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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1904)
7 A. - " I flpiRMTAT. HfiTRI. Vmuiunu mviuu UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Wt lnvt,lba petrouag ' the Cturnl Public' mill Guarantee Cleanliness and Oood Home Cooking. MRS. A. T. LAWS & BON j I SneiiklnB of Printing: Why arnd work out o( your County when w will do it lor you at J'ortland Pricear Commercial Printing 01 every etas done at th MIST OI'I'KT, from modern type fare, in net and workmanlike mvuuu- We have rectnlly added aevcral of tbo latest .tylcs ol type to our' equipment, awl rcsprctlully aolkit your patronage. Years of Experience Count iu enr Mnaraa, and In tiers, and will know llit want of our sosto- guarantee Price aud Uiiatity to be light. LOOAL AND GENERAL,: l THE 0UE00N MIST PRINTEttV, St. Helen,, Ore I THE BIG STORE DOWN 8 By The Big Sawmill!- I Kecking Now Coo&i Every day in the Week 5 J THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPUTA- V tliiu ul l., HunJIni tur Holy ill. T-.t In I (M!wi?bai Mifurn Anisi-.-. IT A Dart & Muclde, ft s NY. C. Fischer, .ivrmXKY-JT-llW. .it - Oreiron. J.B.GODFREY. .77Y)f.V7n-.'i-i r.e.l Estate art TimUcr Lanis Sail ; A HHTHAC. t MAHKl M- .IIKI.KS. -ttSS! AVTOUXE Y-AT-ui niii.l. ! I uai. Judge Bowlby, of Astoria, and Indue Jullua Morehind, of Portland, were In St. Helena Saturday on legal butineM. !! re are no shoe made that are lietter tlian the Btilson line, carried by Perry & Graham. Vprlt began last Monday on Dr. Rum's new pharmacy building. Mr. Utha Clark having charge of the construction. Rev. H. L, Pratt, presiding elder of the United Evangelical church, astied by Rev. J, A. Ranalww, conducted the quarterly aervicea at Warren on Satur day arid Sunday lint. Communion aer vicea were held o Sunday. J. Ihipont & Bona, of the Valley shingle mill, will deliver shingle, to cuatotnera at St. Helena, Houlton, Columbia City, Warren and neighborhood. They manu facture the very; finest grade of cedar ahliilet and guarantee their price to tie aa low an hlii(lea of the tame grad tat be procured eltewhere. tf County Awiwr I.awa ia very busy .man juat now, aa alto hit office force, the law compelling him to have the tax roll completed by September lat. A alight change in the law hat deprived him of a week In which he had calculated on, but by all working an extra hour or ao each day thia can 1 made up. Aud when Mr. Law turut over the book you will aee a aet of book that will lc a credit to any county ifi (he atate The Porcelain Batli at Houlton are all reaily for customer. If yq want a re frcahing bath or a firttclat ahave or halr cut patronize the Houlton barber thop. Satiafaction guaranteed. UttJufnA Chinook aaltuua ia Unbent rub. that swim, and Chiuook ahoea are the beat ahoea on the market. They are made of the very beat material and are sure to give intuition. Bailey a Orinu Houltou'a reliable deakia in general iner cbauditc, keep them (or aale at from J.VfiO tof. It la a fact that If a little paint were uaed on aome iA our store buildingaand reaidencea, St. Helena would be the cleaneat county aeat in America. Where can vou fiud another hamlet tliat bat better atrceta, walki, achoolt, churches, aociety, water and light eyatem, a pub lic apiriled town council, coy residences, with lawut, fruit and abode trees, all bugging the weat bank of the mighty Columbia? Let ua do the fair thing by St. Helena and paint and dreaa her up Next year la the big Fair in Portland and we want to look uice when strangers come to aee and buy homes among us. A Ret of Dishe 1'ree f am giving away - . .,. iivtrniit-i at. suit Bk.w- coupon with eacu can vi - cents and over, and you can exchange these coupons for all varieties of the best claw of China wure. Goods on exhibition at my store. Great inducements that it Kill mv vou well to investigate. H. MORGVS. St. Helens. turWr 1". A. Mrltride. on Saturday lat, rendered a decision in the case ol Anet vs. Toppila. iu which he Held mat ama l, could not inherit uomeMcau i .hrrr a native born nci proof upon a homestead no interest there iu inures to co-heirs who arc aliens. This i. -.ii,ve.l to be the first adjudication of this point of law by a court, though there i: ' China pheaaanta uuat net be shot Un til the opening of the teanon, October 1, when hunters will be free to kill them until the close of the season, December 1. Came Warden linker announces that there la absolutely no cliange in the taw at It has been on the statute books, and that he will prosecute any persona who kill the pheasants put of season. Titer hns been more or lea misunderstanding in this matter. It can be positively stated and once for all, that there wjw no change enacted at the last regular or the tost spcclul session of .the legislature. A the law read, pheasants may be shot from October I to December 1. Now ia tlte time to paint and I am prepared to save you money on the goods M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. Uwi and Clark Flour ia one of the best grades on the mar ket, and a very popular brand try it. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. Adjustable screens to fit any window, 24 inches wide, 35c. M. C. GRAY. St. Helens. Nice silks for ladies' waists and children's dresses, at 00 cent per yard. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena. Golden Gate Baking Powder, Spices and Extracts, are the best. M.C.GRAY, St. Helen. The steamer Mascott was employed last Sunday afternoon in conveying about thirty head of cattle to the Wash ington side. They were owned by Mr. Kubnis, which he herded in the Bunker Hill section some little distance from St. Helen aince the high water drove him and hia neighbors out aome time ago. There are more cattle to be crossed as soon as the water recedes on the low land. A Snap. A hundred and sixty acre farm for sale. Ask Quick 8c Hoi ton. The social dance given in Spence's r.....l4 iTvrral oarties Troin DEATH Or it'DOE 1. B. Judge John R McBride died at Spo kane, Wash., on Wednelyi J't'y 2 ot hemorrhage pi the brain. Judge Mc-j BrjJe was one of Oregon! first represent ative In Congress nnd was born In Franklin County, Missouri, Anguat 22, 1832. He held ninny positions of trust and honor during hia lifetime, and hia career ia given In epitome aa follows: Born in Missouri in 1!2; Delegate to Oregon Constitutional Convention, 1857; served in Oregon State Senate, 1800 1802; elected to Congress, 18(13; Miicf Justice of Idaho, 1806. Judge McBride was brother of Senator McBride, Judge T. A. McBride, and Mrs. W. H. Dolman, of this city. He leaves a wife and seven (Children. ' RAINIER NOTES T. K. Heughes and wife returned home Imm il.-ir hone moos lat Suturaay u..Ih. .-. an aunel! of two Weeks. jIuaMtt uliirli time Ihev visited the Sound cities, Victoria, B. C, and Portland. The (factory boys were all giaa 10 see mew boss again, and all of them wish hiraii happy and prosperous voyage wiuuKu life in his new state of wedlock. Rev. Thorpe and wife are spending the lart two weeks enjoying the good tnings at Chautauqua. M'ss Alice Perry returned Home last Saturday eveoing after a few days visit ... . I J . I rw.U UatlriMtt at WHO OCT incnu, miaa a " St. Helens. Xfr. W. M. Roliert it seems hascbs- appcared from public gaze. It seems that ue sola some property tnu mm u land to get bis cnecK casnea ana o nui Wen heard of since, although his wife and friend iiave been making anxious inquiries asto his whereabouts. Fred Trow, the genial corner grocery man, has been laid up a day or so with a lame back. Mrs. Mae Slchman visited Portland Monday. Mrs. C. L. Girtis relatives from Port land are visiting with ber this week. They are enjoying a (ew days in the country. Mr. Garnet lackson. who has been soendinir a few daya with relatives at Vancouver, returned home Saturday. Warm weather thia. Old Sol seems to be .exerting himself aome these last few daya. Miss lane Doan has been suffering from a very o finger lately, owing breaking a lead pencil off in her hand. Wm. Heuycke, who recently did the clerking act for J. T. Leonard, has gone to fishing. The Rainier Mill &. Lumber Co. laid nfl a few davs this week, because of a casting breaking which had to be sent to Portland to be repaired. The soap factory in the course of con struction expects to be in operation in the course of a few weeks. It will prob ably employ about twenty men. The local ball team has just completed LIST wok REAL ESTATE AND OTHER PROPERTY -WITH- I E. QUICK & A. H. HOLTQN, rnopitiETons or tub Columbia County Abstract AND TRUST CO., immigration . vyuui ynunj - - we will find you a buyer. ? . . . . AKIPC at REAL ESTATE, LUANS, iiNoun.wi AND BUSINESS OPPOR7 UNITIES A SPECIALTY QUICK & HOLTON, Proprietor Columbia Ctfnty Ah3twU4 Tmt Co., CT TTT'TTVS - - OREGON i OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOi MONMOUTH, OREGON. to Begins its 23rd year on September 20, 1904. four terms in each school year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course m Sept eraUr, Notember, February and April. Te best training for teachers the Normal course, with iu assurance of good position t goe wages. Write for new catalogue containing full information concerning courses of study, training in actual teaching afforded under real conditions in town and country schools, aft full details about the advanced course of study, with the additional advantages attached. Address, " ' ' SEC. J. B. V. BUTLER, or PRES. E. D. ROSSLER. MONMOUTH. ORE. lt.V1.MKU. ORKGON. ! Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG ; "ttixr"'"' ' f. H.hx: Mm: CarfHl ' ' AnlllIl 1'olttsn.l Mtir. I a rnd . r:i.r;l.rk; NORTHWEST r ruts mui tuns wat- c,u- Iavea IVrtland Monday, W. II. POWELL, ATTOHXEY-AT.TAW. ixrrtf wrrntct Atroaaav T. IIKI.CN. , onflow. HIE RED BEAR Jjoulton. Oregon. i Portland Monday, Weliie . . ..ui nun. m.. lorine na n. y . . - I. ...j To. !" i.T, s,lr t 10 I -' .'nVwin; d.r. 'Beturnins, .1. L.a Toledo at i'.,-.lKock at 6:!Wln . Toetiiwya, r -rk. mnrtlini-. eavln roriia "-. lawat ttf lUBOl wasl WcinharcVs Beer kept on tap. The Best Pool Tabic in Columbia County. and sllernonn, huwlay, Dr. Edwin Ross, Dr.H.R.niff Phusician and Surgeon . W, tlY w. . im-UitP DiLLAUD & DAY, Will pracllM Id ny eonrt, 8UUot F-d-ral. UIr uwibaioon t Rbinm BKOTU.M. ptomsToxsto, 9 -Only tna '"- OREGON Short line tautraftj DATIFir. AMD UHlWll arw" ; TBAlS8TOjrMBEA r.n.n.n tmirlnl lt'u . V i,i,, one instance where a cloly siinuar case was (Jecide.1 by me wcpsrui.-. if Interior. Ssat. One hnudreil and sixty acre (arm for sale. Ak Quick oi noiion The Colurjibia Rivfr loggc re; ia Portland lur uti- .t... ina the wages Ol ineir cu.,..-j .i inen-aaina the twice oi ioK. vr creing the lroduct. The eyernauser -iiiv to cousent to shutting .,.,( down, as they nave an - - timber tlut lias been burned over and it :.i ...u. fiv vear to cui men ill mac j - l..wr con scnted to curtail tne suppir "7 their lRnd maintaining thepnecsof the Columbia River association. n,. fruit canning season ts approacn- ig and the price of sugar is sure to go ...B i-..,t housekeeper should order V i- Itailev & Briun, Houlton's a supr'y ,,w rllnhle crocers. tUre?L r..:.,t.v Ust aKnst Evo Wat coun.... , " . ,,..,, T ...inte at Wambeck'. brick y.r.1. their allegation inriug ? 1 .nA that he w to tell them 07co,;:.i.ion. W.mlH.k alleges that ,e did not owe tne uupom . whatever. The case wm decided u fa- the plaintiffs. Claimed. DilUrd & ly pUintoBfc . for defcudant. A large .lock of novel just received at the St. Helen rnarruary. .... .hoe d rect Irom tuc umu ...aturcr and can save you the middle . a. man pn". m-nt well here, Scappoosc and neighboring section being present. Goods delivered without cliarge, wiUingty and cheerfully. Order iretly. M. C. OKAY Ol. ncicna r, rii returned home Monday from Seaside and reports having left the wife and little ones enjoying the sea breete. Fresh fish in season every Friday, and c.,n,l.. A nner at tne untnm rm.ikes l ' liotei. Messrs. James Dart and Gus Wickstrom K i . h Tralda on were ronianu viii" "j Monday last. Rnilev & Brinn's store is headquarters for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Cood goods a specialty. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. Mis Mary J. Tompkins, of Scappoose, tr fit Helens on was a ousinesa " Monday last. Mrs. E. H. Flagg visited Portland Wednesday lor the purpose of attending the Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor, the auxiliiary of the A. O. U. W. .- l..H fixing lin thfjr recent fretdiet. The boys P ( . little olavine at home now. They also THE NEW YORK STORE General Merchandise, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Frnits, Provisions, Furniture, Stoves, Etc -.Lowest Prices.: H. HOKGU9. PpoJtnilino, Main Kir-Pi contemplate cVying at the tournament, wmtu , . " success tu -. here in September, Rolert Yount's new residence on Union avenue is fast neanng compleUon. When finished it will be one of the neat m resiliences in Rainier, 1 B. E. Bourne is off again doing the .rt. loe has been doing a irreat deal of business during the past In fact he has been so onsy that he ha hardly had time to come home. Rev. Taggart will hold regular services here next ounday morning and evening. r u e. xroTVrmott have sold out their confectionery business and moved n Pnrtland. On Friday last Mr. Arthur Kappell and .: ij.. Anrleraon were united in ZZZZrX the" home of the bride in v..H Mr. and Mrs. K.ap- n i - nn their residence in the fcfietz block, where they tand rea dy to welcome their host of friends. The Rain ier brass band turned out last Tuesday .... a ... ham a musine welcome. They received many beautiful and useful :.: hir friends and have begun their married life under the most pleas- a.. venditions. another sngni Wood OpportBBlty. Two-year-old Durham heifer for sale. Will be fresh this month. GenUe. Inquire of F. M. THORP. St. Helens. I R STORIA & COHJMBURIYER RAILROAD uuryir-APiT. ADMINISTRATOR' SAJ-E. In the Countr Toart ot the matt of Oreaon, for InUie Winumah Conrjtj. , in the matter ol tb e.ut. ol keuben I.Joy. So'u.rebTiiven Art J- ISS-"" and b Tirtue ol. " ""' VJ .h i'onnlT. 4WSMasftl. aVU- Lire mm . 1 J Magnolia. Canadian Club. Old Govern- Mr &T whi.Wies and Gordon s Dry Oin at " have moved uapi. icwiiic u j viini-r to snend the summer. Miss Esther Silva spent Saturday and Snnii.iv in Rainier. t ilmli aoendine a short time vUitintr Rainier friends. We were eUd to see Mr. Geo. Maygcr on Saturday last. Ti.. v.a rnmnanv iust finished three nighu engagement at the opera house. They were splendid. m.nt WHiiskies and Gordon' Dry .... n.1 Saloon. Old Crow Whiskey SUV V"- . bottled in bond. Also Old yuaxer-niaue Rye Whiskey. The Sarah Dixon, of the bhaver line, is a good boat for our people to patronue. She leaves Portland Tuesdays and Thurs day at 8 p. m., and Sundays at 8 p. m. Gentlemanly and accommoul.UB , and a better meal lor .'0 cenu ui- n DAILY. g llifL ....sow. """OI.. 0A!LYi: - . ' . I a. . M. I I a Vlv Portland Aril M r. 7:00 (06 S3) ft 44 W 6S S OS IS t tf 10 M 10 OS 10 M 10 80 t M .; W 44 i t S Si.i t 40 K. M 10 00 H I io io .! to a 71. io m 7 r 10 57 S.,' 11 OS 90 S 11 18 .4 li ao w ' ..Rainier .. . Pyramid.. Vl.jjar... ..Oumcv ... .. CUtuksui.. .. Mamhlaud.. .. ViXtpnn ....Clifton.. . ...Knappa- ... 6renon.... Jnhn uar, iAr.Atlorta.LT 62 IS 27 17 OS t ! I 3 IS I 07 7 & 7 A. M So JO 00 7 4a 7 54 7 M 7 W 7 17 7 02 42 82 30 10 and tyj'"u","J;JVL, i. MaltBomah C'oanlT. .t...ltia till lUlUiuimaw . Srmtlion or "';""'; 1904. and eootin- in tiDa to u ut,w" " - ginulDXin tu west corner i All trains maXs elote eonnaetloni i at Ooble with N?Ah.Ja Pt traliu. "Jtf 'JS EiS and Sous polnu. A ForiUad wuh all InTiui Union dspot. t Attorla with I J'Wa .fbo.l .nd1!! Una snd.Btror X t. Potter te and from Braes poinu. Pssttngen tor Astoria or way Pln"m" trslnt l Uoulloo. Trains will .top to WP" ..n"orr.iUou!tnnwheaeoinlng Iron, polnu uo. -JUSd, O. Uwaoo and Nerin points mutt flat inepce runuiu. "---- . war tfca. imjTt "?""S,,r-,,i .lonah: thane KaTABI.ISBXD UTX. uo.. tween JT.V. mrrlrtian. Ihsncs wSto ?! beginnint. belug la Col Si d eiuntv court: sstd tea per cent to b Ueurs. uiiwra . - , 8 DART. ol the enate ot Koubtn Z. 11 St. HelinTor. . JnneM.Wl. can be purchased at any restaurant m the city for 60 cents. Marcus A. Peel, an employe of the Ooodyear Rubber Co.. and Ernest All man, clerk in Ladd & Tilton'. bauk. visited St. Helens in an electric launch last Wednesday. They are spending their vacation in an rasu-uiut-- i.n. manner. From St. Helens tuey Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexan dria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so had that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other t.vjna. failed, three 11.00 bottles of JSUu The Lewis river as far a. 'fZt l ucy c u5 j a In rv4 it uVrou.l. l..llon ti.ii ri . ',7',,,.;,,, T.u".!;tl"rikt.Tr rriit'S' al. Iliinl'"".'""-,- kntl urr Af .ANTIU Da I. for u . .v Ijiji'IHt J lf A. M D.llJ. rirpm Lianors an! Cljrari Kept In Stoct ; GYRUS KOP And othstr-.P'tl".'''"4;0""""1'"" always luiUH'k- WEINHARD'8 BEER on draailit "Tom Bentou" Cigars. Arrlvat. f-.sK--. ff. a-.oo a. . D.iir, THREE PAH.Y TRAINS ron ALL V0INT8 EAST. Lower Columbia Rivj;r. , . at;P- .. .J. Roliirulix, 'ot "Alton '"';vM I m i clitlv. ""I" PRRRY & GRAHAM. The Farr Bro... John and C. M., of a,' r.. were in St. Helens Tuesday, heir object being to interview the stave . .I-. Lnle and eet a contract to fur- one more plank to tne ue.Ku. Za fle. ' M ! be loaded where w.iiteu. B .lev snell the brouicr iumu.. , eir Ln of wood chopper., It beg too "Lardou. to have great p le. of wood . i. drv a tinder. They WUencv..., r. Ai,.n.t propose to surtup ngaiu --. 20th. . ..,1 ..tnto I( you want tomiyor .. --- or pepoml property. i . llnllOll. Ol. iaCH:u. t,.....r.i Ttlliott. president of the Purine Railroad, visited Goble oil T ay lust, in an interview pt ?.U.Tl . ' .L T.lrum. Mr. Klliott U" " "Vi. across the Columbia, to ten " " , . , K,.iiimtt j...- the phi" oi me . . , .'-..nnaol the necessities that touoo.r, - nrnviA.A for in the rum L. have been made look. t .ranter. ness men and will make tricnos anu K health on their trip. WANTBDStave bolU; -ellow fir tim i... oa Inrhea lone. ror imw write Western Cooperage Co., Houlton. Ore. Houlton Circle, Women of Woodcraft, .!ii a moonliiiht social at Mrs. Lit- tle' place Just beyond Uic Milton Creek bridge, on Tuesday next. Ice cream and cake will be served, and all good people ...ire to have a pleasant evening, are invited to atteud. There will also be a short literary program, music and singing. Weinhard's beer on tap at tne uwi saloon. Dr D. B. Stuart, of Rainier, was a pleasant caller at Uie MiST office on Wed nesday last. Mr. A. L. York, route agent for tne rortlotid Telegram, visited M. neieus and other towns of Columbia County in the interests of his paper this ween. rv, from J3.50 up to fl2.50, ore v. ' - , better value than you can get in roriuinu TERRY & UHAHAfli. Largest stock to select from at Terry & Graham's. n.l I trained 63 pound. onaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds. La Grippe, Bronchitis and all vt.Aw .t.i1 T.nnif Troubles. Price 80c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helen Pharmacy. JOHN A. BECK DKALKB I Watches, Diamonds, Silierwarc, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. Jtorrljoa St. B.U Front flnt. PORTLAND. vi,iwv Til IX) AN ON REAL E6- TATK Rate of interest low.buteecu rltv most be perfect. Apply address to or St DO prnev-i. i-l". WM. RESIMIDS, Houlton, Or. tti,;rkM van. SALE A new t7 ia. for safe. Address or apply to - - tiE0 pekRY, Houlton. J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor BRIDGES, MIIilA. AND Pll DRIVISQ AWECIAWV ESTIMATES FURNISHED ST. HELENS, OR. fistf SCHOOL REPORT FOR DIST. 50. 8 Number days taught, 19; number days attendance, 374f; number days aosence, 81 number enrolled, 24; average daily attendance, 20. The names of those who t,.ln neither absent nor taray curing the month, are: Harold Kng isn. . n. " -- . .a. i f aiT rsn Shearer. Ray i..aiei, Blythe Gatttcus. ann iry Oro R.OVBRHOIKRR, Teacher. KIV FRESH COWS FOR SALEl 1 lor sale, at a bargain, mxfreah cowe, one or nil of them. ' -great opportunity to wtfood 1 cow. at verv reasonable price. JOb. HAYBU K-, St. 'Helens, Ore. "GOOD H0RSEj FOH 8AlgM about 1200 pounds; ge eight year. good roadatcr or aii-puroo . -r.,,,-1 Larira n. Inawr) t St. Helena, EUin.r .linuaY good bargain. B. KAPPLEB. rOK rBTl.A!Dl --TBAMeit- BIRTH8. Born To the wife of Win. Cooper, ot Warren, on Thursday, July 14. a son. Born-To the wife of Homer nnc. of Warren, on rrtouy, ti FARM FOR SALE Twenty-one acres r -a- hnnse and barn; young orchard; located adjoining the townsite "... a.a- r,n ta vmA: ready "rtaTSorevervthing.that . can be raised! Apply to Miller Momer. utU' IT this, and the result will .I . lew vear. St. Helen, will ".re a railroad within the city nm TURESUIKtt OUTFIT FOR SALE. A J. I. Case, twenty-four 1lc1i cylinder, eight horsa-power. Cash safe, of lumber and shingle, taken. GVS HECELE, Houltoa. KILLthb COUCH AND CURETHSLUNUS WITH Dr. King' Hon Discovery rONSUMPTION 0UGH8 alio JOLDS Pries 80c 41 00 Fret Triw. rrr'TrTTTSTTTBiit Cure ror all I T.nn T and iUNQ TBOUB- T V !. OT Xli aaWa. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE-870 acres located on Willamette Slough ; tic eommodtSnsfor75 to 100 head 1 cattle ; . .. . . . ir..tirrt r.11 oince. wnu. UBllV w. 1 , SELESfc. care Bieamur Helena, Oregon. America, bt. 2-5-tf "America V Willamett Slonli We H rsi sr n I ! Leave St. Helen. .. :3C I AM V.YtsrHeien..e:00P rBEMCMT- " ''t will C.rry Solhlnir but Patssn , and Fast Freight. JA3IM OOOO, . riONEKR EMPLOYMENT CO., 215 Horpw St., Portland. Oresoujii i one of tl, hest known and most reliable Cprn- furnibhei an -mu ..aniaa nil tllB COitit. Help on .hortc.t notice Free to Employer. win., in l'ortlaud Go to TI.a Viiii. irA liostaurant. 16- Tliri . '"1 :, r. .t , s.,i l. of Bu ker The MeitU from 15 cent up. Open V ' .1 ;... rivalar. in anv ty. L"lW,tand.IP.. formerly of the Koyal.lna4 54a;i.on, FCa PORTLAXO DAILY Stfiamfiv Tralda IWVVWava C. . Hooghkirk, Mat. RAILROAD TIME. LtwH Rainier astir ( ,u?,aJ.5'.P.f i i.nd.-t A. M..d.wrilBC Irom t "eUmi Ml o'cloi-k. Keturulua. . Portl.od st r HH trrinii; at . Hl 4:- v hmim and Fast Freii-t. All Ik lataxt n..rri i and oth' PP- tuad.7 UUSff "WW."'' (lential ru". avavaakv. tv