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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
i ot T3 ... ri3 c::a Chicken, Duck and Couee feath- (i era. Address ' jr t nd Oata3tm.,Por lmntl,Om p Preparing: for Holiday Trade. MR. STOREKEEPER! We sell you Nut. Ralalne, Dried Fruit, Vermont MepH Sugar, Dates, Figs, Honey, everything you need for th bultdaysi belter quality and lower prion tnsn you can find elsewhere. Send for our Special Holiday Prio List, or writ ui and we will call on you. TO GROWERS: TV always buy einrs, butter, cteeae, apple, pears, onions and spuds. Have yon any to sell T It u know, II you want food pric. . 1 .: . - WOLF & SONS. Wholesale Fruita and Produce;. K CATARRH THIRTY YEARS The Remarkable Experience of Prominflnt Statesman Congress man Meekison Gives re-ru-na a High Endorsement. If "aLT" V I I r . f-v I OS FRONT ST.. PORTLAND. OR. 17. La DOUGLAS $3 & $32 SHOES HI Established 1876. jVor mora than a quarter of a century the reputation of Y. L. Douglas shoes for style, com. fort, and wear has excelled all other makes. A trial will convince yon. V. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. M Btnrt Import surf America hutkera. fieui'i Pa Caff, mimi. Bis Calf. Cuff. CW X Cw Cott, Mat laVvortM. Fmmt Color Kyttf wed. Caution t cvststn har W. I. DOlTOXaAJT BojsrS ua pnc mpoa on occiotD v Awwi ojy mow, oc. ctrrra. iuu. ( iwuo rw W. L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. BY8FEPSA "Jr lx years I was a vlettsw ry rtpaca la iu worst lorm. i cooia eat aotnmi j 1 111 h U loaat. and at tiroes my atoaaaeb srouli not retain and diaeat area thai Last March began taking CABARETS and sines tba 1 save steami tmprorea, until iuu wau a I anr a at la my m. ' Darin H. liuirir, Nawark. O. jJJ CATHARTIC m Plaaaanv Palatabla. Potaat. Taata Good. Do vooo, Aerar ieaen. n usi n. or uripa. juc, akcaya. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tMraf laak r unii). CTU.n. mint a lafk. Ml Frac's 5kla la Poroaa. 4 Pca of frog's skin not larger in diameter than the rubber tip on your lead pencil baa more pores in it than (bora are meshes in the moeguito net ting on your screen door. Mothers will Bna Mrs. OTnslow's Sooth, big Syrup tbc best remedy to ase'tor tbeir ehildreo during the uattung period. An Apbreylatiba Explained. The origin of the symbol "cwt.". for hundredweight ia as follows: C is the. initial letter of the Lain word '.centum' meaning a hundred, and wt are the first and laat letters of the wor,d Vireigbt," and are need as a contrac tion for it. ; ." " " ' ,' - 'i Conirsssman Mecklson, of Ohio Hon. David Meekison is well known not only in his own state, but through oat America. He was elected to the Fifty-nth congress by a very Urge ma jority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party in bis section of the state. Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man. Catarrh with its insidious ap proach and tenaciona grasp, was his only unoonquered foe. For 30 yean he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Peruca came to the rescue. He writes "I hava used several bottles of Pe rt! na and I feel greatly benefitted thereby from my catarrh of the bead. I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing." David Meek uoa, member of congress. If yon do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a fnll statement of your case and be will be pleased to give yon his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman banitarinm, Columbus, Ohio. Lovers of Dancing. The Porto Rican native ia very mnch given to dancing. Both men and women have a natural love for the ball room. , FITS raraatnmttr Cana 9a Sta ar iianuuamai 119 alter m Isy jMof rr. Sttiaa'aOnat NarW jj.j,4...jj..(5.jk.j. GOOD ISuorrgtorlBjj SmmI for VBfc RR A.jLMtri-1 IvtttU.nri aa. Ira, a. a ajuaa Ltd.. an area Philaa.labia.fa. Professional Advice Patient What would you advise me lo do for dyspepeia, doctor? r ... Dr. DeQuick Well, if you want itl.T" l k.j u: - -i J j , 'urui w uuw m vurau vwa UU rial ir- legularly. Two dollars, pleasel To Break la Maw Shew, Alwavaahake In Allan a Font. Ran, imm It curea cbilblaina. dtna. awnattnt.. ahin wollen feet. Cure Coma and Bunions. At all and aboe atorea, 2. Ikn't arept anyaubatltuta. Sample mailed FB. Addraal Aiien 8. Olmatead, LeKor. N. Y Marriage Would Core. Mr. Gumpps That boy will never be good for anything until he marries. Mrs. Gumpps I suppose not. Mr. Gumpps No: he's got to get over the habit of hanging around the house. Aew York Weekly, A Feast of Oood Things In St. Nicholas for 1903. St. Nicholas announces for 1903 The Story of King Arthur' written and illustrated by Howard Pyle, a com panion story to his famous "Robin Hood.'. Two short stories by Mies Alcott, will soon appear in Et. Nich olas, with other stories and articles by other well known writers. St. Nicholas makes a specialty of papers of informa tion, richly illustrated articles on prac tical subjects, like the navy yard, the assay oince, etc. The price of St. Nicholas is three dol tars a year, loe publisher announce that new subscribers who begin with Januafy may receive the November and uecemDer nrjmoeis iree. Joe Dun. To 'Man'-' a man for debt comes from tb,e memory of Joe Dun, bailiff of Lin coin, who was so keen a collector that his name has become a pioverb. When Alfred Tennyson appeared In the Oxford Theater to receive lila D. O. U degree. It Is suid that his disheveled hair and generally negligent state pro voked the undergraduates Into greet ing him with the Inquiry: "Did jour mother call you early, call you early, Alfred, doarr A visitor asked the late James Tissot one day whet her the picture he was at work on was Intended to Illustrate the time of Christ The artist replied lu the affirmative. "Then." said the visit or, "permit me to call your attention to an error. Aloes, such as you have In your picture, did not exist in the Medi terranean region till after the conquest of Mexico by Spain.' Tissot promptly took his brush and filtered tb picture. Some Goettlngen students who had a keen admiration for , Klopstock, the 'German Milton,'' once found one of his stanzas unintelligible, and begged him to explain Its exact meaning to them. The poet read the stansa then carefully re-read It-then read It again, while all looked on with bated breath. At last he spoke: " cannot recollect what I meant when Iwrote It, bu.t I do remember that It was one of the finest things I ever wrote, and you cannot do better than devote your lives to the discovery of its meaning." So many members of the staff of the Mafeklug Mall were recently incapaci tated at one time that the editors felt obliged to apologize for the paucity of news In a certain Issue. "We are sorry." they said, "but we could not help It One of the staff had rheu matics and partial paralysis of the shoulder, another has bad a few daya' colic, and yet another could not come to work because bis ch'ld was danger ously il. One left without notice and paid two pounds for an Interview with the resident magistrate in consequence, and another seised the opportunity to break into teetotallsm, while more ter- !ble still, one of our best went and got married." : It is said that one of the great ene mies of the overland telegraph line In Central Australia Is the common green frog. In order to save the insulators from being broken by the lightning they are provided with wire 'drop pers' leading round them at little distance to conduct on to the Iron pole In case of need. The frogs climb the poles and find the Insulators cool and leasaot to their bodies, and fancy that the "dropner"is put there to furnish "with a back seat After a nap they yawn and stretch out a leg until It touches the pole result sudden death to the frog, and as the body continues to conduct the current to earth we have a paragraph In the pa pers to the effect that "In consequence of an Interruption to the lines proba bly caused by a cyclonic disturbance In the Interior, we are unable to pres ent our readers with the usual cables from England T I thouKlit It was a task to hold the skein aa mother wound The criniiion yurn while her snd there s stubborn snnrl wna found; I thouirht my lot a dismal cue, ss sitting there at tiiuht I I hoard the huiiimiiig spinning wheal Slid watched the nreliulit Dance out across the floor sod back ss fuiry dancers might i Ah, how I used to lona to are the world I d read about To pack my lit do carpet sack and boldly sally outl Reluctantly I used to bow my head upon the choir When father found that It was time to say the evening; prayer. And thinking that my lot was hard oh, how absurd it seems I went up to my little bed beuesth the whitewashed beams And, far sway from worldly cares, bad proud, ambitious dreams. Oh, there Is much that I have learned about th world since then. And niik'h I've seen that serves to wske the wonderment of men: Th world Is fur more splendid than 1 dreamed that it could be A lying 'Death the rouuh-hewn beams fair visions came to rue But one great glory of the world has passed away fore'er, I ne'er again may hold the skein as moth er winds, back there, Or, when the fire's low, kneel down while , father offers prayer. Chicago Hecord-Herald. CARE FOR YOUR RUGS. Many of Them Ar Spoiled by fr. ejneat Keatloaa. The manager of a Chicago carpet de- Your Hair "Two years tgo my hair was falling out badly. I purchased bottle of Ayef't Hair Vigor, and oon my hair stopped coming out." Mis Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. .. II.M startle. AH If Tour ilrurrlal canuol eniiolT yon. send ua one dollar and we will azures yvu a bottle. Mo sure and sine taa name Of your nearest e praaa oftlre. Ada rata. j. u. A l r.K 1.1 ., uweii, siaaa. JCttN P001 P. PORTLAND, OtfcR. t-mi of Murrtaoa Street, fan give yu the hast bargains In Hollers and Kiiflues, windmills, I'liuil and (liuie ral MavTiluery. Worn! Hawlnic Mw hlmis speolallv. He us beiore btivlna. Portland Dividend Company ,Hnd5('omttirclHUil. ; 4t Wasbbtftwt Street, fortetnd, dragon. J.'s will earn you II Tr nioiillt mi win earn yuu,.,.. .. f.'.iw per mmiih I00 will earn you tVMl per mouth l'ejabla monthly. Call or writs, L.M. Davte, Pre. St ilcian'G ilhii fortlano, oncaoM. A Hoardlna end ! Nanuul rrflMa. Has Normal Klndaraartes Trslnliis H.-imrt. mant, whli h baa a separate reaidene lor sin dariarisn elaaaee. Tb tmarilliis' 1rovlds a ehaarlul ami. well arranged home ur yoam ladles, Kor Catalogue or oihor lu- "MNO. TMBKm Prlne. I j Bast Cinisk BiraeTTaMae OoudT CssS f 1 In lima (kikl be ? Hirsute CakulatVoB. Little Wynnie (just returned from partiuent whose knowledge brluira him Sunday school) Is it true that even an annual Income of 110,000. advised ,te hair of out head are numbered? the following treatment for valuable! Wr onteat Th Bible say to, rugs: Lay them wrong side up on the, m7 CD"('' grass, beat with a furniture beater, re- Lltt,, Wynnl (after a pause) It verse, and sweep carefully, a soft brush , won,t WT hsrj to keep track of being the preference, or a good carpet your, will It, papa? Judge. sweeper. A little alrlne outside of the . . . ! I T ,. en i. .a , t 'ao-s cur it a goon .cousn meoioin. ""'vi " It has cured couKha and eok Washinglon Farmers and Stockmen Indorse Prussian Stock Food! Rf AD TMI fOLLOWINO LITTia. THIV PIAK FOR THM6UV. t kaaa aeed mUa meek swi for Uia part thraa raar. for llonM. I'aHla. HUaaii ail Hif MAS NO iQUAt. I ' a tkimawk rea- wto new lir.Mta vuoeln ue animal. i ntw diurr hnalneaa I Snil In awry Inal.tu-e wh.a 1. aucinllna to dtraa.Mia II will INCAa St'eSow rmllk lea markwluim. m wtito eunna nl.e la ttrtirul.r lan are aniajm-lte SCOUMS l-rawlaa aha l ! i walailj aa ir oy icaew. iwiiwni . niixt. w. - , Uirr I'i aa.iaa ataes UK COUUTU k'OLlTUDE. THERE IS A GRIM r-ATHOS THE LIFE . IN they way be carried m the house. The average American housewife wear out her ruga by continually swot-plug and beating. The plan of putting them upon a line every two or three weeks, or even once a month, and there hav ing them whipped, la not to be com mended If the rugs are of any value. years. At druggists, 23 emits, iths and colds for forty PULLINO TEETH. 7 Lovely Parties. Nodd I'm going to give children's party. Will you comer Todd On one condition. "And thai?" "That I can play with the children When a rug Is to be thoroughly clean- ntl Jon'' have to talk with the grown- ed,- it should be lent where the wo?k UPS Lif. is properly done or else washed at home. A machine la now In use which loosens the dust and remove It by means of a strong current of air. This Is effective and not hard on the rug. When the surface become soiled It ran be washed with no fear of Injuring the colors, since the majority of oriental rugs are washed repeatedly before reaching this country and the dyes used are thereby mellowed and enrich ed. The best method of washing a large rug is to stretch and tack It upon a clean floor, then scour It well with soap and suds. After the scouring It must be thoroughly rinsed, to remove all trace of the animal matter In the soap, after which It should not be re moved until it Is perfectly dried. Then It will not shrink and will lie perfect ly flat upon the floor. A small rug may be tacked upon the side of the house or barn, scoured as If on a floor and then rinsed with the hose. Good. Housekeeping. ' rauaiuari- (Trxk-etHlO I 1 tea BBSS, aa Iteday. lata OaaT, tMMaw-poavWa, T DOURtRO leensas la Milk. Ma. u.tiuf the VrvMtaa ! Stock r'HMi .111 mt a.u.'a I ' :-.aatSadkarsasloall jtwO ua.rtaa-fk a.MkW, I tv raaaawuava. auiaktwid f waaa. eM ke fba t.aalns tlriif assWMiislrsslsr uyu CANNOT BE RUBBED OUT But a pood liniment or plaster will often give temporary relief because it produces counter irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore nes. But no sort of external treatment can have any effect whatever upon the disease itself, for Rttmrnnmttmm Im not a mldn tUmm0,but is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and the deposit of irritating matter pr Uric Acid alts or sediment in the muscles and joints, and no amount of rubbing or blistering pan dislodge these gritty particles prcJharige the acid blood, Rheumatismoften becomes chronic, and the mus cles and joints permanently stiff and useless and ri.' -V!.- . . . .oecauseso at Mr considerable speed positively much time is lost in trying to cure a blood disease 1 with outside applications or doctorinz the skin. treated FROST DISTURBS RAILROADS. On Nearly All finsslaa Line It Is an Ulement of Kipssit. In a recent Issue of the "Oregon fur die Fortschritte des Kisenbahuwesuns" L. von Lublmoff, chief engineer of the Trans-Siberian Railway, describes an Interesting phenomenon of frost action which has been observed on the line of that railway in Siberia. This phenom enon, the distortion of wooden trestle bridges by the action of frost 1 close ly connected with the extensive frost disturbances of the roadbed lu general which are encountered In both Euro pean and Asiatic Hoggin; but while the latter effect has been known for some time, the action on bridge structures has been noted and studied only during the last few years, says the Engineer ing News, The disturbance of the roadbed by frost Is a very serious matter, states Mr. von Lublmoff ; on 95 per cent of all rtusslan railway line It constitutes one of the most Important problems of maintenance of way. The disturbance occurs mainly In low-lying, wet ground; the soil In such places Is gener ally found to be clay overlying or with Intervening layers of . water-bearing sand or gravel. The action In prolong ed cold weather seems to be about as follows: The earth gradually freeze downward, and as the molster strata are reached the contained water causes them to freeze In thin sbeets or lami nations. As the frozen layer Increases in thickness it tends to separate from the strata below and to form bumps or hillocks. A succeeding rise of tem perature produces an open and porous structure in the frozen layer, and any water; entering from either above or below fills the Interstices. When the temperature again falls this water freezes and by Its expansion further rajses 'the swelling. In time this process produces notice able roughness of the roadbed, which may be so extensive as to make truffle No Pain, and Doesn't Cost Much, at Wise Bros., Portland, Oregon. The wonderful changes accomplished by advertising dentists are well Illus trated by the fame of Wise Brother, whose office are in the Falling bond ing, Third and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon. It is true that you can have a tooth pulled entirely with out pain and that the cost ol false teeth is very moderate. This great advance in dental surgery is on of the blessings of the present sge. Establish men Is like that of Wine Brothers in Portland render it about ss pleasant to fit your self out with new teeth a to aeqnire any other article of wear and useful nes. We suggest that our readers watch th Wlee Brother' advertize inenta and act upon them. literary Note. Willie Fa, a msgasine is just a place filled with powder and gutu and things, I ain't it? ' j Pa No, my son: it' usually filled i with adveitUements of powder and guns and things Philadelphia Press. Fresh Com, Would yon like to know, In the mid die of (he winter, what fiesh corn Is like? If yon would, get a can of Mono pol Corn, and, if it were not for th season, yon would probably not know the difference. Monopole Corn is ctmml Vow Vnetr In tun n a rr. enrt ttu. canned where it is grown, only the beat constant extension of lake trallic has """ ears oeing neeu. it added not only to the commerce of Chi- t,,, tne nturl freshness and flnvor eaer imi iikowia. v-w ineooiw r th. of the vegetable, and yon won't find it commerce of Cleveland, now a very lin-l ha" . F0 11 7 "k ,or n3r other llllillAhll it Kit 11 Ola t-wrilaud. (Jowet Agents, cr y JSJP .ayec ? LSa V G Yl Cka'lTi. Ttf&ATfl.&HATS i sSk TV MADS BY TNf MAKtRS OP I fswa-il ciitDaonc HAVt TXC MMI POINT! eesentn SATiSf actiok. ft iwaMljvw Chicago a Great Inland Port, That Chicago Is a great shipping cen ter almost everyone know. But that It now ranks fourth among the ports : of the world Is not so well known. The latest figures relating to the matter of shipping are: Ixindon, 16,529,005 tons; New Torts. 16,445,?20; Hamhurg, 14.1B8,817i Chi cago, 14,180,100; Antwerp, 13,573,473; Liverpool, 11,818,000, and Marseilles, 0.C2O.11L Chicago leads all United States ports portant port of entry; Detroit Buffalo, Milwaukee, Dulutb and Toledo. The chief article of commerce on the lakes are wheat flour, coal. Iron and lumber. Lion a Fly Catcher. The keeper of the carnivore house at the Philadelphia zoo led the group of visitors to the outdoor quarters of the lions. "Look at that fellow Over there," he said. "It's Interesting to watch him catching flies." The Hon lay beside a little puddle that the rain of the night before had made. He dipped hi paw Into the sticky mud and then extended tb member and lay very quiet The paw served as a fly trap. Flies lighted on It and stuck fast; buzz ail they would they could not get away. And the lion, says the Philadelphia Record, after a dozen or two were collected, calmly crushed them and prepared bis paw again. . 'He doe that every day," th keeper saldi. 1 , 'love My Do." An amusing story, comes from Pari or the device adopted by a prominent clubman of wealth and position to form ' the acquaintance of a lady well known 1 for her beauty in social snd theatrical ! brand. Your grocer doubtlaes handles Monopole groceiies aud can furnish you with them. If be will not, write ns direct and we will advise you of one who will. Wadbams k Kerr Bros., packers, Poitland, Ore. Judicious Advertising. Every men must blow his own borq nowadays, and judiciou advertising is the great horn that enable many to make themselves heard in the din of competition. Jewelers' Circular Weekly. J DR. G. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT TttiB wtn4rfiil M !! (Wit i tmlttxt .r-Rtt bfki) b cur ihjii wutiottl tkrs Umt iht.1 f jtivnt. na lusJtsv It u r wttK )jt ihosjsj wmtfloffMl (,'. risM hti fMAe bti.1. V rfl bark aitd VstjlVtsshisM k HOW It to lUeHlicSk) fal't. sitrt in ih untry. Thromfh th uuf tbow bai-ntkiwa rott1ii ihi) fnim'a-tm-i(r kiniiw lis IK)tlut?l ovtr AOOtliffrrstitt rfriimltfM, wbirh Ili'aiHK'WMiUtlyuiei In tlrTrrm ft I , M cti.r.ntN. to cur risrrft. m'hm, tun,, rhfuniAifBtti, nrrvtmMtjSi, iumt ti. ii-r, H!du, (, : ru UjiirHt f l-Un...o-!.. t hrr mml.rM, t )! and . hint, rmtfiiu out ur ih oiiy wrii tur biltiikw nt,a rimiifcri, fW'iiridtM.ttAin wmtni, lu.H, ADUUlviW THE C. SEE WD ChlJIESE MEDIGIXE C3. titi Third St.. Portland. Oregask SI" U suuuu papar. .In adraiiTOd priee and dividends ol our l,uo,mo shares ol treasury sloes, i ar value II each, all la m,..,,,. stoek no promoter's sioek. lli OU ONE DOLLAR CiDUO,... ? d'';Bds apinrlluuew. ONE YEAR p."ir,ivrnfn?:(! ... '"Uneiit of oiin.iwi shares ara sold, alter whleh th reaialnlBf stock la lo b adrauced to f,V. Ittr V ilerrauille Asei' c les. An est'sordinary, safe, and reuiunar. st ve. niettamira msnufsturlt. Inreatmani. uf "U'liTiis ra iimufarnrv i'siif artiisi w... chartwr and by-law, Th l allloral lra owt P. V, Ha. 47-1801. circles, ay the London Globe. The IromlsvUl, sty., Karoh 97, '08, Oantlemen: I am clad to aay that m. St. S. has cared me of Kbemnatlsm. About two years aso I suffered from Shanmatlea In sny knaes ul feet, ty enklss wllin so that Z could ot put on toy shoee. This oontlaned for avsral month, dnrine which time I was applylasr llnimeata end Sola; by my physician's directions, bat derived no benefit. I was told of B. 8. 8. and tried It. I Immedi ately grot relief, and continued th medicla until I was entirely well. 8108 yioyd St. D. J. DTAVB. Rheumatism must be through the blood, and no remedy brings such prompt and lasting- relief is S. S. a It attacks the disease in the blood, neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating' or poisonous Substances from the system. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu lates through the body, the corroding', gnawing; poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer is- happily relieved from the discom fort and misery of Rheumatism. ' External remedies are all right so far as they go, but they don't go fat enough, and you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, and those who pin their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound to meet with disappointment, and will rsssafc.l r jlswiBa,! faSka.1 e nursing a caw i niiuimum uia CT I Cr"3 I CT greater part of their lives. . "ifc. K fi. R. a. la a nnrelv vevetable remerlv. does not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be taken with safety by old and young. Rheumatic sufferers who write ns about their case will receive valuable aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for which no charge is made. We will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result ol years of practical experience in treating this disease. It contains in C ';Jenscd form much information about Rheumatism. n:s si,","iT ipmms c.0 mtimmta, cjz i uugnoua wt'c nflui 1 nci IB ouiy a leuiponiry expeuienr. i ne only crxee- tive mean to deal with portion of the railway line that are thus affected has been found to be (1) to drain the sur rounding soli thoroughly by deep drain age ditches, so that the ground water level In the neighborhood of the road bed 1 lowered well below any possi bility of frost extending down to It, or (2) to Increase the depth of filling suffi ciently to protect the natural ground below It from the action of frost The filling must be of open texture and well drained, so that It will not itself give trouble m the same way. Both meth ods of protection are, where possible, nsed simultaneously. The distortion of brldices Is a more difficult matter to cope with, though, of course, the aggregate of damage and Interference with traffic is very much lea. It may be tated that the pile are In each case driven well down into the subsoil below frost level, but the rising of the surface layers, as explain ed above, lift the pile up with It by friction. Departed Qlory. How sad I used to be in those old days way back there Before I knew th world wa full of buddt-n enures snd care; lady was lunching In a fashionable res taurant In the Bol de Boulogne, ac-' companled by her equally well-known ' poodle. The dog wa running about ' from table to table, picking np piece 1 and collecting morsels from other: diners, snd presently, when It returned . to Its mistress, she was astonished to' see written on Its back In red chalk: "Tell your mistress that shs is simply 1 adorable, and I love her exceedingly.": The gentleman signed bis name. After this a formal Introduction was no longer necessary. The Milkman' Explanation. "My dear," said the young husband, "did you ever speak to the milkman about there being no cream on the milk?" "Yes, I told him about It this morning and be has explained It satis factorily and I think ft quite a credit to him, too." "What did he say?" "He said that he always filled the bottles so full, that there Is no room on th top for the cream." Kansas City Star. Cause of Mistaken Identity. "Sir, your son has been throwing stones at me." 'Old he hit yon?" "No." "Then It wasn't my boyl" Das Eletae Wltzblatt "i I AVeeetaulePreoaMlionfor As similating the Food andRcffula- ung me stoiBacns anciuowels of Pf omolcs DigcslionjCheerfur ness and Rest.Con.ains nelllier Chpium,Morpltine nor Mineral, lVOTKARCOTIC. V 'OUa-SAHVE.PtTOlUl fl"vJh Stmt' jlhi.Smi Aperfecl Remedy forConsllps Tlon . Sour Stouuh,DiarrlkDa Worms Anvulsion3,Fcverish nesi and Loss or Sleep. facsimile- Signature of NEW YORK. mm Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have ' Always Bought Bears Signature tie . iV iP' In Use For Over Thirty Years Of Lord Hoselierryi of England, Who, Althouah Hlch, Mrllllnnt, Courted ' aud Powerful, Almost Vie from th Fovtety of Mau. After rest of several years Lord ItoNvbury, who became th chief of th Liberal party ou th death of Ulad tone. Is again be coming acUv lu th political af fairs of Utvat Brit ain, Long ago h ahanrlona,! u,. bomtr-rul . tlon a affecting Ireland, to which Vwi he snd hit party wer once com. mind aosKHitar. uiltted, snd now It It Is probable that titer 1 not a more strenuous opponent to that policy to be found In British public II f. Itosvbery's reuuwed activity In publlo life and hi high station mak a study of hi character InUrvstlng snd much light upon this subject Is given by tb Loiimin Mall In recent srtiol. : , Lord Itoseliery. says th Mall, Is ou of the wealthiest aud quit th most brilliant of the British aristocracy. II I a scholar of erudition, an author of distinction and th finest orator of his day. He at a mis out from amid a wealth of mediocrity In solitary audi grand distinction. But, underlying all this sdntlUatlnr surface, there Is a grim and tttrrlbls. pathos lu his Uf th pathos of uttur sol it u.lo, i'ii cen by the crowd of adt ntlrers who worship and envy him Im hi proud supremacy, unrcognlsii even by those who writ and speak of him ss of a well known friend, there la an almost tragic loneliness In bis po sition not merely In his political sta tus, but lo his dotneatlo life. II Is probably at th present moment th most closely observed of all publlo men, the best known to th general run of hi countrymen. Ill circle of ac quaintance is probably larger than that of say other person not of royal rank. Ills friends sr legion. Yet It. would be scarcely overstepping ths truth to say that b has not a slngl , ititluiate-that there Is not a living; creator with whom b can ever en-, tlrely throw off that reserr that bid! hi inner seir ss a garment II Is.. even In th midst of tb spplandlug: multitude, st a reception, or at bis owo dinner table, always slone. It is enly; natural that this loneliness of dJttposl--tlon should beget a lovs of soUtsd. It I not far to seek for the ramte of' this pathntic seclusion. Lewd Ros liery's life, with all It srh, wltbi II Its achievement, has. been a sad I one. From bis earliest days Fortune squandered her rtcbeat gifts on blai with a lavish, band. Born of a mother as beautiful, as fascinating as she wasi lntelloctually briUlauta former ma id I ot houor and bfUlesmald to Brltalo'si late aoverelgo heritor of a proud title snd or great wealth, bkraaed with tun tal gifts and sptltodo snrpMsalng: those f any man since Diara4. and I posseesed of a sound If not robttet corn- tlttitleu. th world lay at b!s.fwt when) a little more than a boy L fell In lovs with tb wealthiest hcirae of his tinis--Miss Ilniinoh RothsvWld. hirs tei th wealthiest snd most powerful I branch of thst dUUns;slshd family.-. Ills meeting with he was as romantic as snythlng ever conceived by sny novelist Ills enrrlsg collided wltb i hers, nd by extraordinary agility,, combined with no less extrsordlusry - presence of mind, he sprang out aud ! caught hor as she fell after having been . , throws upward by the fore of the Impact Then be carried her, stunned, M lo a neighboring house. lie devoted to her all tb ardor aad ! j passion of a great nature, and, desplt t th most relentless opposition on tbs f part of her father, he finally succeeded i In winning her. The lor that bad 1 stood tb stress of a trying conrtshlp . lasted unimpaired during th whole of1.' his married Itf. Ill wife was some. Ihlng more than a wlf to blm. . fj'ft was bis maker. 8b threw beree.f heart and soul Into his work snd). Into , uts sport it was she that notL madl 4 him a politicians It wa aba. tins fcrf htm out on that brilliant 4wi? trblch, sh never lived to see bliA,H,osraimsatx. The effect on such s, wm of th trs. Icully early death o sacti a helpnafe can be understood, It accounts for all his love of solltudo, bis preference for quietly tending bis rose at th Dur dnns. or wandering up and down ths ' terraces at Mentmore, to tb gayety of s social life. Iyord Ilosebery Is on of ths most restless men In the Dulted Kingdom. ' " II Is troubled with Insomnia and be I constantly traveling from seat to seat In vain efforts to rid himself of bis enemy. 1 , .St. Peter's Cathedral, The largest cathedral lu ths world Is St. Peter's, at Home, on the alto whra . It Is said St Peter was Interred, Th total length of the Interior Is 0I2& En glish feet, transept 440 feet diameter f ot cupola 103 feet height of dome from pavement to th top of cross, 448 foot, , t It was begun In 1450 A. P., dedicated ! In 1028, but not finished until 18H0. . . Forty-three Popes lived and died dur . j lng the process of building, Ths cost Is i set down at 170,000,000. White stocking are fashionable, but .' , they should be clean. The average woTiTahdesTt thluki that she Is really sick nulcss shs Is tak ing some kind of medicine with Su death's bead on th bottle. I n if-' -u: j pnYiiiiin I"" IMm 1 llilfi g iiiin..ijm,imi.x-. iMisifumm iiMii. 1M iWWwy' Hf VattH HOV . , n mmi ,,VJIll JMia'"''nm'' " J'L"" ""l","slll ""'" UMBRELLAS For Christmai Presents. HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRICE jonn aUcssza '. , TWO HTOKKH: ( V Wwhlngion St., m Morrison J ' near Woodard.ClarkaACo. Viler Frank Co. i