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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
t. ium I I 111' omwon'mist -".--At. !st.r Entered HI the I'nslottiev HI M. licit-II, Oregon, as second-class mail mutter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issi kii Kvkhv Fkid.w Mokmnq Uv KEEI.F.K H. UVBHKRr, F.IUTOH AN II Pboi-biktor. !"' Car1s6u murder. rh SewfonadUad. fishermen Kill Hundred Par talilnc. Newfoundland It probably the only ! country 10 the world Where tenlson, lilted or fresh. It t tuple article of l diet for the masses. j The coast folk make their plant with method and deliberation. I From the harbors whore they reside sCBM'Rirrto I'KicK' i tbey bo In their boats to the rivers and Onecpvo1,eVearinadvam-e.....l.lX);'-J' "Mite the Interior. Six months 60 W hen navigation It no longer possible, . , j they debar aDd continue on foot to the deer country. They carry barrels filled with salt and eouiettmes go In ", ."" ,,' . large couipnnlca. When the rendeavoua ThU paper is kept on hie at the Ore- camp Tll0y nmbm,h son Pros Association Room 1). llnnil - i . , . 1 , , ... to Iwil.line. Portland, Ore,,,,. . i Hwmaolv. along a promising "lead" or ' deer track, armed with long six foot i muzzle loading sealing guns, which Vote to retain the county teat at St. they cb.-irgc with about "eight tinners Helen, and future feneration will rU f "" Pmpowdwr and "slugs" of lead, frccnents of Iron or bits of rusty from thtir cradle and call you blessed. ., wuichpver t,y m.,T bave. They ii i , j Ore point blank Into a herd of cariboo as It passes and, usually good Loss of Flesh HOULTON MARCH IS. WW. A number of onr people mi tended il . the M-lmul entertainment Ml hi. Hide When you can t cat break- la.i Saturday night. fast, take Scott's Emulsion. I,,i.r-e.-mpw.i. . .J , . , lug of lirippc, tins year Ihe 'li "I When you cant cat bread i e..ti,. lasted a imie i- long.; and butter, take Scott's: ri"" "i'et i"i-ieof oi.g..n Emulsion. When you have ! w,,er time. ... ..r ... . i DCen llVing On a milK dlCt and ' Soveial uf the farmer have comment!- want something a little more ",l ,,,",i"g ,,u ir lTrt' awM.riek.nrt CrWt'1 Mr,. Hans.a.i.ler of Mr.. Uol,-v, IIVUIUIIIMf urv vvv a Emulsion. To get fat you must cat fat Scott's Emulsion is a great fattencr, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh .' WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? m llSilllllV LTTHMl . a an m a Strangers should bear in ndnd tint eU()ts. contrive to kill almost anything W3nt tO increase Sll DOflV tvery ship that goes to Porilmd, from the mouth of the Columbia, mil necessarily pass through the St. Helen li.trbor. Columbia County offers sp-H-jal in ducements to hoincseeker. Purchasers liavo an opportunity to buy govern ment lands at H rat cost attei tlie timber! an Inexperienced person can tell a geu- they aim at or to wound It so badly fieciipc t(i nnlv fit Vnft'e. with these dreadful missile that It lISSUS' "l 0flly ,al' JC0W 5 soon coiinpsea. Tiun they suin and cut emulsion increases them all, up the moat, for these men know a lit- O U LI J j tie of eveiy trade, and pack It In the DOnC, llCSn, DlOOd 8nd bnrrcls. with the salt as a preservative. ..... -Outing. IWIVC. ; 7ZT ' or invalids, for con- The Oriental and tiU Run. . . , A recent writer on orieutal rugs say ValeSCCIUS.MOr COnSUmptlVeS. that there Is uo arbitrary test by which ,.t--.. -U; J f. l iui nvurt biiuuivii, iui till itvisititg in lionlloii for a lew days. I re I l.uw.-ls Miring t C'ariolls, in Uucku'.. logging esmp. TlieNe City o irsHndent taid in last Aei-k- ist-ui toiti he count 11 it iuhKu 1 living in tbiulton Any kind o( m man ran tfi-t worn in il'tlll'-n and ni ik .1 gHl iitiug. 1 tit en he never a ved 10 death wiiiis in iloultou. Jno Wilveiding i doing toinn carpen er woik f.r A. A, I'ei ry tliia week. The' AtlUan sro ging t-i give an liteiiaiument Ibis eomiiig Kmlay, A iliintv if ou the bulletin I n tlie L'lsl 1 -si. V, Kelleyv Kiank Kelley and Win. I ,;ro 1 re ui King in lu a null ill I .!. iieieus. No matter i uit him. What is the use of paying fancy prices for tailoivl clothes w hen you can walk into our store aiul -1 nil I J 1 1 clnhiHMl frnilr-iiinUi Suit for one-half the original value? Suits, uiicldiineJ $ 7 50 to $25.00 Top Coats 12.50 t" 25.00 Special reduction ou heavy weight Trousers 1.95 to 4.95 ELxTRcnicintwr these are uuclaiiueil.jti tj Fariiswortli- Herald Co 240 Washington St., Portland, Ore. 4r i IT", ' 1 1 Classified Advertisements v AAAAAAAiAAAA A AA A AA AA ih A srittYKIit'ltilM Till-: V H t tr C , t:ha. Trie a ui Irom ('-lier'a tainirl.. Ayn-a, m-ar Y ai.kloii, a ilaik ml, ' Q lias been taken off. There aie plenty of such productive lands alter the lim ber has been taken off. Three logging railways are al eady pushing into the interior from vsriouc points on the Columbia river: The logging railway at Uoble is pu."hing into the interior on uu exteush e tcale, Ii i It the Columbia City railway ia gelling Imply started. The Benson logging railway at Clatskunie will toon lie a thing of reality pulling toward the N'e halem Vallev, It is believed that the election of Ful ton to i he United Stales senate will be ei-pecia! bent-tit to Columbia county. lie will tavor improvements of the Co lumbia liver that will certainly inure to the dinct aud indirect bent til of is. llt-jinc. Alter ail that bus been aaul tguinet Fulton, Tjie Mist Ik-Ih-vcs tha: lie will ably lepresent Oregon in its en tirety as a state. There is probably no other i-ection of Oregon where the gr.coiid crop of grass will pay i'or clearing the stumpi reailv for l he plow. Yet, tiiueaud it has been tb iiioiistrated that this can be done in the rich dairy section of the S-cappouk-t-otiuirv. There is every lacihty ioi trHiiporlatiou in the great dairy and sioek raising sec lion, extending i'rotu the lower part Deer Island tluougli to ttie Mulinoiuah county line, inuiudui) N.appoose and Sauvit' I-laiid. Tlarc ia no greater dairy regiou iu Oregon, and Utiids can be Iwugnt cieaply. uiue rug from a bogus cue. Kuots .tud frauds ui-iu nothing except In con nection with other Ituportuut elements. Shades aud spots are Imlutted. Wash ing the rug 10 discover If It has beeu painted over with brush and water color frequently leads ouly to the dis covery of a bad spat In an othu-rwlse fine rug. The oriental dyer does his work according to his own sweet will. Between the pull's of a cigarette and the gossip of his friends he dips his material iu the -dye tub. Only the ex pert knowledge of the old rug buyer can be depended on. These buyers go to the great fairs on the edge of the desert, where ouce a year the men of the. east gather to haggle together. Sometimes western buyers push Into Persia aud the Caucasus to search out rare weaves lu the homes of the weav ers, but the venture Is always attended with some danger from native hostil ity. It Is said Unit the annals of com merce contain greater romances than were ever woven ar-mud tales of war. who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. B sur thel this plctura In th form of a Ubcl I" on the wrapper of tvtry bolllt of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE. CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. ! 50c. tnd $1 1 all drus jilts. it Kaliima. lasl S ituid.iy and Sunday Alxnil one iueh of uninw frli beie l.tal uo'l.iy inoiiiiiig. Cbas. I'eiry and K. A. Cooper have ujaiu eoiiiiiieuci'd to work on the r lion. Wi. !.. tin) smiling eouutriiaitee of H-I.ia Hiker iu our town. IH-Iiiat ns ,ia folka lillelld lo ll"IHt"ll iiguin. Tlieyareai pieseui located al ; total tuvcr. Iini bull, ma: k-l, bum-led aml-b hoi lo--l I - llian-led 01 1 he led liio' l. A" marked with crop mi. I .:n io the 1. 11 hh-I hole III the light, tuv tnloiinalioli will He ni sdly iet i-in-il bv C. I.. A) re l Yankton, who ill pay nuanl. Koa .l The cordwood tunla-r on Hit) ai r. ol l.iud. Call oil or addir.a' li. W. ri;KKY, tloulion, Or. piTTSBURG VISIBLE f YPEWRlTEEj: TI1K ONLY n:UFI. T Wiri! IN(i MA( HIM" 1 MS ... c . a - .r . ir iK.U'i:-roii,i,tiet., j j t; v-k . Hanger of Colds ami (irlp. !.,ne .(K-f.uiiiu Ii. im h im-.b ; on 7- (j '-tlj The greatest dang-r tioin and I.11 Im.iii 7 im h nn-h. 11.-th 11.1. 1.1 g .-..I . j , J ityXf ", t : j. ip 1. Iheir re-utint in p n-i is. i eondiii.-ii. Will Hade lot w.k f-i3fCt,S' .oimhie eae ia ud, h -wev. i, sn-i i'" i"" ' '""i- -I'l".' ' Car"! t?"MV imli.-rtii:, remedy l.iKen. all i I I H'M. Vllr.Oie. i TVn'V , . . N ngi-r w ill i- evoifii-ai, , inoiitf 1 ne (en-1 - - 1 v ui R V- .J - X thoin-a-nl , ho liav. lined lln leiin dv I it mitii-i ttu iwoii(nv utsiLiu n i " 1 .ill s. . ' ..... .tJ JF I t till hi I r th- ilia'itti4 a we have yi-l 10 learn oi a single 1 aie having nil t--l lu inn-u inoiiia, which tMiivUi-tvely tltal 11 ia a reitain preventative of llrit langf roils diM-usA'. It w'H eine a eold r an s l-ick of the grip in 1 - linn- than iny oil 9r irealnictil. It i pli-ii.aiit -mil -.He to take. K01 rale bvKdalu U. . BSEKTATlOSS IN LEX. THE EUA- Wlth a Vrnla a( Sail. j The earliest record of the saying, "With a gtiin of salt," dates back to the year l!3 B. C. when the grrut Toin. pey entered the palace of Miihrldates aud discovered among his private pa pers the description of an antidote against poisons of i:ll sorts, which was composed of pouuded herbs. These, ac cording to the recipe, were to be taken with a grain of salt Whether this was meant seriously or as a warning sar casm Is not known, but thenceforth It became the custom to say that doubt ful preparations should be taken with a grain uf salt. From this the meaning got trans- 1 ferred to sayings of doubtful truth. ' "Attic salt" was n Creek synonym for wit or penetration, and the Latin word . "sal" had of the same mean- ; Ing. It Is thus easy to see how the saylug. "t'nni grr. ..a sali:," could have come to menu the uec.. .lty i f accept ing doubtful or Huspielous statements "with a grain of stilt." - . , ' -. 11 f it . ... .. y v ,:vl4 ,1 rut ia- ' r r v ... ' .A 4 or tii.l v in eii--li eon IV .0 leatiae Ini.t in ia lot an tild e-talol.ti.-d hou e on i A '.olid t 1 iv 1 1 11 . A -l-a g- i. I , tide ..liuie ol la.Hi ; by 1 bee k eiei y i.ln. d.iy wiihu.l j rt.iM.-.dlit-el -:oin hea-U 1.1 t.-r. Mniir . adviinei-l I ir i-p'iiv.. Miinugi-i , .Htl ' M t'axto.i liMn , I liUMo. I K I I'' A' VS T.II.U.U, (Ka'lor finl A good p"l- rf.Jill'ill For n:ani to I T!n rt-nt pi a. I I- riei k-i Ur 11. c4l.i lb. l.ltO) (I'll il'lt.j , ut. m 4 .ui i'l. l liri.jjii.u ..II tii.t,. Infuruiatlun M aiitrit III Mm. Iiai.k lii ll.--(.i-. ini. I. 1 sine, Maiguritx Teie. 1 l.muri on. I In .hlldreii. A.I.I 1 -, I'UMiii Kill,., I aiil. ni. (.int. In Co., N 111I1 l',k. Ti e e-ll'i - I ,. ,Mj i f ll,y . h i .. ,i , j ini le. I hi,. I ,'r, m) liuiliuli, ,i,.t ,h,l I u b- lo all tiS,M aoi- lr. (t r ul ,((, Hi 1 ft llilil.t.,ir,,iv ml - 11 n Hal ir f .ft, -- leu l ill rb-jiiii d. L'Ui! WihhI tnrf. iVv-wwwwvwvi If I fr ft . 1 ,.11,. J J d ii.n ltd 1 1 M f n-i le I loou.ioi- ior g tl ii..n ,,d f t Tlie Pittsburg Willing Man C-japuj 1 i I'illsimix', h ) f V K J J V V W V ' J' .V-1 "--"t ssf .".V PEEK-A-BOO ART IS. Hon. r. A. Frakc, w!io has reii led on a firm lor 11 in teen yem tin been constautlyengiited in the dairy butineas. The farm is ow ned by If. A. an i Mrt. K. The N'eh.ilein country wi 11 be the greatest .eclion in Oregon when once it secures railroad Willi the uuiaide world. IhuU-ainlfl of acres of tilt flneul tiniiwr lauu. in the world in lb. .Nehaleiu country, that will ti.oi a mar ket as soon as railroad coiiiiuuuicalion is eitabiUhed. The cedr liumcr 01 l ilt-purg ia already tindiug i. good mar kel, although it has 10 be shipped in a roundabout way lo Ine apples of tue .Veliulm, like olbei sections ct Cob mbia coun.y, are en... a iu every way U llie iiood iiiver pnxl Url, although the re-ldeuis ol tliu for uitr place have dithciilty 111 reaching a 111. 11 net. U is a ,vll known tact llial u . ... . . ... I ""'""J "W"" ocappooae look , .. . -Low to wlf laud. Mr. Fiakes now has IK) bead of regitlered ilolntein csillt-. Ha con- Uer Citniplainl. Jane was a puLieut in one of the large public busi tals. S!ie boasted a cough which was more than suspected to be a "fake" couh rather ttun brouchail or puliuouary. The kiniiiv vonii'- nliv!einn In charge of the ward allowed her some j ceived the ideu that by breeding the harmless reiiicuies. One day he said j registered calt.e, be might aceompliah toher: souietbing. On Oclulasr 11), 187 he "Ah. Jane, I fcir you are u had case bought one lone registered b.illcall, pay of hyiHxUioiidrla:" I thereu.r fSA. and proceeded to buv It. docther?" said Jane, 1 .., i,.u,i ,,, .i,,.ru.i ,..IIA .,i.i, - a . g . next two yean. Ilia trade has inc reased so that in lhJ ls.t two years be bai im ported 1 1 .01. the stale of .New York Her milk n ror l la-fore starling for the fairs was 4H prinndi in 7 days, the greateat bi ing 71 iiid iu 1 day. Her butter teat wan 3 4'). Her teat IM.Milallou of I'artnr rxhlp. We, t he uil'lei igiied, w ho have b.eti eondiii'titig a iiieri-iiuiile lmiiie. u.i b-r the lirn: na io-of ('nil uu lirvy, m Si. lb leu., Oregon, hn ve t lii i d ty di-lved by tiititiial c-'iia.-ii t . M. C. liray will con. bu t the hu net. hen-alter, pay all .b-bl ol II, e firm, and lollitt ait claiun due if, - J. H Cot i.i . M. C. iiuv. listed Man h 2, Jlsil. St. Helens Hotel rs 2?. Z ZZ Z 3 "SS ZZ ZZ 1 V night Shoe Co4 HI t3 The W'ai.ko v i r 1 H1" " r.iklu, llotrl itiliictl .1:1 pr ill is Store f I 1 1 U 1. u. Iu.a , J. Frak-.-s. Itc.0nt.1in, WO aerea of grasa lor butu?r at 5 years old w.ia l,rt4' pounds hwi average teal "Is that It, docther?" s much Impressed. j The next morning there she wa ! ajaln. asking for her little dose. "I'm very bad with it the day, doc ther." "With what?" asked the doctor. "Wid what ye were mourn' for me yestiddy," she replied. "It rave me no peace at all last nlfrht" from o7.r kuii.U milk lie ing 3.:JU, Henry Stev n A Sons of New Y'ork ay thai she is one u' the llm-at repre eiitaiive of the breed ever sol i Irom llu-ir herd. Mr. Frakes exhibited Hi uid ,t yearattlpj )r.gin S:ue Fur an I re c.dved pria, on eve.y arinnil, an I wai l;o,r'' aird. tnreo of t'n diplum o,u oil L'iiIlt thi Management of Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. Is U Leading House. n .......: I I rt I ' i .1 f ruai. iu c:c. :i. 1.1 r i i : ihu i!qA!ti::rm the t.niy .-m-ni the . 'tUs m:4 tii qiu.lily mc t ii.akc thr t;rw tlfj.inli.'.t, j.t a Miam, :::.;lit lii.'!i tl.i- Mart. 4 t'v.r ihsiihtii's kbt-rs v ".! u til e the l.stlt- e, W it - -J.- 3 .q'i: is: XiZ -Zi. il m iii llradauurtrr lor SiUih.m, a( (nr.. qrriio aiu Turn, urrrial Tiat.irr.. and lliiiL', 2D 1 rannent, II wr day. per miinlh. . ITHE NEW YORK S'lOREi 11.. j ' 1 i-. l n it :i oi:ir t, iiuiji-. win ior ii.-ii siiiua cj. - twenty liea-l of the btel catlle that lie!onefl b.t c. and it I i yen, oil, j could secure, and be uow has to tutn I and one for tile bet b ill under twoyeai, Barn away nonie large orders thai would di- j old. ' j iiiliiinn his held to leas tuen he want. At thi W uhingsmi Slite Fair lie i-x- lorproouinou 01 sioi k. llie netn at hibited i lieu I and re. eiveds pri.e r preaent con-Hts of Ji bleeding cows, ( II head, receiving the Inrgeu ch.-. k ol head of the be-it lJila ever brought U ; the ealtlc exhibitors hi llnu fnir. the Pacific coa-t. The remaining All The ontoiit of ihi. for tim h.-i and Feed Horses. prize al llie ilond'a Fair al Chicago. Ooe has only to see the wed tilled uiu: of apples at many of tue tionK-a in me .Nrlialfin country to Iwome coiiv:ii.e. of their superiority. U ). destined, aluo t" become a great dairy country in ad (I it lun lo the prudilciou of dull aie. grasees. Cream ia being si ipped lion, i'lttsbuig au-l other aeei loins oi the low-j er .el.aleui to the railioad al Clau-I bauie. The Upper ivenalcm is e-uall) I rupable of dairy pioductioii, grass glow ii.g abuudanily to the mountain topn. Theie are aome proniiniiig coal mines jn the Upper .ehaleui, which are re ceiving Hie attention ol experis and rap il lieln. They aie prohnldy equal I. the (Jliffiow u and oilier deposits utare. tin- Columbia river, hile the entire Ni-lialem counfry ia Ril urdi lit a ipHji ter ol good roads," llie (icople of the biwer -Nehalem Uae p, c ' lal iiiteiesl In active road ork. Uoa-pujieivis-jr Wilson ia an enihu.-iai.ii Work, r sod maay of ihe residents that sei-iioil loniiibiite to road unproVi liient. The remli ntH ol Mi.-t hav-idoi.-ronsidprable coiuiibutory work iu tha section, an l:ue aia the re.-nb nu oi ClatitkHiiie. Uhe wriier fouint Koheit MciNeely laving split cedar corduroy oi. the Clatskaiiie mountain, hml qn,. a job of , 60 per day to do some romi work at regulation a ayes a- n matter oi accornniiaialion to the public. It was n loss to him, but it ... a imin to tin- roads. The statutes do not allow enough pay for roadwork. Down in the Fiidibawk, also tbe peo ple have done lots of volunteer road work. Beside the work n the direction Ol Mist, ri. E. Hoglieig, J. H An Item la Demand. Tie was cutting an Item from a news Da uer. It tells how a house was robbed, and j "e "' are young t til calve and heller, fur tue .ale of cream and -uiplu. t, k, o. 10c .una r-ii i a moillileil v II I ill t 4..1 .). I lie aiii .Uol for Winter he ex plained. I can er of tin. herd baa brought lanreli "What good will that do?" a friend ! to this coinr.v. Quired j 1'eek-a-H.KJ Ai tii, illn,trated, ia the A whole lot." was the rep y. "You .1 1 , . . , . m ow awarded ni.l prize ai Oiego.i and see, th s hotte was ro died v.-h e tho 1 ... " man was at church with his wife." ing ra.r, . aim hi "Say"' exclaimed the friend excited ly, "you haven't got a duplicate copy of that paper, have you?" Chicago Post. Brlpfnl Itanband. Cicero Moke I t-ame to tole yo,' tia'am. dat Lucy Brown, who done lea be yo' ylstlddy. nlu' gwlue lib out no mo', 'kase she married me today, Mrs. Hauskeep Indeed! Well? Cicero Moke Well. I t'ouyht mebl yo' might let hr do yo' washin'. I'm a drutnn in' up trade for her dls morn ln'. Philadelphia Press. the latter won 5J cash piize lor higheal butter lest lu 21 hours, of any breed. oi cream am ppeil, O.UIH) gallons or alioot ll.UUU (Kiuud of buiier. In ndditio.i to lui. we cut 1 Id tuna of hay. If any of the reiid.-ra ol the Mit wisiiea a ictivo nerd of ilol-t.-iu., Ihey can lin 1 tneiu al 1', . frak-V, Hcapp-.ue, Oiegoii. G I i'J AGE A. 11 ALL jrmhwi-jv.jT- ur HT. IIF.LK.N.S . ()ItKii(N. I Goods, Slices. Dry fwwuls, (IroccritT., I'-ls. Shoes, Lie. ; 'wiper Miiil.Jin- Main nuvvt. St. pI,.,,.s. Ormm. 1 3 1 I -i 3 1 One Llr STrii AVanled. "Ia your company for -Hamlet' com plete?" "Vcs," ansivered llr. Stormlugtoii Barnes. "All I want Is a good, live young man for the ghest." Washing ton Star. SEYEBE ATTACK Or GKIP ! Cored hj One Kollle of ( hauiberlulu'i Coagh Iteuiedy. ''When 1 had an attack ol the grip last winti r ith'J iee. nd one, I actually cru.i u.yseil w mi one boith- of l.hHinhvrlainV i:. u.b Heinedy," aay. Frank . I'eiry, K-liio. ol iiie r,nteipri-e, Sooriviile, .v. Y. -'lnis ia the houert iruih, I al limes kepi Horn e. ughiujr n.yselt to pi. eea by lakllltf H leusiniolllllll of thlr r. me ly when the conyhnig spell would lOiue on ou at iiiyht 1 woind taae a lioae and il seemed thhl in the hrielei-l inlei vala the cugh would pas ofr and I wuol I no to sleep a-if,c!ly fIKI. im eon, h a. id it- aeeonipant in' puins. To say Hml be ren.ed. int.. as a most ag.ei able uiu ihe la iiiitiinif it vkiv iinl. l. I I.,,, i .... !.,.. , ., .. i ... Taking the world as a whole. 25 pr ,-oui kii.a k ihenp..!,,,,,!,. lamu-e cent die before they reach the age Of I had nevei tiled itior-inh a 'pin pose, seventeen. , but il did, and il seemed wnb llie second slliick ol coughing i he r. ine.iy Experience worries more men than ft caused ii in n t only be of n sa dinatmn, teuetcs. -Chicago 'ewa. , the pain were far less severe, and 1 . .. had not ued il, i-oiiienl, of one boiile I la-iore Mr. Onpp Imd bid me adieu." Every liuttle of Chamberlain' For aalc by K.U in ltoa. Couch Keuirdy Warranted We guarantee every bottle of Cham- . I .Il IMP. iui berlain'a Couh Ukiim-iIv and tiri 1 1 rn. .,.,, PIPI (wv , iuiiu uie ljiouey to anvone who a not nnlv f mi buildinga road over io Wood's Land- ..i ...... ...... . i Miy i.uv. - - ..oe.i uner neill IWO-tlllKIS Ol the We are still furnisliing the Weekly Oregonian and Misr together for a year Subscrilie now. SCHOOL M I OhT. II -port "f I'rimiry Depariiii.-ut of School di.trict .o. 3J. lor me mouth ol No. eliiolled 8. altneiit, I J. No. lardy, 3. .ain a ol tnoie neither ab ent nor tanlv are: fctta l'oa -joy. Dale I'uirv, ellu Dunn, K.lllh Clark, Wilbm tlai k , K- V I'eriy, llnltie Mnihi, Ida Pop. jov, Il.iiiy i'op.j.v, Hinald ilignt, Frniia iliifin, Joiiii Uri. , David iv.nalard, Caihrii.e il i.t n, M.tiilm Kollon. Lkota Iaivvk, Teacher. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ix-rwi ii , . . . . Mrs. Lura,S. Webh l DOWN-COUKir PEOPLt SHUutfJ oo 1 lm... i! PITTSBURG Clatskanie I)ru Store K'H TllklK ii IP Drills and Med lei nes - ruo it s. THE MIST t'LIB UATKH. This paper and the Weekly Oreg . man 2 per annum, Tina paper and tlie Young Piopli ' Weekly, ft -r allium. Thin pnpes Hd the Weekly Capital Journal, ol Knlem, &u ,,rr ,. ox luoiiths, 75 eenis. This iniper and the Portland Week I v Joiiinal, td. n.oeiiiticj, l 6U per aii- contents. This is the best reiuedv in 1 1 1.1 . ... . ! j me woim ior in grippe, coughs, co) s, I ri. .. I """ f prompiiy ex-jC,oup and. whooping eough and .vouov.a omce. now is uie time j pleasant and safe to take. It prevents to get your letter heads, billheads and : any teud-m-v of a coid to result in pneu laHements printed. iiioiiia. Fresh gab in season every Friday, and special Funday dinner at the St. Helens liolel. Subscribe for Tua Mist. This piiner and Ihe N. Y. Tl,il,.... Week oii.l per )eai (I U; six u.oiiihs, liO ceula. The thicago Wei klv Inter Ocean and paper one jenr lor 1 1 fa). This paper and tlio Kvening Tele gram ihiee mouths lor 1 'St. This pipi.r and Conkey'a Magazine one )eui for 2h. All club eubaerip lions are invariably in advance. "I dnaded ti tfvmjj of il, whkh " 'ilwoiKhl!,, I aotlcsd V In tal, and lwc(l to in a bot UJ. I a.rorlncl .. rtVrJ Ui IM nonl)i, io uTi oa ItCm , trf montia and now I aieiutruaia Willi do pn.i and I ihail Ur.t I; UU now until 1 havt ntsitd tha dliiiax." FetnaJo wwiknwa, dia.lem nsjisoa, fiillinjr of the womb mid oriirian troubles do not wear tf. i'f'ol'iw nwoitan totlioehi-ii of hfo. Jit. no: waii Luit iirj VlitM U Utnlii. how aud avoid Uio troth Wo. V.nai-J Ciirdui novur ijdl to ben:J( a ici'itii.. vomnn lit any tun. Yf un tJ Cunlui .- i:;ivwi B . Webb wlcii jhj WKU i., ,1,. g. Wfln jua cowstythtiei'tanjm of life Airs. Wchb'j Imbr ..vilj mean uioru to y.u tium it ,la now. Dm yon may now tuld th aiifrclus, oJ.o ci duie.1. liruolita sell ti Ut'dm cf Wine of (Jarilul Toilet Articles and Perfumery Of. J, C. HALL, Propmitor ' I TnKNIK , . "llMH'll, Misa l.llir. of Hi. Helen., cum- I nieinr.t I. .,. I. In,. ,.t .I... .!.,. -f Vt. inUr " " i Cb'irl.-v Ki.-hmaii n id It .S.-h oter are wmkinij ' "f IH-Iii-k A Keswf' Mi, II, ir.ler-ey I rep.rir. to I iptil" h It at her lioiue llii I'11'- "Hill" Prlniflw wna doing bmlii' ' .Mist one dnv In.t week, I K-a.ey A liullitrd have ir.d'-'l pi, ei. f,,r tl,,, i-omlllg l-a. II. I; Mi-s KUhi Diiihi , ia nivepti-d llif I"- t snloil as teacher in tlw I'rbigl" iHl"''u I ofCAROIJI v - - '---'( I Owl Saloon -a. II m ";. i.iiorKs, VHufttltTOHS J -Only Hi, t,,, , .. Liprs and Cigars Kent in stock f rVDlln linn. .. maud mm Vml dir i , , "' lil-klr. I"."iIm l.r.i, "'") III .li ,. I WEINHARD'S GCR 011 'll.un III. "Tom Benton" Cigars. All Uio luin.t , ..,,, ,.M , ..-r.;.li.;i.''' '""'I. Mr M. J. I'.. Sell I. n ri-iinil Ca,p of Wllll ply nil) Iball !". pint., winner, from liidiaui. A l,.ri(i delegalloii of (iiiinir r I'"1" tlii place 1U Mll,. th.. I'miiMim f" the I'.bh I,,,!. t A FarmiM, His Son or a b.wn. in an will la- hired l y I iiioniblv nu, I cxpeii-ca, or ,'!D mT i't '''nini,.,,, ),, )H, ,di.i. f.,i ,,nr l'"rm H I", I-1 una sod Flowers. We "H I"1" era, lea o Hint-, so line eonipeliliell';"11 I"' met. Our stork a' wsi'iiiuii'd. " do not deliver or collect. Can il"-"1" ml arc purl ihne. Wn pay veil ! It. (;,) ,.,,.,, am 'money lli'l inter. Wilte .,r n utlli at oin. 'rrrr Jfuraery (oiiipaiij, ie lt-'r Tha Oregon Weekly Journal. 1,r""" ruilc newspaper, IH piige. full ' nr""' "N of It. l a year lo any a.l.lua. TM J'.tn mil, P. Q. Hot 121, Putt hunt. ,1r 1