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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
i dr., 14 Tin: JUG 8TORE D3WN By The Big Sawmill!- T Mving . New Uoodn Every day iu the Week I! THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPU'A tlon of Long KtHticllna (or Only the Best in "GENERAL M Deirt & fSt. Hi'liMW, ST. HELENS PHARMACY A Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines j Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. $ HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Pine Line of Writing Supplies. Hum and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher-Regular 25 ent Novels Only 10 Cents --COLLINS AND GRAY- THE PEOPLE'8 MERCHANTS, Dealers in oHoliday Goods! lilax CANNED HOODS, Hit Yii:'n, CLOTHIS'l, HAM, ( US, Fl'KMrHII.Vi (iOOliS, lll.ANKKT". CROCK K lil. ASSWAKK, TINWARE, HARDWARE, LEATHER, HAR Ms HNDINiiM. .. .BOOTS AND SHOHS.... Oil Clothing, Rain Coats, Rub ber Boots, Grass Seeds, Grain Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS. TOOTHACHE DROPS. Ill (loves, Creosote Blld Chloroform, cflilrl purl on cotton; tlii a ill Mi..i nuy ol l.Hjiliiu lie eauwd from an exiaed nerve, hut he way t i cure it, ia to have tliu tooth tilled by PR. KNODER'S KW MI'TIIOU, Dr. KNODER, Dentist, d TO 121 I ft Orrii K Hoi Ma. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Uooni ."0 Hii'l 51, Washington "iklg., Southeaat cor. 4th Waah. streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Take EUvnlor to Fifth Floor. I IVTT nUWM , 111! YOlt j KKtoRI rw-onla i HIIIK It 1 ami hmi 1 ii.iiii.lMiM lair aeviirllv, luc ln niun s word, hilt ItlilM III"'" kuowlll whiit lli mord sho rraanlliia llietlila. An Abntiwi lsaawnUHl as ailcwl. IiiIIoii liaxlur II. ' have the o'llj- set ul attract hisiki In Hie eountv. All work rla)U eneCuWii and aallstavtlna suaranleed. II "! l" 1-mtwrtV liisimlv uaa rail are uin'iils lor llie l'I lire Itiaiiruilce companies 111 tlie ivnilil. If ruu hate imrll hr sale tlt It li w ami E. E. QUICK & CO., . t ST. HELMS, 0REG0H 1 1 1 n f LacS, , JTor Homo, Sioro . MM auk not sum lisM ar. rfXiM Iniaiia aa wall isa aJ w 4 .a nljiass OulMd afitnt.' w, aim awinf aotnra tj&AMDElJjiKa. Ill B . ica. ft n E RCI I A I) ISE--- ft 1 s Muckle, Oregon. OREGON- 317, Failing 31d'g Portland, Oregon 'PnoNsa (Oi Office, Hood 414 ea. Fmont 117 vrtvaa a.awe Is nil riwhi Hememher that It U tho nHliilinl Krrii. Ii u ir lnisliiinw to snmn tne what iii5 inniain 111 iviaium i" mini .iivliii lard or loatiiim miiney 1111 rest- w I K 1 and Stnxat. tflA HATOII.R imrrib ivsis, mi"t bout tnu m aJlstlTi frlrSl .ia-j miyrzz7 Si-Z. vm sr X.J V. M. Malchett, of Yankton, wu in t jwn Hutuidny. K. C. Ktuiiwood, of tlifl Yankton hi mill, wai in Hi. Helen Monday. 1'. Louiaignout, of Hcappooie, wa in St. Helen Monday. Mn, Ht-xCaple, of Oaple, ii now re ceiving medical treatment in Portland. V. Fowler, of (IMe, ha been visiting in Astoria. - Poat master J. 8. Baron, of . Warren, waa In Ht. Helen Baturday. Juhn DciIhii. of Warren, was a visitor in town (Saturday. Bert Kt'hoonnver waa in from Die Wick stioni farm Friday. W', II, lackr, of Keasey, wan in town Tuesday, accompanied by hi coualn. James A. Rowley will be pant master artisan of tlie llonlton aaaeiubly, after the flrat of the year. Guy and Mra. Tar bell are now living attlio Tarbell sawmill, near Warren, whore he is assisting his uncle. Ex-County Clerk J. (L Watts, the Scappooae merchant, was in town Tuoa- day. I. (. Wickatroin haa (old liia sawmill property nt Kalnina, Waah., and will move back to liia farm near Kt. Helena. Mra. C. K. (lore and children were viaiting in i'urtland the latter part of last week. Kalaina Hulletin. Mra. McGill, of Ciatskanie, ii a guest of tier briilhera, Mesara. Ad and Chariea Nacklity. KitUnu Bulletin. Mra. I.. J, Bignell, of Neer City, ia visiting herparcnta, Mr. and Mra. flight at Uoulton. I.. J,. Bignell and Fred Bige.Iow, of Neer City, were viaitora at lloaliou over Sunday. ferry IJshsr waa in town Sunday, and reported that hia timberaand bolla were making good progress down Milton creek. Mr tid Mr. C. I). Ilarria, of Hauviea, were in low'n Huturday. It ia their in tention to uidve back to tlieir place at Houltun soon. T. A. Elliot and family, who removed here a few weeks ago from Woodland, Waah., left Monday for Sholes Ferry above Portland. John Morgua, who is now a prominent merchant of South Bend, Waah., visited hia brother, Henry Morgua, during the week. Mra. W. H. Conyera, uf Clntakanie, ha been the gueat of her daughter in Oregin City for the paat several day Courier. Mr. ami Mr. Len Decker have moved to the Anchor Co' logging camp on ' Tide creek, where they will reside dur ! ing the coming winter. Mra. K. J. Klli and daughter, who ! went to Liatowell, Ontario, Canada last j June, areexpected here in a few davs to j take up their permanent re.idenre." r I W.J. Iteits, a prominent citir.en of i Rainier, waa in town Mond.iv. He is I now extensively engnged in getting out j Klea below Ilaiuier and on the Cowlit x I river. I A. II. Tarbell, the Warren sawmill proprietor, was in St. Ilcleas Monday, and reports that his sawmill is con- j Bluntly grinding away on different. j orders. Jesse Hendricks, ot Yankton, left to I dav for Hew Watto, Wash., where he j will spend the winter. He ejtpecta to -dry a lot of huckleberries when he 1 reaches there, and kill tome bear rim ing the winter. He has purchased a, pi we on the Hew Watto. J. J. Knglert has been at Woodland Wash., (or several days, w here he whs taking some phntogrnpa. It is liia inten tion to establish a studio here, provided he can get a suitable building fitted up for the purpose. W. J. Mtlckln, O. C. Erickson, J Kjeliherg mid II. Klinger, of Kainier: J. C. Temple and wife, Charles Lee, F. Pve, of Clatskauie, and II. II. Karch- ner, of Quincy, were registered at Port. land hotels during the week. J. P. Archibald, of (Joble, was in St Helens Tuesday. He reported that quite n town is springing up at V'oorea ville. an. I the (Joble, Nuhalcm A Pticilio Kail 1 oiid Company will put up n largo store at that place. Uuatave Lang, Ciuttluib Schmitkn Uuslave Richardaou and Sam Hnlier stick, of Scappooae, were in St. Helens Saturday. Mr. Lang has purchased Mr. Itnhcrstii-k'a place, which adjoined the farm of tho former. Charles Mines, one of the old-time rock quarry boys about 10 years ago, was in St. Helena the Drat of the week. He lias made his home in Ohio the greater part of tho time since leaving here, but recently did some construction work on a new sawmill in Idaho. Joseph F.iicki-on, of Quincy, O. J. Boyt, of Clatskauie; A. M. Corev, of fejltaliiier; J. F. Graham, of Marshland; S; j N. H. McKay, of Sauviesj J. A. Fabii ffljgueand wife, II. McKee, Mrs. C W. Sjj Miller, of Clatskauie; Dean lilanchard, J. W. Pavies, of Hainier; and W. J. Meacham, of (ioble, were among the Columbia county people, registered at Portland hotels during the week. Charles Mayger, a prominent resident of Mayger, for tlie past 20 years, was a visitor in St. Helens Tuesday. Mr. Mayger was the pioneer ot the piling spar and wood business in that section, and has been instrumental with others interested with him in clearing the tim ber off about 18 sections. Mr. Mayger himself haa retired from active work, but the business is continued by tha Mayger Company. Iu 1850 Mr. Mayger ttok up a donation land claim where the town of Stella, Wash., now stands, and logged off considerable tinilar on the place. Attorney Frank Hchlegel.ot Portland, wai in Bt. Helena yesterday. John W. Lane, of Miat, and William Cird, of Quincy, were In Ht. Helena Wednesday. K, W. Bingham, a Portland attorney well known tier in Northern Pacific construction days, was here on prolate buaineM during the week. Mis Myrtle Powell ia viaiting at the home of her brother, W. If. Powell. William Fluhrer and Fred Flulirer, of Mayger, were In St. Helena Wednt-eday. Hon. Norman Morrill, C. L. Conyera and Jack Campbell, of Ciatskanie, were in the city Wedneaday. T. Oaner and wife, of Oohlej J. I! Lovcgren and wife, Quincy; H. Weat, Scappooae; T. C. Watta, Keuben, and I. O. Wickatroni, of St. Helena, were reiria- tered at Portland hotel Monday. A SEW EXTKBPHISE. The Oregon Raft Compear May Bails a Logglag Kail way aa Mlitoa Creek. If the property owner along the pro posed right of way show a liberal spirit, the Oregon Raft Company will tranafer itacradlea from Stella, Waah., and place them in Scappooae Kay, a short diatance above St. Helens. The plan of the com pany ia to build a lodging railway to the summit toward Nehalem, and tap the heavily timbered districts on the head waters of Milton creek. J. W. Staf ford, of ti e company, left town the flr.t of the week to negotiate for the right of way for the proposed logging railwav, and it ia hoped he will be given the proper encouragement. While the company are willing to pay a reasonable price for the lands that they may use, they do not want anv ob structiona placed in their way. If obata- clea are placed in securing the needed right of way, the company miy transfer their operations to the vicinity of Hoi brook, as there is a desirable bodv of timber back of that oluce. The Oregon Knft Company has carried on the business extensively of rafting loga and polca to fcan Francisco, and it should be accorded every encouragemegt to eatabliah them Ives in Columbia county. A Cry for Peace. A ery for peace on any term has come from Venexuela, and the realizes that she is powerless. Minister Bowers it given full power to negotiate. Castro has raised and equipped an army of 40- i 000 men to defend Caracas and La Guag- ray, hut is disposed to yield. England want peace in Venezuela as she fears the United States. A Timely 8ggeatlon. Tlii is tlie aeason of the year wh en the prudent and careful houewife replen ishes her supplyof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to lie needed be fore the winter is over, ami results are much more prompt and aatisfactoiy j when it U kept at hand and given as i on a tlie cold iscontracle.1 and before i "j heroine settled iu the syateui. In almost every instance a severe cold may , be warded off by taking this remedv ! freely tl "rat indii ationa of j tlie cold ppeara. there is no danger I in giving it to children lor it contains j no harmful substance, It is pleasant to j tiiae both adults and children like it. j lluy it and yon will get the best. It al ways cures, ror sale by Ldwiu Koss. t'lreait Csart. Judge McBride convened an adjourned term of circuit court Tuesday. The toiiowing new jurymen were drawn in addition to the hold-over jur jora, M. Fresh and C. W. Emerson from the November term : George Lemont, J. P. McKay, U. W. Urant, O. L. Tarbell, j O. R. Hyde, G. l. Bnncy, O. P. Gar : rison, John Dolan, T. B. Lot I, M. Saxon, j V. W. Clark, U. W. Perry, j The officers of the court present were : ; District Attorney Harrison Allen ; Sher iff, It. S. Hattnn; Clerk, H. Henderson; bailiff, T. C. Watts. Id the divorce suit of A. B. vs L. M. Stone; default was entered, and suits re ferred to Itunyon to take testimony. j John Sandstrom v Delia Sanborn ; de fault and decree of divorce. Fred A. vg Jennie M. Wilson; decree on account of desertion and ntarringe declaretl null and void, as the plaimiHT, and delentiaut were married in the Mate of Washington a f'.'w days niter one of the litigants secured a divorce in Oregon. fn the suit of C. Johnson vs U. B. Jolinson, the custody of the minor child was awarded to the defendant. In the suit of Muckle Bros, vs Captain James Good, the defendant's demurrer was overruled, and 15 dav to answer. Tlie urv found Fredrick man emltv ! of assault on the perwn of John Harris last July. Thursday morning set as i time lor pronouncing sentence. j The em ire time of the circuit court was occupied Wednesday with the tit , of William Fluhrer a?airt Nordby A , O sen. It wa tried without a j'iry, ard tlu1 court took the matter untie -udvist- meiit. Aa fur a the credit ir are concern!, a settlement has been nintle of the estate of Dean Bin nchard. All that hicks of wi idii g in the alTairs, is the filial re port of tho assignee. Fredrick Vivian, who had been found guilty by the jury for assaulting Joint : Harris, appeared yesterday niorni i nd was fined $f0 and costs. Lost. Lost a heifer two vears old and tie horned. Almost red in cohv, mark, split in right ear. Reward ofTored for information leading to recovery. Leave informational thi-office, Cukis Richardson. Metier Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on j the affected part, ia better than a plaster j for a lame back and for pain in tho side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as I a liniment for the relief of deep seated, , . . . muscular and rheumatic pains, for! le bv K'lwin Ross. &3f S) I ( )p I r' & . X! A nice assortment of Xinas reeat at Collins iliray's. Born, In St. Helens Iee. 12th, 1802, to the wife of (ieorge flrinn, a son. ehristuia presents at Collin's A Cray's. Freeh fish in season every Friday, and special Sunday dinner at the St. Helens Hotel. Over $00 wus raised by subscription for a Sunday school Christmas tree at Goble. A few photographs of Columbia county farm houses are wauted at this office for the midwinter edition. A marriage license was gri n .d by the county clerk to K. J. Miirviu and Anna Ii. Orwig on the 10th. Kcv. I.. Oavies will preach at llonlton Sunday morning and at Warren in the evening:. Some fine steel head salmon are being eauglit in the Columbia in this vicinity, nd snapped to Portland. Tl.n. .a- itM ll.l.... ,l l..v. ' a&n-ar and answer afd complaint, the plain There are some fine display Of boll-j,rf Wi bot loth. Court for lUarelleilhar eii. day goods in the local Stores, and they , . ,-i , J sin iiuiiuuuuvt-eive a iioerui patron age. Some of the Kt. Helens saloon keepers are making a determined effort to keep minors out of their places of business, a fact to be commended. Mail subscriber received at tlii of fice for the Evening Telegram, Oregon's greatest evening paper. Trayer meetings are held every Wed nesday night in the little Wesleyan Methodist church near T. B. Lou's resi dence. The newly graded road between Houl ton and Yankton is reported to be in an awful condition. However, it can lie remedied next year. A very enjoyable social dance was given at Houlton last Saturday night at ,,,e W- - W- h,U- Quite a number of St. Helens people attended. The Reading Circle will meet this Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. II. Dolmun, and Mi?s Leota Whitney will be the leader. A son waa born to Mrs. Seward Ras mussen at Dayton, Oregon, one week ago last Saturday. Mrs. Rasmuescn ia a daughter of John Gilmore, and spent I her girlhood days here. County Surveyor W. T. Watts, of Scappooae, is getting out a lot of oak saplings for shipment to Rainier. They will be used as coupling poles for wagons used in hauling lumber. Messrs Watts & Price are remodelling their store at Scappooae, and have put in some new counters and center shelv ing. Four salesmen are kept busy in the establishment the greater part of the time. Solomon Hirsch, ex-minister to Tur key, a prominent politician of Portland, died of heat trouble Monday. He also was prominent aa a member of the wholesale dry goods house of Fleichner, Mayer & Co. Some Houlton boys went out bunting the other Sunday morning, and in the twilight the dogs treed what appeard to be a ferocious wildcat or a coon. When the animal was brought down with a gunshot, it proved to be only a torn cat. The steamer Robert Dollar loaded with ties here the first of the week fo Rodondo, Calif. Tlie ties were cut at Tarbell's mill, near Warren, and on Iwia river. The ties were towed on scows to Muckle's dock, where they were transferred to the Dollar. 1 As an indication that it pays to adver tise in Tux Mist, in the last issue J. A. Wickatroni, of Yankton advertised a stray yearling steer. As soon aa (f. C. Beaver, of Lake farm, on 8auvies Inland, received his paper he located his anin.u: and at once took steps to recover him. There will be a grand Christmas ball in Yankton hall, Christman Eve. Tickets including supper, $1 .35. Supper will be s rved on the upper floor. Music will be provided by lirewelt liroe., of Warren. The flior ui inagere w ill be Nick llrinn, Sherman Saxon, Jean Hyde n0VTer Het-uian and Oeorvo Wh'te. ! There is now a probability that the 1 litigants iu the matter of the St. Helens 1 Lumber Company, may compromise and settle their ditlereiices. Negotiations are now pending to that end. It i un derstood that -outBide pa-ties desire to secure possession of the mill property. Cut this out and take it to Edwin Una drtw siore and net a fit's sattiule of : Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Xab-I lets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate tlie stomacli, improve toe up-; petite and regulate tho bowels. Reg- ular sise, 2sV, per box. Aaseasor Martin White, assisted by Asaeaeor-elect A. T. Iwa and IK-pulv l C. W. Biakesleyaie platting and correct- j ing up the various townsites in the1 county. Mr. Law. par, of the work is looking up the titles. He wi.i assume At... .1 - . . i 1.1 .. .14 . fet. Vnr.I . 1 Hieuuuratll lliouuuo nit ur)iiiiiiiig i.i the new year, and .Manin White will be I his deputy. A drama will lie presented at Rainier by amateur local talent Saturday night. The play ia entitled the "FUhermei.'s Luck". Those Unit take pttits in the drama are J. K. Bourne, O. B. Johnson, J. James, W. Mc Adams, F. Trow, O. Dutcher, Misses Madge Hill, Daisy Wat kins, Anna Perry, Deborah Swett. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation. Thi ia a new remedy and a good one. Edwin Ross. m .,.., .. , , The St. He ens Hotel takes the ead ,i . h- r. a a f M. Bricu. TT1rno UVttal "VlCIlS 110161 . Under the Management of a A. AND A. M. BRINN. Haa been repainted and refurnished. Board and Lodging, $20 per month. Transient, $1 per day. Special Kates to parties of Heveral Persons. BaRn and Feed for Horses. SUH K0 US. In the Circuit Court of Die Btale ol Oregon tui ( uliinibia OHinty, Florcii'.-e 1-ella Araent, plaintiff, v, Edward H. anent, tiefendiot. T'i Kdwan H. Arxcnt.tlie abore-namad d fendaut: IS THK NAMK Of TIIK 8TATK OF OKK XMii: Vm tire bereby requlreil to apiear mill aiiNwer the i'itnilaliit riled as1"111 yim lu the a) ove entitled suit ul 'it before the oC'.h lny of JaiiUMry, lvu3, thin b'iri the Immi dny prescribed lu tlie onler uf imiiiioiion oi aiimmoUK. ami ir you rait no to I prayed, to-wli: a decree of divorce from ih, j bond of niaiifmony now exlatllix between ynt nd the iilaimitf. Thla numinous 1 published i'it six connect the weeks uy order of Hon. Tliomus A. Mi-Bride, Judge ol the Clrcul IJouil of the rttale oforexuu. for the Count? of Co lumbia, n;le on the lO.h day of Liecvmtier. Vm. (he Ural iMblloailon being on the l'Jlli 'la of Meceiuuor, iwl. W. M. LaFOKCK, Attorney for Piaiutitl. ilinrjer ltuu, Ai-i v, . MOT ICE FOR PUBUCATIUn. L'KiTsn Hrarsa Lamu Urrin, Orrima City. Oregon, April 23, l'JOA VrWTICE fs HKKEBV OI V KN THAT IS i;ul 11 pllance llh tlie provision, of til" act o Congress ol June 3, lh;. entitled "An act fin the ule ot timber land. In the Males of Callfor nia, Oregou, Ne.ada, and Washington Terri lory," aa extended in all the Public Laud Kiate by act of A iguat 4 Ixtti, Uenoit Vllligar. of,for. land. County of Mulluoaaah. btale of Oreguo. has this day Hied iu tnia office his sworn stale inent So. Mil, fur the purebaae of the aw'4 Miction So. 'U In towuship No. 4 u range So. V w, and will offer proof to show Ilia the laud sought ia more valuable for Its tiuiue or atone than for agricultural ourpoaes, and l establish bis claim to aald land belore the Keg liter and Receiver of thta oltice at Oregon cm Oregon, on Friday, the Sta day ;ol Janunri 1KB. lie names a-Kitueea: l.are T. fcluuu Frank ii. Iloyt and Helver Olsvu. uf Warrea Oregon, and A, L Milter, of Orefin City. Any and alt ergons claiming Ac veraely the above-dexTibed lamia an rvj to led to file llirlr claims in till ouur beforeiiiiiuinh day of January, liaia U-llj CH li, Ii ilOOKES. Kegiater. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Co iuiubia County, Oregon : We, tlie undorsigued leal voter, re siding in Uoble precinct, Columbia County, Oregon, would respectfully pe tition your Honorable Body at ita nexi regular session, which will he held on the 6th duy of January, 'J03, in tin Court House, in the City of St. Helens, Columbia C'oaniy, State of Oregon, thai a license be granted to O. K. Hunter U. sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon in (ioble precinct in said county and state, and that said lieense be granted for a period of six months, for all of which your petitioners will ever pray: Signe : U S Foster, H Beahe. J. Buibee, K Smalley, I M Hpencer. C M Leonard, Thomas Peoples, J M Fowler, II M Fowler, Geo Pitzenberger, Hosea Binck. Will Kelly, A J VauAlstiue, C P Ander son, E W Fowler, L Bradley, J Martin. F ilusabaum, Walter Hunter, Bert Mackinster, J L Archibald, W M Urad ley, Ira L Withrow, J E Conboy, Robert Link, Peter Hoesch, J.un Fair, tieorge Foster jr, Will Meacham, B Havard. C H Ehlinger, John Metricks, Earl Hutchinson, John McFarland, W H Bishopp, Z A Hyde, C Link, R 8 Keen ev, J VV Bomell, C C Fowler, P H Piper. C W McFarland, (ieorge Link, Ueorgi C Fowler, Frank C Cleaver, C Maginn, Joseph Lawrence, Jiinniie Kennedv. R 8 Kinney, R W Dodge, Arthur Riley. J M Young, Frank Degonda, SamuV Forbes, Joseph Cardinell, D L McDer molt, R A Lawrence, M Link. J C Mon roe, V'ictor Furer, E E Hufslaker, Rob ert B Lip ton, J Alfred Johnson. SUMMONS. j i the Circuit Court of the State of Ore (roll for Columbia Con lit v Kme lialensifer, plaintiff, vs. Ous Balensifer, Defendant. To tins Baleui-iler, tlie above-named Defendant : IS THE NAME OF THE STATE Ol Oregon : You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer tin Complaint filed agaiust vou iu tin i above-eutitled Court and Cause on J before the 17th day ol January, llHi:l I w hich will be after the expiration of j six weeks from the date of the first I publication of this summons; and f you fail to so appear and answer on . before said 17th dav of Jitntiarv. UMli. I the plaintiff will apply to the Court lur relief demanded in the complaint lu wit: For a decree dissolving the unir ringe relation now existing between yuu and the plaintiff, and for such oilier Hnd further or different relief a may lie equitable in the premises. Thia summons is published by onler of the Hon. J. B. Doan, county judge uf county ami state, ntaue ami en "V '"," ue on "1B -na a".v 01 The day of the first publination of tliid summons ivtemuer 5tti, I'.HL". a IKtemuer 6th. I'JO' .nut the lust Jitntiarv Kith, 190X GEORUE A. HALL. Attorney for Plain tiff NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. . , v " ? TLT0 ' VM-- "n? -. i t . a " . jyya SUIXtl VlUe SeCtlOtl 16, tl) C. II r 2 and establish the line and corners ! the ',., ot the nei, of the si1,,, ' said eectton. W. T. Watts, county surveyor. Greatest Clulbing Combina- TWO WEEKLY PAPERS Foil THE OF ONE GREATEST BARiiAlX I.N (.iUOD READING. By a special arrangement we are able to furniin Tax Ohkoon Mimt and THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price for both papers: Far Oaa Ynr la lara ncamthiO rr lx .Howila la Uranct. T5e The Weekly Journal, of Sal m. Ore., print moat inaide newa a Unit our state government end tl a fell leyiahitivr pn cerdings. Just what you want for the cumins; esion. The Journal is a larga ight page paper full of televuphic news of the hol' woild. fi.iu. le copy furnished tree ujion t.iqnirj' at this olS-v, 1 Watts & Price, -WK AI.KIM IN- Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions Scappooae, Oregon, ORIENTAL - HOTEL. Under I lie mating! merit of MRS. FRED BRIGQS, Has the Best Accommodations. BOARD AND LODGING, S18 PliR M NTH. Transient. $i Per Day. Feed Barn in Connec tion. ST. HI I ENS Or. ja a nu I ICE. i . i.;..:: v niAT thk CS'dkr- ' ., ...t.i .. I u. . -.1. u, the llan. J. B. Dou, juile oi the C.ittrt of thu state of Ura gun tor C"l'iin ,l.i Cuiilltv, appointed adminis trator of I he fcntate of Jeremiah tlalvin, dceeaae-l. Any ami all ierseu, Having clalms agniusl aid eaiate are hereiiy reqnired to praarot tile SAuie o nte, duly verified accord ing to Ian , at lue uAt'l of Wt H. fuwell, at t. Helens, urct-'ou, Mlihiii six months front the date herenfr JOHS 1)0 LAN, Administrator of the Ksiate i f Jeremiah Oat- vill, decease !. W. H. fovVKLL. Attorney for Administrator. Dated liecemlier Uih, i'Ml. Eatray Taken Notice is hereby given that On the 15th. day of December, l'JO, t k up a red steer, at my plnce near Uoble, County of Columbia, htate of Oregon, described its follows: Red, with white spot iu flank ; no marks or brand; is about two yeure old ; Jersey color about the inw. file o tier of the above de scribed uniiuul can obtain possession of the mine by luriiisbing sufficient proof of ownership and paying all expense and cueti. J. P. Abchibald. SUMMONS. Id the Clrcuii Court ( the &ml of Orejfon, for Um Cumity of Cotunibm. J. 11. Kerier. IMntmiir. Mary K. Kefer. Defendant,. I,. Mry t. k trier, the aboVenamd D fetMhtnl: IN THE NAMK OF THE BTATK OF ORE gun; you iv hereby notified and required to ppcur miii nnwer the complulut tiled ftKitiaH yuu la th? atvj iiiilei Court ou or b fore iHfCvmtitfrati'ntl, IWi. which will b aftur the ex it ration of nix ekh from th data of the rtrst piiljhi-atlnti f litis Hiimnions and If ynu fai io fo uppear a al aiiw r ou or before aaiJ i2udilayi'i lf tnu lr, 1'Jiri the plaintiff will uppiy to the Conn ftr the relief demanded in ttiecoinplniiit to wit: Kor a decree disxolring the inrnae relation now existing be tween yo aud the plaintiff, und for such other and itiruier or dtifereut rtiief aa may b pr-per. litis Mummonn fs publWiad by order of the H'ti. Th'Miiai A. Uciaritie, Jtide of the above tiutit.etl O un, mi la at Cht,itoers oo tbe 4tb day uf November, lyo i'hetlayof the il.Jtt piibtlcitloa of this auni mou is November 7th, 12 KOHfcRT G. MORROW, Aiu.rney f.r Plaiiiiiff HOT ICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT v-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY AMhe undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles I Melia, deceased, ihnthe has filed in the orhce of the County Court of Columbiu County, Or von, hi liual account uf his adiuinis tr t on Uon said estate, together with Ii.? auni report and ieiitioii lur final set tlement, snd that the Hon. J. K. Doan, lit ge in (-aid Court, hna appointed Fri- idin.ihe ftili dav of January, 1903, at die o'cl-a.k iu the afternoon of said day .tb the time, and the courtroom of said oiirt at the Court llmise in St. Helens, 'Jup'.ii.. as the place of inuring an ill ac- -omit mill refiori and of sett I i ,g the ad-oiini-triitioii of sai I estate, at which line anil place any p rou interested omy appear and olijecliutis in writ ing to iid recount or rvpoit, or any portion tlu-r u . A. R. MELIS. . ,'. '.I'''1 '",.,!' VI i li.l-iti- if 1 1 1 '2 .it! .' Jit'ui loi-eiwii. V. I'. Piwell. A torn -y foi A luiinis tratm. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lf prtrtmrtu t-f the Interior IjkMid tMi.c- ul ttrejei.n Cttv, Oregon. November 14. l'Hri. ' OTK'K IS IIEHKBY t.IVBS THAT THK iolltiwiiiaa'-iMii e 1 settler iitw filed notice of iiis mtf nruiii to mi;. I proof In iptxirt of hit t Inini. mid t!t.'it -aid proof mUI be made ba i"ie tlie . ctiiny t leik of Columbia County at St. Urle e., nitron. oitle emtT l-.W.. vu; LKWI.- H. r.TAiKRALU. H. K. No IX 771" r tiie e1,, n -ivtion tS. tp 4 n. r w. lie iiiinett the tolinwiiiK wtineaaei to rtvp Lis ioi:Iii(imi ie-.i.eticc uimhi and eultt iiti..u of Mtid ImmI, v it- v.. hf Iter, tif Verno ti in orr.i,ii; haile KickiU'tn, of keat-oy, Ore tr'ii : lie r.:t' V. Auum.sand Aloeieo Kiuniom, of Vernt.uin. UiKn. X t: Cif.VRLKS B. M)OKK, Regfttf. KTAH!,lSHfci 1.H72 JOHN A. BECK DK'ALCK IS Watcbas, Diamonds, Sitoerware, ...JEWELRY.,.. Itepairiit a Specialty. Morriion et. t)t. rront A Ffret. P)RTI.AKD We are still furnishing the Weekly Oregouiitn and Misr together for a year only $2.00. Suiiecrilie uow.