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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1904)
Get Rid of Scrofula ' Bunches, eruptions, Inflammations, Dei of th eyelid and Mti, diseases ot tS bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only mm ol Um troubles It causes. It la a very sctlvs evil, making havoc ot tba wbola system.' ... , Hood'sSarsaparilla Eradicates It, cores all Iti manifestations, and ootids op tba wbola system. t Accept no substitute. A Scholar'a Advice. Tba German historian. Professor Tbcodor Mommsen, was noted for the facility with which he acquired lan guages. The tongues of modern Eu rope as well as the classics were to him not studies, but the familiar tools of bis deadly work. An American reporter who was In terviewing him a few years ago asked to bare certain reference put Into English, as be did not read German well. , , "Not read German well? And yon a lournallst?" exclaimed the savant "I do not see bow It la possible. Young man, German Is one of the four neces sities for a student The other three are English, French and Italian. With out them you can never know the ten lency of modern thought If you have them not do not rest until you have learned them all." . good ,v; Short Glories Mr. Albea's Opinion. Alpine, Cal., June 6. Mr. T. M. Al- bee, our postmaster baa expressed an opinion based on his own experience which will no doubt be of interest to many. Mr. Albee is a man of few words, bnt bis well known truthful! neea and uprightness of character adds much weight to any statement he makes. lie says: "The first box of Dodd's Kidney Pills that I nsed convinced me of their good qualities and I used altogether four boxes with the very beet results. I can heartily recommend this remedy." This voluntary expression of opinion will doubtless had an echo in manv homes in Califronia for Dodd's Kidney Pills have been making some miracu lous cures in this state. From the evidence already published It seems safe to conclude that this med icine will be found to be a perfect cure for Rheumatism, Urinary trouble, Backache and any and every form or symptom of Kidney Complaint. The Masculine UTay. Wife IlaTe another piece of Jobnl Husband No; I don't like home-made eake. :. Wife But this Isn't home-made; I booght It at a bake shop. Husband Oh, yon did, eh? Well, I knew there was . something about it I didn't like. cake, IMPORTANT TO THRESH ERM EN. Aa Acceant sal Note Book ef IS Pages Seat Free to Any Address. The A. H. Averllt Machinery Co., of Portland, Ore., whose advertisement is to be found elsewhere ia this publica tion, have prepared for ditt libation among threshermen a thresherman's ac count and note book of 25 pages. . This book will be mailed to threshermen reel of charge, by addressing the above named company. In Box. Old . Friend Seems to me you art paring your cook pretty stiff wages. ' - JimsoB Have to. If 1 don't shs'O leave, and then my wife will do tht cooking herself. : 1 iKee ley uouororphinc-tobaccoI rr HiftiTt raiiMrirnY-iiBrn L-J roe ruu wwtkuuuu Running Expenses. - ' ' Mistress Want , more wages? - I thought you were being very well paid, considering that I do about half tht Work. . ; Domestic Ton forget mum, how . much It costs me fer advertiaia' fer new situations. . , - Tone la more Catarrh tn this ssetloa of th sonnirjr than all other disease pat together, sad antl) tba last taw years waa suppoaed to be tneuraoie. foragTeaimanyyearsaociorspro- soonced it a local disease, and preacrlbed local remedies, and by cunstantlv lalllna? to care arlth local treatment, pronounced ltlncurable, dence baa proven catarrh to be comtilu ttonai disease, and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure: menu- lectured bj 9. J. Chauey&Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is lh only coDStltatioaal cureon the market. It la taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a leaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the prstem. TherofTerone hundred dollars for anjr case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonial. - Address, r. J.tHKNKY ACO.,Toledo,0 fold by iruirsisti. 76c Uall's ramUy Fills are tht bast r . , Algy'a Ambition. Algy Aw can you spare me few hundred to wun ovah to I.unnon? . Father What's the object? "Golf." , "Good! It you learn how to play golf, It may " "Oh. I don't monf In nt tV V want to learn how to pwouownce It" .. Kirk La Shells, the conic opera writer, haa a son aged &, known aa "Bill." who la very fond of hie father, but has no liking for society espe cially tor an afternoon tea crowd. Ills mother entertained a lot of friend recently, and BUI was the center of admiration. The men tossed him In the air, and the ladles kissed him to all of which he submitted politely; but when the first opportunity presented Itself he crawled up Into his father's arms, and said. In very wee, pleading torrent "Father, let a get out of this and have a rough bouse of our own," Keinble, the artist, while sketching in the mountains of Georgia recently, employed an angular "cracker" aa a model. The native, when asked what hla hour's work was worth, told Koui ble that he thought a dime would be about right The arttat showed him the sketches, and asked what he thougbt of them. "Watt," waa the drawling reply, "seems to me it's mighty puddlln' business for a man to be In, but you moat be nuUtln' sutbin' out of It or you couldn't afford to throw away money like this fer Jest gettln' a man to stand around doln' nothln'." . " "Rube" Waddell, the baseball pitch er, conceived the Idea that he would like to put In the spring months play ing on a college team, and asked a friend what course of study he would better take. "Shooting and flshlng," said his friend, with all evidence of seriousness. "Great," said Waddell;" j "I could paaa that easy," and he sat down and wrote to the dean of one of the Southern Institutions, In regard to taking a "snooting and flshlng course tJt his college. He was pained later at receiving a stern note from the dean, who thought Waddell was making fun of him. James F. Sweeney, a Massachasebbs lawyer, had as a witness very re fractory woman, who. In answer to his most polite questions, would reply sharply and evasively. Her meek and humble husband, who waa In court, looked much distressed. At last, at one of Mr. Sweeney's Innocent ques tions, the lady vindictively cried: "Mr. Lawyer, you needn t thin you can catch me; no, air, yon cant catch me." With bis most pleasing smile, Mr. Sweeney - responded: "Madam, 1 haven't the slightest desire to catch yon. and your husband looks to me aa if he was sorry he had succeeded." A prominent Philadelphia educator. In telling of his early struggles, re counts that he once taught school In a district where he kept bachelor's haa," the neighboring farmers supply ing blm with food. One day a young boy came running breathlessly toward him. "Say, teeaber," be gasped, "my pa wants to know If you like pork. indeed, I do like pork," the teacher replied, concluding that the very stingy father of this boy had determined to donate some pork to him; "you tell your father If there la anything in this world tho I do like, M Is pork." Some time transpired and there wos no pork forthcoming. One day be met the boy alone In the school yard. "Look here, John." be said, "bow about that porkr "Oh," replied the boy, "the pig got well.". The Kind You ilav Always Itottn-lit lins lmrim tho slirrni- turo of Cluis, II. Fletcher, mul lut beon iiiiulo under his personal Htipervlstou for over Jit) years. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-pood " nro but Experiments, and endanger tlio stealth of Children Kxpcrieiieo mriitiiMt KxperimenU What is CASTORIA Castorli is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare porle. Drops and Hoothlnar Syrup. It Is l'leasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphino nor other Jiareotlo substance. Its aire Is Its) guarantee. It destroys Worm nnd allays Feverishnes. It cures Dlarrluva mid Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthinsr Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho - Htomach and ilowels, frtvins; healthy ami natural sleep. The Cblldreu's l'auacea llio mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. YMI OtMTAUM OOWMNf, V MUHMT ffJTMCtT, MtW VOHN tTV. m Ay ers Sometimes . the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan druff disappears. "Mr hair wu comiiia out tarrtMr. I waa alnwit afraid to tomb a. Hut Ar.r'a Hair Vigor proniptlf slopped tht lalltug, and aUo fMtorad th. ontural color." au. K. a. K. WaaD, tandlof, It. I. SI.Mabottla. all nni)riftm.. fori Poor Hair La Stat Oowk nrrua. OwML Vm f1 IT In lima. Sold br drnfglala. Ml r'f u-uijin'i.Lji-iin ll Timber that Is Valuable. Sydney H. Bhadbolt, ot Washington, largely interested In a 180,000-acre timber and plantation tract In the 8tate of Vera Cms on the Coatxacoal cos River, Is familiar with all the pha ses of the timber trade, and for sev eral years bis attention has been given largely to the purchase and marketing of mahogany, B peaking of mahogany generally, he said: "Mahogany has been esteemed a very valuable wood for more than 200 years, and daring all that time the world has had substantially its whole supply from Maxleo, Honduras, Cuba and. Santo Domingo. .Up to within about ten years the proportion secured front these districts was about 60 per cent from Mexico, 80 per- cent from Honduras and 10 per cent from Cuba and Santo Domingo combined. Now comparatively little Is obtained from Cuba, and practically none from Banto Domingo. The product of all of the four districts belongs to the same spe cies, but there are marked differences In the fiber of the wood from West India islands and that from the main land. The Mexican and Honduras growth is of a better grade than any other. ' The mahogany 'of Mexico is worth in the United States and En rope from S80 to $100 per 1,000 feet on the average. The value of indi vidual logs, however. Is occasionally very high, single sticks bringing as much as S5.000." Mexican Herald. Aa Appropriate Present. Little Mary and Ben had been great ly exercised over the approaching an niversary of the parental wedding day. They bad overheard so much discus sion of the subject that they suppos ed that numerous presents would be quite the order of the festival, and Ben, with the responsibility of bis eleven years, proposed that they se cure their own pennies Slid "buy a nice present for mamma and papa." Mary gladly agreed, and with great secrecy they made their preparations. With a dollar they ran away one day and with much excitement made their purchase, wblcb was safely hidden tin til the Important event came off. When the presents . were exhibited thelr's proved no less interesting than more expensive gifts there was "a beau tiful picture," as they both assured their parents. Sure enough, there were two splendid Hons in a large cage, and under them the inscription, "A life Sentence." - Wanted an Experiment, Miss Da Style You must live time. Mr. Poorchap Certainly. I have nothing but my heart to offer you, and I do not expect you to decide at once. 1 "lhen give me two or three weeks." i "Very well." "And in the meantime I wish yon to show yourself dreadfully in love with me, and I'll let folks see that I am quite! Interested In you." "I'm what's the Idea T I "I want to see how Mr. BIchfello takes It" i Applying Early Itemed jr. "Why did you uevcr uiurry?" "I became convlnml In my youth that the prevalence of divorce was be coming a menace to American Insti tutions." Brooklyn Life. For bronchial tronMea 'try Tito's Cure for Coniuimition. It la a rmd rough medicine. At drtigxl'ta, prk-a 23 cents. Mother, will On J Mrs. Wttulows's Soothing Byrup the but remedy to us. tor their ottlldran during Um teotbicf ptriotL. i Nearly all nesro babies are white when born, and so continue for weeks. When a woman has reached the age of forty-two in, and Is unmarried, the authorities pick out a husband for her, and compel them to marry. This plau reduces the number of old maids, but forces many men to suicide. Contaminated. "Too are an authority on history, I be liever "No," replied the scholar, aa.lly. "I used to be before I began reading his torical novels." Chieafo Tout hlor.r. Hnd ft rrS trial biHll. and matlaa, W. M. O. KUM. LI4..U.' A nil Bt, I'bUatMyola, u. s. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Recommend Pc-ru-na For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble Mother Goldfish Where have you been, WIllleT Willie Only Juat around the globe, ma. Chicago News. KmollneSara and I can hardly un derstand each other over (lis tolophone, Kdirnr Well, talk one at time, "Kn,w hiuit I should say sol Ws are husbands lu-law." "Khr "Our wives were divorced from the same man. Ex. "Sho told me that I might hops." "Bettor look out! I've known girls to any that when thoj Intended to swept a chap." I'uck. "Smith haa, lost his Job, and I'm hustling to get him auolher." "Vou - . . a u... arei "lea I owe mm en uai aud I'm afraid he'll be needing it" ruck. Stranirer Seems to me this crowd ed street Is a queer place for a hospi tal. Native Well, I dou't know. Two trolley Hues meet here. New York Weekly. "How did you get your black eys, Bambor "Well. boas, yer see I wai out a-lookln" fer trouble, and d!s 'er eye wss de fust to Hud It" Youkers Statesman. Philanthropist Why did you change tha tltU nt "Tha lj.ll.a' Homo' to ... . - .. . ... .. . .... . ...l.Mi.'IAIUIC ' Via l-auies- iiorue 7 Mrs. iu vw. -- - , , -It ws. becoming too crowded-New . e n d sat ork Weekly. ' ' ' ' ." rarkcr-We've moved again. Barker! )i(i11.ttti,it,i,l) your , You bsvet Parker-Yes: the chl -j , , w(Hh tu give you bis val- dren were so nolay that we JM, a-lvl.e gratis. stand what the nelKhbors said about Ml,VM p,. lUrtman, l'rrsldent ol. them. Detroit Free Press. Th iiariman rianllarium. Oilumbus, Young lady I can always tell your ohlo. work the Instant I see It Magastne really! rJrr-W lit Catarrh of the Stomach Is (len.r.n C.II.J - Kom.7n,1?"' 10 rroauc. Artlflclsl M, tlon Is (lenerelly Tak.J. Hence, Pepsin, Psncreatln and a Hi ol Other Digestive i. .' lis. Heort Kemsdiaa Invented, in lucent lutt,, w., Irom These Remedies Ho Not Re.lh Beat of Iks IMinculty, Which K V, 8. Boiiator M. U. Iln. Houlh Carollim, was senaur Irum' tii.. lalu t.,p la,., Iri. I.. . . . "' .. 11. t....... .. . ti inn iitruua .llmllcllle Waalilngton, I). 0., savst "1 can revont mend I'oruna for dva. nepais snd stomach trouble. I hL. been uaing vour medkliie lor s stZu! period snd I feel very much reltavi? it Is l-.Jocd s wonderful medk'n. & sides a good tonic. "-M. C. Ilutler The only isltonal sy t n, j Hlala Is to remove the ralanti. Z runa cures ratarrh. I'eruii. d(n( lr.ntme arllrl. ial dlg..,i,m, u eu "J caiarrli and leaves the stomach u, li.rm illKiwtion In a natural wsy this is vsatly Utter and safer ll. an resorllns to artilli lal nmlliixls or narctitUs. Iriit.a has cured more rases of dys. iwpala than all other remedies eaa. tiluml, slinly IxxatiM It mires ratsrih wherever l.x-sle.1. If raUrrh Is local 1 In the head, I'eruiia cures It. ll rstsrrh has fastened llwlf In thathroai or broiirliial tulws, I'eruna turee l When catarrh becomes seltlod n Umj s'oniac-h, I'erun cure. It, as wall la this bo at I. m as In any other. I'eruna Is tint rema,!, jw IVruna is a catarrh remedy renins curve ily.iwp.U Imatnn 1 hj generally deemlvitt upon catarrh. artist (delighted) Can you, all The peninsula fit India, which In area la naif the size of the I'nited States, haa a population of 300.000,000, of whom 200,000,000 are farmers. During- the last decade American ex perts to China have increased sixfold. Done to a Crlap. A small boy was undressing the oth er evening before the open tire In bis nursery, says the New York Tribune. His mother gave him Ills nlghtalilrt and told blm to bold It to the fire to warm. She left tho room for a minute, but returned quickly wheu she beard tho boy say to his father: "Papa, Is this shirt done when it's brown?" I Mrs. Fairbanks"tells how neglect of I Fairbanks"tells how neglect of warning symptoms will soon ' prostrate a woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lydia Ee Pitikliam's Vegetable Compound "Dbae Mrs. PiNKnAM: Ignorance and neglect are the canse of untold femalo suffering', not only with the laws of health but with the clranco of a cure. I did not heed the warnings of headaches, organic pins, and general weariness, until I was well nigh prostrated. I knew I had to do something. Happily I did the right thing. I took Lydla E. rinkham'g Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and pains dis appeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body, Since I have been well I have been more careful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends to take Lydla E. 1'lnkham's Vegetable Com pound, and they have never had reason to be sorry. Yours very truly, Mrs. Mat Fairbanks, 218 South 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn." (Mrs. Fair, banks is ono of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sales women in the West.) - m . No Sympathy. : ' i "Ton don't feel any sympatby for the colleague -who was convicted of srafUngr . :.,. 4, t ,,J. . . ;Not the slightest," answered Sena tor Sorghum. "His lack of honesty was equaled only by. the primitive Insuffi ciency, of bis methods." Washington Star. J When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrn. etlon, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-duwn feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dixzlness, faintness, lasmtudo, excitability, Irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" and "want-to-be-left-alone " feelings, blues, and hopelenxnesa, they should remember there la one tried ana true remedy. yaia K. i'lnktiam's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. need the best. Itefuse to buy any other medicine, tor you Dear Mrs. PimtnAM : For over two years I suffered more than tongue can express with muney ana biaauer trouble. Aiy physician pro nounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder, caused by displacement of the womb. I had a frequent desire to urinate, and it was very pain ful, and lumps of blood would pass with the urine. juo una uacnacne very oiten. "After writing to you, and receiving your reply to my letter, I followed your advice, and feel that you and Lydia 13. I'inkliam's Vege table Compound have cured mo. Tho medicine drew my womb Into Its proper place, and then I was welL I never feel any nain now. and can do mv hounnwnrk with ease." Mas. Aliob Iamon, Kiacaid, Miss. No other medicine for female ills In the world has received ucu widespread and unqualllled endorsement, v J ' Mm. Plnkham invites all sick women to writ her for advice.' She bag guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. vCflnil FORFEIT If ws eannot forthwith prodne th original letters and iifnararet of sA3LIIIII !"" taillmgnlall, Vkieb Will prora alaalutgi,iiulnaiiaM. www sgraie, ja, yuutliaig Madlelne tie., Lyam, ; Young lady Easily. Ths women look alike. Nsw York Weekly. "Woman Is naturally of clinging nature," observed he, bis wife, "but she Isn't to be compar ed with a man when It comes to hold ing on to a 3 bill." New Yorker. Bam Bhlnbone I'se thtukln' ob marrying dat youngest Jaekson gal. Mose Johnaon Don't do It. nlKr don't do It Why, dat gal never kep' a Job for over two weeks In her Ufa. Ex. "Bring me some coffee," ssld Mr Xurox, ss he finished bis dessert "Deml-tasser Inquired the waiter. "Sure, If that's the beat you got. snd say, bring one o' them little pot full ; of It" Philadelphia Trees. "You are always more or less skep tical about what you see In print" "Yes," answered the man who haa hi own Ideas about things. "Truth may be at the bottom of a well, but It Isn't an Ink well." Washington Star. Uusband (of popular author) Do you mean to tell me, doctor, that my wife Is tnaane? Doctor No, not so bad as that, but she Is hopelessly fool ish. Husband Well, thal'a a relief. I was afraid her usefulness ss a write! was Impaired Ufa. A prison visitor recently asked one of the prisoners bow he came to be there. "Went." wss ths answer, "How wss Uist prsyt" "Well. I wsrtt ed another man's watch. He wasn't willing I should have It snd the Jutg wants me to stay here fire years." Tit lilts. Kootlnltt (energetically helping at bazaar) Won't you put In for a rniHu for this cuahlonT Visitor Oh, no. thanks! Kootlnltt Of course. It's rather useless and gaudy, and so forth; and personally I thins the design's rotten. But do put In for It! Visitor No, thanks! I made It! Punch. Utile Willie, who Is a Philadelphia boy, had been watching a dog chasing his tall for three minutes. "Papa." he asked, "what kind of a dug la tliat?" "Thnt" said the father. "Is a watch dog." Willie was silent s moment "Well," be finally said, "from the time he takes to wind himself up 1 gin-as he must be a Waterlmry watch dog." Philadelphia Ledger. When Us freckled gtrt twk a seat directly acrow the car from the bright child the others were opji r.-n-.l with forebodings. But they had not lung I to remain In suspemin. "Tlien-'e a complexion with a pattern In It!" ex ciaimea tns ongnt cmiii, slinont at once, nereupon the others breathed more freely, for It naa likely that the worst was over. Detroit Journal. Mrs. Iluusubuntcr This Iioiiko doe not seem to bo very siiUtnrulally built Kven the floor shakes when we walk on It Agent But, mndnm. this floor Is er the very latest thing in spring dancing Iloors. All the newest hoimea have them. Mrs. Hoiisnhunter And the stairs creak terribly, Ato-nt-Oli, we don i make any extra cunrgo for Uiose patent burglar-alarm stair, madam. Chicago News. Dick Bay seen a letter of mine lying around, gray envelop,.? Hweeu a letter starling orr, "nearest Iili-n,. and aklng you to come down arid spend Bumbiy, and telling you ,w lonely she has been all the week, and ending up, "Your own little (Jlmlys"j Dick Ye es. Hweep (going on mak ing the bed) Then It's In ynur top chiffonier drawer. Yaje Heenrd. Full Directions: "Your hiiHlmml U a floor walker In a department store Isn't ho?" "Yes." "Then, why don't you have hlrn get up and walk the floor with the baby when alio cries?" "j can't wake hlrn up. When I shako blm and tell hlrn what's tho mutter , mumbles something about soothing syrup In the drug department three aisles down, and then goes to snoring again." Chicago Tribune. A World-Wide tttpulatlaa. Wherever men are lliere wilt be Ill ness sud wherever people are III, ii,, . ,,.11.. ..hi i..., .i Yes," rejoined - l tla rvmnejr mh, m, - meaning, noieiy mi umir inf-iiia lliey puntied their ay inln slml every art of the nuliard world. Their reputation s an honest inrdirlii tbst ran alay Ih rwlietl mi haa Iwii tmlll up by the grslelul praine ol those alio have U-en cured. The Iwulollow ing loiters Indicate jul how Hie rrptt tali. .n ol Ibis remedy knows no o graphical IniiiihI. The sick an.l nuHVr lug all oer the MorM are akiiig lur Iiotltl'a Ki.lney I'll!. J)er blrs: 1 have l-rn u(!,-ring .r soma uioiilb Irom Kidner com- plaint. The doctor bo attended me has recoimiii'ii-trd me (u Uke your I'ills, "IK-M's Ki.ln.-y I'llls." Allef two boles I .'"! n-'loe rellel. Hut nil loitunstely 1 bave nut U n able to go on with tb tri-alim nt, being unable to lind sny 1'illa in I'airu. The (-hernial who -M me lbs two boxes baa iiilornud ma lint be bad writ Sil order fur aoiue, and ban t'- keep ing me wailing for inoro than uno month. This i Ibe nnxMi why I am writing t you to n.ui-( y . -1 1 to ba 'O the gotalnea lu si-ikI ine I y n-turu of Hil six lxe fur ahirh 1 will pay aa soon aa 1 reirive them Irom the ktiudly lut ins know al the tame tune where your branch agency in Kgypt Is to be lound. Thanking you in aiilicl pallon, Moii.nir.t) uaciikh, "Illlllieubb-S I.lbr.s (In I'K.tat." Olllce of the MinUlcr ut li nance, ! tslro, r.gypt. Iesrriir: I want to purrlisaa six boxes uf lVcld's Kidney Pill, but 1 don't know ciaclly whi ra to apply at Buffalo or Ijiinbm. 1 tbry can l w rit by express or ri-gintered mail from either place I'leaaa advise nie of bow to prueed In order to get the pills wtlhoiit delay. Yours truly, J. I". HI.Mll.NSON, Viborg, V., Murk, IVnn.ark. WE WANT AGENTS 1 1 and nppet nionili tit eur gelle rrprrSto- tillres In trary City ami bia ban In Oregoa l!gnine,, Washington anil Idabn. oiatilr, riiianeiit and Immensely prugt. able empt-iynieiit at home or on the road ! amneihlng new ; send stamp of rail at orti.u for details, SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE CO. I? Seventh Srt. follsnJ, One fi (Oil C1I E1RI IT 12J.08 PEI Ml M V O.tll.f Malar, U Caal I Vv AtaiiN iu uwiiji l "' ln "I I'M aa4 lT. Writ to lata I W ' lui ui wu i I I v "" i Ik L -3 Bum ci. SSS3 tHlUTtAIO. NEW PENSION LAWS ii.r I'Ul-lt Applr la NAIIIA.N lllkKlubl). ll m Waaulugton, li. I.'. Ma N, . Vols , la, 1.4s. ym.iri! tntOM YOUH DltrkUni r. n. u. "" " ra. H-ISC4,' 11 'II KM writing K ad.arilxr (ilaaaal If Manilla Ikile $aar. Heiniinnrativii. "Well, Bobby, how do you iin church?" asked his father us they walked homeward from tho sanctu ary, to which Bobby had Just paid his first visit "It's flnol" ejaculated (ho y,,mig man. "How much did you get, fath er?" "How much did I get? why, what do you mean? How much viiBtn asked the astonished parent at this evl- ueni irreverence, " ' "Why, don't you remember when the funny old man pasnod the iimna around? I only got 10 cents." filial CURE Horses of HEAVES, COUGH, WTini"' ''.'"k "1l'ln. A ral SIOOD ft'llflf B SSI CSS. viliunis ami a urt curt fur all allHitnl (ruin uiu luav arlat. Ill cunmo 34 Hommmm. s 1nt 1-n.Ml.i, M.... r,t4,n IK .1,1.1 alk. 4 la OM llau "f 14 ..1 0 -t lt,wk sH tfc riwrtrt .i,. i , ,., K,UUM ar, S "ICI AT OlAtISS, SO, SV MIU, SO" tt.r4 n ,,. "i r-o v I h.T. I.n Qffr,; lUlBMU.! IUUH.A.NU ,a.a.u 4..M- 0. c..., Am.mi. DO YOURJAWS ACME? t ari,iia) If. flntas, p'sN I lau trni,i . a mmmnn ttilns, snfl ihsra am varli a,, u M,r .,., rn rlht oil,., a ara niirly lui Hi. moiiih I. ni r.,,1 4u eMii4IUM -ailng ti II r-nr i.laiva are In an IM anv at ntiMii.r.rin.. SU'I (., I,,. la ...... i.. .,,.. ami tail ,,u il.a rauas ul Iruubla. m 1 r,r"'L"r' '""h ",h"n l"l ln ant an w.,rii la ai luwar than raaaoiianla rai. orV.'r" !'"" Wh,n ,Uu" or l",'l arc WISB BROS.. Dentists ,0i-,,,ta,foI, "uti'lara Irom lu 11 Orein. Mala ' un rt, a. n in l'1-ao avanliK nil I S Wa.hlnlon !. LANli, URliUUM RUSSELL ENGINES BOILERS & High Grade HHP Machinery Wrlto for Calaloguo sud I'rlces The A. H. Averill Machinery Co. W 'CE LINE" DUOOICS, mMM t GIVB UKTTKK sntlafartlon than anything on the market at any thing like the rlce, bnciinao ther ire ininlo of g.Hxl inutnriiil to at'ind "Oregon ronds Iron wiriiersiinbodlM, braces on sliufts, lieiivy second growth whm ls, scrowud rims. ) If you wont to find sure that you getting your inonuy's worth, ask for s "Duo Uno" or a Mitchell lluitgy- WE GUARANTEE THEM Jilb DUOOICS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. SEATTLE SPOKANE BOISE PORTLAND, 0RE00M