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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
THE OREGON ! VOL. XXI 1 1. NO. 27. ST. HELENS, OltEUON, Fill DAY, JUNE 15, 1006. MIST. NEWS OF THE WEEK a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers, In HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of Itat Important but Not Lest Interesting Event of tha Past Week, A new moderate party ha been or-K.nli.-d in HuMta. ( An entire regiment it PoIUvi, South Kuril, haa -ullnlad. A committee from Ilia houaa la wort lug oa a meet Impaction bill. Tli ariiata commlltea haa reported Dial K-ii.kU la not entitled to a teat In the teliat. Republican leader In both booa liavo agieed to a euniprorolee oa Hit uIIiomI bill. (Inirrl Toledo, leader ol tl Dual mtlan evolntlnnltia, claim to bt win inn Ilia f glit. A rmumUlM of Pan Francltco biitl nma men la at Washington to get Fad rl aitl tor their elly, t'uiled Wat eerrat aarvlre man bar dtnivr4 a echeme by whlrh Chlneee . r I t'll awtiggled Into tbl" country l Vancouver, tt. U. Tb'rentthe largeet inturinr eom panta having .ee In Ban Fianclaro luve rrluMnl to niaka a cut ol 26 per rem In tlitir paytutula. UrKrta from I'aokow, Chin, ahow that ilia fml tbla tprlng In tba llmian dltlrlcl caoittl lot of lift auii.miling to tm ol thouaaml. A f.uiin will follow, lot tba tloodt have brought dieaalef to an Intmeoae art. tba Longtorthi have arrived In Ktigland. Ileartt bat excluded Bryan' name from bla newBpaper. A ttiirt guard aglnt cranki la ba ing kept altbe Whlla Hooaa. Mmilla buimtta own have petitioned rwngre. to tetabluh ao agricultural Una. Worm In Pennsylvania and Ohio bar ranted Una ol Ilia ami dettrucllun of property. Tba Mexican board of trada haa tarled an Invalidation of American tanned maata. W.r helwaen alriklng miner and baa boon raneatd at tba Htao Uiivilla, Ohio coal nilnea. Tba ofriclal trial trip of tha naw Iwt il.ttiip Nahrttka will taka pUca on 1'iiget aonnd tlioot Joly 18. Tba tUllfoinU laglilalora baa akad the governmeni to rara for Han r ran-cit.-,' hoiualaaa and buy city honda. A met Iran meat parkara ara planning to t a id thootamla of dollara adrerila. ing In Kuropa to remove tha ailgma ol Iba rwnl aipotara). Tlt hit dennlttly annooncail that he will not ba a candi lata lor tiia prea-bU-ncy. Ha will, howoter, atnu.p tha country on lha I'billpplna t'1". A great naval review la plannad by Ureal Britain. A hurrb-ana In Boutharn Ontario hai done iniii li damage, (Ireera and KonmanU hava atvarad diplomatic rolatlona. Crnmpacker denlrl that eongiett ha autlionty to reqnlra meal intpeon Tba pipla ol tha Philippine laltmlt gave IH.5U7 to tha Han t'rauclico ieli lund. Another high official ol tha Pennsyl vania railroad haa bean Implicated In coal etiargaa. Tl. nrealdent ll llkaly to win hla meal Impectlon fight, though oppoel- lion I ationg. Tha ciar haa aiimmoned hit nilnlttei ton council, tnd a chtoga In affair emi probable. Pacific oaat Damocrata tralioomliig I 4..l,.mluirlaln. ol Orgon, for tha numinttlon foi tht praaldeucy, Ei Oovernor W.P.Whyteha rn nnoliit,..) United BUtet ranalor from M urvlaitt I t anccead tha late Senator Uoruan, fit It. til.l revenllea of the United ui..... i.. - I nnntial Ul'l llinil eiteiw - ' . lae aaar tx.iliilaa ntt ti.a .mi and navy anil penilon roll. For the prraenl yeat the total ol the three eiprnaea I I3V0, fmii .no. out of a lo'al revenue of $ur.8,0U3,000. pi... -n.,. l lnlevitith and other Rn4n oincara are to bo couituiar' titled. (luatemtltn rebeli tra gaining In ttreiigth. itmn.tiu. nf Arktnaaa. dennuncr for Innreielnil White Home tlpenlel. ,. ; ;, ',. r Wlicomln Kaniiu and Michigan dretrojred mnoh property and canied tna ion llvei. t , . : Tba military tntboorlUea are grad ually withdrawing all of the govern ment troopt from Ban Franolioo. The union between Norway and Bwe den hai ban diaiolvd year. Three of tha Bpinlah gunlwata cap tured by Dnwey tt Manllt have been told lor old Junk, brli.glng 18,000. BLOW, TO THE WEST. Mining, Irrigation and Lumbar Inter- tilt Will Effect of teonomy. Webliiglon, June 12 limine rruro- ttnilaliVKa Hunk lever hlnw to the litlra Watt In cnltlrw down tba .11. mporlam appropriation lor tba irao- logical aurvny carried by the nin.lrv civil bill, and unlet tba aeiiate In crate the lleim, mining, Irrigation and lumber Inteiett will Irel tba effect if Ilia Iioiim legl.latlou. In til $346,. 000 haa beau rut off I lie geological iur- ray appropriation. Tba government wai about to baln ha truing of mineral Inula of Ilia Wet, Iih ludlng tba c-wlt and lia-nite of tba Par I lie ooatt. Llltla work of tlili character ran ha dona, lor Ilia appro- rlatlon waa only 1100,000, when twice that amount haa beat annually appro priated or linllar work In tba hail. lutlaad of $100,000 to carry on the nvrtllgalluo of mineral raeuurcee, In- eluding black land eiparlmente at Port- anil, the house grante but $'0,000. Tlili will tbul off tba black aand woik entirely, when the preaent tpecial fund lltipvmled. Tba appropriation for fornt raterva urirtya I rut from ft 30,000 to 1100,. 000 and a cut ol $50,000 It made In lie appropriation for topographic sur vey, wblrli form tin ban ol all tha geological turvey work. Oongiraa haa Imn appropriating 1200,000 annually to ganga atraama pitllmliiary to under taking arlnal Irrigation work. Tlilt li cut to 1100,000 and mean material in- lerlerem with Irrigation urvey In lo- ralitie litre naw project ara content- iaii. Another ent thai will ha fait la In tha appropriation for tha annual report on mineral retouicee ol ma umieo Htatea. Tbl will cot down tba tub (act matter of tha taloabla government diomant and will reatrlet tba Ittue to (he liHOiiTenlem of tba mining Inter- ttta ol Iba country. PACKERS TO THEIR KNEES. Secret Service Man Secure Startling Teitimony at Chicago. Waahlngton, June 12 Secret aervlce men are repotted to be on their way her with aentational Information In their poe.lon aa to uaa of preaerva- Ivee hy tba l-l woat. i ney were tent to Chicago by order Ol me prati .lnt aa aoon a ba had been adviatd verbally ol the multa ol iba invent. gallon of Ubor Commlatiooer eill and Jam! Iteynold. It I aaid tliat Uiay have conclnd! an tineumve in- nnlr bl.b will not only nringme --- - lurknni la tlitir knee out win mnu tbe iHiwerful Influencea that ara being terlad airailiat COIiKrva and tl grat rattle lnteretU with a view of forcing lb prrai.leiit to capllulate. Tl,.. iirMetire Iiai IMtcoroe KiKtniiv Kvery hutineet, political ami nnanctai rat III irt.-.Uon of the great trott la lielng otil iiHl directly ana inaim.-ii7 i a ball called on lha govarnmem e p.ure. and. II powible, gt at lofliclal ,i-l.,.il..n tint the portrayal of condi tion in the packing honaee ha been ewggeratoil. Callla Interetta of the great Weel and Bouthwett, which for yeara have M clamoring in iu..e. ,nd oultlde of it for protection agtiritt Ibetrutt, have even been pettna.led that a continuation ol government u.- illtM ,lll nin ttiAtn. .,.... r,.. i.l ti. .v ,ii t.anu: net wv ,Vot only bankera handling treat fond, i.... ii. ui. amn nte. menu ana - aatinUncM in theb otlueM, oclal and I i I I..b I aaVMrlil rtHVffi IWHIll - uaa their effort in the gigantic ttrnggle tint ia now In progreaa, 10 liem tide agalntt the packer. the Cantht With the Bomb K.m York. June 1.-An attempt wai made tonight to riplode a bomb n . ,..,l,..l of the IntertMiroiigh Kapld company In front of tba power home, at Ka.t Beveniyionrw .....iiM. pnrruiifc iu ..." .. l.....l, lUrlkv. 22 " i.i . .. ..ra.tntl. Hie ponce mi n r. n. ,i n.e f.. of r. . limb a. H lay on tbe manhole cover. Twocompanu.ii.""- - 1 ..I,,. .BM Willi . i ...I IIk lltrttv was i" hnmht. all being of unl form tiie, the .hape of a baieball, but a Utile larger. Kill Eljtht In Chicago Chlca.o. Jwne ll.-Although yettcr- daywa. ii.. .1111 iiwitL nun ! .ti,nii..i rfti.M to emu " tvv viiiKifMR . ,,.i.. al..rai tvnri i ii.t...... in ftUUi I um " 111 .ii ivnti 'i nrnatratioill. Tht Winperaturr ' . i ui inu reaclieil a mean.""" - -. . !. ' " . ..I..UH nl .11 ol an Inch intra wee a . - , The wind attalne.1 a ve.ou.vj a irnm inn p" . ...... of the three dayi ;Zw;;;b;; wa, the chlof element i. .... .1 .... lis 1LI1 II.... v" this effect waa more marked. N.w Waahlngton Statue New York, jnot ii. ' : . . it...l.ttnn will trl.n iUtue ol ueorga n ...... " i ij.nrDH v. .Biiii.K..'.. ' at the , 1UU at...- - Brooklyn terminal " " ....1 formal v ore' iStoAhaclofbye mlltarv organlgatlona and government J' eTntatlve. Irom Wa.hlngtow. k. nreaent at tha ceremoniea. wain J, .n,.nted In Continental ? 1 HILT OIUl'lRIBi a.--- uniform a at Valley Forge. o To Ba Senator. Tun. 19. Judge Al Utiawa, -- . , frad Wateon Benton, of tbla oily. " L?il.v wai offered the appolntmen .t u' I aenator to tucceeo o, w..n;;" .... tod, that I J0"e.". "Y tl.i no.ltion. lit Will VT u, "UI inJ Invernor Hoch tomor omo....y " jU(,ae Benaon rUt" .Urt lor Washington tomor row. ', . - OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ' TURNS DOWN WOOL GROWERS. Pinchot Saya They Mult Pay for All Range in Reiervet. Waililngton Uifford Pinchot, chief of the Forettry aervlce, haa overruled the protett of the Umatilla County WiKilgrowera' auociatlon in the matter of charging grating fee for the Blue mouutaln lormt reterve range till act ton. The woolgrowera alio proteated that they were not atiigiied Individual range. The department explained that It wai not cnatamary to aailgu particular tract to Individual atockmen when reaervea ware Drat created, tnd tt it not yet determined what plan will be followed in the lllue mountain. The automation alaocallwl attention to recent decltlon hy the California and Waahlngton court to tha effect that tht tecreiaiy of agriculture la itbont authority to Impoae a tax for the ote of forest reaerve range, tnd ithout authority arbitrarily to regu late It ote. The forett oOlcial Inter pret tbeaa docUion to hold that the eecretary of agriculture baJ not bOea empowered to enforce any penal code, tint did have the right to keep tbe re aerve clear ol ttock or Icaia them on inch rratonable condition a be ahould pretcrlbe. No appeal ba beun proae rotl to a final hearing In either caae but tha olllcial believe their right in the ipliare Indicated I beyond all poa Ible oueatioo. and aay that court dec! Ion will have no Influence upon tbe rule adopted for control of reaerve. Band Want To Go To Salam. Blem Alrooat every organiaed band n the title haa applied to tha Salem Fourth ol Jolv committee for an an imminent. When the committee began making arrangemenle to ceieoraie me Fourth it wa announced that a large umber ol band, piobably 20, would le rinnloved il poaaibla for tht occa sion. The reponea came thick ana hut. Several dava ago tba committee had anmaed all the bandl that could ha nald from tha fund available. If there were a few thousand more dollara In the treaaury tbe committee would be willing to work overtime engaging land. A it la tha committee ia aatia Sad -hat there will be mora brae band muaic in Balem on tha Fourth of July thin wai ever heard at one place In Oregon before. State Fair To Ba tha Greatest. Ralem 5ow that tbe election la over President Downing of the lUte lair board, wbo it alao chairman of tha Democratic county committee, eipecU to devote bla entire time and attention to perfecting arrangement! for tha ttate fair, which opeue in September. Mr. Downing eaya that tbe fair inn year will be the greatest ever held on the .i.i. Uir eroundt. The attractiona will be better and more numeroua ana me eibibtta In every department will ai cel all other ilio!ugii. He aay the people In every county are taking an Intercut tbla year, wnicn i auo, ue think, to the interest ewaienea oy the Lewi and Clatk fair. Fteecea in Prima Condition. Baker City Shearing of heep In Baker county haa beguu ny electric machinery at the plant of Lee Broi , nr hare, who will flrat (hear their own sheep and then those of Ayre and other laige ownera In tha county. Shearing wa delayed by the long cun tlnued wet weather, but It ia aaid that on arc o int of the moisture the quality of the Baker wool will tbl year far exceed that of predoui yeara, aa it ia clean from duit and ol nne tenure. It ia expected the tonnage win oe large and that moat of it will go Into storage. Many Seeking Timber Land, n.k.. flit Man? people are com ing into the Eaitern Oregon timber belt In aearch of timber. Locator from Chicago, Milwaukee, we tern Well ington and Idaho war inciuueu in iwu prtie which have paed through Ba ker City on their way into the John lUy country. One of tneee paniea, with II. J. Bundy, itarted for the 8u- aanvllla dlatriot; tht other pariy, 10 people in all, 14 women ana one noy. which wat under tne direction of O. W. Bhaw, atarted for Burn. M.v Buv Road to Blue River Miner. The Eugene Commercial .i,,k i... met and adopted reiolution asking the county court w inveangavo the matter of pu.-chailng a highway in ... th. Itlna river mine. At preaent the rrlvata road from Blue River City to the mine, a dietetic of ii mile, ia closed on tccount of wine trouble be tween the owner, tne i.ucy noy aim ing company, and other mine ownera in .i.. .ii. ,.i..t .ml there ia no meana of access to the mine from the outside, Fruit Injured In Valley, galem The continued damp weath er which has prevailed for tha P; three week in the wiiiamevi- t..7 bat been very Injurlou to tha ruit orop. Btrawbertie In soma localith'S have been aimoat ram. too. have been Injured for want of dry weather and sunshine. Growing grain haa bad all the rain nesesBnry iur leaaon. La Qranda Offer Free Site. L Grande The La Grande Com mercial club la attempting to raise $8, 000 for the purchase of a lte to be offered to tht Palmea Lumber company aa an inducement for the location of lis new mill here. About $6,000 has been uboribed. A site of 73 acre on the river north wet of town ha been tecured by option. ; SAYS CONTRACTORS WILL LOSE Did Not Know Nature of Rock Along Route of Celilo Canal. Portland Tim government canal at Celilo will coat $10,000,000, Imtead of $4,000,000, according to I. If. Tatle, wbo ha been operating Sib wheel near there for 20 yeara. 'The contractor, Hiultu k J one, who ara digging tha flrat half mile at the Celilo end, will loee $100,000 on the lob." he aaid. "They took It at too low a fiuure, evidently not knowing the nature of the rock tbc-y nave to blait ont. Their bid wai. 2tM, 000. They havo about 100 men at work pre- uarintr a foundation lor tbe roc wora on tbe npner end of the canal." Mr. Tafle aavt there ia nolblngin tne fUhwhcel buiinctia this season becauae "tnoae leiiowa on tue lower rier won . i . let a aingle lalmon gel paat tbc.m. He . gelt a goou price, t cenie a puuuu, II he traot. hi market being in me Kaat. Mil cold itorage work are, however, devoid of aalmon tbil aeaion, and he doe not anticipate any great improvement in the ran. Calapooia Company ia Sued. Albany Claiming the Calapooia Lnuiber compary, of Crawfordaville, ha cut and lowed more than 760,000 feet of timber off land belonging to bim, Ahtier C. Withe ha Bled auit for $4,600 damage In tbe State Circuit court for Linu county, tbrougn Attor nev W. Lair Thompson. The timber aliened to have been cut by the defend' ant company is valued at $1,600, and the Oregon statute provide that where timber I cut unlawfully tbe owner may recover three time it value. Withee i ao Eastern capltalnl woo na lame timber holding In wnn county, and la represented in the n est by 1 Thompson A Hardy, of Eugene. I Water Soon to Flow. I Biker City Water will flow through the 12 mile ditch of tbe Baker Irnga Guatemala, to investigate tbe move tion company within tha next few daya. I ment of the American steamer Empire, Thl. .t.t.mpnt waa made bv J. A. which ia reported to bave landed re- Smith, head ol the company. The -ill h. mnt down in a small vol-1 mt Ant hminr need for aluicinc in the banka ol the big iceervoir which ia to'be built this snaimer. The reservoir la tn mm 90 arret and have a capa-1 -itv nl A nnn.a.-r hiet. The ditch will be used to- carrying water lor storage i, ih. rMwrvnir for the first time next I spring. All Umatilla ia Rejoicing. AtLena Report! from all over Uma tilla county are to the efhet that the outlook for" an enormoia wheat crop this season ia briulit. Before the heavy , k.M itnneiHpr.hle anxiety .i .. in th lni-tlitiM i.' i:..i, tt.. nrntiuu ta for i .iim .ml MBeriallv so where the wheat waa spring sown. In many places it wa believed the crop wonld ba a failure outriaht, hot every- thing is now entirely tiflerent. Road Machinery Arrive Salem Two carloaJa of machinery for the government experimental road conttruction have arrived in una city There Is one more car on the road When it arrives Mie work will be lart ed in earned. The engineer in charae nf tha work. Mr. I.oder, expect to be amnlored In the construction ot tnia sample road at least two months Succesaor to Dr. Lana. Salem Governor Chamberlain ap' pointed Dr. W B. Morse, of Salem, a member of tha B'ate board of health, in a question put in the house of com i.. t rir lltrrv realaned. and mons by William Field. Nationalist I - . .. . t , ... H. G. Myer, ol cuuem, a meinour oi iiie barber commission. PORTLANDMARKET- Wheat Club, 72978c; blueatem, 7476c: red. 70a71c: valley, 72c Uata No. 1 white fued, $31.50; gray, $31. ou per ton Barley Feed, $24.60 per ton; brew- ing, nominal; rolled, $25(820. jye British inspection ol tome of these Hay Valley timothy, No. 1. $12(1 mported foods, but said the local gov ts per ton; clover, $7.608; cheat, ernBent board had taken action to see $0(97; grain hay, $78; alfalfa, $18. h t tn, loc,i uthoritiea exercised Fruits Apples. 12.60 s.ou per oox; iricota, $1.7532,00 crate; cherries, anricota 76cfl$l per box; ttrawberries, 8c per pound; gooseberries, 5a6e pet nnund. Vegetable Beane, 835cj cabbage, $1011.25 per 100; green corn, 47)c rim ! onlona. 8(9100 per doxen; peaa, Rnr radiahes. 1 0c per doien ; rhubarb 8c p pound; auinach, OOo per box; n.r.lev. J5c: Banish, $1 per crate turnip. $1(31.25 per Back; carrota, 65 fiYSo per Back; beeta, ooctssi per tec. Onions New, I H 2o per pound. . . . i Pntatoea - Fancy graded Burbanks, " , i!.... .,.,i i cenincaiea m iu u. ...- r,ndnml1P' ""-.p of;,h. Btreet railway. u.i, u.. - ;. . Butter Fancy creamery, ll j.(uo per nound Bug Oregon ranch, 20(3210 per doten. Poultry Average old hen, 12013c per pound; mixed chicken, 12Q12).c; broiler, 15(16o; rooaters, 10c; dreaa ad chlckene, lX14c; turkey, live, lAi18e: turkeva, dressed, choice, 200 22c; geese, live, 9 10c; geeee, dressed, old, 10c; young, I2o; ducks, old, 11J 12o; yonng, 12H8";IC Hod Oregon, 1906, 1012Wo. Wool EaBtern Oregon average beat. 18(9230: valley, coarte, 22H02-c; . A,ynK.. .,.!. ..l.nln. OMrifeSn ' ' ' i7..i TSr.....t. 4r7n nor Donnd.l ti.iTir....Il hnlla. So ner nound: liri-. mnntrv ateert. 6a6c. ordinary 8c. Folk Dressed, 79c MUST STILL FEED 26,000. Bread Una Gradually Thinned, but Problem Continuea Large. Ban Francisco, June 11. Thursday' diatribution of ration thowed a educ tion of nearly 4,000 in tba bread line, which now numbeia - approximately 88,000. Tbe exact number fed by the raw food distribution on Thursday wai 81,486, agaimt 86,886 on Tuesday, and the number of meal ticketa given out had increaaed from 11,095 to 11,254. By the Mm tbe army leavet tbe work, it it expected that the number will htva been reduced to 25,000, and that many of that retidue will bave to ba cared for an indefinite time A Ion a a any of tha quarter in tbe bar rack which bava been buiit at tbe toeedway in Golden Gate park remain onoccepied, there will alway be tne propoiition of relief in excess of the de mand. Tbera ia ttlll room for 700 or 800 more peraom. How to manage the relief work alter tba army witbdrawa at the end of tbe month ia tha problem. One plan con template the centralixation of all tbe j:.. diatribution in each neignoor- "J t aoup kitchen, where hot meal and lupplie of raw food could be distributed to families wboae needy condition baa been determined, tbe ticketa for different auppliea, including clothing, to ba given out noder the management of tbe Bed Cros. Tbe Associated Cbaritiee will do tbe work of Investigation in whatever form of relief i determined npon after tba army leavet," said General Greely, and be added: "I bava not yet teri oualy considered any of tba plana for carrying on tba work after the army withdraw and I aball not oo io onui it it determined who ia to be in con trol." WATCHING THE REVOLUTION. Cruiser Marblahead Shadows Move ment of Filibuster. Washington. Jane 11. Secrecy no longer surround tbe movements of tbe United btarea eruiaer MarbleLead, which ba Bailed north from Panama. At the request of tbe State department the Marblehead tailed for Ban Joae, emits from Ban Francisco and arm and ammunition lor tne use oi me revoiu- tionists against President Cabrera Disquieting dispatche reached the Bute department today from Guatema la regardina tba revolution, i De-mem bert of the present administration are active in pans oi tne repuouc, nut n impossible to diecover Ibe exact cause of tbe movement ana tne directing force. Both tbe Salvadorean and Mexican border bava been lending support to the revolution, and it ia tbe deaire of thia government that tbe Marblebead aball find out exactly what the situation is and bave car that there be no par ticination in the revolution hy Acueri leant which may involve the United State in an international dispute The Empire coaled at Connto. Mca. ragua. before tailing for San Joae, ac cording to dipatchee from Panama CAN HE DEPEND ON UNCLE SAM John Bull Inquiring About American Inflection Syetem. London. June 11. John Burns, pre' ident of the local government board, haa requested the Foreign office to com municate witn tna Btate aepattmeni ai Washington and ascertain to what ex tent reliance can be placed on the tys tern of meat inspection undertaken by the bureau of Animal industry. In announcing that he bad taken this ac- tion through the medium of a reply to I L tj. D.l.l.k. JinlairtH n( niriuovr ui iu d. ..m. . . Dublin, and president ol the Irish In.,, I. Tro.t.r. n1 Klnrk fl-nflr.' aato- Cattle Tradera and Block Owners asso ciation. Mr. Barn aaid he bad ascer tained that a quantity of boneless beei and pork is Imported Into thia country from America and converted into aau tana, wnicn are soiu as ensueu iru ... ,.i i . . ducts. He admitted that there were rlnna difficulties in the wav of effect their power to the Inll extent, Test Suit on Public Ownerahip. Chicago, June 8. Proceedings to test the validity of the Mueller law and the issuance of $75,000,000 in certificates bv the city were commenced in the Cir cuit court today. A hill asking that tbe city officials ba enjoined from at tempting: to raise money on tba certifi cates were filed by busineea men of thia citv. A decision ia expected from th Supreme court ol tbe ttate witnin a: . . i t . i. f . 1. . U -f .!... i monii.a. ii i. iium v o.i. v i.v-uv- ,. ... ... ... . i I .inert to derive tha lunaa lorourcuaoe - Will Veto "Sooner" Bill. Waahinnton. June 8. Prealdent Roosevelt I very apt to veto tha bill ot Senator Dubois which ba pawed the house permitting sooners at Rupert on the Minldokt Irrigation tract In Idaho to have a preference right to purchase lot they now occupy with , permanent improvements. Thia bill was passed over tha vlgorons protest of the Interior department, tha objection being made that tuoh legislation would Induce soon er to ruth in and grab tha beat lapd Wltf Return It Rumored Chicago, June 11. A cablegram the Inter-Ocean from Bt. Petewbu lave "It il rumored that Count 1 premiership ' M. Goremykni'i appointment MILLIONSJTIED UP San Francisco Suffers at Hands of Insurance Companlas. POLICY HOLDERS BAND TOGETHER Businese of Bay City But One Third of What It Wat During Month of May 1005. Ban Franeiaco, June 0. Interest here bat centered in tbe insurance aituation Buainesa condition remain uncertain and wait npon the settlement of losse. Tbe time ba come when the insurance companies must poaitively declare themselvea. Tbe policiea beld by Ban Franciacana call for tbe payment of about $200,000,000. Bo far but little mire than $3,000,000 baa been paid, 1 almost all of thia waa in tmall amount. The $200,000,000 ia needed to enable tha people of the city to re aume buainees. How badly tbe money needed may be gathered from tbe lrarlntr bonee fiirure. In May, liiuo. the clearancea in Ban Francisco amounted to $147,000,000. For May, 906. tha clearancea amounted to $50,000,000. In other word, one-third aa much business waa done last month aa in tha corresponding month a year aao. Tbe policy bolder bave become weary of tbe dilatory tactic oi me in nracce companies. They have re frained from criticism for tix weeks, but now are insisting that their c aim be paid without further delay. The Dolicv holder of each company bave banded together for protection. Tbey bave the support of tbe newspapers the commercial bodies and the indus trial and commercial organixationa of every city on the coast. They no long r deal aa elnela individuals with the insurance companies, but preaent to lid front which is not to be repulsed Tbil organixation will save them in tbe end. It is known that million! of dollara are lying dormant in the banka of this tv and Oakland to tbe credit ot me insurance companies. ine question naturally suggests itaelf: Why do not the insurance companies pay? The answer it that they ara trying to drive the beat bargain they can, hoping to bring about a compromise in tbe end These are not pretty tactica, but never thelesa they are used. NOTICE TO SHYLOCK. State Take Up Cause of San Fran Cisco Insurance Victims. San Francisco, June 9 At a confer ence todv between Insurance Commis sioner E. Myion Wolf and f. . coo- gan, attorney ol the underwriters, Mr. Wolf warned the latter tbat be would romediately c.!I for a list of policy holders from every company which failed to eign an agreement to extend to 60 day the time for proof ol lovs. The notification ia equivalent io declaration ot war on all companies which have not signed. The statu provide $1,000 penalty for failure to respond to tbe demand. In effect, the order will compel every company to arant the extension or go out of bus nets in this state. The eweenini order applies to more than half of the companies doing bui ness in the city, and ia designed b Mr. Wolf to complete the work bean when a notice was served on all the companies snggt sting that all sign an acreement which would prevent tb policies from lapsing through trie ina bility of the insured to get their proofB made out in time. The policy holders of the Tradera Insurance company will form a corpor ation to look alter their interests i the litigation which will be brongl to compel that concern to pay all obi gationa in full. This was determined at a meeting of tbe policy holders held in this city today. Cost of Obedience to Law. Chicago, June 9 The improvements at the Union stockyard to be ordered by the city authorities a the result of the recent examination of buildings will coet the packera nearlfy $1,000,- 000, according to ent 1 mate made by Building Commissioner Uartaman. it will require an expenditure of about $500,000, maybe $200,000 more, to make changes needed to confotm with the requirements ot tbe city building ordinances, while the sanitary im provement to be insisted upon win cost about $300,000. Slaughter of Sheep. Spokane, June 9. A Lewiston, Ida bo, special to the Spokesman-Review save: Metier detail tre to band of an alleged serijus war between theep and cattle men on the Salmon river, 18 mile from White Bird. Tbe matter has not been reported to the authorltlel of Idaho county. Tbe -rumor li that cattlemen, who resented the advent of sheep on ranges hitherto used exclu sively by stockmen, fired into hands at A. T. Davis ranch, slaughtering 300. Wanta Island for Terminua. Sacramento, Cal., June 9. A con- mi.ninl ii linn Intrnrinpnd in the senate by Mr. 8hortridge and in the , by Alfred Moseiey to aena pevween no assembly by Mr. Atkinacn provide vember and March 600 Brltlih teacbera .i,., k. rtiti si.;.a onvnrnment ha to the United Statea and Canada to requested to cede to the state ot Call il-. I.1..H in Nin niv foi different railroad companies. NEILL A TARTAR. Packer Make Their Caaa Woraa by Their Question. Waahington, June 8. Hla charge against tbe mea' packers were repeated and enlarged upon today by Cbarlea P. eill, commissioner of labor, in nit testimony before the bonse committee on agriculture. He waa subjected . to a close cross-examination, especially by Chairman Wadawortb, tha author of tbe bill to make tbe government pay the cost of inspection, and Mr. Lori- mer, Republican boas, of Chicago, and be even accused these gentlemen ot quibbling and seeking to discredit bim. He sis championed by several mem ber of tha committee, who resented the tone of some of tba questions. The effect of tbe questiona was only emphasise the worst of Mr. Neill't charge. He described floors black with flltb, which all tha seat could not wash clean; be identified disease irom which employee were Buffering by the amell of the medicine tbey carried; be told again tha ttory of the bog whicb clipped into the wrong place; be answered tbe statement that girls were allowed to sit by Baying tbey bad nothing to lit upon; he gave a graphic word-picture of a man climbing with hands, kneea and feet over a pile of meat; he denied that packing house are open to tbe public. Before Mr. Neill UstlDed, I noma Wilson, representative of the packer, finished hi teitimony. Ha declared nied the possibility of paeaiog on tha cost of inpection to cattlemen, and pre dicted disaster to tbe livestock indus try, aa well aa to the packers, .from tha loss ot foreign trade. OUR TRADE WITH CHINA. Ambasaador Cheng Discouraea Be- fore Cleveland Buaineaa Man. Cleveland. June 8. Sir Cheng Tung Liang Cheng, the Chinese ambassador at Washington, waa a gueat oi honor and tbe principal speaker at a dinner given by tbe local chamber cf commerce today. He paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of tbe lata Secretary John Hay. He dwelt at length on tbe In creasing opportunities lor American commerce in China. He eald in part: 'China and the United Statea seem to be admirably situated for close com mercial relations. With a chain of . insular possession extending across tha Pacific, the United States ba It trad ing post at the very gate of China. Even now tha cotton mill ot tha South depend npon the China market for tba disposal of their product ; for China takes irom tbe United Statea mora than halt of its total export of cotton manufacture. Even now tbe mill of the Northwest find China a good custo mer for their flour. "The commerce between tba two countries ba steadily grown to ita present proportion in spite of all dis couragements and restrictions. With a better nnderetanding of each other't needs and conditions there ia every rea son to believe that the growio win oa much more tapid in tha future." CLAIMS COPYRIGHT ON VOICE. Sousa Accusea Phonographa of Pi racy and Injury to Muaic. Washington. June 8 At tha bear ing oa the copyright bill today John Philip Sousa, the compiler a'-d band conductor, testified that in every or e of the catalogues of tbe manufacturer of talking machine waa a list oi tome twenty to one hundred of hi' composi tions, but he had yet to receive tha drat cent for what he regarded aa thia "pi racy." Mr. Souia condemned the ma chines ronndly "I tell yon the hnman voice it not heard a- it used to be." be said, "and I prophesy that the vocal cords may by their disuse become useless. "Ano'.ber evidence that these ma chines are taking tha musical initiative from our people is that the sale ot tba hanj-i, the mandolin and the guitar ara greatly decreasing and tbe dealer tell me this is on account of the increased use of the talking machines." Victor Herbert fallowed Mr. Sousa, speaking, he said, for many brother comprsers, for the provision In the bill intended to protect their rights. Suicide Clause Invalid. Albany, ST. Y., June 8. The court of Appeal yesterdav alfirmed the coet and judgment of $2,262 in favor of Anna T. Fago, of Wyoming county, against tha Supreme tent of the Knight of tha Maccabee of the World, a fraternal or ganisation. The plaintiff, husband, who held a policy, committed suicide, and despite the fact that tha by-lawa state that no benefits shall ba paid to the beneficiaries of a member who com mits suicide, the lower courts awarded the plaintiff a verdict and the highest state court has affirmed the judgment. Bear and Lion May Ba Chum. Paris, June 6. The tendency toward better relations between Great B i ain and Russia Is attracting the greatest interest in official circlet here, where conrflmation ba been received of tba reports referring to tha approaching visit ol the British Channel fleet to Russian Baltic porta Tba diplomat! express the conviction that the drawing together of these two great powen, fore shadows alaiting peace throughout all Europe. British Teacher Coming. London, June 8. Arrangement bava been completed under a plan outlined - ! study the educational syetemt of tha ' ito conuirm. uvv w,i, v WUWIfl i: