The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 09, 1903, Image 4

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    k Phonetic Similarity.
"So you are going to take your
airship and go home?"
"I am," answered the aeronaut.
"Simply because funds are not
"Precisely. You have In your own
language, if I remember It correctly,
a proverb which says, 'Money makes
the air blow." " Washington Star.
For cough anil colds there is no bettet
medicine than Piso'a Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
A New York church will group all
Its various activities In one big sky
scraper. There seems to be some
thing appropriate In churches resort
ing to skyscrapers. Philadelphia
Mothers will Unit Mrs. fflnslow's 8ooth.
Ing Svrup the best remedy to use tor their
BOihlren during the teething period.
Record Offertory.
Australia's biggest offertory was
taken up at the consecration of the
Bishop of Carpentaria in Sydney ca
thedral. It amounted to 8.500, and
is perhaps the largest on record.
Wnanenrrr Pure fro ntt sr wruMW
aftMr first ,ll. lisaof lr kltBS'dOrSiSt NeTV
. . a hvB II BK iui tril 0.ltl and tree.
Dl.kli.Kusm. Ltd- KU ArehSUf blidlNUSi,
A Plebla Taint.
"No, her father made her break the
"What was the trouble?"
"The old man discovered that one
of the young fellow's ancestors had
been a store waiter In a rolling mill,
or something." Cleveland Plain
The New Year.
If yon don't mind hearing about a
good thing more than once, we want to
tell yon that the most delicious canned
peaches and pears and strawberries and
ot. er fruits are called Monopole. If
yon ask ns what Monopole means we'll
tell yon "Monopole means the best,"
and it dees. Many of our friends tell
ns the' same thing. Get Monopole
goods from your dealer. Wadhame &
Kerr Bros., packers, Fortla id, Ore.
Sparkling Stones.
Husband I don't believe you heard
a word of the sermon today. You
were looking the whole time at the
diamonds that woman in front of us
Wife Well, there are sermons In
stones, you know. Puck.
Like a King.
Porus, the Indian prince, had Just
been taken prisoner when Alexander
asked him how he expected to be
"Like a king!" replied the eastern
Pleased by the manliness of the an
swer, Alexander immediately made
him janitor of the Flatiron apartment
house and the two potentates stuck so
closely to business as to be dubbed
porous plaster. New York Sun.
Happtness Is the absence of pain, snd mm
tons bars been made haprv threoea being
cored By St Jacobs Oil of RHEUMATISM,
SPRAINS. BRUISES and all pains for which
an external remedy can be applied. It never
(alls to cure. Thousands who have been de
clared Incurable at baths and In hospitals have
thrown away their crutches, being cured after
using St. Jacobs Oil. Directions in eleven
kneuages accompany e7ery bottle.
"For atz year I wo a a Tlrtlm of dys-
rep4a In It worse form, i could eat nothing
ut milk toast, and at times my stomach would
not retain and digest even thai Last March 1
began taking C'ASCAKETS and since then 1
ksve ateadlly Improved, until I am aa well as I
ver was la my life."
David B. IIcbpbt, Newark. O.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Aood. Jiever Sicken. Weaaeo. or Gripe. Hie. glc.fte.
4f4h .f tMfuf. CfclMs. See TmS. til
MTfl Dlf1 Bold and snaranteed by atldrag-
I U'DHW (1st to tlUL Totiscco Uablk
Canada Consumes Much Tea.
Canada, with its 5,000,000 inhabi
tants, consumes as much India tea as
does the United States, with a popu
lation fifteen times as great; each
ttBed last year 1,075,000 pounds.
" I was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect neaitn. tnas. c. nan
man, Cibbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be
gin early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
TkPMSliast ZSc.Hc.ll. All .rsjrUt.
Consult your doctor. If bs saya tsks It,
ban do as be ssys. If bs tells yon not
o laks It, then don't take It. He knows.
Lasts U with him. We sre willing.
J.O. AliOl CO., Lowell, at.
jSf. ,ij,uA V-
Backache Is a forerunner and
one of the most common symp
toms of kidney trouble ana
womb displacement.
" Some time ago I was in a very
weak condition, my work made mo
nervous and my back ached frightfully
all the time, and I had terrible head
aches. " Mr mother got a bottle of Lytlift
E. P'inklinm's Vegetable Com
pound for me, and it seemed to
strengthen my back and help me at
once, and I did not pet so tired as
before. I continued to take it, and it
bronsrht health and Ktrenirth to me,
aad I want to thank you for the
good it has done me." Miss Kat
BoLtiiAit. 14?nd St. A Wales Ave.,
New York City. tSOOO forfeit Iforlgifalot
a&oee fattrpnming gsmoneKS cannot tl p oJuCd.
I.yilU K. rinktiaiii's Vegetable
Compound cures because it is
tbe greatest known remedy for
kidney and womb troubles.
Every woman who is puzzled
about her condition should write
to Mrs. rinkham at Lynn, Muss
and tell her a)'.
' ' . - SV T m.
ATivswuuv di uua nuAxwitt a?
A. tl. TOWER CO, BO&TOW. MA8&.
Women Landowners.
One in seven of British land owners
are women. In all there are about
88,000 women who own land in Eng
land and Wales.
Work for Women.
In the parking and canning factor
ies wamen have largely taken the
places of men, and if trade increases
as it has done in the last two or three
years thousands more will find em
ployment there. Their labor is light,
being what is termed "kitchen work,"
which consists of cutting dried beef,
stuffing sausages, packing tins, etc.
We effer One Hundred lolIars Reward foraov
ease of t attarrh that can not be cured by Usilt
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A Co., Props. Toledo. O.
We tbe undersigned, have known e. J. cneoey
for the past 15 vears. and believe him perfect. y
honorable in sit business transactions and nn able to carry outany obligations inula
by their firm.
Wrrr it Trcai,
Whoieaaie Lru-rgists, Toledo,
WaLDi.NO KuMi Maavm,
Wholesale Drugg.sts, Toledo. O.
HaH'sCatarrbCore is taken internally, srtine
ilrectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price " V p r boit,. Sold ky all
flrnB-i!its. T-stimoniaia free.
Hall's Family Fills are tbe best.
Real Summer Qirl.
"Say, old man, what is a summer
"A summer girl is a rack to stretch
tihirt waists on; Inside is a receptacle
for lobster salad and ice cream, while
outside is an attachment for diamond
rings." Life.
Spanish Railway Schedules.
Spanish trains so seldom leave sta
tions on time that the time-tables in
many cases merely indicate the hour
of departure say, eight and "mlnu
tos" that is, an Indefinite number ol
minutes after eight.
Dr. August Koenig'e Hambnrg Drops,
as a blood puriSer, strength and health
restorer, and a specific for all stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, leads all
other similar medicines in its wonder
lul tales and marvelous confidence ol
the people, especially our vast German
population. It is not a new and un
tried product, but was made and sold
more than sixty years ago.
Men's Reasons for Marrying.
Postal cards having been sent out to
married men with the inquiry, "Why
did you marry?" a large number of re
plies came to hand, from which the
following are selected:
"That's what I have been trying for
eleven years to find out." X.
"Married to get even with her moth
er, but never have. W."
"Because Sarah told .me that five
other young men bad proposed to
her. C."
"The father thought tright years'
courtin' was almost long enough. B."
"Please don't stir me up. J"
"Because I thought she was one
among a thousand; now I Bometlmes
think she Is a thousand among one.
"Because I did not have the experi
ence I have now. G."
"That's the same question my
friends ask me. C. H."
"Because I had more money than I
knew what to do with. Now I have
more to do than I have money with.
B. D."
"I wanted a companion of the oppo
site sex. P, S. She Is still opposite.
"Because it is Just my luck. P. J."
"I yearned for company. We now
have it all the time. Karl."
"Have exhausted all the figured In
the arithmetic to figure out an answer
to your question; between multiplica
tion and division. In the family, and
distraction, in addition, the answer
is hard to arrive at. Old Man."
"I married to get the best wife In
the world. Simon."
"Because I asked her if Bhe'd have
me. She said she would. She's got
me. BUvlM."
There Have Keen Velcanlc Kmptloa.
Ware, Confioartlon and Ksplo-lona-Larae
Ieh LUU-And Still
Time Have Been Good.
Though most of the civilised world has
enjoyed a continuance of tharelgu of mu
tual prosperity which began In UHM, it
Is undeniable that the year HKW has
'mtia a wotul record in tne way ot mu
tator aud destruction of human life. The
eruption of Mount Pelee, Martliilmie,
IMay 8, may be given pre-eminence as
the most disastrous occurrence of several
decades, and Its destructive work was
'supplemented ty uiuy costly coillari
tions, especially during the early months
' of the year, aud a number of deadly ex-
! plosions.
Many noted persons have passed into
the beyoml since Jan. i. """
them being Cecil Khodoe, Uev. T. Ie lit
Talmage, Gen. Wade Hampton. Frank
U. Stockton, J. Sterling Morton, Sol
Smith Kussell, Uret Uarte, Hear Admiral
William T. Sampson, Lord Pauncefote.
;cn. Frani Sigel, Edward Kgletn.
Justice Horace Gray, Marie Henrietta,
Queen of Belgium; Emile Zola, Elisabeth
Cadv Stanton. Herr Krupp. Thomas 11.
Iteed aud Mrs. U. S. Grant.
I Events of the Tear.
! L Tbomss Estrada l'alma elected Presl-
. A), 1-1, Prealdeut KOOMVelt hold
I brilliant reception.
i. Passenger stumer Walla walla sun
off Cape Meudocluo by uukuown bar; iti
! U' '" .
S. w hue House nan on occesio
Alice Roosevelt's debut.
4. Nineteen men lost In marias collision
' en avetro. rortugai.
I 6. Congress reassembles.
' T. Seventeen men killed by csts-ln In
mine at Necauuee, Mich.
8. Tunnel accident to New Tor Central
I train In New York lity causes 19 death.
10. Failure of Kuclld Avenue Trust and
Savings Co. of Clevelaud.
12. Seven lives lost lo Ire In Buffalo,
! N. Y,
1 14. Second failure of O.eorf It. riitlUps,
formerly railed the Chicago "corn Itlug.'
i ...J. B. Forager elected Senator from Ohio,
' Arthur P. llonuan from Maryland snd 1. U,
! MoCreary from Kentucky.
I Id. A. B. Cummins luurited Govern.
or of lows Earthquake kills 300 people
at CbllpanelDgo, Mexico.
IS. lx-ath of Sir Kills Ashmesd Bartlett,
English political leader,
li). Four buildings collapse In Detroit'!
busliies center.
20. Columbian Insurgents win hsttle In
Tanama harbor. .. .Death of Camilla I'rso,
24. Treaty reding Danish West Indies to
t'nlted States slgued Dust explosion kills
JU miners at Creek. Iowa.
2H. Peat'e proposals made to Eugland In
Boers' U'hnlf by llollsnd.
29. Ten lives lost lu tenement house Ore
in Boston.
I. Dust explosion in Hondo, Uexlco,
tulnes: t7 men die.
3. I2.iou.0w) Are In Waterbary. Cona
(late ou Atlsntlc coast does considerable
4. Keeley Manor cure plant at Dwlght,
HI., burns.. ..Six flrcuien killed by falling
walls In St. Louis.
B. sio.taal.ttsj bre In roterson. N. J
Smaller tires In Jersey City. Brooklyn and
Chicago Eleven lives lust In lodging
bouse Are In St. Louts.
10. Twelve manufacturing plants burned
at Springfield, U.
II. Death of Marquis of DufTerln.
17. House passes war tax reduction bill.
IS. Miss Mien Stone's rsnsum paid to
Bulgarlsu brigands.
lft. I'restdt'tit Koesevelt's decision on
Schley sppeal given out.
20. Revolutionary riots In Barcelona.
22. Park Avenne Hotel and "1st Regi
ment Armory In New York burned; $1.0iio,-
000 loss snd SO lives destroyed Senators
Ttllmun aud McLauren of South Carotins
tigut In Senate.
13. Mlas Ellen 8tone released by Bul
garian baudlts.
24. Philippine bill passed by Senate.
27. McKlnley memorial services lu Con
grpss. 25. Fourteen miners killed by snowsllds
at Tellurlde, CoL
2-4. Prtnre Henry of Prussia visit Chi
csgo snd other western cities.
7. Wreck on Southern Pacific rallwsy In
Texas: 1.1 persous killed and .10 lujured....
Gen. Methuen raptured by lioer.
10. Secretary of Treasuay reftlgna;
W. L. Moody of Maasacburrftta appointed
bis successor.
12. Death of Former Governor John P.
Altgeld of Illinois. ... Packet overturned In
Mississippi River and 22 pernons drowued
....Boers reteane jen. Methuen.
13. strike of Itostnn teamnters ends.
16. Severe blizzard over Canadian North
west, the Dokotas sud Iike States.
17. Ship subsidy hill passes Heuste.
1, lloboken do-ks burn, with larg ves
sels; loss. l,iaaj,oijO and two lives.
24. Neely, Ratblione snd Reeves convict
ed of postal frauds t Havsos.
25. Order Issued for evscuatloa of Cub
May 21).
2. Death of Cecil Rhodi-.
29-30. Storm nd Hood cause damage
East and South.
81. Mlue explosion at Dayton, Tenn., kills
21 men.
I. Death of Thos. Duun English.
8. 1.000,OUO are at Atlantic city, X. J.
t. Many pentons killed and lujured by
failing grandstand at Ulusgow, Scotland.
II. Iloers accent teruis of peace. ... Death
of Gen. Wade Hampton.
12. Death of Rev. T. De Witt Talmage
19. Rusnlan Minister or the Interior M.
filptagulne, slain by student. '
lb. House passes Cubau reciprocity hill
....Great ocean stesuistilp lines merged.
20. mxry lives lost in ourning of steamer
City of Pittsburg on Oblo River. .. .Era nk
R. Stockton, novelist, dies.
2o. Sever windstorm In Missouri Vsl
ley. 27. Desth of ex Secretary of Agriculture
J. Sterling Morton.
28. Death of Sol Smith Russell.
1. Tornado destroyed over sflO live
around Dacca, Hrltlsh India Wm. U.
Moody becomes Secretary of N'avy.
4. Death of Potter Palmer of Chicago
5. Death of Archbishop Corrlgan. .. .Bret
Barte die In Londou.
. Death of Rear-Admiral William T.
8. Town of St. Pierre, Martinique, de
stroyed by volcano. ... Paul Irlcester Eorfl,
author, slain by brother, Malcolm Ford,
woo men anis uimseu.
9. Strike ordered Id sntbrsclts coal re
gion. 11. Death of Lieutenant Governor Stone
of Wisconsin.
1 12. Maria Christina resigns regency of
Spain. .. .Twenty Ave person killed by oil
explosion near Pittsburg.
I 17. Alfonso XIII crowned king of Spain,
t 18. Hurricane devastated Texas gulf
. cosst, blotting out town of Goliad.
! 11). Exploalon In coal mine t Coal Creek,
Tenn., kills 1M miners.
1 hort and Sweet.
' Mabel Do you think a girl should
answer a young man's proposal by
j letter?
, Tom Not one letter, but three.
Mabel Three letters?
Tom Certainly! Y-e-s.
i True Happlne. .
Mrs. ?extdoor I auppose your
daughter Is happily married?
I Mrs. Naggsby Indeed she Is. Why,
her husband's actunlly afraid to open
ills mouth in her presence.
Mrs. A. What a beautiful parlor
Mrs. Z. Yes, but it would not be so
attractive were It not for that hand
some tiger skin.
Mrs. A. Ah, I see; the beauty Is skin
Ia the Closest Anal?!.
Arthur How would you define
Edgur Well, nowadays, friendship
Is the patience people have with each
other' fads. '
Ml tceBe) Inflenenflent aatlea
....Wfcterspout at Clnciuusti auu suouros
kllaj six persous an destroys property val
..rwhclo..d by
''Ifp'losloa la ml... st Ternle, B. C,
-M 1l)eaVil,e?' Drltlsh Ambassador, Ixird
L"TtaSl sign article ot a.m
render Retalluilen, tluatemsla. ever-
whelmed by vulcauo. 1.0OO Uvea lust,
Teamsters' strike causes riots In Chi
cao.Tf l .th of U.v. Dr. J. II. Barrows
at Olwrlln, O.
a. Strike riots In Chicago.
i. Teamsters' strike la Chicago settled.
a. Street csr rlois la Providence. K. 1.
6. Tornado snd cloudbursts l Iowa. Ne
k.w. Kanass. Illinois, South Dakota.
St Luke. rUnltirluui lu Chicago
burns, 10 lives being lost,
1 i Toruado ranees damage and death In
Illinois. Iowa aud Minnesota.
1,1 President sends to l ongress special
message on Cutwn reciprocity.
IU Senate paaaea Panama rannl bill....
leatb of King Albert of Saxony.
at vvyeth '" American Derby la Col.
csgo....Ton Marshal ot JelTeraoit, lows,
killed by half-witted ". who Is thru
at St. James Hotel collapse at Dallas,
T24'Klng Kdwsrd VII submits to opera
turn' for ,TltpbllUI.... Corousllou Is p.t-
so'senator Bailey of Texss ntske vie
leut1 attack on Senator lleverldg. of ludl
sus lu Seust.
L Adjournment of Congress
.riclamatlon for Philippines.... Ilock lsl
!nVh..tnllLd!.TL!.,!i -S Y..
4 lTOUrjr wrrvi uvm . .
k,AU swlt?" msrket In Chicago stocky.rd.
b""!.'i0 Chicago freight handler, strike.
. Storm and Hoods In low and the
'N'oV'EipliwIon In nn Johnstown, Pa.,
kills 12ft miners. .
11. lrd Salisbury resigns as premier of
Knglsnd; succeeded by Mr. Arthur U"''""'-
li Detb of Archbishop Feehsn of Chi-
n$L Sir Mnng Cheng appointed Chinese
Mlulster to Lulled Slates to succeed Mr.
14. Express train held no and rtiblied
near Marshall's I'saa, Colorado.
lft. Cvclon dvatroys hmeratdo and
Th.imns'on. N. D.. and Hornp. Minn.
Id. End of freight handlers' strike In
Chlcag.) Fifty killed In mine explosion
st Park City, I'tnh tienersl Jacob 11.
Smith retired with censure,
so. Murder of Minute Mitchell lu Chi
ll 1.' Earthquake In Santa Barbara Coun
ty. Cal.
m n I . - train .tt, HHf
ii. nuniuKiuii . r 1 " - .
Savanna, 111. . ., '
ft. Train wreck near Collins, Iowa, kills
13 people and lujurra SO.
V. Corouatlon of King Edward of Eng
land Body of Mrs. Aun Bartholin found
In Chtcsgn.
10. Death of Senator McMillan of Michi
gan.. ..Seven persons burned to desth lu
hotel Bre at San Angela, Texas.
HI. Cullacan. Mexico, swept by tldil
wave 2tl,OH) express robbery st Ford-
v'He. Kr- . ,
SO. Antuma naval maneuvers begin oO
Massachusetts roast.
20. Death of tieueral Frsns Slgel.
21. President Roosevelt ou trip through
New Knglsnd.
22. Earthquakes In Eaat Turkestan kill
l.wa) persons.
20. IVaih of ex Governor George Hoad
lev of tihto.
an. Eruption of Mont Peli-e destroy
Moru Rouge, with '.W live.
I. Thirty killed snd 70 wounded In train
wreck near Iterry, Ala.
3. President Roosevelt hurt In trolley
sccldiot near Piitslield. llw heath of
Edward Eg.-lestoit. nvellt Tlilrd great
eruptlou of Mont Pelee. Mnrtlnbiue.
4. llody of Wui. J. Uarthoilu found near
Lowtlier, Iowa.
7. gunboat Crete a Pierrot auuk
by German gonlHiot Panther.
II. BattlraWp Wisconsin aud cruiser Clo.
clnnatl ordered to Panama.
12. Great tire In Ui-iimnont. Texas, oil
(lelds Killing frost In Sort Invest. ...Mrs.
Sen.-ttor Steonrt of Nevada killed In auto
mobile accident.
15. Dcritb of ex Supreme Court Justice
Horace Gray.
1H. Peary Arctic expedition returns.
Ui. t'nulc In negro Itupttst convention at
Birmingham. Ala., causes dentil of Ml p-r-
tnns and Injury of lim Death of Marie
lleurlette, oecn (if the Itelglans.
2;l. tiperatlou for sbscess ou Presldeut
Roosevelt's leg at Indhutapolls.
2H. Pour hundred persons killed by cy
clone snd wsterepotit In Kasteru Slctllty.
2". Second operation ou Presldeut Roose
velt s leg. . . .Tidal wsve ou coaat of Japan.
IK. Death of Entile Zola.
8. Conference of coal o(Mrators and min
ers st White Hou.e In Washington.
a. Great lire at Amoy, China.
ft. Governor Htone of I'euuatlvanla orders
State Mllltla to coal tU-idi.
11. Iturltugton train held np near Lin
coln, Neb.
12. Street railway strike In New Orlenns
13. Coal operators ssk President to cud
lit. President sppoluts commission to ar
bitrate coal strike.
21. Antbraclte workers vote to accept ar
bitration. 23. Work In anthracite coal mines re
sumed. 2-1. Esrtbquskes In Italy.
2rt. Death ot Eilzalieth f'sdy Stanton.
21. "xjttcbell" dsy In antbraclte regioua.
I. St. Pierre, aliquelou, destroyed by
4. General election. .. .Eire works eiplo
slon In New Tork kills 12 pcrsous aud In
jures Ht.
10. Eire does great damage on new East
River bridge In New York.
II. ttolaud ilollucux acquitted In Near
Id. Armour ft Co.' packing plant In
Slonx City burns Death of U. A. llenty.
19. Suicide of James Younger.
20. James Moore, colored, hanged by mob
near Sullivan, Imt.
21. Rock Island train held up by express
robbers at Daren iiort, Iowa.
'a. Death of Irlodrlrb Krupp, German
gunmsker...lllg ore dock at Ashland, Wis.,
23. Death of Sep. Winner, composer.
2S. Death of Colonel Thos. P. Ochiltree,
29. Fourteen killed by boiler explosion
In Chlcngo stockyards. .. .Several vessel
tod 'Hi live lost In gale on Great Lake.
1. Congre convenes for short aesalon.
4. Fourteen lives lost In lire lu Llucoln
Hotel, Chicago. . . .Naval maneuvers In Ca
ribbean He begin.
B. Clevelaud s great water tunnel com
pleted. 7. Death of Thomas R. Reed In Washing
ton. .. .Cartmmlst Thorns N'aat dies at
Gnsyaqull, Ecuador.
8. Great Nile dam at Assouan opened.
9. German aad English fleets seize Ven
ezuelan warship In hsrbor of La Gnalra.
1L President Cnstro of Venezuela Usties
appeal to arms. ..Cuban Reciprocity Treaty
signed In Havana.
13. 11.000,000 (Ire la steel plant at Canal
Dover, Ohio. ... English snd Gerinsn war
hips reduce defense of Puerto C'bello,
14. Death of Mrs. IJ. S. Grant.
1.",. 1,014) killed by earthquake at in
dljan. Asiatic Russia.
18. Venezuela aaks for arbitration.
At the Minstrels.
Bones Yeas, sali; Ah kin prove dat
Noah didn't take enuf to eat on dut
Tambo How kin yo' prove it?
Bones Don't de good book any he
only took one Haiii?
A pproprlute Kxpreaelnn.
Reginald Miss, Wose, don't yon
think my Imported Kgyptlati cigarettes
are fluel
Miss Bose Yes, they are perfectly
On a rhclf.
"Mamma," asked little 3-year-old
Margie, "do people go to heaven wlieu
they die?"
"Yes, dear. If they are good," replied
her mother.
"Then I guess grandpa wasn't any
good," rejoined the little miss. " 'C'ntisd
when he died they Just put him on a
ahelf In a big stone house anil locked
the door." Chicago News.
Grandpa Willie, why do you study
grammar? Willie So I can Iniiau
when people make mistakes.
I IIW III I 1 as s w.w..-.-
OP WASnlNui(-".u.-
C. B. Ciiantb.rlin, M. I., writes from Utl. an.l P HU.. WtwiiinitUm, 0., C.t
"Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna
has benefitted and tured. Therefore, I cheerfully recommend It
for catarrh and a general tonlc"-C IX CIIAMHLRLIM, At. D.
M.dlcsl Kiamlner It. . Treasury.
Pr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical K
aminerof lr. H, Treamry Hetarlniciit,
graduale ot Columbia College, and
who seived three yeara at Went
Point, la the following to aay til
"Allow me to
exptecs in v grati
tude to you for the
benefit derived
Irom jour wonder
ful remedy. One
short month ha
brought forth a
v-t change and I
now consider my
tell a well man,
and after month
of uf!ortnti. Krl
low nfIoiert,
Dr. I.. Jordsn.
Th (1 ltM-stM V Of llfW rntl Utt H
tpthi . uf tii;iMt-U-rtir, thtr fit, !? t
. in 4 ti'itffy Iir !(ttiirnMn ,.,
art..iil"it.4t1 ,.rfiim r.UM
( (AIIMltV Mlfhtl U ttl Btl PlllT,
a.ri.t. hut ait i lu(t rrmti,!y ,
un-lr.-l- inn lii't (. U.
li jr n- W tt (ft ; i-mure -.Nit f , I S
nutnl. ''I"'- emtilnga I til
WIS13 BROS,, Dent sts. " Vti"iX&t.W&
louil.lMi, nitcitox.
Settlers on Public Lnt!e.
Twenty one million acres of the pub
lie lamia of the l liltfil States lire
yearly taken up by aettler.i.
One Barrel Not r.nuugh.
Irate Ciiiitunicr t.nok here, you aalil
this gun would shoot lot) ynrds. I've
tried It anil It only carries lifty.
laaac Veil, but mine friend, there
are two barrels! (iliiHgow Time.
A Family Jar.
Mm. TlmmltiH John, I nuiHt any you
aro the narrowest minded man 1 ever
saw. You have an Idea that nobody U
ever rlghi hut yourself.
Mr. Tltiiiiilna- Helter look to home
Were you ever willing to admit thai
anybody was right who differed from
you ?
Mrs. Tlmmins That's an entirely
different thing, and you know It, John
Tlmmins. llostoa 1 ranscrlpt.
''-e-J fV)i .at.iruKi I lu of rVvr CO. I printed on T" V '"
5v 7Vl A- "'. ' -h. tllc ,ront of every pack- M . '( CV
?t-Ti,;3&&' " n order to (ret IU rCr -v rsML '
t?tfr-, S.,A necea.ary to buy f M A'W W flOtyW
UL'' )m&, 'tes&r&k. M Mp
j rr h--X N cr you." lr, Llewellyn
C. Havener, M. IK, of Anai'oa
tia, D. V., writes :
I The Peruna Miuliciue Co., Colunihn,
I Gentlemen "In ny rrtiw ( have
had cnN-alnii to lro)Umilly rewrllw
' your valuable medicine, ami have lottnd
it tire Ix-iictlrial, esjiecially In caaos of
catarrh." tietiiRH V. Havener, M. I'.
! II you J.i not recoive prompt aud
' aatisfaclnrv roattlta Irom the ne olj
rerun, write at once to Ir. Ilatliimn, .
glvitut a lull aUlotiiont ol ymtr caso, I
, ami he will l plca-e.) to give jru hij
valuable a. Iviro it-at is. !
j Adilresa Or. Hnrlman, I'rraidont ol r
the Harltnan Sanitariimi, (.''ltiml)ii,
Ohio, '
Iliikle Hook Are llarred.
A ittil'1i book la generally regarded
na harmless. Not so In Turkey. n s
(ierntnn traveler has learned to hi
grief, (xnclala found In hi trunk "
gulile through Turkey' and roiirtmul
oil ll. The next morning the b.x.k wna
i turns. tho (ierttittti. but with more
tliiin a hutidreil (inKca torn out. The
traveler wont tu the censor's officii to
cotnpltiln of this inexplicable treat
nietit of lila book. Hut lit" Cenaer ft
nlnlneil to him with Irrenlaltbl' liiflr
thnl an nccurutft deaerliitlon 'f Con
taii0noiln could not be suffer cd,
iltice n knowledge nf the Imnllty was
inlitilitted to f.icilll.ile nil ntteitild oil
the atiltau's life.
Whether he need It or not. every
in ubntild frv to borrow money so n
to learn who his friend aren't, and
i uiao uuvvr to leu, I. - New York I'tea.
: s u
R js i
Life out of door and out of the frames which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive aud the effort which they make, contra the
greater part of that healthful development which ia o eascnllal to their
happineaa when grown. When a laxativo I needed the remedy which ia
given to them to cleanse and awecten and strengthen the internal organ
on which it act, should be such a physicians would sanction, because Its
component part are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which pliy.lcian and parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little otic enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and It beneficial effect, i
Syrup of Fig -and for the same reason it i tho Ouly laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothera.
Byrup of Kig is the only remedy which act gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, Irritating, or nnuacatlng and which clcauaca the
aystem effectually, without producing that constipated habit which rcattlt
from the use of tlt old-time cathartic and modern imitation, and ngalnst
which the children ahottld be ao carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to in an hood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do nut give
them medicines, when medicine are not needed, and wlten uattire need
aasiatance In the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, plca.ant and
gentle Syrup of Fig.
It quality i due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plant with pleaant aromatic syrup and juice, but
also to our original method of manufacture and a you valuo the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the subatittite which unacrupiiloii deal
er sometimes offer to increase their profit. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggist at fifty cent per bottle. 1'lc.uo
to remember, the full name of the
sO V 1 fr-.f-x nn a r-., m. - .
In lime. .ild I" itfiil.
Foot ot Morrtsoa Mtreet.
Csn give you the best bargains In Pollers
aud "ugluoa, M liotilillla, I'uiiii and lien,
rat MacTilnetv, Wood Hawing Machines a
specially. He us Imlore buying,
all the re. I ! Ihenuslllrnl lllNt)MI H
t sunS't Full's sod Vegetable". You
won t I aillie. with aiiMtilng slae
aitei you once try lliviu. Fruui your
w stocer 7
It Costs You Nothlnj;
tMvft Ktn fl-f HOlltlftg,
tu lnUlt tNI rM(
, ii tr fi wui li,
t-ut foa vm nil tW i
hr u OtifN
( ituajh irts
n ui U lit" huuH.
'thmr it nrm, li
iiU', MMtt
ul linttpy nif niKMliMil.
H .l a) bo. U hf
-t ilfMB aixl rote-
i,..mi- ! !
a-r.l lr hiH (Mipv,i
on ftwtat mt Ion. Ul
I'avlfk Coast
ItlKUil Co.
HwrtlwMl. Or.
r. n. v.
urn writing iw advertiser please
uirnilHW i nis susver.
.thawed flood ilns.
A l.ewls'.on, Me , liifaht. asked by
bla Holiday chool teacher what he
should have tliino Drat ot all If he had
been miraculously cast out of the
whnle belly like Jonah, tld: "I fink
I'd gone homo and got tome clean
clot he on."
Little Liver Pills.
Oust Bear Signature
fee rsUsslle VYrappsjr Bstn.
Very ssssli aA ss w
take aa ssguw
roa RuaiCRC
roR iiuousiut.
II? ! tnrey Tefetakb
USU.1 INS wveist a4vM.
I .-
L .
f j Seeds
M jf w f"'t - A
W p..i,it wi-V',,'t,HI V 1
.Tvf J- I' '" ,t,,irt 1
m-Jf J.rfNt'stl tlrf llaMWl. All 1
f f tWlavfA, ,Uil.4 4M 1-
L l p. m. nniiv a C0t
F J Oorult mioH
v ' ?" " 'l 11 " JTP "' ' T?"'
UM(jLsjysBfJA-aMwrMM ' aaMjssjAsMWaaMsMaB