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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
' - MIST dixaalruiisly in lit it few Tear kn started oriiriiially from the ember loft Entered at the rostoltice at 8U Helen., "l C'P rwbrvrtiw who were m. Orejfon, m ecoiid-cla mail matter. Oiling through the country. Astoria '' ' " ' 11 1 " 1 Budget. BOUNTY OFFICIAL .PAPER. Ji iu -t ' jjl.j mmtriLX-!..Ui" IeunEV'KKV Friday W'oKtiiNu By "' "' fi.Uki.ZB, 11. G.VBBERT, ' U Nothing bift rain and mud nowaday. . . .Lest MuNgtt, pioneer merchant ot Vernonia in th earlv dava, hut now ot Portland, it in thVilley in the iuterest ot the Astoria df fortlaml tail road ... Mia JFiorenee fiosa. of lileu.torrin The mwrh talked of Irrigation convert- Idaho, came in 1 rturdav to visit her !....-... i. l...ilu.,.l W..1. I Wi mr (rjr nail, .-, .urwr wr ""--- - ; while splitting wood cut open hi foot. ?newlav. amMnteresUM fcastern urtvon ... ii,',. .iffLA,'i .a KiMTOB AKO PKOI'klKTOR. : warn nrmwtit III lanm and an- ' m'.vM hi ) tinaM wnrM Mr. 'tt)iiaiMtlc number, it wa nnMtaYi t tnrt for Portland thi week, ao ""' .n.... .. i... ' ! conioaiiifd b hi wife, who will en to a r- - r i ,,,uitilul I., hwwtva trnut.muiit mr a S tumor Mr. Wood is the bow rlsh Monday in June, and the uett annua) eruian' of Vernonia tw-hool begin NOVEMBER i?, 1V0?. I eetlnif Pendleton on 4f.a eooud. JMonUav morning u ')-. ju tiaij-u . aiormav ru ixoreinner, isma. iweomoer . im : 1,1 This rawer i kent on file at the Ore- ? . .W .mfcJ'.,i. ?", . If . - r. : . ' it v. II : - . 8UiR;ftirrnw ftws: - ... i., l (.V "",r v' .77 ..rfih. ' ' " : V I will be heM at Baker City on f von Press Association Koom "0. Haniir- tn butlditiK, rortlanil, Oregon. " IS TBS DA XS OF THS OX PUNCH St. Tha wodttt operandi of lopghig oper ation have materially cliinud during the past few year in Culmubia eonnty and the lower ' valley. The hull driver of past day received a big mlary, and 'wa leader in eociety." He wore a heavy gold Watch chain, and took the best room in the house when ha went to a Portland hotel. ' The donkey engine ha revoltttioniied Jogging, and the old time ox-pumdier zist only in the memory and history of . I W, Ul UUUIJMH Will fflUWl VU JI I President, A. H. Dever, ot Multnomah'; 'one nulb' sfwve Pittabnrg lVw vice-preaident, W, it. King, el Malheur ; second vice presideut, H. E. Anksuv, ot I-aiw; eecretary, Jauei'M. Moore, of MuUnomali ; awirtaut aecretHry, '. Pi itodd, U UnMt, If'Mitehfll, of tho 'Rainier Caretta want to turn republican it mnkra no differeww to Tun Mit, and other pie care les. These things are given to bvw lii utter A (try iirlNit that '.There is room for town.. .Will Pringl .Mr. Math ews, of Houlton will winter on his place oos nuie- auove initaDnrw now is the bdis butter maker of the valley Jolili Ktv came home on a short visit ... .John Campbell, of Portland, I vis itina iu the valley...... Thomas Em- ttiont hn ' returned from ' the Bumpter mine. tliepast. The ox-pnnclier jitill lives, i. .1P ,, lr,Mll nf lor it i omy a tew years sinre tne uon ey engine found its way to the Colura 1ia hillsides and timbered canyons; but theoix-e proud ox-puncher hat been nutamorphosed into another human be ing and now follow a new oocapatiou. Soma are lawyers, merchants, etc, and "they can be-found in all the varied oc cupation existing oo the lower Cutom bia. Before the advent of the donkey en gine logging operation were carried on only the comparatively level timber greets. It did not pay to waste time getting heavy timber off the almost per pendicular hillside and precipitous can yons. At time during the winter sea eon hajr often ranged in price from $20 'to 50 per ton, and it bad to be hauled over almost impassable road. ' It is different with the donkey engine ; it eat no high priced hay or chop, and it draws with ease heavy logs up perpen-die-.ilar cliffs. The donkey engine knocked oat the ball-puncher, but "it will be valuable aid to that later in novation, the logging railway. - JaniDed on Ten Penny Nail. The little dnu'ir titer of Mr. J. N. Powell -4i nincd "on an inverted rake made of ten two- ptmiiey naile, and thrust one I il en- enlV v v Mimugi rm wm nwiiu y.iv gn, (jnamornain t ain il and nve disatiDeard prominent republii-nti in this diutiirt !ai.J ho more sutfenue was exoerieced.- with a view of changing Ms policy in w r-t three days the child was wearing her , , . ",.' i " i shoe as usual and with absoluely no mrw iurpain.iH.KB. ia,, ,. f Mr. Powell i. a w.llknown ir tack of nHnciinV Mf 5.'tfhh' Chamberlain' , "i . ilti'o priMbptlv applied ai he approacjied a minutes later the pain had disa) . ; "tfBdT IS HE? The editor of the Rainier Uaxette had to take water about some of the things be said about the county court last week, and jHromised to innke corrections in this week's paper. T The question has been asked frequently JnBt Helen of late, "What is he any Vay T" this man they call Mitchell. .' ' If lie ever bad one speck of 'honor ot principle, he has failed to show it. "First a populist, then a democrat, and ow trying to be a republican. SU rec "ord - tad teste that tie is anything for 'the graft. Did he ever stand for anything that there wu not a dollar in it. He i not 'even a good American citizen. H -;is in 'such otter contempt that even the dog of 6t. Helen won't bark at him as be passe along the streets. He leaches in the Sunday school, and tramples nnder foot the 'Very principles of goud citizen ship, by silently endorsing prize fighting I it right to permit such a man' to dis grace the holy places of ' worship in Columbia ermnty? If ,he w mid not 'print in full the statutes providing pen alties for prizefighting, is it to be pre sumed that be would print a correct ver sion of the new law regulating the print ing of delinquent tax lint? Mitchell, did yon not get about $25J last year for printing the "old junli" delinquent far Sale, and 137 for print ing the regular delinquent tax sale J J)id yoo iiotget a much higher rate than " -the tax lint is to be printed for thi yearT ipid yon ak the sheriff to jet the contract to the lowest bidder? '' ' Yon know very well that all the chanire that was made in tha tax law. Wa that the designating of the psHj to print the delinquent tax list was changed from the sheriff to the county pto . When you make such deliberate ''mia x.i l , 'i lie 1. IVjjiRimMl.iunB, lliw nu iuh The paft-to whom the 'ajlivjd'ofiof jxa mane win e iniervieaea, eirw J),b story is given tirvdence. If it prove true. it wil) make luj'lity iutereatiug 'readhig. . ' .' It w given out on the quiet thatih Multnomah legislature delegation at a meetings few uight ago tacitly agreed that they would not support C. W. Ful ton for United Stateji''snator. They did not decide jpoi a candidate to sup port, but it Is rumored that Ex-Senator Corbett and Sol lliroch were both favor ably considered. Forest Urove Tims. " Be it re in be red that at a regular term of the county court of the State of Ore iron, for the County of Columbia begun and held in the Court House in the City of St. Helena, in said County and State, on Wednesday Nov. Stb, 1902, and being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of esid court, when were preut rhe Hon. J. B. lioan, county judge; tT0j. W. D. Case, county com niifMiiner; Hon. H. L. Culvin, county eouiniissioner;' H. Henderson, county clerk ; R. S. Hattan, sheriff. Joirrfial of last session read, approved anil jjgrfecl. In the matter of the petition of Ru dolph Kanpler and other for county road 'rpiul, and Leslie Bailey, Henrv Wdodviirr) and W. M. Watson are ap pointed as viewer and W. T. Watts as liirrtr-jl.r'to meet at Yankton P. O. Nov. 24th, llkW, to view, survey and locate said proposed road. JJp)i ' report of investigation com mittee of John Bucher Poet No. 70 ti. A. K. it is ordered that warrent for $50. drawn in favor of commander be can celled. ' 1 Petition of J. R. Card well for rebate of taxes, denied. Matter of relief for family of William Hopkins, iusane, upon petition of M. E, Pce'iid ut tiers it i ordered that a war ram. for 20 be drawn in favor of Mrs. Ho(ikini for the relief of said family. Application of M. Matsou for assign ment of tax sale certificate Nos. 119 1 tHV) and 1460 for the sum of i. allowed iilil .mlt-rvd that said eertidca'tes be as- tuerchant of Fork'and, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic ana ueais sucn injuries without maturation anl in one-third the time required by the usual treat ment. For sale by Edwin Ross Drug gist. . WARREN. Despite the inclemency of th weather quite a large crowd turned out to Liter ary A very interesting program was rendered. .... .The speaker were one and all greeted by bursts of cheers and clapping of hands.... .The question debated was, Resolved: that Fire is more destructive than Water. .... Some speakers being absent, Mr. Hanson ap pearing alone on the negative side and completely drowned the affirmatives, winning by two to one Th judges were Mr. Hobble, Mr. Clark and Johu Slaven.. . . .Owing to illness Rev. Ballen tyne wa not able to fulfill hi appoint ment at Warren Sunday last..... Car penter have commenced work fitted op the upstairs of the rchoolhonse for a schoolroom .... We are informed that an attachment ha been placed on some cord wood, at Adam landing by one of the Warren merchants The Tar- bell mill ha been closed down for a few days for repairs Messers F. Posey, Max Berg and W. E. Hanson were Port land visitor Saturday John Beaver and family have moved into the Jacob Highler house. fcf In Thirteen. By sending 13 mile Win. Spirey, of Walton Furnace, Vt.. got a - box of Bucklen' Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible Fever Sore on hi leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures Bruifes, Felons, Ulcers, F.ruplions, Boils. Burns. Corus and Piles. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Si Helen Phar macy. ' (-,iocc;fv4 iwMlUVU AdvcrteeEt SEND FIVE CENTO TO ALBERT Toiier. Portland, Oregon, for Clt- kahit Precinct directory. BEND 15 CENTS TO ALBERT TOZ- lor, Portland Oregon, for the names of voter In Apiary, Auburn, Beaver Falls, Uoble, Marshland. Nehaluin, Oak Point precincts: Com plots list of Columbia county lor 25 cents. . : . STRAYEDFROM THE FARM OF C, L., ayres, near inatoii,auarrwi,ycr ling bull, marked, branded and dehorned Branded on the left hip "L A" marked with crop and split in the left ear and ho a in tha riirlit. Anv Information Will be gladly received by C. L, Ayres at Yankton, who will pay reward. Foa 8Ui Th cord wood timber on 100 acre of land. Call on or address O. W. PERRY, Houlton, Or. WANTKD.- A'TM'STWOBTHY okntlxiiak or lady in each county to manage buis nesa tor an old established house on solid financial standing. A straight, bona fide weekly salary of $18.00 nld by check each Wed needay with all ex penses direct from headquarter. Money advanced for expense. Manager, S40 Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. JOHN A. BECK DKAMtR IN Watches, Diamonds, Silierware, ....JEWELRY.... m Eepjiiring a Specialty. Horrtion St. Set. Front A) Pint. PORTLAND m m m m '- m Opposite Perkins Hotel, 5th and Washington Sts., Punlaod, Or. SOLE AGENTS. s?:M?rr tlx, 'C'i r,.r: V ' ' . t THE Home of the Walk-Over and Built-wcll fhoe. Over ten thousand manufactured daily. More than 3,000 employes 1 1 f D0WN-eOBTT PEOPLE should 00 to iwm Glatskanie Drug Store ros tush Drugs and Medicines CHOICX Toilet Articles and Perfnmerj Br. J. . HALL, frtpntttr Cmtskanic ! i Obxoom. t -r --iftnrtnnnn.n.nn.'innnnnnii i ' " 2?t th in ipublieto believe anytlilng fthe Gazette T ; Did yon not tell the writer on )m day of:thePjmona Grange indeViiig'at lloul- ton, that you did not wanj tS print tha Kiennqueni tax list, I or tne reason rlit -ttepVice was cut down to KTcent per iline, and that yon would have to go to ,''0ld" Hum Mile to secure an indem nity bend? yon further said that there iwas much more money in printing sher iff sales T, .... y Did yoa not tell a prominent repab Jicsu o?ce holder in 8t. Helens ont Wk i last gatqrday that you ex- ipectedUo be runiffg republican pape'r juiuiiu fear l ilir VQU pot go to a faloM nd gin & $6fyrtotor toe aame rfeiTM'tteMttMm''4yf " ' . t$ ntii yonrowiAe' " before election, fhat tb'cf'pfin'tig of the clerk' office hould bWfct to the lowest bidder? ' Ti.c Mum' .'erjr (jemand (hat thi pledge be fulfilled, .v. u ' '' '. ..." i 'j .1 ,' The sentlinent in favor of an -amend-aientto the law tbet will tend to ret strict ori'prohibit tint starting of forest .fires is growing all over the state and flie indiuationre that several1 mess ares will be introduced at the coming tension ot ttj' legislature. What is jieeded is,a Ian' thnt ill ptop the bnrn fug of cleni'lirgi i$ittiau season of the tear, the ilea being to divide the state Jiltojtwo dlstriuts, enst and went ' of the L . ut. .. I t. . 'Sr 1 . m IJjuuiiMtiuv, t evMBUtia wr t jjch pew,'cn'ko6outit'o( the brush dry l n o Macb more quickly, in the .eastern portion 6f the stHttfiirr'itf djoe's on the Cst. Besiilfs lliat tlier?' should be a Jaw providing heary terra of imprison ' meiit for lighting and IfsVirg c'aiiip or othf r firp on the ' xromt-f' tof others, f'iny of (he fires tlist hav? ren!te , . ... h .;.Wt ?..'. 1 slirned to raid M. Mat-on. K 'siiiiiatioii of a. It. tiaines as con staiile of Clat.-kanie precient, accepted. I, U. Tiolienor appointed constable for Clatakanie Precient to Bil vacancy Ciinoetl by reeiguatiou of A. b. Mai lies. November sixth. 2nd. day. Petitions of C. H. Brigys and others foraumuty road read, ami Leslie Baiiev, ilenrv Woodwani and W. M. Watsou sre appointe viewers and W. T. Watts, eurveyiir to meet at Btanwood's place Nov. 34th, I1HJ2, to survey, view aud lo cate Mini pnHwed roau. Ordered that all act and proceedings of the sale for delinquent taxe for the year Wjp, made October lutn. umju, oe uud Uie same hereby iu all things eon lirnied. and the sheriff is hereby directed to exet'ue feeda to all persons entitled uierviu. Return of sheriff on delinqnent tax roll fur 1'JOl. examined and clerk ordered to credit client!" with the sum of $2217.1 the amount of tax returned delinqnent. Scalp warrant claims to the amount of were examined aud approved. Sheriff stubs of tax rtctsipt checked up with the tax roll. Petition of Thomas Anderson and fti ter for a county road, continued on account ijf defects in affidavit of posting of not ice. Petition of City Council of Clatsksnie for the county to pay a certain doctor bill of A. P. McLaren for service ren dered at the request of tlte city council, the court being advised in the matter the same is denied. Petition of M. Dippold and Son and othe.s fur repairs on the ftummit moun tain road, allowed and the court ordered the super vis r to relay , said puncheon In road district No. 13. Matter of designating a newspaper to publish the delinquent tax list)' for the year 1D01, a contract having been en tered into with the Oregon Hist to pub lish the said delinquent list lor 15 cents per line the (aid Oregon Mist is hereby designated as the paper to publish the uennquem tax list in anu tne sheriff is hereby directed to fnrnish raid Oregon Mist with a true, full and correct conv of the delinquent tax lift of said county and state for the year 1901, according to law. Whereupon court adjourned nntil Monday Nov. 17th, 1902. Monday rov. 17th. I9TZ. Bond of Oregon Mist! for1 nublishinar the delindueuf tax list for the'year 1901 examined and approved. ' Bills allowed!-1 tioneyroan Hardware Co.. lack screws. 6.26 ; Richard Hermo, R. I). 0 road I fund, 21.00; Richard HeVmo, general I lunu, ti... Wbereuoon court adiunrned without iff.' ; HUDSON Th Yeon-Pelton Logging Company are busy building roadways and tracks. ....Mis Myrtle Powell closed her school in district No. 4 with a grand en tertainment and box social last Sat urday night.. . . .The lumber for the new Grange ball atHenver Valley, is all on the ground with the exception of the joists. New members are being minted every meeting nignt miss a. Morton i very rick Mrs. I. Parches is in.' proving Baskets sold for (7.60 at our school entertainment A. U. Haggin is doing a good Imxiness for the American Woolen Mills Company. Asleep Amid Flame. BreakiiiK into a blazing home, some firemen lately drL'd the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, rud death near. It's that way wnen yoo neglect coughs and colds. . Don't do it. Dr. King' New Discovery for Con sumption give perfect protection a- gainst all lliroai, unesc ana i.nng Trouble. Keep it near, and avoid inf- ferine. death, and doctor' bills. A tea- spoonful stops a lata cough, persistent use tne most stuDOom. nannies ana nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by 8t. Helens Pharmacy. Price 60c and tl.OO. Trial bottle free. - BITHlTsOTES. Owl Saloon RISN B0THSRS, tBOPtmOBS Only ttas bwt ol Upon ani Cizars Keirt ii StqcX - CYRUS HOBLE Aaa sthst pupalar braada sf wblskiM al. la Mot.. ' , 1 TAILORING COMPANY 248 WASHINGTON Street uuld FOFTI-i.lSrrD, ORB. If you want a Fashionable, Perlect-Fitllng Suitor Overcoat, you don't havo to pay a high price lor it, Examine our UNCLAIMED TAILOB SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Thoussml o choose from ; th largest va riety in th West; each garment tailored throughout. They are worth three time the ordinary suit In style, tailoring, and th fineness ot th fab ric. MAY WE DO BUSINESS WITH YOU T Unclaimed Tailor-Made suits and Overcoats, Worth $5 10 f20 t :-jj,95 Jp We are still furnishing the Weekly and Mist together for a Oregonian ai only z.w, Sijlwcrilie now. i yer PBOFHSSIQyWIt, WEINHARD'S BEER oa drtatjhl. "Tog BestSH" Cigar, All tk latent Dswipanera and other pop- m ular pcrodlcala. A BRIGHT'8 DISEASE. The steamer Bepuhlic is a very busy boat nowadays, and run of nights a lart of the time. Bexide making extra freight trios between tit. Helen and Portland, and b inging down a load of duck hunters on haturday night, it is kept very buiv towinit. ehe left St. Helens at widuiieht Haturday, after bringing down a load of hunters, and went to Vancouver with a tow of big timber for the new bridge at Vancouver. The timbers were from tne Cowliu river. The steamer Lnrline will resume her place on the run between Portland and Astoria almut December M. Blie will be as g' od a a new boat, and improve ment are being made that will enable her to make quicker landings. The steamer Sarah Dixon has changed to the winter schedule, and now leaves Portland for Clatxkanie at 6 :30 a. til. on' Mondays and Tuesdays. gitntviccCB JB JS B IT edlie'rtallr fanriss. Cwsjalaiewllr HerwHlcaw. New from all th world Well written, original stories An swers to q aeries Articles on Health, the Home, New Book, and on Work About the Farm and Garden. The Weelj Inter Ocean The lareest snm ever paid for pr scridtlon, changed hands m Ban Frsn Cisco, Aug. 80, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock f 112.600.00 and wa paid by party of bnisnes men for a specific for Bright' Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced tne serious investi gation ot tne specinc nov. 10, iwi. They interviewed scors of th cured and tried it ont on it merit by putting over three doxen ease on the treatment and watchina-them. They also got phy sician to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the nhytican for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven ner eeat of the test case wera either well OJ progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, tha piirties were satisfied and closed the transaction. Theprnceedngs of the investigating committee and the clinical report of the test case we' published and will be mailed free on application. Address John J. Fnlton Company, 420 Montgomery St., Han Francisco, Cai. RsDreasntatlva. . . .11 art in luh itini " Jomph 11. Pohii, Kaluier rlir .. ft. a. Hattan, ftu Hfltn. Treamirsr.. ii. ..;.....!...,. It. Koiw.rH. Heltm on 1. 01 acuovu. ...l. H. couelanil, Hmlllutt J"m Martin Wlilie, Bi. Hteu Suryeyor w. T. Watt, gcapp&t Clera.,.., H. Henderson, Mayxer. Cnmmli.lBr. ( tj. Cnlyln, M-r.hl.ii4 . f w. V. Caw, fllllurg (loroner....': c. . Dultjo, St. Hel.n. Oregon Dally. Journal a Democratic dally newapaiier, efg-ht to 20 oaa-ea; 14 a year; yi ror aix months. The a newspaper. Send In your interest your neighbor In The Journal. Address Tha Journal. Pox 121, Portland, Subscribe tor Th Mist. ' J. u.. r Is member of th Associated Press, the only Wostern News paper receiving th entire tele graphic new service of th New York Bun and special cable of the New York World daily re port from over 2,000 special correspondent throughout the eouutry. ."uSSoi" VEAfPQ N E DOLLAR wkwertkw tr Tfcs Osieefi m 1ST 4 h Weekly Inter Ocean-, ftolh paper ler .o. t-'i 'ii ' - ' DLACl-DMUGHT; THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A sallow eomnlerion. dirxincaa ' biUmisnvtad a ooated ton mi art eBman indications of liver and kidney disenjet. gtomacb and oowei vnmoies, sever aatpsy ars, lve immeaiai warning ny para, ut liver and kidney troubles. OUffh less painful at the start, ar inacn klroar tQ cure. llMdf oro7i B!-Prausht n.ifrinjtite3 fit' dissased liver and weakened k ld eys. 1 stirs up th torpid liver to throw off th gefin. S( j.vfan4 wv. n iv a ceruua prevenuv of cholera and Briqht't diseaa n th kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Tbedford Black Djraught tbousandt ot person bar twin unman m in m.aat ot Ji low fever. Many families liv 1 perfect health and have no other doctor than ToedfardV Black Draught. It is always on hand for o in an eraeraenes and aavs many xpeniv call of doctor, Mull int. S. C. March M. tOOt.' I ksv astd ThocJford'i Bladl.OrwieM (oXhrstytan sadlhav mat had teg 10 aoctor iuks 1 nav bca taking It U it th fcert aMdkiat (or ms that It en Uit market for Uvtr and kldnty "VoubUi (ad dvipcotd and ethr ' eomplamsii.- Rsv. A O. tEVUf I 8ojJtf Pvauc. CuavtvatK-iMO. J. S. G9PFR&Y, Bgaj Estate and fimfecr lnii Sold AHlSTJtplBl f AUK. 81!, IjELENS, OREU05 I iLrai. S. H. GKUDEK, ATTOltXE r- AT- Ll W. IIAIn wllh I. g. Quirk. ST. RBI.KNS, 1 I OBIOOIf. Will girs baal Mnonal slUnrWm to all Iscsl I mattera atrnilfd 10 ma. WIU praeHrs la all , the suit and I lilted State Ceons. 1 STUMP 16, Madison fltreet, VIG0RIT POWDERCO. Manufacturers of IMPROVE) BLASHNG POWDER BIASTIISra, TtAlX. WORK AT MINING. - Pcrlltnd, Orrjt, mum wffwwwwwwiiMiiwmwniiBiffiiiwifTO THE NEW YORK STORE Hm ml roulv4 targe tuvoivt ul W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY. AT- L1 W. Dtri'TT DISTSICT ATTOSSST. 8T.Hgl.KItl, : ORK10X. Fall":: Goods, Siioes( '-1 Orncs NtwstiMS Huhe. Neviav rvsLio. W. C. Fischer, ATTORNE Y- AT-L.1 W. BAINIER, i : OBEGON. B. P. Gsaham. T. J. Cleiton Attorneys-at-Law. at Marqnam Bulldla, Portland Orefon. (Tolnmbla Coantr IxuIbsm will rteslys prm.t S)V 11 J. W. DAT" W. B. Dtl.LAltD DILLARD Sl DAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-Li W Ulnre neit dour 10 CunrthoiMt. ST. 11 KI.KNH. OHKt.ON. fieneral rutlc in vuiirtu of Oto.on or Wand racords. atracta mail directly (mm eiiun.r ; Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OBKOON. l)r. H. R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OBEOON. Dy.. H. Hall, I'f VKNIE. OREGON. Ptyncian and Surgeon. ULA.T.' Dr. C. L.Hatfield, Physician qrd Surgeon. VNONIA, pfON: Th,W.c?vypr Life, n ir yn uaa nr. ivwo i"m "J HiOAmfflinf g Dry Poods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc, I .II. MOEGUD, . ' Cooper Bnildiiig, Main Street, St. Helena, Oregon. 3 7i mmmmmmmmmmmm ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIYEH Jl KAILROAD company. oailv. 2. r. a. 70S OA US 4 M I SS IIS t It t 87 It 00 IS OH is ai iu fcTATIvtIM aiao or DAILY. a a vu , .0 S OS S f III t n i U.Sji v no .: 10 00 M l' 10 10 !tt. 10 II 71.3 10 M 7S7 10 H M .1 1 MS II IS UM la. M Uyfurtland Ar II is St i lit 91 I 17 t ( IU I St It t 07 T U Uiibl. ....Ralnl.r ... ... Pyramid.., .... Myer.,., . . .Qufory ..C'Ut.k.ul... .. Mar.hUnd.. . . WmiMir..,.. ...I'llKon... . ...Knappa.,,. ... Sv.nann.... John Day. I.? 7 W t M M W Kaal ai.a a.-.j .-v. traiua 10 ana imm th r.aai alia HilUM Point.. A. Vnnl.n -iu. ' T J Pot?ar ii w,1 "'IhM l n.ifcP"l ;!.u,, ' ""too and Norm w- '' A si.. Aaioria. Or rsnr ABSOLUTELY oeet Lttnjrj ;iaaa Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG I"ri Portlaiid on T.r . 7 -.I . ft fi'mmr fmrt, T4r and , W- Arr,u-;f' ii'i'i1 i.'.TL'" ""lay ai a a. m. idny the To-in Kllllirt,!.. r'") noon: "and Hi HfterW.ii wl BuikIbvs. name i-,t . mr Wo. re. hiBr . " n4. piave ut Vtn 0n the following t ie 10ft leflv., TokV'at as' e Hwk u aV,iv5 rti miTuusa bailt Steamer Iralda 9 A Hooahkii. . tM HAILBOAO TISM. . tyi IUIn(ritt)y(ie.ptia; )wr land, at ft A. M.. AxMtut trow St ouI.n , Keiaralnf , Imim rnnlawl tt I ' St.. sntrta at M. Qatsa. M .. FasisOT Fast Fr:!it KIBTUSD U.KDINO, ATU)a a A.IbC jB jS aSLi ifti a' ??i rmm rmmt., sAt. i "America; .... I iteii .EJjjjfc toil LavHt. Helen.... Arrive at t'ortlaatl. '. 10 : A U av Portland ..... trft F Arrlv at St. IIoWm r ?J Will Carry hut 4 ' MWr1';: WM JAS1SN . M )' 11 Tine Steamer - auriiatiii ai hI. I a t Il-uiW llTa ''. SLon "?"' Beml-Wel.,y I 4X 4 f . , ' 'XhMU,-.yvA lr Lve. I'orUaml every S'"T"., iocnlW ...A? "iasindBt ii 'm. fr Auh fiAut- klonvini ' ' . i .r""",P"r. workln in tha.' Ma li .i" ' " ' .'. ... ' . ' iwur titi ter.aii ih n. "'". sewien wiikrs rnia V. O. lint Z u .,AdI!r" Th. Journal -"Miia, vr, way teaves Portland Taenitf day rv'jiiinats fcir at & p. . aiitu,' . ; ' ' ,, '..- nd Tin' (or V"'"'