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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
cL L V ? 'H' k 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 It Pays to Pay Cash 1 LOOAL AND GENERAL. Mr. inn) Mm. Klmer Wharton led for Kpokunc oil Tuesday last, Mr. 1, A. Kit-hardson wit a Portland We will make a special inducement, for Cnsli T 1 - I I 1 . .7 . ' I'ww.ium- wilUR'.SUICiS make KptfC'ial 111- visitor by the Iruldu Saturday. Goods delivered without charge, willingly anil cheerfully. Order freely. M. C. GRAY Bt. Helen Or. Will I'ullertim and Mux k-rg, of Wur ren, were pleasant caller ut the Mint office mi Saturday lust. Trespass notice iiinl nil kind of jirlnt- (liHTim-iits to us for cash. We will flake Money J?y this offer, oiid so will our custome rs, A different article of General Merchandise on special sale ""Vh day of the week fur cash. Ask aihi;t . K 'nils M'iihn vrtu itiiv W, I,.,,.,. .,.l ,,..1 ' . . . . v' ji1 en route, and will offer you bargains that will " .i'r1 av you money. We arc agents for the cele brated Men's Royal Chinook 1 rcss Shoes. Also u lull line of Women's ar.d Children's Shoes, Tito Old ItoliaMo Firm BAILEY & BRIMW IIOULTON. OREGON. t Oriental Hotel 4 4 UHDER MEW MANAGEMENT 'v invite till; p.ilrini.itfe if the l.cttcr.ll I'lll'llt 'Old ttlltlt llllcc C 1( .1 II 1 1 IK n illlll iitnl Home Cooking. MRS, , T. LAWS !k SON 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 V Mr. Jitme Dart made a biisine trip to Portland Wednesday. Mr. 0. I). Gllson, the Houlton hotel man, wa a viitor to the comity eat Wednesday, Mr. J. G. Watt, of Scappoose, it vis iting friend nt the county seat. Babbitt Metal For Sale Se Per Pound for 500 Lbs. AT THE MIST OFFICE. '.'hi t- By The Big Sawmill!- U Heciviiii' New (.'inula Kvcry tliv iu th Week jnl ,w"f (Wl Tin: IIAK.NHSS GOODS All Kinds and Grados1 FIRST CLASS IN EVERT RESPECT Cargest foc 1o cfeet Crom mi. I Low c s t P r ices Write for Catalogue V M.I.ISrKHSr"N --WILSUX CO. Cor. uu Taylor Sts., Portland. Mil STORK DOWN On 'J im rn-luy Imi, nt Clatukiiiiie, lieforc JunHcc lllui klurd, Al(ri:d Aiiilt-ruiu wun liuiiii'l over to nwiiit the next Circuit fiiiiit on ii hnrj;(; of thmiteiiili( to kill oliif Anderson, lUHn iinulile to f;ive ImiiiiI lie wiih wilt to l'ortliind for con fiiii'ini'iit in the County (nil. Mim Or.ue InCrad, recently of the St. , lli liiu wlimils. litis lii i'ii niMH'icd to the iiinlh Krude in the Atkinson hool, I'ort land, lit Mil try of I'i'i r uiniith, with mi ini'1'e.'ine to f TO ut the In iiiiiiriK of the new mliool year, in Scplemlier next. MfiKiiolin, Cmiudiiin Cluli, Old lovern Hu nt Whinkic mid Cordon'ii 1'ry ('.in at the Owl Siilooii. Old Crow Whiskey bottled iu lutiid. AImi Old Ouaker-iimile It ye Vhiki y. Mm. I' 11. I'Iiikk und mm l'nink were visitur Iu St. Helen Saturday ami Sun day. Mr James A. Hecate, of Warren, was a caller ut the Mint office on Monday last, Mm. I. A. Kichardwin took the Iralda, fur a diiy'n vtsit to Portland last Monday. Cur.iliuiia cigars two for a quarter at Hriim llros. Owl S s'oon. Rejiiililiean iriin:irie to-morrow. It tUerc lie a full vol.1, fanned and fresh vegetable. If. O. OI.1VF.R. Road Mimttr Steven and T. A. Cloti inger of ScaiKisc, were in St. Helens Saturday last. RcHieiiil;r we are headquarters for granite and tinware, a new supply just on. H. O. OI.IVMK. Horn To the wife of John Rculx of St. Helens, on Monday, March L'Slh, a Mill. Largest store and largest stock can 1 found nt 1'erry ii (niliain'a ttore at lI'iuHoil. 1inmU delivered free. Mr. Si nil ii piittin a new feme and a sidewalk in front of his properly in thin city. l'resli fish iu season everv Hrida, nnd sitt-eiiil Suiidav dinner at the Oriental Hotel. I Walter lilakesley, while working in i the garden on the old Darell place one day Inst week unearthed an old eal that W uped to have lieen the original seal of the first St. Helen Mill Coiiimny, llmiiKh it is i in possible, owiiiR to its con dition, to decipher the design. Call and see the new line of men and boys' suits direct from the manufacturers. I'MKRV" Hi GRAHAM, 1'ioneer Store. Weiiiliiird's licer on tap at the Owl saloon. CLAT8KANIE CORRESPONDENCE Mr. John 1'. I'eterson came over the mountains from the Nelialetn Monday morning to do some trading with our merchants. We leurti that some careless person was shiKitini! within the city limits last Fri day. Miss AJilie Conycrs while cross ing over the bridge near the church was struck on the breast with a bullet which ,...... ., ,,,,r or,. tut.,). Il,e tmllet i i . , i . i i,K. i r tion seven delegates to the State Conven- liapiamed U, strike a large button on her lltvt.nKleleKle9 u tJie Wrtrict coat, which jirobably saved her life. Mor- toiijresional Conventioii;alsoChairman ill, ladies should always wear buttons on and Secretary of the County Central Com- t heir coats Imlttee and J'recinct Coinmittemen for ,, . . each tn-ecinct. The various precincts in Mr. Hen Worsley, a politician of con-: tll(, county shall be entitled to represen- sidcrable note of Astoria, was doing our. tut ion in saul Convention as loiiows: "REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. TMK IIOYH Fit I U N O. John Dellar, corner First and Yamhill, makes a practice selling boys' clothes Notice is hereby given that a conven-' and shoe at the actual cost yc'icc. Boys' tion of the Republican party for the suits, age 3 to Id, f. 75 to i; Just exactly County of Columbia, State of Oregon, is the mme ..0u ray 1 or2 more for hereby called to meet in the City of , . .. ' . , . , , Clatskanie on Saturday, April SI, 1!4, at idsewhere, beside, we give a bat and ball 11 a. m.,. for the purjiose of nominating free with every suit. Prices on shoes, candidates for the various county offices $i,2" and You save from GOc to 1 to be voted tor at me regular nuiie eict- , CouitariiKin with other stores' orices tion to Ije held in the State of Oregon on Monday, the Uth day of June, vu: One Representative in the State Legis lature, One County Judge. One County Clerk. One County Sheriff. One County Treasurer. One County Assessor. One County Commissioner. One County School Suierintendent. One County Coroner. There will !e chosen at said Conven- little city Wednesday. County Roaduiaster F.mmet Stevens and County Surveyor W. F. Wutts were looking over the situation with the view of the betterment of the county roads in this vicinity Monday. At a meeting of Clatskanie Lodge No. im I. O. O. F. of thiscity Saturday even ing, Mr. G. W. Welch and Mr. W. H. Convent were elected representatives to I the Grand. Lodge to be held at Astoria, I May IHlh. Mr. James Geary of Marshland was do 1 ing business and taking in the nights of 1 the city Monday. Anyone living in this city or vicinity who fails to lie present at the entertain ment to lie given by the young ladies basket ball team next Saturday evening, Auburn 3 Apiary 1 Heaver Falls 2 Clatskanie i Deer Island 2 f Vol'ilc 4 Marshland 2 Nehalem 3 Oak Point 6 Rainier 5 Scappoosc 4 Union 8 Warren.. 2 Total 47 By order of the Republican County Central Committee. G. II. JOHNSON, Chairman. A new line of boys' suits from $2.75 up. PF.RRY & GRAHAM. Roberson & Lope . y" m"wuw'"'Wit r MiiniinnaafsV. 43 DEER ISLAND NOTES The body of Wm. Burdette, the young man who was killed while working for will regret it all the balance of their the jjejn, Logging Company at Palm lives, jcr's rollway on Wednesday, tho 23d, was There is considerable snow in the moun-1 taken in charge by his brothers and tains tiack of this city, yet we believe it ; shipped to Montana for burial, will all disapjwar after the Republican jIis!l f)ra OverholUer, of Clatskanie, primary to lie held in this city next Sat-, has ))cen eKi,ge(i to teach the Deer Is urday. It begins to look like some of land .ui this summer. the candidates will 1 disappointed as BUTCHERS PACKERS Markets St. Helans and Rofl'tcn FINE MEATS, Lard, Sausage, Etc. FOR SALE. Bay tnare, 7 yeari old eafe for lady to drive; weight 1100 pounds. V ery promising I'-year oiu con. Spring wagon with shafts and pole. Young Jersey cow soon fresh. 1 wood rack, 1 hay rake. 3 n - w horse collars. 1 old double harness;. 1 man's saddle. 1 lady's saddle. C. W. ADAMS, Warren. NOTICE Or CUARDIAN'S 8ALE Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Basler returned to More Iliisincss and Less Talk At M. C. Gray's General Store. there are not near enough olfices to go j p,, Mon(lay a(ter vi4ing with Mrs ar'lm' Basler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry, Miss Annie F.nglish, of Portland, was j thc st tw0 mon,hs in this city Monday visiting friends. y (, pring,ei Mrj p clark and Messrs. Myers & Heimpel are building ; Mr an(J Mrs c L 8n,itl, took the early a large and commo limis warehouse on moring train Monday to spend the day Nehalem St. adjoining their store room. ; m portland. It is reported that the Benson Logging j j,;; nes8ie Malcom and Judson Free and Lumbering Co. will soon begin the man alteniic;l the leap year dance at building of their freight depot at the c,ohe Saturday evening. north cu t ot uie wagon ..rmge .c. u.v , c w Kmmerson has jeen on the sick Clatskanie River, and in the city. W lien for d a at this building i. completed and freight of agr-tJ trains are running into town daily, our people will have their freight landed al most at their door from the outside world. Something we have long looked for. Bailey & Brinn's store is headquarters for general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Good goxls a specialty. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. VERN0XIA NOTES Notary Public Pringle was doing official business up the river Thursday. I. W. Keasey, our worthy postmaster, was doing Mist Friday on business. J. E. Dow, our butter king, made a trip to Houlton yesterday with a pack load of the yellow goods. Call and see our outings and calicoes' H. O. OLIVER. SCAPP00SE. rerrsr.rr.Tar- THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REFU A- tlou of tng Slnndinu for Only the IVht iu K :v S Large quantities of cord wood are be ing cut here for Portland markets. The creamery business is a growing one. and Scappoose butter and cream pro ducts stand high. The Farmer's Institute last week was a success. Many people attended who were well pleased with the work. Dr. J. Withycombe's address was enjoyed by everyone. The next institute will be held at Houlton and later at Clatskanie. and should lie attended by everyone who mn tmchililv rami Mrs. John Smith of the upper Nehalem , . 4 . , , o u-i i . . ,U. ..i.,,,.n ' Rev. C. F. Clapp of Forest Grove left this valley Fndav for parts unknown, , , t i ' i i . i i -i.;t.i..n preached here Sunday, having left her huslnnu anil children to ' try life alone. What a sail thought, that : Sabbath School will be re-organued on two people should take the solemn vow Sunday, April 3rd, to love, etc., until death do us part, and j Realiiing the need of a full set of dish then, after twenty ye.irs of wedded life cs for public spreads at the hall the lad and raising a family of eight children, ies will give a basket social and dance on conclude to separate and each take up a April J5lh. All are expected to take part. A daughter of J. Zeisruan's nearly sev- days. J orcd three of her fingers with an ax last Commissioner Case was attending the week. funeral at this place Tuesday. V. R. Throoix- came on Monday night ! A large stock of novels just received t ' . . . lli it tflonc Pl,rnirv. with a large load of mercliaiulise lor ins - store in this city. The First I'istriet Convention of the ; Knights of Pythias for Oislrii t .No. S, ' Grand Domain oi Oregon, will lie held at ' Rainier in-xt Tuesday. April Mil. The , e litor acknowledges a Knightly iuvita I tion. The district is comprised of Astor i i ...i ... o..:..;..r i .,i., y,oni,.r- ! Avon I'ode. Si. Helens; ,,'nd Nekanaknm ! ' - tlle remaindcr ' tbclri Lodge, Seaside. A varied and cntertain i ing programme has la-en arranged, and 1 we are sure the Knights will have an in ! structive and enjoyable session. I All the lo.'a! an I war news in the Mist I and Oregon ian. Only f'i a year. I IUhkho I'LVMotTii Rock V.ims Fok sai.K The purest blood At fifty cents I per setting of fifteen oggs. MRS. G. W. Pl-RRY, Houlton. j One of the premature marriages of re 'cent date has resulted in a separation i alter about two weeks of "we Ule 1 bliss." The liy husband complains that the cm.u whc cauno. e ' - no, cuna .a, - "-'. " of Washington Saturday evening at Goble , should have attended the cook s kinder- , in Portland. Oregon. March Jo, 1H, her 8UCC!W. A large nnlnber ol We solicit the patronage of the people of these communities, btIMOH. In the Circuit Court of Uc Slide of Oregon, for I the Co njiy ot C-iUmblit. John f.t-wi.rt. i iMtiiufl. Dougtut G. Puolc, To Poujclu Pools, Itefetidtnt. IS Tillfi MAMKUK TAfAt& Of OHE'iON, Yoti rt neieuy riq airea t t'per nud n cr ih touit-luini titet amins 7"U at la afKivf tuiitie-i uit uii uf Imj ore tut Htii iy oi Uj, JM4, tlit tM.Uji thP iny ae-i h. t.voiutr oi Hie 0urt for o t t , rtr mni o Wtr, h d niorv ttiuii i Merlc IjOj. tt ubJ.e.ILuu t iuU gijinMroit; ud if yo iU Hni!'(itn i i mmmvr, ita -UitiiT rtil tpply 1 .hi o Jit ',r tiit rettttf UtJiM-U'Jfi in tb omplmui. to Ait: That hi pUiutitf be aijii 14 nu l Jcreii u ia' itt ovutrr iu iet tmiitf wi liic full. -win. JtwrHt-tl resi, to nil; Tue fi-futrt u-titr oi iu .rtu nest quatier (o) '.Jui id, ILaiie t'u(2) Vtrto tilt V. Utituitrt'' Otttgou; Mui iiiut his .ule tnervt' txt quivte i, aiisi riAt ya lkj iorcer ..-.Ar.eti irom n-4.tiug vrse lo piiiiUff. tHtt ulttuiitf rvuovvf cott ul uiourti.euia breiu lucurteu; and ue be gi.tu nacn outer u-i tanhtr re, let iu tbu uuiuuo. puulUufd iu "iti Orvfia Uti ouct tch cefc tur l ttuccmMtvt wttelu. uv uruwr oi tu fiouuioie I. A. Aacrl-.e. Ju.Ke ol in Cucuii Couri ui ittm Utr oi u. gou st lrillfUOlA tuiiUi), fid'C-l Jiarc.l l., A. U. i9U4- Kirt puuHcev.ou, .tpai ist, iwf; Uut pj&.it II. ,U. Mn) li'U, l4H. W II. i,ELL. Apfi) ii. Atloru fur miutiiT. blMMONH. in the Circuit Court oi toa 8:ate of Oregon for lb C.nil.iV of (Juiuuibj. Joan a,etrt i'l.iu:nt vs. lUarlea W. Kie fo' hilc . . Hateoiagn. DftiUnt. I N TiiK NaMo. tf rati bTAitf UP OKEGOJt, i ou h. hreiy rrs iei lo poerauua kwer iiiv c.mirtMtut taeti 'ib js.a in tw siMJVtt ftituieti ttt.c iiq ur iw.orr t.iu an o. Ur. lWH lual biu; ;Oetl i Dei in ttiv r : u. me Court iur tuu tu tticur ua uuei, u.i mrv (bnijc wcrit iro:u the nii pab.ic .uou ui tui natn-bOim; mux ii voa lait o to i;iij) uj tiMer, ute plulij will apptv tu me cou. i lur tii iu ice cuuipiiii.waiuu to be ihm utruer iu it-e fcimp.e uf ibe joUowtUH: uvM-nufri re l propd.t. , io-w u. inv auu vtuti uuitr of s?cuoo tbiee (3). tu loiatuuii. &iitf of . itbuu: a h"J tftat ui title ii.vriu 4i-nie.i, iDu ini tm d ioreer war rea iru.n ania .i ciaita. ngui, title oi Tt.-t tvtiaiu .er iu oi U miiJ real pf prtj , or any pail ttif.i.f, avtveratf to piaiiulli: tiiai iainti ittuver uusc aailtiuuurafiiitfiu-ijvreiu iui u. led; ttitti l Ha lie b meu utu o hr iw .iuituvr it iief a to Urn court uiu) sai Jaat, aud eujuis) e. iiiu uimnoii'i ia p iblislied in "The Oreics-n out'tj etca ueta iur ix ticc'ive imi, Lit orv'et ui tti ami f . A .Mciir?ae, iuU.e of i CiIVull l our l Oi ( iu u ate ot Oreauu fjr tu Coii.i.v o. tuiUiibi...djtf i ildrctt .4, A. o. VH. Uuio ui rt p t .o.i. pf t l-i, aud ot la--l MUvlKtia0Ui Mm l-ttl, I'AI.. . H PuWELL, Aprl 14a) 13 AuurueT tor i ia.uliff. NOTICF. 18 HKREBY OIVKN THAT BY VIK toe of mi orlr of the Comity Court of tht Mute ut Oregon, for the County oi Columhi, nia'te end enire1 on the 10th dny of March, Hfo4( In the mutter of tho UHnlintihitt oi tho tfiiit of Ch-irlr" Memfr.cii, n niloor, the ond emiKfieiJ, the ffirarclian of the etime of na minor, wltl on ! f(r the Mrd day of Aprtl, h at privai fate at bin otttee tu MT, 111-en-, oreu.i, for -Ht.h In hand, thy folUiwltm de crlbfl reI proper 1 7 Iwl. iiKfiiK 10 td oiiiiof in the County id Cwfuinra, stitie ut O enon, 10 wit; An uiKdvided oue-httli tnture t in and to propeny hurwlimfifr ne'Tlhfd( btdutufing lit -aid minor, t. tnirlen Henuni'R', to wit- iWirlpiion: Nui-tn-fai ijuarter of et'tion I9i alio ttie North half of ih .iith 't'.ttrter of NrjU"ii A in iowimhi.i&Nonhol Kniitjtt rt3t, ' ard Ave avreitcut ot the Mouth-went turner of trie eolith wt quarter of thenouib westttar ie of awiiuti WfM roiililprteurtb 01 Ka"ge '1 iVei,uf the WUlan.e t Meridnin. Oxteo, March t-t, l'J04. iulZl U. K. Qt'ICK, Ouardtftd. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT E Ute nf Cnarlei Trim, decawej. VOTHE l-s HKRKBV OIVKN THAT TIIS 1 utiiierliie'l fXiminlslrMtor of the crwlrtte x Clisrle Irim. OeCea i-'l. lorn Hle'l tiliftl e i;,m,il. lis inch uaiitiiilMi rnttir, 111 the Couiitv Curl of me Mat at brettoii. for to!uialta i.iiiitv. h n 1 1 10, t j.,ti,iay. the ia,l ,ia of War. WW, l the hour of I P. M. ut ihe eiiuri-room of wiu raur, liu In.- 11 m the nine mid ,lc f.,riiie hearn.K ubjwt oiw iherelo, mul the Htitlt-iiieiit mere if. IMied iiu Ilinl ,iiiillbe-l Mureh itn. 19)4. UfcUKtifc "I fclM. ii.tniliiltr,itor. DIIIsM 4 t ilj. mZl NOTICE rOH PUBLICATION, lieprltnent of the Interior, Iuiim -jintt at on-null ill), Oregm h . l'JOt, V-OTIfE M HKIiKBY OIVEN JHAl' lilfl i lllinii!-niiii-d Kitlcr but leu notice of in iiiH-iiilxi, lo ixuti.- i,ui rm.f iu support oi tilK clsoii, iilxt lh.,1 rsiU niool will be iiiKdu b- lre ilietJouiiiy eit-rk of County, or., si at. Uilena. Urenuu, on May W.h, iiiW, lit.: AC.RaHAM AAirH; If. K. Ko. 1226J tor the aWJ.i. CJ. 12. T. 4 N., B. 4- ... lie names the following wuuemes to pror. bis coutluuuiu reiUfUi-e uima cultivstioa ui vttn ,il, via: I- Soeuoir, T. L. f srker. JoOO iiaker. K. i-ePMiusii. sll oi vertionm. rwro. AlAiKs.Nu.N a. irttaK, Kt.ier. J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor BICIDGK8, HILLiS ASO PII,E DltlVIXG A SPKCIAL.TV ESTIMATES FURNISHED fJStf ST. HELEN'S, OR. mix tiawsoH Muck. Not it rvmxao W. C. Fischer, ATTOEXE Y- AT- LA IF, RAINIER. : : OREGON. CITY BARBER SHOP 0. CRAWFORD. Propr. Cleanliness is My Motto. Satisfaction Guarantee! GIVE ME A TRIAL. Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. 3T. HELENS. OREGON. it K. B. Landers, of Keasey, was trading with our merchants Tuesday. FROS BEUBES, Henry and Julian Waser went to Port- The retwts come from upiwr Rock!,and Sl'mda, CVCIung to meet Henry's Creek that there is three feet of snow up ljro,ht.r wllo ju5t rrived from Ger there. many. The funeral of Mary Jane Nickerson j Mr an4 MrJ Ej. rean visited Mr. took place from the church here Tues- iX,an-a moti,er at Astoria Sunday. day. Mrs, .Mckcrson was oorit ui ium- rio. Canala, O.-toher 2lit!t, 1KW. and died The leap year dance given by the Order Dart & M tickle, ft ;gartenan:l ,i.,.l...e.I tier., to .... usicr nRl. he-m , 4 montus. ana aas oJd were present and Her hnsliand d.ed some two years ago am. wrv njovable for was buried in Cemetery. Ns thcm b; tlleexcellent music (urnisUi;d bv childa-n survive her She was . memkf Orchestra, of the Methodist Hptscopal church for .tliss aiyrui i uwson, wmiims ui-vu vci v Oiogon. to the uppt-tite of her epicurean luisl ami. Mrs. I). J. S.vit er is visititiug her bust, III I lit lllll lee, Oregon. The trial of KoV-rt Dolm at Rainier on Saturday last re iltel in a linn.,' jury, one iuror refnsiiiL' to concur in the decision i ! ' " , , , .... ( ot the majorsiy. uoiau was ennrgeu ti ' assanlt and Iwttcry upon the person of ! f-o:.. n O, .I..!.. ....r.-liunl Th 11 ; .ttlKe c.iiis, ","'o .....v. I case was reset for April 4. The case of ' Calvin Howard, charged with the same s 4. s.s.-l.S.. -WW-Www-w www- - r set io. .-,,.. ST. HELENS PHAK.MACY Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh ami reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOORS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain aud Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher Regular 25-cent Novels Only 10 Cents 11- lloru To the wife of Harry Caples of Columbia City, on 1-riday, March 2,'th, a daughter. City election next Monday. Men should le elected who strongly believe in j a clean and wholesome city, aud who will co operate with the health officer in his work. Hil t and filth mean disease and dentil. 1 Our complete line of men's, boys and ladies' sweaters are attractive, and prices right, at Oliver's. , The Oriental Hotel changes hands to day. April lust, Mrs. A. T. Laws aud son i taking charge. The traveling public will find their wanfs thoroughly satisfied when they visit St. Helens by putronuing the i Oriental. j Mr. G. V. Halt, o( Deer Island, wa a 'caller at the MIST office ou Wednesday 1 last. Mr. Hall ha resided in this county for forty-two years, and has seen it change from a howling wilderness to a commun ity of homes, hdiools, railroad and other ' accompaniments of civilisation. SUMMQiiS lu the Circuit Court o in state of Oregon for ilif County oi Coitnuut Juba ic.-r , riniu id, v Kobert U. Barnes, LVis;ttt..iut. To Hiiuuit U. iurtias, Deteudaut. IN TUB .A.lfiUr' IHi aT W tC OF OREGON. A You ur iiuiroy reutrcd o acear a.iu ma -ner tu cotnpU.ut ttte a-i..ot uu lu tue atKTe ei.tiliru aul ou w oelottt Lhc l.u uy ui Ui 4--1. tot Os.-i.ig uie ua) it.evt iu tne oid? 0. iae t-uutt iur ou tu a, tar aud u .r, uuu OiVtt tUu 1 t'i.o tue uii y t-bi a.toa ot luis niuiuwr.a;aud ttjou m.t ao .o at uu .t.w'ei. tite iMiutin wut apiy tue Cotitt iur vue .villi viettiaudeu tu vuv c 'lnplaiut. Mhtiait; ibat the ui-iutiit u a.ijUJKd ou uvuruei to be iuuou.i miee Muiu.roi me Kit- tuAUif tti'MMsi!, rent irot'Bit.-l to-wu- iu suwlu iU't O'ta. ter tort') t atciua tureet-). tu Ao iioiiip a. ;) auh.i, Kju;,e ueU) wt tuv ttuia.ue.- Mcniia, iiuate ta tu i . na y oi t-utsAiuoia, statu uf Oruaju; tuft tUfttftO in? quifteu: alltt Uiai oa tM jiev.!1 oit.t: t tr t.a aettiuf auy eiaiin, nKtit. iltie ur iiiterva. wbatoeser lit wr to -Mid tc-i prs'iioa.t, .i- iwttt tueeat, adre tu uiij rJ.utui'; turn l.tiuutt' ierwer vo-ts ud lit! 4jtitcit hy.eiti lucuiicij; aud that he w Ktit;aMivh Oihtf aud tu.-uer eiie: as to ill .iittr m sotini juat wit i tfnitatne. 1 tits kLiui.ioii u uuuliseu a 'The Oregou Mi" otice acu vv ioi .tii sue. eutve bv order ot tti ttua. i. a. Mv -Bru.e,J..U.e oi tue Citvtitt kvouti u, tue etale u uiitui lot' t.'tuui bU uuuty, ilatct -vt-rca . A. 10-. uate ut tirrt luoui-t.l.ti, Apr.t 1, iiW; aua it ltwi puu ta at luu, .ihv U, uoi. W. H. POrt'ELL. Ap l.Ma13 Attorney iur PutiitifT. l)r. H. R. CUfif, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. JST0RIA& COLOMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. thirty years. The text, Romans, '..:,!, was chosen by her. We hear that Perry Mellinger has taken . a contract cutting shingle bolts close to i Natal, and is going to stop at the resi dence of Nels Peterson. i.. tlmt ITpcIi Clvve Mills has secured a job in a sawmill down near ing in this vicinity rrt of last week. Hudson for the summer. Mr M. R. Maret of Creek ma, irMi Grace Brown has been secured to ( K teach the young idea to shoot at the , J J Keasey district this summer. Mrs. Lon Emmons is very sick; unable to fill her position as our teacher in the public school this week. -W...W.I. I, olmncl colt,, ntttl llOOC that when it disap,s.-ars so also will our bad, j lgon-la t to Portland Monday, disagreeable weather. j G. Gruber was a Tortland visitor Wed- CATTl.E-dROWEKS' CWM K.vilUJ I sick with the measles, is improving aud ' will soon be able to be out again. There are several cares of measles and ; mumps reported in this vicinity, but all j arc reported to be improving. I Wm. Mcacham of Clatskanie wasvisit- Chas. Muckle of St. Helens and Wilber Muckle of Portland was in this city Sat urday. A. Anliker made a shipment of pota toes to Rainier Saturday. 1'ROFESSIOXAL. I oiauv Ti 8uc. CoNVRYANCISa. J. B.GODFREY, 4TT0RXE Y- A 1 - LA W. foal Estats ani Timler Lan:'s Sell ABSTKACl'8 MAJJl-1: ST. HELENS. OltEGO S. H. GRUBEK, ATTOFiXE Y- A T- LA W. time with K. K. quirk, ST. I1EI.KN3, : i OKEROX. Will five best txrwiisl attention to all lenl Disltrn tuuniuA in uie. Will practice io all Ui tl ami Vllitad tilatu Courts. 24 r. 7 7 t s 8 JO s : 8 It 8 SO 8 M 9 ON 19 H 10 M 10 OS in a io so 8l0! .4 9 06 39.4 9 Is 4S.S SS ."vl.5 40 66.9 9 .VI .S9 K 10 CO SJ.S io io as.i; io n 7i.i' 10 ) 7 7 10 47 M 6 H (tt 90..1, 11 IS 9i.4 11 80 99 8 vrATlOIsSI I. M. Lt Portln4 Ar 11 10 .... (,,, die ....Rainier ... . . . f yraniid. .. . ... fayifer.... Quincy .... .. CtMikule.. .. Ularshlaiitlt . . Vttnort.. i lifloK ... ....Knapi'.... ... tsveusoa.... ...Johu Dv... Ar. Aitoria .Lri 10 Oi 9 U 9 al i 27 9 17 9 98 9 02 8 i 8 33 8 15 8 07 7 M 7 4J A H V 5 8 JO 8 M 7 4 7 M 7 8 7 28 7 17 7 01 43 sa 6 31 t 1 W. II. POWELL, Mrs. Ilenerctta Fowler went to Astoria ' JTTORXE Y- AT- L,i W. There will be a Couvention of the Wednesday morning to visit her son, S. Cattle-Growers of Oregon held in Port-, land, April Itlth, beginning at 10 a. m., I Erm Ruble and Wm. Connell, of Tide and continuing in the evening. The peo- Creek, visited Wednesday, pie interested in this great industry are i Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. SdioalU, of Beaver earne-Atly rerpiested to te present, as sub-; Valley, are visiting with Mr. aud Mrs. jets will be discussed of the greatest im- ; G. W. Jordan this week, portance to cuttle-men. The meeting j lex Ried, Supt. of the Columbia will lie held at the Auditorium, between : xhuber Co.. received word from Mr. S. Taylor and Salmon, on Third St. j y, Stanley, Pres. of the Co., to start the GRANT MAYS, Secretary, i camp up as soon as possible. Mr. Ried AncwlincTtTfrmlTup. W t0 f IIRRY & OR All AM. orUr T Mou,,a v' DKl-lTt lllSTKICI ArtOKNET. ST. UE I ENS, : ; OUEGOX. ESTARI.ISntD 1W, 1672 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IS batches. Diamoods. Silverware, ...JEWELRY... licpairing a Specialty. Mi.rrl.wn .-it. Hot. From 4 i'lut. rOSTt.AVrt, All trains mutt close ecmoectkms al ibt .vl.h Northern Paclrto twins io ami irom tti tal and souna point. At fortlBil wit all trains lenvine: t'ntim depot, at Astoria with 1. H. a: S. ( o.' boat ami tall Hue and Steamor r. J Poner to aud from llwaco anil Nona lleuch points. I'uMieneers for Aatorta or wsy polati must flaf trsin at Houlton. Trains will slop to let pa. i'rn ofl' nt Uuulton when comin( irom poiutt wet il Guble. J - Mayo. Gen. rasa. A a... Astoria. Or FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hotgkkirt. Matter. RAILROAD TIME. Leaves Rainier daily (ef pt 8un''ar)for Port atirt, at 6 A. M.. departinit from St. Helen at ,'cloi-k. Keiurninir, leaves rortutad al r i., arriving at bt. Helens at 4 4i. Passsfljers an. Fast Freiilit POUTLAX0 LANDING. TAYLOR 8T. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave 1'oisUnil on Tuesdar, Thurnlay d Sat urday at 7 a. m. for St. , Kalama. Carrolft Point, Kamiu and Ktho, Artivlimt Furiland Jlnndsy, 4 uesday aud Friday at 2 p. a. Steamer NORTHWEST Legvc Portland Monday, Wednetdny ami I'riilny nights at at 10 p. m., for the mmip pointa mentioned aliove and To ledo, rea.-liinif the Iniier place at 11) a. in. on the following day. lt;-Hirning, thti bunt leaves Toledo at noon, ami t'iis-'lf Kook nt 5:150 in tho aftertinnn,, Tiidi'tdays an-l Kunilnyp, li.nvina Portland early in the nmniinf. WU:f lis o( Mntoq v. 'U,. I(o!,"J tjl AIK