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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1903)
-rrx 10 'tup hm 9toi?f how S nm 1 M JL Mk-Mum . Mr By The Big Sawmill!- IHeciving New Goods Every day Ju tho Week THE MUCKLE GTORE HAS A REPUTA- tlon of Long Standing for Only tha Bunt In -GENERAL MERCHADISE-- Dart & hit. Helen, - ST. HELENS PHARMACY t t i t t t Patronize a drug want pure, fresh ntinrfn nnJ Dnfnnf MnlininAO Perfumery, Toilet HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Pine Iine of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher Regular 25 cnt Novels Only lOCents COLLINS THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Curry a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL -MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS, 3 TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil Clove, Cteosotn mid Uhlitrufurm, ro,iiil pnrtu on rot ion; iMa will stop any of toothache canned fiom an exposed nei ve, int the way to cure It, la to have the tooth tilled by DR. K.NOI'KR'S NEW METHOD. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. U kiiiis CO and 61, Washington Bid., Southeast corner Wash, and 4tli St PORTLAND, OrEQON. Take Elevator to Fifth Floor. At kusmjum VAPCFt 'It'l i Al'P."..'l tu lUM Yur jMrr ligt.t m W !wmftmjfKrt1ir TAlfT.K AMMlaWi (. TilKV HS' rillCAOO SOlAif LIOHT CO. I'hrUttam Gxtrclao Iu St. Helena The exercise at the Congregational Winrrh Christmas Eve by the Union Humbiy school were of unusual Interest. The decoration committee did some ar ticle work in the matter of attractive adornment. Mrs. J. H. Decker, the superintendent presided. lj( exercises opeiifil with a song by the congregation. Coronation," followed with pmver bvT. II. I-olt. The Bible clnss sung bm uiithem, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountain." The remnlndor ,f the program consisted of r reeitntion t!hristinas, by iiinn grn; song, by the ':.?f'rj;iirdin ylavs ; recitation by Annie .am. A.m. .aatj A-1 T A 1 Muckle, - - Oregon. V store when you and reliab le Articles, Etc. a AND GRAY-: OREGON 317, Tailing Bld'g Portland, Oregon f rr.v v tallvlit ml A)r.u.l k.r A IUitin tiu.t3 vrt Uos I.AM WAIL tAM? MoRh,. Hit tstor. 1 AT HIUIIT. KiTl.ulr Uf tejSf. CHICaftO, Quick ; song, by Mr. Whit's class; reel tKtion, by Lloyd Hattan; song, by Mrs. Collin's olasBj recitation, Jennie Gilnon ; another anlhem by the Bible clnss; song, Mr. White class; recitation, "Santa Clans," by Vernon Smith, Then followed the distribution of present by the committee as follows: Taking the presents ircm the tree M. C. Gray, II. J. Waters, Mr. Martin White, Mr J. 11. Decker. Reading names J. 11. Collins and Martin. White DiHtributing--l!irdie Harris, Alice Quick, Lena Lindsay, A,d George, He-sie llnttiui, ' trom Vernonia J. I). K. Bourne, of Hulnlor, the live Insurance agent, waa in town Monday, W. It, Holme, of Clatskanie, u in St. Helen Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. Oscar Hay, of Warren, wer viator iu Ht. Helena Monday. U. If, Urubur spent the Christmas holiday with hi family at Portland. John (jllinore took Christina dinner with hia family at Oladatonu park. Norman McKay, of Sauvie Inland, win In town during the putt week, Ur. A. I', McLaren, of Rainier, waa in Ht. Helena Christum day. Mr. and Mr. Oscar Hays, of Warren, wore In town during the week, J. 1), Wharton was officiating aa pur ur on the steamer Kellogg thin week. Mr. and Mre. J, C. Morcland, of Tort. land, were guests of Mr. and Mra. C. If. Johna Saturday and Sunday. Mra. T. C. Watts, ol Keuhen, waa in town Saturday night, and attended the Eastern Star Installation. W. J. Mclllnger, of Houlton, ii mov lug into the new home constructed for him, near O. D. Gilsou' reiidence. Mis I.lllie Simmon, of Oobie, won a largo Chrirtmaa doll in a raffle at Kal ama, Wash., last week. Mra. Thomas Cooper, of Kalauia, waa Visiting her parent, Mr. and Mra. J. II. Decker, during the week. Mrs. Emma Clear, of Portland, spent Christinas day with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ii. Cox. James Smith and family, recently of Aberdeen, Wash., have located at War ten. II. T. Bennett, a prominent resilient of Warren, waa in St. Helens the first of the week. George W. Adams, of Vernonia, ha been spending (event days in St. Hel ens and vicinity. Francis M. and Will Milea were down from Portland, and took Christmas din ner atllu-oid home. Mr. a n I Mra. Frank Holcomb, of Portland, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. V. It. Dillard. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Perry of Portland, spent Chriatmaa with his mother, Mra. James Dart. L. J. Uignell, of Neer City, spent the Christmas holiday with Mrs. Bignell at HoulUio. Mr. and Mrs. George Barger (pent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Burger at Yankton. s Coroner C. E. Dalton is down from the Medical college at Portland to spend the holidays. Mrs. Ja'tnes Muckle, and daughter I mm ngnes, m i uninnu, returncu Home the first of the week, after a short visit hero. Dan and Jacob Tompkins, of Warren, were iu town Friday. The former re- cently returned from a two years sojourn ', uear Juneau, Alaska. ; Edward Might, a student at Phi . lomalh college, returned Monday after pending the hoiiday vacation at hia home at IIulton. I Superintendent MrGuire, ( the Aa : toria A Columbia River Railroad, was i up from Astoria Sunday, and went .dock shooting with N. A. Feiry, of I Moulton. i C. I. lfasen. who is now employed on a railroad at Oteqoa, Wash., spent Christmas with his son, K. E Hazen at lloulton. He started on the return trip Sunday. C. C. Mover, of M.i. LI..'. Wi,, ... ..rB...n,n,... on the Cowccman, was in town haturday on his return trip home. He had been ; to Halem to visit his children, W. I), Mover and Katie Mover, who are atten ding the Willamette University. Mrs. M. Biirliugiime, of Woodluwn, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Brings. She it acconipanid by the young Mas ter Briggs, w ho is now making bis home with his grandparents. Rev. Burliu- gnmc's health is not much improved. Gust Johneon, ol Deer Island, was in town Monday, and reported that John. , son Jt Co. lost a raft of logs, containing ! about ItXt.OOO feet, between the 24lh aad 25th. The logs were in Tide creek, and ' it is a mystery what became of the logs, j Charles Davis, of Blaine, Wai.h., for ; mcrly one of the publishers of Tux Mist, 'wiib in town Monday. Ho is spending .' the holidays with relative in Portland. Mr, Davis has lioen engaged in milling j for several j carB past, j Mr. and Mr. Jacob George, and son j Roliert, of Portland, were visitors in town Saturday, Mr, George left for Cathlamet, Wash., whore he is employed, after tho Masonic Installation Saturday ; night, and Mrs. George returned to Portland Monday morning. Mr. and Mra. David Davis "spent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox, The Record Pub lishing Company, of w hich Mr. Davis ia one of the incorporators, expect to issue l lie II rut copy ol their new paper iu a few day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dolman, of Poit hind, wero guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. H, iHilman last Sunday. Mr. Ilolman la one of tho leading editor on the Oic gonlan, and is a nep.iew of Mrs. Dolman, lie spent his boy-hood day in st. Hel ens, and called on several old friends during hia short stay hero. Clarence Adams, a former resident of St. Helena and lloulton is now engaged iu tho butchering business nt Rainier, and hna moved to a new shop across the street from his former location. He ia member of tho firm of Fagalde A Adams. The St. Helen Hotel take tho lead under the -unanugetneut ol Q. A. and A M. Rrjnn. Iirt Ilosford waa out the first of the week. J times Qulnn.of Quliin, waa in Astoria this week. Miss Myrtle Powell is visiting friend at Rainier and Hudson, M. Fresh, of Deer Island, waa in Ft' Helens Tuesday. James Fowler, of Ooblo is now doing carpenter work in Rainier. M. Wullis, a well known Milton creek farmer, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. C. Dupont, Pottmistrest at Valley, went to Portland Tuesday to place her son, Ronnie In school. Hon. Hen. Caplcs was in town Tues day, and bid in a lot of the delinquent Columbia City property sold for taxes. "Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Fitzgerald, of Vernonia, were in town for several days during the week Mrs. Thomas Cooper, of Kaiama, Wash., ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Decker. Attorney W. II. Conye.a and J. Hill, Clatskanie, were visitors in town Tuesday. Alfred Cleveland, oi Astoria, a former Kt. Helens school teacher, is visiting friends in this city. Miss Nora Conyers arrived from data kauie Tuesday morning, and is the guest of Miss Grace Mile. Postmaster John Hendrickson, of Quincey, was a train passenger to Port laud Tuesday. Mini Leota Whitney returned Taesday morning from a visit to her sister, Mrs. May Morton, at Astoria. E. A. Emerson, of Colvin't logging camp, la at -Is home at Ifouiton for the holidays. 1 U. G. Beeghley and Roy Detrick, of Pittsburg, were iu town during the past week. Miss Nellie P. Busey, hna returned to Sauvie Island to resume her school work. Astorian. Mr. N. A. Perry, of Houlton, wasfvis- iting Mr J. W. H alts at Scappoose dur ing the week. Otto Bchumaun, the Portland tomb stone man, who has the contract of build ing the Lewis A Clark monument, waa la town Sunday. George A. lirodie, secretary of the Oregon Wood Company, accompanied by his family, were visitors in town dur ing the past week. Miss Dirothy Copeland, of Portland' who was visiting her brother, County Superintendent I. H. Copeland, re turned home Sundav. . Miss Mary Conyers, of Portland, who had been spending the Christmas holi days at ClaUkane, returned home Tues day. John Morris who was at Sunnyside, in the Yakima country for several months past, is now at Bachelor Flat for a longer or shorter period. Mis. E. J. Ellis and daughter, whj left here for Listowell, Canada, last June returned Tuesday night and will make St. Hulcus their home. They had a tiresome trip ou the return journey. Alfred Henshaw and William McRob- j erts, proprietors of the Pacific Bakery in Portland, returned Sunday after vis- iting the former's parents Mr. and Mrr, David Henshaw, E. O, Darling, of Portland, who ia atil actively interested in Columbia county affairs, was in St, He lens Tuetday. He ordered the Ttirice-a-Week World sent with his renewal to the MM. N. W ard, Lee Pierce, D. Jones, of Deer Island ; G. Weeks, of Marshland ; T. labister, of Warren; Dr. J. B. Me eerve, of Rainier; F. Lunvillo, of Marsh- i 'n,, were rccent rr'1 t Portland hoU:1 ,rom Columbia county, I Charles Little, who is attending the j State Agricultural College at CoryalltK, nd ' il!,r. Mi" Eunice, a student in Portland schools, spent the Christmas holidays with their grandmother Mrs. E. B. Little at lloulton. Mudge McKay, who is engaged in mining in the St. Helens district, was in town during the week. He reported that development work was progressing at a lively rate. Mr. McKay has been in that district for the past live years. First in coal mining and later engaged iu the development of copper and gold mines. His family is now temporarily living iu Portland to give the clrildren the advantage of school facilities. NEERCITY Every body enjoyed Christmas here and all re pi that they had a tine time. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Neer, ent their Christmas in Portland, returning Friday. William Meaehem has returned from his long visit with U'.a folks, and we are all glad to see his face again. Mr. II. H. Jones, of Portland, calted on her sifter Mrs. B. II. Neer last Satur day, returning to Portland the same day L. J. Bignell returned from lloulton Sunday to start on the wood jobagain. Joe Bsshnru went back to Portland on business. If we can 't get snow any other way, they will bring it here on the cars, Mr. and Mrs, H. Stehman are spend ing a few weeks iu Seattle. Mrs. Chris Fowler, who has been on the sick list is improving. Miss R. Bingham, of Portland, who formerly taught the Neer City school, is visiting hero again. Miss Bell Neer visited her aunt in Portland last week. Ben Fitrr has returned from his trip to Olex. j C. Itemtreet tho chief engineer of the sold storage, is expected home from the east with his bride on the 2i)th. Jim Kenedy received a little red wagon containing a pair of rag dolls off the Christmas tree. Mrs.' Rose Graham, wiho ha been very sick, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mr. Dant Butts, of Portland, are visiting Ed Fowler of Goble. i , ' LOCAL I Adam Klippill, a well known editor and minister, died in Portland Tuesday. Three column of advertisements were transferred to the first page to make room for the county new. Ira R. Phelps ha retired from the management of the Santiani News, and i ucceeded by D. C. Humphrey, The final eighth grade examinatin for pupils of the public schools will be held on January 28th, 20lh and 30lh. The dance at Yankton halt Yankton, Christmas Eve, was a great success, and a very eujoyableaflair. The Tillamook Independent a bright, newsy paper issued by R. M. Watson, has been received at this office, S, C. Hunry caught a targe aeai In a flh net a few days ago. He had noth ing with which to kill the animal, so turned it loose. j The wedding of Ed Watt and Miss ' Mary Burke, two former well known I St. Helens young people, was announced to take place in Portland yesterday. A report is current that Miss Nellie and Charles Thompsoin, two well known young people of this vicinity were married yesterday. There will be a joint installation of the Woodmen of the World Camp and the Women ol Woodcraft Circle, at lloulton Saturday night. For a bad taste in the month take a few dose of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. Warranted to cure. Price 25 cent. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Wiiliam Pringle, of the East Fork Shingle Company, of Pittsburg, lost parts of three fingers of his left hand by getting them caught in the aaw a few day ago. There will be services in Christ Episco pal church next Sunday evening Jan uary 4th. at 7 :30. All are cordially in vited to attend. Rev. W. A. M. Breck, of Portland will conduct the ervicee. Assessor Laws say that it will take him and Deputy White some time to .nish up the present owners of town site properties. In some inetancesthe rec ords have to be searched for a long way back. Petition are being circulated and numerously signed in the south end of the county, asking the legislature to pass an enabling act, giving the people an opportunity to vote on the relocation of the county seat. Saveral towns will be candidates for the honor. The Yankton school district held a special meeting Saturday and voted a five-mill tax. It waa voted to clear up the school grounds. Another term of school will begin the first Monday in Februrary. S. E. Faxon closed bis term of school jujt before the holidays. "The nicest and plcafsnteet medicine I have used for indigestion and consti pation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middlegrove, N. V. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have an un pleasant effect." For sale by Edwin R084. Dr. Cliff amputated the leg of Otto, the 9 year old son of P. Lund, of War ren, Tuesday afternoon. In another column is given the account of how the boy suffered from a serious accident. He was remo ed to the Oriental hotel where the operation took place. He is progressing favorably toward recovery. Rev. H. Moys conducted services at Columbia City last Sunday morning an i at tin St. Helens Methodist Episco pal church in the evening. Rov. Moya is well pleased with his new home at Rainier. He divides his time between Rainier and St. llelcus and also holds I services at Columbia City and Raiuier. near Rainier ha one home manufacturing enterprise that is receiving liberal patronage and deserves more it is the cigar manufacturing business of Fried- berg A Malcolm. They make a splendid article of goods, which are being handled j to considerable extent throughout the treasurer, James Muckle; secretary, E. county. Mr. Friedberg is an experienc- E. Q lick; senior deacon, U. V. Clark; ed cigar manufacturer fur many years ! junior deacon, Erwiu Seflert; stewards, past. I A. King and Charles Muckle; tyler, Victoria Union No. 105. order of Wash-! Wash Muckle. The Eastern Star otri iiigton, at Yankton, bus elected the ful-j ccrs have heretofore been given corroctly. lowing new officers : President, P. Usher ; v'cc president, C. II. Briggs; chaplnin, Mrs. P. Usher; secretary. John Boyd; treasurer, Henry Woodward; escort, Herman Usher; assistant escort, Mrs Saxon; guard, Oliver Smith; sentinel, A. A. Smith. j There was some lively bidding at tbe In. but. ff .liKll-,ll.,tlt nr.Mr.u mni i K. I KhorirT Tlallnn TWsHnv TI,o l,n.k.u bids averaged 40 per cent interest, audi the lowest ranged from eight to 10 and 15 per cent, A few pieces went for no interest whatever. Some Vernonia lots I .,.,,,. ,-, , . . . , brought as high as 75 per cent interest.! LOMslX. A1 MILLS. There was only a very few piece of! Tw0 rlosds of wew machinery ar prwerty left to be bid iu by the county ! rivwl Ht Ri''ier Tuesday morning for court. None of the four or five pieces ' for ',,e railway of the Yeon, Tal- in the disputed sections between Wash- ingion and Coluinbia comities were sold on account of an injunction snit brought by the eounty court of Washington county. These disputed sections were first given to Washington county, and litter awarded to Columbia connty. Washington county now claims that Columbia obtained illegal possession of the disputed sections. Fresh fish in season every Friday, and Special uuday dinner at the St. Helens Hotel A few photographs of Colnmbia county farm bouses are wanted at thia ollice for the midwinter edition. SEND 15 CENTS TO ALBERT TOZ ier, Portland Oregon, (or the names of voUts in Apiary, Aubruq, Beaver Fall, Goble, Marshland, Nehalem, Oak Point precinct. Complete licit of Columbia county for ?5 cents, I FROM PITTSBURG. A Program of KnterUlulf Chrbttma Exerclxes, and Other Item The Christmas tree and entertainment at the nhool house was flattering sue Crss. In spite of the inclemency of the weather people came from far and near, and standing room in the building was at a premium. The tree was loaded to it uttermost capacity with innumerable delicate presents, besides many larger articles were placed under and beside the tree. After the entertainment, a pie social was given, and a handsoins sum wa re alized, which will be used for the pur chasing of a dictionary for the school. Following is the program rendered: Song, "Greeting" school; recitation, "My First Pair of Breeches" Johnny Pringle ; recitation, "Signs of Christmas" Oscar Brumer; song, ,Merry Christmas" i coir; charade, iiehmu tho time and , np to date;" recitation, Elvin Mills; song, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ; Tableau. Bri dal Scene; scripture recital, nine pupils; recitation "A Little Kitty" Reta Prin gle; recitation, Mabel Mills; Song, "Tune the Old Cow Died' On," Mabel Mills, Grace Powell, Lois Ballard, Gladys Nickerson, Lura Case; charade; recitation, Newt Parker ; song, Sammie, Jennie and Jack Ray; recitation "Kitty New" Lura Ballard ; dialogue, "Rehear sal;" song, 8. P. Ballard; recitation, "What a Boy Can Do" Willie Pringle; tableau, Flower Girls; recitation, "La ment of a little Girl" Mabel Pringle; bong, "On a Christinas Morning" choir; dialogue, "The Bashful Man,': with the following characters: Mr. Bluston, O. A. Powell ; Smart, Wm Placke; Mr. Dash wood, L. L. Detrick ; Mips Dnnhwood, Jennie Foster ; Deborah, Lena Parke; Diggory Drench, Oecar Brnnwr; song. Anna and Louis Brunner; recitation Neil Gordon; recitation Fr'od Bmnner; Song, "Good Night" school. E. G. Shannahan and wife were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Keasey Christmas. L. L Djtriclc, is siendinj the . holi days with, friends in Portland. 8. G. Schoonover and Ujvly are pending the holidays with Mr. aad Mrs . 8. P. Ballard. Mrs. Gordon and son, Neil, departed for their home in Clackamas connty Saturday, Newt Parker took them over the mountain to Houlton. .Mi.-s Foster ia spending the holidays at her h nn-j near Jewell. Lost week, while operating the shingle saw, Wm. Pringle lost three of his hog era from his left hand. Dr. Hatfield dressed the wound, and Willis recover ing fast. Christmas Exercises at Hoaltcn. Very interesting Christmas exerciser were held atll jultoa, but it was impossi ble to secure a detailed program. Mr E. B. Little is superintendent Of tbe Sunday school, but Mrs. K. A. Perry presided during the entertainment. The program consisted of songs, reci tation and dialogues, and the church was crowded, to it utmost capacity. Tbe interior of the church was prettily decorated with evergreens and candles. The committee on decoration, consisted of Mrs. N. A. Perry and Miss Leota Lowe, and the finance committee were G. W. Kolly and Mrs. Charles Perry. Mrs. Little and Jlra. Perry read the names from the t:ee, and the presents were distributed by C. O. Clark, George Little, aMd George Kelley. The program of exercise were given principallyby the primary classes. Joint Installation. The St. Helena M .sonic Lode and the Eastern Star Chapter had joint i pulia tion ceremonies last night. The iiistalling officer of the blue lodge was ex-county Judge D. J. Switztr i while Mrs. J. V. Dav installed the new . ... t-...- . orneersot we x.apwr ciar v"-l'ier. banquet followed, and Judge J. C. More land was the principal after diuner speaker ol the evening. Following is a corrected list of the new Masonic lodge officers : Worshipful master, C. H. Johns ; senior warden, W. j H. Powell ; junior warden, J. H.Collins; ; Kery Bottle of Chambertain'a Couch Kemetly Warranted We guarantee every bottle of Cham - berlain's Cough Remedy and will re- ble, County ol Columbia, State of Oro. fund the money to anyone who is not . a black cow with light streax along ....... . . ... , i hack, has crumpled horns, and is about satisfied after using two thud, of th . u() a contents. This tl the best remedy us- The owner oi the aliove the world for la gripjie, eonghs, ol s, ! described atiiuiAl can obtain possession i crotlP Bna whooping cough and ..I . 3 , A.I... T. UlBilMim ami na.a tu tao. aa 1" any tendency of a cold to result in pneu- ! monia. ! ton MJmpariy. Pi rilaud parties bare purchased some water frontage adjoining the new shingle mHl structure of the Nordby, OUen Company at Rainier, and it is st t-d to be their intention to erect a large saw mill on the newly acquired property. The pile driver commenced work on j the foundation for Flue's new sash and door factory building at Eainier. . C. W. Vincent, the logger, expects start up bis camp agaiu next Monday. The Ooble, Nehalem A Pacific fail- !"!?., 'r jUed. l) ' , ar s Kidney and Ka.-ka.-he Cure eareel as way company are carrying on th tn-nl : eoniplesoly. if. WATKUtJ, Ilnmlet, N. V." e enfive logging business in Columbia , Drulsta.Joc,M. Ask forOoos Book Free. county, and their oupnt ia increasing. Their logging car are run late at night r.u to &rp f.ire tue out ui tut nay. Another ocean schooner is loading with lumber at the Rainier Mill Com pany's dock. This company ha tha franchise for an eiyctric lijhi. system in Kaimer. St. Helens Hotel Under the Management of Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. -Is the Leadine House.- Ilrailqliartrra tar Stlllmcn (era. Qnarrysarn and C merelvl Travelers. Lag. Board and Lodging-, $20 per mouth. Transient, $1 per day. Barn and Feed for Horses. SUMMONS. In'lhe Circuit Court ol th aists of OrsioB (or Columbia County, V (ore lien 1-eila Arenl, riulntlff, v, Kdwsrd H, Antral, Doleu.lsnt. To E.lwtrd II. Argent, th above nsmed d- feucUnt: IS THE NAME OP TITS HTATlt OF OR, gon; You Are oereby requlrrlu appear and answer the Complaint Hied aaliirt you In tbe above entitled mlt on or before the .0th day of January, l'jo.1, that b-.lng the taut day prKanrlbcd In the order of publication of an mm on, and if you fait so to appear and aaawer said cotriptHtnt. the plaln t i it will apply to the Court fur the rvllei therein prayed, to-wit: decree of divorce from the bond of matrimony now aaivtiua between you and the pleiuittf. This summons U published for six eonserq. tla wevks by order of Uo, Thomns A. Mi Brlde, Judge ul the Circuit Court ol the State oturerfon, for the Comity of Co lumbia, made mi the loth day of lierember. MU. the first publication being ou the 19th day ol Decerubor, 1MX W. M. I.aFORCE, Attorney fur Plaintiff. SUMMONS. i In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- i r;rn for Colombia County, j I.K'.e IlalciMifer, plaintiff, C-.- r.i!e:i''ur, Defendant. T" t!: U iuiier, the above-named iJeienuaiit: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer tha Complaint filed against yon in the i above-entitled Court and Cause on or before tbe I7th day of January, 1903, which will be Rfter the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer on or before said 17th day of January, 1903, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint to wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage relation now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such other and further or different relief a may be equitable, in tbe premises. Thia summons is published by order of the Hon. J. B. Doan, county judge of said county and state, anade and en tend in this cause on tbe ? td day of December, 1902, The day of the first publinatfin of this summons it December 5th, 1902, and the last January Kith, 19113. GEOSliE A. HALL, Attorney for Plainti. limber Land, Act June US7S. HOT ICE FOR PUSUCA TI0H. Ukitsd States Laud Omri, Oreroa City, tjrciron, ApriV" VfOTICE 16 HEREBY Glvk.N MAT 1 w . 11 pliance with tne provtsfrtroe of the act ol Conarau of Juue 3, emitted "An act for the sale of timber lands to the Suites of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wahingtoa Terri tory," axe&tendeu to ail the Publio Li.ud Slates by act of AHut i HU, benoit Vli!ler, ol Port land. Coum.v of Mnlmornah, ttuteof Oregon, na thiA day tiled in Ibis ollice ht sworn state ment Ko. 5941, for the purchase of the iw of seel Ion No. ii In town. hip No. 4 n. range No. w, and will offer proi to show that tbe land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrit'ultural purposes, and to establish Iub claim to said land betore the Ke( ler and Receiver of thU nrtiee at Oreron City. urtgon. ou .FrMay. tne th day .of January. l'Vi. lie names as witnesses: Lars T. Kitten, frank M. Ho) t and Helver Olsen. of Warrea, Oregon, and A, L Miller, of Orefrjn Cite. A uy and all persona claiming ad. tersely the Above-deacribed lends are requested, to file their ciaima Id thia oftkw on or before said 9th day of January. 1SUS. Wlj J Cll AS. U MOOKKo, Jteguter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VfOTICE IS HKRKRY THAT THE UNDKR- Judye of the Couuty Court of the But of Ore iron lor Columbia County, appointed adminla- ij. lor of the Kstate of Jeremiah vin, decea&ed. Anv ami all nersena havinff claim tetiinst ?aid estate are hereby reqntrea to present tbe aame to me, dolv verified accord ing to law, at the offli'e of W, H, Powell, as -1. Helena, Oregon, wiihiu aix months frota the date hereofr JOHN not.AK, Administrator of the Evntte oi Jeremiah Oat Tin, deceased. W. U, POWELL, Attorney for Administrator. Dated Deceiaber 12th, WM, NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Office of county surveyor Dec. 18, 1902. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT tbe county surveyor w ill ou January 12, 1903, subdivide Section 15, tp 6, n r 2 w, and establish tbe line and corners of the !,. ot the lie1, of the set ei, ol said section. W. T. Watts countv surveyor. Sapjt aaaagsM Kstrar Taken Vd. I , ., . ' , ! "i ,u ' 1 ' lo mT place about two miles Weittof Go- is'"' u,e u''e ty luriitstiing sutticient prool ol ownership and paying all ex- ! IWUSCS lllld COStS. j JAY I ARCHIBALD, DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY ' i Backache All diseases of Kidney, CURE Hiaiisr, urmary orgaus. Also Rheumatism, Back tahe.HeartDlsease Gravel Dropsy, retool Troubles, ' Don't become diaoouriasd. There If a eure for you. if uecaary write Pr. tenner. I He baa auent a life time ou.lng Just such case a yours. Ait consultations free. I "EUKuv biodibs ia Deo, oeavj Dacaaraa, . paio and soreness acrow kidneys, also rbea. ' ef VITIITI AMPC I J ? ' " ' 1 T. t V, 1" tor sala by CoJiins A i re Our Circular, ft enner, f Uray, St, Hslens, alK Einl'-y A Brinn, chants at Houlton. ' general We are still furnishing the Weekly Oregonian and Mtst together for a year only Suh&uribe oow, y '