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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1903)
59 UiiKUON MIST V... I - IVt.irt;.. at 61 M!n. Oron.MtvuaJ-tla n'i"- j COUNTV OFFICIAL PAPER. ja ia ' i, - '.' ' 1 ! 1 " Itaitn Kvaer Faiutr Wobjciso B KEEPER U. U.lBHKRT, Kiin inn rarioxK. r..r-: SCBSKRlfTlOS pan t Owe mp ne rear, in advance Six month. .'. II. 00 . 501 APRU. 24, 1WT3. This paper is kept on file at the Ore gon Press Association R.vom 9. H'niil wn building, Portland, Ore-pin. IW-4 1 1 - "- GOOD PRICES FOR MILS. 1 It h been demonst-ntel in other- Section tf tie conotry that condensed muk fsctorie are oavinz proposition. 1 Ti i .i . K.t,.r r,,iv for IUUUIXI., ItW ' l-w.'. I - ' ihair aiilk frai condensed milk fcbr rie than frenjaerie can afToid to par or ti aeparated producL Tlii has i-een abund:intlv demonstrated in the Itate of Washiitftton, and is no a prac- riesl reslitv at Forest iirove. Socountrin Oregon i better itu- ti a ta coaveuteut market facilities, .' ciimita and aoil production than i Co- j ' " ' im I ii.... i I iuiubia. M. Helens would be an ex.-el-1 Jeut location for a oor.dtned n.i.k fac-. tore,., the Peer Island section i, ss ! wed adopted to dairvi,, a. &Poe. . Warren and Sauvie' Island. : A condensed tioik factorr centraHvt located in the chali couutrr would : j wealth producer for that section. an3 ;t would cost far less to get t! a j flniahed prwiact to market in a con- dense.! form tit'! to haul the cram cut to a railrcad (ta'.ion over ta motintains. Handreis of cow could be easily kept in th great Nehalem Taliey, and a con- ; tier.? milk factory would be a wealth- j f r. j The follow inj itest from the Forest Urove Time give an insight into ti. ; jrorkinr and results of the cf the con. densed miik factory tTiere: '"Patron of th cnodensrd miik p. ant are eoine to be in luck thi w.oulh. Tne factoty has been paying fl.40 pr hun- tired for mils erer since it ttarceil, white ; i;t price of butter hat ben goto; down I nati'l the patron of the creamenej wiil ; reafire oul about H per hundred fori uuk ISfBttheU there. Xhe factory .v j.l have 3ch a demand for their prod-, ucl tht they are likely to keep p-ices of : LnusnpjUor 4U cents auove wnat tne gutter u-aker can a rd to pay.' The residents of the Orej n Coujre- j lioaal fint district are in lh beginning , of the heat of a ttrenaoat political cam- j paign. On the gist Mot.dav in June' k ivuivrMtrnwri i trt r !pt-.ati In fill the: ) unexpired term of the late Thomas H. ! Tongue. BtcgtT Hermann, the repabii-, paiididate, ia 60 years old. a veteran in ; pregon politics and an active caj-j pawner. He ha an nlvantage in the ; natter of a .od-siird uartv iiiaioritT.i yhjcli will be eiceeiiiag hard to over come. A. E. Reames, the democratic pandidate, is a native of Oregor, born i a.nd reared in Jackson county, where ! be now fill the position of district at torney. Mr. Reames is a tcn-in-lawof. (be late Congressman-Tongae, and prac-' ticed law in Portland for several year, j He it a brilliant orator, and will make! an aggressive campaign. J. J. Ingie, I tha aocialist candidate lor cou2rea in tbe Cret diitrict, is an actire bjjiaesa 1 fsan ,f Pl.ilomatb, Benton coitnty. -,, , . , , . , .ti: r'""""' P1" ' anSiU o. ""uioEgtheSt. INien r-jad. P'? Tote- I The early .own grain lk well, and t frait givfs pr vmise of a f i tield. Wednesday, June ITth, will 1 Pi t peers' day in Portland, f-pecial railroad rate will bring to the city the oid-litue r.. n nr t. r.i.t Arn..n r - . e. coamry. rreparation are now onuer way for way for the annual reunion, which promise to be of nnasu.d pro-1 pf.rtions thi yer. Secreury Hime, rf the Oregon Pijneer Association, Lae , ecared the Dame of 2f.t) pioneer who par never yet attended a pioneers' re union, and may come thia year. United 6ta'e Senator Fulton will be orator cf Jhtt day. The occasional address will be made by Captain Oliver C. ' Applegate, pi JUAUia;ri coainy. t'reKjent aiore iaud, of the board of trustees of tUe as sociation, is striving to make the attend ance larger year than it ha ever pern before, llnring trie same week jhe Native Suns and the Native Paagh-', ler, also the Indian War Veterans, wiil jiold tneir annual meetings and reun S"': j Marriage license will go up a half' jkdlar after May )th, and Columbia ' Connty young people, or old one either, ' liould govern the themselves accord-' tngly. Thacold, bard fa. t ont yromineiitly iu tbe face of coming hot iumiusr nightt, that there will be no' bargain tales in marriage licenses, at least, nntil the legislature hold anolh- ; er tesaion. The price of marriige li censes ha been raised from (Z-lx to $3, ; nd probably some grafter will intro duce a bill at the next session of the leg-' telature to increase the fee to ',. Tbe Iambering, logging and shifg'e business ia a'tuming immense proryir lioo in Col a it: I ia county. New uiiils re beir.g elected and there are ramor pj' rji jre. The lumbering and ood-j orkllg inJastrie are making live,' feustlirg tuwn of Sainier and ClaUkan je. The production will not lessen for inany year Ui come; wbrc. tbe liuiler' it nwd np convenient to tbe river, log ging railway will bring it is frost th mountains and the Nehalem;. The new land bill a accepted by the Irian Land League convention heid ia tublin. The introduction oflir. Wynd-! Lam' bill for tbe transfer of the land of Ireland, and iu acceptance by the Irish Rational convention is th of 24 " J . . ye.r. ot agitatioi. Amendment are aropoeed, and the national ate in parlie- I 1 ... . 1 j ' fceotaill etnre to tecttre their adop- . Sls., 1 I'tirinrfih p,,t twk J.i3 pcrin fiv,m varion rlloti d the coiin'y hate called at thi ..flice ami v!ijiir.Mil ! fnttel . arin the Hnw lun ; ration of ll county sear. Iloweve-. thit will only be a tmsll item of the f ! pens that Hill accrue in the. erent th: t the court house shall be moved. Itepr--. sentitir Both i not to blame (or this provision of the bill a it was drawn Ujt liv other. j ine mist at til tune give corixM- ptindenta space to discus county scat or other nisttert of public intcres.s. Ho ever, it doe not endorse the tirade of Red Kir, printed in another column. I The Mir has always takee special pain to commend the enterprise aod tipbui! 1 j ine cf Rainier. .witbtamlinj ti e pniutem stnke in Portland, work on the interior cf ti e Failin? i being pii-hed to ivu.pletion. The work is Wine done wish i-los-1 d xirs. and it is ditS. olt to identifr t:e men who are beinit nuiiuifi. r i ! The painter and carpenter.' strik" ' ! sti.l on in Portland, and the limlrr dealer aud mills rvst- to furnish wa ""t h continuance ul the 'rlte- - - . The -aml jarv indictmonts afs:it f ' - . , .,.,, . ., van, of tt.e have t.uen d ,t an I t!,v oa ,0P 'l, hwp' Jl R LIST, n Uw fl fc( w u De j , r, Ser- ,he a4f Tfral of l irfBit I'eart. SherirT Hattan ami Oxintv t rk Hit tan drew the following iit oi j i-yiiifo yesterday tnornii'it fi.r the May teiin t.i circuit court, Toe-dav, Msy lith : Xiavger EJwarJ Aa'.trsjn. J jhn V. F-'a's. viobie M. P. Link. Edward Slack. James B. Kenney. Pittsburg Euiery M lis, Andrew E 1 iot. Vernonia 0. - H:ilt. H iitson R. i. Johnson. A. C Atto". hn Waiiiic-', Au'.on LVr- MUt R. B. McNelev. J Martin Harrey. J. M. M l. enfeld, r . J. H. Aldr d.-e. Kist Peter Berv'jn. pVappoote Teier Lnruirignont West. Kyser Fied S Malcolm, Yankton J. W. I'nariton. Brif. Jieer I'nd J.f h, Harry C. F. t. har'ns OS. en. H-rman N.-lim Honiton A. H. Mitth-w. Rainier l". i. Tnayer, Mirtin Do'h. y itner R. S. Fishhswk J. A. Van. Ciatakanie Joseph il. Pen is. VERNONIA. . A'l ""at y;sf j.;;ri.i E.ant. t P tiai'.l. She win teach the Wi kiiis m sch jl. Gay Miils ha gone out to wirk ins lo??? camp. The bnt! r king. J. E. IX h.k out tne pa-it ' a load of butter to llo.iiton ; week. i It V Tl'.- .',-nriir.:.i' hr V f'liric .", om ,., ;s't Heleii ti.i "wee after loa.1 of feed and supplies. Mr. Clark ta bonht the Wells p!s.c on the G. Tucker ri ;e. There i acrs in the farm, aud the ael'.ing prt- was 4-?. Miss Maud Eic has recovered f.fin her recent il'nei-s. Road Sotrvior Me'I;i:fr s d jine ex'-elleiit work on tne Plttstiur """i " ciu"iu. i Tiie ri-tort is rnrrent tiiat another irmnjceiuio of- u'j' in i.u tot: xu, FISHHAWK. I. hi-. tt was p1. Ujt t, is .'a- .,. 1,., ,.(.t poitn.ater E. H-.glrt Pwt from stag r wee,!. Mrt. M. l. McSeeney it visitic Mrs. lay wall t were. Cbri Johnson, "I Clntskanie. tr-k a waon load of tiu.Lr-r uo n uou to Jew ell last week. M. N. Erivkv.ui, who did at the home of hi son in-law, M. 0. 'U-on, tiad oi of the largett funerais ever hnij tu F.sii hawk. Miss I.iixie Neison was vniting her sifter, Mrs. CalnSerg lat week. S'in'lay-wchool is open at Fn-hhask no, and we hope 1 n p-ople w:il loin out in fuice and help 11. e guo.i wo:a along. There will probublv be another rremn wajon put on the road to ai-t-ouimixlaie the vacst Bu.ounl oi creaiu being snipped now. W nnderitand Clairkanie is marshal ing the members of tne pueh cbib, ui. der the lea-1eri.iu of Mnior-iientral C. I ! Conyeii, aitewled by lr. Hall wiih ins grip, to tear uowu tle court house at Si. Helena. St. Helens hat chartered the Latiiifiiip Oregon ti protect her in-1 teret's, and mere aie good reawns to he- ; lieve the righting insehiue will 1 tnere ia tin.e for the 14Sj5 fair at Portland. Clattkanie also would put up a f giit. if the riva ls were oassabie so a f cooid come wi'.hin shoutii.g di-tauce 'if the town. Kauner toll probably tare tome high liiila and tail timber "at trie bai t of tne loa n 011 tne approach of ihe enemy. D. W, Frman. of peep Creek, who ha been sirlt in a Portland hospital, has returned home mueb ioif rev-d in health. IPs ,n, e. rge, the 'nn.l car rier, brought I 1111 iu from Holiday. Mrs. Fieeman. who l a. been tnff.-ring from a sjre hand, it also stead ily improving. l A nuclei wsiii swan n'toruci eoni erKble eiciteinent for two young men with a ghot gon and another with a ca noe. A suiail bj iil-ardmeiit, a ibad taan, a apraiued lliuinb, and a bad cool were the resti ts of the performance Cougar end are o plentiful arnnn-i 'e-ar, that they piay ln-le a.d seek ar junl the teaming wagons, and leave en ngh hair on 1 tie hru-li )ong the road to make a fair iy g e-d bird's nest, A posse mi out Sun.iar with blijcuihfjiiuds after a Issar, which luid ihe audacity 10 twiddle nis f-i.eis at the owner of a bunch of shea-p. We didn't hear w hi lticr the liear e ive tiion the liear hng or not. Tne on y Lug'-rar (hat i. tne bar ,.ea ol havinsr baielr tnouiii imv to ast ns UU the crops War. ihe bar, i, are Vers la,re. ' . (These iteint reached here late, and the r-niwifttr ill appear nest w. 1 Aiijnef ne Marca Term of Ihe tnt Ceart 111(1 MonJa; April 131b. M:i 'itu .;. I.t ll p'inU'J In I i v i ... u.n. if las. Mil WHS ill! t:tl p. v.vl!'f "I Ik-. ,1, oi the I II It,'-' V'"t. Ti.v P e. . -oi.tiii na irn aifl k tile b.e it wiissi.tu "the same bcuij ii. t, v. .Id. law for iioid.n' s rrtf- I. 1-1 i i in rai'i eoiltl," H tt .-rii ."iitr f uiti error- ;iimr left out. w r'.tf amtraa crcditd to Kerubt tndi vi ju.'i, a. 1 i tu' n ai.j.'U" -I to the itiu .i.e-in-ts, whiie Isstiii-t was o.iiiitfi iuuviv . I ills wns n ha il flam wi fir.i; !i ami l' j ' r? Ilr- I I. , but it is h-tr.d I bat (1 ? -iid ut f.i. iiiii lin-.f k. i.i!-l prv.'i:i;. In tm l, Inc o(:e si"' H al It.i'V i not so !.il!i.-..i!--v ism ihi.I I ! woiiM l..velitr -il.l'.- i !-. It tin bfen lie fii'lo.i. i r llo' -li- S to fitni:s!i tlie liiriT iMi' wuli ;'i 'is! tvjn' riltisi I ihe.m.ts o iih e.ttn. I'he W en- , ... .ii4 .u,.tr.i lit tfie i-ilioi.i , m uiier wcrw they r e irn-s hs-.oie W . C. KicU ol v. I'.. I- 1 it'rr,-t t:-t ', th bill -1 ri.'-i t-ilii o! Ui :i.l.iv. A;o;l l.i- i : K'l'id : n ,.-! i 1 to li!..r -i Plt " '! lu-l Trow, s.ti-pi: W , t. - ii I t. ;y. si n i . l in ; t. : s .i - .Vi t ,VI 17 l.' ' .' i l ivpn J-ir-tni J Is. v. -t.iil. lito v . I , er juror. Uv-t' r, IA1 J.,;.u i.! ::Ui.-VIS, Hi-;!.; Hi!" 'V.i.i K t J .IIHXIII, T K ir-etae 'ijiervir r . J i' A c .Um: i J ti U.-l ... k. . la -ir ... U vol r un I. It No. tr- IO K'-ad I'ii-trl II iC'I'i'-iu.c.l .li.'cm i irie.-i .. i I. r-j ol . . s i. I .. J Ool liviJ n J .V V: iiomi 11 1. i n-.i.', A vi. oc:..;; SliriW 1 .v (vl-. i" ' J -mi ii t; ;.. i- i; ..i.i 1- iv. X;-.n in Uv .-of . J i l.-u-K Vi M-...,t . J it ii:.ti..i:tr 5 .".I . 2 5.1 . it 5o .i ;s t t; i i i 1M 1 5 H) i 1' I :j 15 S IV 14 40 -'J .VI 21 'a' !7 tsi I I 4." iv 1 i M i. 1 pi; ti. r-.ini . 1 if. Ct - 1 II f l.r ;l t U.iv :Ju.i. oirnii M..y . . liJ.o-.lil trr'-eo i. u llynaui; ..vl I 'utiic; 9 1 4 5 I 4 ; 1 e Pooler .' No. 4 ti ll fravi: 1. TlaMi i.lniU ' K Mcv'.oiti.t y jjotlll Kll ; j L B Ga-n K.Nd l'.-un : ! t itttaiu (iiniS' i Lute Arviubvi-1 ; I l as Klal-ke . IJ.iuli ! Kober! Link 11 C Foai.r . -No. -o o.' ; R C ! Ki.l Ac C Mel i 1. e I It .a.i Pi IE r.civf j H Pi ;..,i.i ri. V No. ti r.ct No. 7 5.' L'J ! B it 1.. ..i.-o 1 AiU-it u us " M H Low onto J K:.t v . A i- tt K' i t : A.wit K'lh y , J ao.eS iia-.o;. i I. 1 Furrow ; r U Criii. k ; J I. 1 i.tlilrl, . . J E KiU.y . . . J C Knbv i U i Giil ! 14 J ' . : . t I 'g W l-i .U rg lf- l'.t Pi 111 11 21 lo 2" U i Ss 1 K-.l 1 -,ct No Jo iri i rt il.i.iii o:mi.e ki ' J M l-aikmi J.,mii F Carroll : L Cuii-fs-m . . ' K ir Wii'-oi. . . . M E Ii it.. .avert . : Jatiie itnrr -, (' It Ke! ey. ... : E IJrysnt . . lb' is JoliCfKill ; J Ko-cua ... -; If Ixn.'ier l . Frant Ei.iott ... ; Pan t' X IM:1 ha 2t is 1 ;, iu Ii' i.a.i :a w 15 Mi ti 4 m 2ri ti- li I si !.') l 0 ii HUDSON leaver V .)! itnge No give a grari'1 hail on the i'ch. A.lolf.ti Oi. .n has sold h place to It . rt ila.i, !;.' -f ie.lse Ptaiio. A. !i. flaggin is woraing for tiie R The Dr-j. are putting in tin t ti te corouroy. Robert Johnson lo! his I y la.t Sat uotay lioiii hi-a'i li.!iare. Tt.e fotieral t-Kis ;.iaee trojiday. Wtli ; hoi it the f,.u.".'y, Rain ier? RAINIiR Abrnt Mi peoi-ii- from St. Helens came down in a i'il lat last Ttuirnlay night ami toak in the m'isieai concert, w hich was the grea!st irtnl of the kir.d, tiiat ever took place mi I', i it, ler. The oils, .e visitors wer all delighted wilb tbe eutertaimaent. The active partn-i-.m(it in tli g'Bnd fy.neert were: Mrs. J. i. Watts', Mis- Maude Watts, uf Na.p..i.; J. W. Pay, Miss,-s Oart and pai-r Watkins. of St. Helena ; -Mis. Anna P-rrv, Mrs. W. C. Lee. Mrs. A. L Clsrk. M C. I. H.-,ghkirk. ' 'r K. Votit.t ; Mssnr.. 'i. ti. J,.hiiS. n, J. 15. K. I'ouine, J. K. itntirnM. K. Vunn!, A. I. i iica, of Maimer, and J.I Vi. lieichcr, of Putt I and. '. Itev. II. Mov. l i-tor of the Met'r,r- dUt F.piscopai church, assisted by sev- etni oi itis paris.'nuncra, i,ai ijeen il.e ing the i ai-piniter -a.rk on tiie n par sonage this week. Acro-s the street fr-itn lbs parsr,nage, ' Jsiiiet Sps'i ce is polling up ht i.ew ui chtne and biaci-mnitih shop. J K flohcrty isereeiirg a tnii,M b!-e k On.V). wret ol tjiii-ert A James aal.siu on Main st'eet. Ir. W. K. ILoihiiid is ,l..n from Portiae.d to assist I'r. A. P. MeLaien with l,is piaeiiee for a In days. Tbe ' latter' r.s'.er, Mi- Margaret Mi-Lsren, i cip.ciM to arrive from Li,'in, Cana-, da, tlii we- lt .,r a short visit. The ! khol ler of t,e Itainier Iun-l.s-r t'oii'pf.nv ae htvinit s-.ine mison- ' ZlvtX iif bt"air -Y oZVniSZ ' n. "' ' ",r '"tl"" .""" 'Poriland Salurlav. tins, lemne;, doe not interferv "w iih the opera. 1011 ol tiie n, ill. I CLATSKANIE I TliO iti-fs Pthi Uvn Albiigbt. of Or g-n Oiiv, and tnnie Eiis-li-h. ol Port- ; hind. ro visitli.g at Auli rbnv k Fariu ; this week n!i ti' Mise Nora and Unlia trrr-, i J J, II. Collins, the ul school teacher ot Sciinpoose, wa iu thecity this ; w eek . 1 i Mrs. V. II. Conyers is a Poitland vis-' itor thin week. Joseph F. Keuip, "1 Mayger. was do- iug the tow n one da this week. j James Min k!.'. f p. rtUnd. made a Hying tisit to Jus ntv 011 Tiicsvlay. ' K. It. W 0.1.1. the iicveitii fanner id, i the Cpper t ,.t-k was trading ill More than Jl.tVO appropriated by the cuiuv ci'ii-t for ih s district, and yet the road" are I'ul of 1 hue a holes. The blight, w!e om a ! tin coiwmrt niiy say that its u Mi.e to pu: g avel on pttiicheoticd io.'l.-, and U-I.e'e Ihey are iib-.m right. ; ii 1 3ns Ix'.-n in K.vt ernOntr n f r liie pi-t lew e'S. I- honu' ng-. Punk '.-MS tli it no i.laee on cs-th (or hon b it C them is A'Sfcilllic W. J. .i l psii, of l' '1t Ci atk:tie. wits 111 the city last S iiuolay. Tin- b vs s that N rm ill Morr ill lis ten. led Hie Iti'al t Paddy l. at As 01 -a last ui ek f r lite t 11 ot s. . it -iv.'i law .v -mt-, that mil tirv-io'ii v to u-e in I. is ai - in.'-i.t on t'n- iivnoiat oi the c- uutv at to ciit-kamc. It is iepa'r;,i.l that so.ti of our c J, ii!tel..g. ni el. iz -in enc-'iirage ps,pl.. to tt I'oitiaivl a-i I iisr.l.eie t.. buv ih-.r go .ls an I iiiin'r cpiiii-sf la'. r patroiuie h-mie i...i.i-tr. It i said that they vil li il 1 the proper thill to .I.. ; tiiat S.n h .Pliii! w ill h-o. t ' M-tr:r. Iviild up the tow n. g l roads and bung the comity scat iiere, sti'c .' W tioti.-e.l t!n i.iling c-mnh .".mee ol J.,h:i IV ie so,i. the .i;iv. sfn! ran. h r of the Nehalem va.a y, ou our stieet this week. Prole .bin llnmJ, th farmer f the l.oa.r .S.-l I" was do: i. ; hesi or- :n the i tt y Hos w e k . We t.v-n Holt he i exteii.nri.i ei.-g.igrd ;ti Ii ii rii--.i.g. ln MaW! I'.;... .ii .d. te.lehi.ig I lie s- U-i"! lit dislii. t I o if.e p'csi-nt liiai'K!.-'rd is a imiim d ,)e- M il-gh! ..,li1-i.-sj;il teaei. r. Coailer'gosii ha boig'.-l bin a loa". l.e t u i-f : e-1 hi-gv. ilCWi-iil-e tin' !":l l. w!ir. lie Ci'lr hoi are tilled up, at; I the mi ! er e pa I ml that if won't l.e afraid u wi.i i-e l.r... ti-n to pH-ce-t !ien lo town. George II iggin, Ih? s.-c- clerk to Kiaix's store, lite , .ay that I e had n . i.h-a tin so ii.ilrfi t..l-1'iiss d o.e in lf there is in re !. i-....t. ,i,. pen.- tt.fltt is .1 -i in in she i.--: .; i't r ot ."- . Ii l -!..( Lain; i.ere i pile- V, I .' i - West 1 r. g e. il risl T ' i.l.i a- --irsii nl i p;a f. 1 i r 1 1... ius lis sa- -oi a ( a ..i4in:;i ii 'tie.', ii 'id li l-i t of T; iv ..'V' i i;-- .4 : a oo. . -i.s w -i is t i an. o.e.i t C.e.n n , if, !), iiv t; s.iiiv ...r at in s ( .'I t'i :l lil.'-r. .of Pl'.tS ; 1 ..kunc a.t. II" . I-.-, a a Oi'l to i i-. is a' - ,-. I ; -lli I, l,H;g a I .! e . to the ho. no. I t i in.i r 1, t ot i e ii. a. i ui 'iiMMin f..-r no i hn-i ler, i i ill .1 i.v r II -Vlr (' ie I . and n. or. i:o;l.-h-l to ll ll' II. I. :ini in: I, tne lo-.-l. W. II. C M"li i.iv a"! i- tul; of I... M-r. si.'tij.rf II:: '..nys'S was in -t. H.-I- ieii-l.l g prol'i'e c-.'lTt. . is ,;,oa lay. I'.i.r.'an. M i v in ,: iv i.e. flre re-o :.. es !.!'--. Iti.-l s, . lO I S. II-.. s I I . t:.g -1.; lilies ..ii a i.V'ite s-ale. T,is I. a-e i.usiiets at: I thing live1! '. raie aro iud tneir mi, I. g a The suv that mir pil-fl club Olio'a e have p uhed each 10 iividjal meiu t n'T -o er into a noli hoe, si'iik- ; wt.eie, and that thev have gone to -i-ep i III I he .g.Oi-i'l.e il.i-3.s..s.l, .hi Hp' Van Wii.k." 'le. REUBEN. W. I. St. nit', of iavr Vaih-r with his .taiikriiiei, Mr W. Jot-1 Ian at'JMiMV is rot Sun. lay. W.J. l e. iC I'.iiiiier, in t the lire! oi tint week hs-king lore, !.'.'.. Mis .: ta-lit Sol,.! M'iel. C. Keller .lav to I- tie Ko'i ir vetting ef T, le Cre-t:. mi M:-i l.u:.s r.t to oted f P-.Mi the r,d i; Kr inl lis: Fri- 1 l.e an a'.i..ui i'e. of Tlvi lav. !,! L- li.'.ri.i-r n Creek, visiL.-.j i'.otiai lid p.iaek, of Tide I ik, sii a Vur'.- ', .and v :s".-.r Suuaav. Ma. tin 1 l..e-.-ii, of po-tiaiel, it visiting , with ills fattier and mother tin seek. E. i. J-ines, of Tide Crrek, was in tow n T a d.:y. 11. O. Howard, of Hoiilt. n. was in iosii T'."-It looking bar a i ,.i (i-eg. lie ret'irnei t. .ene ou the eveniiij; trsin. E. '. Jor.i - Hti l dauziit.-r re turn. J I. .one from I'-irtiand liieshiv. theie Hie t.onht ci, king f S 'i. Si h'enover, oi V, town Tui-day. lie whi i '-is of i ioine iirat. -e So. a urge steel. r-ion in, was in ii.i tall Ihe ot'ii r,J.K. Ill xt l.ri- ilay evening. Jain, s Ki k Its, of the IhuL, I Vail Lnm laring C uipanv, and Fiank liaddai'l. I il. r iirso l it, mde L'lml er I oii,daiy ; were l.ete in.-s.isv Ks.Kit.g ntter the ruai ol ti e t..'o;.iiii:l a limjjer C' lnpfniv E. Ii. M -M i-iii, who built the m-.d bed lor tiie Co.uiiihia Timle-r Coniparn lust skinnier, h It her WednesiUy (or Skan.iaduwa, W a-li., where he wiil con struct a l,!e logging rond for Mr. A'er, ol Portland Mr. Stanley, president of the Colum bia Inii.'nr C Dipany, it lepairiri the hiiiidliig at M.rr.ti.le. I uinlertrnd he in'o-iels to put up several new build ings t L is spring. Eiinle Was-ersnd wife visited friends in Kslain Wednesday. St. IIclciiwS Hotel In ler th? Manacraent of ; Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. -Is tas Leafsc. Mil l!Ji.ailsri lar STlllmsn, lag. Cers. Qiarrtrou ante Ciits u.reial Trartisrs. PajsrJ at 1 Iyl;ine, 20 p. r moatli. nt, tl per day. Barn and Feed s. far 'classified Advertisements LIGHT JRoWIlt r o HE vliY, M. Helm IN Mt js.ll K A t ' HdB V." JtT-ev I'.uil. Apply IO Joltll l lie, Moult. oi. THRKi: AM' A iPAR-! i;tU SM K- l l. r n. ill 1.. in wagon; a g.i w.vtk horse 4 icar.ol.l, weight, 1U n. l,i,lv b.G. 1. t;ll.WN, St. Ileiens. ton svi.p . sP.(iM iivM Ivp, wiinr in giHid condition, -tpp-y thlf ortice. , ..,.. tUlGAN ihisollHi' IMK SALE - APPLY AT WANTKl'-SFVF.U l. PF.K"NS of cliaracier and g l reputations in each slate :onc in tin eonrnv r. ij tired i to repi rseiit and edcriie old i-lah-: It lod weiltl.v bnsines lo.ii-e ol aolnl tiiianciwl .taiiduirf. Salar v 11.IX or. kly ' with e-uw a Iditioiial. All payable in cash di eet each Wedm-sd iv from hea l i.tfi.TS. Horse and carriage Inr in. '.id when nui-saiv. It.- errnc , iii-Iiw i.ddresel enlelopo. Colo m il Co., .V.. IvaiH.rn si . Ciii. . R I l-A N S Tal uiet ! Is tors rlihl ! A gl prescription For n.aiikin I Thr .V tvnl i'rin f ' u "1 c. s.irs ;h. !M3.'r hs-ltir jWO eii!l s.'iii,.t s iial i. ;.; All 'I'1 '! '"- . J..h pfititing ' f all kinds p-'-!itp!ly c- ; cruieil at this office Now is the time ' togetvotir ie'tcr heads, billheads and; statt men! , printed. j pn h !u in en-ion evi rv Fri lav, aad spec!! Sunday dinner at the St. Helens I lute!. P. of H. DIRECTORY r(. t !a! t I'.,-...., tl I r' i n . t -1, 41 ,--! tr, y - so HP . P. , --. ..-e v- J.i. rr- s 1 V 1 ;. ru 11. . lis .1. 1.1 10. ' 'sol ss-.t 1 s U: U .e-i, . I'm. s. H. I . II ! II II I. ami 'OS . liBi , If II. M ' I: (I. . t A I, !. .... . .... t: t. v.o. I. o. tt. ( , --- to. I V. n . 1 . k ul r I1 1 ' o r. ' n 1 in r , .i. sirei, t.hrli ii4'V w Mrs Kr IC . . 1S ill i I.I an I e. . Mr. , . 1 ft, II.. n.cM , i-li V. O. M . 0. t laiv, e. c. Fr. I STmii II.. lOC'J Il I in Mrs. V mil,- Ilaltrr . f GiyjKGi-: A. 1 1 ALL JTTOUXEV- JT- LIW f-T. HELENS . ORE'iii.Y Owl Saloon 4 4 jf T-aiaa PiioTutts, fROPKllTOBS -Only Iks baat ol- a j Litinors ssi Ciian Kept ii Stsck CYRUS NOBLE AtoA o her jnlm Uin4t hAie WEINHARD'S BEER oa drftschL "Tcm Benton" Cigars. V All lv-4t irtmXki oihtr m 0 ilir prnAvm, te j suss kuiisi 1 rturit onUblD 00 to tb 11 !? rls. .a!. 1 Valtl irtiVcilllC Driift Store il rna Tusia- Drugs and Medicines Tulet Articles and Pcrfcinery I Or. J. . JILL. f-nprlor ICtar -K i.M! Oniur a. j IWlio's Your Tailor? No niattt.r--juk him. What h thr use of pit) inj? fancy jniccs for tailored clothes when you can walk into our store ami get au rrililoi-llIJnU Sllit f"roiie half the ot initial value? Suit's, tutclaimed Top Coats $ 7 50 12.50 Special reduction on heavy-w'n't Trousers 1.95 o 4 95 keinetnher these arc unclaimed. FARNSWORTH-HERALD CO. its tt a-hitiglon St., roulaml. Or. 208 FRONT FORTLAND, Mi'lurn Watjon Co. 's S.trveu Hucleye Iron Punips, Wooj lit Wheel, Steel and ! Cast Skein Farm Wagons, j Spring Wagons, LKrlivervj Wagons, Hacks, Buggies ; and Carriages. Co!u:uh::s !!;iggy Co.'s Hug-; gics, Thaet'tns, St.inhnpfs ; and Carriages. ; IVcring and Buckeye Binders Rc.-i; Mowers, Tdldcrs, Kali es an d (Jriu !. rs. Champion S'l.titi and "esses Horse Tower Baling T Ivlipsc Tresse lull Circle it. SujK-rior drain Seeders, 11m-, Shoe and lisc Hri'ls. Aeriiio:- and Butler Steel Wli- ' l.i's. If not! Why not? Or a mail order. Money factory. All styles and ptites frou $8.50 logging boots. (Th hrjest line of loggers and crr.:scrs' s! powa Falls brand.) alkover and sS-s;;i . t wll r.,hls M I THE NEW YORK STORE II" just terviitJ a Is.jr invoirt tl Spring Goods, Shoes, I Dry (sfwuls, (Jrocerics, Boots Shoes, lite. 11. MOHGU8, ( 'oop r Buildiuj;, Miiiu Stn-ot. St. Helens, Off-ion. piTTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER THE ONLY 1'KIiFKCT WHITIN(J MACHINK MA HE Htsw-wsi s. I, O X, '. . S P i s ' . , e ?.; m l Ctfe: f'w.. -.'..S'il w 'fi .ifi. .1. '. vva S 'i' A 'A VS. "-'' r? m WotMl Street, i ?sV, ,.-' The Pittsburg Writing '-'V' 'a . 11 j"0s,i - 1 M F.t. t I. to $25.00 25.00 to I " It r r m J. F. O'DONNELL STREET, lUwrCtl TATIOR AFC OREGON uitoMettr. .l ' I I .l I'l ill ts n Tumps, Wood and St! Tank, I'iix and Fitting. Hero and Mt. Hood Gniii Separators, with Sackers. Aspiuwall Potato and Onion Tlst liters. New Oxford Cream Separator King's Roller Jkaring Hingei T-irii I ior Hangers. Cat ton Clipper and Syracost Slcl and Chilled Vim. Htrrow.s and Cultivators. H.-iv Tuds, WJ.rcl Barrt'vi, B.i! Ties, Barb Wire, der Twine, Machine Bin Oil, Ktc MiTiart h , !c Crc:is' Have you ever Ku:j ut a pair of shoes of the night Shoe Co. Come yourself. Send a fiitnd. ii fiitided if shoes aie not satis- 50c hahy shoes to and most complete in the West, Clu'p- j .50 v ,. Tilt Well, lei 'rllMtte. Slrrgwa .1 The writir-jf is in flam ri el the operator all the tiias slmple.t and alriingett re tun lint, rapid action, '.' torn K-silii pled to all kia.e o nrk lsl (01 al uUlin and, Invoke win uetrc ral k'T F l-uar-! MUiusabi type aeliI s-lo-iantly rl. and. I Treble the life of any ell inai hiiir r fond clean wu'k-E Machine Company l itUburg, Ta y y V T Y t H