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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
March, April, May There is a best time for doing everything tbat is, a time when a thing can be done to the best ad vantage, most easily and most ef fectively. Now is the best time for purifying your blood. Whyf Because your system is now trying to purify it you know this by the pimples and other eruptions that have come on your face and body. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Are the medicines to take they do the work thoroughly and agreeably and never fail to do it. Hood's are the medicines you have always heard recommended. -,I cannot recommend Hood's Sai-iar-arills too hichly as a swine mr-dirine. When we take It in the pring ( ail feel better th row cb tiie summer." Mas. S. H. Nuu Wcl'rajs. I i Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to euro and keeps tjw promise. His Load With Him. De Tanqne Gnuler siys he doefn't believe in carrying other people's bur den". O'Soaqoe No wonJer; he is gener ally carrying i pretty good load ot .his own. Philadelphia Record. TWO REASONS. No One PiMd Neglect Their Teeth Any ' More Mo Pain, Small Cost. The two great reasons why people used to neglect their teeth were: Fear of being hart, and the expense. When yoo come to think it over now, it is truly remarkable what a revolu tion has taken place in modern dental methods. Wise Brotheis, the famous Portland dentists, ars among the (ore most in the United States in this re spect. Their announcements that there is not a particle of pain connected with any dental work done in their office is literally true. And it is also literally true that every person who goes to these dentists is greatly surprised at the small cost of having the teetb pat in fine Older. A whole set of tetth now costs less than some time ago it cost to have one pulled or filled. There is no excuse whatever for anyone to ne glect his, rr her, teeth. Even the man or woman receiving the lowest wages paid in this Northwest can well afford to have the teetb looked after and be gin to enjoy life. Again, a word about the children. When a young person has second teeth, fathers and mothers should see to it that their son or daughter goes to the dentist and has the teeth examined. Oftentimes just a little work before it is too late saves the teetb pore and beautiful for a lifetime. Take time by the forelock and consult W ise Brothers, Failing Building, Portland, Oregon. Back Talk. "I shall never marry," said Hiss Ann Teek, with an air of determina tion. "Perhaps not," replied Miss Peri, "but everyone admits yon have made a brave fight against the inevitable." Brooklyn Life. If Yon Don't Know How much different a can of Monopole peaches or pears or corn or other vari ety of fruits and vegetables taste from the ordinary brands we hope yon will inetract your dealer to send you a can of Monopole today. We know Mono pole brand is better than any ether be cause we have compared them with all other so-called high class ones. Most dealers handle Monopole goods. If yours doesn't send us his name. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., Monopole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters, 81-83-85 Front street, Portland, Ore. That Would Never Do. She Why don't you go oat occasion ally, dearest, and enjoy yourself, say at the club? He But I don't want to get into the habit of having a good time. Life. White Tailed Eagles. Although the golden eagle has dis appeared from Wales, white tailtd eagles are etill to be iound in ncrth Wales and Shropshire. pOK. OUT When the cold wave flag is up, freeiiug weather is on the way. Winter at here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catanh -turn blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharge lotn th"e"nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad racl in ih mnnth fetid Vireiitri rtauRea and all that makes Catarrh the nost sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeling of per lonal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervoua and anxioas while la the company of others; In spite of all efforts to prevent it, the filthy secretions and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach and are distributed by the blood to every nook and corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact tvery organ and part of the .body, be come infected with the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, even in its earliest stages, a purely local 'disease or simple inflammation of the nose and throat, and this is why sprays, rashes, powders and the various in haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity Is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. In the treatment of Catarrh, anti septic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has enembrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh Infected portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints. S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms, nd cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us ii you have Catarrh, tad our phvsiriaai will advise you without charge. THS SWIFT SPZOmO CO.. ATLANTA. OA. Millions In a Mantle. One of the marvels of the recent Pur liar was the display of jewelry and Pf" rloiis stones worn by the Maharaja Galkwar of Raroda, who wore his state mantle of woven pearls, with its arab esque border of diamonds, rubies, eme ralds and earphiree, whose value, esti mated by a famous London jeweler, is $5,000,000. The Importance of SteeL Steel, when made into a sword, was the emblem of power. Steel, in the u ef of peace and civilization, is just as important as it is in war. The country which is pie-emineutly endowed with steel, or with coal and iron, of which and by means of which it is made, will stand at the bead of the civilized world. A Pessimist. Rev. Thomas R. SI leer, daring a re cent discussion with a friend, asked him if he knew the definition ot a pes simist. "Of ooorse," replied his frienJ, "he is one who is sore on himself and the world in general. Is not that your definition?" "Hardly," replied Dr. Slicer. "A pessimist, in my opinion, is a man who 1st just left an optimiBt." New York Times. Loquacious. The family was discussing the high prices of provisions generllay, when the tmall boy butted into the conversation. "Jam his goas op, too,' he re matked. "Ma keeps it on the top shelf now." And then it suddenly dawned on his youthful perceptions that he had in jured his rasa br talkinc too much. ; batavia News. The Hotel of 2003. Clerk Michael, are you about through moving those trunks?, "Yes, sorr; in a few minutes." "Well, when you've finished, stretch the life net over the front pavement. ' Mrs. Hibawl bas just telephoned from the top floor that her husband has talien out 01 me winuow. cman cel. At Delhi. D - : . ill IL nun iKa ntntllM of a vast and utterly barbaric popula tion nnmtxtrinp nearlv one-fourth of the , human family, subdued, governed, ed ucated, Christianized ana leu op to tne dignity of self-government by a handful of strangers who come from an incon siJerable island 15,000 miles away." An old prophecy atout India. New York Press. Oco graphical. Kentucky Teacher (of infsnt geogra phy class) Tommy Blood may tell as what a strait is. Tommy Blood It's jes' the plain stuff 'thout nothin" in it. Ohio State Journal. His Theory. "There's no doubt that colored men often make good soldiers." "Course dey doee," answered Mr. Erastus Pinkley. "Yon put a cullud man along of a pnrcession an' he's gwine ter toiler it to de finish, no mat ter what de danger is." Washington Star. The Influence. jerry How do good clothes make s man a gentleman? Joe They make him feel as if he was expected to act like one. Detroit Free I'ress. Ta Break ia Sew IMI, Alwevs shake In Aliens Foot-Earn, a powder. It cares chilblains, damp, sweating, ecSine. swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At all druirffists and shoe stores. 2rc IVio't aeeept an suUiilule. Sample mailed r'Rr Address Alien S. Olmstead, IKot. S. X Ending the Dissertation. "Woold yon call a cat herbivorous or carnivorous?" asked the man who is , learned but tedious. "Neither," answered the man whe yawns, "merely vociferous." An Ingenious Clock. Brussels has a church clock wound by atmospheric expansion induced bv the heat of the sun. Won In a Walk. Ssy, t ow did you get off in the glee club try out? .Made first bass on four bawls. FORiro Manchester, Va, It arch a, 190 1. Oentlemen :-1 bad all the ermptona that accompany this disease, snob as sane as dropping in the throat, a eon stent desire to hawk and spit, reelln of dryness la the throat, coach and splttint; noon risln ia the nsrslii, scabs tormina- in the nose, which re. anlred much effort to blow oat, some times canslner ths noes to bleed and leavinc me with a sick headaehs. X bad thus suffered for five years. I commenced to take S. 8. . and after I bad taken three large bottles, I noticed a chang-e for ths better. Thus ncoarnered, I continued to take It and in a short while was entirely eared. JUD80W A. BELLA-. Kain and Tin Bts., Elchmond, Va, 1 no equal as a Diooa puriner. it restores the blood to a natural, healthy state and the catarrhal poison and effete matter are carried out of the system through the proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the bfbod all its good qualities, and when rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed BREAKFAST FOR ONE. There Is No Accounting for hs Wis dom of ths Woodcnacka That keen observer of nature, John Mulr, tells In "Our National Tarks" a pretty story of a woodchuck. In the spring of 1878 be was exploring the peaks aud glaciers about the bead of the middle fork of the Situ Joauulu, and when passing round a frosea lake where the snow was ten feet deep, was surprised to find the fresh track of a woodchuck. What could the animal be thinking of to corns out so early while all he ground was suow-burled? The steady direction of his track showed ho bad a definite aim, aud fortuuately It was toward a mountain thirteen thousaud feet high that 1 meant to climb. So 1 followed to see If I could tlud out what he was up to. From the bass of the mountain the track poluted straight up, and 1 kuew by the melting snow that 1 was not far behind him. I lost the track on a crumbllug ridge partly projecting through the snow, but soon discovered It again. Toward the summit of the mountain. In an open spot on the south side, near ly enclosed by disintegrating pluuacles among which the sun heat reverber ated, making a Isolated patch of warm climate. I found a flue garden, full of rock cross, phlox, sllt-ne, drnba. and a few grasses; and In tills garden t over took the wanderer, enjoying a flue fresh tneaL perhaps the first of the season. How did he know the way to this one garden spot, so btgb and so far off. and what told him that It was lu bloom while yet the snow was ten feet deep over his den? He must have had more botanical, topographical and cll matologlcal knowledge than most mountaineers possess. CREDULITY OF THE HINDU. Sample of the Delusions W hich lie Occasionally Harbor. Here is a remarkable Instance of the credulity of the Hindu, and the wild kind of delusions which be occasion ally harbors. The writer U described as a Hindu gentleman of standing and reputation, and tula extract Is taken from a letter written to a gentleman Ui England: "We are having awfully serious news circulated In the papers here. Kxtracts purported to be from the Morning Leader, of London, and 1-a Hon Uuoti dla of Spain, Impress us that the em peror on the coronation day was dan geroualy 111, and was never really crowned, for the mlulsters caused him to be personated by a btggar of Wh'.ie- chapeL We are really very concerned to hear It, and we firmly believe thv-, news to be a false creation, but won der why the government Is still Inac-; tlve as regard to taking any steps to' punish the author of so foul a calumny." , The gentleman who sends me the . above extract gives some other qualut examples of the amusing fictions which gain currency among the natives of India, says a writer In Londun Truth. , The bigger and the more preposterous the lie, be says, the more readily It Is believed. When the Jubilee bridge over ' the Hooghly w as being built, the story got about that the government reijulred a thousand heads of natives for the foundations of the bridge, and bud given orders that all natives walking over the maldan after dark were to ! seized, aud taken to the "SUaitun Khana" the native name name for the Masonic lodge where their heads were to be cut off for use in this uncanny en gineering operation. The natives. It is aid, were afraid to walk In that direc tion after dark for this reason. Again, at the time of the last Indian frontier war, a fat Babu clerk diappearcd from one of the gVernment offices and could not be found. It was firmly believed, says my correspondent, by bis fellow- clerks and neighbors, that he had been seized by order of the government, to be made Into ointment for the benefit of the wounded soldiers. Happily, the fat Babu turned up again safe snd sound: so no serious consequences result' d from this delusion. If an Idea like this can be seriously accepted, as my In formant says It was, by the class of na tives who pass examinations and bold public appointments, nothing that may find acceptance with the "lower orders" can be wondered at RETORT TO THEATER TALKER. Bhowioc How a Little Wit Snppreescd an Intolerable Nuisance. They bad been reading a Itolfe an notated edition of the play, aud there was nothing In "Julius Caesar" that they were not perfectly familiar with. Before the performance was half through there was nothing that they knew which everybody within half a dozen rows did not bear about; for among the three of them a man and two women there were such capaci ties for conversation as are met with nowhere except In a theater. In tones that alternately hissed and brayed and rasped till spinal columns all around them ached tbey told one another that Anthony was much bet ter done than Brutus; that Portia would come on In a minute In the gar den scene; that Casca was supposed to be a gruff old Koman: that Caesar actually did have flts-thluk of It! that It was a pity (this in a whisper th-tt shivered far down the aisle and splin tered at least a score of vertebrae) Roman ladles didn't wear corsets. Bo on, ad nauseam. At last the ghost and the distraught Brutus met and there was a thrilled silence In all the crowded house save In row Q, where a strident voice com plained: "I can't hear a word the ghost says. Why doesn't be speak louder?" A man behind the querulous dis turber, quite beside himself with rage, leaned forward and said, In tones as courteously sweet as the sting of a bonpy bee: "Perhaps the ghost Is a gentleman and does not like to annoy people." Which, of course, was ve:7 rud( says the New York Mall and Express, though It did fill many hearts with an unholy Joy. We have noticed that iu a book or magazine article entitled "The Confo sions of a Wife," or "The Confession, of a Doctor," or ''Th? CVmfe-s.'ons A a Lawyer," that not much is csufciscj. CHANGE OF LIFE. ..-.' i- - -A . -i NwA Some sensible advice to women passing through this trying period. The painful and unnojlng symp tom expirioncvel by moat women at thU period of life? are easily over como by I.ydlu 1 PinMium's Vcirrtab! l'iittounl. It W rsi' dally designed to luevt the luvds of woman's systom at the trying time of change of life. It U noexucsvra'nm to slat' that Mrs. l'inkham has over iKJ letter like the following proving the great value of her med iei ne at suoh ttiiu'S. "1 wish to thank Mrs, I'iiiklmin for what her medicine has done for u. My trouble was chauge of life. Four Tears ago ruy health began to fail, my head began to grow dizzy, my eyes pained we, and at times it seemed ss if my back would fail mo, had terrible pains across the kidneys. Hot flashes were verv frequent and tryinir. A friend advised me to try I.ydla E. Piokham'i Vegetable Com ponntlA I have taken six bottles of it and am to-day free from those troubles. I cannot speak in high enough terma ot the medicine. 1 rwommeim n to in and wish every suffering woman woold give it a trial. Brtxa Hoss, Mout clair Ave.. Koslindale. Mats.iM.i0 fttt If trtfimmi tf aSM (ecer srert" (" Her Call. "I ran into town today to do srme shomiui2. dear." said Mrs. Subbubs, entering her hnsl-and's office, "and I " "I see," he interrupted, "and yoo just ran in here because you ran out." "Ran oat?" "Yes of money." Mothers will Boa Mrs. WlnsloW't Sooth, tng svniD the bi remedy to use lor their Stuluren 'during tne uwtniug period. Ths Time To Retire. Ex-Penator Jewett, of St. Louis, is ninetj -four years old. rkinieone asked him not long ago bo old he thought t man should be before retiring !rm business. The old gentleman gravely responded: "I don't really think a man should keep on after he has reached the age ol ninety." Bsvstt mt Olelmeat fr Catarrh Thai Contain stervory. As mercury ter til surely destroy the sense of smelt an.1 completely dranre the whoie sis vm when entrr-ns it Ihrtmga the mui-oui nr. tees. ucn articles ihouSU nfttt be utr.1 f i- ctt on prex-riptions from rei-ufatue phvl. cum. at tfiedamece !hv will da Is t-n tcid u the s"Qt ta ran poMiblf derive (rem llicm 11a. i a t'etarrh e'ure, ntanuiattiretl by V. J t'bnef a c o . Toledo, o.. comas nr mercury anJ is taken tn:rrnel!r, e tlu drectir ut" the h.omi anl mueoni suriurr, ot the syrrtn. In btiylnc Hall's starro t-i-e i fire y,.tt s-t th? Rnile. It U taken Interna;!?, aa.1 ma.! In TuiJ.). Ohio, br If. J. Chcuej A to. Tene mon:sU fr'. hol.l ij Jtrurt'.ttt, price 75. oer bottle. HeU'a t'amiij f U.s ate the beet. Something Equally Oood. Teacher Johnny, have yoo been vaccinated Johnny No' in; but mamma made me put my flannels on this morning, and they itch just as much. Chicago Kecord Herald. Austin Well Machinery roa Oil or Water any Depth. Write for catalogue. BEAU. & CO., Oto-I Afts. J13 tvmmer. clal Blue POWTLAND. OUEdON. AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS An told iubct lo ap pro J nt at a frtc lfct will enM jroa to tot ft good profit on ft few eowi. Th clfftneu, fiit rett mft chlne In H the 'orld. Strongest in ALL tbeaa point thai any other, vl: CIom Sktairaifif . Eftr CUm f . Uf tit Rumiitf. 0rftblHty. Writ for free etUfue. MITCHELL, LEWIS t STIVER 10. PORTLAND, Ore. SPOKANE, Wesb. BOISE, Idea Woo Medal, Parts, 1900. DR. G. GEE WO WONDIiltFUl. MOME TREATMENT Tble wartfltrfu! Chi ne. tjOCtor ! O&ileMt frl beH-etuw he cura4 f0l WllttOUt OfMfeV tio Usftft r dp leJi. He cur wit it.on Wfiiwltrfui Ciii brw, root, bud. te,rK eWd vrirnris 0 tni re srMlr-i)r tin- et(f in tins count rr, 'I urrupfb lUr uewi iOre bftrolwe rsmrdii thia tounurfM mr know, its Action of oir 00 4lffreni reni'ii'., wbtrti aefnucmitfaliy u tm differetit disru, fUMtnuw ! eure rmimrrh, Mltiiuk, iiirn, llirotkt, roanius)m, nrvMjnM, utcta. Iivvr, klflutr-, eic: bM ftiuidrade of Nlimua l bsu-cee modrt. tkli end ) him. Failenta out of the cur wnte for Dlanka nd cirraiai-i. Bnd 4 cnt in txmmf. COtttl THE C. GEE WO CHEESE MEDICINE CO. IJ2'i ThlrS SI., PerUaml, Oregon. srlligUoi paper. fir V r T nCf Urita Tiritrii ia lTaai , t liaeetcoesti Srrr.p. Tshm OouoT Dee f tne. S4 fry drrelgu. Chicken Soap. After plucklug a foul carefully, clean the skin with a wet cloth, remove the pin feathers and sltiBe off ths balrs; then wipe the bird with a wet ololh, and cut the oosb In small pieces, sep arallng the bones, bu " break lim them so fins as to endanjer tnoir re ninlultiit In ths soup after straining It The head aud feet are to be skinned and scalded after cutting off the beak and claws, and the heart, liver and gliiiard properly cleaned and put l"lo the soup. Allow a uuart and a pint of w ater to each pound of chicken, and season rather Iwlow the last, lie cause the quantity of soup w ill be less ened by Killing. Cover the soun kwt lie. place It at ons aids of the firs where It will boll gently for several hours until the meat falls apart; the soup will thou be ready to strain, re moving the Ixuies. and finish for tho table by the addltUiii of some delicate dumplings, such as batter flakes or egg barley dumplings. floor Blain. Floors tbsl are stained and oiled are easily kept clean. The material coats very little, aud any one can apply It. IVr an oak stain, take raw sienna, add a little umber to It, and mil half a pint of llusevd oil aud one quart of turpen tine. A tabhepootiful of Japan dryer put Into the turpentine will make It dry quickly. A cheap dark brown stain, which ta better for old floors than a lighter colr. Is made by mlilng one fourth of a pound of permsnganats of potash In one quart of water. Apply with an old paint brush, and give ths floor two coats If one does not make It dark enough. After the floor Is stslurd. give It a coat of boiled linseed oil. If tho oiling Is repeated every spring or fall, your floor will always look welL Whole- beat Hral. Dissolve a cake of compressed yeast In a gill of lukewarm water. Pour Into a bowl a plut of milk and stir Into this a pint of boiling water, add a teaspoon- fill each of salt and sugar, aud when the aititure Is bloodwsrm add the dis solved yeast. Stir hi a quart of whole wheat flour or enough to make a bat ter. Heat for ten minutes, adding to ward the In it enough wholewheat flour to make a douKb that ran l' kneaded. Turn uixm a floured board and kin's. 1 fur ten minutes aud set to rise with s towel over It. At the end of three hours knead f-r five minutes. make Into luavee, knead esrh of these for two nil miles and set to rise for about an hour before baking In a steady oven. Cere of Lamps. Ituy the beet oil. Kill the lainne by daylight. Lamps should tie kept well filled. Never attempt to light a lamp that Is only partly filled. Keep the oil cull closed Slid In a Cool plare. Sei that any hanging lamps you may have sre securely hung. When buying lamps seleet those In wlileh the en.l of the burner Is consid erably elevated strove the body of the lamp. Wateh your wtrks closely, and change them liefore they become loo short. If burning oil gets upon the floor, smother with woulea blankets or rugs. Fag a la Creese. Roll twelve eggs fifteen minutes. I.lne s dish with very thin slices of bread and 111! with layer of eggs rut In, strewing them with a little grated bread, pepper and salt: rnb a quarter of a pound of butter with two tahleepoonfuls of flour, put It In a saucepan with a tahlespoonfol of chopped parsley, a little onion grated, salt, pepper and half a pint of milk or cream; when hot pour over the eggs; cover the top with grated breadcrumbs and put it In (he oven, let It beat thor oughly and brown. simple bat Oo-vt Vernltere Pellsh. One of the nicest furniture polishes jou can have Is made of equal pans of salad oil and vinegar shskeu up to gether. Apply very spsrlngly with a soft flannel snd polish thoroughly with soft cloths till not the faintest trace of olllness remains Remember that an Important adjunct to this polish Is "elbow grease," and that without It tbe polish Is worse than useless, for any olllness left on will only gather the dirt and make the furniture dull. Corned Beef Hash. Put In a large frying pan one ounce of batter; when but add four ounces of potatoes and all ounces of corned beef, both cut In three sixteenths of an Inch squares. Reason with pepper and nutmeg and fry, slowly Inclining tbe pan so thst tbe bash assumes the shape of an omelet. When a flno color drain off the butter, aud turn It on to a long dish the same as so ome let. Prane Senffle. Mince rery One one dozen stewed prunes and the kernels of six and add them to tbe whites of five or six eggs which have been beaten to a stiff froth with a. small cupful of powdered sugar. Whip all well together, sdd vanilla flavoring and bake In a hot oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. Chill, then serve with whipped cream. This suuflle will not fall. Chocolate Caramels. Put together in a porcelain lined saucepan two rounds of brown mii;nr. a half pound of good c hocolate broken Into bits, snd a nip of cold wnter. Boll until a little dropped lu cold wa ter hardens; stir In two leiisprwnfuls of vanilla aud two tiiblespooufiils of butter, turn Into buttered pans and eut Into squares. I.euion Hotter Fan re. Put a .urge tableepoonrul of corn starch, two heaping tnhlenpooiifiiis of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, tin itrated rlud of a lemon and I he Join- of an ounce of butter and the yolks of two egt;s In a tflucppun Hint beat tli -i, together until smooth and llirlil; t li.-i, idd quickly a pint of boiling water, snd cook until It begins to tblckia. Asthma Ona of D dauihteri had J terrible case of rhina. Vt tried Smost everything, bu. thou t lief. We ba uid Ayer Cherry Pectoral, and three bottles cured hr.M-Emma Jsna Entimlnasr, Lnsvlll. O. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ccrtalnlycurcsmanycascs of asthma. And It cures bronchlils, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping -couRh, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. TVeesUen Ifc.. Ise.. II. MsTeniete. tea,, ti es'- A v Kaea. Mike's Poodle. Ilogan An' Is be a bloo.!ed dv, MlksT "llloixledT 1 sb'd say he wur. W'y, when be wui a pup lb' doc bad ter bleed him to kspe htm from boln' a blood bound, faith!" rife " su ee w Mm. Sum) h K . M It Ml kk .-4 ft.' he. ya a. o aua aa. ,N,a.rwNNaai. Moose tHacamlWta. "No," grumbled the husband In a anaam rif eiitifitlaifie. lo a friend. "I ' have no place at all for ny bo'ka. The storage room is kept eiclueively for ! my wile." "And what does she nee It all foiT "Oh, she pots aay ths things that are a trifle too good to be destroy!, yet scarcely good enough to I ol use." For hronrhlel IrouMee trv Plso's Cure for Insuiiitin. It Is a cujh uedlcuie. At drogel.ts, pries :J renis. Strange Case. A woman has sued for divorce ! ! causa her busband "gives loo murh at- ', leintioa lo the chuith." This will j piuile a lot of women who heretofore thought they knew something about ANrCrlau? Preparation tor As slmiUiinC thcrooJaMRctfula UrojilbkJiaaQlVjwvbii' B rr?:T7i'tW;1Tit,7jT7ii,TIj 4 rromok's Diftcslion.Chrerryl rwas ami ISrsl C'cnlains iwlilrr Ihaiim.MorpIutie rwrlu;xaL 1SOT KAMCOTIC. Apnfrcl Ri-mrdy rorrenll(M Hon. Sour Slom.h,l)iairNa Worms .CoHviilsairw .Fevrrish nrss find LutsHOF SUEP. racSirnle Sifnalurs of NEW YORK. ixact ccr or wdaispcm. mm l ,. ti00. T1l8a . 11 WITH NERVES UNSTRUNC AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TARE TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. McCAULCY & BUUUANIC. Mine, Mill aud Marine work. General repairs. Prlnilng Maehlu.ry rr , alr. l and retrulll WtOMPT ATTP.NTION TO OtT-OI'-TOWN OKIll!l,S. Pool Bldf., Foot of Morrison S. noon vn ,i.i:rii.M U PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD L' 'wr.!00" 'T 8k Halleiier. MOHSI'S ie miuu Itoua leltea Oukk.r II glea ihu fued. Package. COo and ti.oo. r...,..',y ri" ,KOW-u t"H TtNTri caLVsia. Piussiirt Rauanv Co., Ht. p, Mine. grow, J ; alio tried it on al",. J i"", Pl-'lile, and muses the plg also trica it on stuutetl calves Willi MHtlafaetorr rciMlts. oiiTl ian i- W. Oiihisi, Klirln. Ntb. BttTU" "p to-. fersiaad. Orrgo. i.. A,.su. Seamii'liai JTOfa-fseO t j CatU 1'" BANK AND OPPICli. RAILINGS' Barbed Wire. Wlr. and Uwn fendni. . Portland Wire & Iron Works MANUFACTURERS. FRONT ST. JOHN POOLO, lORTLANO, ORB. r4 el MerrlMM SUeel. ran give you the heal liarealns In Boilers and (HSUies. WUi'lmllls, t umii ami (,.. ral Meelilii.rv. ...! Hawliia Mwklusa a epseialtr. as us liurlns I I WiHT TO BUT FOI CiSl Chli ken, Duck and Ooeee feath. X rri. Ad.lreas I O. O. SMITH. I fOfSMwOavseews..rHe4fsMsf,Os ' oVof Ift'fi f eH ftif tue(tt.elHise veuer fi,t4 fl rxuMte frtM, U wmn em! mtoovet 6.' M IL, isrswtsHt. teW - e Hfirtv f (.tt ftm miff ine-M Wssttiate For tO Cfim fWMief A ft HU tMMf MtW. M 1 a al i I hi ii itS fca si e re. n ell th ivU tMt.ivty tntmmi tmm tMtl'f tuMiMlii Hi.Wt,,.t .' Ih ls.lrl4at lvt lwk J a Willi OUt flUl.el UIIIM mH W l! UMW'Wl M IM. HHHmi bet Lt M eimMa m-ii., IU esl. V I ! ssi et ea. ). v i lunej a. eeLeeii inv tut, i ift Creeee, e, I Lazy Liuor I have hee Ietle4 nal deal eellk U1I4 pi. ytoducee eoetiy llua I loua-l KKT WMail voaelale, fur ih.ta a-i ee-erea feu.l toe IreiiriaL, Uiat I pMi-'ae.-! aaeibee suvWr a4 vM K.teif.ured I sasll uan be tea slaa I r mea.aS iawarets stkeae'er the oerortoaiie er'elie4 - J. A hurra MajeaHpaVBl , r.iwwyia ra meaMM fauna's, I -i raue QS M Deo, . Bl-raam. - mt U.w laa Be. SBk ... GUM CONSTIPATION. ... Ill a s s a l i en im, ". . man la la, es Mfi.Tfl.lie iV'i;r'fr,.?L " r. . o. It 9. M wrttles avetsieees pleate bimUm l a is rarer- I For Infanta und Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Ti . il .Bears mo fM M Signature AD In Use For Over Thirty Years eve etftwe . rmmm errv. 33330032 .vn,tio, ua.A."- see evaessv an a r ax -o Ta. r"FilvW j y c"Q i IF Poultry Netting WHOLESALE RETAIL Wire and Iron rVm-ln.