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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1902)
O R K G ( ) N M I ST i '?u iuinler wjeMijr tor. ; : -r- t- Wn n rji that I giving it' tap- port, and i UfciiUt up th republican ten ttoria tight. : .,'' : filtered at till J'tWKMUM' !.. fil-US, Onfroii. ea-oni-cinai nisil matter, . COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. issricii fcv'.rv FmrvaY Monnino By KKicr.Kii a. a. tumour, pturoH 4911 PnnfMiKTuu, . . (it'U('Kl'TliVN I'ltll'R: . ilne civ one. year, in advutiee. iSix months ...-- ,T.1.00 ... o Wliesl reached the V6 cent notch In Chicago Tuesday, )h highest, price or ! oyer four years. Armour & Cnupany j la ti hold llie greater psit o( the uppiy. , - ' Krw i k 'Iriiiuciut in convention at Surala-ni are silent on the money ques- INSaXE MATH AWFUL OEEW. OCTOBER 3, 1(. 1 .U MUUM - ror'NTY orFJCKR?: ftopreseitiit.ive .. i u.ote . ........ . SlprilJ" Treanrl. . fc'H'l. oi ,i-h,Ml,j. . Aeiir Surveyor. , PlorK O immiai'merg J poroner . : I tt'in, an f 16 to 1 ia l.ft out of tha plat farm. DivM B. Hill will probably U , ii .n iii it h( o' i.ivHriiir., Toe New York democracy tell how it would lire it power, and (lie con yeitionlia rifclined for liberty to th ....Martin rt th. RiiiHer .loSMh II. I.MMI1. Katlliei R. K. H illil'l. St. Helen K. i;o-a. SI Helena -in tin tine. tii. Helena j F.liplno, and death t the blo.;tel uia . It. Jlen ,e n. Mayuer. If 1.. ji;wn. M .tr-hUml w. II .'an. PHt-ilmnf K Dili si. Ilts!i nate The ocean steamers that uly pitas St. Helena on the- way to Portland, ia a certain indication of the great commerce. from Oregon this season. The lumber and grain shipment will run up into millions nfiitilliirg thi year from Oregon, According to the niKntion of sawmills, shingle mill and logging indaatriea in Oiepii, (Joliinibi county ia evidently ir uima.i oi any oiner section in thia line. Tln Timher indnDtery of Columbia voupty aomething immense. ' J HASTING HYPOCRITE. Mitchell, Jbe eintor of the Rainier gazette, knows t!i:U he was lirty , malicinns and willful liar, when he stated that Tb Oukou.v Mist gave any hint that Hon. Martin Both was sup porting Govenor T. T. Uaer fur United Htateg Senator. Tiie writer was in formed in Portland several months ajto that Mr. Both would probably suppoit, Fulton, consequently never mentioned cenatonial matter to him. Another thing Mr. Fulton's eondidaey will not lie advanced one lota by the advoeaoy ofauh a sheet as the Rainier papr. Mitchell was virtually kicked out of St. Helens. For some time he was super intendent of a SuikUv school her, bnt spent the greater portion bumming around the saloon corner, going down to his Rainier paper about one day in the week. . Th Mitchell family are not. floy fir, jjt.ikey cither. Mitrhell li borsij th,e members of the cianty C"nrt and 4emocra'e QiBce-holders, rintil they wish lie was in hads or eiine pthnr place. The fact U Mitchell is mid ! Iiecaura the Oifgonian aete tlje witer q iijteryiBW Columbia county lozislatir on the bills that tbey intended to in troduce at the com m in j session of tit legislator. Parties, who evidently know they are talking about, say that he h is robbed widows and orphans through Ins paper. In order to get notices of estate that are required to be printed, he his offered to print the three reqiirel notices tn the probating of estates, ht Jias agreed t do. this work for a stn'ed sum. After, the fl rat notice, he wonij charge the full rate. There is nothing lionorable aVrnt the hypicrittcal tliinT. People who have dqije bii9itess with him, hay learned something of liii uethods. It is inid that Brownell, of Clackamas is very busy explaining some things that took place at tho State convention last spring. The delegation was ior atructed t give a solid vote for Senator Porter for state printer, but Clarke, of the Jerv: 3Mr, was told that he could hae half the vote, if he so desired. A dispatch from Oakland, Calif., states that oil as fuel has proved such a Suc cess on all the lines of the Southern Pucitie, that general orders have been Issued for the conversion of all engines into oil burner as soon as possible. Owl . will be abandoned absolutely, Within a year the Southern Pacific will be on oil basis solely, thus saving op wards of $100,000 per month. A Tjplcal Sonth African Siore. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Eundave River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be p-irchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the j nearest railway station and abont twenty five miles from the nearest town. "Mr. L'irson says: "I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain remedies. All testify to their value in a household wliere a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my s-ore the population i perhaps sixtv. Of these, no less than fourteen have been ab.-olntely cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This must surely be a record." For sale by Edwin Rose, Druggist. .Tljp article qn senatorial candidates printed in the Mist a couple of we.'ks pgo has beatired senatonial aspirants to . actign, and God Almighty only knows what the Spal result will be. Governor Geer baa sent out letters to the legisla tors, claiming that he was endorsed by th.e people, and complied with law in getting the ipdorsement. Consequently legislatocs are asked to respect the pro visions of the May act, and stand by him. Fulton, of Clatsop, is very anxious for a eauens, although be did not want pne two years ago. Congressman Tongue and Malcolm Moody, also are mentioned as probable canidates, if the right card turns up. Brownell of Clackamas, an nounced himself as a cunitlate before the people last spring, but does not ap pear to be mentioned much in that line. There is one thing dead sure, be will pot have an oppornity to pull CorbHt'a leg during the next session. . iSome peo ple in .Portland think it possible that George W. McBride wight postib ly loom as a dark horse. ' Real Estate Transfers. The fact that Columbia county's assessment shows $70,00i) in re tax able property tban last year, is highly .gratifying. With, a wealth of over one and a half million dollars Columbia county is taking the front rank the counties of the (katf T.iis fact, also is very complimentary to Assessor White, who has always inada d.-teriniiisd efforts to list all the taxabU property it is possible to secure. It must also be noted tliLt the assessed valuation of all property in Columbia county is very low much lower than in many other ' Oregou counties. Lhmber shipment by water from the Columbia river will this year, for tb first time on record, exceed I00,0OQ,QQQ . feet. Nine months thipment now show 74,000,000 feet. There are many ves sels in the river, and nine months ship- - nient now shows 74,000,000 feet. These fieures are compiled by the Oregouian. ,Tne linger part of these shipments are goiinr from Columbia county,J and the lumber is being shipped all over the world. ' James A. and Mary J. McCormick to the Benson Lodging & Lumbering Com pany, sw of section 30, 7, 3, $1600. William . and Ida M. Pettinirer to El ward Gunderson, net of section 24, 5, 2. I400. Arthur J. and Lida Quigley to Mar shall J. Shearer, sj of pw of section 6, 6, 1, 2430. Donglas P. Crandall to J. M. Taylor, lot 8, section 14 and lot 1, section 23 84, 48:32 acres, 590. W. 'II. and Nancy E. polman to James Good, quit claim to tidelaud fronting lots 18 and 19, block 10, St. Helens, f90. William Gorman to Ienry Staley, eej of e)4 of of se ction 7, 7, 6, $400. James SI. Hill to Elizabeth E. Mc Cauley, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Es'tb, $65. Charles O. and Lena Lindball to Wil liam Eccles, wj of swJ-4 of ne4 of sec tion 13, 7, 4, $100. " Ida Mabel Anderson and Louis F. Anderson to Baker & Baker, quit claim to a lot of valuable Columbia county lauds for the consideration of $1. E. 8. and Mary Cv Bryant to the Ben son Logging and Lumbering Company, right of way, lot 6, Wagoner d 1 c. $20. Martha J. and William J. JJarr to the Benson Logging and Lumbering ComN pany, right of way 30 feet wide in Z Bryant; d 1 c, $300. ... , ., At La Center Jnst Across the River from 3t, Kelous. Crased by jelousy of hi business rival and tired of living, Dr. R. 8. Davitf of La Center, Clark County, tiunday night set fire to his own drug store and that of hi rival, Mrs, Sarah White, and then took poiaen, having surrounded him self with various weapous. , : T)te people were aroused by an alarm ut tire and found both drag store In flame. . The Hre; Jrooi Mrs. V Wliite building ignited the residence of J. V Benueit, dock agent of the Lewi Kiver Transportation Company, destroyed it anil spread to a shoe store and a small photograph, gal ery, which stood be.- twee tiie two draj stjrjj. All wre completely destroyed. f he body of Mr. Dvis was found in his own building, surrouudod by a dirk knife, a Colt's revolver and a hammer- less Winchester shotgun... Davi was an erratic sort of charactor, and had been up for examination as to his sanity. He had lived at I Center for nearly 28 years. He was very bitter toward the rival drug store, and everything points to the fact that he fired the property of tin hatod competitor, then that of his own, after which h took poison to end his life and had placed the weapon) close in reach for use in case of an emergency, should he be discovered or the poison fail to bring death. - Davis carried a stock of good estimated to be valued In the neiborhood of $2000 which together with all the properly destroyed by the Same he kindled would foot up a total loss of about $5000. Davis hated Mr. White who kept the opposition drug store about 60 yards from his own. He imagined that she was unfair in trade and that her efforts were uireciea toward injury ot his busi ness. Those who are acquainted with the circumstances covering their trade relations say there were no reason for this enmity. Notwithstanding,' Davis. bore toward Mrs. White a constant feel ing of animosity, and the destruction of her property by fire and the following nicide are the result of the old man's insane imagination of wrongs done him. bnt which others failed to see. A few years ago Dayis was arraigned before Judge Miller in the Superior Court on a charge of insanity. The complaint filed against him was prompted by virion actions on the part of the old man when measures were taken taken to build a sidewalk in front of his store. This improvement he positively refused to allow to take place, and be enforced bis resolution to that effect by standing guard over the property with a shotgun. After hearing the evidence, Judge, Miller decided that instead of being insane Davis was bidly eccentric and ordered his release. Dr. Davis, the dead man, was 85 years of age, and had owned and operated a drag store at interval since 1873. . He lias no relatives in Clark County, nor any on the coast, so far as is . known. Prosecuting Attorney W. W, Sparks recieved the information tiiis inorni ng, anb has gone to La Center to make investigations. A REMARKABLE OFFER. The attention qf our readers is dir ected to the announcement in thi issue of special clubbing rates with Young People's Weekly, the best paper of its class published in Auiericr. Our ar rangements are exclusive, and on terms that enable us to offer that paper and Obkooh Mist for the price of a single subeription to this paper alone. Our readers will BUrely appreciate thi very liberal offer, and we invite them to make it known to such of their friends as are not already subscribers. Two paper for the prica of one is an in ducement seldom offered, especially when either is well worth the price asked for both. All subscription, ac companied by the cash, should be ejjnt 'to this office. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., Is a poor man. but he says he would not be without Chamberlain' Pain Balm if it cost live dollars a bottle, for it snvud him from being a cripple. No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff " and swollen pints, contracted niuoloa, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It ha also rutwt numerous case of partial paralvsis, It ia for, sale by Edwin Ross, Druggist, The Thricra-Week World. Time has demonstrated that the Thrlce-a-Week World stand alone ii) its class. Other papers have Imitated Its form bnt not Its success. This is be cause it tell all the new all the time and tell It impartially , whether that news be political or otherwise, it is, in fact, almost a daily at the price ot a weekly and yon can not afford to be without it. Republican and Demccrat alike can read the Thrjce-a-Week World with absolute confidence In it truth . In addition to news, It publishes first class serial stories and other feature suited ti the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-week World's regular subscription' price is only $1.00 per year and this pays for 156 pupers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the Ore gon Mist together one year for $1.80 : The regular subscription price of Uie two pa per a $200. The Oregon Mit and the Thrice-a. Week World for six months for 1)5 cents; three months for 60 cents., ( oi linbia county is makings remarkable-showing as a fine stock section, wpecial'y in the mater .of blooded cattle. P. A. Frakesand U. West car tied olf valuable prizes ut the state fair. The former has taken a carload to the Nirth Yakima fair, and, will no doubt yiitrry olfsome valuable pr:i.;s. 8rrlckenWlth Paralysis. Henderson Grimett, tf this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost the use of one arm and side". After being treated by an eminent phy ican for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain'' Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of he is almost entirely cured. Geo. ft. McDoxXi.p, Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several, other very remarkable enres of partial paralysis have been effected by the use of tbia liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains anil bruises Sold by Edwin Ross, Druggist, ; ' ' Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have In my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., "ia Dr. King's . New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, because it always cures. In iny six years of sales it bas never failed. J have known it to save sufferers from "throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on it, best phy sicians prescribe it, and .. . . . . guarantee satisfaction or refund price, 'rial bottles free. Reg. sizes,' 60c aud$'l. at St. Helens Pharmacy. , telPATiOH , Constipation is nothing more ms) than a clocainrj of the bowels I I and nnthinnr if.. tln ; I . I mtati- -il nation or death if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realire that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, be would soon set rehef . , Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilions ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels arerelieved. Thed tord's Black-Draught thoroughly clean out the bowels in an eay ' and natural manner without the . purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you pet the origi nal Thedfnrd's Black-Drauant, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druinrists in za cent and su.uo package. PHTtm, irk.. Nit tS, IS) T maot mwnwad Thdlard's Blarlr- Fob 8ai The enrdwood timber mi 100 acre of land. Call on or addrya U, W, PEKUY, lloulton, Or. Stkaykd oa Utoi.k From the farm of C.?L. Ayre,' near Yankton, red, yearling bull, marked, branded and dehorned Branded on the left hip with "LA" i' marked with a crop and split in the left ear and hole in the right. Any information will be gladly received by C. I- Ayies, t,.Yiuiktou and reward will l PW f"f recovery. For sale i 1(10 acres titnlier land, of s' of section'.!, tp. 4 n. r n west j $10 Mlincr, ftiarsu per acre, inquire field,' Oregon. ' J.ll. i rr1. B m M at: a ' ft B. . H i t- d i I W Vro still !fnrnlahln the Weekly Oreironian and Misr tokrelher for a year only tnirt' ; l ! N07!CE; OP CONTEST. PafARTMitMT or Tiia Iwtkmior. United . Ptatea Land OrHeo, Oregon City, Orestoo, Atntnst 8th, 11K)2. A sufficient contest sttWIav't havlne been filed in this offlee by Alenander Apsk. contestant, aaalnst ; Homesteml entrv No. 1381.1, made July 27th, UXII, for set of aeW n( Heetlon 81 : swW of swi of siwtion 22; nwW of nwlf of "(v. tion sc7, and ne oi my ot aeciinu zn, townshin 5 north, ranifo 3 west, by Jo seph Schulknrkl, enntestee, In which it is allegi-d that contestant "knows thi present condition of the same; also that said Joseph hicbulkowskl, entrvmnn and his heirs have whollv abandoned said claim and that they have never resided upon or rnltivated orimproved the sum I since making entry thereof or at all,! fiat satu entrvman mrii aoom iwm- Iter 20. 11M11, and that said allesed ab sence from said land was not due to hi or his heirs' employment ia the Army Nsvv, or Marine vorps oi tne initen Ptntes as a privet snldlrr, nlflrer, se mnn, or marine, dnrimr the war with Spain, or during: any other war in which the United Ptatna mav be nitrated," the helra and leiral representatives of said Joeeph Rchnlknwskl, deceased ar hereby notified to appear, raspond and offer evidence tonahing anld allejstlon at 10 o'clock a. m. on November 18, Jt02, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land office iq Ore gon Citv, Oreeon, ' GEORGE W. HI BEE, Reeelver, The Kind Tou lluve Alwnj-g Hoti(flit, and vthU h y In use lr over 80 year ha borne tli uSiriititn, t - ftnd has bwn made nttdor hU 1V SJ&f-?Pf 7 ,onftl npOTvlslon ln' lu lniv.,.; . KAar-CUCA4 Allow no ono to deooivo you hk t!ii All Counterfeits, Imitations itnd " Jt-iw.K.Hi Kr ISxnvrlinents) time trlllo with nnd endanger tli tienith of IntUuta itnd CuUdron 13xperluc tl"ht Uxptirljuonj, What Is G ASTO R 1 mitortn 1 ft IwrailfHM nltltntf)'forCiS.- oii,'1tt:"' ' gorlo, lrop nd HtMithliiu; Syrup. It U l-Lssxant, i6 contains neither Opium, Morpltiiio nor timr Kwrwtte vubatitnco. lt ir 1 " grtiaritute It destroys tuid ftllnys FeverUlineaa. It cures Dlitrrtiw iutd WUt . Collo. It relieves Teethlnir Troablea, curi Coiwtljmtloit nnd Flatulency. It tvmhiilliUes the Food, rK-lat tbo fttomivou And Howela, elvlnir Uenlthy nnd tuUarul Th Children's Tiuiiiocit Tho Mother's FrtwiMU T CENUIME CASTORI A ALWAY Boon tho Signature cf The Kind You Have Always Boa!i! In U8 For Over 30 Years. , W WW, W IMMMUIV OTIMSW MSI Watts & Price, f -DIALER IK Floor and Feed: Cboice Groceries :) Staple Dry Goods ' Best Qnality Shoes Hardware and Notions THE NEW YORK STORE lias )imt reouivsd large invoice of ' rmvm, irk.. Nit , 101. aot iwnmiMd Tkfdloril'a Wmr. JrwSttMb!rhlr. lkwltlamrtss ti Uie tint unl Sum ntA Ulur tKelwl tra nan. 1 mw rn nr tttlUni aajT Mr Unlli.. I tklnk I mala ra ks sbl to work nllhmtl It tm mnomn miw miMN wttt , ranvsuoa. I oar aw4l4aa la I Ci.McTL urn. HOTICg OF FINAL SETTUHBHT. Notick i heeeby"given by thk vs. drelirnil adinlnl.rnwr with (hs will hii, nexeil of IDs eRtitte nf (.'vru. R h,i nai a Bm Sled In the offlc of th Coimtv Coart of Colnmhla Conniy, Orason. hi. Dim) account of hUMminHtration npuo aald eatat. final settlement and Hi.tHl.r,Hn jlt "u " i. , . uoao, Indus of aald court, hits RDDolnied Monlir ih kit. ,i.ur,. tolwr, lima, at two o'clock In ih sfierteriiooa of a ddsy u the time, and tha court-rqoia of Oregon, u tha pines, of herl( md ti VFI'XP.i'"1 nM I"1'"" nl MUlemeut and dlntrlbutlou. at ot which timo and place anr person late.'eatol sui appear and hie oblee tiooa in writiii to laid accuuut and petition. A1minltrator with tha will ,., ,i. eimtit p( cvnis R. Bole. Ueceawi, W. B. l-iKl.i. attorney for A.lmlnl.i,,,. llM! . eo YEARS' V , EXPERIENCE" Thadc Marks Ocsionb CopvmaHTs c. The only place in St. Helens,, to get 'High Btaudard floor" 1 at Collin & pray', ' .. ,'.:' i -. ; Anyone Mnflln- a aketch and deacrfptlon may fintofcly aacerwiln our opinion froa wbecbar an u.enttmi 1, prnhaMy patentabla. Communlna. tlotuttrtetWermflSentUI. Handbook on Patanta aunt 1 raa. OidMt airency for aemnns natauta, fatnta takan tnrouirb Mnnn a Co. raced n '" "'t summons. t j In the Circuit Court of th State (jf Orogou for Columbia Ooauty, . Amanda Johnson,' Plaintiff, 1 - - .VBt ,., ... , , ArchibaM L. Joboton, Us.eodaut, - : To Archibald JobuDoa, the above-named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oreroii tow ara nereoy uounea ana reqairea u appear auu au swerthe complaint of plalutlff Hied BKaiim von in the abova-eimUed viiit and Court on or before aix week frum the dnte ol the first pi iicatlon ol the Runiinona. which Hint taibli tlok la od the third dar of Octoljer, V.iu, aad me any on or oeiore wnicn vou are reqvurca to appearand anftwer, is the Hth dar or Novem ber, lWt, being the laat day of the tiue pra tcriFted in the Order 01 Fubheafif.n. And if you tall to ao apfear and aniwer on or before theaaid 14th day of tvemKr, iwrj, for want thereof the plultittiT will apply for Uie rtt. ilel deiDnndea in the complaint, uj-wlt; For a decree iwolviug the bouda of matriftiony uow eximinn between plaintiff and defendant, upon the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment and fur the custody, and control of JJielr three ml nor children; for her eotts and d fa burHenntutaand foruih oilier and further re lief a U) the-urt may Mem euuitable. ' Thin numinoijn ;i publhed by order of the Uouorable Thorn at A. Mrtiride, made on the mut ay ot oevteoiDer, uiui. A. E. MF.NDKNHALL. ' - Aitofney tor FiaintltT. WC6 W riNML SETTLEMENT. VTGTlrK 1. HPftHHV titvav ov nntjp il 1orKinfl thai fhf,.Arf ..i...ini.! tratrix ef lie titaie of Hro V. Jaiuih. ir. t-mte :, that he na filed In ihv 0ft1,.e of the 1.011 n ty tMei'k of Columbia Couutv. final aucuuut of lh mlinlnlntrulioii uiif.n uid '"tat-, u;t" her with hrr flnul rep.irt and petl tu.n fjr ilnai aeitlcmcnt and diitrlbullor. of Hid fMljtLu. ami tl.t it.... J. It. Ijhuu. Juilno of aald Court ban appointed Monday, the 3rd day uf at 10 o'clock A. M of uld day an the time, and the court h'lnie lu Ht. Helena, urevon, as the nlactof hearine wild tlnal account ami theaai.l ,itiiton of filial aettleioeut and dla Jribiitlon.nt which time ami place anr person lntarv.ied mar apfwar and Hie ohj-ictluua lu wiitiijtf lo aaiU a(;cotiut and ptitluii, a , , ... KAV w.ri, AdmllillrarrlXol tiiti i'matu vl (jtuae L'. J. (iiih, Ueceaoed. " i ot ajUruuisr, 'i i'gu. i I Fall fe: Goods, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots. Shoes, Etc. ' EC. MORQU8, Cooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. uuiumiUiuiUiiuuiuaui.iUiUi4UUaUiUiaiuu4iu.i,! rriOFEsswxjL DR. D.Ba STUART, DENTIST.' ORIKNTA!- HOTEL. HT. HKI.F.N. S. H. GRUBEH, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. Oman with 1. 1. Quick. ; ST. HII FNS, : ; OkgilOX, Will kIvs beat paraonal attrntlon toalll.ynl mailer. enlriMteil lo me. Will praetii: In all the Sum and Unlutd Statea r'ourta. VV. H. POWELL, ATTORNE Y- AT- IA V. dki'utv luaiaicr Ai-russiv. ST. HKLENS, : ; OKK'iOM. ' ,. Ornc N'awioas Jltots, - Kotaav ruuuc. W. C. Fischer, ATTORXE Y- AT- LA W. RAINIER, !' ' s -.'OREGON' STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. ':;. wrf-t I 'iv r.-?.'.TT DAILY, rtOIKiarH r, im s tn I .D I as M I Vl ta h I ' M I OU 1 ON 10 l i ii If' ; 'I 11 I r ( Owl Saloon oaity. 31 I a w i t ) . t S la a i a M ! t 10 !. M .'., 10 IK) 10 10 I IS ill IV SS 77 II) hi S t 11 0 IO.J II la tvt II ait wit 1 . ia. ;,. 0 l.v I'orllai.J Ar 1 1 to ,r .. . Karih-r . , i,. fitamlil. , . 'limit-r .. , Q'ltnry . . . t'laukanl., . Marahlalnl Ve.twrt.., .... liiho.i .... ....Knaiia ... rit--un..,. John ly. Ar, Aaior-a t.i lu (rt .'. n e 17 as a ii '" 7 as 1 s l lr 7 Ui u Si t in s IT! J V i io All trnliu mate rl.iao ronnecilun. at ili.l,c I tun bliirtheiit fueilie train, lu and irow the 1 Hatetil SiwIMl (a. nil.. At I'onlaud man all I r''' 's,""' Unn.a .lod. at Aaiorla ttllh 1. , It. AS !.' Iai and rail line .,,.1 fiiM,Mflt . fieis MSr. au'ittm """' ' WIU raaaciiiri-ra for Aal.irla or war iumua mul 4. a train, at llouli-.n. ir -nl '.. ,., I le. I'aai. Aitl.. Aaioria. Or ' , R. P. Obaha.; ... ..- T. J. CmrruN. Attorueys-at-law. Jfanjuara Butldlna, portlan l Or.joa. Colnnibia Coouli badueaa will raealv wiiinut altentloUi r 1. W. AT s W. B. Dfl.LARD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORXE YS-AT. LA W Offli-e unt door lo Courthouis, HT. ttKI.ENS, UKKdON. ttenerul iiruetli a In ujuru nf otuui.n or w..h. rvuorda Al""mil m,ul rtlrsuly lioui cuuuiy bihnx mo runs, meaurots t -only tha ! ol- ' f Lipn ariCijan Kept ia stxck CK2US MM AimI ihsr po,'Ua)r liiarda of klilrkirt S.aaaluaiirs. i WEINHARO'S .DEER A u araaajhl, , ' "Tom BtDtbii". Cigsrs. .H All tha laleal BewanaivMsndelhor "p" g, utar x-ru.ilrl. '''1aV'Vr5Br.' ., , .... , ., ,f " ' - 'I.-. ( Fll NITLAtti 0AI17. Steamer .Irak C I. HoojHirt, i . assoar. . , Imim ItaliiUn dally Otuut We) Itiii Port lam). i t II . deiartin froyi hi. iiaf. ua ai r vt'f-a. namiuill arrlvluf al at. aoiuinlns, l. UaUua a I I), laaoa fortUuiU at i.M f. BJllGUT'tf DIMICASM Scientific Jlmftm. liandaotnelf 1nwi,Tntn6 tjrekhr. Ianrkft rh ilatlon of any actanUila journai. Tarma, M a anr: frrartaonUia.iL kltM. tiw mil nmwmalaum. ,8ran (tana, Ot V HU Wasbtoatoa, B.C. This will save your Life. By Inducing you to ne Dr. King's f8f Discavsry, Csssumption, Coughs mi ColJs. S The only Guaranteed Cure. O Cure. NO Pay. YoatDrae will warrant It '- - ABSOLUTELY COtB3 Orip, Influenza, Asthma, i!fw.oh.'U; Whooplnd Congh, lMeumocia. orr Affection ot the Throat and Lungs. TRIAL BOTTLES FPUE. aUgiuavr Six CO aU and tlx i .-, ' . ; ' . Tbs largest sum ever paid fur a pre hcriilllou, c!ntiii.-d liiixis in San Frsn ct;o, Aug, 30, 1901. The transfer in a-dved in i-oin and stock 112,5iA).W) and was liai'l by party of bnisiieea inou U,r s sped lie for llriglit's Oisfasu and I)ia- taaies, lutlierto im uralile diiieases. l'liey coiiiriieiic-ed llie sriotis invesii- fatioo of tli specillc ; Nov. 16, 1900. fit-jr iutervieneil scors of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over tbree dozen eases on tbs treatment and watching thetu. Tdey also Kot phy sicians to name chronic, Incurable cam-, and administered it with the physicang for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eility-sveii per cent o( tha test cases were either well oi progressing favorably. , , There heing but thirteen "per cent of failures, tha parties were satisfied anil ciosea me transaction. tik priH-ced ngs of the investigating committee and tho clinical reports of the test cases e iere published and will be mailed (-.. on pfiiuiaiiuu . -iipreee uoilll J. Iltlllon ompany, 420 Hmilgu ery St. o. I'ran sco, Cai. ; . ; j Physician nnd Surgeon. ST. HKI.ENH, OUKOON. i i n Dr. ii. it. cim; . ; Physician arid Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OUEOON, Ir.J.E.Hall, ' Physician and Surgeon. -;; CLA'WKAIHK, OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave, I'uitlHinl on Taanlav, Thiirad.iy an-1 Sal. ur-lay nl 1 a. in. lor Sr. AVena, Kalama. CamH $ Awf, Rtiniir and Ktlto, Arriving at I'.irilan.l ii,'l.i, and. Uuedar and Fr.ilav ul i a m. Steamer NORTHWEST and sridsy nights ut at 10,i. iu., furtlie! A 1 lV.NWNCI,.TAVUH F. ....... r,. uieuiioneii auivu aud To ledo, r,lii,u t, ,u.f ., , a- ui. on He following ,luv. ' Ueluruinj;, t ie boat leuvw Toledo at ,,, u.fJ tus'le Rock at &::!o i lh) a(iu;rlM,0 Thuraday and Kund-y reaching 1'ortuiiid e.irly In the morning: Wharf fot of ouliuon HI. H, H(H.atAJ(, A.-,r,t. himiin asi Past Frsi&it $XaULatkatUjtaiaVatUaV 4 taU aSSllVa.AflJl. SAILV. 1 1 M The, Steamer: SARAH DIXON , Br. C. L; Hatfield, ( , Physician and Surgeon. ..VliR.NOM.t.ORiCfJOK, : : UL HIS) lata VP I. mr link I'ohil, stoiiplna ww lUUUIIIjjH. &e' s fortlaml u,..i...: ... ut Ht. Ieavus Portlmwl Ti,...,i ... ' .': i . a.,... niHH H Sill, Oct ft , change, and l)m tjunday iwlt ! night bout may go into (Miite Mine under uertHincnditloi s! , . NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at Oregon City, Orepon, ' Hepteiolier S, 1W12. rOTTOE 18 HEREBY OlVkN THAi THK it followluK-named aettler baa filed nntlre of hi. Intention to make final oroof lu animnrt oi bla claim, and that aald proof will I made hi. fore the lieaiater and Kei'etver at Oregon City Oregon ou October 20, 1902 viz: EMILY K.TOMPKIN. H. E. So. 12131 for the BWSi '4 BWS HW4 Bl"4 Section 18, T.J N. R, 2 W. He nameathe followfDe witneaaea to nrova hla eon. tiuuona residence ur.m and cultivation of aald land. viz: John 9. Miller. A Inert L. Miller, of Orea-on City, ore poo, and Halrer Olacn and Buithe Oleaon, of Warren, Orenon. v-ttAKt-iiB u. Huuaits, Begistsr. CoavkvAaii.Mi, J- B. GODFREY, Dealer ia Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts. - ST. 11ELENH, ; ' . ORL-,;,,, 0 aTa!Afttait- America,, n WOlamett SlougOootfl M M H H U leave Ht, Helens. . .. (MM AM Arrive at I'oriliuid., I0;!lt-A M Uave Portland iIP'M Arriv, at Hi. Uetons. tl:Wl'll' tAHM OC'U.tlaa. "' ' Will Carry' Nnlliliii! lint Piiaasii- gers anil r aat lriiht. Ja.ltS WOUB j J,i"i ' Hat n ir in na iiiit n ,n r anl 0UWN-Ct7UNrT people should . . ...(,..'. BHTAHf.ignan ..mi JOHN A, BIXK UlUt.CK I.V i Diamonds, Silverware ...JEWELRY,,,, J Repairing a SneciaU v Jtorrlaea. Si. Bee tt mTL' . Dyspepsia Cure DiQCSts What AII am 4. sm, , ---m n bwu CtAaa. a nis preparation contttln all nf .v.. dlgeaUt.ts and dic-J,? .nBLl,?; UO to TH- : Clatskanic Drim Store food. fall to cure, itarivl.Uin:.".:T..o,j or , . .. ,,. and iihvop . the f.Hl v n u ""'"mil vuininai US (,r nvsrioM i,.u i. red after .Vffi.1. ' ! Une,UHlled for aiiir,..,,,,.u . ..(,'., I. ... WOUUiOi, Jt can't hIn s 7-' t lia'l'jlll 3 irTK'. 0 ila.WUi ;and Tii!et; Articles and Perfiraifii) Be, J.S.HALL, frtpnflov K ,,,..,ii Tnatallai . . I lr.-" ' tUnaetlKliaW.; ..a,ww.a.v.,,,VVy