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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1902)
ok Einm M j;r - I jKiitetttil iif ill- l':ft-Mli' nt rU Hi-lens, ' COUNTY Or,t.3IAL PAPER;. HI 1 M.- . ."".."I :T. t lHHl Kll r.VlrHVtUUJI VV ftllKmU-Vi KKKt.KK UABOKRT, Elditltt'AKW I'uMl'HUCTua. yr.r- !...',:'; - M'BM'RIFTION PKICK: One v T year, in advance. Six ti.iiiitlia,, ......... . ....... .t.00 .'80 NOVEMRKR 28, 1902. Thtafafwr llept oivrVie at ' the .1s (ton Prmw AMMM-iNtion K'm 9. HHiuiH - f in buililiiu. 1'ortlrtinl, Oregon. a - - - -J- - '-' -I- " WHtT-lftLl OUR TIMBER SUPPLY i RUM SHOUT. '"" Day after day night and after nk'ht grunt rafu of logs pass St. Helens fid their o the big sawuiilla in Port-1 danda 4vtr before in the history of OrtfconlinA Ihtira been sut-h demand tin the fir (areata cif the lower CuHintbia. jLnd.the big miiU of Portland are not cuttiiif all tliti luinW, for the a in Aumerous wills in Columbia county, Clatsop raanty'nnilHetbai'tMi" riiror in vVaaliUiica are making lumber aa ta?t ali they can-- ere the logs. The do ayartu, fa exceeds the supply. Ijfegitije; railways are Mug ateadily extended in to the interior, and more are projected. Jt will not be long until the great Vttber ' forests olthe Kehnlem wilt be diawn Upon to supply the demand, and the log ging railway will be carrying tue luni ' ber product of that section to the water front to be loided onne ships. . J At the present rate of supply and de- uiand it will not bj many yen re until the food timber along the lower Col jmbia ayjU be a scarcity.- Aluioat-revery tow- fctfat Aat carries a rait of tags xtopa at the St. Helens yard to wood, and the shrill whistles of the continual string of funding steamers are heard every hour , during ihe day and nighfe" . t Thia ia a striking ocnlar demonstration oi the iuimeneityuf the logging business pu tue Columbia river. , i- ' ' .i ' ST A ND VP, MITCHELL. How do yon expect to travel the broad Toad of broken pledge, mai. falsehood that lead to everlasting hell fire and taimstone, anidat theaame time hedge on the path of that narrow and atraigbt way ihat leada to everlasting life ? Isn't that Or. Jekyl aud Hi.' Hyde hiisiuesa HWttwtbia?-- . j Why did you not keep your promise to correct w Hat you said about the county court in the matter of publishing ih'ax liat? liow about the pledge .iule in your .paper that the printing to fei trlWn out by the county clerk, should" be ljtt to the lowest bidder? Ia your wi&r4 or pledge good for any th ing T Have ' you any honor or luajOboodT .If yon have any dcuiru to nave the county any fh.inia4)rliitiug, why do you not con sent to let the clerks printing to the low esi 'bidder, and redeem your pledge? ,! ) ou know that you deliberately lied whj5JVu sid, that the Mitrr ever cast f'ny reflections oil Bainier -people. . It anakes no difference, anyway, for very Jew.KHinier people believe anything fhat ii printed in the Gazette. The man that; befrianda people doei aor- UwV hia horn about it in the news' Hpera. If you ever befriended any on , of' o;ae uows it. How 'about the woman's son, you wanted fired out of -lodge, when he had not been properly 'eU;ed of his arrears. Is that charity ? ; Wiila it tjtat yon invariably begin jitewspaper fights, and when you get the- pmn ii gu wnining rouna to saloon ieepers and others, that you intend to " pTOkecnte the other man for libel? J : ' ' -u-- tj-1 rxr . A, It Is announced that freight rates in 1100 schedules on Western railroads are to be raised again. And this when the railroads-, have , more business offered ihatt they can handle, arid are making aftelso money, .The railroad trust, this'tide of Chicago, ia the biggest one ,in the world, and aorae day will iave'to be dealt With by the, peopla. Tf tfiere is no other way, they will take the lailroadi and run them, themselves. Evening Telegram. ; v ' ,; -' In France M atrofware' bought up in quantities by raadealers and sold to shoe Jactoriea, where the shoes are first . token apart and- submitted to long pro miimi wbich Von then iujo psto- Jrom which tiie material is transformed! tihto Wi.uiiation leather, appearing' very much -like the finest morocco. Upon - this material ittylish de.fignj Jane stamped and wallpapers, truiik-'cuveringa. and Similar articles lunnufactared from it. The productiveness of C'olunibiacounty oil is demonstrated by the practical ' espcicuve of Jolin Johnson, one of the well-to-do farmers -of Sk-appoyee. He states that the products from land cleared uff tbe stumps and roots, will pay the expenses the grubbing in,'- wo;, years.. Mr. Johnson knows whereof he speaks aud say that it is not profitable to; pay taxes on land that ia not producing any liiig. ''' - I 1- Ji According te the di; patches, it is esti mated that (he fatalities from tJie Guater iuala Valc!iio,, number 7000. Nine hundred square tnilcs were devastated. akid fei tile ranches were, covered three feetdeep with r.elies. . There is great imress turougnont .country, and ijwo new vraiers nave lorinea. . i Young man, buy a pjeWorrooeh land. et some goats and brush it up. Plant tn acrVs of winter apples, ami hi your; miuum uw it win aeep yea at a. good bite!, Capital Journal. s ) t ' ' Willis Kramer, Democratic "represen tative from rortglas. W ;sld to tiaae (;h whisker's of any man in the legi MureW7apitalJotnaV. ; 'sheriffs sale of UcUaqaxut Taxes for t Tear XSttl. TVTOTri'E is hkrkbv given, that bt It virtue of a nairutit fur the collection of do llnuucut tasei of Ihe aexanieui of lwl. in the County of (.Xilmiibia and Stitteof Oxegou, which warrant is mow in uty nanus uiu la in wonte ,J w,ln.t , fallows, via; aiAin wr unnnvin Oouniv ot ITolun'ibla." 1 To th SMimrr or Coluhsia Cocktt Out- uoh, limtSTiHd: , . , ' In the iim"f tfia Slat e Oreaon you art bqrebjr oommeuilen o wit ths Mveral artleles of pentonal proiwrtv a-iul pairels ot real nrou rtt upon wlih-li jui) 'tlixet aw Nieuviy levll. and ho-n tq licJe1iuqniit, uuaiil and uiicoilt-ctotl' oa tha wltUltF'-.anil foragoina tax rolHtitli UMi'-ner by lnw pnifiilail. Wln mv lliiriil inl (ha Sf l of Iho Couiitv Court oi i.'niiiiliU roiuitv, 0;-vkoii, Ihta 15.h tlay ol .ovittii, litti. ,- 1 Vi ' I ....into ' ' xi. n , ... , mi I ot i oluuibla . Couuly Clt-rk j ' vuimiy, ur- Wliicli warrant l attachml to th lift ot tin- p.iiil aiul(llinjfl'l laxtta ir the ysar, Imt. tn uiii ;i.iiiiiiuia oiiuiy. vivtHou. tian.iMina. ntr tti Mm wnrrain 1 will Wll in tl.,lni( uupaid lit v rl im-perty fn (h delinquent, ani uniMllevteu taxen oa llie same, as aoiieara .in ihe aeiliiueui tax. fill for lira vall ;car , .; . ... a i - fTi Tiwim thp IflthTtaTfii TIpp 1flfl9 i uu i ui'uuu 1 1 iuu a uiu uu i ui jjou.. J va . 1IvIiiia, I'oliuitila i iiniuy, 8tai of Umaoii! beRlunlnif arnto'uKH-k In tli furonoon of aahl ok' anil atll each (iHrvi-l to the enam who of fers u wy th'$ -taes. eonia, anil at-crutiiK lien alileji lliei-eoi,, ami take a certitlcaia at Ue loiYet rale oi intercut. HITT1 MierifT o) Ootunibia County, Ureavaw STATE OP URKflCN ,' C.'oaiiiy of Ooluiiiiia.t I hereby eerttiy that Ilia above ia a true aud cornet coy of the whole thereof of the original wrrnHt mr collection W oxiiuquent uxea lur me year, oa. ... 'UK' HITTU SherlrT of Cnlumbta Couuty. Uceaou. . nancBiiiTioii. tax-P4 1. Abraim n K D.l Kuoi A. A : loin 1, i, 3 ami u' of aw and Ji-of nw of w tioii tii ta.olrt w; iffi ana e! of aef aiui sw-i of ne aud nf m 4 a.iu H oi of SfctiMi 8. tp 8 ai r 1 w; lot i iu Hevtioa Si, to 4 n, r I w: loU 'i, it, 4, &, . 7. 8, , 10, It, ia and of se1 and sw1 of aw aee- ttoa Si, tu 4 h. r 1 w. tax I eualty and lntereat. 27 SO Alexau kT j viMb: svi of section 23, tp 5 .rS, aud ueV of section UL tp 4 u,tlv. Tax .... 14 W reually and Interest a 66 Vinson inouiaK; lot a ana sou of nw'a sseiion 3, Ip 3 n, r 4 w. Tax 8 50 1'eualiy and interest....' ax aniH-rson lonn, nue nuid in front of F. it. Warren D L C, seetioua 1. U and 22. tp7, n. r 2 w. Tax , Pi any and interest Andersau C. S; t.Toiumencfng' at a iwiul 25 chains south of nw corner of southwest eorner of section !, tp a, n. r 4 ; theuc-a south chains; thence east 40 chains; tlieuce north I chains; thenca weal 40 chains to 2 48 10 , place of beanuiina. Tax. 82 penalty and interest ' W oaaer Anna, utate; i o! of sec tion Mp 5 n, t ytM Oi seW of section tp i n, r i Wi lots 5, . 7 and S. block 2; lota 3 and 4. Mock 4. sto. Tax.. ; ii Penalty and interest... a 00 vryaiit, xrs. at. j ; w', of "i and neW of e'- and a 10 acres of ink of ne'i of seciioa 14, tp 7 n, r 4 w. Tax T 6 88 reitaiir sua interest Baker li. .; aej of section !, tp4 n, r 4 w. l ax . Penalty and interest , Banlett T H ; und. 1 a Interest in s,' of awfi and iiK of of section S, tp 6 a. ti m. fax ,. Penalty and interest Bisch Victor; and. 1-S Interest in anil of section 31, tp 5 n, r 2 w. Tax Penally and interest. . , Bongs U L: uwii ol of sactioa 16, tp , Sn. r !i". Peualtyaod intereot : 90 4l 4 45 80 1 10 see n 04 Bonser Mary A; lot 1 block 28, Columbia viiy. ittx Peustty aud Interest Boos Andrew; lot 10, block 1?, Vernon ia. I". ,...v ....... PeflklrV and inienwt Boose) iHiishauseu; neW of lot 4, block 7, vernonia. Tax Peaaltr and lutereM Bradcn Isabell; lota 8 and 4, block 2, 'lot a oiiics i, lot vi oiocx ll. all in ttose a add. to Vernonia- Tax l. II. U V . 1 ..... - Brandes Herman; lots 11 and 12 bioick ii rimiHm, if, vernonia.. lax Pr. tl v . .. I., r ...... . V Bronbert K.; lot 2 block i oud'addl tu ernouia. lax Penaltr and Interest Brown Barnabas; e of iwlj of section .K1!, ii . a. . . ., . .. , .... Penaltv and interest so 1 uo Burke John; all that portion of H. M. nignion s u 1. u lying w of N. P. it. K.Co's right of wy, less low as sessed to f. Myrick In section 4. tp 4, " n, rl w, and in section a, to 6 n, r 1 w. Tax Penaltv and iniereat ' J 00 so Burke Christie X; ne of section 9, tp M. t O W, ICtX '. Ppntfllv'amt I 80 1 23 I Burke Penny ;ntWsl sej'of section 10, , tp(n, r2w. Tx.... s ea 68 i-euany ana Interest Byiioo l-red 8.; lou 7 to 12 in block 24, in Mellinger's add. to Vernonia. Tax.. Penalty and interest BynonUus H ; lot 12 block 25, Jleliin- fer's add to Veruouia. Tax.......... ensityaod Interest CHir-H. B.; lot 2 tfutwli of ne of aec tlons,tP4n, rj w; lot 17 biock 27. St. Helens. Tsx . Penalty and interest Cliff,; ita 7 and 16 block 17 in bt. Helena. Tax Penalty and Interest PalnnibiaLogedigpouipany; Isaac Vor bees D L C; section 21, tp 7 n; r x-w. tii of swJiof section 21, tp7 n, r 2 w. neJ4 of nwj of section 2s, tp 1 n, J, Tax... . Penalty and ttnexeat. , Cap es Willie ; nwi ol swi of section 3, tp ( n, r 2 w; lot 7 block 1, Colom bia Clly. Tax , fenalty and interest Cart co John K; uj of seV of section 28, tp6n, ilw. tx Penalty and interest.. J..; Catlin Adam; long, 5, 10 and sw of ne Mof section 3, to 7 n, r S w. Tax.... Penalty and interest........ Chamberlain I. P.; lot 8 block 17, Vsrno- nonia. Tax Penalty and interest Chandler Mary i ; bv of section 17, tp 4 n, r5 w. Tax... Penalty and interest. Cheen? M. H.i lot 12, blocks, Rose's ad. to-Vertionta. Tax....... Penalty and interest Clark Anna al ; nwW of section 14, tp 6. t 47 1 00 13 40 2 00 36 96 8 67 4 85 DO 48 1 68 5 28 SO 10 L6 1 Ml . n, r 2 m. Tax.. ....... Penalty arm' Interest Conley John, lota 1, 2, aud 4 In block 20, Secndadd to Vernonia. lax.. nenaltvn,l lnt.rt , , io n i a vonraa Samuel; 1. t5n. r2 w: of seV of section 80 1 0 rensny and Interest Currier busie; beginning at a point 47. 75 chains south and 10 chains trest oi ne ""erof w! oi 11. Jf. hVnignJ' ton s D L C in section 4, tp 4 n, r 1 w; tlience south 10 chains: thence west lf chains; thence north 10 chains; theoce east chains to place of beitiuuinnlng and containing WX acres. Tax " Penalty and interest " t w.'tm Wy 'P Penalty and 'inie'reVt'.'.'. . Davey H. o. and Georgia; lots 1, 2 and 3. section M), to 8 js,.T 4 w. Tax Ptinalty aud interest Douuia Herman; s of ne'-; snd nwi of Kii snd eW of se4 of section 5, tp In, r 6 w- -Tax... v Penalty snd interest tuncan J. B.; e otset pf ne,'.; ofjwctlun '1 tt? 'P?0, f2 w. Tax ' PnaJty sad interest Dwif Moifi,i l'y vUxk 2, Colum- blaC'ity. Tax...... Penalty and Interest Deshier William J.; swW of se! and a 10 Swt 66 10 00 1 90 74 1 76 10 41 2 18 1 Wr acres of nw(i i 55 ,!; e of saution 5, tp 4 u. r m w. lax 25. Penalty anrf Im.M.. ' Dippold M. 8.; neof seciion'n.' 'tp 6 n, V I. 8. sr., Tax ' ' PerialtVattA f . so J4 62 2Mt Donah. d K.; lota 1 and 'i," section "is' Ipln Hs. Tax - . Penalty anrt ln,..i Vi' Brake J-.-ljfi fotsia. ii andi'Moc't'iK m.v viiuinoiatyity. lax... Penalty and inr,,.. 84 J. M. liolph, C. H, Preset 'and fV'r'-. (MWai: und. 1-8 int. i follbw '.n,": 'x"."'''.'.4,analin block A;Di ' IoJ"Ai WandTl, block 1 ; Jpts 7, 8 sud 9, block 2; iota 1, 2 and 7. to 12, block; lou 1, 2, , 10, 11 and li . block 27, all in Columbia City. Lots 1 to 10 Block m; lots 1 to 10, block 41; !V,,'o.10,b,M''''f loUHasl, bloc-, i; !",' W, bloci 46; lots i to l3 ' 4S; uKoflotsand7, block 48; loi 1 to , block 60; iots l to- 8, block 81; 68; lols 1 to 8, block r lots 1 to , block ,.: lots l tog, hlocsl at; lots i t a, block 67; lots 1 to 8. bio. in lots 1 to .b;.,iok C9 bHs 1 to 4, bio k B; lots 1 toA. uloca 1, (II in. Gilmer's ald. In cotombla fiiy. ah 1 . following described properly: l ots ltoainMockA; lots 5 snd C, block - .. ,v f ; . , . i , lots t, t. S and 4, block P; lot and li'iof lot aV block F; lots tu as,.. P; lot 10 to Ja, bloi-K U; a flao tiou of bliKk II; lots to 6. blovk IS; fota 8 to U block 10; lou 1 to 12, block i., lou 1 w i. Uut. 2, iuu 1 to 41, .block M; lois I to 12, block 29; Iota 1 to 12, block SO: lots 1 to Ii, block 81; ' lots 1 to 12. block 32! lots on to 12, block .1; lou 1 to 12. block &; lots 1 to 12. block 8; lots 1 to 12 block S; lots 1, 2 and 3, block 87; lots 1, and , blovk W; lota I to 10, block 4i lots 1 to 10, bltwk -H; lots 1 to 12, block 4A: lots S aud , block 48; W of lou t aad 7. block 48; low I to 8, block 90: lota 1 too. block 91: lots k tb 12, block 9u; lota I toli. block V3: lots I to 12. MiHdt 04; loU 1 to 12. block, 99; iota 1 to , block W; lots 8 16 12, block 96; lota t to 12, block Vtl Iota 1 to 7, block! 98; iota 1 to 8, block ISJf lots I to , block loi; lou 1 to 11, block 110; lots lots 1 to S. block 116: bus 1 io 8. block ll; has ( tu to, blink 121,, all iu Hilt Urr'ia'bl, to t'oluusbtn (,'liy. I'nd. 1-aJ. Caplea D a. 0, leas Columbia City town site, less amount to w. H. Dolman, leiw aiiiouut to N, P. R. H. Co., lit sections 2Haasl 82, tp6 n.r lw. Tax--..'. ...... Penalty and Interest Rdgerton W A; oonnaeaoingat a point liiataut 60deg. and I mlu. west 40 feet and n 29 ries. 40 inin. east M feet from ' ne corner oi lot 4, block lti; First ail. to Clatskanie; thence a 60 Heg. 2u niin wast 60 feet; thence 2a ilea. 4'l ibIii. east VH fee.: thence s 34 deg 4, in In. east killowlng the line ot Prom street 86 feet; thence in a southerly dliecllon to pluce of be gliimiig. being s part , of First add. to C'lsUtaole. TA ... , Penalteaiid Interest fills A s, n J ne)4 of section 24, tp 4 u, r 2 w. Tax , Penalty and Interest Kdwanls J J; lot 1 block 6, Vsrnonls. Tax renaiiyanii interest.. wiy John, of w'at section 14, tp In.its. Tax. . 10 32 1 93 1 Penalty and interest... FiskJamea, Bsiate;, 31 seres' la W of ; nivSi of aeiiion 4. tp 7 u, r 4 w, Tax Penalty snd interett.. ... , Farnkoph Bosit; lot 10 block 4. First add. lcnslty. aud interest Fitxgeraid Anna, trustee: beginning at nwt. coiner of et of nel, of section 21, tp & n, r 4 v: tuenca east 40 rods thence solitb 100 rbdif aiore or less to the nilddls ol Kock crack; thence westerly up middle of Rock creek 60 rods more or leas to west boundary Hue of said east H of said section: tbeoca north slung suid .west boun . dary line 80 rods ro place at begin ning containing 26 aorea.. Tax.. Penalty and Fiiterest. Fttrgeallid J T; lots 7 and 8, block 8, First add. to Vernouia ,.- I'MnullV M.wl lnt.M.1 V. : 8 06 21 01 11 16 2 23 Flaherty K: und. S int. in lots 4 and t block 'o, Columbia City. Tax...... Pan.iltt anrt inttiruxt Fester W A : swW of section 8, tp 7 n. r S w. Tax , ., Penalty and fnlerait . . . Fange John; lots 1 and 2 block 52 and traction oftotall anil 12 blof k as, all in Columbia City. Tax, , Penaltv and interest Girt Rebecca: commencing at a point 49- toils suth from the ne corner of eu of nw4 ot section 6. tp 6 n..-r 2 wf thence south Wrodi; thcncsweit 36 rods; thence north 9:1 rods; thence east M roils to place of begin ning awl containing 21 acres more or ks; section 6, tp 6 o, r 2 w; se1 of sc'i of see. 81, tp 7 n, r a w. Tax Penaltv and interest 7 10 1 i3 'l' Glrty Dean; commencing at a point sontn srideg. 65 uiin. w 7.98 chains fnun most nr eoroer of Aaron Rroyle'k 1 LC; thence south 23 deg. aomln. east 86.70 chains to south Una of Frances Perry's 1) i, .C; thence west on said claim line 8 84 chains: thence north 28 deg. 80 niin. w. 31.10 to county road; theuca north 69 deg. east 7 SO chains; thence north 61 deg. east .20 chains to point of beginning snd containing a-r.,s in sections and 6. tp4 n, r r w. taxf...... Penalty and interest 80 2 69 42 S ' 18 92 3 66 Grantham H L; w'j ol oH of iv'-i of wnimi,ipaB,u w. lax Gal Tin Jeretiiiah; se$ of section 7, "tp'i . r 4 w. lax...... Penaltv and lntereat. ... . Goldsmith Max; lot- 3 and 4, section 16, tpx u, r 2 w. Tax PMalte and iantraat GoWon. il itauii.t! of section 1, tp l n, 8 26 Penaltyand intere""!,"""'""" 1 56, orlndle 8 T; sw.'. of section 8, tp 6 n, r 3 W. .... ;.. ... ...... ...... ...... Pcnsltr aod fntersat 16 01 2 32 Harris lira Lucy, tstste; lots Sand 6, bi i 3 99 ra; tot a, oiocs 24, comiuDiaclty. 1 ax Penaltv and lntcmat Haycox Frank H; ), ol sw!-t of secVion , tpt ii, r 4 w Tsx .... . ... Penakv and lnfrat 1 27 1 a4 lBl 2 90 Hawkins Elijah; nH of nw'i of sec" tton i, tp 4 b, r 1 w. lax Penaltv and lntereat Helnzen E; n of sw1 of section 6, tp b,mv;oi seji ano seii ol sw' section S, tp 8 n, r 4 w. Tax ., renaltvand Interest ' Y 1 94 Habarfieory; lotskaod.4 snd s4of aw of sectioa 2, tp 3 n, r Si w..r. . Penaltv and Intermit 10 40 1 91 11 88 2 20 S A TO Hagan Ueorge W; lots 6 and 7 and c'i ill sw54 ot section , tps tt, r, 5 w. Tax Penaltv and lntereat Hagey S R: seV olnt!4 cf senka iL tp 8 n, Uw. Tax .'. ..".. Panaltv and lntereat RalnesKM: lot 6 block 1 ; lots 6 and 7 bi 2, Rose a add. Vernonia. Tax Haines Alvin; lot 4 bldck"i,'iit "bTnck"2, a aun. w vvruonia. iax....H Penalty and Interest. Hawkins Ada; wUotswU of section 23 tp7ti, r3w Tax Penalty and Interest Hawthorne 1 C; se"4 of nettle n 36, tp 8n, r 4 w. Tax Penalty and Interest Hickman A; lou 7 and 8, block 8, Pint add. to Vernonia. Tax.............. Penalty aud interest Honeyuian J I: lots 6 and 7, block 1 lots 1 to 6, block 19. First add. to Ver nonia t'ax...i'i. ....... ... Penalty And interest Hudson 8 C; neJi of nwi of section 19, tp 7 n, r 2 w; se of swj. of section it, tp 7 n. r 2 w. Tax., Penalty snd interest Hughes Oitavia; und. 1-8 interest In nw ' J1 of sectlou 82, tp i n, r 2 w. .Tax Penalty snd interest ' Hnniley CG; wjjof ne of section 28, JP8n,r4 w. "lax...' Penalty snd interest..- Iljana John O; nw of section 28, tp S n, tiw. Tax . ' Penalty and interest : Irving o P; seji of seetion 16, tp 7 n, 6 w. Tsxi . Penalty and Interest ' Iverson S; ieJ4 of oA and m of as V and of stU of sectioa 36, tp 7 lis. Tax .' Penaltv and lulerest. ...r....''-.."".1 Johnson Chris; w.H of ne ol nwU and wj, of ne!., of y. of section 6, tp C n, r8w. lax. .r.?..-v . Penally Slid Interest...... . . .- Jones-Eiisk C; nnd. 1-8 Interest fn ' ol section 32, tp 6 n, r 2 w. Tax- I Penalty and interest Keeie Ftank: lot 4 andawti of nw and H of w!4of sec. 4, tp J n. r4 w.Tax Penalty and Interest Kenowskl Andrew; se of section 32, tp 6n, r8w. Tax.... Penalty and interest... Kanffmann W L; of ne!4 of section W. tp&n,r3 w. Tax Penalty and Interest... ' . Keaton John P; eA of sei ot section IS. tpSn.rlw. Tax..... Penalty and internet . 1 92 6S 13 86 2 60 i 44 a 17 28 8 26 10 37 SO 74 (12 1 70 11 fS HfM 10 89 4 44 ,85 a id 8 99 l7 11 39 2 13 if. I 13 87 JCeeley Thomas; fractional se'4 of sec- ii"iii,ii1io w, tax............ Penalty and Interest Kelly L L; lots 7 sod 8 In block 6, First . addition to Vernonia. lax Penalty and interest Kennedy John, Kstate; t'4 of ww'-i of section 24 and nwji of section 26, tp 7 n, r 8 w, Tax. .7. Penalty and lntreM..'..'..i, . Kenyon Henry; U of t ai section 25, and t'4 of of se?i of section 2, all In, lp4n. (4w. Tax...... Penaltv and interaat 11 88 2 24 7 69 1 40 12 80 2 42 Kensl A ; ej of se4 of seetion 21, tp S n, , w anu n? oi Ol www ot section ai.ap 8 n, r 4 w; . tx..... i.'.-'J heualtv anil llifirM,l 5 46 102 Knowles ; sV; und. Interest in m of section 22, tp 6 n r 2 w, Tax Scnalty and interest.. ti$ fiarriette; (oitimeneliur at ne 10 32 1 93 i-neroi onc is. Dobbin a add. t. Hulnler: them e south 100 feet, west fiO feet, north, 100 feet, Esat 60 feel to tace of beginning iu block 18, Uob iitsadd to Rainier, 'las,.,....... penaltv and Intercut.'. ... Lemontaarsb K; F a Lamnnt O LC, 640 acres, lew 29 seres to the bisters of Chsrity, leas 33 acres to W. H. Dl- ' nisn, Uis2aorea to Cole and c,ra kasn, Us 21 acres to J . u. Meserve, less 17 acn-s to P. M. Thorp, lea T acres to the H. P. B. R Co. right of way In auctions 4 and 5, tp 4 n, r 1 w, andstotuiBis, 33 and 34 in Id 6 n. 11. in St. Helens, Tax. .....,... 77 renalty and interest Link Charles, lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in block 7 . . and fractional lots 1 to 10, bbica 0, all .-. NeerClty. 'r:.;..;,i...,&.. t!:alty snd Interest'..".. yak (iitruilc; lots 3,4, ( snd 6, block V . staet- city. . Tax , renady andlutersit.. Link Willie; in, , ,u,i w bluek t Reer .City. Hag.',, -renaliv Ht, Ini&M , V 116 90 21 63 Iwton Victoria; un.l. Wlntereiriiinw !4 of section 82. tp 6 n, r2w. Tax. ... 4 19 87 renairvand inr,raMt Link Abe; lofs 7 and'Lbliwk"4,' , City Tax ., i Jf'nalty andlntrcst. ,...,".'.. Necr 83 0f -rrsrr-.." Le if tda Muv; s'j of sw and el M.i, of amnion 9, tp 8 u, r 4 w. . Tax. is 11, . l 8) 64 0 renslty ami Interest Lyons a M ; sw)t of section 84, tp u, it w. Tax... ........-.,.... renalty and luterest Mclisnltls F M j lots 6 and 8 in soellon a, tp3n, r&w, Tax renalty and Interest...... Merrill Albert: sV, of nw4, of section Hi, tpju, r4w. Tax... r v, renalty and luterest.., Mover William U; awt oi tm of aeo- tion 21, tp u. r 1 w. Tax....P... rsualtv aud interest 4 Macbeth William; eH of ne1' of seollon 31 and wi, of uw& ot seullou 82, tp 611, r 4 w, rax. .'.....,... ... ,,.V1. renalty and (uteres. ..... Mackintosh Mary Al sS el nw1, and sw K k ut uv.'. ui seoUou 32, tp u, r wf Tax....:,.'. ,.v.. reualty 'and luterest. Maloy Jarry.eAi ol, .' aud w)4 ol H ol keeilou 1 4. tp 3,11, r 4 w. rax.... isualty aud luterest Marouani Julia: bus 2, 8, 4, 6 and 6 In block U lot 11 Hi btook 8, Sd-lu Sc- ond add in Vernouia. Tax reuiilly and luterest .. . Marauain 11 S U; w'tot se'i of section 2l, tp 8 n, r 4 w, and lot 8, section 27, 78 70 14 42 ipsu,rsw. Tax... renalty and luterest.... Marsh W tt'; lot 4 audaWof nw and nwi, of sw"., of seouon 1, tp ,3 n, row. . Tax ..-l.' tteualty and luteret Martini W; lots 1, Sand 7, section Ip I n,r6w. -rax renaltr and luterest ...... McOratb William; uw, ol section 26, tp ,r s. Tax .. renalty and Interest Mctliiire it l . Kstate: tli of nl and seVt of nw', of section 9 ip 6 n, r 4 w, and awl., of uw!, of section 10, tp i B, tit, TSI. reiinlty aud InieVeetz? McNull R I); lot 2 ill bloTTX, Koae'a add. to Vernonia. Tax renalty aud interest Mc.NutlC tl;seSof eeuUon 10, lp.4 u, t 4 w, Tax .... renalty aud Interest.... 1. MecUrjl; lou 1,2 and 8 In block 86, Second add, to Vernouia. Tax reuslty and Interest , MessIcK L; lot 6 Iu block 6. sedond ad, to Veruouia. Tax...... Penalty and Interest. MolMt Ueorgo Ui lota 3, 4, 9 a ml 10 la bluck iu Second add to Vei uania. Tax reualiy and luterest a Myrick Josepb : lots 1 and 2. block 9: lota 3 tit 886 1 30 21 M 36 19 01 e auo 11. uiock is; lots , 11, h, 10, 11, to, 20. 21. block la: lota 1 and 8 olock.21; lots 3, 7, 2i. buwk 2: lots 1,5. 3, -1, 7, 12, l:l, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19. M ii, 22, block 42; Iotsl to 6, block M; lots 1 to t!, bioi'k 81; lots 1 to 22, bliwk 91; lots 1 to 22, blot k 99; loll t to 22, block 100; lout to 22, I08; lots 1 to 22, block 112; lots 1 to U, block 1W1 lou 1 106, biock 117; lou 1 to 6, block tilt; lots 1 to 22, block KM; lols 1 to 22, block 1X1: lols 1 to 22, block 1-1); lots 1 to 6, blwk I.1.1: lots 1 to 22, bloox ltl.ail in SI. Helens, .Tax t'enalry and McHation Wi; l-Ii,l lid 1, block 27. Co lumbia City. Tax Penalty and interest Nicholas H B; stol sw, of auction 12, tp 5 n, r 2 w. Tax renalty and interest Nixon Richard, (Receiver); nw', aud sw1. snd scVa ot HH tion U!: ne aud nw',; apd set., ol section 29, all tu Ip 4 11, rS w. lax..... reualtr and luterest Oaman Chris; I Jt 8, block , Second add. to Veruonla. Tax renslty and luterest Fayne kllen l ; ol se'i ot section 27: nwVa of nw'.,ui section 33; u of so1 1 ol lectio n 28: nc1 4 of aa of sec tiou 27, all In tp 4 11, r 2 w. tax renalty and luterest Potter hdward l aud barah U; begin ning at a point a 68 deg. 30 mm. e. 9,06 chaius irom sw coruer of Aa ron Uroylee l L C; thence a. 66 deg. 3D mlu. a. 9 06chalns; liieuce n, a dg'.-:t(lmlu. w. 11.04 chains: thelics) 21 Pf 406 a. 66 deg. 30 mm. m. 90s chains; theuea s. 23 deg. 30 111I11. e. 11 oi chains to piece of beginning and coutaintug lOacies iu secuou &, ip 4 n, 1 i w. tax J renalty and Interest Patterson UW; n1, ol uw1, aud aw'4 ot nw't aud nw., ol ! of svetiou 23, tp 7 u, r i w. rax renalty and luterest Percfuli S; lot aud uw1, of aa' aud it ot se(4 ui sei lion ii, tp 6 u, r & w. 'lax renalty and Interest Perkins R a aud Kllaabetu; nud. S Iu- tsrest iu ne4 ,of aeutlou 10, to 6 n, r2w. 'lax Penalty and luterest Poole tieorge W' ; lots 2 10 6. block 8; lot 1, blocs 19; lot 1, block 34: lols 4. aud , blivk lots 7 ui. 12, bbca 41. all iu becoud add. to Vernonia. Talg...,; Penalty aud interest Praei 11 P; sa;, of sectlou 36, tp 7 11, r 6, w. Tax , ' Penalty and i merest Roberts William: SWI4 ot section 2, tp 8 11, r 6 w. Tax " Penalty and interest. Bodcnoaugh ttcorge; nr1 of sw'4 and 2 acres in nw'-, ol ay, ! section 11, tp n, its, Tax Penalty and mitten Rosa William J : lou 6 and 6 In sectlou 4, tp7u. rw. Tax , a-enaitv and Intarest. Rosa Jlsiirsrei; lou land 6 and sw of nw'4 of section 6, tp 7 u, r 6 w, lax s)eiislty and luterest Belsi ttf loaeph F; u'-, ,.f licr4 ol sectlou - 30, tp 7 u, r 6 w. Tax...; aVeualty and lntereat Reynold. William lots 1, 2 and 8, block 32, second add. to Veruouia, Tax 1. .'J..'...... feuulty aud Interest....'....'.'.......' Rlpoertoti aarah ii; ne!4 and n.'4 of . section 111. tp 6 a, r 6 w. Tax Penally and intarest Rockwell Cornells ; lou 3 and 4 and a ii of nw)4 and t'4 01 aw;.t and S of acof section 1. tp 6 n, r 8 w. i'ax 14 62 2 60 14 20 12 ti 28 21 63 1 66 8chinidlin Uus; uw1., of sw5!""f r'otioii' o, auu u 01 sev, ann De 01 sw, of section 6, ail in tp 8 II, r 4 W Tax kTeiiaitv aud luterest Bchniidlln Ainbros; iw( of nw ot seo- ,uij a anu wiii ites auo BCi of ueX oi section 6, all li r8 a, x, t W. Tax 8ena!ty and interest gbermau Harry A ; lots 8 and 9 or m of of rwli ol sectlou 81, tp 6 n, r 1 w. Tax ,. xenaliy aud luterest Simpson Hubert T: fractional nek of sec tion 6, tpx d, r 6 w. lax renalty and Interest Spencer 1 M; nei of nw)i of section 11, tptn. r2w. Tax ;. aeualty and luiereat.I Btatler George W. (kiiale); sek ot of section 14. iplu, tie. Tax renalty and interest..:... ; Stuart L B; n)i of section 20, tp 6 11, r 4 w; lotl block 7: lot 15, block 8; lot 6, block 11; iraetioual lots 1 and I. Rose's add, to Vernonia, Tax 12 04 2 26 Benauy ami inti'rest.... Saldrcii h; t'A ofsw4 of secllou 11; u'4 . 01 tswV, of section 18: u and s1 01 saotiou 11. all In tp 7u, row. Tai...... renalty and Interest..." .i Xcbmidlln Albert; lots 3 4 slid 6 and t of nw), 01 section 6, tp 3 u, r 4 w. 'lax fenully and intercut ., rcnultyaud luterest Schutt Albert; swW ol secUon 16, tp n, rSw, Tax.... , , renalty and luterest.. Shindler U; lot 12, block 4, Second add. to Veruouia. 'lax Penalty and interest , Shuuiater Frank W; lot 10, block 12, Vernonia. Tax reiinky and interest Staudbrldge C li; lot 2, block 17, Veruo uia. Tax ...,.. renalty aud Interest Starr F A K; und Interest In iw4 of section 20, tp 5 n, r 1 w. Tax ' Penalty and interest St. Helens Mrs O t ; is of nw4 and uwi of yt and sjj 01. sw. 01 1 see- lion 8, tp s u, a 4 w, Tax Penalty and interest Slllson itsiliilila; nud. t- intarest In nw of section 10, tpfl n, f 2 w. Tax Penalty and Interest...!..: Bloppenbech Helen O; of section 8, IP 3 11. r w. Tax Penaltv and lntereat i 66 76 10 67 7 69 1 AO 1 Ml 7 91 1 65 'ai" . 01 21 04 Sf 6 01 9 65' 12 18 2 27 3 10 S 26 1 62 StriKia V k; sK of ne and lA of nw ' ,iiot section 10, aud swJi ol nwU o' section 11, ai t-1 n tp 6 n, r 4 w. Tax Vun.rv .111, 1 ,. IS 92 S 66 The Gobi Iinprovsmenl Company; iot 4,i,a:as, uooie. tai....i... t.n.llll . ...I I .. I . ' Tracy A una; loU U t, 7 awl 8 In'bifiekio' jieniuger s aau. to Verooulu, Tax aaal,,. u,,H InlaMri Taylor Marie P: ai ol nwH'and'iw'i ol uw ol sectlou 29; nit of ne! ot sectiou ju, an in tp a u, 1 'S w. lax Penalty aud interest The svapyKstst,! Company; se! of see tion 2, tp 4 n, r & w. lax tenaliy and interest " Tryou a H: unu ;4 Int. in swj of see lion 32, tp 8 n, raw; beginning at a point on tire meander line n. 1 chain and a. 16 chains Irons meander comer J. between sections 20-and 29. tp 8 u, rg w; ilienre n. 69 deg,, w. i.,0 chains to high tide line; tlieuoe n. 74 deg. w, 12.6clialiis; tnence u. ofSdcg.lSni'. w.' 7H chaliu; thence n. s9 deg. 30 mln. w. 2.96 chains: tbenca n. 64 deg: 16 min. w. LsdehelnatiHeiiee n. 26deg. 46 min. e. .31 chains to brw water mark line; thence s, 63 deg. 46 min.' a. 6.30 chains; thence a. Hi deg. 46 , b.iit. e. 16 chains; thence s 73 deg e. 3.90cuels; 1 helices. fciOeg. e. 2 60 chains to nigh tine Hue and place! beginning aiidtoiitaluing l.5 acres.' AiBobeKiuiilugat a point on u. a. lueaiuler line w.14c1iihs ami u. 17 lo'ehains from meander corner be tweeHactious2Uaud 2, tp8 ti, r8 w' tlieuoe 11. fdeg. I6nilil. w. 4.jS0,ch'ns; I5wn8ie, 16uiin. w.l ftlcb'ns- 11 88 ,2 12 42 2 SO 88 I 80 08 80 74 H 90 S 48 4M - -s . 1120 ;tW 1 17 20 S 70 100 7 93 I Ms 193 1 30 10 56 I 97 18 93 8 66 'a' 9 90 1 Ml Farnsworth-Herald TAILORING " " GOiVIA.jNr'Y- Sv - . -asasat 20 80 3 84 21 04 ii 1 70 248 WASHINGTON EOIl'T1Ii.lMID, OEEl- 71 28 13 34 K you want a Fashionable, rertetl-Fitllng Suit or Overroat, you don't have to pay a high prios fur It. SUtT9 AND OVERCOATS. 'sVjsoiiaantls Io vhonoe from;' tlii largest va riety In the West ; each garment tii tee (Imas the ordinary suit in style, MAY WE DO mifINK83 TTtlilfivMAl TnilAM If aIa tvnWn natsl AnAatAAiilm uuuidiiiicu laiiui-JiiaUv mi auu ui.ituaio 1 49 i Worth $15 to $20 t 9 46 I 73 74 1 76 enctfTi'.'dlflef . 4&mtn. w. Itkehalns; theiii-eu 61 dee. w). lOchalrts; theuca u.40chtti; tticnce s 7udef, I6mln. a. 16 i-hum; thence a. H'i dea. 16 min. e, 1 6rhalHs: iliimres. uiidea 16mln. 7 92 1 M s 10 nam.; inriice a. av cnaltis to hlKb tide line and place ofbeattttiltta .no i ut iiina ye acres. Tax. 8li.llt.- ,ri O.l.r..., Tbelnvratois Moitjnuje Mecutiiy' Coni- 2 m lmi Llinltnl; Iota 2, 3. 4. 6, and 8 Iu section IS: se, of so1 of seeUon 17: lot,. 4, 6, a. 7 sail 8 awl of ne!, ami !l of "t and that sr! ol lot 3 l Ins Hallour, liulhrie A t'o's laud seetion jn lot 1 aectloii 21 : td 1 and w i, Of III Slid .' of ni-'., of ssotlull 29. ail ia tpsn.rlw. Taji,,,. B,,mIiv ami tola.. West J P; IwSaiid .w'i" of I'i'i. 'siid n t 91 1 11 aiS, 1 13 6 61 1 00 i 1 63 W. oi.aKii sud that partot lots land ilsr lns1,-aiaf srspniHMS creek see tion 12, tp8n, r 2w. Tax.j...... P.ll ., 1 1 V ..i Walls William (heirs of); 'ki9 bioi'k'ie' M. Helens. Tax aSunaltr anil fiitara! na luiswrtnif H : of nt'-s nud e1 ol m Wataon John V eS of ne1-; of eeclioti 6, tp u, r 2 a-aiiaiiT aim muira.i Webster Albert K; fraotienal ut'i de. lion 6, to 3 ii, r 6 w. Tal 80 ! . I ..,.l Web-ler Waller W; fractiunsl u'J of , ns'iton 6, tp a, r t w. Tax Peiialdy atvli lntereat. ..t Welch J U; loi 9, bloci and lot. Vend 8, bb'k29. Columbia t;lty, Tsx i... .. swiialty aud lntereat White H f; as1; olaaHlou 7, tp7 n, r w. Tax ., .... ..., and Inierent ' Wlini,ni HiLdainml. 10-12 Interest In s olae'ofmc I,t.3n,rar. Tax..'." aenauy and lntereat. ....,.. Wll.uisma A l. in Irs; Lot 9. him k 21, (llt,. ner'a add. Un olunilils city. Tax.,.. senaLty aad lntereat Wlt-Usma F .: u.l8bi.ork 21. (illtner's arid. C'liiaihMCIty Tax Eenalty and Interest ".J. es Thomas H; bexInulaHtal a point uu the Una between sections 2f, sud 27. tp4n,riw. Wachalnss.nfoiiar Ter aecTlon corner on said line; thence. at right atifles to aald line 4chelns; thence a. and parallel to said line 6W chains,. 4 chains to said aeetion line, thence n. 64 chalua to jdace of beitliinlna and reiitatiilng 2.08 acres Tsx penally aud luterest WIImjIi 0 A; IotuB snd I In aeetion 28, TP fulls: loTsl,2,8,7.and ett of tie ! of sections, ty a n, r 4 ; Iot 4, seoTlon 84, Tp8 n, r 4 w, Tsx penalTyaud lnraresT. WtTbJnxTon a K (Trustee); lorn, bloak h, Uolile Tax penslTysuil iuTsresT "'lhT A N; Ii.tbI. 2asa16tn block 16, .. f irst add to Veruonls; IotS 8, 7sud 8Moclr27, Second add. To Vernonia. aii'iTV.",M'i'.'.V.'.'J-' 2 Hi 8 69 1 66 7 0 1 41 7 69 1 37 6 A 97 80 60 12 88 2 40 Woxida Chsrlottp; lot 10, block 28 Coh'mT. uininji. ISX...U., ,..f... Zelfor Fred; wli ofswi of ueVand wU ofeSofswU.ifiie'i and wSnwUol se(i aiiil : wofel of nw'4 of se?of sei-Tldu Ui, tu 6n.x. w, Tax Peiial-ry and InTeresT ZiK.'?,..V'! Hn'w!4 ' "w'4 of "lie'. timll,t6ii,r8 w. Tax. Penalry and lareresr v 87 Kalliwrlaiiir rewrleaa. Caaaiatenilr Bepnhiicaai. News from all 'the world -Well written, original stories An swers to queries Articles on Health, tlie.jorne,- New Books'," and od Work About the Farm and Garden. 9 " ' ' al 3 i?r Is a member of the Associated Tress, the only Wostern News paper receiving the entire -teV graphic news service J the New Xorw Sun and spwial 'cab0i the New York World-daily tt. poru from over 2,000 special correspondents,, couutry, ), -,; , -. .'.;,,;' i,e DOLLAR Moist vstners or l(v), tnight : ShP9 . Pomasiy Opposite Perkins Hotel, "5th vfl Sts- Par,1nd! 0r: ' COLE AGEIJTO. ". Still 1 iMiniii 1 hi aa.a-T'ef.T' '..,-,'-; t!,1 1 , a THE Home'of t,he Walk,Ovcr and Duilt-well sIkjc. Ovcrf ten thousand manufactured daily. More than 3,cxx employes Street rMtPW, Examine oar UNCl.AIMKI) TAIIXIB tailored Ihroiikhout. lliey are worth tailoring, ami th Qneneea of the fab- WITH YOUT ti A M TT JKh lift III. STUMP 76, Madison Ptrret, IthlE NEW I Fall :: Goods, S' Dry Teonfls, Groceries, Boots, Sho Cooper BisiUlns;, Main Savrcct Sr. IleleBS. a.U.UmiMsU.M ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY 1 14 20 n 4. r. a. 7 06 a 06 3 tt s m 8 44 3 611 8 AH OH t 19 37 18 00 IS 08 .8 iLv Porllsnd Ar'n 7ii I' 9 116 89 4 I ... . 11..1.1. f i4S.a) ...Kalnler... m,h ... i,-fnili,,, 40 M.S- .... Muyser..,. 9 IW 9 8 ... gnfucy .... 0m 65 8 ..Clat.ksnla., Si W .. Marshland.. 10 21 71.2 . Weallmrl.... !S S 7,7 iifcitt . . J?al !2' '' KaMie..,. 1 06 nasi ... Krcuaon.. , 10 on 9 6J at ..a I F mt 27 17 t 08 1 at 8 08 888 i 18 8 07 7 8A 7 4.1 6 8 1 24 S4I 10 in ai -iJ.,Jil0JW 8 11 ia Jniii ...jniili Dav. ArAsiorla.t.r All tralna JUSa'-V.."! - :' with N,.,n .,n u..Vr,..T","r',,o.t ' - ' Pit.X' a " 'asso'eT jtisnnowa 'rAa"lota. oaltv. A.M. 8 00 I oble Ka-tand Souni V-rtoS. "a."V, Slffl 'SSfy train. Itavin. Unlnil a., ' V. Hesofc poims. "",V ann notih .r-'us-THit'c,.": :r,r.r - n' 'ass. A m Istirla. Or 'JOSEPH KELLOGG Laave. Portland 1511 Tassdsv Thj ardav aa . .U ano eat- si "'''"' """"'cr, Wf. .a.. AniV"i i "'"'land MonrUe. w.. ., uaaoayann rrldar alia a, Steamer NORTHWEST '! .;onti;.i",ii;"i '" .'er pi t the fc-iTt-L'Xi"JJ."'"'' MaturpJnir. wh.r. "ootoyVari,;; !!-'". ' Klw. Journal. tiTo J, :n.',!Ii,8e""-Week,y yeur. ti.- . u wekly Journal ti ..... 'ret. of th !r.7f,1'At'1,W ' ihe In this fir.. "'"Jfr - at aectlon sdhaua ..,i,. .-.-,-,.,. I.B,A, Ir, ..,. "TT "tmpie 0011 ca rr. Iaa. """"criptloh: risl' fi'w m -fs-sjas, rf. w, I rA r . .1 Hi '"--ssJliI' I" I vJ- Trsr'ivl 1 J 4 r-' ni IS tsti n I VIGORIT POWDER CO! Manufacturers of ft r W , atV 9 Sr-Ss a, St s SL a J v s-aw fj-s. sMSJSk WORK ASrf) MIN- a , -v "sv . ijsra. Pntiland, Orrgos. YORK STORE na poiuy Steamer e I. Hoogkkirh, HAILssOAT) TIMK. leaves Ualnlef dellrfeisspt Snnderlloi a land, al A. M.. depanina frou St. Uabni. a, u cliM-k. Kaluiulns. laatsa f"laud at 3.W t at., arrlrlua si at. Hslsurat 4 V . .(asseiien ani Fast Frcitfili POKUA.ND LANDING, TAYLOR, T. ? i 1 17 1 02 S ii 8 t:2 4 20 t 10 rs SSTSsArsa. S)Sa.t. - -iTaAMaa Amerlca,, Willaniett SJongb Route LesvaKt, Helens,.,. 8:0AM sS Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M CT Leave Portland ..... tM?f m -m itfi tyaw at nasi a s as iaa.n si im r . f V ' '.(H M t!t 1 WH UrtU sf ta i I 1. '"" k .. a sjBu.IUL 9tl riaiii. r n mmmm mnwfj wr 101 The Steamer and wav hthdintra. Leaves Portland Tuearlay aad Thn dafeveninirs for at 0 p. m. for kanin, , 1 SARAH DJXON Leaves Portland every flnnday at 1 tl. sn-.v li,a Stua- afxnlne at Bl I