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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1903)
OREGON MIST Entered it tlie Potofhee at St. Helens, Oregon, second-class umit matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. tLxm i I i 1 J '. . l i lutiu Kvkst Fbihav Mornimo By KKKI.KR H. MJABKKRT, ElHTO AHU PaoralRTOR. .$1.00 SUBSCRIPTION HRH'E: One copy on year, in advance. . . ftix months MAY 1, 190.1. Thin paper is kept on file t the Ore- J fon Press Association Kuom 9. Hmil-! ton building, Portland, Oregon. BETTER ROADS THE GREAT DESIDER ATUM. The great and crying need of Colum bia county is better roads, and it ia of the utmoit importance that t lie present road fund he expended to the beat ad vantage. The work should l of a per manent character, with the road bed thoroughly drained. John H. Scott, president of the Good Koad. Association, and county judge of) Marion county, urges in his instructions to road supervisors the urgent necessity of thorough road drainage. It will do bat little good to pat gravel or crushed rock on the roads nuTess they are well drained, and a dirt road that is properly d rained will remain passable during the wiater, rays Mr. Scott. Tha road question is of infinitely. than matter of the removal of the county seat. By all means there should be good roadways connecting the eha Jeiu valley with both Clatskauie anl St. Helens. Thee improvements are ur- tent, in order to eiva people of the Ne - nalew a way to conveniently get out to the river. . While other main lines need attention, these roads deserve special ork just at this time. Plank road are the most desirable, where gravel is not convenient, and cedar puncheons are found to be the proper thing on steep grades. GOOD ROADS ASD RURAL MAILS. Rural mail delivery and the good roads movement go side by side. Tlie efficiency of mail service depends upon the condition of the roads, aud this con dition has never been. more apparent thaq at the present time w hen the pop ular deanaud for more extended rural jieliscry is increasing everv day. Tlie mail service is a government .in stitution and there is a growing tenden cy to look to the government for assist ance in the close allied road movement. Towns are plainly unable to bear the cost, and but few states feel able to fully Intet the situation. But the govern ment which has spent forty-four mil lions of dollars for improving rivers and harbors and canals, paying the entile cost of such works, might easily spare a tike amount to help transportation bv laad. A plan was submitted to the last con gress by w hich the government and the state each pays one-half. The state con Id then levy a share of the expense Upon the counties and tow ns, bring the actual cost down to a very low fifinre. Such a measure would add to the at tractiveness and value of country prop erty and the facilities of farm life would be greatly increased, and it is a prrject : 1 the representatives of the people at national capital should support heartilv, as thev will when made aware that the ! The high school ifrsdnates front the fceopje are in earnest on the subject ol ' CliUkanie public sch.jol were: J,..,.. I Ida M. I'lackford. Horence M. Falc good roads by goyernment "'t- ,iQ,ie, Iai, a. Johnson. Nellie Lovell nce. Astoriaa. and Uonolda MeGillivsrv. Kev. W. II. Selleik, of Portland, de livered the class address, and the pres- SWORE FALSELY THREE TIMES, entation of diplomas was made by County Superintendent 1. II. Copeland: Three Affidavit Mitchell told the truth The'inusical program i-onistefl of in qnce last week, but it must have been j strumenul numls-rs by Miss I.nn-a I., a accident. He says the Mist is no I n,i yocai t"io bT Mr- J' M' U erodes a newspaper No one ever as-j The'exrellent essnys by the memlrs aerted that was. The facts, however, ' of the graduating clan were as follows: stand ont bold and hard that Mitchell t "The Stars and Stripes," Nellie Lovell ; deliberately swore to lies three times about his subscription list. If the Misti fiublisher had secured the services of a j awyer his affidavit would no doubt have : been technically correct, but as it w as 1 l had qnly to be corrected ouce. While i on the other hand, V, C. Fischer, who j represented the interests of the rag, 1 went back to Rainier twice to make' pem affidavits, mid Mitchell swore to them as though he had bo fear of the i thereafter. j Jsu't there something in it, that Jtjitchell was sq tiad that he did not print any account of the Odd Fellows banquet at St. Helens, and it is possible that the resolutions were parsed at the (ullowiug meetiag to conciliate matters, ft is a fact discussed outside of the lodge that Mitohe.ll tried to have a widow's Ion ispended for nou-paynietit of dues without giving him the requited notifi cation. When Mr, Davis stated that it was his .jiuteution to assume charge of the Wood land News, the Mist had no right to say that he was a liar, simply to please the JUinier rag. Thrte-Am.iavit Mitchell fold parties in Bt, Helens that he was ayiug for the Woodland News, aud ex pected to get it. It is evident that when he went to W'oodiautj fye discoy ars that the present News oianage Jneut was' too strongly intrenched, so Opened out the Mist bluff on them. It has nqw beeu several weeks since Th'ee-Afh.uTit was giving his own low u I K black eye, by telling some Bt. Helens ' people that the conditions in Rainier on ! Sundays was simply awful. The rag says it hag the names of a core or more of people, who should not be on the Mist list. Why don't tlie cowardly Three Affidavit print their tiames? The rag, of Rainier, is the oniy paper In Columbia comity that ever advertised oclub with the Ortgoiiian for (I 50 or futon its subscription list, a fact that I A, J. Jonnson, of A-.tnrl.-t, t ho tinted j .botanist and government forestry "ex pert, who died a, lew days ago, had ', made a thorough study of the a hite I dur forests in Oregon. This timber it 1 found in Coos, Curry, lktuglas and a j ' part of Josephine ton lilies on the west , side of the Coast King mountains, j Whit csilar ia an evergreen with bhii.-h ! green foliage, with rather rough birk o i ' tha older trees, w hile on the yonnger the bark is comparatively smooth. 1 lie wood Is creamy white with a close grain, ! j ia susceptible of a high polish, durable "land strong. liite cellar possesses! tha Hnert qualities commercially of any tiuibsr known to congress. The total area of w hite cedar in Oregon will ap- ; proximate from 176,000 to AH),000 acres j in extent. The largest body yet tin-; ( touched lies between Coos Say and the i.Coquille river, distance of 20 miles. The isolation of country life is passing. In fact, fu many sections it has passed. What with railway stations at frequent intervals throughout the fanning re gions, free mail delivery pushing ils way out into tha rural districts, electric cars singing along on trolleys and tele- nliAiia li.tUM artdiLiliiiK far ttli.l .in t Ulelits b.BU,d 'iro'io thousands ol farm houses during the past year. If under the old regime i he farmer' life was the most independent of all, it is now the must enviable in an other direction, since it combines the quiet and beauty of the country with the touch of urban life that brings the world, divested of strii and noise, to its ' Trctident Roosevelt is receiving ova- i tion after ovation on his trip toward the 1. He has eaten cow bov j lunch with Black-hills pioneers, and 1 made numerous addresses en-route. In his address to the pioneer gathering at ! Alliance, S. D., the President gave vent to the following words of praise: "Hon or to the uteu who took the lead in tam ing the shaggy wilderness, to thu trail blazers, to the men who first marked out the earliest of highways, the spotted line, the blazed trail. The pioneer days have gone, but the need of the old pio- neet virtues remain the same as ever." . The reception given United Slates Senator Charles W. Fulton by the Klks of Astoria, was a notable event. It was a t5 plate affair, and covers were laid for I2f. As a token of the high esteem in which Mr. Fulton is held in his home town and by the Astoria lxlge of Elks, I he was presented membership. wi.h a card of life Isn't it aliout time that something was being done toward a Columbia county exhibit at the immigration bu reau's rooms in Portland? Other coun ties are receiving new settlers by the. hundreds, and an effort should be made to turn a part of the tide of desirable new people in this direction. SCHOOL MATTERS. Clatskanle Graduating E erclset A Rainier Girl Gets the Highest Markings in Hth Grade Exam . iuation. The graduating exercises of the Clals kanie high school were held last Friday night, that being the close of the school year. Five graduates from the tenth grade received their diplomas, and were fairly 'teluged wilh floral offerings from ai.t.reciatiye friends. "After L's What," Ida M. lilackfotd ; "The Oregon Country," Lewis A. John- j son; "The Importance of Helf," Flor- j ence M. Fabriqua; "Man and Nature," . iJ .n jlda McUillivary. j The class motto was "We Row, Not thrift." After the exercises a banquet was ; served to the class, faculty and a few in- vited gil.-sts. The teachers of the flats- kanie school were H. I?. Ksseji, princi-, nil ; Charles Hall, Zella Lwis, Mrs. El- j ia McDonald. 1 KtOIITIf OKAOE DIPLOMIS. County S iperintendeiit Copeland has issued diplomas to 13 eighth grade pu pils, who successfully passed the pre scribed exam n 1 ion in the public schools of Colnmb.a county. More will pass at the May examination. Miss Alice Wilson, of Rainier, is at the head of the roll of honor, having re ceived an average rati g of laj per cent. Miss Ida (jure, of l-leer Island, was sec ond, receiving an average marking of 93.7, while Miss Htella I'richard, of Rai nier was third w ith an average of UZ. Following is the list of the successful ones : Rainier Alice Wilson. Stella I'rich a.d, Rose Sexton, Jnsta, Herman, Dan iel Moeck. Deer Wand Ida Gore. Kt. Helens Charles Wikstrom, Nellie Pinckney. Clatskanie Grace Towers, Ruth Bry ant, Jennie I'opham, Agnes Tichetior, I'reston Washburn. The matter of consolidating the Marshland and Hazel tirove districts with the Clatskanie school district, is being considered under the provisions nl Hi. 11.. U. Tl. 1-1-.. 1. ....; Orange has taken the matter up, and a committee was appointed to ascertain if 'tlB c'0,t0' hauling the pupils from the (wo outlying districts would ofr.-et the Ji.iirilovi.iMiif rj u r a.l.lili.Tiul .au.'l.uv In f''J ' ' ' ' ' '"'.I .1V.1.B. IUIII.II.I 11, the Clatskanie school. r 1 1 .u 11. JXXZLLJl1 i but Superintendent Copeland slates that there are now plenty of teaohors in eight to supply the demand. Bears the " Kind Ym Haw Ulivaw BaugM FROM VEKNOMA. Another Correspondent Exillts on The County Sent Proposition. Kditor u( Tan Mu t : Vei -nonia, Orvg.ui, April 27 We are not partii'iilaily stuck after St. Helens its county seal ; neither do tttf propose to iiimiioiii of tl frviiur pan into the Die. A I'm U tinier. I have never been In ttifto.n, hut have seen it n few times from the deck ( ft steamboat. . Toco ttty loads lead from thi Till-1 lev M railroads and tide water one to j Si'. Illicit", the other to Cliit.-k.tni. Should we wish to go to H tinier . we , must come out by one or the other of these roads to m'. Helens or I'latsknnie ; ! miles further along! the riv.r hank, or put up our teams and . take a ear or hoal to finish the trip. According to "Red r'ir'" L iter in last week's Mier, our on.y twin would lie ill seeing a big. lie court house sev- eral mile- before we got there. I i The county has a court house at SI. I 1 lleli-ns it is no gieat shakes of n court j house, but i plenty gml enough for a new count v seven-eighths of hose Mir- face is forest linila'r laud. If it requires j some rcpni.a. make ttiem. ! VYed-ui'i prtiiC to digxthe money out of OU' hh ki'ls to erect it line, large one yet ahile,whcii only one town is : benelitted bv n. I lo Hie Uainier people think are so greeu as to Irelieve that they will puie-' tice economy in erection new county, buililiiigs? Thai is n -t the object of the ' reinoval a big court house "that can tie i seen miles," s R ! Kir puts. ii is about the sol tun. and uliji'.t of the ' i removal. j ; Some one tow n must hi the enmity seat. What toivn will lie the most roll- I venient tor a nisi n it v i f the coiiiuv ia 1 the main ques.ion to le cn-nlered. Uainier cuts n sirrv ti-nre m that view of the quert on. Thiee deep can ' vons and Is its It mlji-s will foiever ' vent good, uractic. ble loads from ihe , ,oiintn to Rainier. j Kir Tree's rnvtiuii'iit ittat we, to he up- ' Klate stioi.,0 ... w eo-miv .ea! i.y fdi I. . .I i. fit, 'ill. .IV I., i.i, .I'll i. I'M. ; j - . i i Ke.l Kir savs tbev have no nads to j speak ol at Kilmer. We will Hike his , '". f"r '.ll,'w' ''' "' that is the same kind of aieumeiil as the oilier, that Rainier is the center of ' the county ox thk ot T-niii kivi hen the poller was asked which utile of it jug j he put the haietie on, he promptly a.i i w er d, "on the outside." That i jn-t j how Rainier is ti e iH-uif i of the county, i Mr. Rainier ; that big, tine four: hot! e' i still a castle in ihe air, if our vui.s count. A mure flfish, tmralled for comity sat (tgtit was nevi-r ion-ed oil any eom iit 11 i i I v ; a more expensive than the' one piopojt-d, was ncvei hetote ; known. Tlie act ef the legislature Rtinier's ; I bill provides for the permanent I sm- tion ol the couutv seat, tins removal. j if it is moved bv Vole, ia to settle the question of county seat, this reiuovil, ' 1 11 " uinve" ".v vote is to neti e u. question oi couniy roit mirii'i ainfceier. lio clow. Rainier; we tni'ht have soine- thing to say on the question when one : or two railroads entrr the Nehaletii vai- ' ley, and the timtn-r is insr- t keted and tlie land placed under cultivation. i it ... u;nL- .i,AA.ti. ..a ,... 4 of our natural rights. lJo,i..r. ...i ,. ...... t... I.., ..... u.. I tion, and a removal'..! the county re.- and property all within two or ! three months. ' j Weto they afraid of the sober, second Itiought ot the voters: We Hunk the best licv is to kiit.i-k it nut the first round, and save the expense of a tecum) elect ion. We are just on the eve of an advanc ing army of settlers, ard should nli pull together. A county seat fight is the moat seltish, unreasonable and mealiest of all contentious. In. migrants, w ho have had experience in that kind of a squabble will pass ou to tl' next YtLLOW Fin. Taxpayer courses of Auburn Precinct Ills on the ( oQiilj Seat aud Gued lioads. I -Could you j in your pa-! Ma. Editor: Vemonia, April 27, 1!I0' give these few lutes a place per in answer to Rainier Red Fir's arti cle on court bouse, ragged rocks and iii.blv road" ? Now if St. Helens has had the county seat f r 40 yea.s, that is j not air good tens in why it should not! be n ovel now. Hut us onr frieml, Hid " "VT U'V" :i. i' . !, n;"n Ji,"'M lil"' ' r '''! house shotilil be built on that clay hill, ' l w it I o, i, ; "i, so that '.he highest and finest court nuuse on the river, one that will irive H tinier respectability, and in the next place he would have the people ride up and down the river on the steamboats so that I hev might see the tine court house. And he further says that thev have the advan- tage of no 'roads to Snd money on. I suppose this tn e. lie seems very liar- row minded on Ihe rosds, but be isquile free with cash for n show v court hoie, we, the taxpayers of Auburn precinct, Bre imi in favor of spending the people's money for shows, but give us a good, s ibstantial. a.xal all round court Louse IB"!. I build it mi it K.wl, solid rock foun ; da lot , aud It wiil speak for itself. The most i.uifortant lliiutf is to u've us ' good roads so that we can travel to the i ; county seat, as natire has not blessed j jus with a stream .'or steamboats, arid I weare not fortitiiiite enongli to have a I miiion'i i.uin, we ..-ijiiiit in.b possioiy reach Runier. Now, as to his alleged waste, of money on r.aids. 4jtsl roads are one of the greatest improvements that any town can have, and more especially a county seat. If it waj l ot for 1100.I roads the steamboats would have little to do, anil the railroads would have to stand still, and the trucks go down and hundreds of thousands of la borers would have to seek employment somewhere else. So I say by all mesns, let us have good roatis, and let them be free for all to travel. Now let Red Fir ride on Ihe steam boats and railroad trains, if he chooses; ..:i- 1 ., 1.1 . . . .i 1 then give us the county sent at old St.! Helens, and give us good roads to get there, and we will hope for 110 more 1 such vicious bills to move the court house. Taxpaybr, of Auburn precinct. School Report. Follow ing is the rert of school dis trict No. , for uio'iith ending April 10, f l,'. , , ., ,, . . Niimlwr of pupils euro eo, 84. " W. -ttenilaiice, 678. Avpragc daily attendance. Hays absence, 41. 'finiis tardy, 15. Pupils neither nb'cnt nor tardy: i Oeorgin Iturliee, Chsiincev iintler, Kb I late Butler, James fa (Trey, Cass Fow ler, Annie Hoersch, Itllle del, i'.-arll sistterlee, Wan. la, Carl mid Jean Was-1 ceiwitz, Kalhcrine Ehrlinger. " titiiTHiiK V. CoLtinii, Teacher, j DEER ISLAND. Miss l.ucle Peterson visited at Kelso, Wit-h., Sunday A lirtiiig with ;U Cliauc iiirim'vii' i.i .1 . .... . ...1....... will b oiganiietl h' re Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Smith were. St. Helens visitors Mondav, Mrs. Helle Jensen, of I'ortland, visited Willi lWssie Malcolm last week. M. W. lli-owu has uf K. Mer lill, the place, known as the Knvart place, and will move there this fall, Archie Malcolm h:n a poaitiSn with Nehah ui A tiolHe failrnad. Kluur Shearer has been quite ill 'he hist week, but Impuiving at litis wiit lug. A. 0. lid visited Tacoma mid Si'iittle the last week. Mis. C. II Kuulish al tended llonlton . Asseml lv, I'mnd Aitisaus, ot tihich She is a member, REUBEN. Mis. ('. lb ren is Pxi I tu in I this week. visiting friends in l.engHcher llros imido 1 shipinelit of sluiiglws to rmllaml I'll lay, Ira S,thn, of Maigvr, wu iu town Saturday. IM Msrtindale, of Klk R.-tpids, Mich., arrived here Saturday morning to visit his hi other-iii law, t. W. Joidali. Fiiis Anlikcr, who is working for Miiekle liros on the Coweeinan, spent Sundav visiting Ills father and uietlier, Air. and Mr.-. R. Anlikcr. AIIh'II Ijirseit left here for l'e I'll. Wah., tor a week's visit wilh his sif ter, Mrs. W J. Van llenseu. A. T. l.iws. our couutv ascsor. came , to our burg Moii.lav evea ng. Miss bus Morel, visited with her nun her, tio lives ou Tide Creek. iuu dav. ll IK II. HAMPTON At Hunter's Point. Ore gon, n .ni Reulwn, Klsie Miyll iuip tun, aged D years, 0 months and one dayoldest duugiilcr of W. A. and K. K. Hampton. The interment was in the .Veer City teu.elery, Sunday, April I'tith. TV bereaved family have the ayntp.t thv of many ft ieud-. FIS.HHAWK. Clatskauie is going to have the court house all right. In esse noboilv willdn- . nate a piei e o1 lino's i-ieatiott lor a curt i house, T. J. Klippin has kindly old red i the use of his palatial residence. It i j tilted w ith a bow ling alley, which mil la- h tine place for lh jury (o , i-t lt. or, the I fe m dent h of tuie of thi'ir leliow men. Or. Hull his otternl i hoses ot! IeW itt's early risers, anil li. I,. I'errnie 7tl iu Mason work if the rouiitv will pav him f. r it. ti. K.'rii, f Mist, will give SO saiinileoii-, it n. t, he will buy some llour and j e.ii-nis itml gron I ibh ild ami Son. of Mi-t, iil give.) icnis worth of shingh-s. Oh! Clatskanie mil tfet the coint tioti-e nil rigiit. hi't-Hti-e they nil pull the ame way like lite pups piillinj on an old hat. Asa ot tiieir loyally, tin- push ctiih turned lit in force and ptilh-.l mis ,""e 1 "" ,,!- , Helena and Kitiiier have no cons and "" ''X 'Oeets. ,o tney don t n la I'""'' dub. and a.s-we.1 I is gelt,,,., L ' "" 1 ' " ;'' " MIST. By the looks of the Chief there seems to I a new nightingale in Mi-t. Who is il '.' Mis Alma Whitney, who hn been in Portland tor the past few mouth, re lumed Tuesday. From what w hear wedding beds will bu ringing lel.ire long. Alnnzo Jones i very sick in the hoi piiul si piirtl.tinl. Mist is booming! Two liotels now and a restaurant tuike.l of. J. H. Wright lo't his lnuw bv fire on Kaster Sunday, The Isiutly are now hving with Mrs, Wallet I'm tier on the I.imlgren place. John j,jnl,, Wf.nt , .()t,Hn, Tiirnlay to see his son, I.011. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldridge went to Clat-kanie the fust td the week to at tend the funeral of Mr. Aldt iudi-'a mother, Miss Then Wathic of 1'ortlnnd, vi ii- bed , brents, last rtnu.lav ' There was preaching at the hall la -t Sabbath by Rev. Bogle. The Swedish I. iilht'isn.Sjlibalb school is doing active work. (,'nsp-r I.i bid has returned from a visit to I'onlaud. Our congratulations toCharles Schnei der and wife. Mav all your troubles be little ones. . Ed Marvin, of Clatskanie, was re-1 cently seen 011 our streets, j I.eon Malcolm returned from his ' homestead, Columbia City. Mr. Wright lost his house and li.tiise- ! hold elfeem (,y lite. J,et some of the I ft lends get up 11 tibscripl ion list fur the old Nehalem settler, Mirs Emelie 'ivterron, of Natal wits in town durimr the. ii.iat week. ' KIT'A-.VK Tubules ' Doctors find A good prescription j For mankind ' The 3 csnt k.'t I en'itiKh for nstinl .C'Milnn. The iHinlly hhUk 1HH ii.'.iih runtallis a )eur's sni'l'l). All (Inisnlils ell Ihem. i FOR SAI.F-A HKC'OM) HANI) typewriter in good condition. Apply at this (.Mice. ; ORtiAN this ofl'ujH. FOR RAl.K-Al'I'I.Y AT St. Helens Hotel Under the Management of Q. A. AND A. M. FJRINN. Is tbc Leading: Hoisc.- lleaitqiiurier for sillljMen, Leg. germ, qsiitrym.s an.r Com. nn.rc.ln I Travelers. Hoard sad Lodging, Transient, $1 20 per morth. per day. " rjr Uarn and Feed for Horses. ClnssifkMl Adverl tisemcnts' 1 f ilTl 1,M(U SAI.K A I . I v 1 1 1 j - - .., . u, i 1 H II Oil.! U IO( I'llll 11 rriee, ft . ft , ii . i lee, ileus. ltlK SAI.K A TWO YKUt Oil" I'm-. I Jersey Hull. I bullion." Apply to John i;oR 8AI.K-TIIRKK AMA tJt'AR I no inch fi wagon; also a g;l work horse 4 M ars old, weight, 1100 11. Apple toti. P. MI.SON, SI. Helens. tilRI. WANTlIH-Ti) HOUKNUtAl. hoiisrwoik. Inquire at tins othee. WANTr:w-.Si:Vi:l!lli I'I'.HSONSi uf elianieler and g'ssl rental tons In li .tale lime ill tins colllllv required) . hi repiesent and adveiiise old eslah i.vli.i.l ii.mliliv Unsiuess house of solid 1 1;,,,,,,,.;,,! -tu ml i tti. Salarv t'l.tKI weekly with expenses additional. All payable in cash otiecl riien inniinniir t head otliii'". Horse and can iage Inr-. nishetl when ititvaai-y. ReleieneiS. ! nelose s-ll i.dresed envelope, I'olin.; li i it I Co,, .TU, lleitrlsirn St., Chicago. j P. of H. DIRECTORY' llrrirni Slsle lii-sl.ti' ml l.eiill I'll. Tiirs . Mro .li. Col. II ... I e'l. mslei ; Win) I S, ItiniKi.l, sv., .V T, l j rolimitii I'.i'itiiv IVen.iiis lirniies tiici-ls si ' Vdiilkteti, Stt., Muv 'J. lull. XV a. Ve.tiiir. .Htm iter. il. h. Ilotsui-. ; I. H cm tisn-l. In-i r ml r.rwiue. ?ii; meu si IVftrtra oti fl-sl itteit urirl lull in. mil. ' M, A. Isms. Ittaorl , Mm. K. M. Iliet. 'in J". pi lsa. h j ii.ikti.l Onoi.'i' No .101; III"'. hoi I nun-.Nil K. Km-. lnr. tiissl-r, I iioi.s UlU ll. I sec; K. S. r.Ml. Iwl. ! s iisl llr,nitfs. S.i MO: .news 3.1 S.i(, J VT ' Ami. oei if. nimli-r . Ni-itlc I 1'i-t e' .... . A. i it t; tt'l. It flirt .. . itrl. j s. al'tsi.i.e ..r i'tiiii. Nu M:. ii-i't. "M !sl nl to n ie, him eh W.'.l. iii,;li' u llfi o a'l .its. li'i . a I,. Il.. .j.-ri . Mrs c, . ' Vei mill i. talis", V -"lO i'H'l3tl, I K ' te. tolrr; V Ittlnlli W il.ull, .rr . S tl Si ti'i' it het . j limn sr Vlii Ors.isr, Nil ?9: mss' ir. , niir.ii.u Ski idjlit A ' . An.iti . liiasivr . ,N ! l.if Mi Krs.tiK , l. 11 Aii.tlt.f. Ini-f. InUi Onus !rsiiR. !.. .: If est. Il Ike I I .-hiii lleu-e mi .h Sl W A Vo'itnf. io..lri VI. r. Viiu.iir. si-i-,; t i.tiitut'ls l t". Ivt. i t'lst'kstilr iosii.'S. No JUI uiet Jil il l I'll )st,iril. W s Muter, m ter, Mi. A t.Ull j lei" lei- ; i. 1. r'nln, li'Vl I M lt in ttrsnni, V.i, :)..'. n.--l ! Ihnil'-'n en lillt.'t. lion. . tuiihls I 'I t..-ls... n I tiT. I ,'ntn I. 'mi-, .'.- . Mis I H 1 urri.n.l, -p t ! Kulleer ilnoii'i', Si It. rn-rii '2 ' III f-l j Men .ntt ils l.i-iiu Iri ii'tisol m.n: , Mi Its 1 Sicliti-rtu, m-i J It. r.. It. .time. In' qnnrt ..t.iniie. Ne meet. -.'I sn.l i ! . r I'lVlln. ms'ter, II. r . I )l- I i ti'mi. ei .: Mr 1..iUf I'tttit.tiii, h i-1 , I l.nt.V 'irStlJe. N.i. Itie..( t an.! P.;. 1 tin. nulil.. VI i tttnlef. iu...n-r. Kilt f.i.t i, ' .e.' ; li I '1; AW . U-ei , ; fstl.r,.rr. are rfi!:e.!.l lo .CII'I 111 ; In' ill lit!" .nr.. , I Pommitt Grunge Mrcls at luiktnn uturuar - .( I. range at lire. i Idatnl. The rtt-w liraiige a? Ileei filriiiil will Is' rt-'ri-seiil.-'l at the r .i."iut iirunife Yankton s-ttiu.t'iy. It Has oroitmr, , ; hy Stau ll.Mlt'v-i i i. si !i, ,ti net- i... 1 ti --il.te n j .:. i'hs lul.omiig nlln-Ln j were fin t.-.l : Master, Jo eph , lloi.l lay ; h-HiKer, ; Mrs. Ma snal Mii'itti-r , n n t.try, Mrs. j ,1". II Kig'.-tli ; i.vri--. .-r, J'tiini. Iriii. ' gle; t.v.isurer. A. li-eti; suarl, J is, ' . ian tln-l.s ; .i-.ulHiil h ir., I'. l. I Kuglish ;'aiii, h. I'. Mi t I i r ; u ii,.. j keeper, 1 1, I h-ou ; I...! v as -ml tnt tvtee aril, ; It.-s-ie M tlcolut : t 'fir's, Mr., V,. 1'in.g!,'. . I', M.s J. t ia.ithrt.s ; Klo'a. Mrs. ?s. 1.. M.lti olin. I' hut w,m retr.vr.t, l.y tel.'tr.t nr. and tj iheie are tpv t-r- t ! lot s tin y w ill he .rrecte I i,t week. j ,The Seujipoose l adles' Hiselmll I Hill K.titerUlii. ( lul. The ne i 'y i.r.'.tnin. d l. ib.-s . ('mO, ol St S!l.'M,i', villi g.v .la ninent in Wntta ,v I'rn-i'' Kr.. .) , evMiing. j Toe ottn-ers ol Ih.'i'lt b are an e iter. : hall this; Cap ai.i, ! M.s W. K. St ! M.ivbei (Un:.. We-t. ii-; m-rrrhiri, tn sillier, )tu, U-il i i When the new team goes out U : theli.K' iip will l e hi . ..Ion.: j Pitcher, Mary Tuikosity; ralclter, ! Matbel . o.r 'l-.iii ; firsi base, Vlrs, W. y j Stevens; second lump, Jennie l.nni-i-I le tit l : tidtd lane, l.ula W esi ; short stop, , Klli.i Partlrlil; right Ih-ld, Vr. F.. I IlKlmes; c uter li.-1. 1 . I.uin l.oul s'gllOllt 1 lelt hel l, Myrtle W'e.t. The Mist Hotel Vu. Iff Hit' nmujue-niftii f)t kino r as ninnrti r- jIVinO. r . IVI. Ul f LU Is th3 Leading House CI, KAN IIKI.S piiist r.i. BARN AND FEED FOR H0R8E8 31 ist, Oregon ; - flit Pa aa' a. Owl Saloon IP I'.kimk ilaoTHaas, PROPRIETORS iny His ban ot- Liquors aid Ciear. Kept ia Stock CYRUS NOBLE Ant ml.n iioiinlw hr.n.l. f tthlskles lu a). In tank. WEIMHARD'S on liiitittht. BEER II- Tom Benton" Cigars. V All ths latMt nsv.napsrssinl olhsr poo A slur psrodisals. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD uo to trim Clatskanie Drug Store FOB TIIKIR Drugs and Medicines -enoici Tcilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. E. HALL, Proprietor .r.,-.r. : IHK0OM, 1 ewwj Who's Your Tailor? No iiiaUcv quit Iiim. NVlint is tlie of pnyitig fcy prices for tisr clot lies when yon can walk store and get an U ncla 'l'niloi-iiHKlo Sail half the original value? Suits, utulaiuicil $ 7-50 to Top Coats 12.50 to Special reduction on hcavy-wV't Trousers .95 U 4 95 Rcnicnilicr these are tmcluiincil. FARNSWORTH-HERALD CO. .'th Wa-hiagtoii St., I'otllai.d. Ore, J. F. (VDONNHLL Open I suiTLrjirs licit nml Horse I'uwt-r i . i I't'cntig ivmucrs, ."mnvetN, Htnles Buckeye " ' Hay Tools, I'luus, Hartows cud rutiips. N'l-w Oxford Cream Separators. Mill.urit WagctiH, llpct'ts ;nn! , Hat s. CTotiituliits Htii; 'tcs ai.ij Have ymt ever tuug!;t a pair of hocs f ihe Knight Shoe Co. If nut! Wliyttot? Cotnc yottr.rlf. Setid a friend. Or a mail order. Money refunded if slices nrp not atis factory. All Mylrs and ptiecs frn V'- aty slir to 5.H.50 logging lioots. (Tltc l.-rt-'-M ard i-tust nmudcte line of loggers' and uuiseis jK-wa J ails brand.) Wai.kovkr and Sov.mms, ? ' r l' iTrkln. Met. t . ITHE NEW YORK STORE o-l II ' inst tvcrited a lairs tnl. . I :f Spring Goods, Shoes, Dry r-orxls, Crtorics. Hoots. Shoes, Etc. (kiopor ItuiMiiiff, Main stiwt. St. hkm, tirtzon. & ST The Pittsburg Writing k P'lTTSBURGY.IsiBLE THE ONLY I'KUFKCT K nn.iiiviMti IT' J ' S " "!. W ' j tailored 1 if n into our illlt't 1 fronc $25.00 25.00 208 FrONT FCniLANO, CTREET CREQQM up. tip. s:ir anJ Il.ty ifftlSPri. mu i Ka akt-H. a ;rs. llocs in the West, Cltij 5o I fill.T WkI I., f 1,S I'nillunal. Otrgmn TYPEWRITER -- - -a. .... mi W ... M WlMTIX(j MACHINE MADE The writing is in plain rltst of the operator all the time implct and alronS.t con struction, rapid anion, easy iotica-sdapted to all klndeol work best for tabulating and invoice voik-iiuirrrsal key board rniinvabl yp action -Inmaiilly rlisnrd. Treble Ilia life of any other f inai bine for good clean ork. Hachiae Company