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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1903)
r r THE BIG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- ItJtaciving Now Goods Ever; dar In the Week. THC MUCKLB 8TORE MAS A REPUTA- llea ol U ileadlng lor Only tb. Best la -GENERAL MERCIIADISE fi Hnrt & Muclcle. --" ' 7 i St. Helen, - Oregon. or 1 N ST. HELENS pHAKMACY rtroutzc a druf -tore when vou .It want pure, fresh aud reliabl Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Liu of Writing Suppliei. riaiu aud Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher-Regular 25 cent Hoiels On!j 10 Cents m - . m m I M. C. GRAY J Ucaler in J GENERAL MERCHANDISE J nav m(u i.tiKr tso ugmfi.rwr.i-e rtiniisi ihw. notion il A.VO HUUUK MAtMKn AMI IKaltIRK rtNll., KIH KBtkA movfiota, run a am ri. uaruwahk. t-rr.KNawARK rlra Afcu oils, MSimiitx, TooM. trr. ft uxuc v v jf v - - v -w with every person in Columbia County. My policy is to handle honest goods at honest prices, and it affords me much pleasure when I feel that my pa trous arc getting their money's worth. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON BUI 4 i The. Kind You !! Always VonghU nd which hna been la um for over 30 year., hu bora the signature or tf and 1ms Iwn mad Mndrr hl per-,. , SsjAtfJ-- so"! mpenrtakm ln o Its Inhoc ttZT-GZc&ie Allownoontodorclvyouliithli. All Coiinterfelta, IiwIUIIona and Substitute. ro but Ex- i icrl,ents that trlfl wllh nd cudanirrr th hrl r li.ft.rit and ChUdren-Kipwrlcnco atfftliwt Ivaperluienu What is CASTORIA C5wU.rU U ft auhatltute for Ctot Oil, nrcirorlc, Drops nd Koolhlnp; Bynipa. It la HannlcH. and 1 "V" wiitHltta neltbor Opium, Morphine nor other aubnunc. Its w la II. B.arant. H dc .troy Wormj Mtd allay. FeTerlnhn.. It cures lirrha,a "J Coll. It wllev. Tothln Trouble, cure. Co P" and Flatulency. It WHliullftte. tho Food, res M Stomach and Bowel.. htnff healthy J lccp Tho Children. Panacca-Tho Mother's Frlona. cbhuinb CASTORIA LWAYS ' Bear the Signature of LOCAL t Wilnhrd' Ur oa Up at tlx Owl alouti. Blfycla iuadrla at M.C. Urr't, Bl. Helrm. Mr. QuickC offlc floor lit recaWad a ttiUch iiimJk1 cvatol paint. Th. Iitb ii U out of kilter but tba (tlaliiar Ii grlniilng teidily on. Iupont A Boni, of Valley. Iiara a lot of CMlarnliiuaUi for ule at Houlton. Baath Trea whlik.r at tba Owl aa- loou, Brimi Broa., proprietor!, direct from Kamai City, Mo. There le much eport to be had on the Lewie rlter bottoiui at preaant, cbmiag carp out iato the meaduwi. k I'xxi aieortment ol glovea at M. C. Uay'i, Hi. Hln.. Kpeclal attoaliou la called to oor ladiee' rarden alove at 30c a pair. Henry Morgue hae ad'led a full line of furniture to etork o( ganeral mer chandise cbalre, bedaUada, etc., and a complete line. All llnee of my tlock are now more complete than ever before, and eoaie new llnee have btea added. M. C. tiray, St. Heleni. When you go to Miat etop at the new hotel In the Merrill building, under Hie uiaoageuient of Mre. K. M. lpold. Clean beda and Sratclaee meala. If you bava anything for aale, or waat to buy aay epecial article, deaire eio- ployntentor want help, Inaar aa ad fertieement la the claaailied column. Attention la called to the (act that I low carry the moat complete aaaort- ent of oile and paiuta to be (ooad in Columbia county. M. C. Cirty, Kt. Ilel-eoi, When you want a p'eaaant phyeic try Chaiuberlain'a Hloniacb and Lirar Tab ele. They ate aaay ta Uka and pl-aa- aalin effect. Foraale by Edwin R , drugglat. Beveral partira are looking to the mill end of town lor building eilet. Aa a rule they want two or more lota. Howe building material ii being pilot out for prime pauiee. K. Becker, millinery, haa moved from Kiret and Balmon trrrta, Tortland, where the etore wae located for many yeare paat, to alrgaat new quartere at 214 Tiiinl atreet. It ie now the moel rompletn millinery eatablubuent la I'ortlaud. L. 8. Maaon, of Mayiter, waa In town Tueaday. Bart Waat. of ficippooae, waa In town Tueeday. T. C. Watti, of Reuben waa in town during tba week. XE. J. Mille, of I'lttiburg. waa in town the flrit of the week. Robert Perrlne, of Quincy, waa a Mt. Helena yiaitor Tueeday. John Van and John Wallice, of Milt, were hare the flrat of tbe week. Norm air Merrill, of Clatakanie, wae traaiarting bualuaae in town Tueeday. (i. I). Bonaey, ol Yankton waa tran- aacting buaineae in the county aeat Tueaday. Mre. Henry Gage, of Neatucca, Tilla mook county, haa been apending a few daya with relalivea here. Mre. J. Q. Uage and children, left Monday morning to upend the week with hie parenta in Clackaruae county. Georce Adama ia getting along fairly well with faia arm ia a 'ling. Mr. Adama aaye ia it palua him but little aa yet. Mr. Baraga haa been In the metrop olis a lew daya. Ha waa preaant at the buraing of the Weatern I-Binber Co'a mill aad yard. t Misa Lou Frakea returnd laat Satur day from Stafford, Or., where ebe vieiied a married brother ol her lata, beloved friend, 8. R. DeNeui. Elder Kelckum and (amily aadT. B. Ixilt, left yealerday morning to attend the annual conference of the Weeleyan Method ial church in Eaat Portland. Charlea York, ol Gobla creek, who haa been entertaining a felon on hie linger, haa been over to Kalama a couple of timee thii week ta bava tha doctor treat it. Uullelia. Ur. McLaren and Reprceentative Both C.O.Thayer. M.W.Uregg, Uan Bteh man.T. B. Wiiliame. i. B. E. Bourne aud George A llliama, were a (aw ef tha Rainier people who were in attendance at the circuit court the Orel of tbe week, The following attorneya from other placca are ia attendance at circuit court : Ira Jouee, ol Oregon City; t. M. Teeplre aud W. C. Fiauhar, of Raiaier; District Attoraey, Uarriaon Allan, of Aatoria; Judge Caplee, T. 8. Cleeton, V. K. Strode, E. E. Miller, W. C. Bri of PRINTING Is "the art preservative of arts." Up-to-date printing is the progressive growth of the science for centuries. No modern business of any mag nitude is successfully conduct ed without the use of printers' ink. For the greatest possi ble publicity before the people of Columbia County you must use the columns of The Mist. More than 2000 people will read this statement. Enough said. Ask us about up-to-now commercial job printing. "We will be pleased to show you samples. I . 1 1 a a 1 I I ar Y ii u w.. .Iv-I .nnik.r ! Wl. - aioreianu muu i . , ... ...w..- , .1 . 1... .1 .,1..,..,. ik. i n.n. loriianu. aiating ol knlvee and lurke, epoone and napkin ring. Each caeioruer at the etire ia givta a ticket with each caah purchaae and when the total reacbea the amount ol 125, (be purchaaer will be entitled to a eel ol eilveraare. Tha ateamer, Sarah Dlion, haa now changed to tha auiamer achedule. She nut. leavea for Oak fviinl end way laml-Infc-e oa Sunday evening! at 8 o'clock. Uavre l"onland lor Claukaniaand way aadinga Tuenlay and Thuraday even inga at 8 o'clock. Returning, Iravea Clatakania on Wednesday and Friday evenings at 4 o'clock, tide peimitting. Kpring la here, and ao ia my new Kpring stuck, all new guode, nothing ahop aorn. ror ladiee' hate and dre.a goMla, gnu's furnishing goods, and all up-to-date notions this store leade alt the rrat. A dollar ill hay more in my Agomy Of Apprehension of Sudden Death. Twenty Years of Heart Disease. Laical laaarareel Brum Mead a eve la Hack!.., far Ck liNfti aeuJ lot Ca'aluaue ai. 9 H I Orweilwa air.klai khaa. A .th A lue llbl aud lr.. ike. V -i It a trxala. No. M 1(4 J mi l.aellee' ralenl P.aa-a.l at., flueahue (or atreet wear afaiOTare. far.. 13 link bliuk $ 2'li General lailne M. Pacific Mail Order Company POHTLAND. orkoon THE SION 6P (CPfi TBI R.BECKER MILLINERY aovaa to- 214 Ttir4 It. Censer ar faarea rortland, Orernn A Complete assortment ol aelected partem hale, alio a lot of trimmed a .la st f resfly nAKi prices. Tea are cordlsllr Invited Mull aad ea aalaa oar Spring Styles nonce or hhal terruneur NOTICE I HEREBY GIVE THAT TBI aaderaif Bed as administrator of lbs eatate BEST 3 OVERLAND 3 TRAINS 3 3 DAILY 3 It does not cost you any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be t 'os-pk Wedries.rierrMed.bu lied In tke of-i T. . f -11 do of the coat, coon of the couoty of Co- It s tbe cracl. train ot toem an lumhls, State of Oregon, h t flnal account of hts Dr. Miles' Heart Cured Me. Cure Mare SaUf cable the Bays. To tet tho ditfereace in pricea from other etoras to John Deil.r'e, corner let aud Yamhill, yoa ran aava aa much on. men'e clothea and shoea aa you caa oa the little (elloa 'a. The eauie a'lit other stores charge 3.M) and 4 our pricea ara 1. $3. j tha same shoes' other etoree chare, and I--50, our price is l. 26, l .75 and 2. Tba latest atvlee ol ladiee' shoes, regalar -'.W and 3 W valuea, for f 1.75 and 2. Out aelaction ol mane suite ie very large ; our pricea are 26 per cent less iu comparison with other stores' prices. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure cures heart disease. It has positively bo etjoal in that regard. The flutterinf. palpitation and heart pains readily disappear before its mafic influence; the shortness of breath, the fnchiful smother ing spells vanish alter a short course ot treat ment; the palw beata become strong and regular, the circulation is improved so that the veins are charged with healthy, pure, life giving blood carrying strength and health to every nerve ana muscle and re placing the dead tisane with solid flesh. "For eighteen yeare 1 euSered from heart trouble. The least eicitemeot caused se vere fluttering and palpitation and at night smothering apelh) would frequently cause me to sit ap in bed for breath. Beside the fre quent physical pains I waa constantly in an agony of apprehension lest it might bring about my sudden end. I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and eaperunced almost immediate rtlief from my former disagree able symptoms. I brieve that my cure is permanent because I have not had occasion to use the Heart Cure lor aia or seven years, which time has elapsed since I quit takmr the Heart Cure. As a boose hold remedy I keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Psm Pills in the hpase all the time. I consider the Dr. Miles Rem edies fully at good as they are recommended to be and I trust that you may live maay fears for the sake of hamamly." R. T. I a wrrr, Chehalis, Wash. All drucgists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nrvou and Heart Diseases, Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. adm'nlalrallou upon Mid estate, loe.lher with hi flual report .nd petitina for ni.trtbull.n, and that the Hon. 1. B Doan. Jud. of aald Curt, haa appointed Moo'lav. the Irat dav ef Juno. A. D., 19U), at one a'elotk la the after noon of aald day, as the time, aad the room of sold Court In i. Helen. Oregon, aa the place of heart 0( tba asms, at which lime aad, any person tnter.ated la a.14 euie may appear ana flio objections la writing to said Saal sccount or aald -aJ r-porlaad petition for dis tribution, or say portion of either ol tho same. MARTIN A. WIDKICK, Adstinittrst.r of tbe estate of JoMpb 14 B3 Wedrlek. dsee.aed. W. ii. row ELL, Auoine; for Administrator. A. O. CH1IILTON, Aaaiataat General Passenger Agent KS Morrison St., Corner of Third, Portland, Oresrosr. SUMMONS. Notice of Gaardlanahlp Fetltleat. Ia the rooty Court of the atats of Orogoa far Columbia Coaatr. Ia tbe matter of the Onardianahlp of tbe es tates of Lester Wedrlek Faroe Wedrlek, Millard Arnold. Darwin Arnold, and Car tla Arnold, minora. To Eater Aaa Medrtck. Thomas inhart, aaa ! Oerg. Arnold: I 'PAKE notice that Martin A. Wed rick I X has heretofore Bled is tha abo.e entitled i Conrt his p-tltion to be appointed gusnti.a of ) the estates of Lour Werirlcs, .erne Medrfek. I Millard Arnold, Oarwls Arnold, and Curtis Ar. ToJoba Doe. whoae true name la ankaowa. ; he-rtng by aamt-oan on 'on.ia we nrai o.r and to all k...wn owners of tho gill-net : of June. A. !.. 10S. at the hour ol two o etock. b-Miui.rdaerlk-d- a. m., at tbo court room of aald Court, at Rl bereiiuuierde-enbea. ! haleaa. Oregon, at wbieh time .nd place yoa IV the name ef the state af Oregon: mi, Ppr .nd .bow mum, it an; you have. Ton and of yoa arc hereby required io why Mid Martin A. Wodriek abould not he ap. appearand aaaw.r lb. complaint lied against , pointed auebguerdlaa. you in ta. aoovoeatuie-i acii"o wimin iuu.. wiT.asa. ua no.. . o. ueai, .n-g. ' Hti from tbe -nt publication of tbia um- ,c.ny Court of the aiaie ol Oragoa for the Hi, which Brat date o. oobll'atlon ia Erid.y. c'ooniy of Columbia, with the seal . I said Caert the MB oay CI aaay im, ana 11 jmm i.n wt wi- aakxsa, mm vin o7 oi )ni, a. v., if Ia the Circuit Cert of the lute ef Oregea, for Columbia Couaty. Slate of Oregon, flalaiiff vs. John Doe, whose trae aame Is ankaowa, Oefea- A A Aw. A Dr. A. F. KNODER, Dentist tt III rawova bit denial oew to the aew MOHAWK BMg.. eoraer Third and MorrterMi 8ta wbaa SnUhad. Present ofTice at w. v-h-.t r. 317 railing tfuuaing, Cor. Third and Washington Sts., Portlaud, Oregon iejs"Jw The Kind You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vm. .--. ooiai MNV. f WO...V vaiiv. v. a'W- Tm Good a Liar. A young man from Banffshire wna attending bla holidays In Aberrn. While walking ou "the greeu" lu com n.nv with hi. uncle be waa aurprtaed nor than any place in this county. Just , to mtiaJ kltM flrlug. Ohaerrlug rc-aivrd 50 new men a suite up-to-date i OU8 f,r uigher thau tbe real, oe catiea lusivlo for the least money posaiule. . bis untie s attentiou ana ae.e tr ever II. M. McKial, Clalakanie. The largeat crowd ia the history ol Houlton waa tha one that assembled to enjoy the entertainment and social given by Houlton Circle, No. 478, W. O. W. on Tuesday night a week ago. The preiuineut and lelleitioua feitturae of the program we c: Open'ng address by Dr. H. K. Clin; recitattona by Me- damea I'erry, Houlton and trerty. A ong by Mr. Holloa and one by mem bers of the circle. Instrumental selections by Messrs, A. M. Hullon and O. C. Clark and Mue Jennie tnison. Mr. Joseph roiiiinville, of Stillwater, Minn., alter having spent over t-,000 wilh the beet doctors lor stomach troub le, without relief, wae advised by hie draggiat, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a boa ol Chemlwrlaiire Utomaoii aim Uvar Tahleta. Ha did ao aad ta a well man today. H Uoubled wiUi indiges tion, bud taste in the mouth, lack of ap nrl ile or constipation, give these Tablets a trial, auil you are certain to be more Ihan pleased with the result, .oretie at 25 rents per box by Edwin Boss, St. Helena. Married, at the residence of B. A. Lillich, at Quincy, on Sunday, May 10, HHJ3 Mist Daisy K. UHieh and I-ottis Jarvey, Key. J. K. Hawkint, ol Clataka iiieolflcialing. The guasU present were Measrg Waltar Jones, J. B. Jones, Jaaon Jones, and Kmile Ivgren; Miesee Ula Jonea, Zella Jonea, Rena Jones, Dorothy Itobhlna and Bertha Uwiston, Mr. and Mre. M. M. Dnbbini, and Mrs. M. J. Uwiston, ol Quincy, Mr. and Mre. u.-.i. vvi.ii. nf St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Goy Lilliel". ol Svensen, Mre. Mabel Carlson and Misa Rose Carlson, of Oak Point. Mrs. L. F. Uray, Mre Win. Gray, nd Misa Lottie limy, of Anibov. Mre. A. Ranetlale, Edgar Ransdale, Miss Salma Randale, Mrs. W. H. IVittersoa, and Mr. Norman Patterson, ol Portland. Freeh fish in season every Friday, aad ipeeial fuaday dinner at tha 8t. Heleas Hatel. be had seen a kite flylug aa bleb be fore. "Did ever I see an aa high afore? Mau. Jatuuile. .that's nartbiug. for 1 bae seen aome o' tlieu) clean oot ' alcht." Soottlbh Amerlcau. MIST pear and anawsr.'for want thereof tbe pl.intlsT. Will Ul. JUUSemcufc .laiuit jim mm , -c ta tbe be'ition in int. oea.u, n.mcir, jangm.-. of con-ftcatlou. condemnation and sale of a eer Uln gill set desert Dea m lollowa: On (ill net, commonly called a fleeter, let) ff-ha-ni In l.netb. b.vlu-r mean. Vt Inches in ulie, eonatrucied of 1 ply twine, wblch ssld (ill-net waa. and ia, bung In lines; the a-une baring a cora line couan-ucien 01 cotion iinr, and wooden eorka, or floatera, aald rcraa being muhine .ukI.' and a lsad line uc ted of cotton Hue and leads. Witnr.. my h.nd .nd the suit of the ("Irrult Court of Columbia County. Ur.gon, this th day of M.y. 190. H. UtNUEKWlS U a. Clerk. W. H U. USJIOESSUH, Clerk. POWELL, Attorney lor retttloner- tlmber Lead, Aet Ja.a 1. 1(78. nonce ran rutuctwii. Uarrse Status Lsaa Omrg, Oreeoa City. Oregon, May i. 1M. N'OTICt K HEREBY OIVEN THAT IS COM pliaaee with lb oroviaiona of tbo act of Coagrea. of June . ft., entitled "Aa set for lbs sale of timber lands In tbe blue, of Calitor oi.. Orrgoa, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory." aa e Headed to all the Publie L-nd Slate, bv ael el Aegu.t 4. ls-. I'. B. Meleen. It. B Stroaab.a. of Portland, - ounty of Mult nomah, l.t. ef Uiegoo.hMtbla day riled in this ofltce ber aworn uiemenl No 6641, for the pur. -...: of th. .U of ae4 of aecllon C. in tuwn- ahip 4. n. range ho. 3 west, and will offer proof Timber Lead. Act Jane . IT. tor ice rot HIMUUV0H. Cairae (T.raa Laaa Ornea, Oregea City, Oreg.a. April It, lSOS. NOTIt-EiaMEKESTMIVE.MTAAT IN COM II. nc. with the arovlaioaa of the Aet at Coogrertof Jan. S. 1ST A, .milled ' Aa act for tba mmio ol tlmbar l.nd. in tbe ante, ef California j Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,' 1 aaexteaded to all tbo fob)!. Land atatea by I act of Auguat 4, lata. Jamee V. Campbell, of rortland. County of Multnomah, stats .1 urw gon, baa this day lied ia ibisofiee bis sworn low meat No. -07, for the purchaa of tbo of aectioe No. ZS. in towuhip No. a, raage No. S w.. and will offer proof to abow that tbe land aought la more valuable for iu timber or atona tbaa l.r agrtcuHui.i purposes, sud to ertahliaa hle rlaim to aaid land before the ftegi-Mr aad Receiver of this oihee .t uregoa City. Orogoa, en w.turtlay, the ilihdmy of July, IMS- He name, aawltne-aea: Juiln. C. Burke, ol Mol.ll.. Oiegoi : Ed Bark. Jowph U ibaoa, and James Miller, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all penons cuimiug adversely tho abote-deacrit-ed land, are requeated to ale their claim, la this omee aa or beiere asid Uta day of July. 1SU3. a-4-ja'.a CHARLtS B. MOORES. Reg later. to abow tb.ttbe land aought i. more valnable h nl...torB M0tli-a or aTlsvsl Ao forltatlmberor.ton.tban lor agricultaral pur- AOmimsistor s iionie in ramma ooaea. aad toe-uabli.h herclaim louid lead be- cow at. iHMt rwklle Ubrarp Adwaalaarea. Barnea-1 suspect that ringrey U quit s literary man. I uow be spends the greater part of bla time lu tbe public library. Howoa-Yea. Ue tells me It Is so quiet there he can get a nnp almost any time without beiug swakened. Uoaton Transcript Too Great Iliak. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often befors medicine could be procured or s physician sum moned. A reliable remedy lor theae disease, should be kept at hand. The risk is too great lor anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy hap undoubtedly eaved the lives ol mora people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always be de pended upon. For sale by Xvlwiu Boas, Mt. Helena. t' aknews Bwdy Fasnd. Master Eddis Hanson ia on the (ick list. Bather stormy weather in Miat last Friday. John Wallice haa completed tbe new road at his ford. Frank Van hae purchased a few black mioorca chickens. Ja. Hill and J. H. Aldridgs went courting this week. lohn Wilson waa the lucky boy that killed tha lone swan. VY.F. Hiattit atraining every nerve to supply tha Malcultn mill ilh shingle bolts. ' The Malcolm shingle mill is doing a rushing business. They rut over 300 thousand the first two weeka. Three junk men witb s big load of hides aud old rubber, stopped in town Tueaday aud were guests at the Mist hotel. Mr. aad Mrs. II. Aldridge and son Ira spent laet Sunday night on their farm in tha coaotry, where peace aad quiet j reigns. Nightengale are getting so numerous that the county papera cannot hold all ol their songs. Better try the Ore gonian next. It would be advisable for people to keep their doga chained nights, instead of allowing them to run around keeping neighbors awake and killing their pel cata. " Ben Berkenfield, of Deep Creek and Misa Estalia Jones, of Vesper, passed through our berg Saturday euroule to Clatskanir, where they took in the May faslival. " t. i lore the Regtater and Receiver of thia efnc at Oregon citv. Oregon, on hataraay, in. i.i. o.y oi July. 1903. ane name, as wnne-ne.: loraswir, r. " -Vara... and Mile. P. Meleea, ol Portland, Oregon; and At Parker, af PilUbarg. Oregon. Anv and ail parson, claiming - ver.elv the above-deacribed lands sre reo-es'ted to Sle their rlaim. ia tbia office on or before aald lath day of July, IMS. mSl ALUERSON DRESSER. Regieier. The Daily Evening Journal and Tag Oregon Mist, six montha for $-. The Evening Journal is Portland's live, in dependent dsily democratic paper. NOTICE is hereby given thst tba 1 aal accouut of the naderalgoed, as ad miaiatrator of the e.tare of Charlea S. t-acv. de oeued, haa been file- in the County Court ol tbe State of Oregon for the Con oty of Columbia, aad that tbe lath d.y ol June, ISO.', at 10 o'clock a- m., na. tten appointed by aaid Court for the hearing of objection, to the -aid naai aa. count aud tba aettlemeat th.reoL Dated at St- Helene. Columbia Coanty, Ore- ..Maya-Mc ItALPH R. prwtwAY. of the eesata al Charlee S. Ley, doeeased. Babacriba for Tax MrsT. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache The botly' of an unknown maa was (ound floatii g in the river near Baiuier Wetlneeday. Coroner Cliff held an in quest on tha s una yesteaday moi nittg, ' . , i i vv n Niiu a jury enuifio.-a oi , ... Drydeii, Wm. Boberle, B. A. Fagalda, Chas. Clark, and R. Lull, rendered s i verdict as follows : Paid body waa that ol a male, height about 5 ft. 8 n, agd probably Dot wean 45 and 50 years; dressed as follows : Blioea. toon and new, i A ,f gldaeys, V T wrv m about .. eight, black eJi..l P"t.. nX-mTVR T I U H with suspenders arouml waiai, oiue ies.HtsjutsaMrav.i.w .wj mm m. stripe cotton shirt, woolen undershirt, i "repay, black whltkersol about a weeks growtn, heeosie tsoenar-(r4. Thara la S coat same a. pant., red strip. Milor . .'i'.g " oArJS. knot tie, briar pip. with tobacco in it coo au fcy small bottle, no vest, woolen socks. lU,anlulo( mJ being dive to-day. I had Th.r.was. wound on th. Mt -K tna neaa ner .... "-P " Vi 'miimw Oll Fur.ace.a- Dart A Muckle have received a com plete lin. ol mens' clothing, rangiag from 17.60 to $16. Call and Inspect them. RIDER AGENTS V7AUTED io each town to take orders for our new High Grade) Guaranteed Bicycles. Ho vi 1903 tJlodolo 4 "BeUiSO," Completa $8.7 S in " COSSack," Guaranteed nigh Craoa $107 & " SsboH&n." A Eeauty ' Heudorf," Ho ad IUcer $14,7tS no better bicycle as any price. iny olAer make or tnoiiei yon want at me-thtri usual price. Choice of any standard tiros and best equipmoct on all our bicycles, istrongest guarantca. We SKIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any one trtlAo-t a tint deposit rund allow JO DAYS FREE TRIAL before purchase is binding. 500 SoaondHand Whoels fl taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores, sjaj lw ajy all makra and models, rood as new HI- HOT BHV arcTelanirttr ror. have writer; tor em HO ntll law I FA lobt rntwC. anu rnta ia..-wrr.n. -M-.ul ww.-.iw Mrw-t or .11 klnit. at half renilar DTlCC. mcw-ajsieeraodryesuHa. Cont.lnaworliof iivaful Information. Uriw-forlt- J. L. HEAD CYCLE CO., Ghisago, III. Mil i i mm wtH mm .a a D PITTSBURG VISIBLE .TYPEWRITER THE ONLY PERFECT WRITING MACHINE MADE j ,j wSSi . r-w) J (A -s w .A y 4 "'fQrbtsX I w The writing is in plain view of the operator all th. time simplest and strongest con struction, rapid action, easy touch adapted to alt kinds of work beat for tabulating and invoice work universal key board removable type action instantly clrancd. Treble the life of any ether ) machin. tor good clean work. denture near the eye. it ll our mum; . a.V for Cook Book-Tree. that aaid body had been in th. water i uixjitnllflC RuraCura circular. Pt about two months; it was in a badly .I.YIlUi UAIlUC leno.r. rdo.iaJl.f 1 ...I - UUM..;. ' I. W U r i1omo fit 11 -al Ah ass i st 1. : .. ..... lltai hft Iturt ' lu R.' l Uriiiti T-sUr-ll Ills! . A III P. km tm WUI .-, vs.. a.w . ear.F . ...... m- heeti killed bv the blow. telianta at Hotilton. I JVv VVWTTVVTV t i The Pittsburg Writing Machine 208 Wood Street, Company Pittsburg, Pi. I