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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
General Debility Day In and out there Is that feeling oi weakness that make a burden of itself. Food docs not strengthen. Sleep does not refresh. It la hard to do, hard to bear, what could be easy, vitality la on the ebb, and the whole system suffers. WAX CANDLES IN DEMAND. For this condition lake Hood's Sarsaparilla It Tltalltes the blood, gives vigor and tone to all the organs and functions, and la positively unequalled for all run-down or debilitated conditions. BoJD's Fills curs eouaiipaUoa. 3$ cants. His Inherited Dramatic Talent. Mies Blanche Booth, niec of Edwin Booth, baa established a dramatic school at Minneapolis. She was for merly a member cf her ancles com pany and played Ophelia at hia Hamlet. rtodern Conveniences. On day my little three-year-old brother was visiting at oar neighbor's. He came borne veiy much excited and aid: "Mamma, yon ought to have a pnmp like they have at Caoiery's. You turn it like gafOline stove and water ccmee out like a washing machine." tittle Chronicle. No Longer a Mystery. "I have often wondered,' observed the doctor, "at the extraordinary popu larity of 'D xie.' People always ap plaud whenever an orchestra begins to play it . Why is it?" The professor was silent a long time, "Well," he said at last, "I have sometimes thought it was because everybody liked the tune." Chicago Tribune. An Objection. "No," said the. friend, "I don think your sew type of American girl will create anything of an artistic stir. "Why not?" asked the artist, in at one of indignant disappointment. "Because her legs are not to 3 long nor ber waist too short Iu fact, she looks too much like a human being to be accepted as artistic" Washington Star. THB WHITE SIMMER QIRU She Is a Symphony in White and Her Teeth Should Match. The girl w ho now plana to go off on bar summer vacation recognizes that is a white year. Everything in the line of feminine apparel is white by preference. hits is all the fashion, White dresses, white ribb ns, white bats, white stockings, even white trim sning on the bathing dresses. White parasols, indeed the summer girl la symphony in white. Jiow comta the point we wish espec ially to make. Do you think this beautiful vi ion of white lovlineea, this summer girl In all ber white costuming looks well when she open her mouth to laugh and bows a yellow set of teeth? Heaven forbid that any dainty wo man who expects admiration this sum mer, from those who look open her will forget the absolute necessity having her teeth white, clean and per lsct. Before yoa go to the coast, or to tb country, for yonr vacation, go to W11 Brothers, the famous dentists in the Falling building, Portland, Oregon and have your teeth put in good order The cost is very moderate and the pain nothing. of Outdone. "He doted on Alice and would have married her but for her mother." "Ah, her mother " "Yes, her mother was still more at tractive. Detroit Free Press. la Sunny Kansas. Drnggiet's Clerk See Old Limping Wolf what a brown study he is in He's wrestling with a tremednous prob lem. Druggist What's that? Trying to figure out bow be can get a drink in a prohibition tow- On, that's the trouble, eh? And thereupon the kind druggist conducted the noble red man to the back room of the store, and the Indian problem was quickly and eaei y solved. Uncomfortable. Finnicne I wonder why it is that those who attain the pinnacle of sue obes never seem to be happy? Cynnicus Because the pinnacle of success is like the top of a particularly tall lightning rod with a particularly snarp point, and tbose who succeed in perching temporarily upon it usually find that tbey are targets for all the world's lightning. 10O ItEWAItD SJiOO. Ths readers of thii paper will be plettd to jeam mat mere ia ai lea.u one areaaea aiaeaa Ibat seieuee bit been able to cure in all Us states, ana that iscatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tne only positive cure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional die eaae, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care ll taken internally, actios directly upon the blood and mucous lurlacea ol the iyatem. thereby detroying the founda tion of the dia-ae, and giving tbo patient strength by building up tbe constitution and mating nature in doing hi worn. The pro prietors have so much faith In Its eurstiva powers, that they offer One Hundred Ioliera (or any cae that it fails to cure, tend fur list of testimonials. Address o,..,. . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Famuir rills are the but- Not Too Precipitate. "Ah, Georgie, dear," she said to the duke, "why don't you go to papa today? Delays are dangerous, you know." "Yes, I realize that," he replied, "but I've only mown you three days and these get-ricb-quick schem- s al ways seem to be so risky." Chicago fiecord-Herald. His Clood Hearted dueaa. 'Jimaley thinks bis wife is an an gel. "That so? Why, I Jimsley was married." "He is a widower." didn't know Bibles la Demand In China. Recently a Chines professor in a government college made application for fifty English bibles for tbe use of tbe students. I J Bast Couch 6rup. Tanas Oood. us 1 II to time. Sold by dnitrtata. 1 But They Are Not Made ef Was at All, Oaocarlta Heine the Coapoalttoa. There Is a popular Impression that wax candles are manufactured from beewax. No doubt some of those on the market can be traced to the busy little Insects, but not many. Oiocer- He, a product of the earth, Is the coin position of which tbe bulk of them are formed. In the United State the ruin era! is dug In Utah and lu California, the European beds being located In Wales and Gallcla and Roumanla. When found lu Its natural state 010 cerite appears In translucent, dark brown, thin films, which, upon being refined, resembles beeswax closely. The wax mines of Eastern Gallcla, lt-ased and operated by a syndicate of American capitalists, form one of the most curious fields of Industry Iruag tnable. Tbey are located around Bory- slav, which Is also the center of the eastern oil district of that part of Aus tria. The entire wax fields are but fifty acre In extent, but more than a thousand shafts bave been sunk lu that limited area, and almost 6,000 men are at work on the tract. The veins of the mineral frequently are sixteen luchr thick and It la dug with shovels and hoisted from tbe shafts by wind lasses. Many uses are made of this wax besides molding It Into candle and fortunes hare been made by the men Interested In these curious mine, tbe value of the crude product being 8 cents a pound at tbe mouth of a shaft. The wax caudle or, speaking more correctly, the orocerlte candle Is again becoming fashionable In the homes of tbe wealthy. In tbe mansions of the wealthy as well as In the rooms of the poverty stricken, candles may be found to-day, though for widely different rea sons. To the poor candles are Indis pensable because science never has discovered a cheaper mode of lighting. And to the rich tbe flood of light emit ted by a forest of candle Is a boon because science has not and probably never will discover a softer and more mellow light than that shed by the yellow lame at the end of the ancient wax cylinder. Both health and comfort are other points taken luto consideration by many city folks who burn candles In their bedrooms and In other place where brilliant light is not esscutlal. In tbe first place, what little odor Is caused by a candle flame is neither In- jurieus nor disagreeable, and In tbe second, the flume requires but little oxygen to keep It going, nor does It beat a room to an appreciable degree, a double advantage too obvious to be dwelt upon. But outside of our big cities tbe can die Is used extensively. In country homes where gas Is not available and where oil lamps must be used tbe cau dle la found frequently as an agree able and safe substitute. The wax candle of to-day, however. Is a widely different thing from that of oldeu times. The busy bee may hum and collect honey and turn out all tbe wax she likes, except that ber product Is used for tbe candle In Roman Catholic and "high" churches, she contribute little or nothing to those found in tbe markets. Chicago Chronicle. A PROMINENT COLLEGE MAN One of Indiana's Useful Educators Says: Feel Like a New Alan." I ifSjia MR JOHN V. MENG. Truly Unlucky. Doyoutellev that 13 Is an tin. I lies y number to have at lbs table?" a.kl th Sit jfe.ih.irn man. Mr. John Meng, 64 Jeffrsson Ave.. Indianapolis. Ind.. State r.c-esentatlv .'iy country mm 1 .now . .. , , ., . ,,.. of Indianapolis Business College, writes: w"" l"H" 'MH1 , 7 onher "'. tally when the. Is only " Constant travel and ' ". "-' "" neceaaarlljr re 0Vbrt- ,''V'y ' change of food and water v. rotight havoc with my stomach, and for months 1 1 "mln so lu a greater or less degree Just j " "'L'Ll suffered with Indigestion and catarrh of the stomach. I felt that the only thing ! so long as you continue to keep your to do was to give up my occupation which I felt very reluctant to do. Seeing selves Ignorant of our language and ?.";.?' Pfd,l I decided to give It a trial, and used we of yourl. i,uriig wy acquaint- ' f!".t,,,u!ly- f..r,. ";""' h.n I found that my troubles had sll ; ... . Ufl ' ., ,, SHOULD TALK IN CMINESI. Mr Cheat Tun l.lans) Chtua's Advlr to Americana. "Since my Hist aotitialiiiauce with A merit- and Americans," aW ' ,f Chen Tung Mmtg Cheng, the Chines minister In a cotiveiHatlou with a writ er of the New York Commercial Ad vertiser, "1 have become thoroughly convinced that my countrymen win never succeed among y ""I" ""'J' make up their minds to master the Ktigllsh language and participate much more freely lu tbe life aud hitlilta of your people. The grosa Ignoratit-e of a knowledge of Kngllsh tnong my countrymen who are here to slay l i-siie.-litlly lo blame for the way they are disliked and, I must couress, too often looked upon wllh eonleiitpt-hy the Anierli-Hii (HHiple. It la iH-rfettly obvloua, of course. that If my countrymen would timk It a first anil necessary oonuuiou 10 nm ter your laugnnge they would aom make tholr true worth appreciated by Americans, as well as eradicate that air of liit)iilsltlveiies with which you regard us. Certainly, too. It would la time be of Incalculable benefit to my euuutry and people If you were to Institute 1 lie teaching of the Chinese language In all your public achools and universi ties. I am greatly pleased to note a chair of Chines laugunge baa already been endowed lu your Columbia mil vrralty. Ther la, I am afraid, how-1 ever, little hup of eeeiugat least. not fer the next half century -my Ian-1 gunge being taught generally through out America. It would take fully that length of time, too, I believe, before he undoubtedly great Influence such a knowledge among your people would be felt lu many ways for the better ment of Chlua. 'My countrymen, I know, have al ways been s people of uitlch mystery Dark Hair "Ihav used Ayer' Hair Vigor for great many years, and al though 1 am ri 'y y"' ?' age, yst I hsvs not gray ksir In my head." Ueo. Ysllotl, Towson, Md. X'c mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If It's gray now, no matter; for Aycr's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. II Hi Mils, tit Sntfltfs. If your dmitiiit eamml siiiM-ly y", sad ua l"ilu au4 ill im rou a iKilli. It aura and sita in nam Of yottt iwareal ter ortl. a, alt'a, J.U ilt.KtUUnll, Ma. numsott MAOHiNarrlSa (NuiwHrs lu John I'oolai Pout st fVlwrlM nui, prtian . I nm r ti t.amninp r,iisilte.A elllld , IUS II n . Iij 4 h. V , HWi h s... tssj. ".rult' (ltjiasolln and lhn o In iWp 1 111 Ub " l"f M '''llr Vslvvs snt, all wnrsitis ni yft VB I lor lllualialnl ratal. u. and lt i,i ylhlng uu UMd In Hit laaohlusii 11KI tiasii wni an n litilllns mi iitniy, On) a.riv .lis.,-,,, i unH-hluM lur W.l.r, mm ami Mli,.iu Iwl!!? I, WMiit .u h. wr. M h.i.,11 jr. A Tsiiihii i u,' ma, hiii.ry, iii "V't Mlfa 'lll III ! . W. alau ruiHt.n mmZl!HL i,(ltia la tuH IhU m.. hlh.r, 1ur , ,,","!?''" fMlcr. alftMts) h,I !) iu ll,... ...rr.r Hta,-i,in in Hi HiafSi. l iu.i,.h.i L r ll;IKIIMt,N kl .".--T e-rul ittM,rll,in 10.. iivttMtai l'mlli..l, tuud kir r nm lllu.n.u.i Ala. rtH i.f U,ii, .1.21 Why tiegagsmcnt Waa fSrokea. "I, A, II , declare my engagement to 0. I1, spinster, of this tuau, lo h at an end by lesson of her pawning the ngagsmeut ring," Is from Ih per sonal column ol a Herman newspaper. To Break In Mew Shoes. Always hak In AUiit'a rinil r:a, s Ilt-ura hi, atinf a, hlns llwn t'ure iwrna. lits row Ins hall an. litiua. Al Sll drug (lata aud aa. ator. a. J.n- l"U'l a-e,l Sttvaubatltula Samtl tuatie't 1 HI X Adlraaa Allan 8 Olaiattd, ! Hr, N V. Dr. C. Gee Wo VONDKRFUL MOMH TREATMENT fhit tftutrttt t hi tusaa I grsMtl Imn'um H vtirsj Isjh.U Mltltucil tH'' IM thai .vn ttu u 4tv H rut hm utnifl 1 Kt' Um h, u, til, bsmttia fticf -jlM I Itsal mf ttllrnljf km pmi la lbl (vwitlrr i- bwimlMi tvntvitl1 llti nu trs aiiai tr ur am ti avfnt tm. .1ls. bl. h ttm s.,rUtr lr -1 .hI JtSSPSM-. ll a&fa.itM M I UftJ iiUfb, v ttlt. lUttsf. IhrwMl, httt4ltM, . V "at,,, ItJtltsV b, twe, k)4MV, lr : Itsas, fcttw.wa J t4MllmtAlW. I W)flt-Sit. I ,l him. fall tii tMii ir in iu .,n, fof Islaxhi anal .'tt-Mlaf, a(at K UNnLL. tHM iMKV. AIlhlkM Th C Cc Wo Chinese Mcikinc Co. Ill AaW ft., lilMi4. 0.a 0f M Ml IM altaf. lanwan Ih um una i seemed UK a new man. I nav a Dottle of Ceruna In my grip all tra ume, and occasionally take a few doses which keeps me In excellent health. John W. Meng. It There Was No Encore. No right-thinking person csn bave any admiration ror a smart trick that smacks of rascality, but there may be case in which sympathy for tbe victims of such a trick would be wasted. A traveling dramatic troupe announc ed a performance In a certain ambi tious young city. It was expressly stated on all tbe bills that "Owing to the great length of tbe program and the many specialty performances, no encores will be permitted." Tbe evening of tbe entertainment found tbe bouse well Oiled, the audi ence consisting largely of young men and boys bent on having a good time. The first song was tbe occasion for prolonged outburst of cheering. After bad continued several minutes tbe manager came to the front of tbe cur tain to ask them to desist They only bowled tbe louder, and be retired, discomfited. But the cheering, stamping and whistling went on, and continued for half an hour, tbe curtain remaining obstinately down. At the end of that time tbe enthus iasm had spent Itself and tbe din ceased, but the curtain did not rise. Then a young man ventured to go be hind the scenes. He returned presently wltb the announcement that tbe com pany bad left the building, bag aud baggage. It was true. Tbey had packed up everything, paid their bill at the hotel, caught a train out of town, and got afely away; and tbe genera verdict of tbe townspeople was that they bad served their unruly audience Just right. Habits of the Tailor Bird. This wonderful bird lives In India. It has a beak shaped very much Ilk shoemaker's awl. Tbe little bird. which Is yellow In color and only three Inches long, says the Philadelphia Ledger, derives Its name from the way which It makes Its nest. It se lects a large leaf, banging from the end of a twig; then It pierces a num ber of boles along tbe edge of It wltb Its awl-like beak, and then gets tbe long fibers of plants, which make ex cellent thread, and carefully sews tb edge together like a purse or a bag, using Its bill for a needle to carry tbe thread through. Tbe ends of tb thread are knotted, to prevent them from slipping through tbe leuf. Tbe stalk end of the leaf Is bent and crushed so as to form a hood over the opening of the nest, protecting It from sun and rain. When tbe leaf Is not large enough to make the nest, this bright little bird gets another leaf, pierces It with boles and pieces the two leaves together. The Interior of tbe nest Is lined wltb cotton and silky grass, making a very snug and comfortable home for tb little birds. The bird and Its nest full of eggs are so very light that tbey can be suspended from tbe end of a slen der twig. Tbe most common phases of summer catarrh are catarrh of the stonisch and bowels. Peruna is a specific for sum mer catarrh. Hon. Willis Brewer, Representative In Congress from Alabama, writes tb following letter to Or. tlartmsn: House of Representatives. Washington, D. C. Th Parana Medicine Co., Colum bus, O. : Gentlemen I have used one b-ttle of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it to those who need a good remedy. As a tonic it is excellent. In the short time 1 have used it it has done me a great deal of good." Willis Urewer. If yoa do not derive prompt snd sat isfactory results Irom the use of Peru na, write tit once to lr. Hurttnnn, giv ing a full statement of your cus snd be will be pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President ol and the The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, ' country. umo. three Americans who could converse wltb me, eveu fairly Intelligently, In my own tongue. All three bad travel ed In China. I have often wondered not a little, since meeting them, how many more Americans there am who can speak the Chinese language, 1 honestly believe that tbey could be counted on the fingers of my right timid. How densely Ignorant yuu are, too, of our history, our tuode of life. our character, our wealth and poverty tremendous future of our AU There Is to It, m," pleaded the "Tall m," pleaded the artless maid, "wherein lies th secret of ths art of conversation?" Th sage affected th attitoJe he was wont to assum when in th act of im parting wisdom, and said: "My child, listen." "X am listening," breathlessly sh answared. "Well, my child," be rejoined, "that is tb art of conversing agrsa- ably." Stray Stories. Lively Occupation. To one unfamiliar with country nom enclature the question asked by the young man might no seem wholly unnatural. "And wer you never in tb country during th season of buskingbees Mr. 8 7 asked tbe young lady. "No. Tbe ideal How do you husk a be?" Philadelphia Press. Her Preference Fashionable Doctor My dear young ladv, you are drinking nnfiltered water. which swarms with animal organisms. Yoa should bave it boiled: that will kill them. Patient Well, doctor, I think I'd sooner be an aquarium than a centa ury. London Tit-Bits. A Valuable Publication. A full set of the "Almanach de Gotha," from 1748 to 1900, was to cently sold in Paris for $1,300. Of course its value is largely that of a lit erary rarity, but the old volumea are extremely useful to special students. He Doesn't Worry. Duffy Meeker's a philosophical sort of chap isn't he? Guffy In what retped? Duffy Why, lis is the husband of s famous woman, you know, but his ob scurity doesn't seem to trouble him is the least. Something to Talk Through. Hilnw I womler if Breesee is goln to maae any political speeches Ihi spring? Cumso I don t know. But why dt you ask? Hilnw I saw him buylna- a new hat yesieruay. Making Money. - "itaiu amount oi money minis ters to the proper wants of msn, bill the man who spends his life In trying wj make money Is doing nothing mor than piling up a dim of brass-headed tacks. What good does it do to neglecl your wife, yonr home, your friends, U mak money .' Kev. irank Crane. Pessimism. I, : t . ,. , . . lessiDiism noiirisnes usell in nui time, not in the hard ground, where la bor sweats and mails, but in the flow ery beds of luxury and slothful esse Kv. J. W. Chadwii k. Moral -rectitude. Moral rectitude is a protest against evil. Vi ise men are ready to com mend a good man, for he is of valtit to the community in which he lives. Rev. George Adams. II kWf 'iVT-iii.-.r-sf; I ' Husband (angrily) I never saw a woman as hard to please as you are. Wife (calmly) My dear, you forget that I married you. An electric eel must lead . shocking JV-jii-a AVegctabtePrepnrationfor As similating theFoodandRegiua ling Hie StoinactB andBowelsof Promotes DigestionheerfuI ness and Rest Contains neither Opium.Morpliine norMmeial. NotXahcotic. jkffounrSiMvapavmt WasdW' A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour S toniach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feven sh tuss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY or WRAPPER. For Infantt nd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of At B a I V "Some time during thi present year or m-xt." Kir t'lu-n continued, "I Intend taking steps to vatalillsli Schools for the Instruction of the Kugltsli lan guage In thosa sections of this country where my countrymen are congregat ed the most. I lxlleve that to be the nearest workable solution for elevat ing the general condition of the ma lorlty of Chinamen here. If I ran only siKi-essfiilly secure for them such an opportunity to make tlii-tiislves pro-rti-U-nt In tlit; English language ihey would alo soon d-lre--and naturally enough - to aslmllati with your peo ple more freely than It Is possible for them to do now, aud otherwise also induce them to take an litterrst In their adopted country. America would certainly nut. I feel sure, lose anything by the closer relationship." riTfl satiaaaai ! rilW atoa Sim (a.' Hlia'altaa (iaaas I tarr SaW tmWHUti Vtftl atUajaa a, Pa.IV H twaaUaV t 4.Ht-r.la4.l,ai r Oranlte Meat tlulMlag Material. Th value of granite a a l-itlldlng msbsrlal la 10 lo 'i! time a great as that of brick. Altr sralt mot In the following order lltnrstoos, state, aud sandstone. BE I f U,t ah rata v ttil " I Wjmnm Tm ,(laf MM., 4a. lwalMHIa r m S slssls For coiifha a Hi lion, it col. la lhara Is no botur P- Price S3 cti is. STFQUTilE VELS If m a raaralu, kawiikr apia ar ssi taala af t - fai rsaUaVt mu b Matul v4 aawa aw4 a vail. Vutva t iiMaaatatai par' v tui vuaanai Nat, a. aut urnll IS fee M Aa I'srtk Angtl. 8t. rter(at Heaven's gal.l-Coms' to. r'sir Spirit (aitilotis'y) Is my ha'o on slralaht? .N. V. Weekly, PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA. New Light from (llllclal !toarc9 om Asnsal MlaralldQ. Ntaurlce ronlte.iu Hey, an oAVIul In the Kgyptlun department of the In terior, litis fur a number of years 1 en charged wltb the auver lluii of the Hiininil pligrluiaKv'of Mecca, as It Is controlled by the Kgyptlan govern ment. In an address that be recently gave before I lie Khedlval tieograpblc Society at Cairo he told tunny things of great Interest about the annual pit grlmsge. ilia remarks derive much Importance also from tbe fact that bis o Hie hi I jxisltlun has given liltn unusual opptjrtuultles for collating Infuruia tlon. The pilgrims converge upon the holy cities of Mccra and .Medina from three directions: Those coming from the south are Midiaiumediina, from Ocean- lea, Java, Hunialra, IndoChlna, India, Turkeatiin and southern Persia, who pass Into the Ked Hi-a through tbe Htralt of Hah el Maudeb aud on to Jedtliih, the rxjrt of Mecca; the north ern branch of the pilgrims, north Per sians, Turcomans and people from Asia Minor and Kuropeau Turkey, go southwurd to (he holy cities both by the Innd and sea routes; the third stream Is from the west, Egyptians, Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians and Turks, who reach Jedtlnh through the Suez Cunal. Kor years past the sver afe number of pilgrims passing through the 8uez Canal to Jeddah has been ltl.tKO, but this number Is some times greatly exceeded; the number lu UMil, for exnmple, was 2l,(0, and In the sen mm beginning In Kelirusry. last year. It was over 40,000. maklnu 1!K)2 the banner year for the Hues Canal contingent. The northern pll grim, however, are only a small part of those who annually convene at Mev-cs. The total number every year exceed 100,000. practically all nf whom ar present at tb fete of liulruui New York Bun. THE IKJele ure Alcohol, Cpium, Tobacco Using sV win r?t tiimriATro ClKCULAltA Fav "oira)"fv Jn UnTiANaOax Paiaamrt rttlalabam, tmmn TaMAtlMd IVlVaA ftf fraa mmv v mm to! m aWsUiaV iUM BlasaiBsj Rsw4 (savaMaf aasaaaa BMawafwaai fca VaA Ha) KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEA5 I tm-t tfw m itM Hti I Hii Champion OnwCut Mower I I Ufmm iialiiarwiS) 1 I ai(aaof I k,N. 1(SR. crxtil xvhA' cm. m 4 "J In Use For Over Thirty Years ths asarraua aaanar. sw vass snv, not A Wilderness, Forsooth. It might be thought tbst the dsy had gone by when to tbe English mind AmiTlea appeared as a land of waste place and wilderness unredeemed. Hut a story which a recent visitor to Knglund brings home shows that there are biih Honest Ilrllons who do undvintniid our ways of life. At a dinner table the American hnp poned to remark that there was a cur few In Cambridge, Massachusetts, and some other town. "A curfew?" asked an English lady Yes, a bell that rings at half pst nine to call the children off the street " "Oh, I see," said the English lady affably. "I suppose after dark there Is danger from wolve." PAINfAJiGUISH AHIIi'STERINC ANGELIHOU: Ba m jmm r. ii mm mm, 2 Th Vvwar mHh Ih tRW i t T " ; m "1fah.f " i ha ruliltif tr Um ' at.r.l ranting thattha!. Iojs'vm ftai ar on lra imutij, aii gtVlMfl lnraM4 war for tar. cutiititf k from (iswttitil. bM lha Biuta ruttiuf, r ih mora taifUiK lor lha wheal W Ml h ttm lha gt uii'1 It f"th sini r Tha"lifawt"ut"t ham. p phtt Iiasa lha vhaala ntt lha grui4 int U lha imt yuarftit ruilaf IM ih nU 1 1 a many mnvaitlattt fraUtfe itanil f..f ht,irm r(tugu mu4 ci- ittlar, Maiu-t m J WTCHEU. tEWlS It STAVEJt CO.. ? fUvl U TatUi JU Mm 0tm llllM SHOW ME A PROS PEROUS BUSINESS And i'U show you a Smltb-Prtmlrr Type writer In ths office of thai bualnMs-fiiiMllmfs out ol Iso. It's bk. lbs red bsadsd girl and lh whits hort-wrun you - ens ysti can ss ih othtr. Drop us a postal and kt us UU you about Hits Typswrllsr. DUHY&DIOERJtIAN Sob Accab for rlfl Caul, 247 SUrkSU Portland Oftgoa TW lakala W.llr Inalsau falWts su sanaajaS ii iaalla rnnun h. IU aa Kaaai. l.M.U. ft 17-101. I VM willU. to 4 vartltars pUaM B v v waiMaai lb! Els Mr. 3 Only KlrM They Mak. Miggles-Old Ootrok is coutlnually making smart remarks, Isn't he? Wiggles-Yes. The making of smart remarks Is a luiury that only the rich facrarv ll "it ooci y -ati PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, mfik Moni ?"Ik. ."" '"" OOWI slva ....... and rlcbsr niiis. HOO f.ow and fatun (julrktr irlvn tills food. 1...EW2 TUNTfO CALVts). ao wtm it aa aiuoaMi oaj.aa wiu. Mt Pfe( SSV, ft. lrj raaull.- r. W. UIo.,llirlla, Sab. FBUi,, ii.nd Book. ruarusu sou CO., . atuntatl mlaas lili aallalaa rrssslsa Cs 81. fast. Hiss. IVsnssI Ala. raralaa. Otwajaa, YOUR CHANCE IN LIFE y 1 1 'v, . a n't' V""' ' haa U, orTerod to ii-mid Ii. at hi - "l l" ov"rl""' '"rhaps vou will for bt s i Jl ,1 ""."T" 'ar""r' We (Ityoupriieticilly com, lu ,1 ' Z "l,in ,!tll"Ky' tHMltbin when f t ; "I "r gni.luHtos are employod. That's the rtles Yon i I '" ar? "7" ,n lHilt wllh our grailu. BOMNKO-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Eg Ortgu". jjaiiitiirani life. can afford.