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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1903)
nriT OREGON M VOL. XX. r;"r" - . ; OKEGON, FRIDAY. AUOUHT 14, 1903T NO35 B,'H!1!LB,'II'F' III" " . i I FALL IN MASS. "" III Ml II HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON . nYAhrnin, rrar, I'ltOVESSIOXAL, ;;nTr I't mm; J. B. GODFREY. rn'o!Xcv-jr-un m Estate and Timber Lands Soil "Sun tlallv I, I ... . Tin. f....... f'iBi n... " not "' I tri, "l,l. .. fr.. " "'"''"I'Mi.l, r. o tl nrr lluli(. ,),., rami hawauattar, w,ki,. u, ,. . " uniuf. ST. HELENS, EVENTS OF THE DAY I I GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. LIBERTY VI-RV BBIIJP, ST. AIIHTIUl'TM MAlIKi IIKLKNN, ORKUOtf kr.iMi.laii..n Mi . JOHN A. HKCK PMI.KK IH .11 S. II. CiKUHKR. ronxi:r-.rr-Ltv. Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, (isira with R. K ljuirk, IFWCI dv Kjmiriiifc a SiM'cia.fy. Compr,h.. Review of ,h. lmtmrt am Happenings of the Paat w 1, Presented In ComtcnKd rorm, Most "'"UKk thit "'ing after overpowering Murderers Break Jail al Cheyanne, Wyo, - rwrce struggle with Jailor. Uieyenne, Wyo., Aug. 12. Tom Horn, the condemned murderer of lit tle Willie NUkell. and Jim McCloud, In custody for postodlce robbery, es- ped from the county tail at 8:40 l ikely to Prov. tere.tlng to Our D'",,y hhwilt Pro'tori bt !r "P HT IIKIr-Xa. i t OHXiltlX Will I baal toaraiMiat IKtillnfl la all aal hi.ori aiiliti.lail lu m III piat'llr la ail li. M.i ami i iiiif.i main otiiu, W. II. POWHLL, . TTOHXE i'-J 7'- Li inn tv iiihihiit arroaaav. 1 111 KN. t l OKKUOtt, Ir. Kilwiu Physician ami Surgeon A HT. ilKI.KNa.OKKt.O.V. lr. H. I. C'lilT, Physician am Surgeon A Kl IIKl.KNM'ltKOON. Watts & Price, lK4i.r.a isu Floor and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Qoalitj Shoes Hardware and Notions FOI PORTUNO DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I, Httfkkirk, MaiUr. RAILROAD TIMK. l-aata. M.lnl.r.l.ilt lr Ifmt.l Mnii.ta. kf... t.. mt, mi a M Arnnig f,t,m hi fvrti rtlM'k MaliitHlti lu.u t...n a .. . M, alrrttllt! ai M flrlrtl. .1 I.. Passemers and Fast Freijlit. l"lri..Ml USIUXii. TAVUill KT A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER Ul iuilroad company. Many (trader. eural MIIki da. !. f..p ...... uiisa ior an natloiii. Hopportera of the Iri.l, land hill be- in aage l now aminred. Tl.. a. .ii.i . . ..w uMiaiiiiiv UJuriilw am Im.Ii... ..... nn ..... . . " hi prior io the big aca. Ililrtr llinie more hodiea hav I n ain irom tiie II, mine. laona, Wyoming latino inimu inv LmiMt nu i the moat notiriooa in f ram. haa l.n leairoyea liy Hte. The iiitrnational typonraphical un ion ramromiwl lla uth ninn.l ... ion ai waaiiinlgon. lunny Katge r4lea Ixttwero Great nritaln and tl,. I nited Hiatus dwiiiwl imprariicable. A hanaa wi man lout a lutll m a "in ronlalnlng 7,600. liailroad de- i tivi 0Uj it ,r ,,er i Canadian Tacltic railroad hit tutod after a brief but ezcltine chata. The ringing of fife belli brought hun- drodaof armed cltUena to the acene and It looked for Mme an IbooKh a lyn hing would lake place, bat the et- aipm were hurriedly brought hack to Hie Jail and placed in their eel li be- lore the crowdi could form tbemaelvea into mob. The men did not get hot two blocka iwy Wore they were re- tiiann. Ihe plot which led to their encarje " wen planned. Horn and McCloud were the only priaonera confined on me upper floor of the jail. The oc cupied atoel eel la, eo arranged that tuuiinumuiiion waa cctnuarntiTely . inn morning McUload com plained to Deput Proctor of lin lit nu mjnented aonie medicine and glani of water. Uponlreturnini with the articlm acked for, be dimovered tliat the men had left their eel la which were not locked, and had walked to (he end of the (orridnr thrz-noh wincn mey were allowed to emm Work SUMPTER MINES. NEW NATURALIZATION LiWl Oovcrnor Announce Provlalooa Agalnat Illegal Immigrant a. For the Information of all concern ed In Oreerm nnrn n...k..i.i. wougar mine, run tunnel will open I K , :, -...c..o.u up the three veina on the nroru.n nag ma,I Public a letter received br Ore atiaaying floo to the ton la being I nlm ,ron the department of state 4t waahlngton. D. C, calling attention Improvement and Development Programing Rapidly. Another croaacut tunnel la holnr driven on the Modoc mine In the uougar mine. Thla tunnel will Oaiiv. TATIt oaiiv. .S-aiUKHWt', Oli'jjou. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG ... 1 TaiiMai o l a. I --.- w. r a w. lot ......... mm,mmm. wmmit i rrnut, Hmtimi a (.,l.,,, ,mdar, l n.., ,a H.I., at I a ai. Steamer NORTHWEST l.r., IWllaml Mondav. Wmlnlv n i r Hday nighia at at 10 p. m., for the "!" l"i'" abova and To wn, ira.'hlng ler ..i,, ml ,0 a. in. mi Hi Mluwliitf ,la ilie lt Iravwi Tllo at nn. and' .iH'hii al 6.3)in the a(trnHn lhtir.lav and hundava, aM u .lm0Bai. 1 HOI. MAM. ntcvicao 13 EST " 4 l.i I'.iiil.nil ti ll in vi, W I , Im.1.1 to u'. (, l ( . Halitlvr . ti ' r'r.ral.l w a u, W 1 ,, M..,n .'.') ; W M i W i,n. f , K 1 M 10 00 i I i.l.l.m. ,m ; j, 10 ID Ml Mai.hlaixl 9 0: ; j iu ;i :i ; r.ii.ii 7 n mi m m i iWioh i u t , 10 .7 at t kn.itl , !.'. I; I. m mt HiriiMMi., air a; 11 II i I John par ; V a jo II ai , Ailnlla I I ? , Iwlared a dividend of S'i per cent for When Proctor Ojiened the door to the corriuor, oe waa pounced upon by the io men and KM-urelv boand with rd w hi. h thev had Been rod manner. Horn and McCloud demand e-1 tint he give them bin key and al though Proctor bad them on hit person n ri'piku mat toey were locked up i i ne aaie. Proctor was then conducted to the the ail month jntt ended. mains wuranr oi rniiauelptila nave given up their strike. Over 10, nave ra'.urord to work. Grain field flrei near f!akerfi.-ld, Cel., lav deatroyed tlmiinndi of arte of wheat and pasture, a i a i a w la il aj) lu u pi II' IV All inNfc. rl.M .1 ImiI.i lll farltu. iralna l an, I lhr I..I .uj ....iul miIhI. Al Pufllaii-I allkall ifalu. Ira. ma Ciiiaii .ti.i. At At!'rta wllh I, M A N in lnal ami tail pMa ali'l ilfanirr 1 I foliai 10 ali'l pim llaaii aul Nmili h t.ltil. r.wi.fri.L.t I4lnrl. rtraay mIiiu mini fUi nit al II.Millon 1 raili. will .li.ii In lal na. l.i. nil .1 IPiiiMmii a hfa r.Miillis Irom 1111 11M aa.l ..(H..I.I, J. nai a. i.ra lat. At-. Amnria. Or Thru. IL.........I I !.rik. CrippFeCrck i. 0,. d"'B ""' ' " to p ahipmenU to ameller. , ..Inning , ',,')red' .b.ut .on op"'" tl" to grant H-hour day. ilia Inaurrwtionary movement Macedonia ia spreading. tntelty of ni'ble to their Aaerican ivet will fonv many to axk lot di von ea. Chinese of .New York have the sale, Proctor snatched from inside gun and turned on . the m-:n. The? w ii too quick for him, howover, and soon bore him down. In the brief struggle Proctor fired hi revolver them four times alightly wounding jicviouu The shooting attracted the attention P- of Heputy Know, who hastened to the titionml Secretary lay lo taie Ihe re- Uene, but waa met at the doorway by (fir maa ra I i . . ' . laliarlallr naiataailr ifrikllraa. Neat from all the wnrld-Wfll ritlen, original aUjrlea An wrra lo iur,rlra Articles on ilraltli, the lloiue, New flocks, and un Work A Unit the Farm and Harden, Is a niembcr of the Associated Press, the Duly Woslern Newa pser receiving the entire ule graphlu nes service of the New Vork Bun aud special cable of the New York World dally re pot ! from over 2.W0 aiiei-ial rorrespondeiil throughout the country. YEAR QNE DOLLAR lufcsrrlae far The ONI VOI !WIT las Wa.klf later caa la paaer lar l.40. rj ion po POrtTl.atD, U4II.V -IIIIMO America" Wiilamett Slough Route lave H. Ilrletit . Arrive at Purtland lA-ave Portland Arrive al Ht. Ilrlvnt :30 A M I0. A M il : P M IH P M 4 It: 40 ! ;) I a. Will I'arrv Nnllilns but l'an- rr. and la-t Freight. former. Henator Morgan saya, foraker and not Hooaevelt, will lie Ihe republican nominee for president. Sa'e erackera blew open a safe with in two blocks of the police station at Portland and secured flftO. The poe gave his blessing to the world from inside and not Irom the balcony at waa hoped by many. 0 plain Charles J. Rarclay, of the Puget sound navy yard, is now ranking ofneer on the list of navy captains, A Ifatticahurg, Mia., mob chiseled into the fail, secured tiie negro who shot a jailer, and then hanged him. President liooevvelt and Secretary Root did not eulogise Miles because they felt that he was not deserving of praise, A tornado swept the mining district of Pituhiirg, Kan., killing four, wounding BO and doing great damage to projerty. Lieutenant General Miles has tired. McCloud, who had secured possession oi a snoTgnn in some manner. Snow retreated and Horn and McCloud es caped through a rear door of the tail alter binding the arms of Deputy Proc tor. .Mi-cioiki eei-ured the only horse in the therifT's stable and mounted the animal and tUited toward the weat. Horn ran in the opposite direction. BUTTE JAIL YAWNS. It J 4 H . a t.iion. Via. lar. AAAAAAAAVW VVWVVWVA4 !, BO YEAUr V1 tXrIHHNCK D 1 FXMXffuVrf .A . Tnaof Marks CoevaiOMTS Ao. AntimaaanSlii a.aalrli an ilaaonwinn aaa aalcalr aaiwlaln our iplnu.n rraa whacbar aa I. arobal'lf palaiilaala. I uniniuiilra lluti. .irimlv atintil.iillal. Italiilbiwk ou Calaul aaul f'aa. OMaal aaaiirr liw aarMniia Salanu. palania lakaa thnmall Munn A To. racalTS aafrtai arflta, allhiml Wr la Ik Scientific Jfitcrlcatt. haailaomalr Illn.lrala4 aaatlr. I arta.1 He. mlalliin ul any ti-laiitln r'limal. lira... S.I a an limrmi.iiitu.IL SuM brail naaKlralara. MUKN Co New York M,iVt4 iiaicV ca r tt- Waakioaiua. P. C. How About Your Title? ! 1 9 tt Ydtt Hit ft K It It all I JV KKt oKPIIiai siivarn.. J rai'i'nia ami ahow wlial I p mam ifresf rlihl? Hainaintwr Dial It ll tit II it our liiiaiuraa In araivh lha Ihay i-nulalii lu mlailnn In Unit i.i. l.u.liia la.u.1 nr liialll HB lllolll'T un rrai a.lal. -nurlly, lakn no main vmnl. bul Iml.i iiikiii kuimlm wlial Ihe rmor.1 .Low. r.nlln lli.ilila. A""'";'' 'L" JV .1!? aitoixt. Hiatal on having II. Wt hava lh onlv a. ol alulra l.uoka In ilia ,-ouuly. AlTwiirk ami auaraiilaail. II ymi hav .roK.nv lu liiautealvauaa mil. We ar, aamil. lor lha lial Ilia Hiaiiraiii , Ihe "orM. II vou have propari) lur aal lll It wllh us ami wo will ti1 h)r. . E. QUICK & CO., jr. hucms. ontooH Roocevelt is iii favor cf a more elas tic currency. Bulgaria will be neutral in the Mace donia trouble. Mere Russians have bten killed hy troops in lalmr troubles. Fire at Barcelona, Spain, rendered 3,000 families homeless and destitute. Mayor Tom I., Johnson, of Cleve land, Ohio, will be a candidate for gov. ernor. Foreign conauli will not allow the delivery of reformers to China for ex- I edition. Cane Colony will not be represented at the 1D04 fair as whs originally the intention. An Insane man hat been killed .by officers by mistake In searching for the Folsoai convicts. Toiie Pius gave Canlinal Gibbons private audience at which he expressed his interest in America. T. A. Wood, a I'oi Hand attorney, may be debarred for practices in prose. cuting Indian war veterans' claims. Wlllard S. Allen, a prominent Boston attorney and treasurer of Methodist 0 resellers' aid society, has confessed 'O nmbesiling (80,000 of the society's funds. A fire at Fort 8cott, Kan., caused loss of 70,000. Gorman feels confident of Demo- ratlc success in 1U04. Greatest Clubbing Combina- Ction) TWO WKKKLY l'APKUS FOB THK OF (INK (1 UKATK8T BAKUAIN IS GOOD RKADING. Bv a tpeciHl arrangninent we aro able to furnish Tim Omkoon Mist mid THK WKKKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price for both papers: far line tear In Aal vaiice.l.50 terMIx irioulkia In Advance, 15e The Weekly Jouriitt), of Salem, Ore., fvliita most Inside news about our state government and the full legislative proceedings. Just what you want for the coming session. The Journal is a large right pnge paper full of tclcgmphio newt of the whole world. Sam pie copy furnished free upon Inquiry at office. Russian troops hive whipped and otherwise cruelly treated striking I bor ers. Lewis, the colored Folsom, escape, has been retaken at Auburn, shot in ihe legs. The gross earnings ol the Union Ta- ,'lfio for the past year bIiow an increase if I ,574,900. Navy yard ofacers refused to eat with 1 colored officer, but were not backed up by the officials. Seattle thieves took a safe from the Washington hotel and blew it open in be heart of the city. Fifty Filipinos have been sent to prison for long terms for participat ing in raids on towns. General Miles' desire for national G. A. R. honors Is causiug great discord and my disrupt the organisation. Murderer and Highwaymen Escape Eaa- lly-Oct the Drop oa the Jailor. Butte, Mont., Aug. 12. Three mur dorers, two under sentence of death, 1 stage robber wauled In Wyoming and two highwaymen, escaped from the Sliver Bow county jail ehoitly after i o'clock this evening, without any diffi culty. The men who escaped aie L. L. Felker, who escaped once before Charles Lenox and James Maitin. J, ft. Wools, alias Joe Rodgere. and Pat rick Kodgert Frank Oestroff is wanted in Cheyenne for holding up a stage coacii. ine latter and Joe Rod gers were caught within an hoar after they escaped. Oeitroa wee armed. Oi stroff and Rodgert planned the de livery. Oeatroff compl lined of beine rick and a doctor was called in. When the jailor opened tiie corridor, Oetroff dropped a revolver on Jailor William IKilan, and then took the kers from him. Oestroff Uien. with the aid of Joe Rodgres, opened the cells of the prisoners, and the jailor was overpow ered. Oestroff kept Dolan at hay while' the other prisoners walked out of the jail. One of them secured a revolver from he jailor's office. Lenox and Martin went out the rear war of the jail, and the others cooly walked out the main entiance. Oestroff was run down oy a horseman, and was completely ex h,aDHted when caught. taken from the old workings. A complete holatlna plant haa been oroered by the Prairie Diggings man agement, which will be installed im mediately upon Ita arrival. The shaft is now down 80 rMt. The vein of the Dliie sroun has rie veloped a width of 60 feet. This property ia located on Granite Boul der Creek about four miles from the wonderful Mornina mine In the ureenhoru district. The May Queen management Ie 10 me sew provision of the United States naturalization laar Th.. new provisions took effect ii.i nf provide that, in order to be 1903, Walk at Baaeball Park Olves Way, Kin. Ing Four People. Philadelphia, Aoe. 11 , sons are dead, at least 12 are thonVht w De latally Injured, and fully 160 others are hurt, some seriously, a, the result o an accident which occurred &,' J,lIPb.- National 4... para, a board walk JeH to the street, carrying 200 spec.' Two games were tchedaled beween T 'bi""lePi this afternoon .... KUiHi orew over 10,000 per- sons to ths ball park. The accident oenrred at 5:40,. Mock and waTindi. rectly due to a on.,. I f I run k art . , "lawil IWO I r. . , me srreet. TL. KT. tin.l . : 'SV : . T . " anuB ,re D" t of steel end brick, the brick wall extend in, m tire y aronnd the g ronnds. At thl t valid, a court recom nr tlosj must show that the person nat uralized Is not onnnaeH In a I! nr..n. ised government nor affiliated wirh any organization so opposed; that he does not advocate the unlawful as saulting or killing of officers of the now eroctinr a hr.iirr .v.. government; that be has nnt i,.iat.H property, ft will be capable of sink ' .th,e Provisions of the said act ! heavy weiirht Man h ing to a depth of 600 feet. The May lT'f1? '"migration of aliens iDj on the wllk ia ne ubs enmpuea with Queen Is in the Red Boy district. The machinery recently received here foi the hoisting plant of the Midway group is now being rapidly installed A sawmill Is also being erected. An order for BOO more cords of wood has been Klven by the K. & E management. This wood is being de livered at the hoist building, which no doubt means the extensive oper ating or the plant. Ore for shipment is now being sacked by the Valley Queen manage ment. A winze Is being sunk, and has encountered a high grade of quarts. The new sampling mill recently erected by Arthur r McBwen is com pleted and a teat run has Just been made on ore from the Flora M. prop erty near town. the complete satisfaction ef owners. The management of the Copper opolis property located In the Quartz burg district, announces that work will be resumed in a few days. The main crosscut tunnel is now In over 600 feet. A drift has also been run on copper ledge. This drift will be extended over 100 feet. lha terms of previous acta on the .,,mw 11 J 11.UII BUZBIIOD. ine new act also reauires thai every certificate of nanraiiatinn shall specifically recite that the pro- '""" i mis ana previous acts have been compiled with, and if It fails In any particular It is null and void. The aci maaing the additional regulations n"pravea on March 3 ENLARQE THB RESERVE. More Lane Withdrawn From Settlement la Oregon City District. Nine townships of land In riacba. mas. Marlon and Linn counties have been withdrawn from reiilsm The mill worked to I telegraphic orders from Acting Com- me 1 "iinmuner 01 me uind once Flmple. uc ruwnsnips are rrom 5 t0 13 ). luslve In ranee 4 pant immi.i.i. adjoining the Cascade forest raaarvo on the east. Each township contains 3.040 acres, and the whole number of acres In the nine townships with 2rawa Is 207.360. All of township 11 and two-thirds of township 12 are un surveyed land. Of the whole area withdrawn from settlement. 81,320 seres are vacant land, of which . 400 acres are unsurveyed. ine action of the general land ofBee is construed to mean that the interior lepartment is desirous of extending! the reserve. SECURES RIOHT OF WAY, People Who are Behind the Oregon A Pacific Hard at Work, While they are saying but little tht people who are behind the Oregon Pacific Railroad are working diligent ly, and a railroad line from Grantr Pass to Crescent City will undoubt edly be a reality within the next year Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper, chief engineer of the proposed road, is a very busy man. looking after the but veying or tne ttne, and the manage- ment of the Waldo Smelting t Min ing Company a copper properties at waldo, In Behalf of Shuaaw Harbor. The Commercial Club, nf c,i..n. an uiuursea a netitlnn nrananj v.- O. W. Hurd. of Florence whlr-h win be presented to the secretary of war iuu i-uuKress on nehair nr ih. i..n, of Oregon, asking the government to .uininue wen commenced mnrma ucuio 011 me letrv in lha Hfitain. v.. 1 - . - "-"'" "1" our. ine petition bore th injn... of the left field seat., .d extending romthegrandnUndto the bleacher. which overhnng the street. It win this walk that . T.M J a-KWa Sjauaa An Ihft aA a log on the walk . JZL 'TTT diaturbame In the street. They leaned . . ..uuuin, ana arew the atten. ion of the other snec.ator.4tX, the top row. o the bleacher.. The, omirred what is seen almost ever, day t a ball game-, rosh to see bit the other specutors were looking at. :fif8 .Wa'k t9rme overcrowded, and without a momeot", warning 200 feet of it (ell to the sidewalk, SO be low, carrying .11 wbo 'Were Tn There were probably 3,000 person, .iu ting on the left field bleacher, and the roar made by the falling tjffiber.cre! ted. panic. i.Untly the .pect.tora r.?" misee nd msh down m ?u?Dl iDto tha tf'y Held. Men and boys climbed over one.nother in their effort to earan .vi gronnds J Notwithstanding what had 't:'1 P!v.r.Mdth. mad rush, but thev were swept aside in thai. - 17. 7. efforto. and several person, were badly hurt in the crush. ' Be Re. wno are me principal DicKere of ,h " . ; . '"w of the new road. Colonel Draper 7rZl i,V .8J"uTfgal,on ln. v have aecured rieht nf rV.T' '1 . ... . l . Present In states that they have secured right of way for more than three-fourths of the road from Grants Pass to Gas quet. Cal.. and have selected all of the stations on the line. At each of the places where stations have been selected ample rights of way has been given not only for a depot but also fot sidings- Portland and will brine lha um. ter before the commercial bodies of ""1 cuy. uaier oe wiil visit San r.auciaiu ana secure ni,i tmm .. . , LC anippers mere. Au Coming Events. Ninth annual regatta. Astoria. gust l ll. State fair. Salem, September 14-19. Second Southern Oregon District fair, Eugene, September zS-Octoher S. summer association of the North west Indian agencies, Newport, Au gust 17-27. Klamath county fair. Khmath rails, October . Good roads convention. Jackaea- vllle, AuguBt IS. Fruitgrowers' convention. JacSsoa vine. August 15. Teachera' institute. Tillamook. Julv 2 31. Knights of Pythlaa convention. As toria, August 20-Z1. Teachers' institute. La Grande. Au gust 17 11. Senators on a Sandbar. Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 12. When the steamship St. Paul left Nome 10 days ago, United States Senators Nel son, of Minnesota; Pattersou, of Colo rado, and Dillingham, of Vermont, were stuck on a sandbar in the Yukon river, 200 miles above Nulato. Thee senators compose part of the senatorial committee appointed to investigate Alaskan affairs. After visiting Skng way and Juneai, they went to Dawson and inspected Klondike mines. They started for the mining camp, on the Lower Yukon on the steamer Van Vleet. Trappings for National Quant The ad infant-general's ofilce of the Oregon National Guard has been no tified that a shipment of 9S9 Unltei states rifles and 60 carbines, to gether with bayonets, belts, scabbards slings, etc.. Is on the way to Portland and will arrive here in ample time for the annual encampment in Septem Gold Fever la Clackamaa. ureal excitement, not wlihnm vaurc, uievaus in in. nniitrm ... of Clackamas county because of the rcceni oiscoveries by ocal minin. i-.irenuiajyuuia in; immensely pay ing quantitiesSiajr' been located on claims that hawNjjieen repeatedly -Ui7u nun pmsDecteavTor the in ten years, buthe hidderialth was ujer aiscioeea oerore. Samies that will assaytietween 12000 and atwnn me iuu save oeen brought to Orejron -."J j me tuitrn-aiea nwn.ra in. iwuae excitement exists. Warships at Regetta. a telegram has been nvoivAit h the Astoria regatta committee from the secretary of the navy, stating that the gunboat Alert had been ordered to Astoria for the regatta. Assur ances have also been received from Secretary Moody that the New York. Marblehead and Bennington - will be ordered here if they return from the aiasxan cruise in time. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 76 78c: blue- ttem, 7881c; valley, 7980c. Hour v alley, 13.60(33.85 oer har. her. There will be nothing lacking In I rel ; lard wheat straights, $3.60(33. 85; the new equipment of the home sol hard wheat, patents, II. 10(4.80 aiery. The selection of an encamp ment site hangs fire on account of the railroad rates. It is expected that r decision will be reached this week as to where the mobilization will take place. Broad Hint to Power. . London, Aug. 12 The Time, prints a dispatch from Shanghai, which says that the anniversary of the capture id Niu Chwang was celebrated, and that M. Grossee, the Russian administrator. issued formal invitations for the inaug uration of the Russian civil adminietra-l tion building, and that this was Inter preted as equivalent to the declaration to the representatives of the other pow ers that they could not claim a footing of equality or right, in this pjrt. Meteor's Blsze of Light. Chickasha, I. T., Aug. 12 During a heavy thunder storm last night, a meteor fell here with blaxe of light and a shower of spark, that lit up the country for miles around. The aerol ite strut k the earth In the back yard of Mrs. Sarah Sibley. Mrs. Sibley was severely stunned. A terrific ex plosion occurred as the meteor struck and incandescent fragments flew in all directions. The tulephoue system was wrecked. Insane Population 0 rowing. The report of Superintendent J. F Calbreath. of the state insane asylum for July, shows that during the month the population nf that Institution in creased from 1324 to 1332. During the month 38 new patients were re ceived and one escape returned. Fourteen pntients were discharged. 16 died and one eloped. Of the pa tients enrolled July 31 there were 939 males and 393 females. The av erage expense of maintenance wan 19.31 per month, or 30 cents per day The total value of articles consumed was $6316.39. Large Oat Crop. The yield of oats in Clackamap county -this year will be the laraest of any year I have ever witnessed." said County Treasurer Cahlll. who has lived In that county for 30 years, in discussing crop conditions. "Wheat Is also generally good throughout the eounty, continued the speaker, "and I forecast . good yield of that cereal." The hay crop In Clackamas county was exceptionally large and it has been years since a large crop of fruit of better quality has been harvested there. Harvest season Is late. To Train Kindergartens. The professional department of rhe Weston State Normal School has been enlarged by the addition of the chair of applied kindergarten. Miss Violet Elizabeth Bowlby, of Astoria, haa been elected to thla position. uraham, 13 S.TS; whole wheat, 13 611(31.00: rye wheat, $1.00. Barley Feed, $20 per ton: brewinn. $21; rolled, $21021.60. Oats No. 1 white, $1.07W: erav. $1 05 per cental. Millstuffs Bran, $23 per ton : ml I. dlings, $27; ihorts, 123; chop, 18; iiuat-eu uairy 100a, f is. Hay Timothy, old, $20 per ton: new, $14(315; clover, nominal: Brain. $12; cheat, nominal. Butter Fancy creamery, 20(9 22 per pouna; dairy, nominal; store, 16 17c. Cheese roll cream, twins, 14c; oung America, 14c; factory prices, t(i ,sc lesr. Poultry Chickens, mixed, lla UlsC per pound; Bpring, 6(utl7o; hens, 12(12Sc; broilers. $2(3 per ovsen; turkeys, live, 10(21 12c per pound; dressed, 14 (ft 15c; ducks, $1(6 per dozen ; geese, $ncrH.50. Eggs Oregon ranch, 19(?20c, Potatoes Old Burbankt, 70 75c per sack, growers' prices; new pota toes, Oregon, 80e$l per sack; Call- fornla, lc per pound. Wheat Sacks In Iota of 100, Sc. Beef Gross steers, $3.75(34.25; dressed, 8,S7.lg'c per pound. Veal 80 per pound. Mutton Gross. $3; dressed, 69 6c; lambs, gross, $3 60; dressed, 7c. Hogs Gross, $5.6005.75; dressed, 7c. 1 Hops 1902 crop, 15(9 16c per pound. Tallow Prime, per pound, 4(5c; No. 2 and grease, 2s(93o. Wool Valley, 17(2 18c; Eastern OCEAN TAKING ISLAJNDS. laamota (iroap Is Destined to Claimed by Waters. Papete, Tahiti, July 26, i Sw ancisco, Au. 11 T. that the Wends known variously a the i-ow. Archipelago, or Tnaaotn group are destined to be rcl.i,-j v.- .u" o p .;. . . . - "J w rn- .u. j-aei January they were wept by . flood composed of high waves from the ocean and lesser one. from the inclosed lagoon., .nd in cZ sequence nearly 600 of the inhbitto were drowned and property to the val ue of $500,000 was de.froyed Ind now six month, later, fierce gale. i!',hwe8t d theat h.v. agam caused great surging crest to sweep over some of the Ijlandg. So far only -four person. ., said to have perished but the fear is great that H. distressing list of fetal. The steamer Excelsior suffered mnch damage during the eerie, of gale, while she was on her trip from Tahiti to the Marquesas eronD. Threa nf -p I - a r- WaaV A UtBljU otu island, were under water to such an extent that tha Inh.Mi-.. w.j climb cocoanut traa 1... Houses and store.. --j . ' 1 - m unaiiy the cocoanut tnwa j... while the inhabitanta h..i . .1 ' ,', to death. " t"" REBELS ARB ACTIVa Mace Ionian Uprialng Affects More Cities -uynamixe Being Frccty Used. Constantinople. Auir. ll TV.. i. surrectionary mcvemeot in Macedonia appear, to be widening. Bands are reported to be active in the Sanj.k oi Usknbandthe district or Krushevo, where the government telegraph office, have been dynamited, whila in tha jj trict of Dibra four Rni,ari.n .m. have risen, provoking a corresponding ris ng in tne neighboring Albanian villages. According to the ititamaai. of the porte, however, the authorities have succeeded in calming the Alban ians and induced ' them In Mtnn . their homes. King In Fear for His Life. Cologne, Ann. 11 Kino p.i i Servi. is being openly terrorized by hi. eutorage, according to the Belgrade advice, ol the Cologne Gaaetta. Ma,i of the present oonrt officials who par ticipated in the murder of King Alex ander and Queen Drags appear to have objected strongly to the appointment of Colonel Leiscbjanin, the Servian at tache at Constantinople, to the noat of court martial. The official gazette vaa. terday contained the aDnointmant W shortly after it. publication all copie. of the gazette were called in. Urges Brazil to Increase Navy. New York, Aug. 11 While discuss ing naval estimates in the chamber of deputies, Thomas Cavaleante ha., ac cording to a Herald dispatch from Rio Janeiro, wiied the member, of tha pos sibility of foreign aggression and plead ed that Brazil should place herself in position to oppose the attack, of a European country. Particular .tree, was placed on danger of agrgseslon by Germany, and the deputy urged that Brazil build np . navy at once. Fleet Not Off for China. Washington, Aug. 11. The nvjr de partment today authorized . denial of the report that the Europe n squadron is destined to Chinese and Japanese waters. It is stated that the ciulsa of the squadron will probably be confined to tbe Mediterranean until Decern ha. next, when the entire squadron will sail for the West Indies to take part in the naval maneuvers arranged for next n-'SiiaainiVairrw