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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
rm OREGON nn M VOL. XX. PiOFJ!SSHhYJL. JNut.uv l'tr rti.m. CoNiritrAin'iKO, J. D. GODFREY, ITTOh'XKY-A'i'-LAW. ileal Exalts and Timber Lauds Sold AIMTIUUTUMADKi FT. IIKI.KNH, OIlK.iJON s. iiTGKuim'K," A TTORXK Y-AT- LA iV. Iifliev with K K. Uiilrk, T. IIII.kN, I OIIIC'IOS. Will gtvt inr.on.l attention In all lag.) m.iirr. animatr-d lu in., V ill prautit-o lu .11 in. Main ami i uus'i ai.t.a i uun. w. n. row I'LL, ATTOUXEY-AT-LAW. imrpTV iiimim r attoiisct. ST. IIRI.KK4, I 1 OHKOON. Orrua Nswiuss films. Kiitis ruaus . W. C. Fischer, ATTORXEYAT-LAV. KAtMKK, i i OREGON. K. 1'. Usaiuw. T. J. Cl.KKTuN. Afloiiicjsat-Luw. loft UanioAia llulMl.n. I'urtlnuil Oicgin. Columbia Coai.ljr Imain.H will rcdr prompt aueiitt.n. I. W. I'V W, U. llM.Attt 1ULI.ARD& PAY, ATTOHXK YS-AT-Ll IT nt. WKl.tvNM. ( fWfUtml ftfurllr III rmiMof OtegoM ttf In, AUaMlMM ll) llulU ffuuuty fKiHll Ir. Kihviu UofW, Physician and Surgeon. HT. tlKi.KNH.OUKUUN. Dr. II. U. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. IIKI.KNH, OttKUON, Dr. J. E. Hull, Physician and Surgeon. CI.ArKANIK.(tUK!ON. Dr.C. L. Hatfield, Ph ysicia n a n d Su rgcon . VKKSO.NIA.OKEUON. Watts & Price, -PKAl.KM IN- Floor and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions Seappoose, Oregon. Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and method. Mailed ADVERTISING MAN d of any responiiblo bouse iivitti v ' J mwim gltuctictVfl BEST FaHiarrlailT I'.arlni. t'onaialamlr Hepubllvan. Nnwi from (II Hie world Wall 'written, original itorli'i An wnri to querloi Artlilca on Health, the Jlomn, Now ltuoks, and on Work About Ilia l'anu and Uardon. The Weekly Inter Ocean Ii a nipmlMtr ol the Aaftoclatrd 1'reaa, the only Won tern Nowa iiMr reuvlvlng tbe entire tolo KrHplilo no, iervice of the New York Hun and pclal cable of the New York World duily re porta from over 2,000 "pei'lnl corri'HH)inloiitl throughout tha country. EX. tii j 4 i mm m YEAR Q N E DOLLAR anbaerlba far Tha OIHCUO nil ST ant Ika Wc.klf !! Oci Halb patera lar ai.00. tiri-Kiin dally Journal, only H a by null, 12 fur mi rmintlia; Hi-ml-Week.y Juiiinnl, II. 1,1) and Wrukly Journal II pi "'" I'll" Juirml la an lrittnl.-nl iHtniwrHlIt! iii'V.',niir, wiiklng In tl n. I""1" of Hi" (ti'-Ml section where iiiIIk lh ciir.K, n'iul In your aulMerlpllitn Hiunple topic, f,,.,, AiMii'M The Juunilil I'. O. llox 121, 1'ultlnlhl, Or. The Steamer SARAH DIXON Leave. Portland Mnndiiy and Thnrs d.y iimriiliiif" nt II :'M) a, in. fur Cists kmiie, ii.iin; at SI, Helens and wav landings. Cm In ml lauding at Out Hi eel wharf. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG lamina I'oill.nil mi 1, Thurulay tint Hat anhiy ai 7 a. in. Inr St. Htltnt, Kalama. Carroll Point, Rainiir and Kolto, Arriving .1 -.,ilti,. Monday, Wad DtwlNy Mli'l ,'iiil.r .1 'J p. tu. Steamer NORTHWEST I,, nn . rinlliuul Monday, Wednesday ml l-'rldiiy iiifc'lHn at at 10 ii. in., fur thu auma Miiiu. mci, tinned above, ami To ledo, reaching Ilia latter plaro nt 10 a. in, on the lulliiwifiK ilav. Returning, I liv boat h-nte Toledo at noon, ami ('a.'lo UiM'k nl6::flln the, TiiimImjvi, Thtiridaya ami tMiudayt, l.-Mvlnif I'i.i ilmiil i-nrlv In tlii innriiliiK, Wnait lwl ol kalmou M II llul.MAN. f W f N rMTI.1ll, UAILV. "America" Willamett Slough Ronte it Ix-ave Kt. Heh-na , ., Arrive at lrtlnn.. I J'ave I'uitliind ... Arrivv at Ht. Ilrli-na :30 A M IO Ii.1 A M i :w I' ,M ii .00 I' M I 4RI: AO ( Di ll. Carry Noltiiotf bttt rawwn g ru tvuO Knot Ftviylil, Will J4nM .lOI, tlatUr. 60 YEARS' EXPCRIENC8 TftAOC Marka DCttlGNt COFYRIOMT AC Anvnr n4ing lMrli And AwcrlTt!iiti may frasi th It r..hMf ishitila lt.Mie Ifttrllt ftoiiflitaitl LflitaitlltU. !lm1ln OH laj(lieS (Mttl frwsx IhtlsMl HatiirT tot sMHnriitf lajma. 1'a.leniif lsi)ft tltnmajll Munn A Ctk rol tf'UJ n-XU4 wtihotJI. cfiwrjf, m in Scientific Jlmcrican. A tlltirtralMt vnil,. t.r.t rtr- nil.lloii ,r anr rl'illO,T lourii.l. m,.. ,1 a mi : r-'tir n .nllU,,L How b,all nilMPillit 0 Pa an m.--A II Ot UU r. aiaitca om, ta r at, Waatunaiuu. u. i I How About Your Title? 4 UK YOtl Bt'HE II I. all rlshtf R.membi m KKroftlith.i anwrn.. It ia onr tmlnt i Kx-iml. ami .how trlial Ih.r ixinlaln III i iiiik. ii )i,ii rouiiniiaia iunif ianu or iitaning money on M-rnilty, Into nn man worj, nut liKl.l upon kuoKln, what Ihr rn ont h,iwi ri'ianllna tha nils. An Abatrarl liunaanUal aa a itrnl, In.Ltoii bailii. It. Via have tha only in of almtract tHKiaa lii ilia ciunly. All work prBtllr riH.'ulrtl ami .atl.(allon snaranltrt. II )nn have 'Muly to Innir.fU. ma call. Wa ar. .iiriil. lor tha Iwi lira Iti.iiraiii . roniianlv. In th. world. It ou liave iro)it' lor .alu 1U It with ua anil wa will dud a buj.r. . . QUICK & CO., Main Strttt wi .. Greatest Clubbinu .Combina- tinn. TWO WICKKl.Y PATKItS FOR THE OF ONK liltKATEST IlAUUAIN IN GOOD RF:aDINO. Dv a special arrangement we are able to furnish Tux Omkooh Mist and TIIK WKKKI.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price for both papers: lr One tear In 1 r ix Memhe la Aatvance, Te The Weekly JuurnHl, of Fulfill, Ore., prlnls most inside news about our state government and the full legislative proceedings. Just what you want for the coming session. The Journal is a large eight pnge papur full of telegraphic news of the whole world. Bam pie ropy furnished free upon inquiry at this office. WE OFFER YOU 25 12 .months' subscription (o THE OREGON MIST. For $1 Oat year's subscription One year's membership CONKEY'3 HOME JOURNAL Is a literary and musical monthly family matailne which should pa In every home. Its cover'ii is always In cnlura. It i.jirlnird on annd paper, and mechanically every l.niio la a tribute to the printer s art. Conksy'a noma Journal isreallr twoma, aiinrs In nne, for the hrll hrilt It devoted lo tuerlai Illustrated articles on inbleclt prominently bi'lnre tha piihllc. and short and aerial ttories. '1 he second half Is devoted to tbe inter ests of tha mother and daiisniur. It also contains WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Practical lessons In lara and embroidery-making. Practical letaons in home millinery. . Practical Icaanna In Interior decoration. Practical Bunieillins for home dretsniaktnr. A complete Ush'on deoai Inienl showing l lie neweit deslins In hats snd costumes. Shin wants and the smaller articles ol feminine wear. A comiilelo iiallern deparlment. from which patterns may bs ordered. rholotfraiilii ahowlnc how totet Iho table. and '".'able 1'alkV' which Impart tha Information that Is necesssry to ths woman who would he uivto-date. 1 he foreitiilng Is siiiilememed by a department of music which contains each month fcopyrlilit soiik. two tteti or walti. a lesson ou Vocal Trainlnf and a lesson on Piano 'luvlnir by eminent teachers. Itovs Peta" It the subject of a aeries of articles for the bora. Thete articles are thoroughly practical aud tell how all kinds of peta may be raised both for pleasure and The Ameiioown Nualoawl Ae.oela.tlon enables Ita membera to purchase sheet rmctlc and all music supplies at diicuuuts ranting from 2& to IH) per cent. .Sample copy of Conkey'a Homo Journal! mailed to any address on request Addict all communications and remittances lo THE OREGON MIST 8T. HELENS, KHTAiir.ttiiKn IAil 1KU. JOHN A. DECK tlKAI.KK IK Watches, Diamonds, SilipTiare, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. MurrlauuHt. front Kirat. POKTI.AND. FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . HjoghHrt. Hatter. RAILROAD TIME. l-eiv.t halnlcr dally (ricrpl Bunda ) lor Port land, .1 A. M, ilr.rllu, lioui bl. al H ii'l.iia. KHiirnlui, I'orrl.ud Mi m f M., arilvlua at BL ll.l.iu al l a. PasEcnuDrs and Fast Freijlit. rOKTI.ANIJ LANDIXO, TAYIXJIt ST. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. aiAatwwM ATATIOMa DAILY. ,1 I vT u "..' 1 uo a 06 M a u u a M Mi 0" 111 117 In nu lu ( in :v lu i a a 0 X, Portland Ar II 10 . BT. a. ti JO uu 7 4 7 M 7 U 7 U 7 17 7 91 W n I 06 HI liobl 10 09 I. 4&1 IS M S 40 VV V tu M l 10 UO A .' I 10 IU Ml 10 Jl 71 J IU ? 7 10 67 Mi t i. m wi It l u', 11 ai m .. Italnl.r ... .. frtauiM... ... Maar.,,. . . Qiiiuc-jr ... . . Cl.Kk.iil. , . Mai.ti Ian,!. . Wi-alia.rl.... ... i lllloii ... Kii.ia.... ,. Hv.iiM.n.,.. . .Jnlin Dar.. U I a6 17 17 UK Ul M U It 07 7 56 7 i Ar. A.torla .Lv All train. roi elna eoanariton. al (iobla llli North. rn I'.cino train. In and Irora th. riat aud B,,unJ (mint., ai Portlanal alia all train. I.arnif I'nlon t,t. a Aatnrla with I. H. A N.l n. . Ul ami tall Una and Hteani.r 1 1 I'nll.r la and (rum lla aud horlh Hoars iitula. I'.urniirr. tor Astoria or way point, mint flat Irmii. .1 llimll.m oil) amp lo 11 p'i. "it at ttuu'lin wliracomhia trum ftoluu et ol uotile. J. '. naiw), (leu. I'a. Aat.. Anuria. Or IIIUUHT'8 DI8KA8K. The largest sum ever paid for a pre rnplion changed hands in ftaa Fran, August .SO, mil, The tranaler ia ruin and atork I1I2.WW 00, and waa paid ly a party of htialneaa men for a apecillc fur Bright'a Dlaeaae and llialietes. hilharta iiwiiralila ilia. j eaart. They romuienred the serious In ; vatigatinn of the aperilic Novemlwr 16, I'.WO. They Interviewed scores of the in ml ami tried it out on Its merits by putting over three doien cases on the treatment and watching them. They ai tin pnyaicians to name clirunlc, in cnralile ca.ea, and administered it with the physicians lor jnitges. Up to Au gust o, ni per cent ot tha teal cases were either well or progressing favora bly. There being but 13 per cent, of j failures the parlies were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceed lugs of the investigating committee and the clinical reports f the test rases were , published and will be mailed free on a p. plication. Address the John J.Fulton l t'otniiany, 420, Montgomery atreet, J Han Francisco, t'alif. nbr that It Is tha line., to aran-h the Ih.r rant, n In r allun to sr. uncus, or coon - ... to Conkey't Home Journal. la American Musical Association. OKEGOK, FRIDAY, A EVENTS OF THE DAY QATHEREO FKOM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprchamslva kevlrw ol tba Import at Happanlnca ol tba Paat Wack, Praacnt4 la Coadcaaed Form, Moa Likely tj Prova lotaraatlng to Out Maay Kaader. ' Dunimulr, Cat by fir. waa nearly del troy eJ Bailorafrom battleabipa ' will after be given longer abora leave, bera- Pakin ia apparently much tnrpriaed at the increaae of the Aaiatlc aquadroo. Praaident Rooaevelt will be escorted from tha depot at Portland by a mon ater parade. Kebele of Panto Domingo hate re pulaed tha goveromant troops and still bold that city. Jefferson H. Conovor, grand aecra'ary of Die Free and Accepted Masoua ot , Michigan, la dead, aged 02 years. Governor Taft ia mentioned for the' presidency ia 1M01. The New York Ilerald fiiturea that Roosevelt will a winner with New York atate in the doubtful column. The Indiana operator, will eubmit a proposition to tha miners agieeing to bare a eommiatlon, compoeed of an operator, a miner, and an expert min ing engineer, to deride what mines in the Clinton field require shooters. The Antbrac ta strike commbmon award with reference to tbe mining ngineera glvea the enigneer. a holiday Sunday throughout the mining regions for the first time in tbe history of coal mining. Not a tingle disorderly act haa oc cur red to mar tbe tranquility of Mon terey, Max , sinew Thursday's riots. Governor Reyes, in speaking of the affair, said that an inveatigation showed absolutely that the lice fiiat fired in the air, later firing at their aggretuora only in defense of their Itn Gernge Gillette la dead at the county hospital of Hanta C'rnt, Cat., agod 80 yea's, lie came to the United states la 1812 aa a member of Lord Aehbur- ton'a suite to negotiate tbe Aehburton- Webster treaty ior tbe northeast U.un dary of this coontry. lie bad been an inmate of the couuty hospital fur 12 years. A new Haytlen cabinet has been formed. Tbe old cabinet resigned owing to the senate having passed a vote of ometire against the ministers for their failure to take proeedings against those who were reepoi s de for the interruptions tf the fitting of the chamber of deputies Marib 30 by the firing ot rifle sho'a. The German Kaiser la on a visit to hla royal friends In Denmark. Chicago brokers are at war among themselves regarding bucket shops. Stiowstorn destroys telegraph linea and paralyzea railroad traffic in Noth ern Mississippi valley. President Roosevelt spoke at Mil waukee on trusts, at Waukesha on for eign relations, at MadUon on college educations. At Naeo, Arli., John Crossen re ceived a bullet In the heart from the pistol of Deputy Sheriff Frank WU aon. who had been called in to stop a row In the Big Adobe Saloon. Ladronea have suffered seven de cisive defeats In the Philippines, and are beginning to realize that their methods mean no'thing but disaster and eventual extermination. Thomas Kelgan. who escaped from the Toledo. 0., Jail in 1901. Is behind the bars again. He is charged with the robbery of the Toledo postofflce. Kelgan waa caught In Los Angeles. Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, of the department of Semitic language and literature at Cornell university, Itha ca. N. Y has accepted an appoint ment at director of the American School of Archeology at Jerusalem. Jose Teller was hanged In the Jail-1 yard nt Santa Fe. N. M.. by Sheriff i Klnsell, within a few feet of the place AIUBCII, TlitUlll as, urn A V V t (Jl lllO IV J f where the crime waa committed he ! expiated, the murder of Jailer Ept taclo Gallegos. On the gallows Teller confessed to committing another mur der. Bands of students made a demon stration In front of ministry of the In-j terlor aa a protest against the occur rencea at Salamanca. The carriage, of Senor Maura, minister of the Interior waa stoned. The police dispersed the rioters. Eight policemen and many students were wounded. Secretary Hitchcock has decided that members of the Home Guard or ganisations of the civil war were never mustered Into the service of the general government, and could not be construed as part of the military or ganization ot tho United States, and therefore are not entitled to pensions. Sixteen students from the depart- ment of forestry of Yale University will undertake the Improvement of the ; 1900 acres of woodland at the West ! Point Military Academy, under the dl-; rectlon of United States forestry ; Commission Bureau. In about three ing definite is known of the cause of months they expect to have tho land-j the murder, but it ia thought that Mc acape plans ready for submission. Kennev. who is wanted for the killing ,, . v . i Tha railroad bridge over the Angls- ta River near Drama was blown pri by Bulgarians during the nlf;ht of April 1. All the telegraph wires in the vicinity hwe be-en cut. Drama Is about 30 miles from Seree, Macedonia. Fred Barfoot, assisted by Rnnpers Felton and Peterson, and several coun ty officers, attacked the Dr.vls ceblns In the Black Rock country. In Arizona, on Monday, and captured the el'-ht men who. It la alleged, have been steal ing cattle in the vicinity for a time, ' hut have always eluded the ofiiccis. PHIL 10, 1903. CUBA 18 GRATEFUL. Palma'a Menage to Congreaa Expreaaca Admiration of Sooaevelt, ilavrm, April 8. Congrena reaa enililed today and will probably con tinue in aeation three extra montba on account of the noucMity for the enact ment of many lawa before all the de partment! of the government get thor oughly nnder way. A mesf-age from I'reaident 1'alnia waa read. Tbe moa aann ay: "Our relationa with the United Statee continue to be clone and cordial. Much more gratifying la the noble and rvao lutely favorahlu attitude of tbe presi dent of that great republic. It i enouyU to rauieinber tiie obttaulea which bia atubborti will have overcome in negotiating tha reciprocity treaty and obtaining tbe ratification thereof, and bia firm purpose to aummon aepec ial aeuion of rongnsaa to definitely ap prove of It. liesidea the eympathy and repet which we inapire among the American people by our exon.pts'-y con duct aa an independent people who re alize the dutiua and repponaibiiitiea of citizenship, these cirrumxtancea power fully contribute In eolidifying the tod Innderatanding between tbe two nationa. "It ia onr intert-.t to worthily culti , rate theet tentimenta and we cannot do l an better than by carrying out our obli ! gationa to the Waabington government expeditiously, frankly and correctly, whether itia by grant of wbat we ought to grant, or refining wbat we consider ourselves justified in refuaing. "The government is at present occu pied with the Isle of fines matter, and it lias reason to hope that the settle ment thereof will be satisfactory to Cuba." I'renii'ent Palma exprceee the hope t.m 1 1. a ..Aat;nn l i. j inttj . provieion,of the puu amendment will soon be settled, and adds that after this has been done it will seom nnnecessary that tbe Piatt amendment should remain any longer a part of the constitution. will talk over waqes. Trainmen on Illinois Central to Meet Of ficials ana Discuss Increase. Chicago, April 8 Tbe adjustment committee of the railroad trainmen and conduct) ra oranirations have ar rived in Chicago and are preparing to meet tbe olhciala of the Illinois Central and Alton reads. The trainmen and conJnctors' committeee believe tbe same terms can be secured on tbe Illi nois Centrsl snd Alton roada for their members as those on the Wabaeb a 15 per cent Increase for freight and a 12 per cent increase for passenger service. John G. Hannahan, grand master of the I'.rot herbood of Firemen, arrives in Chicago tomorrow to present the de mands of tbe fiiemen on tbe Illinois Cmiral. Tbe aljnstmcnt committee of tbe trainmen and conductors fiom the Chi cago, Burlington 4 Qnincy. Rock Island A Milwaukee and St. Paul systems, where demands were made January 6 for a horizootal increase in wages of 20 per cent for two clashes of employes, now have their schedules of demands revised and will present them to tbe manairements of those roads before the end of tbe week. WONDERLAND 1903. Beaatlful Book Describing and Picturing This Olorlous Wcstland. Another volume has been added to the Wonderlnnd Keries published annu ally by tbe Northern Pacific railroad company. This latest number excels in newness and variety of word pictures and camera pictures. Order tbe book mailed to your home address, not to your office, and while waiting its ar rival prepare your miud for the feast of hictory, story, and traveling experi ences that the book affords. A big bundle of poorly conceived and cheaply printed advertising matter will not be impored on you. but yon will be pre sented a beautiful magazine contalnng stories and pictures of this western wonderland of ours that will excite the interei-t and please the taste of the m urt crithal. The book costs nothing. The postage is six cents. Send stamps to Chas. t. Fee, general passenger and ticket agent, St. Paul, Minn., and this . A "II t 1 f.uve"'.r of,tl,e wf8t wl11 Tours with Uncle Hani's usual promptness. Promotloo for Forrest. Spokane, April 8. Tbe Chronicle announces today that General Superin tendent F. S. Forrett, of tho Spokane Falls & Northern railway, will be ap pointed general superintendent of the Montana Central, effective about April 15. He will take tha place of E. L. Brown, who will become assiotant gen eral superintendent of tbe eastern di vision of the Great Northern. Mr. For rest will be succeeded by R. C. Morgan, now assistant superintendent of tbe Cascade division of the Great Northern. Desperado Kills Two Men. fCinvman. Aria.. Artril A Vnr. liaa inut rM1.bed Kinsman nf tl, n,nt... uii,.. .... ., , C , , T v. " mwboj P'RnUt nd, Ry Winchester, a voung miner, on me trail -lo miles south of mis place Dy James MCKmney. Noth- of William L. Wynn at Porterville. I . . . . . ' ..'"' I v i , .ci uiuj , ,w , , , i- (itc-u mi vui- cers and waylaid them on the trail. Proposed Railroad ta Yukon. Washington, April 8. Construction of a railway from Mittimat inlet through the northern part of British Columbia and ths Yukon to Dawson is being agi tated by Vancouver business men, ac cording to a report to the atate depart ment from United States Consul Dud- ley at that place, HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON WILL WASHOUT GOLD. 0. W. Dart, of John Day, Starting Up an Extensive Work. Pla er mining promises to be an lm portant fndii'try in Grant county dur ing Die coming season. (Several miner, have already commenced getting things In readiness for tbe sammer's ron. What promises to bo an excellent paying preposition is tha placer min of G. W. Iart, which will be worked for the first time Ibis season. Mr. D.irt has leased tbe pipe, giants and all the mining material belonging 'o the Humboldt mining company, and at present haa a force of men laying 'his pipe and gr-tting everything in readiness for the summer', run, which will commence immediately. The mine is sitna'ed on tha west side of Canyon ere. k, between John Day and Canyon City, and nearly opposite bong guh b. Watr will be used from the Humboldt ditch. The ditch will be in charge of liert Ftone. It is the intention to operate tbe - - - " .,'' - -I . ? ' - V' i . - , , ' - - H . ' ;.-' TUE LATE HESRY mine 16 to IS hours a day, according as tbe length of the days permit. Two shifts of men will be employed. Prosperous Hooal River Valley. Though the annual precipitation at Hood River is . about 3d inches, irriga tion is a very important factor in the propperity of the Hood River valley. Hince irrigation came into practice on a considerable scale five years ago tbe population of tbe valley has quad rupled, tbe price of land has incieased 300 per cent and the entire fruit ship ping business of that locality has grown up. Sixty thousand crates of straw berries ( two dozen boxes to the crate) and 100 carloads of apples, of last year's production, have been shipped from that station, and larga quantities of fine apples are still going forward to market. Irrigable Acreage Increased. Tbe great abundance of snow in tbe mountains bas result in an increase in the acreage of irrigable land that will be placed under cultivation this season in Baker county. In many in stances tbe increase will amount to 50 or 60 per cent over last year, and tak ing the entire county, tbe increase will amount to fully 40 per cent this year over last. Pilot Rock Postofflce Robbed. The postoffice at Pilot Rock, a small village about 15 miles from Pendleton, was robbed Bunday night and about f 100 in money and stamps secured. Wheat Fire at Cay use. Three warehouses and an elevator, containing in all about 18.000 bushels of wheat, were burned at Caynse last Monday. The total loss is estimated at more than $20,000. Caynse is a small wheat station about 20 miles east of Pendleton, and has no water protection whatever. Demand for New Buildings. Contractors and builders are over crowded with contracts for buildings to be erected in' Baker City this season. Mot of the new structures are cottages and dwellings of some pretensions. The demand for houses to rent is gi eat er than tbe supply, all of which goes to chow that Baker City ia steadily grow ing. Astoria at tbe Fair. Astoria will erect a $5,000 building at toe Lewis and Clark fair. Sale of Albany Woolen Mills. Arrangements have been completed for the sale of the Albany woolen mills to the Eannockburn manufacturing company, of Portland. Tbe stockhold ers ot the Woolen mills company will soon meet and ratify the sale. Tbis is one of Albany's leading manufacturing concerns, and famishes employment to large number of people. NO. 17. New Warden at Penltcatlary. C. W. James, who became superin tendent of the Oregon penitentiary on April 1, has announced the promotion of Ed McBnereon from the position of second warden to that of first warden. McPheraon will succeed J. T. Janes, who has held tbe position during tba past four years. Tbe vacancy caused by tba promotion of McPberaoa will be filled by'the appointment of U. F. Johnson, of Baker City. , Woodmaa Street CararVaL The Woodmen's street carnival snd fair, to be held in Dallas June S, 4. and 6, promises to be a very auccassful affair. Tbe committees are all hard at work and are meeting with good success. To Invoke Refereadnas. A number of raising men around Grants Pass are giving assistance In tba work of invoking tba referendum against the mining corporation tax law recently passed by the Oregon legis lature. Aj- - ., ' f ' 1- 'iV WISSLOW CORBETT. Hopes to Find Water. B. F. Coplen, an expert on forma tion for artesian water, who sank tha artesian wells at Pullman, Wash., and who for many years haa been making extensive examinations of the Colum bia river basin, bas been looking over the situation in tbe vicinity of Echo for some time with a view to getting four or five sections of land and putting in the necessary machinery for thoroughly testing tba subject. tie aaya that there is every indication that artesian water can be bad along tha base of tba Echo buttes. Mills Running Fan Tlata. All of the sawmills in Baker City are running fall time and tha demand for lumber both for local use and for export is in excess ot tha supply. Most of the lumber manufactured thai a is sent to Utah, where a great deal ia used in railroad construction. WIU Build Dans. The Sumpter land company will erect a dam at tha junction of Cracker creek and McCul lough's fork. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 72e; Una. stem, 7778c; valley, 77e. Barley Feed, $23.60 per ton; brew Ing, $24. Flour Best grade, $3.P5i4.25 ; grah am, $3.4533.85. Millstuffs Bran. $18 par toa: middlings, $ 24; shorts, $1.50S20. chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.18 1.20; gray, $1.12gi.l5 per cental. Hay Timothy, $11(812; elorar, $899; cheat, $9010 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanks, 60t)60e pat' aack; ordinary, 40J50o par cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $20) 2.25 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, lldlSe; yoong, 11 X (8 12c; hens, 12e; turkeys, live, 15016c; dressed, 1820c; ducks, $77.50 per dozen; geese, $7.60. Cheese Full cream, twins, 16K4I 17)tc; Young America, 17KHXe; factory prices, lQIXe less. Butter Fancy creamery, SOiJMXe per pound; extras, 30c j dairy, 201 22c; store, lSQlfte. Eggs 14015c per dosaa. Hops Choice, 21023o per pound. Wool Valley, 12tt916c; baton Oregon, 8014)ic; mohair, 26028a, Beef Gross, cows, SOSJfs pat ponnd; steers, ihe; drsssad, 7. Veal 7X8)-a. Mutton Gross, 4c pat ponnd; dressed, 7Xe. Lambs Gross, 4e pet pound; dressed, le. Hogs Gross, 6 He par dreased,77),a.