us less delay ill making
So I will en.teavor to urow mrce l"1- shipment. It indicate. nlo that the
tures ot the cliaiem me pan, mt com,any nre pushing their butiness,
present and the future. ; a1 j keeping just n little ahead of the
In the first picture I can see me siumy
pioneer going into the woods, locating
themselves on claims audclearing a small
tsilch ol ground on which to build a hut
and raise a .mall garden.
The country was one vast unbroken
forest reaching from the Pacific Ocean to
the Willamette Valley ana irom me
Columbia River to Southern Oregon.
And when these pioneer were in need
of pr v ision, they had to pack tbem on
horse Iwck, or even on tneir own nacn,
over mountain trails and rushing streams
for many miles.
A for meat, all that was necessary wo
to take a rifle and go for a hunt, for the
woods were teeming with elk, deer, benr,
cougar ami woivc. i " -"
also an abundance of the leathered tribe.
such as grouse, pheasanU, quail and pi
geons, and there was no trouble to keep
the larder well filled with the choicest
kind ol meats.
The men had to work hard to clear a
little farm o they could make a living,
and hud also to make miles and mile, of
road, so they could haul their produce to
The second picture I. ol the present.
In thi picture I see neat well kept lanii.
Irn overflowing wilh plenty, cuttle
,i in the nastures. and the farmer
taking enre ol the crotn or clearing more
lund so he can raise larger crops.
The country i. still covered witn tun
ir. onlv a broken patch here and there
where some Indu.triou. larmer or pio
neer has cleared a home.
The countv road, are not in the nesi
ol condition, but ImprovemcnU are going
on all the time.
And the prospect are bright lor a
railroad in the near future.
The farming I. what I. called diversi
fied, consisting ol dairying, cattle raising,
mi.l uruln crowing.
I,, the third nieture, or the tuture of
i.. M.imlem Vullev. I can see a milroud
.,,.1 Industrie, ol all kinds, such as log saw mills, shingle mills,
K,..n ,-, -tores
and hotel..
l ran also see good road., fine horses
and buggies and pretty boy and girls
rtillnir In them.
" .. ..
And as I pass up and down me vaiiey
I see fine lanns and orchard worth small
fortunes ol money.
And houses and .Uble. that would do
for princes.
Alter the timlier Is tuken off I can tee
some ol the finest kind ol blooded stock
griming on the fertile hillsides.
And I also see fine grange halls with
large memberships and well attended
uieetiugs, and prosperity everywhere.
6 Bull, Mksuino,
Mist, Oregon.
Kev. N. Ciirmichael preached la.t Sun
day morning and evening nt tho Con
grcgattonal Church. He has been in
Portland ino.-t of the time lor a week or
ten day, nttendinii his wife who lins
been ill nt that j.lucc.
Nntal Orange No. 302 met in regular
session Saturday, Sept. 13. After calling
to order the grange was. turned over to
the young people, the elderly members
tukinir the back seats. To the credit of
the young members be it said that the
grunge work was well done from the
oneniiiir to the closinir. although some
olliciutiug members have not been in the
grange quite six months. The lecturers
hours were very interesting, there being
a good program which was well rendered.
Nntal Unmge will have an initiating
temn which will memorize the work and
initiate without the aid of the ritual.
Nntal will have a monthly paiier, first
Issue Sept 15. Subscription f5 per year,
Kverybody glad we had a fine rain.
Threshing all done.
Put gravel on the roads is the order in
road district No. 14.
Johtinvnnd Hottv. children ol Win
Pringlc, are quite sick.
A good numlier of beef cattle are lor
for sale in this neighborhood.
George Armstrong has half an acre of
corn now ilpe. He was told when lie
came here that he could not raise corn.
He will have corn fed pork this year.
Wm. Deeds was up to George Arm
strong's Sunday and got a cucumber 47
inches long.
. WW.,-' .
rt- , yj
Wmb '-hmmh r
.... ..,4..'.v;-t
- X, .fr "f "I
87 3rd St., Portland
Carries a Complete Line ol
Dry Goods
Flour and Feed
Fancy Goods
In fact, everything usually kept in a firs
class General Merchandise Store. My
nrices will be found as reasonable a. any
store in Columbia County, Vour trade
m vvwvkv
sWsColuinbia County People are especially invited to Call and Inspect,
In th Circuit Conn for Columbia Comity, Stste
ot Oregon.
gsnli K. Iliimm, pluliitln", vs. Pealvo 11. Gumin,
To IH-slvo It. liuiniu, the abnve-imiiied deieua
IrHhe. Usui of the Ststo of Oreeon you are
herony millircn n, BK?r aim
........ .uai.iHi vou lii I lestiove enlltlnl so
11.,., nn or Iwtore llie ll dsy ot Oetnlwr, Muu,
Owned by the Clatskanie German Coach
Horse Company, will make the season of
11KMJ, commencing April 10, as follows:
Tuesdays at Peer Island
Wednesdays at Houlton
Thursdays and Fridays at
Saturdays at Holbrook.
J. T. GRAHAM, Manager
this $60 Machine for $25
FIEICIT WML h" d" if 'fiBS.'
tltch, doublo tciil, sell
thrn.llnt litrle: lis
sutomstio bobbin winder
Slid other latest Improve
msnti. ThU lathe ANTI
th Mm msi'hlne agents
reMklnt youttofur. All
sttrhmDtKowlth o
mschtne. Bold lor only
u ,..h and J3 monthly.
.l..M tor Ire fUMITUIE UTtLMUE. h?wtu
,i;,i hou-hold food. "1 ';'.''
an Ism MlSBtS-ur lie MEOU P'"'
OevurtM FwiHw0 Company
Ha.HtFlr.tSt., POWTLAN O. OR.
Tlie Regular Yellowstone Park Route
Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Government Official
Entrance to the Park.
Assistant General Passenger Agent
Portland Oregon
l.l.uil nle. KHit you In the stwve yiilltle.1 so
notion or ""j ... ,
and If you (nil to so appear mt
IHimpinil" on r oriure ... v " J i
iinly to the court lor th rellol pisyed for In For s decree lor
evonlliw.lvlns h iM.uds ol nistrlinony now
exUttim betweon yon nd the plnlntilT. and for
aiii h olTuir slid further relief sslo the court
nmy weni nieol nd eqnltsWe In the preiniws.
Thl suinnioii l published by order ot the
Hon. H. . Ilslisu, JudKeol Ihe county court,
ol (U, oreoon, wntoh sala
,iniv miiiln nn I euterint on the 1Mb
dsy of AiiKiwt, l'MI, In slid by which order It Is
un'terlbtHrihsttnUsiiininoiis shsll be published
,,..i riuih wwk lor lx suecewlve wocis lu the
Pvpiirtmnt of 'th' Intirlor.
Lillld Ollice ul I't.rlliinil. Hnnon, July T,
Notii'u ix lu'r,.,y ui,.i thul Itu loll.iwiliK
liHinvd tn tins lilfd lliilire of Ilia lut.'lltloll
to innko litnil piooi in siiuirt of hi 1iUiii, .mil
tli.n miiil irH,f will I.' iiuote iK'torv th,- lu'ii-i.T
mid Itivi lvi r, ill I'orlhui.l, Ori'pm, on Aiik. Jl,
1MM. vix: ilin-iius .InliiiMiii. II. K. Nil. l ull, for
the K '1 S K ' ., Kec. Jii T .". X , I! a W,
Ho nnuit.?, llie fnlliii.iiiK v.n.s,.N to i.rove
his I'oiiliiiiinii!. r,.!.iil..i,',. uiMto .mil ,'tillivuliiili
of aiiiit 1h.i1, via: riiri-loph Siiu,, Yn.ik
l,m. iin'tio. Kiiinr Villa, nf l',.rrl,iinl, oroenn.
Willi,. .,i.iirv,..i, of Yiii.klon, tlivuoii. .11ton
Kisher, of r.irlli.n.l. iin-uuo.
Al.liKK.NOX !. ll:Ksi;tt,
III IhcCtn'nit Court of tin.' Stuto of tirtirt-n for
tho 01 CnluntMti.
Kloronc M. Sttiuhr, )lahttiir, vs. uU'lmnl
ShlllKLV llt'fotKlllIlt,
To Uiuhunt Suhulo, Iho tiho c iiaiticil tlffViU.
uiit: lu the n.unc nf the Stuto of Oivgon ymi re
iHTfhy riM(tiir?l to aotx'Hr ami Hiiswer the
llaliilift(i complaint iilt'l aninst you in the
tiiove ontUUtt Kiiit, on or bt-ioit tlie'fliHt day tf
Oetotu-r, IthW, hihI ff vou mo fail to tipiwar ami
answer muIiI t'oiiiiihiiht on or Injure tliat time.
platuttlV will apoly to the court for the reluf
irayi lor mi iter eoiaoc-tiui herein, to-wtt: tor
a decree lorevur iltcoU iu the uoihIs of matrl-
niony now r xihihik hetweeti you ami piaimttt,
Hint or Miuh other ami fur'her relief an to the
court may leeiu mevt and foiutab'e.
Thin Niniitnon4 is puhHslml by ortler of the
MonoiHhle TlunnaH A, McHrt-le. Ju1ko of tho
alHv entilksl eou't, ilulv iinnle and entered on
the A)lh tiny of Julv, in and by which or
der it la iMvitcrltH-tl tlutl this !uunni')nt nhiill bt)
iiublishctl oiu'e Hweek for n tiucecHslve weeks
In tho "St. HeleiiN MlHt." The dnteoftho tirt
lubilcrtilon of this mun m nut 1m .iul irih. l'JOti.
AUoruev for I'latntitr.
DreKou Mint.
of tit
Th dkttM of the Unit wub'leAtion
i. Ruinniont. ! Auir. 17 IVOtt, nd of the Ut
lubHellon threof In bvpt. W A0,LL
Attorney for Plaintiff.
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keep off p'- ioilic Rttncksof
billiotiRi-ess ami I.hIhUuiI eonstipution
whs a niyetorv t It tit Dr. King' New l.ilo
Tills solved for me," writes John N.
l'liMisiiL't. ol Mutriiolin. In.). .Tlie only
pills t lint nre gnttianteej to uive perfect
satisfaction to everybody or money
1 funded. Only 25o tit Terry & Grab
ahD union Pacirc
st'Ki'lAI. for the tii!
Vl.l llHUtllll...ll.
St'DKANK K t.Y E K. li l.l
lor Kivxiuru nssttinv
ton. Wlla Walls. Low.
tHion, t'oeur d'Al.'n
Hint Great Northern
for the East vln Hunt
M Itt P. U
1:1.". A. M
I: I
.!. P. M. S.OO A. W.
I'aiij. vtuy.
i -
l:is P. M. 7:14 A. M
j Daily. Dally.
Lower Columbia River.
6temer Hasslo leaves Portland daily, except
Bllliuay, ai o;uu p. in. SMiiuniay iu;w p. Ul
fur Astoria and wnr lauillUK. Ketnrulna
lvavea Astorl at 7:00 s. m. dallir. exespt
Sunday. A. L. CRAIQ,
General Pasencr Axeut. PORTLAND Or.
Watches, Diamonds, Silf enare,
Repairing a Specialty. ;
Alder Street. Bet. Front A First, FOBTLAN