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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1903)
( ) ( ' l'( i ( )N MI ST 'MU 80lni to tl"' Mih"",' w0'"' a.-.--: . -r."aci ataif-.-aasiasai battle, Every scattering vote east will jtnr..icil i)i .lie VoitohVe hi M. Helens, iiinin double election expenses. Eveiv ' " ""-i"'-- ,,,oK, ,:, tlun, mid tlli-ll cast tils ballot fin the place that will put the coil my to the ; l.'HSt CXpeilS. (.OIINI'Y OFFICIAL PAPER. ii. IvVr.RY KlllIl.lY MoKNlX'l I'-Y kkklku ii. u.uiuKKr, Kl)lill A,l PlIoHllKTOK. AN UNCHANGED DILL. ! riotliliin Merchant T Much Far l ollene l'rior. j Ux-rrpRliU'iit (!nti' of Amherst co. j leco wit a ttiii ii Willi three rhr- mMoHstlcH -liillcf In compulsory XCHSeitUTRVX rltti'E: (Vie iiy ne year, In advance 11.00 8i iimiitlij : M) provcns Whca the butter won't COtlte put n pcnnv ill tllC ldpnitn mciH.spr stiico, nlcoiy oflim - i i' i.. li.iK.mtti hunt. d4 . I . . i tiuimv Mill) tl iniimii ?! ii'i imiiui-i mm, is an o.d time dairy mXhnt was uiu.nst .eiuihiiu. Asnum- j proverb. It oiten seems to iraiivH.nw miw n ktom . ' . . . , eciiitiu occasion Ml', U.ite bought for vork tho'ijrh to one ever fn pair r tinuscia that hud iwu lVsident Roosevelt's letter to Claik told hv I liiiil'k.M Ht fit im.l Im.l tliom flinwtl. r ) t i ,0, , ...... .i. .. I. ill .-iiiiii. In: THE PRSSWEST StBAKS OUT. MARCH 0. lUttt. i Howell, alitor of the Atlanta Cons it. - When mothers -iro worm:.! tion, i i-ti:r.-U-ritio. in Unit plain, 1.,,,, -I,;!,!,-,,,, ,,. ,lf "To one pr. pants, fX" Mr. (httea crowiil off Urn "pants" and pulwtltiitcil "trousers." then renmllcil t i'7L' i.'i...7t'fiu.,t ti, ..-J . '. '. , ' , , ..... earn strength and flesh vc uio bin. The r,rt or iho mt mouth an- n T''?:. ? ".-" '" x, : ,: ...... ,u sav c-ivo them Scott's ! mu : '""'"r. j I'U'V III It. ! t 1 H 1119 VMIT, II K J I 1( MIT 'I , J '.I HI i-, j ';.u,i.i ... . .. i.t sion. TbU tlilic tl 0 hill wiii rettirne.1. M ; f Vi) Ijiifiiiina, I'ortlmi-I. On'arni. TI.e wmi-ckMiteniiiHl anuivei .8-y ol it ' i4 ''.v P' jxI'C. it i iiiuinsui-.-n e.itioli 8 ii territory wa cell bin t.-l Ly i"1'1''- l'1! Trsiint hns p. intevl a .. , ... . . mi ' I very few eoior.d men in tlie tinli Uie Jtiito of asliiiiKton, Momlay. j mmmmm-m joll'ue letm tliau one out ot every one """ ' " " luiitilitil Knlorul olliee holile's. 'View tikia Cou-ity is n .t atom in Imv-1 ,,,,. fuv ,Mll,,H..llt lllul llrtiiv ; It is like the penny jn the ,VMr'j,r ,,.,.., i , ! rr.. milk because jt wo,k and 5?', . V.";:,";'.! f"'J "k oU" because there is something Tiie nr:.t of tiie tiiii-J mouiii Mr. , . , . . Ontes reci'lvetl II Mil: astonishing about it. ..ToHlu. ., .,,. ,,,. I Scott's Emulsion is simply' Ti''" ,v,,1 10 rlslt WHO'S YOUK TAILOR? No inattor quit 1titt. Wiiut is the use J paying fancy prices for tailored dollies vhri you can walk into our store ami get an I X I i " oIji.iimmI 'rnilor-madc Suil .r one-half the original value? Suits, uml.timetl $ 7 FO t" $25.00 Top coats 12.50 f 25.03 Special reduction on heavy weight Trousers .S 5 l" 4.95 ; xf 'Remember these are mu l.tiaad, i "J, FarnsworMerald Co, 240 VVashlnston St., Portland, Ore. IMS w , ; Isuonmywat contest. Union aml;,.vpiv a.j.. u one ut ,B(, l. a milk of pure Cod liver oil talnj-lu WW ,1 I.I... a mi. ...'K trann U ... wii if .t I .. I -c IDellt I. IlJ lll"ll lvnlieil: , 'Tres'ileiit Utiles. I've len In tlu especially prepared tor delicate nt titnu itisines for tw.-my tu .vemM, . t lm1(, ' ' tliirlnij tliein t . nty live yeiirs ev- " ; 1 s" , eryOiln,' In lay lsop I"'V. 5 lm I'eeii Children take to it naturally trousers tuui evei-jtiitn i"'i"' I . ,i ri .1 4 . . . li'N'i. pm.ts. I I'm pant!, you rot. mnl. because they like the taste 0,;t(, 'slr ,..M ,m- w ,or. ....... , I. .u..i.--a are enjoymg a s,w .., l0 lw no, l.p ill Le (iH.',i -..iii, removed. Yet sree.t jittery l.ulliib."' . lias arisen in the south, eehoej to m.e t.utr .yilen, U.iion H n.i'oli-Mn, 'extent by Northern iK-uiovr its. over nn.l lornier CoiigressinanVill, n-guMr ! th e lew tit uppoiiuinenlr olely Le-Ui'iUhr.i-:iii, were elivleJ United St.iten ; euute the apixjinlees have some negro Seiuiiors by the Delaware Legislature ' l.loe.l in their veins. But the I'r Monilay afternoon. ' - ... ! the Ueelaiation that he " ill not tua Ag.!iW'lal of American moiievwill t-'ollr s peiniuuri.t bar to hoMiuy . . . . . . . i t i . . . go into the isttiin'nn cainil, Hut uiucli ol i o"1" . " 1 " it will be spent for American material j ereed or binhpiaee and expert nl-or. The dicing of the "al1 meii up," rather than '-tome m.'.i canal will decidedly assist to maintain , do n" lie canijoi perceive, neither prosperity. Jhe iiiiiionnl eury.iipiiient ot the i.i. and Army of the Republic, will he l.el.j in s-uii Francisco, beginning August JT, 1903. The executive cjiu.uittee w ill invite President Roosevelt to attend jhe encampment. The good mads movement should not j.c forgotten in any (iiutioiiof the Stajr. It takes tit.ic to build good roads, and g iiid ruiids are always an excellent ad y. rtise.nenl for any conimanity. Alorg Willi the greatest advertisement Oregon bus ever had the Lewis and Ciaik F.x-fii-sitiun the people might as well thro-.' in a fw "lixas" in the wav of lii.iking kwkI roads. Clregon Journnl. ... . . . ... idem ana tne rcmcfly takes just as, .ew ime declares and he is lo he .-pplaiidtd for Jiaturally tO the children l)C: cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale ; thin children Scott's Kmulsiui He belii ves iu 1'ialrlr I limrt. nl I'nnes. A brief fur the state In an early Ne braska case In the followlns prairie How. r i t Caiu y; ' IVs In envr are i.riiihl that I lie h ilioi' ami dis;n!ty of the slate will mif for. ntid they Invoke for the claimant waanTl (V A A A A Do your CHILDREN 8 DfTT AK I , . i". r. 11 V QUESTIONS:1 can any other reasonable, thai mCilt. these HpiKii.ittiie. its have any more con nection with "social eiplalitv" than "with the nebular liyiwt bests or the theory of uton.s." tie frankly nan. i s his advisers, the nu n whom he has re- t.p.-frjJjHt lied on for inforn.aijoii and advice, iu various Southern States, lie has no Jpj'jlj crets. lie has "U-ou stir.insed and tS'ifViw patued at wlu.t lenns an li.cou.pre-: i- i-rii" . -i U the most mtisfactorv lie-' ; br.w.1 prlnc;..l. ..f natitriil .unity nml is uic mosi sausiactoi) iu... 10 ,lm( l.,,,llu.,. . lllWH Kv. We will send you the penny, . c, i sample free. Ve rt itu. tU vrir.- .Ire tnri.i cl a t mi. t. e ivJSTer ot e. ri. b-ia.c ot lMltuiiujii yoi. bcf. SCOTT & I50W Mi, Chemists, 400 Pearl St., N. V, 59e.an4t4w: jt! ibupi-iff (if cf ni':i,i Hiey do. It U llioii waV of 1' ui iiinjt nml iL i JM'iit' ilnl v U) iti.StTcr. V"1! tnuy lice. it ilic liulm.'V Lu l.i I oll. Ii, IVOtl't i.M sncl" ever) bhl ltnrp nr. t . I.I W 1 1 toll iL II ill I'.Vii Vttl I I rue, t li-ttf tuui ih-l.tiilo uii'iiieis, j in II V ....... ..V.. ....II - i loo, 11,0 Cl.ll.llco I'll.l ll.ol ...c.,.' . ... j ii n ii i' tDiU era. Some of rum mi.- .1 i.i"i.. 4 4 iitntni n If ISIKI I 1 iUlUl I Hi mm ' tin riiK i.v ri:i;Ki:i T wi.tiinu M:riM- viii erttlnu omit tor the constitution ap plies to tlteiti. The logical m-quoin-e Is this--Hint against tl.c lie, tli-ttt- tuui ih-r.tiilo iiii-iiu'is. (j S iv.-''.' . tv :, fj) ,t tll.ot.t .VOIitl Olllv, bill l.liolll. t;ii .' , v'- T"""-.-.-I' ' li.ii;.-., ll.o cm, mm l.inery. in. m i V, a-? k. f JJ, ... j, wi.jii.-s iohI iimi. i-o. 'ii ,n 7 1 ;u-.i.t. Literary Kiifeifaiumi'iit. patueil at wtu.t seems an I..cou. l.eusihle out crv m the South about iuv ' s actions " lie id 'coucei i:cd" Ihi-ieiit but not anjtrv, "an I st.ll less will inv attitude have toe i-tfjct ol making me I The (ireei.lenf Literary S-Kt:etv. of swerve oue'lmii'.- b.eadtli to one I the Sjt. lii-len It.iblic S,.Ii.mI. ha -d phi fodder of 'Justice -ide or the other from 1 1.x ....... I : the Peak Sisters and nave consistently follow who can make wine of 'Justice nil right' to tly to that mystic region above and la-yotnl the of law, and v, le-re sin h unjust thlt.i-'a i." "in tnti'ts v rittcii constitutions do not elst, but hcre for them n Htralcht nml naif iv pathw ay leada to the trc.ia uty. whoae ilo. it. without stint or de lay, Itirn By:'tly on golden hinges to ad mit tin in. Vet If I d not very much mistake this court 'I'icc wing' will utifeathir i:i their tllj,ht. chilimint ncainst the state must fall to u coiutnou level with nil otln r lltiiu.ts and stand III) ti the rack wlu ie Is fc I that gnl ! .1.1' as lid the cou 3j 1 i "ie IVa Sisters sml the K igirM-s ui.imsuic.i oj our inu. m, lr n ..; ...i......; ... cuuaiatentiy follow ." You are rint, Mr. President. "Let the heathen ra'e, and tiie oeojjle the narrow-minded, inalcvol.-ut .aopie "imagine!, vain tni. g.'' The country at large will Ujiiiol-i you. Tchyrau.. I St. Helen Ojiera llotiie, -S.iturduy eve-; iiiiiiT. Varcli "th. The propria, is as tiie Smith family at:4 the Lewis family are to have reunions at the St. Louis exposition, a .id nil r?.i:n of those names are expected to be present. Siiiilh day .aa not yet been assi: ed, l ilt I". C. t"u , gflcrctary of tiie c ui. iiiitiee on ceieinnitp, has anr -""ii. td S- p'etuber 23, as Lewi- d.iy. w hieb Is appr.-priate, i-teaase it is ti.e nni.i-i versa t y of the return of Le ,s n I t'iarl;. ' the exuli.-vis of the northw ;?t te.riton i t" St. L',uU. Tin.- t?.iiitli are rriunli, j fjr an anniversary :i!s-. Lyn Su.ith, or' Pennsylvania, who is in .Large of the! inter?! of lijs fapaily, uV,crlug j j uvury u;ereviauui.uin on in- expo- , dreadtul e. i and at ot e lin e If,ai(d Biiion grounus, lo serve as headquarters ue woul-t Imw p'.eu n.ol.u, bo', oin- of and loatinz places forevervb.slv btann i '"-v rit !i.'ii if jm t,.!.! me nMv tliis re.nid the uame of Smith. All men named fc,.ii, ;'' .,. ., . " "c "ci.oiiic iu owrupy ll.e i (.ur,.,j ,,.r chairs on the porch, and all women who fjcturerj At the I'rancalH tl.eati r In t'nrls one evening during the performance of a p'ay by Sou. net n kk-i talor w as ob served to be slumbering. "Look." anh lutinas to tl. author, who ivjt .-. ttuu LEVI IT 'Twould S.ioil this Slory lu Tell it In tbe HcaJIimt. Tj u-e aii eiliteet t'. ct-nturv ehra'c happen. l in a small V.tiiiia iu .' ti.e of l'.l-i.', it is a s'...y Very! ::'.icli of tl.c pus,.,. i. I',, t., ,-, ,.,nj tin e ago Mrs. John L. flaiu-an. of Me if t Station, V,i., iud ;io j-eiS. ..-a! tuov. I. itc- j "I 'he r.i e cu; at !- pr ;f-cn-itii.s ol ' Chaniheiiain's Cough Kemnlc. "Las-; inuarv," she savs , "tnv b.ihv to.,k fi.dlows : L.-ti nine. idil Solo . ..Jennie iiilr-oii Ruggles I'linitiy hu-tt. ( and Rerfha Part. liialogue Three Lt'lu lad from n-ii, ,!. S.,l,i I' Italian Instrumental Solo ... Miss In liratr UU'' " la,.: ''li'"1 ,h:" " f !"1,'"'!,!' eniiic t, inc.: I'U.o user. mm liie I j.oi.i r lo i-lody cf ll.o .Ii, linnary, I ii i ooi'so you witi.t I he In nl. .Ii. lioi.aty. ' I'O l.un.t ti ii ii :.l iicfet ll.u Nl'iv Ltiln.oe, Iviiilou of WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONAL D5CTIONARY. mii'.itu a c, M;nnr-.M c;)., i ii.., . .-(ti . C'li f.ul i. I MAHtl, UdSSiIbl Aiverlisii:'.'. i 4 4 4 4 i 4 ma - (Ml TI- . the inpl, ' hi I i-cb LV's:';'. ' rf' . t.i.i g i i ' .1 , 1 c. r id mii. ts adi'.d In il . , S ',- Ul fi t U 11 !.j, j ;. 'ift-uiiuti j, 1 .Mtll f I 11,1 ,- ' i, u(!i t ',. mu. I, . frelt, Pi i t hill," I... I i" ' I il , , k' ' J !- ft . r - The Pittsbati hm 4 L'n,'! Voo.I Mit'i f. 1? r V V v -T V - Flee Ii r.c teiiipiji Till .liurs,h f - .P If V W VV V ; ru IV! ii i i; lu c i i i.' u m 1 1 V i Jin.. IU.". .HO. ee ,iiB , .,,, ,..,, H . t I 't' , I" 1 1 .1 f I , . 1 py your tr.igcuy. t;ut u:e next even ing lit Ihe s.i-ne ti. eater it happened ti nt the play was one of' own. Peak , iters Admi-sion ; A.'ult .Iron 1I i e.its. Thi' proceed.. tents. Chli- f cnti rtaii.'i.ent, I ! O- 1 !e It.g l,l!i. Ilia k'"l, lr.-liel.-, il-el detioH'ed - 111. I e led o I 1 h" 'i ft llo " I. " II. r kel ,1 111 croi mid npit i.i the i It i r iit-'i ho e if. I he . tght. A II V 1 1. i , r ttui t -, ,v w t : 1 lie gl ..!, .ml, id bv I'. I,. tj ie. et 1'i., w I. i w III p.iv ., ,1,1,-1 lions ,,f tiie citun , f St. 11,-ien, v ISi'd for l;t-i p lrpiiu ,if p tr,.i ,s piano for the school. I'lH !"!- Ti.e - f'-e n;i ani s of Innl. tv! . i.. w. I'l in: v, ii u't.,1.. Farmeis ('onvciition. , Iruuls ore tie- nmwi'.-'Xt You are ordaliy invite I toattenda the world The aei;igi It. the stalls was overpowered hv sin p foil met lni.o; preet(i not,,.. I and. with I:. Unite,. tion. tapping I'll inns on Ihe shoulder a.i.,1 ,,' iut tig to this rr,. niler be ..kl. "li-a.c notice. ...y dear I'liuius. t i. i lour ,.;,- , a i roml p'l'l-le to s'ei'p as weti n, mltif." Sol at a.'!." was the m r. "tlai's i u;ir frl.-tnl of .,t,.-.l.e I:;. ..... I I'' HI S t II.' olt 1 U V IT -1 -' H'oi.O 'J, p ! C.l-bil Muni tj Hieb .ce.;,, . i la, limn 7-lei h no'-b . i-othius. ,in,,,-,l I'l-e- lr In V. nrM. ! e..i. 1 1 1 1, ,11 . W i II t , nde . n,.,( The ii.hal.: .cuts of I.i., Atidntmiti Is 1 for ....h t . bn-g..:n. App'.y I I I ll'Jir, lllllil,' lie. d I ti U r n , id.:, th. I-fVJt O T If, (1 It e Al.K.'t t !. - . J . . . .1 u -p re. If.:- Th,,. 1 M' .' Merc liet . n il a iti ; I 1 1 n i p..---ihc "i.i v ' IV ,-,(V to !U.i'ki- f1; rj:!.t In m the M.wi. ft t tl.ilt'itii's -1 , , i.ij t: tta ' t J :.: . t ' 1 1 f tor v i.iicttui , I't'ii f or it , N. J. i had cu.fcd her iit'.i,- h-.y a:i,i I b. iu 'liviu it to iny baby at uii.v and it sum t It-n. iny tha;.K the ii.ann- I ot C'liatnoertaiu's fo'il t by birtn or marriazv can have the use ; 'Oiiu my reach. of the il.s.ii,. mom .:.u!..i.. ...:.!" k't-'hlyor say P'o mtlcli in i's i . . ,,''. , '" 1 1 hope all w ho read this trill try it and . . . ru m-vmo. . powuer on ....nvineeil a, 1 was their faces. Toe b'j.Miii' .will . a fa. uiers' coiigre-s at Rainier, 0.. g,ui, grow n A. 1 M ucil P.), Uo.1. A iron it. J.ues, few We I .nitn nal M aster ol the f-.troij. of lias, i baudry, will ! the principal orator of i the day. Grand Master, li. (i., j v, ill be pre-ent, and aiso other distin I guhdifd n.euibe'8 of of the order are ex . pe. ted to participate in the exen-Ue A haiupvt nil! be Bi-rvid at 12 oVI'N'k ir i -iit , S I feet .', I-,- over sevetily six iii.irveloe.sly sulft itrti.i I ciiiinot,-ii,i ii f... ,. "oon, ant nt t p n.., to which the 1 11 1 o , 1 ! leprestntutive 'lelcgates and visiting o;d,, lu ..' a I -s. n::,.1, p illllil.i. They are marvelous!)- swift of fo .1 and as they st:uur thiuus lies ocr with a mlxiure of oil and rid oeher present a very s! ran-.-,- iippcn ranee. Few travrlers ii.rc to encounter tiny of thosf hellieose little p-s,,,le. for th"lr H-s ill It. throwing the spear and In ushr; the bow Is cipi.-i!ed by theif reudl neas to attack strnngera. i??: ft: -t , . ..J I . i 1 I I' I' If 1 1 - 4 " 3. zz. 'Vim.i.i a tni s.wotiruv i.isri tM.s r l.t ly lo ea--l. cm .v ., l.o.t , i I 1.1. ill eiM lull.i d ho, l-e o, A .ing'.l. ;al ,,l , In lil "olld III, 1,1 hi, I, a hde week IV by. -heck CV.-.y 'H,,l ,,,v ,ll,,l,-.. J T II C" fx I r ' S- -dl. eel ',., h.-Hhpia (..,.. M,,,e.. fl L I N tZ. V V ildvii.H'ed l-ir cp M a ii,i,;e I , .'rbl fr. i a.lou lo, Ik' , I Llc'i'i . IU stout flU,UIM Astorian. Edniu Kop". For sale bv FFTY-SSVt.STII C0XG.1ZSS. Congres aljmrn-,1 oh Wedues March 4, but I'resld. ut Itxjscvelt con- . Ur the inontli oi M-rch : vned the Senate in special seiiiou bv I -ileiuior nom al temperature the following prrx-iitmuti in : "iT"-, pu-tnic inie.jsia reiuire that farmer and their iv.- are especially ! ,""lM" 'r. i,.,.ii.l T. i t -mi ' alerliln. the cnpUal of Viicatnii Is, it invited. Ihe town of Rainier will keep f ..,,i , , .. , ,, , , , , . 1 la mill, the richest city pi Mexico u H""""""" inaiuay. proporiion to Its pop,,;,,,',,,,, !,!.!, Is .,, tome and h-ar the greatest exponent jdnceil nnywlure from :,i..ooii t iri.o.'K). a.a.cU, Me ni ueetj, ; of drangi-r doctrines and seethe liveet It la ulso Ihe .littlest ,.iy In .Mexico, I Tne following data, covering a ijrio-l ' ,0'n Cluttitiia rotiity. .which Is saying aomiithiiig very mi- iofOlvears, luve Ik.-u crmoiled fr,i,i I'istriet or County (ii ;U:ge for Coliini- pl'-aannt, r-r there nr.. fvw clean cities ; Ihe Weal her liuieail recnlsat I'oriUud ! Tir 1 I 1,1- II,. p R I T A YS 1' ( tors .V good p.c Fir n.iii irfO I S- 1.,! t Ol','!'! Tahlll.:, in I iripliun .iu I f,,r in-nit '"'Oil' (HI, II Ul.) O.lltsilll , Ail iln,il U .ell ,h(i:i. WintoF "ifini 5 bli 4 -t ti. as ik t ill ill i VVUll GI-:OK(iK A. HAM. 47 de grees, the wiirineat. iiionth was that of of lSS'J, ..ith an aveiage of 51 degrees. that ti.e .Senate shoitld o:ive ordinary sessi n : i ii". ;uztra- ! The cohk-st with ii,, Huh was that, of an i of 4o degrees. I8'J7, TI.e bia coun'v will convene at 10 a ni of '" tnt? "lHt'r rcpuhlle. Merlda has said day to cl -ct dole.tej and alter- wih " ""',''' ""r " H" A '' - ' and that It Is not 1 1 .. i ..,,., I ,. t. .. . ian-9 to attetal Ch- State (.range in lM, ,.,.b. .,... ' . 7"Y ) ,' IT I tit Si ST. IIKLF.NS OIll-t.ON. I '-"-'"ii cov, .:,v .-i, All ..- ,.r i. ...1...1.1 - - u. ...v ,111111 , ,ii,i urn, tti'dtted ih-iegates mi l others, intend-, in;; '.o atte.idit.g to attend this meeting! Kuinl at llnnil. d, siroiis of ment will1 r.mployineni A cent - I Lave Dry ''""(Is, (Irin t'ii(i r.y., Sv;;;, lie 'mt i'.iiibliiiir, Main Snvrl. St. lii'I(fii Oirgon. 3 'Therefore, 1, Tl.,odo.. RiHi.eveli, ' ,i, 1. 1 1 v'.-' -,. , ' ''' i l-re-idem of th f, I ..,. .......... " ""-'"''- ature . by proclaim p.uJ deelaro an extraordi- i-.ud d, siroiis of 11, tni will' r-mploymeni A cent - I Lav u eiaik pleastj t,iifv i!.e chairman of comipiitee tllnt wl" I""1 '"" Klie Is n young on invitation g B ,,ail know w bat wl 1 ,w "nil ' '' lon.l of children. .1 Mrs TMehli'ltsIt Iti,, ,..l..... tal .. . "It ,1..,-. .. .... .1... ... .1 . tiriVli..on In iii:iu 1 ' " v "o no, ...... -.i ii.piTio, 01, uie ion, i.sii. Aver- ' (lretl. n o-ilutM ,.1, ,lI.1..1. .1... e... i.i.:ii:. ,1! ItoUt),.i trio tickets can 1rf l,r,uiiri.,l 11. ' . . . nary eessi-.i; of the Senate of the I'liited : , 0 "" ,- - r , , ,' ' , impioymeni A gent- On, tliat ll be all f.ates ti I 1 t fr""( W"1 in 1"1'UI". Nv. 15. Ave,.:tf'eta.:..,...,e.l.t.t.e pocesquo.ed. right, in.t'a.ii. She l, of her owu. owl s co. c .e lu thecapttal ei.y, ; latJ w, wtil.,1 w fr,.g ; All meuibera of the Orange should , -Chicago New s. Lre! "m-' .t tV". " 'iuy"!;um-in spring, March 17. 1 " ..lRe. The! Msr.h. 110.,. at 12 ochak noon. All ruii,MUu- t,jr j,le ,UI)tl j,,,.,,;, c,lur of tl.s-toti will lW provided all! ' arsons who at that .. may be en- !Av ' , V," ' visitors. "Thought your dad wasn't going to till-., to ts members of the senate ,. '. . ., , I i! o.der of f; :.... eml yon linek to eolh.y .. .. , , .'. .irr nirjiL-si I linn v - -..-.....,. ., Yes, dart did kick at the exiietipe. : but 1 threatened to at ay nt lio.ije and 1 help him run the business, nml he do Clilfd college would be cti.11 per. "! ' txolt Free ITchh. j e urealt-st u.onih'v I precipitation wan 12.73 inches in l7.i. ; " aliTCHKI.l., Chairman. ; Tne least iiui.thly prccijjiatioti was (J.(j.i ! Ko; no twi I'ticbes iu IH-Vj. The greatest amount of I Cost of round trip ti. ket to Rainier' Iprccipiuuot, ,t,:oied in any U ccme-! Senppoose, 4 i.i.le-l-6); Warren, l'J' jCUtue hoi.raHas0.aiiK.ies,ou'lhe2.ill. lloultou, 18 tl.l.j; Deer I-lnnd . IMS. Ihe greatest amount of kiwafall ' Yt ; mile, $ 70 UoLle 6,'g miles, $.60; j recorded in any n consecutive hours .May g, r, 10, mile ; (yim:v. J4'J . (reitoid exteudinij to winter of lm S miles .D0; Clatakanie, kj.. miles L u0' ,""'-'' " o;i me 'Jtii, , Alarsh land, ,t miles, JO. In this county nat contest lei n!l bear Ave,'""e "u,"Ur u! days. 5; pa. tly ,' aakon jon(8. iu mind that election, are Jtv.,' 'Iy ;Aa'h VL ""! Asron Jones, Master of luo National ;;,':, , , , . - '. ii.e i.rvMunu.t wimia i,ave been from : tiiange, atron of llushamlrv will a.. nd ,U, on y one locality can have frie u, South. The l.igh.a, veloci.y of the ' fiv. it, Portland, March .. Vo e" 1 Thl ,, JZ'J r county cr,l Past experience has wind was ,5 unies f.o,U the .ouih, on , ihe angles, cf gntngnrs ,0 be !:e!.Mn ' J,u2n IIm ' proye,, tt rucil agitation n.alct-s j the 2ol)i. IM.7. ciiy, probably iu the A. O. li. W. I Hrother Itecauiio they (It b.lm. I eucuiies of life long friendjf, and creates , " , temple on Kw-on.i street, on March Ij'lfked bin. for fl arnnll loan, mid he im.ttg that is mj.rions loan entire! ' Jloull"' "ve a and tl. 'After which, Mr. Jones will ' no abort hla conm made are hereby reque':ttd to tare notice. (Signed) THEODORE ROOSEVELV, i' evident. Attest: JOfIX HAY, S. cietaiy of Slate. rr-. LEST WE iOIUET. tlrM 1 ! A Rillmlllule. ' Judge-Of course I might let you off, ; Casey, If yon lu,,) nn alibi. ' Caaey-Hliure. yer honor. OJ haven't wan about oie, but here' me lastli .inrter If that'll tlmpt ye.-fhlladel-phla Hulletln. otlnty. Atthis tiuni Columbia County is public sale next Wednesday, March II. vil. the following places more in need of good roads than a livery Itoiiie ' of CJiamberlalifa connty Beat fight. If each individual! c.)u ueniMlv ivM,,u,.., Oregon City, Thuisduy, March i:' would put in the same amount of time I working for good roads, that he doe, Macleay.. . , Saiem : Monmouth. . c giiarniip-e cvury ooiue of Cham- Atoany ...... lierhim's Co.ivh lt-.i,,eif- nn.) u on .... r1....-....;. working for or against a county sea :- ' fund the uctiey to anyone who is not : McMivii8 cation, the county, the state, anil foe I satisfied after using two-tin'ids of tiie Forest Urove Individual, would be far better off. j, ! ai.-itei.fai. This is the best remedy in iUinier -ill ha ruisiii , p U..2 .. ,01c suuuior ,a an ini, COUGHS. CO .?. l V......I. on It. r . . . , ... . """ifniii: . . 7 ,-. , nr. dunes win leuvo tor this Mr, and look to the tipbriilduig 1 , ' , " . ' 1 f "ie State ol WaaJ.ingloii, wlier. . will f Columbia County. In the oJiZl ' retr he will ?!.v- ,.e ,e rrii7ii ,1, W , I n -,l I. f'a'if... '. bead ache .. .Friday, March j;; ...Friday, March 1,! . Saturday, March 14 f ' ..Monday, March 111 ! ...Monday, March lt! . ..TucH.lay, March 17 W'ednesdi.y, March In . ..Thursday, March 18 .., . ' v, . we. , x,n?u. ; rl,it Eugene, March 30, and then n.-,' The Crunllsh and Other. New Vmk Hun, .levreslio reye noy eval ,ytg ,haifwarc cht tahT drawn, f og ol redro nl 'yaw rehto chl seufi ,yus ,duA rlevresho reve uoy evalf ohw el)onp eiuor) yltcaxo (Iraivrof o(i 'ol sell If ware ( ht A MILS. L. S. ADAMS. ' l Jala(un, -I'vina. "Wine . Crdul h, Incrtd a blt.,ln l tired worn.... v. f,,-! ,,r Mvcn yt,i with wfaknt,, ini bt.r. Inn-down p.ilci, snd Uvlr. tried itv Ml doc i ,d diflfrtnt rfmtdlti wIJi no ir,,, yur Wi:., 0, (-Jrdu W.1I the ' ,ly CI,,,, whkh , d snd iver ..-lly cured mc It utmti ,i balld up (he weak parti, thi lyilem and correct Irrejjqlsrl." fly "tin.l woman" Mrs. Adams means i erVous women t. h0 mv f disorder menses, falling of the L womb, i vannn tronhles or any of I Ihiiiu uiln.i,..,. . . J r "in, wai, wnnicu have. yl can cure yourself ntlmmnwilh this ore. t women's remedy. Wine of Car. u. Wine of t:(u-,i ), ClirfMl fl,r,iiu,in. . .1 - . s ui caisisi w ii, -h tetora have failed to benclit. Why 4 not heqt to get well today? All any st.oti m-i liu... ... i i ,. .. v' oowci owiif. k Llr.-ii, lis liia,i ., M.,ii.,,' '"'" U,Tw.n. ' ""'"IU" i.u., J fHaM an fc pwrcTfvr3vHoVtoIWHITE COLLAR If J - oo in Tim , I I QTR. 7DAILtIY GATZERT inif; Store -'on it ti 1. I)nisand iedicihes - iiii.ii' T'.ilct Articles 2nd Peifnmcry Dr. J. C. HALL, Proctor I OllMliiH. I Ml!) It, ,ii, I III,,. Bout ule. I. TIMCCAHO. ! i I'.ifi ,.. iu. i ..I.,. . , t; lloii'sU I'.rll ,1,-1 ioiiii, rl,0 ll,t' N.til il.U l,,,i,i llM .OKI l Mlli.e e In, l,l,i. Tirirl.tmn-rluiilrt"' ! II 11. ,V N.l ,i, nel V l.i '., , Tlie Dtil.'is-Ponlaad U t,IK Til,. Ktivll H,..i'lf. H,stsa '1.H" s." ,i l.i'uii. I'iiiiI.iii.i 1 , llni ..s,i. ' (.. Iisio Hie IMile. )f,..i I'O i; Sl.4.:i "MB II, ,' " l-..' ?, Owl Saloon i'iih.nn i'i,yTi,Ki,s( ritoriu trims ll' Pi riiiill.l 'tiie.,..,,' I tin, l.v, , iU.i-. MnnJu, , Wr.liK-elii), "I l. Md ..I iM. or I'"" ClSlI lit AlOll SI. II. Hi I'll H I',, Hi. II .1- W. Til. CU IUS .1, K P .. UIO s lv,,f,i ,,M, W y, s It S.,v IIU,.I.-. . IHni'N E ..,,,.lliv. Wlilis.'lm . i .iss, 'y 4 I '"UN I . I ". ii.n v i I.e. u . . . i." -duly Die ,.! i. HI A,J other ,,,,,,,. ,ir,4 l)lli.(.vk. WEIMHAf.D'S DEER mi iloiugin, "Tom B6nto.j" Cigsrs. A'-lttU'lKKMI... , ........ . ulnr iu,,...,. ..i. ' VI',,U"' .... "'"' it, ) I Itli .K K. W. CaiciiToft, iitliiii'l.f' A Fai'iuei', tlin Sou nr.. Ion fun. an will V' hlrc'l 'li. . ........ ,ai nsr " , nn... nun expe.ii's, oi i i-,.: h" .y. Wi-wli'.' 1',, ,-" iii , i . i ... i, ii i pi pike unlets Seed,, Fnilis an.) Flowers j k'lildca ( iriiltn, so any cunij't'ii'" ? . le ii, el.. Our slock I-'1;. : Si.i....... .1..11... ,...ii.. t it ii " J 7 all are purl time. IV b pi'.V J"" ,s week, ( IK""' winter. Wiii.. for fie tllia"'1" lfOC!r" , I'errr 'nrsiTy Cniiiimny. t f -i 4 I- 1 L t