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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1903)
THE OREGON MIST. VOL. XX. ST Helens, OREGON, FRlfAY, MARCH 27. 1903. ZT TT I ' ' '- PROFESSIONAL. NoTAKV Pt lll,C, ClINVIVAIIt'lNa) J. B. GODFREY. tTTOHNEY-AV'TAW. Real Estate ana Timber Lands Sold A MHTKACTH MA1IK HT. HELENS. OREGON" S. H. GRUUIiK, ATTOUXEY-AT-LiW. sr. dm,', with K, K Quirk. HICI.rNS, i ! OHE'lON, Will (It beat MrMn.l ailentlnn In all laxal Ittatier etiiiM.fril hi tne. ill raullt'i in Hi timta ami t'lillod Miami i oum. W. IK POWELL, ATTOnXEY-AT-Tl) ST IIKI-kN. i ; ollKnoN. - OrritM Nsw.o(s Hum, Nuraav ruu W. C. Fischer, ArWnXEY-AT-EiW. IUINIKU, : : OREGON. It. I'. (iHUUtl. T. .1. Cl.f XTtM. Attonicvsnt-I-uw. SUA M.i'i'inm Hull. Hi. ii i'ortlanit Olefin. Ill rccvlte irmnl t'oltintlita (.'oui.ty 1mi.iiim aiiriiituit. i. W. IA V W. II. tl'I.LAIII) PILLAR.) k PAY, ATTOIlXEYS-AT-LtW UOV tli'tt Mr liirolirtliolle, HI' Hhl.ltSH. oKM.tiN. (letieral iR-tUr In r.tmt.l oh-kimi or Wa.h-Inm-oi Ao.ttatii ! illicitly ( MJUuif rvetirtt. i'Kn Dally Journal, nnlv 14 a vr i,v mall, 13 fur am tnonllm; Herul-Week.y Journal, 11.60 and Wkly Journal II pet ytur. 'I'd Journal la an Ki'inucrntln lirwupnprr, woiklna In Inn In. torcala of Ilia rmt si-oilon where rnlia Ida lirrKun. Hiit In your aulisirlpllun Hnmplt. :,ln free. AMra The Journal, P. O. Him Portland, Or. The Steamer SARAH DIXON Leaves Portland Monday ami Tlinrs day mornings l ;: a. in. (or ('lata kuiile, stopping nt Nt. Helena mill wav lauding. Portland landing nt Out street whr.if. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG lavea rorll.n l on l unula. Tliiimlaj' ami Dal. tir lajr at ; a, in. 'or St Hiltnt, Kalama. Catnll t Point. Rainitr and Ktho, Arrlvlnaal 1'orilainl Moiolur, We4 ie.ia) ami frol al t p m. Steamer NORTHWEST I.tatei I'ortlaiiil Moiidnv. Wednesday nil Friday night nt at 10 i. in., for tint same xiiua mentioned kIkivb ami To ledo, reaching I ho latter place nt IU a. in, tin lli following ''"V. Reluming, the boat leaves Toltilo at noon, and ('aa1 In Ruck nt 6:.'lfn the nln-niiinii. Tut'iluJ, Tlnirnlaya ami hninlnya, linv!nif Vortliiiiil carlv In ihx iiiornliin. I.K.l ui balmun t. II. It'll. MAN. At nil. KHTAnMlfiau JOHN A. BECK DKAMCIt IN Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY.... Itt'jMiiring a Specialty. Murrlwiii HI. Del. Kruiil A rirat. POUTI.AND. FOR PORTLANO DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I, Hooghkirk, Matter. KAIMUMD TIME. I, v... Kallilar (tally (clrnut 8unrlavlfrlarl. ft A. W . i..rlina linm W. Ilrlvn. alt iermiii. i.atr. rnniana al i m r arriviMf al l. Illall. ill j, Passeaccrs and Fast Freicat. I'OKTf.AM) LANDING, TAYIXIt BT. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER A RAILROAD COMPANY. EVENTS ORTHE DAY (JATIIGRED FROM MX PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. RED PLAO IS FLOWN. Cmprchenalv Review of the Import ant Happenlnga of the Paat Week, Preacntcd In Coeatenaed Form, Mo Likely to Prove Intcrciting to Our Many Rcadera. Nearly all Cirpple Creek minea bav tieen tliut down. Tlie Rovernment linn wtnmeniod a suit agalnut Indiana coal ionpirator. tcarlt fever attll raiiea at Lake For- eat, near Chicago, and all public place are cloned. .. Mark Twain haa an attack of bron- cliitia, but Ilia doctor Mya be can eun reaame work. The Texas legialatare baa panned a Brutal Treatment of Prlaonera Cauacd Revolutionary Outbreak. St. PeterHbug, March 25. Letter received heie from ToniHk, Weet 8i berla, deacribe the riots which occurred there March 3. About 70 atiidentM, it apjieara, attended a loc, conrt in con- necticn with a Blunder -aw, and on leaving were aorroonded by the police. The atrtdenta broke through the cordon and marched paat the univertity, about- ing: "Down with the autocracy The numbera of those taking part in tne deinonetration were increased to "ome 6,000 peraona, and tiie aitnation became so alarming that the chief of police barricaded the bridge and gam moned reinforcement". The Governor. Prince Viazemuky, arrived on the scene and ordered the rioters to be attacked. Some of them were beaten and the whole body of rioters wag finally over come. Beventy-sii men were confined in the it. Dr. Ivhvin Uoss, Physician and Surgeon, ST. HiailSH. OKKUUN. Dr. II. K. Cliir, PJiysician and Surgeon. HT. IIKLKNrt, OHKOON. Dr. J. K. Hull, Physician and Surgeon. CI.AT.'KANIK. OltKUON. Dr.C. h. Hal Held, Physician and Surgeon. VhUNONIA, OKKiiON. Watts & Price, Hr.Al.KRH IN- Floar and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions fry- 5 - TiAMtn- OH roHII.JtM.. It.tll.1. jjfS H H H H H H 44 DAILY. 2 ; WTATIUMS DAILY. "America" Willamett Slongh Route I-ar St. Hrlena . ., Arrive at 1'ortland. I .rave Portland Arrive at hi. Il. li in .10 A M 10 .til A M a .til P M U .110 P M ami: ao i t vu. Will Carry Notlilnir tint l'aii- Krr. and ral KicikIiI. Jttlt: UOl, .vta.lar. 'AAAAAA AA lAVVVVVVVVViU 1 ua ui ! a vo i a aa i a 4 f a u j a w ! im la j 7 i 10 I 10 on in M j 10 XI i AM II IA. il) 0 I. rorll.nd Ar II 10 iimm IH 4.', U M A 9 40 tA U Ml UI j. lu uu i.-' a . Ui lu ui I L 10 VI 71 J !. 10 M 7 7 i III 1,1 Mi t j . 11 OS W II I. I 1A .' 4 l.i. I.I. ... Ilaltltr .. . . 1'Vfanil.l. . . .. Mayg.r... . .v'ii"'y ... Il.l.k.ule Mar.lil.ud. WttMn.. , . . ClIIIIMl. .. . Kiiapia... .. hvttijMm... John flay. II 30 w Ar. Aurl l.y 10 06 V M HA I -n 17 oa t n ( I IH lb a 07 7 U ? It a. a 41 A ll S M a uu 7 7 M 7 aa 7 at 7 17 7 ttl tJ II law prohibiting any betting on horae courtyard of the police station, wbeie, it is alleged, tliey were much abased. Dr. Hchlechter and a lawyer named Voznezeneky, who retnonetrated with the police, were seriously injured. A petition to the president of the Tomalk bar association, signed by every lawyer in tne city, corroborates thu account. and declares that the maltreatment of the prisoner was needlera and wilful. The students met again on March 5 and protested against the treatment the rloterj had been subjected to, and marched through the street, their ranks being augmented by 500 sympa thisers carrying ml flags and making revolutionary demonstrations. Vice Governor Itelwig i.arlcyeJ with the processionists and withdrew the sol diers. News regarding the anbseauent races, and the governor baa signed in a nre at hheiton, -M-u., a man tamd Cotton was fatally injured by the fall of a wall. A number of other Bremen were slightly injured, An epidemic of croup and whooping cough prevails among children in Brooklyn, N. V. There are over 800 canes and many death:! have occurred. The n-w million dollar watch factory at houth Bend, Ind.. which will em ploy 1,500 watchmaker and manufac- lure i,juuwuU lie a day, la In opera tion. Oxford colllege, Hamilton, Ohio, at tended by 12S young women, is closed, became of the outbreak of German All I ruin. TO.k. clow cnnlmllotl. at (iobla llh N.trlharn I'ai'lllc Irallin In anil Imto lb r.i aim fhiuiiu p.iiini. ai mniatia ilh all traliii t ii ion .lri,l. l Ailnrla with I. It. d( .K. l o.'i Ual anil rail llua and Hteaioer i j i ou.r io auu iruiu iiaaco and . Nona l'AMimliir A.lnrlaor way polm. mu.t flax rain, al lluulliili Train, will L.. In I.I pa Miiiri. r.H al lliiu'li'ti h-n imilii iruia puluu ri oi iuuiff. J.t . nay. Ilfii. I'aaa. Ai.. A.lorla. or measles. All the young women vere developments bus not yet been received uuui.. j v. i ijerr. The rnvelling of rtie statue, b( General W. T. hhermao at Cincinnati has been IHittponed from Majr to Octolier 15, owing to I resident . Roosevelt ina- liility to te present on the former date. Harvard aeiea ted i ale on the quel- STARVATION IN ALASKA. Eaklmo ar Hungry and Appeal to Oov- eramcnt for Relict. Washington, March 23. Becaure of lion 'Rea lived, thai the l'nite.1 F-tat nnmeron reports that have been re- ahoiild iiiiiiit a foreign gi.Yernment to v1 'oe f department telling of ilHIUIIT'H OIHKA8K. vjklMld. BO YEARS' -La JfEXPgRIENCB 8'ai)iMMs(, VJ J i""""" """" Traoc Marks DcaiaNti COfVR(OMT Ac. utkif uH-t(lni(i uttr tiiin)u frji titir tui fttvprill't'i I pruMM p(ti(lit. ( omtttl w.1 . ... iie largcai sum ever paid tor a pre- cr;niou cnangen nanus in han rran- ciaco, August 30, 1901, The tranafer is Hivnivi' coin and stock 1112,500 00, and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for ((right's Disease and Dialietes, billierto incurable dis eases. They commenced the aerioua In- vatigation ul the stwific November 16. (PUD. fhey interviewed score of the cured and trust it out on it merits by putting over three doien cases on the treatment and watching them. They alo gnl physicians to name chronic, in- enrsiiie caaea, and adintuiatered it with the physicians lor ludires. I n to An- oeixe and hold permanently territory of a debtor state not exceeding in value the amount of the award." Harvard had the aflirm.tiv t!im..irictiriin.ittitlt. iiiuKitMMta 1'ai.uia a."t fina. IIMil amef tw wtirlna tiit.. I'.iouia iit.pri ttiroiiaii aiurm A l u. rvcvi.a arMI a4At, without cli.rva. la tiia Scientific Hmerican. A hndoif)lF Ilhiwfv1 woll. rmrm 1r. rtil4ll"t ft n iriitiOo lourtttti, 1 orm i lf TtMnr,HV fU t9oiat7s..l Ttimifir X HQ 3en.ifw.,. tm. at r st. wa.hiniuu, v. giiai iit, ni per cent ol the test canes . were either well or progreaaing favora bly. Ihere Iteing bin 13 per cent, of , failures the parlies were islialied and iduM-tl the transaction. The oroceed- inga ol the investiuatina: cominiltee and the clinical reports of the tentcases were lublialu-d and will I mailed free on an- : 1 1 ... . : .11. ... i . . . (iniaiion. Aourcasiiie Jonn J.rulton j I'oinitany, 420, Montgomery street, i .iiu rranciaco, Lam. How About Your Title? Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Freo to the ADVERTISING MAN of any responsible house. Era i wan 1 Ct Kit YOl' Kf UK It 1. all rlalil? J UHl'ilKIMIial intern.. It 1. o t rt-tir0 and hnw aliat lltry cti Haiti Strttt Ramrmher that It ta tha our Iiii.iufm to arart-h Ilia OV OnlllMill III In I....1 ,uir. ii )iii riniiFniiaii uutina laiui or iitanitia money on real clalr awnirllv, lakv un man a word, but lu.lsl uiton aiioHlna what the rt-i-onl nhiitt. reaaMlin; the Mile. An Ab-lrm-l l.aiMniial aa adetsl. In. I. ton liathiii II. Vt. have Ilia only .t of bo.ik. In Hi. loiimy. All work pri.tnpllreiei-iiled and nall.fadloa suaranlm-il II ton hove inirl in iiniit,iv tin a rail. aara ai.-eiil. lor Ilia U-.l llir hi. tiralira i-tuii.aiile. lit tha world. It vou have roicii lor alo ll.t ii wiili ut and w will Dud a buyer. E. . QUICK & CO., ST. HELENS. 0REG0H :dlirlally Irarlr... llalaiamly lteublli-an. News from all the world Well written, original stories An swer to queries Articles on Health, the Home, New Rooks, and on Work About th Farm and Garden, The Weekly Inter Ocean aat"-N Is a member of the Associntcd Press, tint only Wostern Nows puper receiving the entire tele graphic news service of the New York Hun and special cablu of the New Ytrk World daily re ports from over 2,000 spvciitl correspondents throughout th country. YEAR Q V E DOLLAR Kuharrlbe ley Tit OIIIUOK SHUT id the Weekly latter Oeiai Stafh painar tar SI. AO. Greatest Clubbing Combina- TWO WKKKI.Y PAPKKS KOK TI1K OF ONK-UUKATKST UAKUAIN IN GOOD KEADINO. Dv a spnclitl nrraiigcmciit we are able to furnish Tux Ohkuon Mist ami THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOVKNAL at Ui following club bing price for both papers: t'r One Year III Advanre.!.AO I'erNIX Mail tha In Ailvaure, 7Sc The Weekly Journal, of Fnlcin, Ore., prints most inside new about our "Into government and the full legislative proceedings Just what you want for the coming session. The Journal is a large eight page paper full of telegraphic news of the whole world. Sam ple copy furnished free upon inquiry at this olllce. The flood situation Jn the Mississippi valley is improving, i The Oregon Short Line ha sold Its linea in Nevada to Clark. President Castro, at Venexuela, has resigned in order that trouble with for eign powers aMC" more easily settled. Governor Mrtuerrf Washington, has vetoed the (50,000 appropriation lor the Lew is and Clark exposition, tne riitHDiirg uu and uiaa com pany, wttti a capital ol lu.OOO.OOO ha filed articles of incorporation at Dover, Del. The engine and four car of a west bound Twentieth Century Lake Shore limited were derailed at Ashtabula, N. Y. No one was injured. the Pacific and Dominion express company has issued a circular offering a reward of (2,000 for the recovery of the $25,000 gold bar that disappeared from the union depot at Detroit Wed nesday night. The Steel and Iron corporation of Mexico, capital 1 1,000,000, has been incorpoiated at Trenton, N. J. The object are to manufacture iron and steel, and to acquire the Campania In dustrial Mexicana of Mexico. Kolilrs blew open the vault in the I deposit bank of liardwell, Ky., and se- I cured in the neighborhood of (5,000. The safe is a total wreck, and the charge was so strcng tint some of the currency, of which there was (2,500, wa burned. The robbers escaped. A fire which gutted a tenement block in Front street, Hartford, Conn. threatened the lives ol the upper floor tenants and caused property damage of 1(10,000, A man, woman and three children were rescued bv firemen aith ladder, aud the other occupants of the I building escaped in their night cloth-lag. H. G. Bax-Ironsides, the new British minister to venexuela, has arrived at Caiacas. Two steamers collided on Long Island the destitute condition of the natives of Alaska on Pilgrim river, near Nome. and at. other points cn Seward oen in sula, Judge Advocate General Davis to day recommended that the command ing oftn-er in Alaska be directed to make a careful Investigation and re port, both as to the condition and the needs of these Indians, believed to number thousands. General Davi says destitution among the Alaeka In dians is becoming chronic, pwribly be- ce of the great influx of white men because of stricter game law or from ome other cauee, but that hi denurt nient ia withont authority to make do" nation of subsistence, and would only oe justined in doing so when the con ditions are such aa would warrant con gress in making a deficiency apprcpria- lion to cover the cost of supplies so lurnisned. Acting on the advice of Judce Davis instruction have been sent to the de partment commander to investigate the situation and in his discretion to dis tribute rations in cases of emereencr. This action was talon in the belief that congress will sanction whatever is found to be necessary to the preservation of life. FIRES IN PHILADELPHIA. NEWS OF OREGON ITEMS OP INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. Three In One Day Consume Large Amount of Property, Philadelphia, March 25. Three fires in the northeastern section of the city last night caused a loss aggregating fld,uuu. 1 lie greatest damage oc curred at the Morocco works of Coey, Ccstelle & Co., on Othedox street. Bridegsburg. The logs is estimated at (100,000. Two men were arrested in connection with h fire which partly destroyed the Hint glass work of Gill & Co., at Sal mon street and Leigh avenue, where (35,000 damage was done. The men arrested were George W. Cat well and John Oaks, the watchman.- Both men were charged with conspiracy The third hre cocurred at the factory of Block A- Shaw, manufacturers of smoking pipes, on Eatt York street. The damage was (40,000. Street Car Hokl-up at Los Aogelea. Los Angeles. March 25. Three sound, killing six persons and causing ml robber attempted to hold up a tur uu ius line oetween joa Angeies and Santa Monua, about a mile west For $1 WE OFFER YOU 25 12 oiootha' subscrlpfloa to THE OREGON MIST. Doe year's subscription loCookcy's Home JonrnaL One year's membership la American. Musical Association. CONKEY'a HOME JOURNAL, Is a literary and muiical monthly family mniaiine which should be In every home. Its cover duiiifii ia always In colors. It ia ltrlnii-il on mod paper, and mechanically every laaiut la a tribute la the itr Inter s art. Conkuv'a Ham. Journal lareallv twumaHiin.. ii one, (or Hie lira! half ) dovntvd to ipet lul ilhiniraled ai liclea on subject! prominently liefore Ilia rtuh c. anil short and aer al alone.. all of Hie molliur and dauihu-r, Ii alau contains WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE) tactical lenons In Lice and enthroldciy making, radical le.aona In liome millliu-iy, . radical It-aaona in interior decoration. rm-liriii .ilL-ut-Mtiona lor home ilrfnsiimtctne. A complete liiih'on department ahowiin: the newest deslms In hat and costume, Shlrl-waiats anil tne smaller articles ol lenilnluo wear. A coinpltiie pattern ili-pni iim-ni. from which patterns may be ordered, rliotoii apha a how lilt how loaet tha table. Kt'clpea and "1 able l alka" which Impart the information that Is necessary to tha woman who would be ' up-to-date. ' I he formoiiiif ia aiipplemenled by a department of music which contain! each month P copyright aoim. two itep or walti, a loaion on Vocal Trainm and a lesion on Piano 'iuvinir bv emiraMit teachers. llovn Pen" ia the siihlect of a series of articles for the boys. These articles are thnroiuihly practical and toll how all kiudi of peta may ba railed both for pleasure and """'iff' American Mualoaxl AeaocleUlon enable! Its members to purchase sheet niusic and all music iiippllea at ilincouiili ranititif from 35 to uo per cent. .Sample copy of Conkey'a Horn JnumcU mailed to any addreia on request. AdiUoii all communications and rumillauces to THE OREGON MIST the injury of a'number of others. It is feared that the amendment to the Cuban treaty have so changed it that the work will have to ba done over. The carelessness of Alex Kemperty in smoking a pipe near a can of powder I at a quarry iu west Rutland. t. I caunsed an explosion which cost him bis life and injured seven others. The Nova Scotia, one of the largest mine owned by the Gauley Mountain I coal company, near Huntington, W Va. , is oa fire, aud ils complete de- istruction is threatened.' The entire mountuln is smoking. Bear Admiral Crouinshield, who re cently applied for immediate retire ment from the navy, has lowered his flag on bourd the ciuixer Chicago, and given up the command of the Eropean station, say a liome disjiatch. A vein of phenomenally rich ore, five feet in width and of unknown depth, and assaying 200 ounce of gold and 2,000 ounces of silver to the ton, has been discovered at Parral, Mexico. The Hidalgo miiie, wtiere the body of I ore was discovered, belong to a com pany of Texana. Forty million dollar' worth of lands and tenements in Greater New York Ion which taxes are in arrears will be old this fall under an order of the con troller. of the city limits last night, and after pistol duel between C. W. Hender son, one of the pnstengeaa, and one of the robbers, the other two highwaymen began shooting right and left through me crow iieu car. une passenger was killed and three were wounded. It is believed one of the robbers was badly wounded, because he waa heaid to cry out and was seen to fall off the car im mediately after Henderson began shoot ing at him. American Warship at Hand. Washington,'" March 25. United States Consul Maxwell at San Domingo has cabled the state department that a revolution has broken out in that city, and at a the hour he sent thecablegram heavy firing was in progress. No war vessel will be ordered to San Domingo for the present. The Atlanta is under order to proceed from Pensacola to Monte Crlsto, near Capo Haytten, and in the event of American interests be she will go to San Domingo. Missouri Qlvcs $10,000 for 1005 Fair. Jefferson City, Mo., March 25. The legia'ature lias appropriated (10,000 for a state exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, Oregon, in 1!M)5. Ex-Governor Geer, of Oregon, who has been here lookiing after the interests of the exposition, will leave for home tomorrow. - Polk County Mohair Pool to Be Sold -Odd Fellows Orand Lodge to Meet Port land Haa Another Fire New Steamers for Rogue River-New Masonic Temple to Be Dedicated. Seven thousand dollars in cash has just been paid as part of the bond price of the Ocboco mines, near Prineville. Friday, April 10, at 12:30 P. M., at Independence, is set for the sale of the pool of the Polk county mohair associa tion. An enjoyable tao days' farmers' in stitute was held at La Grande latt week under the auspice of the agricultural college. The Grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. O. F , will meet in Portland May 20. A large attendance is expected on ac count of the president' visit May 21. Water bailiff at Astoria and Oregon City are leading a strenuous life at present trying to capture men who are catching salmon during the closed sea son. hire at Portland trunday morning destroyed the Pareliua pulley manu facturing plant and badly wrecked the Enterprise planing mill. The loss is placel at $15,000. A number of other buildinga had dote calls. The Rogue River Packing & Naviga tion lompaoy, of Grants Pass, is spend ing a large amount of money in the de veloper cnt of the Lower Rogue country, from the mouth of the Illinois down. The company is now at work building two steamers to take the place ol the two lost last year. A special train will be run on the evening of March 31 to accomodate the Masons and their families that will at tend the dedication of the new Grants Pass Masonic temple, from At bland, Med lord, Jacksonville and other South ern Oregon points. Grants Pass will have some 4uu visitor on that evening The dedication of the new temple will be one of the grandest jubilees the city has ever known. Democrats will hold First district convention at Albany April 11. DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. That May Be the Only Way to Remedy Cuban Treaty Muddle. Washington, March 21. The de fects in the Cuban treaty weredlsetisatd at the state department today by Secre tary Hay and a number of senators, in cluding Chairman Cullom, of the sen ate committee on foreign relations. There was no disposition to minimize the extent of the complication and, in fact, fresh one were developed dur ing the conference. It was pointed out by one senntor that the provision that "this treaty shall not take effect until the fame shall have been approved by congress," required such action not only on the part of our own congress, but by the Culmo congress as wjJI, and this it would perhaps be difficult to secure, for the apposition is much stronger in the Cuban lower house than in the senate. Some of the senators who called bluntly stated that ihe treaty would surely be defeated if it again cam be fore the United States congrc. The officials of the state department have not yet given up hope of being able to straighten out the tangle, hat it ap pears more probable today than ever that a new treaty will be required. MANY JAPANESE STARVINO. Relief Expedition Goes to Aid of North west Provinces. Tokio, Japan, March 10, via Victoria, B. C, March 24. Some reaction baa manifested itself after the first shock of the news that 150,000 people were starving in the northwest provinces of Japan. Europeans and Americans have led the way in opening subscrip tion lists, and already some 6fi,000 yen ((3,000) have been collected, while foreign investigators have been dis patched to the scene of the reported distress to ascertain the amount of the requirements and, distribute supplies. From their reports, although the deep snow and poor means of commun ication in the remote country have made the distance covered inconceiva ble, it can be gathered that the distret-s is very real. One report says that horses were eaten and roots and rice straw made up in edible form. The last stage of destitution was reached. rhe Japanese people are now them selves gathering data and sending relief funds, while the government proposes starting relief works when the euow has melted. WILL PROBE LAND FRAUDS. Government Win L'sc New Law to Compel Wltneasea to Talk. Washington, March 24. The inter ior department is preparing to take ad vantage of the law passed at Hie recent - session of congress, compelling the at tendance of witnesses in hearings before local land offices, and will make the first tests in investigations that are be ing conducted in Oregon, Washington and California, to determine the extent to which fraudulent entries are beinst made under the timber and stone act. The investigations heretofore have been somewhat hampered because of inability to procure witnesses, but un der the new law there will be no more difficulty than it had in. procuring wit nesses in cases being tried in (onrta. The department is depending to a con siderable extent npon testimony which can be brought out under the new law to establish its case and to bring to justice those parties who are willfully violating the law. ARMING THE MISSIONS. Catholics In China Prepare for Impending Trouble with Boxers. Victoria, B. C, March 24. The steamei Tartar, which arrived today from Yokohama and the Orient, brought new that some of the Roman Catholic miciionaries in North China are arming their mission because of the (car of further Eoxer uprisings. Native pa per at Nanking report that rebels are being niased at different points along the Xangtsekiang, Governor Chamberlain and party have just paid an unofficial visit to the portage railway site. Ihe senate ha confirmed toe ap pointment of Asa B. Thompson to be receiver of public money at La Grande. Under the new law all state land will be doubled in price Mav 21. This fact is causing great demand for that clasa of property. The following 'postmaster have been confircied by the senate: Samuel I Train, Albany; John R. Casey, Ash land; James L. Page, Eugene; John G. Eckman, McMtnnville; Thomas P. Randall, Oregon City. Steps are being taken by the employ es of the v Ulamette pnlp and paper compkTty and the Crown paper com pany, of Oregon City, to demand short er hours and more pay. The initial move will be made at the regular meet ing of the Federal labor union April 6. Ihis union is composed of about GOO unclassified workingmen, about 400 of whom are employed in the paper mills. The state military board held a spe cial meeting in Salem last week and decided tc make no changes for the present in the organization of the Ore gon national guard. State Printer Whitney will in a day or two issue the complete calendar of the house of representatives of the late legislative session. It will be the most vainame pamphlet ol the kind ever printea in mis state, as it is a nuisnea iue langisexiang, preparing to causu history of every measure coming before an uprising, and a telegram from Km- the house. . . kiang says thesituatton there iscritical. Regarding the Kwangsi rebellion, I some of the native papers state that the rebel are planning an attack ou Kweihn, the provincial capital. Loving Cup for Bowen Washington, March 24. As evidence of the regard in which Minister itoweu is held by the people of Venezuela, the minister today received a handsome sil ver loving cup. On the obverse sida the American and Venezuelan flags are intertwined, and beneath is the follow ing inscription: "Modett testimonial of gratitude and sympathy to the Hon. Herbert W. Bowen, New York, Febru ary 14, 1903." This is the date of the signing of the protocols with the allied blocking powers. On the reverse side are the names of the committee. Commissioners Named. Washington, March 21. The British embassy here has been formally ad vised of the appointment of Lord Chief Justice Alverstone, of England, and Sir Louis Jette, retired judge of the su preme court of Quebec, and Sir John Douglas Armour, judge of the supreme court oi Canada, as members of the Alaskan boundary commission, pro vided for under the Hay-Herbert treaty. Sir Michael Herbert has informed tlio state department of the appointments. International Parcels Post. London, Jiarcti 21. Keplymg to a question in the house of commons to day, Postmaster General Austin Omni- beilain said the postoffice had long do. sireu kj conclude a parcels post agree ment with the United States, but bad been uuablo to obtain American aiment. Recently, however, the United States had proposed reopening negotiations, and communications on the subject were now being exchanged. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7475c: blue- stem, 84c; valley, 78c. Barley Feed, (23.50 per ton; brew ing, (24. Flour Beat grade, (4.1094.60; grah am, (3.45(33.85. Millstuff Bran, (19 per ton; middlings, ( 24; shorts, (19.50(320. chop, (18. Oat No. 1 white, (1.15 1.20; gray, (1.12)6(31.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, (ll12j clover, (309; cheat, (910 per ton. Potatoes Beet Bur hanks, 60075c per sack; ordinary, 4050c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, (2(9 3.25 per cental. Poultry Chicken, mixed, 1213c; young, ll)v.(gl2c; bens, 12c; turkeys, live, 16016c; dressed, 18020c; ducks, (707.50 per doxen; geese, (708.50. Cheese Full cream, twins, 16X I7c; Young America, 174018Wc; factory prices, IO 1 Xo less. Butter Fancy creamery, 30(332 Wc per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20(3 22 He; tore, 16 18c. Egga 14015c per dozen. Hop Choice, 23(3 25c per pound. Wool Valley, 123,015c; Eastern Oregon, 8&14Mc; mohair, 260 28c. Beef Gross, cows, 303e per ponod; steers, 44Xc; dressed, 7?io. Veal 7K08XC Mutton Gross, 4c per pound ; reused, 74c. Lamb Gross, 4c per pound; dressed, 7c. Bogs Gross, 6Mc per pound; dreis8ed,707it'o.