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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
tll ether, Iw . t ud of Jun. or there have , 7 fusion .,',U fc,thM . . . Wntenees of haVwUHly; ".- - .al terms of wble ibvn t ,hm, tl ui U some,. , over , twenty-four yea .i," JvinU Km Pro". ." otbloc f couJeuiiMHtoiy u- .- wr lues roc ration In a foi vs. ' wwiHft ,';' iiulattou mid other penalties, W , .lvn of tin eighty cou'i ton n(frrvoHaiJHHt('irfwM 80 5u TvW'iciifw-s....., ...... at idjaaM. '-"(hi Chicago iiev'1' .Di Wnmke any impression on ")y''I'B j ' bis sister and a cousin wtw -tliere listening to everv word 1 oaid to v iro." L Vit Free Press..' '" " ' Ithnients varied between four mouths Jmlge, -. . Satisfactory WvIiIob. jtt The old larnier.. aurl .his wif had . ... agreed 'to separate. They' had only on child. ...'..,. . ' -'. "Everything friendly?" inquired a neighbor. . , , . V "0h, yea,' replied the old maneare- lessly. y ' ,T't . v, - "No trouble about nuking a fair di k Vvifion of the propertv?" , "Oh, no. She gets the kid and the , canned fruit, au' I get the pig and the pppten ' That'" even enough, ain't , H?" t hi Tout. . . . s The Teaipefatw. "Whv do you watch the thermome ter on t' nail so Cloeely?" queried the invalid. . "Becaoiie," replied the untrained . nurse. 'Uie doctor said if the tempera . ture got any higher I was to give you another dose of quinine." . oean't " tro .. ,k thinks .he looks.- jllde an' sktia v- v ui Aberdeen!' 1 Jsuies M. Barrte, the novelist, baa I ha tth rrmirti'm who trv to Trying Tim.. jpry m) Ul prrtt, .ffatra. Ou one "It mnrt he very trying for a modeat h, WM ,skwi to pen 4 abort S,T.,".h frn,.ark.K . JautotitoaraphT. At first he refuaed. nyi 'erieasKeI. !, th When the ronorter be Kan to 'She cannot turn from the naked ! coax him, he stopped him, took up hla pen.' and wrote at follow; "On an ' Mow It doea, ' rival lt Loudon It waa Mr. Barrle'a "Thia is an extravagant 'age. My are ' ' ,.rll"oa J father had a much hett. r income than r1 Igar. Though the author oj I haw; vet I spend dollars where he,'" Nicotine' doe -not hlmaelf snent dimes." -t ioke. hi grocer meaaa ire-boy doe. , "Ah, yea; you meaaat the aaloon.", ,r- rrie p auiu.. w lie leevia it ou ripe cnmnuu, i , - . BewBdered. "John Henry, I.'ll thrash yon sound ly if I ever catch yon telling another story that isn't true." . "And yet, ma, I heard yon say to the minister that I had great imagina TIm ShortMi Way eotetvialtjdiat Rheumatism Neuralgia btoasa St Jacobs Oil Vtilcb affcrdi Mt ostr am nM. M a pnmtn cure. H trxtti. wMust, and tods th anflerita. VriXM, 25c. and 50c Andrew Carnegie I only a few Inch- Incarceration In a fortrea aud aen day ordinary arrtit It la aitauuird that their offenae wera not of ucb heinous character a thoa of the non-eommlasloned officer. Xu one tae, however, aa offleer wa aeiitemnsd to two months' Imprisonment ud wa dltmtaaed front the service. The heavi est sentence wa that which waa lm poeed upon tb oon-comralaaloned offl eer BrWdenbach, of tb Furtb OunrvU regiment, who waa condemned to eight years' Imprisonment for a very lr ftbmber of aggravated cruelties Inflict ed upon th men of hi company. Tb case hit been mont numerous among th luf entry and artillery; there his been only on case In tb. Cavalry. B far th larcest number of caaee Close Eaoago. ," First Cat Willie Fuser and Tommy Kittie had mtini. . inch taller, and John Walker. Ue otner , ih. lm. Second Cat Which beat? .fmomlwr of the trio who revolutlJhlited ' . h nil ituiit Hva too manufacture or steei. uaa rup j mAnth. tn Savour. Jt must be remem- rs alnve Ore feet in height V Henry ,v. ..,,,.(. mnflinrrnL wher la milk-drinking contest last W. rhlpps hispid partner. Jwt ao panaiuM inflicted amounted to . 'Inch Uller, and John walker. Ue otner toU J'ixet Cat Tommy Kittio, by a lap, , T " 1 , a little the better of both Carnegl Pirn's rnra 1 a rood couth aiediclna. ..... '. . - .. . Ithaacnmi ci.Khi .a,.d cohia for forty na rmpp. m ror Herery v. w yean. At dnipuuit. cent. Testing a New Bwaa. "Say, old man, let's go out and have a time tonight." "What are yon celebrating?" ' "I've just thought out a new excuse turti,er down th block, as the to mention to my wife." Harper s Bazaar. his head would just about reach to tb shoulder of a man ot cxi'.ims height. It la said that one day, when these four steel masters were walking together on the streets of Pittsburg, a boot black called ont to hi beslnes rival mil lionaire passed: - h, Jlmtny. ( git Need, however, that th lYtwalao con tingent represeuta mer than threa fourtha of th whwfe strength Of th Genua army. ' DESTINY Or HUMAN 80UL.S. onto der runts!" X Walking home front School, the ,her day, some children were discussing the perfection and aaefulnea of tbelr Quite Trwe. "Ef some, young men," said Unci Ftvkri: AS intitlRtri.,na ail.tin' nn fiuers in columns a d.-v i. .ttin' ' Itlve fathers. "My fether's tbe tx-sH in rows on policy slipe, I reckons dey'd m ln the worm." aald one lltUe girl; be savin' money." Washington Star. ." nilaloter. lie make people , 1-6 go" to church," , "Mine to tbe beat." PresMcnt Diaz's Costly Saddle. piped up' another; "he- a doctor. He Col. Cortina of the Slezican army : make sick people well so they can has presented President Diaz with a go to church." Three, or four more saddle that cost 120,000. The colonel j enlarged upon the benefit tbe world has "spent seven years superintending derived from their father, when final- its production. Lover I Dumb. Nell So the engagement i broken off? Belle -Yee. ems she told him una erou didn't, f enouir' i-Press Liver Pills That's .what you need; some thing to cure your biliousness, ma reguiaie your bowels. You need Ayer Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. L&JreSi Want VOur moustache nr hcjirrl a beautiful browa or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE one eveninr-iat waau't half beau- ti toyi vre, and he nent . quick t'iladelphia I W During an nt debate in the house of commons -4 the Irih land biU an opponent of "that measure referred to Mr. W'yndham, chief secretary for Ire land, ho is very handaouie, aa a charming highwaymajg who waa rob bing the British tarycr. Hi critic applied to the chief secretary the epi- tapn on Claiia uuval in Covent Garden church: "Here lie Duval. Beader. if male thou art, look on thy puree; if female, to thy heart." Comes to America to Leara. ' Dr; Beli-ario Saia, a prominent sur geon of Lima, Peru, has started for New York to study the latest advance in medicine and surgery and then re port hi observations. Tb Difference. Mis Languish Mercy 1 Yon don't mean to say you destroy all yW low letters! I save mme reliinouely. -I ly a sweet, blue-eyed little girl aald: "My pnpu's the beet of all. He's a poet" "A poetr said another. In sym pathetic surprise; "why, a "poet Isn't profession! It's a disease."' Borne eurkius anecdote ar. elated of Hermann Zumpe. the Wagnerian conductor at Munich, who died aud denly a few weeks ago. He wa well known to be a spiritualist and be lieved that tbe ghosts of dead compos jvH iusplml bis conducting of tbelr w kit. One day Zuinpe told another conductor ef note bow Beethoven' spirit was present during the perforov a n of one of the symphonies, and so plemted wa the ghost, that, after the end of the first movement, ba-ex claimed: "At lantr, "Ah. my doar fellow," exclaimed tlfl otiier conductor, "surely Iteethoven made a mistake. Ue thought It wa tbe end of the last movement." r. Knew tbe Voice, ; Like many other blind people; the late Mr. Mlibura", chaplain of Coo grei, could identify people by tbelr voice ren wjien he did not know them well, or bad not aeen Ibem for years. This Is not strange when vr remember that Helen Keller, who 1 deaf and blind, can meet ten people at one whom she baa never "seen" be- , aiid when they shake hantis with I t to say good -by, can call them all Mi. Per iKC then MmfTT HT ' know i'mtoiriewbJ)'& -"ff only a few.-Bo.ton -TramPT" '1W-,'"T woicn you one enpt. has -Boston M"ZVL , ll " "'r'""' w"" " TItrtniTe -tfaejoiver amoii tbe blind . t to recognize voices. " '" - - AS OLD AS Once, when Mr. Milburn was oat driving, a man stopped th carriag and beckoned Mr. Mliburn'a friend to come scrws th-' let He went, and the atrap' ; "WhV IS 20 year old JinvUf Milburn wa In the dining with my father. If he will know me by my volee." The two men went back toJIr. Mil hum' carriage. Tbe trangts aald: "Dr. Slilburn, do yon Jtpoy mer' ' "Tea, air, yon are the son 6f my old friend, tbe publlher'r. Harper," Mr. Milburn . bad uot Ji-ard the vole for more than thirty years. Not long before Mr. Milburn died Bishop Cranston visited him tod en tered tbe room without having hi that blood poison existed among the ancient baa teen proven beyond question. It has been traced back thousands of years, and ia as old as the Pyramids. This blighting curse has been banded down from nation to nation and from individual to individual till it has spread to all parts of the worlds Contagious blood poison, as it is called j'n modern times, begins with a email sore or ulcer through which the virus enters the blood. This is followed bv i station and swelling of the glands of tSe groins, a red eruption breaks ont on the body, sores appear in the mouth and the threat u.nnlu ..t j as the disease takes a deeper hold and. the blood becomes more thoroughly natne announced. When be spoke, Mr. Infected, the hair and eyebrows drop ont, the skin is spotted with copper-col- MlIl'urn called blm by bis name. Tbey cred splotches, the bones and muscles ache, and it seems to the victim ol ni"1 not mvt tot twenty In years. vuia uiuuaicr aujurge tner is no a sound spot in the whole body I .The horror of this awful disease- can never be told. The one who can- . . - St. r . . . . . cxacis it suiiera rn Doay ana raina, )DarBlr.: and if the poison is not eradicated v A ruHof a serious Mood disorder transmits the taint to bis children, VfcrtfSJaSitPilJSy S& : and Contagious Biood Poison thus- 0th symptoms not ncei.ry tumn. tmes responsible for many of the tSiiSA ti SX&V, hS K - HIS 01 Childhood -Skill Eruptions. - Dd &Poa hl raomranitioo I bcaa TkMry Tbf lb Rplrlt. mt U-rmn4 Maw Pas late tbe ItMstat Ar th bodle of animate inhabited by tb ouI of human villain dead and gone? Don't stiver too hastily at th question, for If It should be answered- finally in th negative science la at -a loss to account for tb alter depravity of th animals. It la ap parent to tb dolleat oterrer that dumb beasts exercise malign lnOu enc over man. Think of the temper ruined by cow that hav kicked over half filled palls of milk. Tbluk of the reputation for truth that bar been destroyed by trout Think of th boa ety that ha been turned Into deceit by th horse, so that tbey who trado n that animal are bywords among t)K-T lea sorely tempted brethren, if. nk of the Indeflnlte prolongatkm of this list that might be mad and tbea cou slder If animal are or are out ant mated by tbe souls of human wretches that bav passed away. Sum such theory must be accepted and It. la not open to doubt that rea enable people will accept this: Tbe soul of the wicked st condemned to pasa lnba animal and to slay there until tbey. have discovered pnxpectlve tenant wor than themselves. This theory ezplalna everything. Tbe liars Inhabit fUb, tbe trtcksti-r bone and tbos given to hutting In become goat. In the attempt to rnd tbelr tenancy by finding saleable successors th evil spirits resort to temptation, with, alas! unfailing success. The half poond trout dropping off tbe hook Baps his tall in ecstatic certainty "hat the angler will proclaim bint a five-pound er at least And the look of human anticipation on tbe face of a goat about le knock some uMtuapectlng per son Into a barbed wire fence ran only proceed from th knowledge 'that tbe resultant exploalon will lower another oul Into th mlr a k stepping Mod for blmself. . Tb theory 1 irrefutable and It general acceptance would help th world to a higher plane. Portland Oregonlaa. . " UNIQUE BIT I0NHOU .CITUR. Soma of tb moat simple tdess of th Inventive genius have proven of tbe.1 most value to humanity, and It I sare to venture that tbe Idea of a Penn sylvania man for a buttonhole cutting scissor will develop Into a wonderful aid to all tbos dressmaker and oth- habit of 0 wnos wr I want iff sea er nav ueen ouiioniioi-cumng scissor Derore. it is true, nut ner is sa affair that combines aa ordinary pair of scissors with on that will it. j. i.' u liter a Co.. rii.Tiio, a ' h vntf ntnd. lr nu t. i. 5r Uie )..( liirrwni.tna !. Kim pti - aa- rbi in all l'(i ui tru,'it. i, sn,l f . 1 Sm'isdv llvlcn euttujf uUliisuuBS istM f Unlr arn, ' V tMWi'H'I'Ill'lliTnW, . Wuw kioiA Mvm, hol lii.. nt. lolwlo. 0. W.IVCtrih Cc l lk lnimUr,wiin 4trmtlr ea Ui MmMt l tnnu tirUMJ ih.rim. trtVi. r bi.iiia, feia rU Illlilf. TMIlnia l Atail's raoout fih ia tmk ftlani All tpo the lurries. A sumll partuhlonmr In Alrdeet brought ticket of strawberTle to tlr minixter very early on Mmly morn linf. "Thank wu. my little tflrl. h said, "tliev ara very beautiful lrrh, But I hop voQ didn't km t her them - tenhiv, which was th llIU daVT "No, air,", replied tho rhtU, "I picked them ttila ni.irnlnif, But the) was gMi' ll day yeatetday.' Htraji etoric. - 'i To Sigstlv. "That new wltea must go," sai1 the tamlltitd of th select boardttiy house, '"What lias alt don?" "Why, when be was to I hi guceU if they wuuld hav tea or she said, 'Same yer drink order.'!'"- Chicago Kecord-Uvrald. Pssee Ctetbea. Paer clothe are the latest notty. A lterlin tailoring bun In now bfterin) rutnplete paper suits for J..V. TU prlwlu give full Instructions (! mranuring one's sell, and the firm six advertise In foreign journals, evhlvntl) esiieetiiig t do an eitxirt btuineM. The material is woven and pressed, of dark cream onW, and apparently not very liglt' Woriu'S I aer Tral lii view. ChlMlsk Amasemsata la Beatoa 'Ar vtttl eiiirtif it tU iifir' aeked the benevolent gelitleman wh take an interest in children. "Certainly not," animvred th llttU Boston boy. "W ar aiiiuslng our selve by the assnniplioa that bmthet WaUlo is an ichthyowuru and that I am a prehistoric man in pursuit ol mm." vtahingtoa Btar. At a la la Mralag. "Seen the comet?" ".ope. Jo us to . . My wlf never ak me fur any eicuse." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Warn! ,. nr m. m. .. .iu llioninmiiMilii lmri la xili wibp imUer. U dflltine aiaehia. rile lr font ata . RLfllRSON MACHINERY CO. rasMOt aast M 1 1 irl n is Ui Portland Oresoa rijjjigiite; j HAD Ail. THE SYMPTOMS. Catarrhal Troubles, Sore Eyes, Scalp Disease, White Swelling. S.Tofula and others just as bad. S. S. S the rreat vegetable blood purifier and t fenic, has long been recognized as a ' radical and sae cure for Contagious Blood Poison, It counteracts the deadly virtsnd cleanses and puri fiea the diseased blood, and under it , tonic effects the eeneral health Im proves and soon all signs of blood H iw. A1W using- It lor torn Urns m piooa was thorousbly clesoaad of poison and mad para and strong iln. S5 twua iihioiiku or It ton lo proD. ertuis. wail r.urln mr blood of boslth, lmprored mr eppettt. i n.V tnoraasad atxength, aud I felt betur lj Thoae Plotwre Puzzle. "Oh, I know wbat's tbe matter with you!" cried Mrs. Tankley. ' "Z'st shor gwgled Mr. Tankley, behind bis psper. "Wat's matter wis uieV" , "Oh, It's plain enottghf You'r hold ing that paper ujld down." "YeiihT Well er I'm tryln' sbolr a puzzle. ' Picture of Booshevelt wls out a hst; must find hat" Philadel. ,vbla Ledger. law mat tMllever a j.8.S.,d iunter or zna loaooeota. LPl"ur oommend it to aU In ad - OdesSa, a city of 400,000 Inhabitants, wabiooamadjojo. lm an orphan asylum at which since " BBf r M. ZWKITZIO. ., JHOT from 03 to 8 per cent of th- In .638WriautBt..bano,fc fau;Wved each year hav. died. oaicliir'lnvestlgutlon showed that this SOTTONB'Jl.e CUriEB. make the llttl sifts in tho cloth and wUl svert all necessity for Uylng down on of th tool ef-seamstress' art for h picking up nf snother. This ar.nngenileDt, wbleh Is made nUIn hv .!.. .... i . . r P-i the disease, drytp tie ,W.kptOT , which ou eziernai signs, dui leave tlie stomacn ... . ni i " " """" uru"sry cutting, to tb en a i .1. . :. of poor nina, hnndii nr iiui.i...j r' ... . poison are gone. The strong mineral remeJlies, Mercury snd Potash, wbkb, f rfl'!L are so often cresenbed for the. iliuu. At- n .. ' ,, ngiiirui and digestion ruined and the svstem iu such condition that the disease usually nrorns in worse lorm than ever. poor. num. - handle of which Isiifflred . r,n-.i. What Hreamalilp Caw Carry. fshsped cutting h'ad which will do Tho railroad car will carry as mucb the buttonhole rwnek In an t r r t . . .1 . ... ... .1 .. . . . -f ....... M , a. o. o. is guaranteea a purely ves-eta- as twenty loams oi norsc couiq naui, wnen in cioin i placed beneath It bleremedy. $l,oooisofferedforpTOof that and the great ocean steauixrs will There Is no danger of It being ml. lrnsiort as niucii as -wo rsiiroad cacs "'a or lost for th worker has It ever can carry. -..' befor her, ss sha does the bther cut. , it contains a single xnineral ingredient If von have blood noiaon writ foe nne ane4t book, describing the different stages' and giving all tbe symptoms, with directions for treating one's self at home. Our physicians will furnish an Information or advice wsmted free of charge. ,"'; Jp:SYSFTPH;inO CO; ATlAZiTAiCJU MSrrlnges may be made In heaven, hut a lot of them end iu th other I place. ; ting necessary In her work, It Isn't always tle long-haired iuan who ha tbe most liraiut, I. rMil f' . I ' "r ts "r I A II oalm rtasaaaa, - , "How pretty Mis tiovlu Wks in white! Who I that girl standing near her, wllh th big. red hsn.UT" "That's her auur. Mi aashes s l Iron Mis tiwvtns' gown." U.i Tribuna. - f . 7 CU Beaaty. Town What a liauyltly creature she Is. Khs has rather a foreign Uk, bssn't elieT Browne Yea: but I'm nr slis's fnna Bin, Her nam Is ;Utrg. ' t'hltsdelphls Pre. . ' i u lisL ilLii Li c seeds ;ait i-.. s-ider is-t" ,,.,(,. t'. I0 i-iwl oij.i4 te. . . . f''ia. . . t- ... I U. V ' If.. lata atr. - W if OK nllA ilie) Kinit Vuu I la vet Always lUiuttbt bus lHirtt tl ai-tiv. - tur of Clias U. s'letcbrr, and m lu--u tiwxlet uuiler l a ix-raouitl supervUlon for over tl veiirs, Allntv im et to tlm-eivs) yott lit thi. Cmntrfetta IntlMtloM a" i .Iint-aa-eTMul " nro but Iprtsnettt, nnt rnttanger t beavltli of CbllJrru-lUperleru') as i;primri. What is CASTORIA CStatorU Is harmlowi subatltuta for uator Oil, rar. Vortts Uropa and H.Mthin hrp, Jt la I'leaanni. rontnin nr(her Uplum. Btorfhia rr other aeer.'..,t ubtaitr. It age) is It f uavrttntr-rv It tteauaya r- and allMva 1 overt. me-a. It cure IurrtM nd Mii l'ulle. It relievrs Tcctrtlna; Troublca. nirwa tVmatltmt -i anil Flutulencv. It szailiitbzta lh t'owl. regulate it, Mnmm-li and llowrt, ctvlny; heittty vr.l rtnturul tl Tho CUildrfO's lK4iacr-Th4S lotlrr'a I rlowd. .. 7 The Kind You- Jlave Always Bgu$ Beaxi uo Signature of '0 r 4 ' eT In Uao'For Over 30 Year mmmmmmmm BJOTMINO SO SOOO tO CMIT?"" f rPtiUQOiAN PQULTk I- 1 I iM . i.i.. e.. . " Jk" aai s u, im Ian jfc7,7 V . aiswaa, a keWM V? "" t T wouvowy as wirHpor tfV..Tr,'r "a. a wM,eflM. i k r ' . , rni inr nil in- - tHwMM r -.ILAw-TS-O CO.. rrtla. Or., (MH Aaatu. VW IkMl Mhtr ia a Met a m4 mm ti iaaeHrt mumIwm. Mwif INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY t SxMt, Htnttr, Ut1i. Vblaa. S ' reful. Itellataa. Altrairlire. tantiKf. TtasKaw BdiUna Bt SS.000 Htm Wars Kw Oaaettaar of U Worl Ksw IUafralsl IHcilaaary aw rm . Urn MtatniMM, lu pmttim' tiy Not 81v terns Sns TMs Md tm-tf F a R S. A Tm la rm aneUlloa.' KamUM 4 wti.). fa ik, tHw M4f. 'a ) 0. MXHRTAM CO, rublUWrs, Spring Bala, Mix. , H. S. A. lA5K. YOUB DtAltB tOt THt 5LICIV&P MADt fAMOUJ BY A DtPUTAnom tWtNDiNC OVtB MODE THAN: I J LIZ I a A nuTlmu v" TOWER i fanmnt, 4 naia ar mao or tn kest maUnal in bltvck er ysllo for all klrvli ef wat MTtSfACTIOM I CUASASTltB IS TOU JTKX TO THt urn rt tub. cku Lazy Liuoir Will, a lorpl h prudurai k,i,iiii, !. I (aond CAC4 HKTH w b. .11 ym, ",V5 Jor ibota atirt awuraa in nlii u Lium, th. lourtBMwl aaMbarsunpi, and ,,; BiawlVeurea. I mill mur ba too .lm M .JT. Huaasa Av., i-aiiwisiia, rs. ae wa, aaaataam .eiauim, riluaui i-iHmt. tittm 0mA M. wwrra wuna riPATION. JM.I. M T. Wl aSia Send for Special Circular StfHKA!SM KltATItJl Sanders Disk ' ; ainlnl u.t nnrl tailrtl nil ! at tl'Ut tat la !'" awina ib aawlaia Mail ai ' abia iii ol , I Kitche!Uewi$4St3ica 1 POttTLAND, - 0IX IKMHft SIAtJItM MtafK WE NAVB FEEUNQS AS WELL AS YOl pt W A WM till p,i,t ra'a. 4ma i iii,ii air r Iraeitot UM)lb, and I I It )-! . Ciriinni In plaia a-,r aaile ttlai SI niuulhl iml.iill.lf mia anf sled vl lalaa taelk aimed. tr. TtlWB I Rlllli. P, Wla u sn sipait at d fends a -its aud auld WISE BPOS., Dentists, SitJZ FOR CHRISTMAS PIANOS AND ORGANS A or full of perfect btaullt oe signed (iprruly for th bolidar Irad Jt J J j j j Urgest, (iiMst eollrcilofl shown at soy sin el ll year J J Jt jt jt The tame low prices and ieaorible terms of monthlf paymenls tfcvall now that do at all other times at our ttcre. Write us for cata loeuci and prices. Christmas tfeUrerf when duired Jt Jt Jt jt Jt J 5' ores 35J Vsihlnglon Stredi rorntr Park, Portland, Orrgon, Epckan and Scittlt, VazMngton, Sa Frsnelscoand Scramnto,Cal ETLERS HANO HOUSH, lb krecst. kading, m.l fT"" andrslUbk plsno tonrns oo lh( PstHUsoast Jt J '' jt I . J.TJ g I : 1 17, 1 ifTTfy11 S "I !