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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1903)
gg!sft'lM"l OKEUON MIST 1 -Topped the storm. Itlilrred at tb pi-torflrv Ht t. llelens Oregon, a MtMitK-lttt UIHil matter. COUNTV OrlClAL PAPER. Iet m KrmY KkidaV Mosxino By KF.EI.KK H. U IKliKRT, Eimt.k Au PaoraleTua. fck leaw Wm Utile To Haers a (ll Ut "techaolc! dcrice ere nuw mad Wwnderfully real on th wag," Mid tb wld Mock actor. "It hasu't bn to fealty jrour ago wince even the simpl devke uf depicting snowstorm wa regarded an achievement. I remember ca ou occasion t wa out with a com pany playing rfpertolr and lu on melodrama I doii't even now ret-all to Dame I took the part of ao old man whoa daughter, the heroine, bud as i bn a Inducted. 1 was supposed to l blind, and my strong scene was Id tba ; third act, wneii I went' out luto a Or-! anowitvna iu search of tny daughter. 8b was lying la a drift, and aa I (rub bled across the Ug 1 kept crying: iJJ---.Ji.Li ' mill ,ii ii u, 'Mo cbo-ild: Where la me cae-iidr , , , , , I "Well. It wn early lu the season and Tht Delswar senatorial tolgma la, .v,, nU ., .,. .-,., ,hat ii'Bwmrrto.x ritiri One copy mw tut, in advance Six mouth . . ,vs " i. a' 11.00 FEBRUARY , 118. Thl fiaper U kept on file at the ion Press Aocitin R'iv . Hamil tin liaildtog, Portland, Oregon. '! theater. The seen painters bad been at 11 ! work and bud druped several palm ,., ' brushes, tauiuier and other article Tl Oregon legislature Kill ad.-ourn 1. 10 .... flm. hwd .... snowstorm. ' Aa tb tase hand lu the Hie shook yet unsolved. t jnifht at intJnll.t. Ui , p, J 'a I 3 I tl t 'iitLui-1 J3 KJ K.lal Tra fff. Jttme auJ A'l'lic .i ih ti)iiii I'tfuli'lfA liliiil-erlit t'u. te'f aee II and --i m-c 10 ip 0 n 3 w l.ila A. Hmwii l l'lnien- Reed nn divulnl i n e-, . S7 tp & r 6 ... ... ., I.U. Emmi ami Neil! I!. firm In Tb Arri IU cc "H, S J 11. M. ami Igml K. liiant lo John! tittfwrrt. V a e'V wc I 5 :l, aeo 10 S IKHI ,K, tn laalielle Hall lo ('onielm ! I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made SUIT vlnrua Hul btrail ThU it a emirii in renmik. lint 'i v u It" L u'n l itn lh ililH-i-iillv. I..r e Iih-IiiiihIiv.I ( IIII.'I.iihmhI IKllal-uu U' 'Hit mi l "ver Vlil. Ml l,ll il,..l. ,,r uIimiI iiricu. l'liriui aiu niM iim'l" our 'I ill runt tlimiiL-liout Hie I'aeUlc norllieal and lor vnrlotia rcnaont liav cnllcl lor, I (H Suit and Ocrrola ina'le for tun. i'.w MM Sniti ninl Ow'uvhH made for ;'n, no IU' H6 Tim Suftit ami liverooitU m ole (vr IM ami M. " ll.;& We alo have a line ol troiMer in the ih. I and lrlMt .iitleili dom 12 W up. . . , (ierlwr, w at-1 ul4 ecl56 4, Send lr itnple, prtiva and limtrmMiniia lor nil iuriiuienieiil .... ... , ..H) onlrra iiveive prouipl atienlion. Hie loniinip liieiil liaa Jnt loaialHH line line oi hi roriiinni i the out sheets to make the auow cotue a couple of hammer came dona Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he ?at Sunrlae the i71t annivereary aud Just mti-.el uie by au lucu. I win lw.rn fr-ivol.'nrr irAnn tU. bUad and didu't dure to look ui). but .v....t? of tb birth oi Gajrge Wushingto i. Within 4S bouri of adjournment the "(talua uo" of the teoatnrial deadlock Michel I. and C. II. II uri. to U Sbel-! j uv, vr-iiiiii)! uiiuii tv . f ; Arthur ni K. i Juh UM.II to Jvlllll K t- ! holm, ae'j n 7 4-4 j Wui. J. l.voua to the Atoiia l'n., of u4 tvt 2 . 1W! Joanna 1.., Lenora I., and I.r.nnri'iue V. i M irll to F.n(nne .V. Clem, n t4 -3 6 J. i... ami Miller to the lliivri Mrgirif an.l ImiiU'r l'n. Hte-lfi ae'aec 10 II S tivtli extremely low pnoa. Farnswortli-Herald T A I LOR I N(i ( A m PA N Y SjS W ASHINGTON Street near Third. .I.UUI.UMVM vlKLl FALNC nin H ft when a donkey wreuch luat craied iut WOrld, and IS Still travelinc. temple I had prveiice of uilnd enough bringing liealth and COnifort tliiw. Mip r to t'url Stockeiilwrg, Ihh.I to yeU: yonder moon. The- storm wKerewr lif trrv I in ' " :M 70l l orer:- The ataire a-iud took their U. ,Ut ROCS . . L , . , . . . , , consumptive FO-RrPJLjAlSrO. ORB, To the he cue aud let up on me. and the audience in t!ir rirM..n lir:li:? riro U h,.I all o-l.t !r f BeTer BIOTPed to UUetiun how a blind hl'mire t)f ett-Anrttl. -nil flncli ' Cr' ......... - . . man could see yonder moon.-,-,hila. I " t. . . iB , . II. wl . I nwl lo llie I em. n Orxi Wlmd lo to Aiik'O'l .Vholie, 10 r iwe,' 32 R-I t;5 changed an I a dramatic iiiiJuigbt Cniidi to the 40 days' war ia now re-f ir !eI s . MMiiretl. The vte atanila : Fulton. S3; titer, !7; Wood, Id; scattering, lu tent and paired, 6. delphla Uitvjxt Few and sickly eives rich and I., aud I.. V"., li tee 'JJ C. h aid ("levelm id IMrid Iii r't t person? Jonnaml (."lnra Mewart t. IS 3 t iru Kuekarll ti of rrxt ll.'V I'. K. Me I aHtieinaur:paUon Jefferon, free trade! Jefferson?, and other iiinila producta of a deranged imagination. If New Mexico and Ar' are to be on; state, why not call it Jefferson ? I! the real Jeffer son's nam and fam are ever kuitablr t uimea-orated, the Keju'.Uean party hv.' to tak4 the lead. I .. l i ! To all weak a boat voir. . children he "-. .m,1 .7. " .T. ,u . strensrtlienine kx)d. I autbc which a rolcano 1n a state of 1 thin and pale eruption can vomit lu a few hour. he JTIVCS IICW firm flesh anl i art, undivided sec IM-5SI7CO John and t'lar Stewart to l'.'n-..n ... Ml. . '..In.. ....1 I 1.- V. ...I tbreateneil to overwhelm Catania forma k-llliaren Who tirst S3W the " mass the extent of which baa been old man with the fish are now M '' 10 3 WW, etimatel aa being not lesa than 1.0UO,. rrrnvvn mi iml Invo rliMrlrpn , Ju;iu" Vicmria Thirl. rt to J,.l,n : 0W.OJ0 cubic yards. a"u "" gleMr, t. , net. wc c .1 ... f.iO I l t'r c- . . r- t Anna II. and William I!. Tlionemn i ' . 1 Io tands for ,st s Emu!- a,nB, hvsiat lV fS( f w , ; sion of pure cod liver oil a f:-...v delightful foKl and a natural , K. I. and (.race U. Tl. henor to l!cn,,n! in oruer to ronn the Miez canal. IOI1IC tor Children, tor Old tOI ks logpna-Co. t-t in -Wagner- Pit In 1873 the Skaptar-Jokull. one of the -n,.i f,.r u ,, t, . ,t i , u t ,' moat redoubtable Toleanoe, In Iceland, l0aU ncet "C:h anJ j "'. sent forth two river of Are, one of Strength. I . . lo Waller II. Iluell e, of se'4 ct, ', oiiwsec I'bi.,,1 L'. 8. to Jranliiirt ne'4 .-c 4-0-3 I'.itciit i Ji ep!i VanbUricom to O lota IK. n. a t n.l.lnt. ... A , . . I I ' t ... The Chattanooga Times remark! that .,.7 Z " , . " " . TT,. ncl rc t00t. in all Virginia there is not a rountr, ioh, village or rreek named Jetler-on, and tluit ti.e the state I has of its great tlaicamaii ia a cheap i From t!ie Immense crater of K!lat:ea i-tatue at Kichn-oud. It is trae that! In Hawaii, there was vomited lu 1S40 , . , 1 during a single eruptiou a uiuks of lava Jriferfon erected a monument f. r lu.n-i tMu!Taieut to. fifty time the volume of self in toe university of Virginia, but i earth which It was necessary to remove lb I is only another instance of how he j remembered himselt by remembering j i.iiiers crsi. ine Jci'iocmlic party a.- .w,,,,uMru .i.ta urru .uniting niierj Needed In Every I lonv f 4 TtiK NEW f wrmuH LIlW.I,.l1.V LaUvtK4W4ll V AND FNl.AKOr.l) r.DirioN o webster's International Dictionary A rilcll.o.rr r r N.l Kll. P tviwarpb. (va.'ih. ritiin,ic u New riales Throu.houl Q New Words i i I, NIK 0M.Y IKKKWT WIMH(i MACIIINK MAKE i - -..v.. i --n PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER .SCpTT A BOWNE. Chamlste. 409-415 Pearl Street. New Yortc BOc and SI.OO; all drutujlata. which ran along a valley for eiirh-i milea. tin dpnlh nluntr thi. aritlrM A d purtts Jt-ffcrsone, depreciated cur-1 tance being thirty yards. Flnollv. It la reney JeflerS'jns, free trade Jeffersons, I eatimateil that from the maas of stones j " " " ana ashes which were discharged In Satlenul Master Jon. I l .mi.. 1SS3 from Krnkatoa could be formed a ; mountain higher uud wider than Mont Blanc. and nrtnllln- tiiiilrr l!nl llo,tt nu,H ltxciitlf r ! Z blk. 12 Vciii'Mii.i JAbbie and Fred ('. Winner to J. II ; A a Old Time Bewea. In the ice chest of a Germantowo residence there are always lying four or five big keys. This Is because the nose of the little son of the house Asron Jones, M.uter of t!ie Nutional Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, will ar rive in Portland, March 9th. to attend the congres't of grangers to be held in thsi city, probably in the A. O. V. W. temple on Second stre-t, on Murh 1J enllivan lots 3 4 5 lnitit . Ulividiim of lot 3 of Tii liiieor iln M:!i,,;i i! .... Watts to Mifloael i of nw'4 g-.-c II & 2 t! hi C'latikanie J. (i. and Hon F 25,000 I've mtl ! -- ' f W. T. IIAMkl. I'll U . I.I. U , I llill'd MI'! ( OHIIItlV.,.!!'., r "f K'tll- ctli"h, awil, ,1 I t ri 1 .r(-,,'..rj.i,f i-.i.n ti'i.l .-i'ili-i r.i'.l til, In.-. Rich Ulnd'nit 2 14 I Quart faa-t SJU0 lllv.tlrall.ina t Jf'i I .In lo.;,..!,!.' Hi, lirnl ..uiirii ' i .'. ....''.ri.,;' i'it " -iiiAri.- , f ..ii.iui. nf i,,, y ii i 4 ; t-f8 . in' "JLU. :i stem t l . .- . . 1 0 bleeds even- few davs. and nnthins : ,,lJ " Alter "ich, Mr. Jouc. mil atop the hemorrhage ilk the dropping 1 'onowing places: , .:i Wbtlr'a Call,u PlclUnarr ulli Uhmary. t '.t,i i n,i V.'..rd ia:i'l I In nam r.mrir uur, 1 1; i(,iti,fcM- 'I'ltf , i , .;,,v:i . , 1m In iter M Hi-n 'iim i j ii.n a. 1 1 .-. . r lw.(. , U1. cut : ;,;.lul..i. " (a IG.OC.MSRRIAMCO. I7I7 Publlaher. V'V SprlnnflelJ. Maas. X X v " ' The FittsburJ Writing Machine Compaoj L'OiS Vhi-kI ST t. fWVWVWWWi The writing m ,i !.inia,j ol the i )ralor all !, (j, I and airLngwi M' hwiion, i,ld arllia, (,,? t-i. I. illrtl lo all i." ofk- Ut for lal aliiit. , , t Invoice woil uiilm,,! k.jjl Ut4 ttrnoislle tv arUotr lrMr Dm. Me of anl,f ti at'hiue f..r g i d t !fn awk I riiiMillir. I'm H - nf - - f - ius'.anlly i Iranrd. a large, cold key down tlie child's back, j Oregon City, Afier you get oi: your ear and make says the Philadelphia Record. He j Macleay A Xwlher's Rrreainifdatlon. Up your mind to stop voor paper to ! lu,rma n" trl " wfore the shock, j .Saiem ... , ! n(' tben ln tnomeut he Is well, his I Monmouth UIMKA Ilia athtnr f. hiirtilil.l mm,, a., i .... oil IUOU I Tl .... .... , jyp Si0pg iiieHling - nnyaietan um n,.... racuauge, just poseyonr linger iu atr iuai ie com Key remedy tor ttie hem- '(,rVMii, and pull it ont and look at the hole. ! orrh!?e ' lbe u"w ,,'a!, B oid- ut' I McMinnviile I Ttfmiti Aa L'V thwiHU-u, an. - I I. a 1 ! CO 1 n It i lie a ucn yuu wiu kujw now saoiy you are Thurwlay, Mrch 1- 1 . .Friday, Msrchl3i ' have nrd Cbaniberlain Cough . Friday, March 111 j Ueinedr tor a numlvr of rear and have Satnrday, March 14 f "o liesitenra in auving tint jt ia .Ni Uiiute.!. The man who thinks that a paper cannot survive withoat Li njjjKi.-t Utier go off and stay a while, and when he comes back lie will tad ball ui hU iriends didn't know lie was gone. Tbe other half didn't care a ctut, and the world it large didn't keep track of his movements whatever. V iu will probably find something in your home paper that you canont in dorse, Even the Bible is very plnin and bits some hard licks. If you were to get mad and born your bible, the ban died of pre (-sea would goon printing tht in, and if you were to stop your! paper and call the editor all sort of tractive teacher one day. Mr. How-land ! took notice of nu untidy desk and a . carelessly arranged bookshelf, and, ! pointing his Hiitcr at them, queried brusquely: I W ht kind of a hollM.k:frtfr .in rnn ug'y names, the paper would still be i think you'd make':" very good remedy," he went on. "and It curative power Is due to the Hbock it gives. Bet :.:n't it sa oUJ tUa; ufe- ! a told key V Almoft uh raid, to my mind, l aa the cnnole with which some pel sons I tallow their rtov-s they liave a ! cold. Kut the caudle remedy does no gxid. so f: r as I can fw, whert-as the key remedy U one of V.e beat lu the bualnetss." Foren Grove St. Helens . . He Didn't Take thr HIdi. Chicago cm-e had as :u auiierinti td ent of city school a l.ucli.-lor named Howland. whose gruffuw. of luaiincr and love of iieulne. were proverbial. Going into the rtn of a young and STKWKUFKOM TllK K A U VI OK C t 4...... ......l , . . i . I. i... .... u . : ...tM .... i . . . .I. i , . i j.o.iuar, jjrcn ii,.v-,r.. .... i-..i;ii-, c.,1,1, ai com p I ( Ii ng bul I , ia, lie. I . In ni).. , n nd .l. lii.i id M oikUv, M-reh 1(1 ! have ever used In toy family. I inive ' - Urandcl on the U lt hin I. " Led Tuesdav, March 17 ! not wonia Jo express niv roii'lfiK-nre in ' "' 3I"' '" V'" h'n iMr redne.l.y. March l.iyeiy Mr. J A . , , ,aT, it ), . t w, rn-V UT r.O W III llo.-a. On March gu, Mr. Jones will leave (or j he State of Washington, where he will I spend a week. On his return he will visit Eugene. Marsh 30, i:d then pro- Cfwi tit t'dlif,.rnia vr ttnanmn win ia hire.1 l,y al V i'i.i.i'tr ami expeniea. ur 31 ,.r cent. """' to iaae oiiit-rt .ir Kan Been . rrtiita an, I H,,it. n i i Classified Advertisements jf & & & -zuzm The fcrstch of a pin tuny csuw? the loss of a limb or even death when blal Kjioiiing results Ironi the inj.iry. danger ol (Ins can be avoided, nowi-ver. A Faniicr, His Sou Vans Phi, n ho ill pur r,nai,. j Fo .s ai i- The iliaber i n j UK.' acr.-s o( h.i;d. Call un or j,,,, a 'ii. W. PKKHY, Hoiilion, or. rrades of fruits so any ron.a liii(in cn n All ' met. . uur toi-k i warranted. Yov uonoi neiiver or collect, ( nn devote by promptly applying Chamberlain's j "l??", '."'.T'. .W" ''"' "" "" h Pain lialm. Ii la au antiacptic and winter. . Wrii- lor fr.. ... -.. .. I. biuiset . Berrr Xarserr Sniunir. KiwIimI.. For sale by Ed in Hons. V. fou.sai.i:ohtk.m:-toi;.i, ...i.. one JX-latlioin IU inch Inrsli ; one 7.' ; lallinin 7-inch oieali. lU.-ttt net iii ifHi.l I niii.lnion. Will timlc l-.r woilt or tell . for cash at a bargain. Apply to N. J. I I'ri'osr, Vallev, Ore. in Ui night Shoe Co Tllr WaI.KOVI K .; rpei'le I'r.l. In. Il.i, II.; ,t a" Sokhsis Store f t "'I.I. U.iaaa i.i ' ! s ...llcl a special, sennrtitc. jd -floor clitlilrrn' ff 5 ' .1 .1 -. . f " ' . s , iH wu ctiiv one in tlic citv. Trues , are to make the new department a su i . l:t li ni the start. k 'i r . liiltHt n's .shoes will make the little ores S bud Ui f utos, fit I i I . l E 32 3E : 3 3E 3E 3E- 3E 3r 5 3 t- jrlllick healing liniineiit f,.r,..tta and burn" published. What's more, you would entak around every week and Iwrrow a ropy of your neigh bor. Ii is better to keep your veet pulled down, your tem per under contrul and your subscription paid up. 'Why, Mr. Howlaud. ore you looking for oner" was the humorously quizzical reply. Ao Eastern Tenierfoot. Hoteburg l lamdealer. Just from tLe East are you Slrsr.ger, With its blizxai-ds, ice and snow, Aud can I spare you a moment And answer a question or so? Call fpare an hour, if you wish it. I reckon thele'e no ouu near Can give you strnigLter answers, I've lived here many a year. Why yes, such weather is common. This weather so warm and bright, la only what we are used to, Yes, sometime there's fro at night ; OI course, those flowers budding, Hyacinths, tulips and audi, Boon be in bloom? I reckon. Uncon-monly early? Tot much! Those paiisies and viuletaihc real thing? Why ure, what elee could they be? Yes, "fina lillies" aud You're in Oregon now you see. j Can that be garden? You're right sir. Its a little late, now I Have had a lettuce aalad, And have jieas a finger high. j Moie stormf? Of course there'll be) Stranger, j Tlierll be rain, perhaps some snow, But mostly the dnys will be warm Aud thing will continue to grow. Ulixzarda ' Stiol we never I, a v. Heaven7 V hy no; not quite, 'ou see there's rain and the mud And nomefipnie a frost at night. Any cyclones here in summer? No stranger never a one. proulbs? "Yes, down in California But never iu Oregon. Your going to aend for your wife? Bhe'i'l come on the early train. Are there no draw-back? Ye sir, : There' a "little" surplus iin. ' Ilia Grnee. Bishop AVllberforce uaed to tell a sto ry of a greedy clergyman who when j B.a'U i Rittlf liOIL..J UllXJOUSiy 10 j ee If there were champagne glasses ! on tbe table. If there were, he began. ! "Bountiful JeLovaL!" F: tit if ho iiiw 1 ; only claret glasses be said. "We are ! li,,rK'llK "ut her war-p. like girt, The Stock-l p (,irl. She wnn dainty and petite. And her vwtuine trim and neat And the town went ogle-eyed Win ii ah- rambled don n the street And thia iteii was ileeri lied ; Of support pi e had no lack, For a he'd Block twenty pins Tinier (be iiiauiigcmt i t of 4 The middle ol her back ! Where her shirt waist met her skirt, not worthy of tbe least of thy mercies.' Not n seam or fold was wiong. Anil ihc w In le wan sweetly pert, As she lighllv tripped along, Admiration on her track, And a store full of pins in The middle ol her back I Hare Same Maalclpal Wars. j "Your town la getting to be quite city, isn't It?" I "Well, I don't know. Sometime I think we're a oily and sometime I j don't We wear swallowtail coat at i evening parties, but we haven't had a j C" mKe "-Chicago Trib- Oh! the joy with which we I . '-P nor card, when the duak ha.) lent I A Problem of the Preaeat. T" ronla":ng such a charm, J Hortense Papa 1 o pensive today! All on winning her, intcntl ' Perbapa be i wondering bow lie Will i And we slyly placed our arm j get nlorg without ua after we are mar- In position, but alack! ( .. We were ......... unci iin ,a woriaenug On the A Cvaernl larltatlaa. The old alory of tbe man who anw on the rail of the organ gallery In a Uttle western church a ptacard bear- J Ing tbe words: "Ioirt ahoot the organ- i lit. Ilea doing the best be can." has ' lately been matched by ano'ner some- j uOAKU what like Jt. A man recently returned from a rnlu- i ; '"K region wli.are one Sunday be at j tend.-d a aerVI.-e ln the only church for i mile around. A he the strain of un organ apparently In great ills- ! - 1 n . C: tress, reucuea ins enra. and when he , 1 v.v.0i IJtll 11 111 U II I Mil t a seateu ue looked up to discover! a' who the player was. llOIl, On the back of the parlor organ, I which Moral on the platform, was a j ST. HELENS Ol neatly lettered square of pasteboard , J-AJUiXiA kl, KJT. which read. Tome up and try It your- i "- "' clfl" i Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN '. I!a the Ileal Accommodations. AM) L0IKJING. i8 i'i-K MJXill. Transient. $i I'tr Day. THE NEW YORK STORE gl ll" Jnl feet ittxl a,K(. !.,,(,., ,j I Win ter Goods, Shoes, I Dry 'wumIs, (iroteiies, Hoots. Shoes, lite. ft- CoOHfr IJulMillL' Mil ill Sll-eid Sir ir..i...... m caught pins in bow be wlH get along with u until we i are. Rmriklvn l.lfa I ' The middle of her back I So Ear For Hualc. j Never more will we esay "How do i you like the music. Mr. Jud- To allow our arm to may, klusr iraid Mis Parsons. I ,, . . ... . "I'm sorry, but I have no ear for ! ... , 8 "'a"' ,1n,V,t'," music." be answered. j " "h ,e,"Pt"n blx:k the way! "No," put lu Mr. Jaaper. ' He use I-ightome romance is oiir lastc- tils for a pen lack."-Boston Christian :ot gathered in the slack Iteglater. Ca aaelf r. Nothing will give permanent smxeas In any enterprise of life except native rapacity cultlvrtcd by honest and per severing effort. ( vulu la often but tb capacity for receiving and Improving t7 discipline.- George Eliot Willi half a ton of pins in The middle of her back. Applicable. A Sunday school aiiperlntenuVnt lu talking to hi pupils about cruelly to animals aald: "Only a coward would nbuse a cienture that has no way of ; protecting ' Itself. Why, chlldreu. I once knew a little boy who cut off a i calfa tall! Think of It-took a knife 1 and rut tbe tall rlKbt off! Can any one tell me u veiao in the Hlhle that would have taught this cruel boy that be ahould not have cut off the calf tall?" After a moment's alienee a amnll boy hpld up bla hand mid wahen asked to quote Ills Terse ventured. "What Ood bath Joined together let no man put asunder." ! DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SiToULtT -Oil To TllK Isn't Freahfish in season every Friday, and spec al Sunday dinner at the til. Helens Hotel. . Eslray Taken l'p. I Notice ia herebr trivet, that 9 VUn r.fl. " '"7: ' " ltnnivi,!aeeah..,.. i.nn.iL u ... .., !,- . - ijo, I iw( tip h lit."... . . . . - . a-aaii IIUI1UF at In If lrt..a a. . . i me, v,onnry ol I ofumhia, State of Ore. En'.ray Taken l'p, Notice i hereby given, that on the Poor Mrmorr. Towne list her abaentmlnded. ne7 i Browne Extremely ao. Why, the ather night when he got home be knew ' there wa something be wanted to do, ! but be couldn't remember what It was i until lie bad sat up over an hour trying ; to think. ' Townc-And did be finally remember M i Browne Yes; he discovered that be I bad wanted to tro ta bed wirtir IMilln. ! deli, hi,, l.. Aecomraodaf In. He was evidently a very obliging boy, Jlubacrib for Tvt Mist. black cow with lightstreaa along a, , rniiiieii norna. anil is ataaut hree years old. Has rmall calf. The owner of the alve deserilied animal can obtain poafession pflhe same bv ftirnifhing rnflicirnt proof of ownership and paying all ex pend? and cost. JAY P. ARCHIBALD. ireone.ter , at my Iaee.,.x miles west of for when be B,,,,UP1 to the ,n..r7... Keuben, County of Columbia, Slate of for a poslilou and wn linked bi age b Oregon; deacriberj as follows: Red, ''I'Hcd: about one and one half years old, no' "''' "ir' 1 H,m" whafevec ogeyou mark or brand. The owner of ti e de-1 IhI' to ,M'!" scriljed animal ran obtain pomeaaion of ' . ' the same by furnishing sufficient row 1 . w iMnk ln"ru ot " ol'e of ownership, and paving ,11 expenses It """'" " wortu ' P and coi-t. (: , " i 9f1Tl.",rt H'0r7lng ovr oue tba' ,'t' I have had orcadon lo lu . , . i. r t , . ... ' Diau-vrausm sK ana poultry Mtdl clnt and am B turid to tav thai I ,, uud anyUiin for ttock that gave half ai good (atlslaclion. I heartily recom nam It to all owwtrs of ttoik X B. BELSIir.R, St. Loul,, M Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick ijerik-tn should expect to be cured by food. W hen your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Hon t stuff tlieui with wortli lil stock fowls. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid jTer and the Rtnmal Will be cured, if it bo posii ble to cure it. Black-Draught hux k arid 1 oullry Medicine uulcarU the bowels and stir up the torpid liver u cures eviTy tralady of n,x i if tn , ," rlm' Sw;"re S-eent can ot jila:k-Drauffht Ktock and Poultry .'iedicine and it will oav for ii.n t.i tiiueaover. Horses wor't lajltur. Cows uire more milk. Hoffs gain flash. A nil hen lay more etrrra. J t ,0lv. s the problem tl making mtich blood flesh and energy as po.-nWo out or um utaiiu.t anioiint ol food con uuiued. Buy a cau from yonr dac BaWa aS GlataSkanic Drug Store roa tiikih Drugs and Medicines ciioicr Toilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. C. HALL, Propmhr Cl.ATnaiNIK "HKUOK. I Owl Saloon ' IIiiink liaonuaa, pROrtllhTQIlS i -Only Ihs lioat ol Liquors anfi Cigars Kept iu steel: J Mmdi v t WHITE COLLAR LINE JORTUND-ASTORU ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY QAT2ERT." I'ailr H. r), ,.,, rlm,,r, I rata PnrtlalHt lava Aaii.ria . Ihmtiari V TIMft CARD. And .. , , j o( WEIMHARD'S BEER mi ilrKBtu. "Tom Bcntoii" Cigars. rii.n.i . .... . . ..... a...i... .. . . : ''"ei'iMin aim airawn "-""I iiwar,,t ,allll Htfcb rnut, o'''i.'Ui' L'"T Tlcksialnisrehaugrshls rils The Dalles-PoHland Rtuie. lfH. 'Talioin.i" .t" - - ..... wy ,Hs3 V !- I'tly Trli HitnUny. Hi at A Mil T a .,,ta . Irnv riri.i f.ia. 1,.. . . j -v. I'b. i.;,..; w: ;. 5; HlSAMsa, ! Pr.lan.l.Tiie.,u.. 1'ht.n.i.a ... ft H P. lie.. Mnn.lay, Wftlno.,!,,,, Vrl."... 1 A.M. I. ami ua . it n , Foot ol Alil.r H,r..,i. ,ith ,. ' .,,, an. 1-01.II.ANI, i,UvH. ., ';! f;;r"" Th iaii... or. II i'l v " V h llu a I n ail' . fV,!n " S even. w..k A J Tail a Vanrnutar, H.-S ' 1 -' , Aaletla, Ob r- W. ('wi'iitom, Poiilaml, Or. KstrayTakra l'p. m.Ni""r u.,,r"l,v ivr" ' on ui Joi h. day of Dcceml.Hr. Ky, took np red lier. hi mi ,.l... ...... .:..i.ia . ( ""niv ni Coin,,, bin, s,Hle l)f (,reg(,n, Id.iaerifa-.lHsUluwttj llv w(, .til : spot n fltitik j no ,arka briitid; I ahllllt tWll Ceaia old I... .kV.nt iH-ei'oso. I he owner of tlie ataive ilr- , rnfl anliunl can obtnii, )seai"n of I the fame by fill Inahimr aiillleiAnt tirool ol nwiterahip and paying all expenriel and cil. J. T. ACHtA' Hi I