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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1903)
Jill Humors Are Impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys and other organs c&a ot take care of without help, there is uch an accumulation ot them. Thcr litter the whole srstcm. Pimples, boils, eczema and other ,. , ' ... .. ... , eruptions, Iocs of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indigos- tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilta and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone and Invigorate the whole system. "I bad salt rbeam on my bands so that I sold not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and It drove out tlx humor. I continued Its nse till ths sores disappeared." Mas. la O. Blown, Rumford Falls, Me. Hood' Saraaparilla promises to euro and keep the promise. Accounted For. "How come yo' never see any collmi angels flyin' roun' in de ctorv books?" . "I dunno on less is we has a close have gittin' inter heaven we skeered tweil we turns white." Exchange. tompcaaauoas of Pastors. ,rom as pr utter is iw rrmary (wrara. In the ministry, service and salary re not equal terms. The high orhce was not crested tor the advnaUge of the holder, and the calling is degraded into a mere profession when it is made the subject of money equivalents. The ' work of the ministiy is more especially in the realm of the moral and anirittnL I and therefore can never be "financial-1 ly compensated in any exhaustive com- mercial sense." Nevertheless, the! minister a lap ted by conduct and learn- ing 10 nis nign caning ordinarily does hue, and should have, a slaary propor- tionate to the demands of the field be ia tilling, and compensations far more satisfying and worthy ot consideration than salaries. ttTi or Oaro, crrv or toixdo, ( LfCAB I'OCNTT. I Fakk J. I aiitr makes oath that lis ts ths i rniur fmrier OI mm nrm OI f . J. I HKrCKT a CO., doing buiiDfw ia the tut o( Toledo, Conntr and Man aforeaaid, and that ttid firm will pair the aim OI OSK HCNDRED DOLLAR lor each and ararr caw of Catarrh that cannot be cured t7 tha oh of Hau's CaTaaaH Ci aa. FKANK J. CHENEY Bworn to bvfors me and ititacribed in hit prcaence, thiafui daj ol December, A. D. 1&6. A. W. GLEASO.V, Abtarv Public Ball'a Catarrh Cnra la ta ten Internally and acta -"wu, wu uib uiuou oa marona auriacea ol U arstem. Mod lor irtlmoniala, Irrc. -, . F J -CHESfiV CO.,Toido,a Bow bT dnif giata, 76c &U'a Fuaii, PUii are tba beat, Tbe Ps-ra-na Almanac. The druggistta have already been supplied with Pe-ru-na almanacs. There is sure to be a great demand for these almanacs on account of the arti cles on astrology which they contain. The subject of astrology is a very attrac tive one to most people. Tbe ai tides on astrology in the Feruna almanac have been furnished by a very compe tent astrologist, and the mental char acteristics ot each sign is given, consti tuting almost a complete horoscope. A list of queetions and answers on astrology tent free upon request. There will be a great rush for these books. Ask your druggist for cne early before they are all gone. DCRANCa Frank Pruton Smart in Flbruary Century. When four walls bar me out from her Who makes the world for me, Tie I who am tbe prisoner And she the one that's free. DELICIOUS AND TEMPTING At jood caady to a child Oueen Bee Cough Drops Are made of pure hon ey and menthol. They are plewant and ef fective aa a remedy for eouirha and cold. Try a package. Sold ly all dniKKuti and copfectiouera. Two I-sz-kaaes by mall on receijjtof 10c.,alBlpf- Pacific Coast I I ; AVcgelabk Preparationfor As -similating the Food andBegula bng the Stonacbs andBowels of Promotes DigestionCheerfui ness and Resl.ConIains neither Opium.Morplune norIineraL NOTAIICOTIC. JtnfttfOUa-SWlTLPlTCKlIt MxJmumm A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Slotnach,Diarrnoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness and Loss of Sleep. FafSurota Signature of NEW YOBK, exact copy or wmappcr. Mndtst Worth. "I dont' see," rtti l the sensible girl, "how you could brin? yourself to run round niter that actor; inch conceit ed stick as he in." "You're mistaken," replieil the mat inee girl, "lie's ju!t as molest as he cn be. Why, whin I a'keil hiui if horn ho considered the jtreetost actor ; mine worm e actual y p iuue.1, an; replied that it vasn t for him tossy. J,.hluae, h, rwM. ! j A Natural Tendency. "I guess Him has just had a raise in salary, raiu me connrimni cyuic. "Has anybody told you so?" "No, but he goes about raying he thinks the world is getting better, and that the danger from trusts is greatly magnified, snd that human nature Isn't so bad aftei all. That's the way a man nearly always talks jnst after he has had a raise in salary." Washing ton Star. j : Rocking Chairs Cause Insanity. r Tne Peking chir causes insanity, 10 it is said. In fact, physicians are claiming that rocking chairs are the . cause of most of the nervous troubles j from which women suffer, and are ad vising their relegation to any place where they will not be used. - ?T Parmaoannr Pucsw So fitt ar norroaraMI llle after tint .trf lr MiB'iOrat Nrrts Imtrnr. 8irorFKBIS'i.e0trialtK4ll-uKlttmt. 1M. DvaLU. ArchPhiiallua.ri Long Life of a Nciro. Fr.nk Mitahell. a neoro horn In j ... 10li MP. , j Akron 0., and has a vivid recollection o( ,,,, th,t occurred jn the Brst part 0f the last century. He has smoked ,nJ chewe1 tobacco for over 100 years, i A GOOD PULLER. wu Bro" tbe "' Dentists, Do Som9 Original Pulling, If this item pulls you to our offl e to have your tooth pulled, it will not hurt . you to nave the too'.h pulled anv more than it hurt you to have yonr iuclina- tions pulled in our favor. It this talk fails to pull you in our direction, then we shall have so much less tooth pulling to do, but we want lots of it. tVe send out our words urging you to take immediate care of your teeth. Vie try to pull your thoughts to the safe conclusion that it is best to have bad teeth pulled out right away without any waiting; and when we pnii the teeth it does not hurt you. Besides that, it does not pull much money from your pocket, for our charges are very moderate. This short talk on pulling we sincerely hope will pull you to our office, and, if you come, you will find that not any of these pulls hurt anyone. On the contrary, each and every one of them will do both you and us good. You srill see that w? tell the truth when we say that dental work in our ' office is painless and inexpensive, and ' when you return to your home satisfied ' with our work we hope you will tell j some oi your mends aoout us. ft ise Brothers, Failing Bldg., Third Washington 6ts., Portland, Oregon A Dangerous Tsy. "My boy Sammy." said the neigh bor, "worries me almost to death with his somnambulism." "Yon ought to take it away from him," said Mrs. Lapsling. "He'll kill himself with it some day." Ta Break In Haw Shoaa, Alwayaihake In Aliens Foot-Faw. apowder. It cures chilblains, damp.-pweaimic. achinir, woilen fe-t. Cures Curni and Bunioni. At all druirnjiti and ahoe atora, 'c Iq'i ai-reot anv iub'ltute. Sample mailed KEEL. Addreaa Allen B. Oimstead, LeRoy, S. V Unwelcome Friendship. "I want to say to yen," roared the red-faced passenger, "that I am a friend to the Boers, all the time." "Well," said tbe slim passenger, who was in a corner of the car. where be couldn't escape, "I hadn't thought much about it, but if you are with them I am sorry for them myself." Indianapolis Prees. Mothers will Una Mrs. fflnslow's Sootb tnr Syrup tbe best remedy to ase tor their vdldrsn during me tactmnf period. Kwoter Well, it's a poor rule that won't work both ways, you know. Jiggins I say it's a poor rule that would work any way. If it wasn't poor, it wouldn't have to work. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years ths ctMTaua eoaaaNv, Near vaaa errv. Order In the Kitchen. Keep everything iu Its propor place ami have a place for everything. Pre pare beforehand, and wash the dishes used In the preparation at once and get them out of the way before the meal la served. Wash each saucepan quickly as soon as It Is emptied, and while It Is moist Scullery work Is not an attractive occupation, hut It must be done. If the cook has two granite dlshpnns, one filled with hot soapsuds, the other with clear boiling water, with a mop she cnu quickly clean every utensil, and rinse, dry nnd put It away.-ljidies' Homo Journal. Graham MnRlna. Dissolve three-quarters of a cake of compressed yeast In a quart of Wood warm milk. Into this stir a talile spoonful of melted butter, a teaspoon- ful of salt and two tablespoonfuls of j siiRar. In a large bowl mix three cups I of graham flour with one cup of white flour, make a hollow In the center and pour In the liquid mixture. Mix thor : oughly. set to rise over nluht and ' pour luto greased mu 111 n tins. Hake In a not oven. Glna-er Cook lea. Rub to a cream a cup of butter and a cup of sui;ar; work In gradually a j cup of molasses and a small teucupful or sour milk or buttermilk. Stir lu nn even teaspoonful of boiling soda ills solved In a little boiling water nnd heat all hard, adding, as you do so, two teaspoonfuls of ground ginger. Stir In enough flour to make a doii'h that can be rolled out, roll very thin, cut Into rounds and bake lu a good oven. Mock Turtle Sours Boll a calf's liver and heart with a knuckle of veal for four hours, skim ming well; then strain; chop the meat flue and add to It a chopped onion, salt, popper and ground cloves to taste. Thicken a little with Hour and cook a few minutes over a hot lire; when ready to serve, pour the soup over the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs, cut up, aud a few slices of lemon. FonfH - of Chicken. Cut the meat from the hreast of an uncooked chliken. miuee, pound nnd pass It through a sieve, then mix in half a pint of very stithy whipped cream, salt to taste, pepper: add some minced mushrooms or trutlles: put this mixture luto a huttcrcd mould and and'SUaui for ,tteu,J' minutes, then turn out ana serve wltli supreme sauce poured over It Paranlp Frittera. Wash and scrape them nnd cut In slices, cover them with boiling water, cook until tender, mnh I hem through a colander, return them to the tiro. mill In lu'n li niircnli.. n . ..!.!...... n ' add to two large parsnips a tablespoon ful of butter, salt and pepper to taste, and one egg beaten well; mix thor oughly, remove from the fire, and, w hen cool, make into small flat cakes and fry In a little hatter. Serve hot AnchoTy Appetizera. Slice buttered bread very thin, re move the crust and cut Into lona, thin ' strips. Spread each strip with an-! . , , vuu.j ynon? bhu nerve as lue Ilrst course at dinner. Brief tinggeatinna. Red tablecloths keep their color If a little borax la added to the rinne wa ter and they are dried iu the shade. To take stains out of knives take a piece of raw potato, dip It Into brick ' dust and scour the blades with It. A lump of camphor should he lfta" ,hePla,e fhestfjF-r, Wlll render the! i'tiTed-away silver less liable to tur- D;Hb ra'.i. it . . . . .. . It the skin of fowl, peels easily It Is sign of youth. If the spurs of chick- are over one-fourth Inch lnS don't buy ; them-lt Indicates old ae. When soot falls upon the carpet It may be removed by sprinkling on pleu-! ty of flncdy powdered salt and sweep-, Ing off lu the direction of the flre- place. Hepeat until tbe marks are gone. Grease on wnllpnper may be re moved by covering the stain with pipe clay mixed with water to the consls tency of thick cream, leaving It to dry and then brushing It oft. It Is beat to apply the pipe clay one day and to remove It the next. If the stain has not entirely disappeared the operation should be repeated. Diamonds that Kjplode. It has long been known that dia monds, especially the class known as "rose diamonds," are likely to explode if subjected only to what would seem a very ordinary degree- of heat. It is now believed that the explosions are the result of the rapid expansion of certain volatile liquids Inclosed lu cavities near the center of these pre cious stones. A gn at many diamonds, even though cut, mounted and worn as gems of perfection, ore still In an unlin lshed condition that is, the lhiuid drop from which the stone Is being formed has not as yet deposited all of Its "pure crystals of carbon." These movable drops may occasionally be seen with the naked eye. W ben this Is the cuse, a strong mi croscope will give the drop the appear auce or a ouoiiie In tbe mild In a car penter's level. It Is also highly prob able that besides the liquid mentioned these cavities may contain gases nndi-r great tension. This being the case, one (nay readily comprehend how a very small amount of heat would cause the liquid and the gas to expand to such a degree that the diamond would give way with an explosion. London An swers. M int He Htood On. When M, Disraeli made his entry into public life he contested High Wycombe, and then, as evetr, his ready wit helped hlnf to success. DYSPEPSIA GF WOKEN. if s" V rj ;-5 s - . vr-j',t Mrs. 0. B. BiaJshaw, of Qulhric, Okla., cured of a severe case by Lydia E. I'lnkhara's Vegetable ConiiWunJ. A great many women suffer with a form of Indigeatlouor dyspepnia which d.K'S not acorn t.i yield to ordinary medioal treatment. While the Mm;--touis aeem to be aimslixr l.i tlio , f ordinary indigestion, y t the tm-ili-cinea universally prewrilwd do not seem to restore tho patient's normal condition. Mrs. lMuUlinm claims that there ts a kind of dyspepsia that Is cnu,ed by derangement ot tho female orjri.n is'm, and which, while It cuism-s ills turbauco similar to ordinary indiges tion, cannot be relieved without a medicine wh!ch not only acta as a stomach tonic, but has peculiar utcrlne tonio effect aa well. Thousand of testimonial lot tors prove ImmoikI iiucstloii tiiikt nutlalnir will r'tdlovo this distress liiST nditUin o surely us I.ydia K. riiikhum's VcgelaMo m Hund. It nlwnys worUa in hur uiony with the female, nystein. .Mrs lMnktium nd vises slek wuma free Address l.ynn, Slass. The Inventor's Triumph. "Yon say that Arbeitor's invent ions have made several men milliomiire, but did i.e ever make anything out of them?" "Oh, yes he was singularly success ful with his devices in that icsprct. He made enough to perievt all ( them." Olives. , Do you like olives? You have to learn to like them, ol course, hut you will be Borry you did not cultivate a taste for them before particularly if you let your grocer send you a bottln of the Monopoie variety. Monopole olives are the largsvt w hich come to this country. They are also the n.nat luscious and tendoreet which the far famed olive growers of Spain prod,ic. lie sure you secure this brand from your dealer. Wadhama A Kerr ISroa., Monopole tirocers and Dry Coffee Hint ers, I'ortland, Oregon. Collisions to Avolil. Jack We live in a wonderfully free I ago. Jonas Oh. 1 don't know: nor an. -.tors were afraid of Indians ami lara. but we fzo aroan.I t..wn in ii.ortnj . .... . ... fear of electric cars and automobiH'i Detroit Frte i'ress. Color In the Arctics. The leading color pictures in the February Century the most novel and curious in subject of any that maitaina hie yet published are from interest ing and beautiful studies of the aurora boreal is made by Frank WilU-rt Stokes M-i.; iA s. n. i . i. 1 1 . t i .un. ,i .ii 1 . tit. hi .no mu ui iiif-. ..! are richly worthy the subiitct. They reproduce in print for the lirt time in a popular magazine the wonder ful effuct of the aurora. Mr. Stokea, probably the tlret re.l colnri.rt to visit the Arctic regions, was with the I'cary and relief expeditions on the Kite win n he was privileged to refl some color ili. plays worth all tbe danger and priva- tions of His word nsinting is as vivid end interesting as his color ork- . , The Term Spinster. Among our industrial snd frugal F ,uh (orufathwl U WM , mll,u tmit . yolm(? W0Inan .loaM m)V,.r lw marrie,l on,il ,J8 had -pun herself a 0, bo,Jy) ube gn,, Hm:ni f r()m this custom all unmarried women were termed spinsters, an appellation they still retain in all our law proceedings. For conirhs and colds them Is no better madioine than Ptuo's Cure for Consump tion. Price 25 cents. London's Mixture. It is said that there are more Irish men in London than there are in Dub lin, more Scotch than there are in Ed inburgh, and that hall of Boho is French and the whole of Saffron hill Italian. Breathing. Persons breathe loss when they are concentrating their minds on study or work and also when nnder the influ ence of depressing emotion. On the other band, we breathe more when ex biliarated by pleasure and amusements. Bad Coughs " I had a bad cough for six week snd could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont, Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Tbm ilm: 2Sc., Sfc., l. All ir.rilifs. ' than a as ha nn 'if ha talis jrun not io mb u, man aun'l laka 11, lis knows. Laara II Willi him. w i. wllllni. i. C. Ainu CO., tsiwall, Mast, A PINKCANPLX The fthonner Was Verr I'artlcular, ail. I In a ilreat llnrrjr. A decorous but urgent crowd of wo men was sathered round a counter u-hera ile.-oraleil Clllullcs WlTO Oil Sale st reduced prices, when a piercing voice from the edge of the crowd made kuowu a wish. "I want a pink entidlei" cams the iilnlnt. "I have to catch a train, t. an i voti show mo a nluk caudle 1" At first the saleswoman paid no heed, hut as tho demand was repented again and again, she finally said, ''As soon as I can 1 will look, madam. ' 1 think tho t'luk candles are all gone." I "Oh," walled the woman wn the edge uf tho crowd, "are you sure? 1 dont want a while one! 1 want a pluk cau die!" j "I'sn't you find me a pink candle? ! I have to catch a train." came two minutes later from tho voice, which was now nearer the counter. "Yoll don't sueiu to huvs anything hut white ones." I "In a minute, madam," snld Ihe sal woman; and at last, by virtue of two women volunteering to wait until the ; Insistent customer was served, the applicant for the pink caudle reached the counter. , "You wouldn't wish one of these white ones with the pink ruses?" aked the saleswoman, rummaging lu her bons. i "I said I wished a pink candle." came In an Injured tone. "1 don't know how many times I need to say It." "Wohld this one do?" The sales wo man at last produced a pink candle, somewhat Jituuuid at the lower end. "That! No, of course not! 1 must have a perfect one." There was .another Interval during which the saleswoman was out of sight under the counter. When she rose again, flushed but triumphant, she dls closed a little package sill! In Its wrap pings. It proved to he a candle of pale pink. freh and unmarrrd In any way. "There, madam:" she said, wearily. "I've found this one caudle that had been overlooked. Twenty Ave cents, please." "Walt!" said the woman. Imperallv Iv. "I I think I'd rather have a white one. after all, now that I've seen both. You know you never can tell what you don't want until you've seen II. e, I'll take one of the white caiidlra, anil please hurry, for I have to catch train." At preseut the proportion of working time ts smaller In Ilrltnlii tliau lu any oilier nation. The assertion Is trwe nllke In respect of agriculture, ot III ditilry. of slioiikeeiilinf. of commerce and of the profi-Nnlous. Statistics of the fatal accidents In the Alps for the lu.t ten years alio a total of 275. Of Ihe Jl'JI deaths which resulted from the 275 fatal accidents, I'.kl were (Jermans or Austrian, a Swiss, 2.1 Italians, IH Kuglishiuen, 13 frenchmen and 27 of oilier tiattuu.ilh ties. Seven of those kllh d were wom en. 73 were guides and 11 porters. Prof. Woodward has gone over lbs calculations of f.eplace hy tho aid of modern !ntn, Slid coiieludi-s tlpit Ibough In theory the length of the ilny on i n rih must he Increasing, uwlug io the Increasing mass of the planet due to the constant deposit of meteors, etc,, yet the change Is so Infinitesimal tjuit there hns not been a half second of dif ference In ten million years. An Improved machine for sealing en velopes lias been Invented by a man lu "i'opckn, Kan. "In operation," says Hie Selentlllc American, "the envelopes ro fed Into the machine, the Hups ui..,,t eiied, turned, and Dually pressed tight ly to senllug position. Tbe machine. It Is cluimed, will seal fnji CI i lit thou sand to tiflceu thousand envelope per hour of any ordinary bulk, mixed Ues, uu, especially adjusted will seal at about the same rate up " to olie half j Inch In thickness." A veteran of tho Spanish war re renlly appealed to the Secretary of the Interior a enso In which he claimed a pension on nceotint of corns licit lis bud contracted by wearing army slxu a. The department, after nn ebuiitlvo course of reasoning, comes to the con clusion that corns are not a pensiona ble disability. The decision says: , "Corns are Inconvenient, hut are sel dom Incapacitating, and when they are the remedy Is simple and within the i reach of any one. The soldier's pat- I rlotlsm ought not lo terminate with his military service. It should prompt him to go to s, chiropodist rather than to the pension bureau." The eminent French scientists, Flam ma Hon and llerbet, have, by permis sion of tbe French government, been repeating Foucnult's famous export mi nis with the pendulum to the P. in Hi eon lu I'nrls. 1'oura lilt's orlgliml pendulum was used. It consists of a lend ball weighing fifty six pounds on the end of a wlro 210 feet long. It takes the pendulum eight seconds to swing one way, or sixteen seconds to mako a complete bent Its apparent path changes constantly, nt a rate which would cause Its plane of vibra tion to pass through a complete circle. In twenty-four hours thus verifying the rotation of the earth. "Nebulous stars probably represent the earliest phase of stellar evolution," snya Agnes M. Gierke, In Knowledge, "They Irresistibly suggest incipience; they have seimliigly not yet fully ap propriated the material allotted for their construction. In the course of a few or of ninny millennium's, they will, It Is reasonable to suppose, have absorbed tbe outstanding supply uud will shine as Mulshed suns." There Is at present no reason to sup. pose, however, Miss Clerlto thinks, Una tho stars that appear us nuclei of jilim clary and iinnubir nebulae emit giisc ous radiations, "Those Hint do-and they ar very few - are palpably i,0t stars, but condensed wisps of cosmic hnze." . Hplrll ii ill AiIJiis: imciii. Mrs. Clilc- (Jur now recti, r Is not ull worldly. lit Mr. fhlc-Well, he will have lo tone our parish down, Mrs. ;hlc--Oh, no; our piul-di will have to tone him iip.I.ifg. awe ICC J lufs WHIMI AIL ElM lAH i.inib Siriuv Tanloa I Win I IU Bui run tain Chicken, Puck and Goose feath- Address o. o. SMITH. lWssfOs-,FWlaf,0 BAD BLOOD CaeeaHET all aUl-aS fr aadaraawutv uiHlrrMi atadtoina. haaM(ta i.h.a Mr a aJloiaa elaaaaal lo uaa a4 al la.l hava ruuitd II la 'aM-arau antra laina laiu mr SmmmI a.. iMiauiianSiwI ami ? a,inti0!,'i b" tu w.'n.l.Kullr anJ I u. ll MUI lu aj. ua. m. i -- laa nl lalalal. TaiM Qixsl tot SluuJ H.r aii l.n W . w linn too. 1M aj. ... CURt OONITIPATION. ... SuHi-f Iwrfr rM,Mr, taiMi l-mu. a. T-'V IIS II (1 Tfl B1P saia aaJ iiiaianiaaa t a" 'r kv-i w smaiu V I a, iwaini liaaia IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN WEARS OILED WATERPROOF CLOTHJNa t. 4m a aa Hi i iaa ni ui? You d nmm tut mi tsse w suijmurr j cathpits rHf.r. Jrtorviw ruu use of fi a wir n r $ aw mat j A J TOWEQ CO. ftOMON s nrcu sr a ar-v r t'O'sl'V Crfttt. Chap1 Frvfl on larth for fehp, ftwlnov mm)':" ta y fa sv4 mM B iniiv A no rm fn wcsmjI IE aJr'ta"U-W- JSl CANOV A J? CATMAHTIC jjL IjJ Skw jmA9 MlMOj,r l-tiy DHMon Dollar Cft Q f 1 Vav' iM aWSj 111 Jl-mKa. , i IM IMI 1 m. ST Ar WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL DOTTLE IO CENTS. McCAULl-Y & ISUKHANK, (icncrnl Machinists Mine, Mill anil Marine wnilt. I,anral ra-alr l-riullnac Ma- bliieiy rvjim.l u rvl'Utlt WfwwiT AniiNnoN io I'iMile IllJg., loot of .Morrison St. NOTHIQ HO GOOO rorr CICa TK PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD n makM Hfl ly iM Km pi hm ijrg. A wm dp, (,ha f tut All , ClIMIM. H ItrtfUtf.-,! your,,. tfcitW.atndttl'.t tiwjigro. fflC J lc ami 0 I ttv )". Phhthvtt c.Mnmf' -!lrv mu fur -ir fotjr !., pnr ehsv44 ii. -ksts .,r j.,Uf iitii ui: ;.: -init ,. n ai.ij i-j ih.n frIH ilvintf s.til hmm r,it, ftf.l II -Ht UU. e)r 1 '(. t. r..a,n-p, ItMJIMt lktl itr lt llUin rw ft H MUiUl, I A NEW Delivered at any kallrond Station or lloat Jjjndlnjr In Oregon ! -jCSjf-a li' ; I 7 ' -' -, ...if ' r""" s- i .. r,' urn lll.lst.e.; an .rliamrnl l. an iitiiaini-iil in snv iMsii.i,.i, - Numiiroiis ni-w and t.imi,i. , ai one mm l i, i,.t ,! ,,,., , ViViil.l.V , ,Vj ui i won selst ry-nar.l l -. ( lar lap, ,", I,,, ,,,l I .',.V; . ". . V. (.r-luuil lilt, norlllur ,h.I ....... ....... .Jw!-i fa2fc !&.s'w O Special Introductory Offer will dellvor a porter I anil lull. if. , . i rs-rlori ami fnii . ,. or ismllnK I" Ui Mlsto of (7r ,r i , , " .' l""''. " " isllr. id slulln i 'I lis lam-ler a,;,,., t.a M ' i .syiiiaul ..I s , ,,. only lu ilia l'i,;.irl;,nc',,"' """'e u"l" "s Uxlay. a ll. I. n..r 1. Ilii.lui.l EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Portlnncl, Oregon. Lsrgast. Uadlnic anj Most tta.PonaH.l. W.siarn llaalnrs. Porllanil.'or. 40 "O. if"- " M"" ni.u KP""-"-, W,.h. San l'r.iKls. Ninth and J Sis., Batrainantu. JOHN POOLI!. PORTLAND, ORB leel ml Mnrrlawi Hlrwl. ran fits r '' Unalm la DulUa, ral MoiTiliinr. Wwnt Haln Uat-hia-11! iwlallv. Ki ui Ul.ii, b)lil(, " DflTATflCC t.60 I U I f 1 I UL.VP . Qb. l.aral 4 e.i.i.i. a.4 .X;Jt'""'"''. 11,, ' M .1 Hi i,"h,m now iiritr ,. 1 H l.mMw a rlnia mf T4f Sh. a-t a. Jri nb.av, laN(MIlh-4 a-h M4. mmtt a. at a. r.i... 1 a-.lal, aj,lip, Havaraal V hl, aa km. mmm a,, ijimmI I lr, fmiVi t ,a a..; " -!. i II II N 1. m I.S K M S '. t n Ce. t .a I'mmTii u tl einrsTriTrrinrTrrinnrs re e e m. , k V.I rMHT(, A i -1 Austin Well Machinery r Oil or Water any Depth. Wilts tor fsiatoa-tit. Df ALL CO., Uaw'l A(ta. 114 t'ommar rial hl.K i KUtLAU. OmilKM. aiiWs. DR. G.BEE WO TWLAIMI.Nr 4fs4truj it. 4 ! rl..4 tmt sfSMtati H i is MBsvfs:s isslltsUMl ( Iom tht ftr uf ili, Il raise w,ii lb' s4a,ia1 I. fci, i hsi, ruoi. b'i4 a.t i ftuw U MaSSatUiU v ? . II.AI 1 tNllleif si aw fit, h ' "'Hi!' I U"wfb it mx ssf ifceve iijne riu'li IU 'th"t'tuf nw : txi ) ti)- ni nt . m ff-s(st fliafl,, kM-H bItm.SMlUI.) u N 4 9VH 4m tietr - ( fU" ' M M ?!. tsttta, t!i-(, fire Mt'-sit HH' , ts t ts KSasV, uMtsh t t. K .if . i tl,Ht,i f sTtlliMkist. isjia i msisiet tt ae fm ffttifftsta ,ni Wf tU C-tt Win lsf b e-.4 r oil ail n- sstuls its iitt t WC lr 1 A 1 UI '.IV a vant THE CCEEWO CfiilESE MEOISINC 63. US'! tfcli 4 SI., Illaw4. (Vs(s. 0- Ml.,n i-;. I. X, V. t-ISSJ. It. Il IS wrllli.! ISS4HllltIBlNM If toanilwa Shis a.r. HEADS ut r-oi-towN imnun. IDKII.AMI, OUI.dON ORGAN $46. '.-T.rvtTT'V 'i . V J ll. htiui I ."''r-... :?.." "' " ' ""'"" "eiul, ,,Ui8 ,,. ,rm . . ... , . . "V" i","'1" "rijaii, n.aklns II ... ...... ,,ul) , lltu , i.ii,,,! males. ii innin. "u "'rl oi -Uvea ut Ihs rcu tnlrmttir this (Irwai, am i-HU iij inn.t exceMlii,nl OtiSeos . """" "Ur nrlm. ami Iiuiiip. ami For newly t j I7 century U Seeds r- an .uni-i, iiis iwhI i7 -m . "'" i iMlirmuallai.alMaia, mtm I fl-JJ I 1 ii' it iil i a 'HaaJJu t - I 'af fl Mil