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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1902)
THE BIG STORE DOWN -By The Big Sawmill!- I Rocivlng' New QooQtt Every day in the Wcek THE MUCKLE 8TORE HAS A REPUTA- tlon of Long feUaiidlng (or Only the Best in GENERAL MERCII ADISE-- Dart & tit. Helens, - ST. HELENS Patronize a drug want pure, fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc, HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain- and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Poblislier Regnlar 25-ent Noiels Only iOCents -COLLINS AND GRAY THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Dealers in Holiday Goods!' UROCKRltf, CANNED GOODS, DRYUOOD3, ClTHIStO II V CM'8, Kl'RMSHINt GOODH. BLANKETS. tWK . GLASSWARE, TINWARE, HARDWARE, LEATHER, II NKSH FINDINGS. ....BOOTS AND SHOKS.... Oil Clothing, RainCoats, Rub ber Hoots, Grass Seeds, Grain Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS. TOOTHACHE DROPS. I Oil Clove, Creosote and Chloroform, enurl port on cotton j this will slop any case of toothache caused Irom an esposcu nerve, oui thewsy tocnrelt, I to have the tool!) lllled by DR. ODER'S MiW METHOD. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, 0 T,p I2 0rncn Ho. i. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, nfcrmation and Appointments by Mail. Roam tO .ml 61, VVaaWngton Bl'lg., roulhtcr. 4tb Wan,. ,treet, PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Elevator to fifth Floor. I How About Your Title? j "i1" 11 w dt BR YOtl'M'Hg It It all rlntilt Remember tht It Is the 8) 5V. HKi olll) IIihi gmcrna. It la our bunlnen U ara,ivh tlis W rlw rerimle ml iW what they -ilt In relation lu laud W IKIeii, 'II von con loui plate I.iijIiih land or loaning money on reel- A! e.laie security, take 110 man's, bul linll upon kiiuwlng what w the riM.n.l howa regarding Ihetllle. An Abtlriint ' aaeaeiiilal a a, aileud. iii.titon having II, We have the imlr net nf alwtraet W books In the eminly. AUwnVk iimmpllye scouted n.l satlslyellon W guaranteed. If yon have property loliiaoreglveuaa oall. "ears, JJ. sgpine fr ihe lt fire Insurance companies In the world. If vou W have properly lor till list It with in and we will Hud buyer. a 1 E, E. QUICK & CO., f -' JLJLl w.ay'it?yr ." . m . ...L.x....Jf.J.. tSSW&lLffTE M jfl at1 wrw Nome, Storo CB;,..VV Tlio N.-T Approach to I: J I . ..a ARC ILLUK!XAT0R3 Hate rear tton llht ee dey- i I "... t fm.r wm mm -MM working lM " We ! rn.niifiw.hire TAlll.BJLAHrr1.WAtt JJ iillAJVI)! I.IICIIH, SrunET LAMM, i-.t. ,0iti5'" r bT. a,. oVn HNT. Ho wick iJo BlooIm. Bo (Mor. xtorrteirwduenM. tnviitefarMloime o4M-". CHICAflO SOLAR UQ1IT COw CttlCAM, 4 n Muckle, - - Oregon, store when you and reliable OREGON 16 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon ... . JOmea, Hooo 414 ,He.. 'raoHT 147 ' ' t and Street uaUVl.t V Al'ao.l M 3tl- a, ana wm j UAoruil. KiWiiISWtf A iienlvue houee, wntue PERSONAL F. M. Hovt, of Warren, eliiior In th city Tueedey. Jonh I'eyton, 0 Wtrren, wm vUltor la tit. llelem Monday. H. L. Malcolm, a wall known firmer ol Deer laland, waa in town Monday. I). Link, (Joble merchant, waa in I'ortland Sunday, J. 1'. Wt.ol HcaDDOoae. waa In fit. Helen Manday. Frank Dow, the king of Oak laland, waa a visitor In town Sunday. Ernent Harriet, of Quincy, hai gone to Chicago to engige in buaineai. D. U. I'ope, of fikye, Waali., ia vltit ing hi old home at Houlton. A. N. Clark, of Houlton, wai a visitor In town Monday, the flret time for a nutnlwr of week. Mr. J. II. Collin vielUd her parent, Mr. and Mr. Robert Finley at Oregon CityTucxIay. Connty Commiaeloner W, I). Case, wa out from hit te burg, the latter part of lat week, Albert Toiler, tecretary of the Oregon Pre Association, waa in Ht. Helen Tuesday. L. Suns, a prominent sawmill man of Salem, wa in towu Tuesday looking over the lituatlon. Mis May Chalmers I (pending the holiday vacation with bar parent at I'ortland. R. Z. Joy, who live on the county line, near Holbrook, wa in town Hatur day. Mr. David Davia, of Oregon City, ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. R. Co. Judge T. A. McBride held an ad journed seieion of circuit court at As toria Monday. Miss Ida Morgan la spending Christ was with her mother, Mrs. A. L. Rich ardson, near Rulnier. Llmlley Meeker went to Portland Monday to visit hi aon-ln law, A. L. HrHee, who wa very ill with appendi citis. Miss Harriet Thayer, teacher of the primary department in the 8t. Helens school, is spending- the holiday vacation with ber parents at Rainier. J. W. Farr and wife, of (Joble; G. B. Haggin, of Rainier ami W. II. Karuh ner, of Quinry, were registered at Portland hotels Friday. I. O. Wikstrom and family moved over from Kalama Saturday, and are now living on their borne place, near Houlton. It. O. Hazen, a prominent farmer of Warren, was In St. Helens Friday, lie has moved into iiis large new residence completed during the past season. Miss Grace DeOraff, principal of the 8t. Helens school, is spending the hnli dnys with her sister, Mrs. Holaday at the Monta Vista nurseries, Scappoose. H. West, of BcaDDOose. attended the farmers' congress at Hillsboro last week, and wa elected second vice-president lor uie enining year. Mr. Emma Conrad and daughter. Ruth, (pent several days In Portland this week visitimr her daughter. Ethlvn. also her sinter, Mra. Dr. FarenL Wood- laim ews. II. M. Fowler, a prominent merchant of (i.ible, and Ernest Kuffurt and John Hplawn ol Deer Island, attended the Masonic lodgo meeting Saturday night. Mies Mitnd Decker, who is now a stu dent at Philomath rolleet. nearCorvallis. arrived home Sunday to remain during j die nouuay vacation. I J. J. Englert spent Sunday at Wood j land, Wusli., and reported that there j was a plentiful supply of mud on the i streets lhat Squire tiozarUi lost his rub 1 ber boots in the mud. I Miss Dsisy Watklns, a teacher in the 1 Rainier school, and Miss Lavelle Wat- I kins, who is attending school in Port land, will attend a part of the holiday vacation at muir iiouie nere. Mr. and Mr. U. D. Bonner, of Yank to have been spending three day in Portland. He wai waiting for some purchasera to scale a lot of logs that he hud shipped V. P. Maclay was up from Columbia 1 City Maturuay, aim reported tnat tne Columbia City & Nehalvm 1igging Kail war I ompany nau completed tueir road over the went of the ground. Miss l.nlu George, a student at the State Normal school at Monmouth, is spending the holiday vacation at her home here. Percy George, also is down 1 1 0111 J'ortmnd, vimliiig at Home. J. II. Wilson, of Mist, came nut last Thursday afternoon and returned home Friday. It takes the settlers in that valley two days to make the round triji now as the roads are in suet) bad condi tion. CiaUkanie Chief. " 8. E. Faxon, teacher of the Yankton school hnd closed down tor the holidays, and that a meetinir of the board would be he'd Satiirdav to determine whether or not the school would be adjourned uu til february 1st. Jnme Muckle arrived in town Satur day from .he logging camn on the , iTowcemnn, where u bands have been doing busy work for some time pant- In J common with other logging camps on ' the lower Columbia, the nirn will be 1 given a vacation until after the holiday. I Ex-Senator George W. McBride went 1 to Portland Hsturday to visit his brother I Hon. John R. Mcitride, of Spokane. I The latter waa one of the few survivor ' of the Oregon Constitutional convention, . and delivered an address Saturday night before the urugon tlititoricai uociety. D. II. Pope and daughter, of Haulton ; J. E. MonahRn, of Cuthlamet : G. Powers of Marxhland; J. Erickson and W. Wal ling, of Quittcy; J. It. Yeon, of Rainier; VV. L. Golieen, of Cnrrolton j F. and U. R. Aulhpr, of Gohle, were registered at Partlsnd hotels Monday, Guy K. Mill", of Yernoiiiu, who has been running a donkey engino in a log ging enmp, near Cntlilnmet, Wash., for some time pact, arrived in town Monday on his way home, where he will spend the winter. He was accompanied by J. A. Monathan, who will spend the lioli day vacation at Yankton. 8. Benson and son Amos, of Portland were in town Mmdny, They were look ing over the ground to make arrang monts to have the county rnnd changed from the bridge up past O. J. Bryant's ranch ; tliey will move it up on Hie hill side, Mr, Benson said that he would build a part of his loarinjf road this sprina but would not build in into the Nohalom right away. CluUkanie Chief, Dr. Edwin Ross, Dr. H. R. Cliff, II. J. Waters, Martin White, J. B. Godlrev, W. A. Ha.ris, W. A. Wood, E. E. Quick, of St. 'Helens; and George Mnyger, of Rainier, attended, the institution of a new lodge of the Knights of Pythias at RidgeBeld, Wash., Thursday night, A number aJo came down from Portland. The steamer America waa chartered for the trip, The St. Helen Hotel take the lead under the management ot G. A. and A M. Brinn. ' BETTER BOADS VAHTEDl Also Increased Assevsaisat Tata ef Timber Holding of II Residents. From every section of the coanty I coming the cry for better road. The majority of the farmer favor crushed rock for the top of the road bed, it hav ing been demonstrated that the crushed rock of Columbia county i admirably adooted for that nuroose. U. L. Hvde. of Yankton, state that if the county court will place a rock crusher in the vicinity ol Houlton, that every resident of that section will donate from one to two week labor with their team, hauling-out the chovned no atone on the road between Yankton and Houlton. From many other sections come th cry for better roads and solid road beds. in come location gravel can be secured, and in other it will be necessary to have crushed rock, Yernonia Grange baa declared in favor of a 10-mill road tax. There would be more money for road work, schools snd other purposes, if non resident timber laud bolder were com pelled to pay their just share of taxa tion. Timber tracts are excentionablr valu able holdings. The small farmer who is developing the country and i a home uunuer auouid not be taxed lor nia iator, while the non-resident timber land hol der is reaping tbe benefit. A resident of Yankton owns a 86-acre farm, that be is striving to put in a proper state of cultivation. Across the road a non-resident own 80 acre of valuable timber land. The resident bomebuilder Is taxed more for hi 35 acres of land, than is paid by the non-resident timber land bolder for 80 acre. This condition of things should be remedied. Across the river in Washington they have tried the Iilanof taxing np the non-resident timber amis, and it work admirably. rBOM VERS05IA. The Grange Farors a Tea Hill Coanty Road Tax Levy. Other Item. A correspondent writes from Vernonia that the Grange has elected the following new officers: Master, J. E. Dow; over seer, U. M. Beeghley; lecturer, 8. G. Schoonover; steward. S. K. Richards; assistant steward, C. W. Mellinger; chaplain, Mrs. E. S. Schoonover; treas urer, John Edholin: secretary, W. M. Wilson ; financial secretary, Mrs. Ella S. Wilson; gatekeeper, N. J. Parker; cere, Mrs. Esther Coulter; Pomona, Mrs. Bertha W. Hhanahan; flora, Mrs. Ellen Mills; lady assistant steward, Mra, Ida Mellinger. Our Grange is gaining some new member, while some of the old patrons have withdrawn from the Grange. I see nothing in tbe Grange that has any tendency to corrupt one' religious, social or moral duties. Sinter Jesse Mitchell, who ia teaching a term of school in the McDonald di trici, upper Pebble creek, has been very sick, but at last reports was improving. Our Grange advocates the idea of the county court levying a lU-mili road tax tbe coining year, so that t. e roads can be put in better condition for winter travel. Wikstrom Sold his Sawmill. Saturday's Oregonian had the follow ing dispatch from Kalama, Wash: The Kalama Lumber Company, com posed of Michigan lumberman and cap! talists, has purchased tbe sawmill, log ging engine and 1UW acre ot timber land belonging; to ( I. G. Wikstrom. The consideration waa $30,000. The property ia located two mile south of Kalama and one mile from the Columbia, The output o( the snill is cowveyed to 1 warf on the Columbia river by a large lumber! Uuine. Mr. Wikstrom will r tire to Ins iruit and slock Una near Houlton, Or. Lodge Elections. The Rainier Masonic Lodge No. 24, has elected the following new officers: Worshipful master, W. t. Slaughter senior warden, Martin Both; junior warden, A. P. McLaren; secretary, Dean Blnnchard ; treasurer, J. B. Mce; tyler, Joiin Quigley ; senior deaconl J. It. l'olwarth; junior deacon, James Kennedy; senior steward, Georeo F. Moeck ; junior slewani, James Wallace. St Helen Masonic Lodge elected the following new officers at the meeting ytttnrday night: Worshipful master, C. II. John's ; senior warden, W. H. Powell ; junior warden, J. H. Collins; treasurer, James Muckle; secretary, K. E. Quick ; tyler, Washington Muckle; senior dea con, N. W.Clark; junior deacon, R. Z. Joy; senior steward, Charles Muckle; junior steward, Andrew Muckle. There was a good attendance of members pres ent. Natal Grange No. 302, of Mist elected the following new officers at the last meeting : worthy master. J W. Armstrong; overseer, N. D. Peter son ; lecturer, A. D.; stew ard, Lamech II. Peterson; assistant steward, Henry Ruddiman; chaplain, treasurer, Frank J. Peterson ; secretary, Nettie Peterson; eatekeepea, A. R. I loh nea, Ceres, Minnie Peteason; Po mona, Harriet Deed. Flora, Mannie Holmes; lady assistant steward, Alice Peterson. Yankton Grange No. 301 elected the following new officers at the last meet ing: Worthy master. R. K'appler; overseer, G. It. Hvde; lecturer, E. S. Faxon ; steward, H. O. Oliver; assistant steward, E her Brown ; chaplain, G. (., Barger; treasures, J, N. Brinn; sec retary, Mrs. huiini Tarbell ; gate keeper, O. Jet. sen; Ceree, Mrs. Alice Brown; Pomona, Mr. Heleu Hyde; Flora, Mrs. ('elm Kale; lady assistant steward, Uichie Hyde. WARREN Vail Grange No. 2iH, at its regular meeting Dev. 17th, elected the following officer lor the ensuing year: C. W. A. lama, master; F. M, lloyt, overseer; John Dolan, leotqror; F, Ai Hqyt, stew ard ; Jacob Hegclc, neistant steward : A. B. Swift, chaplain; Henry Larseu, treas urer ; Mrs. F. M. lloyt, secretary ; Jasper Hnzen.gato keeper; Mies Annie Jensen, Ceres; Miss Florence Admne, pomonn; Mrs. trunk Nagel, Flora; Mrs. J. 8. Ba con, ladv assistant steward. Mrs. F.dward Monti, daughter of Mrs. France, wether she wnt in order to place her little ion In school, and also to be near her husband, Lieut. Edward Moale of the IT. S. N. His ship has ! however, returned to American waters to take part in the "Iwwey Manoevera lifter which it will again sail for the European station. Mrs. Moale expects to be absent in Europe for two or three years. Miss 55oe S.'nip.ennotlir daugh ter of Mrs. lloyt, expects to join her sit ter, Mrs. Moale in the autumo. Mrs, Frank Nagel is quito 111 with something like lagrippe. Arthur, the second son of P. Lund, was seriously hurt by a falling; tree a few day ago. The tree in falling struck him so as to tear the flesh from the bone, and it il considered doubtful whether the limb can be saved or not. The Warren Brasa Band were very hospitably entertaiued last Friday even ing by Mrs. J. H, Bacpji, wife of our lead ing merchant. After discoursing sweet music for a reasonable time, the "boys" were invited to an elegant supper, to which, I assure you all did ample justice. All were very enthusiastic in their raise of Mr, (Won; as hostess. A nice assortment ef Xma presents at Collin 4 Gray'. , Born to Mr. and Mr. G. A. Brinn on December 12th, a daughter, not a son. Mra, T. B. Lott ha received a new organ , which she purchased from the Allen-Gilbert Company in Portland. Now ia tbe time to pay np your sub scription, and take advantage of Thx Mist clubbing combinations. A marriage license was issued by the clerk Tues. lay to Ollie Maud Baker and John Bacbman, both of Clatakanie. The logging camp generally have closed down for tbe holidays, thus giv ing the men an opportunity to spend Christmas at home. The 8t. Helen and Houlton cchools closed last Friday for a two week vaca tion. School throughout th connty generally, closed down for the holiday. A meeting; of the taxpayer of the Houlton school district will be held on the evening of December 31st, for the purpose of levying a district tax. R. H. Robinson slipped on a frosty sidewalk last Thursday and severely sprained his left ankle, which has kept bun home for several day. He is grad ually improving. A grand social dance will be given at tbe W. O. W. hall in Houlton on Wed nesday evening, December 31st. Tbe floor managers are: Leslie Bailey, Aron Kelley, E. H, Girty and Fred Franta. County Clerk Henderson received the new Oregon coues the first of the week. conslstiug of 14 sets. There is one each tor the county judge, clerk, sheriff, treasurer, assessor, county commiss ioners and for tbe eight juaticea of the peace. Marriage licenses were e-ranted to Edith F. Hazen and James A. Baron, both, of Warren on December 19th. William Erickson and Mattilena Niemela both of Clatakanie, were granted a mar riage license on the 17th by tbe county clerk. J. W. Shsfford. of the Oregon Raft Company, who wa looking up the mat ter of the right of way for their proposed togging railway np Milton creek. 1 con siderably encouraged over the concess ions offered. Level will be taken of the projiosed route this week. Again it has been ated that demonstr it pay to advertise in The Mist. In last Friday' issue Chris Richardson, of bauvie island inserted a notice that a two-year heifer bad strayed away from nis piace. un ine following day it. Kap pler, of Yankton, came in and gave the information tiiat the animal was at his piace. The 1902 Christmas edition of the Portland Evening Telegram surpasses anything of the kind heretofore printed in Oregon. The front page is a work of artistic merit, and shows Oregon's mar ket place in a most striking manner. The resource of the state, also are pre sented in a systematic and attractive style. J. II. McKie, has almost completed the contract for supplying the City A Suburban Railway Company of Portland with 300.000 stone paving blocks, and nss secured a contract lor 3U0,uuo from tbe Portland Railway Company. He may also get tbe job of famishing a lot ot large blocks lor a new sewer te be built in Portland. The Humphrey family, consisting of a woman and 10 children, who live in the Nehalem country are in a destitute condition, but Mrs. Humphrey has tbns far refused connty aid. It is stated that something must be done for tbem. The head of the family is a bowling tambour ine pounder Salvation Army follower, and aoe not provide tor hi lamily. Timber cruisers are still examining the timber claims in the country be tween the Columbia and the Nehalem mountains. It is reported that a num ber ol tracts have been bonded on the upper waters of Milton creek, the con tracting purchasers paying $o0 down on each claim. Some of the same tracts were bonded a year or two ago, the con tracting purchaser paying $25 down, but uie sale was never completed. Attorney George A. Hall went to Salem Monday wilb a lengthy petition for the pardon of George Upton, who was sent to the penitentiary from this county in 1898 for killing William De Joumette in Beaver Valley in 1898, Un ion received a me sentence, ue allien De Joumette in I88S, the outcome of a quarrel over a woman, bnt left the country and was not captured until 10 years later. Many prominent persons have signed the petition for pardon. Upton is 66 years old. Getting; out cedar bolts is getting to be quite an industry on Milton creek, and among those who will engage in the busi ness during the coming season in the vicinity of Yanktou are G. L. Hvde, 8. Saleer, J. W. Saxon and M. Kappler. Pmhahlv the ereater nortion ol this cedar will be shipped to 1'luesdoor and sash factorv at Kaimer. 1 . Usher has already been shipping considerable quantities to that place. Fresh fish in-'season every Friday, and special Sunday dinner at the St. Helens Hotel. A few photographs of Columbia county farm houses are wanted at this office for the midwinter edition. jToWN-CaUNTY PEOPLE 8H0UL0 Clatskanie Drug Store fob Tai Drugs and V? HI or! Icinoc Medicines CHOICE Tcilet Articles and Perfumery Or. J. t. HLL. PnpmHr Clatskanik : : witiuun. 1 1 " 1. 1 r. n i'i - ni T ' n ' ' - ' ' " e. Owl Saloon B SI KIT BOTH IRS, PBOPRIiTOltS Only th beat ot UQUori ud Ciian KbjK ii Stock CYRUS NOBLE And ether popalar braada of whiskies alwaya ia stock. WEINHARD'S BEER , on drailjt. "Tom BsHton" Cigars. f AU Ifat UUvt nwRftp?rBndo.hfr pop- uUr ptroUlcft.9a Baeen-Haien. Married at the residence of the brides parents Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hasen, near Warren on Deo. 20, 1902, at high noon. Mr. James Bacon and Miss Edith Hnxen were joined in holy wedlock according to the disciplln of the Methodist Epis copal church, by Rev. Lew Davies. Ammediat dy after the ceremony and congratulations the bridal party sat down to a sumpteou wedding dinner. The groom is a popular young steam boat man, at present he is watchman on tbe Str. Fannie. He is the eldest son of J. S. Bacon, the Warren Post Master. The bride Is the youngest daughter of one 01 warren a most prosperioua far mer. Mr. and Mr. Bacon, amidst a shower of rice and old shoes took their depart ure on the train at 3:30 p. m. for their future home in Portland;. Those present besides tbe bride and groom, were Messr Mesdames, R. O. Hazen, M. F. Hazen, J. S. Bacon, W. M. Cooper, Rev. Lew Daviea, M. S. Hazen. J. R. Hazen and master George and Arthur Hszen. Mr.and Mrs. Bacon' host of friends here wish them a happy and prosperous future. Tut Si'V. Under the Management of a A. AND A. M. BRINN. Has- been repainted and refurnished. Board and Lodging, $20 per month, Transient, $1 per day. Special Kates to parties of Several Persona. Oan and Feed for Horses. Estray Taken Up. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1902, there strayed to my place about two miles west 01 uo ble, County of Columbia, State of Ore gon, a black cow with light stress along back, has crumpled horns, and ia about three years old. Has small calf. Tbe owner of tbe above described animal can obtain possession of the same by furnishing sufficient proof of ownership and paying all ex penses and costs. JAY P. ARCHIBALD. SUMKOMS. Inflhe Circuit Court of th State of Oregoa for Columbia Connie, Florence Leila Argent, Plaintiff, va, Edward U. Argent, Defendant. To Edward H. Argent, the a bore named de fendant: IN THE KASIK OP THE STATE OF ORE gon: You ars hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint Hied agaluet 70a in tbe above-entitled aoit on or before the SKKb dajr of January, 1MJ8. that blnt the laat day preacribed in the order of publication of aummuna. and If you fail so to appear and aawer eeJd oouiplalut, the plain tilt wtll apply to the Court for the reltei therein E rayed, to-wlt: a decree of divorce from the oiwla of matrimony now eliding between you and the plaintiff'. Tbia aummona ia published for six consecu tive weeka by order of Hon. Thomns A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of OreKon. for the County of Co lumbia, made on the 10th day ;of December. the Brat poblleation being on the 1Mb day ol December, 1W3. W. at. LiFORCZ, Attorney lor Plaiuiiff. limber Land, Act Juu a, 1S7S. nonce for pubuchtioh. VaiiTin Statu Lahd Omti, Ore eon City, Orefton, April 38, 1902. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT IS COM plianoe with the proviiiiona of the act of Congreaa of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act fnr the aale of timber landa lu the Slalea of Califor nia, On-Koo, Nevada, and Waahinnou Terri tory," a extended i all tbe Public Land Slates by act of Auiruat 4. 1WA Benoit Villiirer, of Port land, County of Multnomah, State of Oregoa, has thia dav Hied in Ihia office bla aworn state ment No. SeMt, for the purchaae ot the iw4 of section No. 24 in township No. 4 n, range .Nate, and will offer proof to show lhat the land sought ia more valuable for lu Umber or stone than tor agricultural purpoaex, and to eaubllhh his claim to aaid land before the Reg ister and Receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 9th day ot January, 1903. Ke names aa witneeaea: Lars T. Klison, Frank M- H..JI and Helver Olsen. of Warrea. Oregon, and A, L. Miller, ol uregun city. Any and all persona claiming Tersely the above-deacribed lands are requested to file their claims in this omceoaorDCtoreaaiainn uay oi January, iiw tklljj CHAS. B MOO RES, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Columbia County. Ethe Balensifer, plaintiff, vs. Gns Balensifer, Defendant. To uua rialensiter, tbe above-namea Defendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and Cause on or before the 17th day of January, 1903, 1 which will be after the expiration of six weeks irom tne aate ot ine nrst publication of this summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer on or before said 17th day of January, 1903, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint to wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage relation now existing between you and tbe plaintiff, -and for such -other and further or different relief as may be equitable in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. B. Doan, county judge of said county and state, made and en tered in this cause on the 2nd day of December, 1902, The day of the first publination of this summons is Deiember 5th, 1902, and the last January ltith, 1003. GEORUE A. HALL, Attorney tor Plaintiff. NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Office of county surveyor Dec. 18, 1902. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the county surveyor will on Januarv 12, 1903, subdivide lection 15, tp 0, n r 2 w, aud establish the lines ana corners nf the w4, of the pe, of tbe e, of said section. W. T. Watts, county surveyor. St. Helens Hotel Greatest Clubbing Combina (tionD TWO WEEKLY PAPERS FOR THE OF ONE GREATEST BARGAIN IS GOOD READIXO. Bv a special arrangement we are able to furnish Tax Orxqon Miae and THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at the followipg club-, bing price for both papers i far One laar la Atva acr-tl.lO l or Six Mnetlba In, AatTBesBe, Tic, The Weekly Journal, of Bulcm, Ore., prints most inside newa about our state government and the full legislative proceedings, Jus$ what you want for the coming session. Tbe Journal is a large ight page paper full of telegraphic news of the whole world, Ssr&j le copy furnished, free upon inquiry at thjs ofjice, Watts & Price, DIALERS IK- Floor and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions Scappoose, - Oregon. ORIENTAL - HOTEL. ; Under the management of MRS. FRED BRIQGS. Has the Best Accommodation. BOARD AND LODGING, $18 PER MONTH. Transient, $i Per Day. Feed Barn in Connec tion. GT. HELENS, Or. ADMIMISTRAT0a'8 NOTICE. XTOT1CK IS HEREBY THAT THE 0NDKB A'aigned baa been, by the Hon. U. B. Down, Judge of the County Court of the Hute of Ore gon for Columbia County, appointed adratnte trvtor of Ihe Ratate of Jeremiah Galvin, deceased. Any aud all peraene having claima aa;ainet aaid eatale are hereby reqnlred ttj praaerii the lame tome, duly verified accord ing to law, at the office of W. H. Powell, at ill. Helena, Orevon, within aix months from the dale bereulr JOHN DOI.AX, Admlnlatrator of the Estate ot Jeremiah Gel- Tin, deeeaaed. W. H. POWELL. Attorney for A dmlnieirater. Dated December 12th, 1S02, i Estray Takea Vp. j Notice ia hereby given that on the 15th. day of December, 1902, took np a red steer, at my place near Goble, County of Columbia, State of Oregon, described a follows: Red, with white spot in flank ; no mark or brand ; i about two years old ; Jersey color about the nose. The owner of the above de scribed animal can obtain possession of tbe same by furnishing nfficient proof of ownership and paying all expense and cost. J. P. Archibald. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the state el Orsgoa, for tbe Coanty of Columbia. 1. B. Reefer, Plaintiff, va. Mary E. Keefer, Defendant, To Mary E. Keefer, the above named De fendant: IN THE NAME Of THE STATE OP ORE-gon-, you are hereby notified and required to appearand answer theeomplaint Aled againat you In the above-entitled Court on or be fore December 22nd, U02, which will be after the expiration of aix weeks from the date of tbe drat publication of thia aummona; and If you fa'l to so appear ami answer ou or before aaid 22nd day of December, 1902. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in theeomplaint to wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage relation now existing be tween yow and the plaintiff, and for such other and further or different relief aa may be proper. This aummona fa published by order of tbe Bon. Thomas A. MoBrlde, Judge of the abovw entitled Court, made at Chamberaon the 4l dav of November, 1902. The day of tho ftrat publication of this Sam mona ia November 7ib, 1902. ROBERT G. MORROW, Attorney for Plaint)? nonce or rmL settumekt sveajai'S'an wit -WW - TTt -. a i-ayvtsnwi water i.N the undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles L. Melis, deceased, that be has filed in tbe office of the Countv Court of Columbia County, Or egon, his fiual account of his adminis tration tipou aaid estate, together with his final report and petition for final set tlement, snd that the Hon. J. B. Doan, ! Judge of said Court, ha appointed Frl- i day, th 9th day of January, 1803, at , lV 911. U.J V. ..IIUB1 T i , Wmt one o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day aa the time, and the courtroom of said Court at the Court House in at. Helena, Oregon, aa the place of hearing aaid ac count and report and of settlug the ad ministration of said estate, at which time and place any person interested may appear and file objection in writ ing" to said account or report, or any portion thereof. A. R. MELIS, VI n'-iiit'Uir of t'ts GiUt f UnArlel L. Melis. deceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Adminis trator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Laud Office at Oregon Cltr, Oregon. November 14. 1901. VOf'CR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followinff-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof lu aupport of. his claim, end that aaid proof will be made be fore the County clerk nf Oolumbia County at St. Helena. Oreijou, on Deeemer 29, 192. vis: LEWI B. HTZUKRALo. H. B. No. 13.77fnr the aeSa of section 18, tpfs. r& w. He names the following wttneaaee to prove hia coutinuoua residence upon and cwll, vation of auld land, viz: K. Shiller, ol Verno nia, Oregon; Charles Eickutan. of Keaaey, Ore gon: Georiie W. Adamaaud Aloaao Kin mona, ef Vernouia. Oregon. 3Sld2 CHARLES B. MOORES, Regiaas. 11)72 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IS Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRY..., Repairing a Specialty. Morrison St. Bet. Front First, PORTLAND We are still furnishing the Weekly Oregonian and Mist together for a year only T2.00. Subscribe now.