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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1903)
1 OREGON MIST P - " " " ' - Cutered at the TosUitHce nt St. Helens, Oregon, Ha aecoud-chisa until matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. I l 1 '. Ml . I . . IaHI-KU KVKKV FkIIMV MilKNINU li V ESTKI.I.i ii.VBHKRT, KlUTOl! AS I) I'ROI'IUKTOR. Sl'BSt'KU'TIOS I'RIl'B: One copy one year, i advance. . . ix months l.t M June 10, I'.HW. This paper is kept on tile :U the Ore gon l'res Association Kooni 9. Hamil ton building, l'urllaul, Orcein. j i .. i WE CAN SECURE IMMIGRATION. Never was mora opportune time than now to turn a part of the tide of immigration daily arriving from the Kail than now. And it en 1 do. with slight expense. Portland people j and the llarriiuan lines have done the jail would cost the taxpayers, at least, ,dce,tising that is bringing thousands ,Xl jXeTU' ntl'Ve ol Katern peoplo to the state, t oluui-, c0tTt jg m,t very encouinginu to a poo Id euunty has done nothing, except in : pie who have jnt unloaded a big deht, two or three individual instances. ! and are jnst now in a condition t mild , i i- . .i , mmiern roads and brnlges throuahout The pian, which is a practical one, is , for hnsiness men, actual pnlerty hoi - dei s. persons of standing to take turns In going to Portland, and interview tne arriving new-comers. The intend ing settler could he shown the advan tages and inducement to intending res idents in a way that would appeal to his better judgment. A meeting of Columbia county citi tens should e called at once to lay plans for the matter. It is too goldeu an op portunity to let pass iuto futurity. Such chances to build up n comparatively settled ceuuty come only once, in a life- tiiua. Hare ia the great opportunity to j secure desirable new people, almost withtut cost or price. Lane county has secured hundreds of new immigrants by tending re presen tasives to Portland to meet them, and Columbia county can do likewise. Columbia comity is taking the lead in the uietter of thorouhbred cattle. There is a healthy rivalry among the impor ters aud breeders ot the dilfereut vaiii- ties of thoroughbreds, that spurs them ou to secure only the be! prize win ners. Aside from this spirit of rivalry, pur local breeders take special pride iu securing the best that can be obtained in the Eastern markets. They desire (he most perfect thoroughbreds for their own heids, and tiieir patrons reap the benefit of this condition. The Holeteiu herd of P. A. Frakel, the Herefords, kept on the HoUk-ymau place by M. Col lins, and the Jersey herds of II. West, are all governed by these favorable con ditions. Mr. West recently brought from the East a carload of the ve-y best Jerseys obtainable. A nnmber of persons have stated that before they are willing to cast their bal lots for the removal of the county seat to Rainier, they are desirous of seeing an abstract of the proposed court house plock, and suggest that it be made over to a trustee for the purposes intended. ghould the eonnty teat lemrin at St. Helen, the expense of building a new court lioure will be avoided until the pounty Las more population, and there is an increase in the taxable property. The pld court house will answer all purpose for several years vet. The cloudburst that destroyed Hepp per, Ijpe and Lexington on Willow preek iu Eastern Oregon last Sunday af ternoon, killing ever 200 persons, aud entailing heavy properly losses is the most unueual occurrence that ever took pjace in Oregon. Followingin the wake of the terribe and heart rending catastro phe, the people of Oregon have shown their sympathy by liberal donations to the sutlcrere. Under the new law every phyjjeian and midwife in Columbia county are required to report all births to the poniity pjiysicisn, Dr. II. K. Cliff. The penally for violating the provisions of this act is a tine of 10. The bonrd of health consists of County Judge Doan and Dr. Cliff. A full text of the act will be given next week. Residents of Columbia eonnty, who Vave never heard Chaplain Gilbert, of the Second Oregon, give his famous lec ture on the Filipino and Philippines, should not fail to hear him this (Friday) ivening in the St. Helens Methodist church. It will be one of the opportu pities in life, that should not be missed. Clatskanie deserves special credit for iier road and sidewalk improvement, pnd putside of the county tax expendel pn the road the money ha been taised raised by private subscription. The pity council was not asked to donate one rat- Ifiss Ellen Stone has announced her jntentlon of returning to bulgnri. Should she succeed in getting captured again, however, she will have to stay paptured. The people hare seen her Eugene Guard. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's Flew Discovery warMPTloif .-i oi tins u4 tn, i ,iM OLDS Plsi.s A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fail. Trial Bottl fre. FROM 8CAPr00SK. 1 Solid Raslntsx Man auit Ks-Coenty OITIiImI, Who Knows Whereof Me Kpeak-. (.Ire. Some Farts and I Flirt' res u th Froposeil ! County Seat KrmovHl. Editor ol Tiik Mh-t: fi-M it..HK, Ohk , June IS The enmity seat isi ion a hnudbd by "X ! Kay' lust week hue proved an eye-open J er in thi part ol the county, ami right well it should. I I There was no necessity, whatever, tor . forcing two extra elections upon u at thin inopportune time, as the cost of the ; elections will lie heavy, ami Ivcsid the; indifferen-e of uianv of our voters will result in an nnsatislni t y vol in the end, and mill the eonnty seat will lie open fur further dis-ension. It i not to lie presumed in a moment that the election will make us a "per- manent ' couniy seal. Mien a tmnt is folly, as we can by act of legislature epeu nn this matter at any futare time. ,..i,ttl:!,l::f "S'lrZ!:: ion i i., .i ....... .... .... i.i... saiety, is a untie item ami a tiangcrous ..n,( Ii, BUV tin. 1,-llrit ., . , IX) erect a simaoie couri nouse ami 1 Kjme ."mt the extra tax and it will p-ove a very pro-y adair this county seat agitation. It will lake 10 years of 2 extra mills lev y per annum to pay out the debt pro- poset mm, ami out lew ot the many atritu - tore for a rhanee, would agree to have this amount of mone; expended at St. Helen, w here the county buildings now are. One-baif of the votri of the county can reach St. Heleua on easy roads w ith out boats or train, and no other point can make such a fair showing, and by every test, St. Helens stands fur the most people. it is not lor the voters to attempt to please or displease any town, but for tneni to vote to secure itie greaiest. an- vantage to the greatest number Our county Is in its infancy and needs more development before rlianging its seat of government, and it behoove ev ery thoughtful person to promptly rec ord his tote for St. Helens and "no rhange." J. Ii. WATTS. DEER ISLAND. Mrs. S. E. Pixon and sons, Claude and Joe are visiting friends aud rela tive at Vancouver, Wash. The Nehaiem A Columbia Locging Company have laid off all their men, ant il after the Columbia river begin lo fall. Born, to the wife of Ed McC?nr on Sunday, the I-ith, a son. Ed has alwut recovered. Mrs. Emma Smith. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Fannie Brown and Miss Loll Peterson were Portland visitors last week. Thomas Connell moved over 100 head of cattle off his island farm Vlondsv, some of theui having to ewim over a mile. Peer Island Grange met Saturday, and after lodge hours, a very nice lun cheon was served. Mrs. Ann Merrill, of St. John, has been vjsiting with her son, C. A. Mer rill. Mr. Merrill is in poor health at present, suffering from an attack of asthma. Mrs. M. S. Shearer took her Isttl son, Elmer to Portland Saturday for treat ment. He lias been stilfering w ith pleu risy of the heart for the past two weeks. Hi Last Hope Ilealized (From the Sentinel, oels), Mont.) In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 181!), the editor of this paper was among the many seeker after fort une w ho made the big race one tine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards his camping upon bis claim, he encountered much bad water, which together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost imposeibe to check, and along in June the case became so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great ag ony, and in a few minutes the close was repeated. The goo-1 effect of the medi cine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorder being at hand suggests this item. For eale by Edwin Ross. Soldiers Subject to Aches and Pains. Have My Share I Find Relief in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine. "I can chesrfully recommend Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills u first-class in every respect. '1 hey have done wonders for me. I was a soldier io the late war and am subject to and have my share of the aches and pains from the hardship that usually falls to the tot of the soldiers who saw service. Anti-Cain Pills never fail to relieve the rheumatic twinges, headache or other pains. A number of obi comrades in this vicinity who have used Dr. Abies' Restorative Tonic, Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills speak highly of Iheir virtue in every respect. My health Is greatly im proved, thanks to your Restorative Nervine, with the exception of an old wound which troubles me somewhat," TIMOTHY J. LytucH, 4th RegL Maryland Vol. Inft, The I uaues, Oregon. Rheumatic twinges, headache, and the pains of a disordered stomach are frequent reminders of the strain and hardships of an army campaign. In all such cases the nerves are affected too seriously to right themselves, and prompt treatment is necessary. Ths Itest treatment consists of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, which restores vitality to the nerves and helps them to throw ori various dis rders which bring about pain and suffering. There is nothing so g xd for the stomach and bow els as Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. Thoy act directly upon the nerves of the digestive organs, speedily restoring them to normal activity. All drupgists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Tiend for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Old ENABLING OR REMOVAL count x ACT. SEAT) intkodi ttoky commiNT. Helow will be found the net providing for the rc-'ocittton of tint eonnty scut of Columbia eonntv. We Irnst that vei v reader of thin paper will eurefnlly examine tliu nrinti- provisions ol u t. in order to pr peily understand its term. Attention i railed to se-etion -I. which puivides that 1 1 if place chosen shall he the p rtnnnerl county seat within four months after the election. Special attention is called to section 5 of the act. which makes it obligatory f the net, whi I n poll the county court to provioe f ir : o ui!y building and for the removal of the rceiirds and oilier property In lontf- lii.) I.i lliu ilv t. tl.n 1 1 1 it ii ..I..VWUI, Tins portion of the act appeals with Ispcial emphasis to the taxpayers, who wotiMhave to imy the enormous expense ol tii'.il'liutf a new court no s ; within the tune limite.l lor removal, or , if the same cannot he .tomplolcd w ithin ; such lime, the added expense of leasing ''il'"'.':;-:ni; records and oth- t-i iin'i'nn i"-iiiiii ii k o ,io- sunlit. t-i 'it'i'ri l "-ii'iij;i ii k n inr , and pruvhling a temporary vault for the safe-keepinit of the valuable reconb, ...... ......... .... iiooks, pni.ers aim other pnoieitv ot ilic county. This Litter exiwuse alone would" doubtless cost theimioty sev. rai th.iusand iloMars. Ofconrs--, it will lie I observed linger the provisions of tip- act, ; none oi these items of expense w ill N ; neces-arv, if St. Helens receive a ma-1 jorily uj the vote ca-t. ns in that case; no removal is necessary. In other wonts, if the majority of the voter s.w hy their I ballots that they do not desire a reinov- I al of the county seat fioin St. Helens ! then no removal will Ik- made, and con- i st -qnentiy none of tlie provision of this i act will then apply relative to buil-lini a new court house, removal of records, leasing of jemporarv buildings, erection ot temporary vault and other necessa - rv costs in case of removal. The matter, then, resolves ilsnli into this ipiestion, and each voter tuii-t tie - e de it for himself: Is it preferable to snit for t.b- interest of I'ol, eo.mlv at tliis time 10 have the eonntv sent to remain at St. Helen, and save the bur- densome exnenae. or to runiov flit. sm to some other place with the necessarv j ami immediate costs m teuiovnl, rent. leases. temporary vi lilt and place of se ctintv. new utiililings. etc. T1IH mil.. Section 1. A special election shall be held in Columbia conaly, in this state, mi the hrst Mondav iu July, l!i;l. said 1 election to be conducted under the gen eral election taut, as general elections for stale aud county officer are con ducted. At said special election the electors of Columbia eonntv shall vo!i ! f. r a permanent location fur county seat J uf Columbia county. Sec. 2. There shall be placed upon! the official b illots prepaid! for the elee- v " iiiii ".n - ill nmi l -(.eciHl . election the words, ' For eonntv ent of Columbia County." "Vote for oiie," and! below these words there shall be placed in alphabetical order, and numbered I consecutively, the names of all place or towns put in nomination. There shall j alFo be left one blank pace after the last ' name in which the voter may write the ' name of any other town or place not on -sin in ,-aei mat tie may uesiro to vote uir, .solium nous ror county seat snsu tie made by petition of 50 or more elec tors, and no electior's name shall appear on more than one petition, and saiil pe- titions shall be prepared and (bed with the county clerk in the same manner a certificates of nomination made by indi vidual electors under the Austtaoan ballot law are prepared and tiled. Elec tors shall prepare, mark, and cast their ballots a prescriiied by the Australian ballot law, and that town or place shall be the county seat of Columbia county, which shall receive a majority oi all the votes cast at the said election. Sec. 3. In case no town or place shall receive a majority of yotes cast as pro vided in see. 2 of this act. a second spec- ih! election shall be held on the "r,i .nonimy in august, ,o ne coll -ten ! THS ,.,. nrtt special election was con I,.,,', Arnica Milye. It s the be-l on ducted, and at said second special .-lee- j,. 05 evnt., t the St. Helen, i'iuu lion the two towns or place receiving ,,-v the largest and next to tlie largest num ber of number of votes at said first spec ial election shall be placed upon the bal lots prepared for the electors of Colum bia county for said second special elec tion, and the electors of said county shall vote unon said two towns or places for county seat in the same manner as j at said first election, and that town or I place rtreiving the grentet number of j votes shall b-come the permanent ! ennty seat of Columbia rotintv: Pro vided, that if two towns or places shall rwi.illA thu OnI l.nila n .,11 votes at said rirst election, the names of LHm"i""'1 M""" wn'' " Portland visitor those two towns or places shall lie placed Tuesday. upon the ballot tube voted at the said J W. A. Himpton. of Ariel, Wash , wn secon'l election as herein nnvided : And j in town Monday, lis returned homeon provided 'urther, that if one town or i Tuesday. place receive the largest and two towns I Miss tv Ilingham returned to Port or place receive the next largest and an laud Tuesday, after a few day, visit with eipial uumlierof votes at said first !;- ! frieinl- here ba,b,t to be voted at UhuJ j X! 7 JST Sec. 4. Incase a choice ts made at the I ,r. ., , ,, . said first election, the town or place tip- j ih" Coltimbtit Timber Company has on which the ch ,lco has fallen shall be osed its camp for a Itiw days, the permanent county seat from andaf- A' 'he annual school election held ter the first day of November. V.K).l. 1 n Monday, very little interest was shown, case the choice is not maile until the sec-j J. M. Lindsay was re-elected director nnd election, the bwti or place chosen ! for a term of three years, and T. C. snail lie the permanent eonntv seat of i Columbia con ntv from and nfter the first dav of December, 1(103. See. 5. The county court of Colum bia county shall make all necesnry pro visions for county bnildintr, either by leas-, erect ion. or otherwise, and for the removal of all records, liook, papers, and r-rnperty deemed advisable bv suid county county court to remove of said Columbia comity to such town or place as may be se'ected a the peimaiicnt Bounty seat of Columbia county um! -the provisions of this act. Kes. 0. Owitiif lothe urgent neress'ty of providing bctfr accommodations for county offices and greater security for public records, an emergency Is declared toexist, and this m t shall be in full force and efrect from its approval by the Gov ernor. Vernonla Grange Will Celebrate the Feerth ot JbI;. Vernotiia, June 15 Kditor Mist : Vernonia Ijrange No, 3(15 i making ar rangement to celebra' the Fourth of Jul v, and extends an invitation to the Granges in the .Nehaiem valley to join with us ; abo the people in the vicinity. The intention ia to hold a basket pic nic, the committee on arrangements lut ing H. G. 8clioonover, chairman; Wil liam Wilson, Mrs. WHbam Wilson, Ida Mellinger, Kllen Mill. The committee on the program of mu sic, litarary exercises and games con sists of J. K. Dow, chairman; It. W. Hhsnahitn and H. H, Hichards. Anyono interested in the music, literary exer cise or game program will please cor respond or see members of the commit tee. 9, ii. ritrhoonover was appointed mar thai of the day. ' 8, G. Sciioonovkb, Lecturer. Bears th 9 1 m m "m ml BW exd of mn Timbers of oak keep the old homestead St.HKlitlSr throuiih the years. It pays to use the years. right stuff. " Men of oak " are niched health, men men in whose . I,,,J;.,C .,. rtf c,-o,,,,l " -..... est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the toundatton tor a sturdy ron- i , . .. . ... , . c Stitution that will last tor years. ! Scott's Emulsion is the 'stuff. right Sco(t.3 irmus;on stimulates i t'Te CTOwinj; UOWefS of t hikli eil, j . , . .. , . , , 1 .... 1 I .. ?. ! niMlis mem Dllllll a nun : r I . i i , f uindation for a sturdy eotisti- rU.IOI. Band for free aampln. SCOTT BOWNE, Chemist. IO'J-415 Pearl Streot, New York. KOc. and$I.OO all Uruiiulata. K l'-.f.S'., Tal-uies iKH'tors liu-l good (irecriptiou For mankind , The n cut iai k. l I eu.iiuh fur unnt i I Oi ' 1 V UilUp (llll lftl(.) ct.l!u:l .UI itnig;l-l n-ti th.-iii. ! ""IT1)- i .. ... , W "r" "T - " M'erl. I Can atiylliing li worse than lo fit 1 every minute will l vout last ? Such was the expei ieuce of Mrs. S, II Newson, IVc.Uur, Ala. "Foi three years lies. 1 emlureij in-utl. i at'le pain from indigestion, stomach an I Uoiel i trouble. Oeath seemed iue liable w brn j doctors ami all remedies I'aii.d. At I length I was induced to It y Eleclrn j Hitters and the result was unta. : i improved al once and now I am cm pletrly recovered." For Liver, Kidney, jMotiiiich and llowcl troubles Elect in I bitters is tiie only medicine. (hiU.V'c ! It's guaranteed by the St. Helens I har i mm v. RAINkR j Thunder ah w or Sunday. S-imethiiig uil Usual for Western Oregon. .... ,, . , , ., , 'he (,..u...h,a is washing the lower ""' H l"", r 'U k"- All the lodging camp nre running in b,'a-t, including the Ycou, I'eiton Company. Joe Ooherlv's new building is rapidly nearing ciitn'p'cii in. Clonics Chuk ii doiag the wot k. As ,t, H.r baseball c'uh s purse i empty, the young ladles have taken piti on the I". vs. ami will give a bassei so vial and dam-eon the Pith lor thu hem lit of the club. Orison Duti-lier, the Rainier h, penter, is putting the finishing t f-s car iiihe.- on tieorje St'sldard's new house. Letters received here from Northwest ern Alla-rta, slate that the great storm that swept throu.'h Idaho and Montana did not reach there. Un-o.K Mt. IM-lten to iJesperatlott. Living at an out of the way place, re mole from civihMitioii, a fna.lly is often driven to desne ration in can. of m-ei- ( dent, resulting in burns, cuts, wound-, , tlt.,.rBi el,.t Lltv , wl(,,,Iv l Ihlek- REUBEN. Miss Imise Morel visited her on Tide creek last week mother Misses Fret and Hatlie Koble vi-iti d friends ill Portland, the lust of tin meek. They reuuneil Injiiie Tuesday. Mrs. George Snyder and son are visit ing friends al Woodland, Wash., this week. n ait was re-elected school clerk Mrs. L, C. Jaipiish and daughter, Miss Jessie Jarpiish, of l'orthind, retut tied I iiome Mommy, alter a lew ilays Visit wiin .Mrs. Kay v.. watts. Mrs. Jane Myers, of tioliliuulaU., Wash., . fctiirned home Wedneniiiy, al tera three day' visit with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Con boy. Taken I'p. Notice is hereby given that the un- (lerstgueil bus taken up siinter bitch 1 alioutsix month old. Owner can have the same hy proving oroperty and pay ing expense with Itldsvs. MIICIIH.L HAY, 8t. Helen, Ore., June lip.h. Hchool Elections. At the fit. Helens schn-il election held Monday C. W. Hlakesley was elect ed director to succeed Dr. I-fdaiu Roes, who declined a re-eleclion, bnviug Nerved two term. II. I. Wnlkin mi re-eh-cted clerk wit lutut opposition. Notwithstanding n ttl.OOO school build ing was erected during the past year, the district is in good financial condi tion, and it i ex pet tel that an addi tional teacher wilt be employed during the coining school year. In the Houlton district U-nlie Hnilev was elected for three yeurs lo succeed N. A. l'erry, whose term of office had expired, (i, W. Terry was elected di rector to fill the vacancy occisioued by the resiguotion of Lindley Meeker. A. N. Clink was re-clecled cleric. Cut, HrulHcs anil Hum Healed. yilll kly Chamberlain's Tain Calm is an anti septic liniment, and when applied to cuts, bruises and burn, cause them to heal without maturation and much mote quickly than by the usual treat ment. For sale bv Ivlwin Hons. Classified Advertisements WVMKIV-SKVKKAI. PI'HONs of characler and good reputation. I each state (one ill this comity iv.pilre.l) i in I .i.lvei tl.i. n d ei-tah Ol li'lii ,-"eni 1. 1... t , I ; Iihcd uealthv husiiu i-s hoii-e of c;hil , llmiiieialslaiidimt. Salary i with expenses inldill.-iuil. All pV"hle ' mi cash diteet each Wclu.'sda h head olllces. Horse mid carnage tor inslied when necessary. Helei em . ; Unclose envelope, t nial Co.. M, IVariaini St., Clm aio. w.Mi:i' I iv i; Aiii:.MsTo ski i. Or. While's Klcctiic Coiahs, paienlinl Jan. 1, t'lim ilaiiilrnll, hair falling! out siik and nervous headache, yt cost no in. ire than an ordinary cotuh. , Sell on sighl. Agent are wild with' success. Send We lor rnniplo thall , ,i.-..i Write muck. The Or. White Klectiic Comb Co., IVeiiinr, III. WANT KI l - SKVKUM. IM'l Si HI oils peisons in iiieh slate lo travel for house e-lahi"hc, eleven e.i and with a large capital, lo call upon mcrch int" and agents (or suece-siill and prutlinhle line. Permanent engagement. Weekly eah nihil v of IS and all tn.'cling ev peiiNCs and h"l I bills ml tun ed eai h neck. Kxpei leiice not esent nil. Men tlon red leiice ami enclose sell eihlies-eil envelope, I UK NATIONAL, :!!. Oeai burn St., Chicago. WAMKI- Yul'Nti M V. N lo ptepiue for tiovernnietil Positions. Kme eis'ie iugs in all Ocpailnients, Kxiuniuiitlon sihiii. I'ailieulu's Kree, Inter-Stale Cor, lii-l,, Cedar llaptd. In. KUt SM r A t pert tiler in good i tins oltiee. S1CIIN0 llM u. lit ion. .tpp'y t OKtiAN this olllce KHli SAl.i: -APPLY VERNONIA We w ill be on There v ill lh- . deck July the lUb. 4 bi at Veruoni.-t on July I h. II. 1 i. OoH tiiug will mole new -ton building; next week. Or. II at livid is put 1 1 rig up a large bn n. Mis. 11. H . U ev and family aent to -ai ming'oti, a.ii , lo vis.t het daugh ter. Mr. It hi has so I i r re, I Irom his rheuiuulisin as to U' to g. I ariitud. A S.v.itd has the conlrai I f nig the tiiad on the new toiite b e cri ek. Adert Wo .I went to St lb-lens lr ft load of gonds. Ji'Sepli Kt'e.l will make a (lip to I -rl - hind f-,r a loud ot gissis for IL it, n u;g, during li ek. V e are son v ti hear d the death oi Clarence Adams, Mis Alma T ti ttrd.iy. Clllie home I.isl at. W. P. Tucker, tlie mail hid I unite tune last , It waso'iili- ' late w hen he g u in j I'-ulter kin,: lo.v in. I- a tiqi lo 1 lloiilii.u with a load ol but t-r. 1 I'o-t m.tiOer I' tv !..-;, I 1 I 'a lieu feitci- ar-i'iii.; lo, resid.- I 11. use si ne 1 1 1 , oii.g aiiii are iiU th j go of evening. St W-iieilllil. t i i it- j ten Hint l-.u f, . man tire t!nj ; piayeis. iiatl' pi 1 Ho ubi.ut tout futility eal ? We ol j j 'viiiiiiii.i, will v -te ..r Cbit.katiiw (I ihu i . t. Heh ns and Pitiitouig ro.-el 1 not .ut f ill g-s.,1 shiijie, j 1 he I nt shut;; sun mi il is now 1 on mug on tuil time. A. P. Sehoonover was m eu in V. ru.i ma one day Ust wet k, Haiti It. -1111.111 is visitii g her mother. S. P. Milliard, of l iM.hurg, went to St. Illeu one tl.iv last week ullel hi lliotlier sltei, who lit tut- ,.li. lo '"I lid 11 ls weeks in the .Neh.llem 1'heV alt! Iiohi Oregon t'liv. v al- j le Then- .ii. a few cases of mump, this vicinity. in ' Miss Alma Troop will visit her par ents a ft a weeks, la-hue leiurniug lo her si Insil east ot the uiiiunti.iiis. I'lie people of Vernotiia will .!i move toward building a large public church, ! A public Sunday-school will 0011 I e or gunned open in all. Huv. Siiulli holds sen ice In the hall. o. K., Htarilltijf !: Iileio-e Fresh leslinu ny in great ipiiiutity is constantly coming in, ik-chirinj Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption, Coughs and Colds to In- inu iiualcd. A nrent expression from T. J. Mi-Far-Idiid, lietitorville, Vu.. serves as mani ple. He writes: "I dad I'.ronchitis for three years and dis torcd all the tinie without being beueliied. Then lasing ir. Mtig s .c Discovery, lew hot tic wholly cured me. ell'eetive in curing nil Lung and troubles, Consumption, I'm-umoiiin i trip. Iiuariiiileeil hy St. Helens iniicy. Trinl bottles free, regular ics fjlte mid 1.MI. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE 3 A sallow coin nlevion d,s,'.. ouiousiiejs ami a coatotl u.nifiio aro comtnon indicjitions of ,VtT .... . I ........ ,,,7., ami Kiuneyiiiseases. Ktoinac.h and bowel troublt-j, severe as thev m pive immediate warning by pnin' but liver and kidney troubles, uioutn less painful at the sbvt, aro much harder to cure. Thedford's Uliu;k-)raurht never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and acrne. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Hright's disease of tlm kidneys. With kidneys re inforced hy Thedford's jlitick OratiRht thousands of arsons hare dwelt immune in tlm midst of y low fever. Many fauiili,., jv in perfect health and have no other dis-bir than Thedford's lllaclr Drauglit. It is always on hand for uso in an emergency and save many cxixusive calls of adis-.tcr. Mulllns, S. C, March 10, 1901 I have uud Thedford's Blsck brsushi or three years and I have not had to to to a doctor sine I have bun t,kia ?, It Is ths best medlcle for mt thit ii on the msrktt for liver ,nd kidn.y trnuhl.. mnA ikiaius.1. . ' tomnl.mU. Rev. A, 0. LEWIS 9 v r ! i Up I'll. Mid-Slimmer 11 .00 3 .50 Our shotting of taihx iii( always leads. Our low . licts ile:if the jk-ojiI, Farnsworth-H'rald Company I i ; 2.S W i . . . i ! i i I stitN,';,t'-N Sr., I'lUcrt.Avii, Okkivin. WAWf mrt k y-i ymr" ?--3ltS?lZz?zrrr into on x r 7k J. F. O'DONNFIJ, I r I t lop ( I I 1 i itririt 's Itelt and llmst- I'owt-r til (ivis, M.nt- IWtibi; Hi 1I.h!i;.-, 1'titkeye 1 lay Tools, New (hf'-r Miil-tini V C t hmi! tis t .t ft I inu 1 i ti S Cl'f.tlil Sfiiat :Ut; s. nj4ns, r.itt:,;!fs and I tlit ! I.e. SOROSIS L.vir juipiilar bfcansf of tli. i and nii-weai injr titialiti-s. U-atht-iH with all the itici tit '- Ciijsti.m Made. ( )ur ait! t Or inatiiiir tlvsictis that art coiiifot table to the kit. inu Stylks Iat-kv I.katui KNIGHT SIKH? ijmmfflMifi!Miti'twmttTi!!iti!!ritiitfffiintM!fmwmtw ITHE NEW YORK STORE lln pint rtci ntd il Spring Goods, Shoes, isl'liiir-Jt: . V-f I g Dry f.(Muls, (iroccrit'S, Hoots. Shoes, Htc. 1 II. MClKCilJH. 3 f. It. -l ir ... 4 w. t t.uM'i- isiiiiiiuijT, ,,iiilll Mivcr, S(. p pits. OlTL'OU. -3 0 TO 12' I 6 1 i b riCK Hot Km, Tneoaore s. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments !y Mail. Koo.i.s 0 and KI, Washington mm.. Kouihea.t comer Wash, and 4th X I r L PORTLAND, OREGON. Take, Klevnlor lo Fifih Floor. Ml TlicJHistnnd -MJ.l jun.u jini iu -i ii ii it 1 1 i . ,,, !i , . ' ' -niiM 0,i,i, .,a.C,jnou Im I n. pip 1V.HI 31H, ae Hji-j lini1 . i'll"! L""u ,lJ1'", 'laiMt.tae ...)! tiJl H JIIU JOJ U l,J.l .vu,i 1HiJS iiitt sir. it ii . 3 I fit I ltd ft rl e tp. eumi 71 . J 1 J II liiuii u...i., i ,IH H 3k "t V " ' ""-'I'l l Jno Jti IK HI n-B 'U.i.nAn 1 31HJ e i w'1'.,"'l,, unt"l''-"'d o-"i u v,-T.-.r,.T . D39Unjr. mi. ,r...,. ... - . " W Uf fl'.Y M Wti U MPT ft- oopow SOGI mom &l t"" 'I" HI aw,, .moiot PJ.,n.,a,ri"!'J::,n'"":"!' Clearing Sale t;:U-s ilit'lec of over ft tliotisuitil imiciiIUhI fcr tailor-made Stttt, worth f 20, $15, nud f yx (let a KaiiiBwi'ith Suit, it doesn't cost tnudi ntul it will fit, wrur mid jtalisfy, l'ttitts liundrt-dH to select from. Kvcry pair titilui-inaile, it it ailed for, $6 to h), tdics. fs .v , v ..j' w.-w-f' f - r.aMwtsr 200 rr.cNT STREIT OREGON a iu l t:p, ') and uj. 11.1V t'l 1 ::,t :i'A s an -d uriijis. ;:U. C.ltti.-.t S. t ' r.ti'i fnl lilies Made of tht' , Mini; fttin? 1k:M sclcvtcJ of detail that M.ui-.j a shoe - , ;tu rs me cut on the alert t ji'vasin to the eye and in. i - k 0 o ".0 Alwavh CO. Mlh and M k. Hu PORT LAND a ho 3 ge mum e ol 'I'lltlMtS I Mlii fifes. , llooltsH 1- Mo-xr I t" ThcOrcsoniaii, $3 I On CH tHVH 21 . ueiiJi i, u .isui .tlilMi n mi T4 I I i t M J I lUk ml II ; Ms mm mm m m mm ' ' ' "-""l u ii i HI v .111 FitfM f a ESSWMr....v,".