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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1902)
nirfoin:GON mist issttKWMsrar-y! IUJC 0,",",,, V KEKI-KU 11. GAISKEUT, f r Watt, nostroaster t Reuben, ' rrtnrned rinturday nl"t from visit K t.lis Bound point " ' r.lmst.r II. M. fowler, o Gobi, wiurnl tnrdf front very m hi Ult to Bound olnW itnd Victor.. W H. Dolmiin, nmifnld by A. H. Powell, of rUtxl.nrtt, t to Oregon Oregon Clvy Frld.y o oUl " UIMMt. - r.rnfit Snxon Is now n.r1oy!d In th Oriental Hotl. J'" ' i-entlv U'P,4 protulntnt rlvr la-!. w f cmli.. of Kalultr. wm In tht city Tuesday. .ihn l!hlmn. of YnUn, wm In TueadaV. II I on of th bt knows iMot of tbkt Motion. W. it. Dolno return-! Tuesday froui vUlt lu b KlloklUt oouulry, la KwUfd Washington, nd reported i... .rain orot ImuMns. H eumpDuM by bis etMieln, J. C. (iripper uf Whittior. Fuller A Co. of 1'ortland, John Wlnuim, who dm bMii employed tr lb Oregon Wood Couipoy for torn ... 1 I . ..I - I . ... ... tluil OMl, will resume me via rirsmsn lu th woilll. I- J. Dinnoll, wlw wm formerly tot- nlod by tho Oregon Wood Couijny hero, now bold n iniorUnt porttlon t Fwr'i wood yrd t Nir City. u, .i.J Mr. Jobs Q. Vrlnglt bin inovrd op 'row Ooblo, nd Ukn roomt oTtrUodfroy' oftleo, Mr. Prtngl will Uk poaltion in lh Mwwlll. Ucortt WMblngton ocetcdi John WioUn In hl Killon witb tbt Oregon Wood Com pnjr. 3. D. McK ol Bftuvltt If land, wm In town. MoiuUy. DM FowUr, ft woll known farmer rt tdeiit ot ColuMibift County, wm eounty jiKiiet'lliig limUr during tbo pl week. BertMHn4 Oxfr Adame. who were memUre of tho Vernoulft bMebell mtm, wero In town during tbe UrU of l)i week. J. W Bencb, moved to lloolton daring the put week, end l succeeding W. If. Tocker, in earring the inil btwoen tbtt lo nd Vernonift. W. P. Tucker bM lultlif'ilty rftrrled tbe wall between theM two polnie for the pt 43 tnonth and W deye. Mr. Tu.r will go to y.balera on ft buotiug trip, ! viell trieuJi lor lew daye, bwlor taking ble depftrturt f r Toledo, Urcoln County, Jobn rblnian. W Yankton, H visitor In town Tueeday. Mr. Irl W. OIen, of Yankt on f,H Wednoeday to her eleter, Mr.. I'allard at McKee for ft ooople of werk. Mr. od Mre. L. t, Barger rw now employed on lb eteamer Hendern. B,g.rforuirwell known re.ld.nU of j fct. Uelena. W i. Mockle and family of Ealnier, ,i.aorattbehom ol ei-Coouty Judge Swiuer laa Bunday. Mr Muckle hM loetalled an apperatoe iu hlamlll forsaking old la.blon weather boarding, and bM improved the mill to other nepocu. , A. number of porteroan went over on the WMhington eld duck ebootlng Bun day, and ftou-eof then! niftd. bauli. l. W.. Blcbardeun killed 6: which ift Ui iaigeet ehoot repotud ol ,y of th. bontor. The eeaeon on the Waabington aide in 1 rU tU,u n tbe Orogon aide. C. Lope, a brother 01 Mre. B.H. Bob iuaon, wa t biting hit nlfttnr for wvera d.y.M.l.wMk. Mr.Up.Uftpron."t mining man oIKittoUa county Wa-bM aud baa Kie Bn. of gold narU with bin. Uon.rd Hm, o.. ol the M relldentft ol Oob,, wm iu town TueeJa Uoklng alter road mature, r.. it fMffcaut UP irow Beallde vi. ' Tueeday. alter apeudiug teveral day with hi family. Mr. aud Mr.. J. U. Bboldon returned -uodaylromavUHto the Bound . "J Victoria, where lUey .pent enjoyably a week. ii W. Perry bee returned from a trip to Hlllaboro, t.ud report the road" Walter BUk..l.yJo!nl the Kdward Oarrleon, Uoyl, P7 " mnUrlinthe week. 8. A. Mllee vl.iUd Heaclde and Fort fiieven. tbe firt ol Uio week, and wm 1"!T .. -ith the teip, tl.t be in- W UWf MVer. .... tend to take Mra. Milei nail aar. ... .. . .1 CannnlU. W)0 Waa J. H. wait, i-ri . . ... ..i tha OMt few j... i.i t. uuw (wuiewbat improvea ..' .ii.ubtten very ill dur' Jan. n ing the i.t low . . ui.n..ii. now aupervwor of an...k.i.a. wm vUiUir in town Wed, MIm Lottie Hall to ' ou th .lerkolthftWrvlllntheMKMor, IngU. Bonne, MdQ.B Hyd. gone to Uoble to uo r u.. . for thoNehftloutiM" ' t M.,kla. who waa vltitinf . ...... i... ....rnud home WeUner reuiuvwe u la murnlnc. .... i .n i Houlton went to Portland on .pecial buianoM Monday, K9,.OharlE.Phllbrooklllpreob in Waahington on nest Bnuuay . n ,.l,t meetlnU Wd lewcuy wjmi." - . ,. .l.kt Thai WM not ft lUl' UWDUW.J nHWII . a B itmira o connollmon praaont " thee tnaw ing will be bold later. Th maUMOlllghU wm Jet to the city lor apotbermetita. . ' '' LOST OS MOFST HOO D iwfol Expcrif ae of fier. Tlrrck KjiUcoil KiuUler rk rill n falpltlu Hi. Helen. Lost In ft blinding snowstotm on Mount Hood (or IW hour wu th terrl- llrnck church nit va cation at Uuvernment Camp. La.t Bat, urdny morning, aocompanled by n .mall party, he loft the camp lor th enow line Me did not Intend to climb th mountain The day wm cloudy one and not at all favorable for luch an attempt. He had with him lilt alpeiwlock, tlil being bit onlv equipment. Th other member of the party turned it noon, for leaden cloud, were uiaklni their appearance, and there were unmUtakabl algna of an approaching nnwitortn. Bv. Brack' ftbeenc wl not notloed until later In th day. In th meanwhile th (torn) broke in all It fnry. MKliteaiue.bat Mr. Break wa tlll mlMliig, Of courae, everyone wa much alarmed, and Government Canp wm in an uproar. Barchlng partle were organlaed and plan war mail to go out for th btt man ai oon aa the eturm .hould abate Buoday morning came and etili uo word, uie etorui meanwhile continning. Bun, day afternoon at 8 o'clock th welcome new wm bropght from the toll gat, nine mile below Uoyernnient Camp, that th loet traveler bad arrived. vurtng tne urn that lie bad been on the mountain he wm without food and without even match. All night be leaned ajrainat a tr. When day broke lie wa foruuat enouith to reach on of th treame, the Zig Kag, which h fol lowd, and thu. reached th toll gat. ! auttUtlea. BUtistic how that the United 8Ute produce mora grain to each inhabitant than any European coun try. Tbe lint i a follow: The United But produce t.UW pound of grain Jxr iubabitant; Lfonmark, I.W.13; Cnuada, l.ttOOj-RuBHia, 1,200; Rouinnnttt, 1,180; Bpnin, 1,100; rrauon, 0!N); Bwedrn. 9H0; Argentine Bepublic, BfiO; AutU'alia, 700; Ger man jr, 700; ueigium, owj fortnirai, JU; IralftikL MX); Hbotl&nd, S0; JCag buid, 30O. THE ONE WHO LOVED ME BEST. Th ea eiM Invwl aw bMt, 1 saw kiMW Uo enrt Hi robot bl brar itrart muni kled, MnM, te fulfill tacit wUh, MerwdrwIikaiMienaMaaisriniiaUir. . The Mkr bnd at, aad I lovl In lora Um h MMhoo In Tlniua ail lh rwti 1 knw him. vara ento blm all mr tuoucDU, Bat he u ftot the ee who larwl m bMC la dtaant laivti thare hi a aoM M, Ami o ,Hrnaik Ui ao a brar hwrt It CoMl to the hrife world'tunfvrtfK mat Iu. Buna to th Iwi afhleB nil my irouowu ? Id allaiM and aln b kpt hU faith. Avt d tJiat and mlo h fnlljr hlM. I ml Uw aobl kladnM or aw or?. ftllbaugh i acrar iiw be ln"0 m tm. I4lln wtofr i-i nrmmiTii iuw a young LAtrra ur katbd. At Panama, Colombia, by CbaaatMV lata' Oolio. Cholera and Ular- rbooat Keaaadr. Dr. ChM. H. Utter, promlnni phyticia of Panama, Colombia, in a recent letter ttt : "LMt March I bad a a patient a young lady eiateen feara of age, who had a very bad attack of dyaentery. Everything I precribed for her proved Ineffectual ana ne wa tow- in worae everv hour. Her parent wen .h onld die. She had become eo weak that ah could not turn oyer in ld. What to do at tbi critical mom- ent wm a ttmiy lor me, du i uiuugu i . . V .1 L. .f Chamberlain'. Colic, Cholera ana Diarr hoea Bomedy and a a laet reeort pre crlbd It. Th mo.t wonderful re.ultwa effected. Within eight boure .he wa. feellnc much belter J in.ld of three oay. ah wm opon her feet and at the end of k wai entirely well." For aale Edwlu Boa., Drug git, For the cholceat epeciaitiM in greeer- ea go to Ealley Briuo, Houlton. v..r. s votso from Colum bia coanty at one to prepare for poei tion in the government Mrvice rail way mail clerk., lelter-carnere, cuawiu houM and departmenlal clerk., etc. Ap ply to Intr-8tat Correa. Iut., Cedar Baplda, I. Dyspepsia Cure rtrWcts what yon eat . .....inn imnrjtina ail OI I no m - ... . . rooa. b''vir.".;, .ni. nil fall to. cure, ', live ika . rA Wftll Watfiti. imv it. Bv iwuw ruany V lH ""- thnnsand "of dyapoptlc have been "ltne.lrVthln elae failed. . It STtual led for .lUtomach trouble ft oaar, hftln - " " - r. m I DUX U9 you bvbw H Morgu. of tht Mew. York Btpra, has a lot of South Atnericau "'r"re; WHIP"." . . ... ,.u,. usciul nd ornament.. . ...atomera cah purchas .o.te, b.U r.. - - 1Brn m - . . I theaata. Til oner ie " Zountforcsh. and th article, ar guaranteed sulid silver, gubacrlbe t TuB M' ' So risk le using Kfr floor coiuo omj. f .elw,,rr' SW2S2iJSBQS!BB0Ks I r"1 1 T , ' " jS ! JJJjLj ' ft) 2r;3pj I Th new boek Ml hai been placed In poaltlon In th annex ol the iberia". of fice, and U Ailed with valuable record. Mr. Benton h. got a!oiit all tbe right of way for hi logging road np the ClaU kanl except one and condemlng mlt win aoun be ttarted in that. HeexpecU to glxe employment to about 160 or 175 men. Tlil. will be a rattling good thing for tlil Mction of the country. It will glv th farmer, a better market for their produce. ClaUkanie Cheif. Ther are quite a nunjber of Nebalem cltiisen who are agitating the changing of part of the MLt-Clatikanle toad in order to got a ten per cent or lea grade. W hop oar oltixen will Join hand with them and try to get better road le that valley. Several Nehalemltiea will meet on Monday, Sept. 16th, at Mi.t to look tbe route over, and wonld be pleaaed to have ome of th citizen, of Clatakanie Join them on that date. Commencing at Government Flat and ran down thi way. Clat.kanle Chief any Willing Te Mrry. The management of the Portland Car nival hM had not let then a doaen ap plication from m many . yoong men throughout th Stat,, including aua pice of the Carnival. Half of the ap plication hav had to be tured down be cause the dlrectora could not take care of all of them and provide entetalnment and the n.nal .apply of preient to tart the young couple, off in life happily The notice given by the manager that wain, without the price ahoold be et np In hoowekeeping at the company, eipeues wm enfflcient to etart a rueh of application that fairly took their breath way. There will be a triple wedding on Wednesday evening, Beptember 10th at the Carnival, in the preaenc of th Queen and bar court nn many high dignitarle. Th prevent for each couple aggregate from 400 to 500. One of the fortunate young men who i to be nrnried at th Carnival live at Tilla mook, Ooble ha. an excellent band, which ha only been in practice about two month, and are doing excellent work. The leader i B. C. Canon, and the other member are J. Q. Conklin, J. Butler, Edgar Fowler, 0. J. Link, K. A roll i bold, JameiKenneny, Robert Link Tbomaa Dela., Walter Hunter. The band will compare favorably witb any in the county. The people of Kalam will celebrate the opening of th Darnell Mining and Milling Company' new Cyauide plant on Friday and Saturday, Kept. 6th and 6th., py giving a Carnival of .porta and game, and dreaaing the town In holiday attire. Baee ball game, and other aport. will be fcatnre of the occaalon, and a grand ball will be given at night. A real Carnival Qneen will preside at all eremoniee, and everything will be done to make thi a gloriou occasion befitt ing the beginning of a new era of indue. try and prosperity for the town rt Klama- A great many people will be her from Tocoma. Seattle. Portland, and other citie of the eoant. The people of our town are taking bold and doing all in their power to make it a ancee. Sub Committee, will be ap pointed tonight and tbe Carnival Qeen will alao be Mlected tonight. The program hM not yet been com pleted, but will be tonight. Everybody i Invited to take part in the afftir, and help to make this an en. lovable aorMion and on long to be re membered. The new cyanide plant of 60 ton daily capacity at the Darnell Mine hM been camDleted. and the machinery will be put at work for the first time on thi oc caaion. A Minstrel ahow will be given on Sat nrdav nlnht in which 66 person, w I take part. The 8treet Parade win be headed bras band. . Ail the neighboring town are respect fully invited to take part in thi celebra tion which to be the biggest elebration ever held In this county. Kahuna Bulletin.. . .It I not generally known that the I manufaoture of Swlas cheese le one of the moat imoortant Industries in Colum bia countv. The Bwisa resident baoki f Ooble, make a specialty of manufactur ing 8wis cheese, and th product find ready market. Mr. Link, a wine merchant has several hundred pound in cold storage ready for ebipmeut, and states that he baa no difficulty lu dispos ing of tbe output. For Klks Carnival and Street Fair to be held at Portland Sept. 13th inclusive the A. A 0. R. R. will make siwcial round trip excursion rate ot one fare for round trip from all points ue tween Astoria and Rainier inclusive to Portland and return. Tickets ' sold, for evening train of Sept. 3rd. morning train Sfpt.4th., evneiiig train sept. Btn all train Sept. 9th. and morning train Sept. 10th. Ticket good to return until Sept . 14th. A Parson'e Noble Act. "I want all the eforld toktiow," wri tes Rev. O. J. Budlanf, of Ashawn.T, K. I. wbut thoroughly good and reliable medicine I found in Electrlo Bitters. They cured me of jaundice and liver troubles that hail caused me great suf fering for ninny years. For genuine, all around cunt they excel anything cr saw." Electrlo Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work in Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles, Don.tfailto try thetu. Only bO cts, Stttir faction is guaranteed by St. lleloix Pharmacy. Remember the grand ball tonight at beeper house. " Th Patrons of Uiieb.iudry uii; ,'.im- bl eontrty "r gln notice by J. 8. Caato, stnt orggnljifr, that th Stat Officers of the Oregon Orange will make tonr of innpcctlon of the entinrdiimt tiaenge. in Colombia county, and meet the member of all Ormigo. in th county at Clatakani on the jlth day of September at 10 a. m., for the purpote of organizing Pomona Orange for the couutie of Cobiinbia and Clataop. All fourth degree member are welcome. A Commnncaiion. Mr Editor Allow me to apeak a few word, in favor of Chamberlain' Congh Remedy. I .offered for three year with the bronchitis and could notalecd at nights. I tried 'several doctors and various patent medicines, but con I J get nothing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable med icine, which hM completely relieved me. W. S. Bbockbum, JJanjnell, Mo. This remedy i for sal by Edwin Bom, Drug gist. Josh Wnthafer, of Loogootee, Ind., ie a poor man, but be says he would not be without Chamberlain' Pain Balm if it cost fiv dollars a bottle, for it saved blm from being a cripple. No external application I equal to tbi liniment for (tiff and awollea Joint, contracted mocles, stiff neck, .Brains and rheumatic and mn scalar pain. It has alto cured namerou caaM of partial . paralysis. It Is for tale by Edwin Boss, Druggist. A ftiark a a WtUUaf, W. N. Hartnan of TenniOe bit' a number of pet, among which- (s a domesticated crone or stork. This crane acts in the capacity of a watch dog and never folia to give notice ol the approach of a stranger man oi animal and 4f anybody enter th yard is sure to meet him before h can reach the) bouse. The crane is an excellent moueer and can destroy these petit with remarkable rapidity when taken to the bam. If he see a mniiKA ha ia almnat amre to iret i a mourn, OS m iuuiusi, buto to him. He U perfectly gentle and Will . . - . I come in response w a can rrom sa , owner. Savannah Rewa. . WXPSTRIBNCK . 'Trad Maims 'r-rf1 Cowvnioarr Ae. Aarea aendtna a akateh an oeaariatio aaar Siintly aaeenala oar opUilon fra wbetbar aa vanHon la probably paMiiuiAle. Coaiaietile. UonaMrtetlyeoaadeatfaL HanulbookoB Pateaila ant fra. Oldaat amney for WKsnnapateiita. Patent Uaaa tSrouirh Htuin A Co. raalee 'k,j.,. vawvweiai aaioaH nouaa. whbo-m cuer, ut ta Air. Jjanmt mp. irnaL Twiaiii, (1 m brail numwamlvn. I!M! iUSkWEwaSal! Ill "BOARD OF EQAUZATION. Office of .'he Connty Assessor, Septem ber 4lh, 1902. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT that the Board of Equalisation for Co lumbia Conntyj Orewrm,. wwi-meet m the Conrt Houses in the city of Bt Hel ena. Oretmn. on Monday. October 6th, 1903, for the pnrpoee ot eqnalirinir tne sssesament of 1902. All claims for as sessment must be made before the board - MARTIN WHITE, Awessor. WKTSD.- A TBl'STWOSTWT OCHTMHAII or lrt in each county to -manatre bnis neesforan old etaWi-hed house on sohd financial standing. A straight hona fide wewklv ealarv of WS.00 p'o i i. .u vi-ruwHav with all ex- II? OlVIKmi' .- - . jm fmm KMrlnnai-fjint. MorrPT advanced for exponas. Manager, 340" Caiton Blag.. UBicag. , A Boy'e Wild Ride For lilfe. Witb family around expecting him to die' and a son riding for lite, 18 miles, to get Dr. King' Jiaw Diaeoverp for Con sumption, Cough and Cold, W. H. Brown, of Leeiville, Ind.,eniureddeatb agonies fron asthma, btit this wonderful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. He write: "I now rteep soundly every night.", Lke marvelous cure ot Consumption, rneumom Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its niatchlen merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 60c and si .00. Tr al bottles free at Bt. Helen Pharmacy. HOT ICE f0H PUBLICATION. itkitso Stats Land Ornca. OreirnClty, otrtmn, June 17tb, 1TO.' XTOTIOB 1 HKKKBY GIVRS 11 AT IN COJl i pllanoc wlih lha provMnaa ol the act ol Conrrcwot Jnna , Wit, entitled "An act for lha aale ni iiraner laooe in meninieaoi i-nnwr ui Owfou, yavada, arI WanblnirtoB Terrt larr." aa flnrtixl lo all tha Public Lanil Slates br at-t ol Ausiih 4. lcs-i, Wtlllain H. Dolman, ol Saint Helen-, eoiimv oH'nlnmbla, Stale ol Ora ann, haathladaraieit liUhia offiM hM aworn aiatemeni ro. mm,- mr ine- nun-aaao w wu. aei ol wetlon No, 8, In townablp No. t north, ra'iiKS No, 4 went, anit will offer proof to ahow that the land snunht ia nor valnahls lor Ua timber or atone man inr airrieiuturai pnrK-ra, and to mtahlith hl rlaim lo aaid land before the reamer snrt receiver oi inta .ntni-e at un ion city, Oreinn, on Blnn1. the SOth rtay ol Ausnat, w ne nameaaawnueaaea: iii , Powell, ol PllUbnnr, Orafton Joaenh M, Coul ter, of Vsrnouia. Oregeni William O. Wooda, nl Uacona, Oraaon, ami Jobn V. ,taf ser, ol Pittahura, Precota, - Any and all rieraenaelaimtnir advarwly lb abova-deseribefl lanrta are rtKtneiiled to lie their elaliaa In tht offlee oa or Iwfore -aid Jtb dav ol Anauat, 1S02, fi-m-M CHAKLK8 B. MOORK8 ReglSMr. 'I was treated for three years by goexl doctors," writes V A. Greer, McCon- nt-llsvllle, 0., "for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklcn's Arnic Salve onred me in two weeks." Cure Burties, Bmises, Cuts, Corns, Soies.JE raption. Salt Eheuui, Pile or no pay, 25 at St. Helens Pharmacy: Collins & Gray stand rd, made' sell flour and high exclusively of blue e vim wheat. . If you wnnt good bread all the time use h1t,h standard flour. Collin A Omy, Bt. HoWub, ' ..I.M.WMiMl.llMliM.I.IUBIB m rSiTram-11--" M 9 Afe.. ' AU Were Hated. "For year. I suffered snt-h nntold mi- erv from Isrotiehit).,'' write J. M, Johnson, of Croughlon, (in., "that often I was iiiiittiel to work. Then , when eve rything elee failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for Con aiimption. My wife suffuren intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our experiences goes to show it i tbe best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince yonit's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed txittles ouc and 1.UU. trial Dottles ire at St. Helens Pharmacy Timber Land, act Jun I, UTS. Home FOR PUBLICATION. CuiTsn Atatsi Ln Orrics, Ortirnn 'lt. Oracon. Aurll U. MM. XTOTICR IS HKRBBY OIVKN THAT IN COM- Dllaue with tha or,ilioin ol the a t ol ConirreM of Jnne , U7I, aullllwl "Anac-tlnr th ml- o tlmlier lunila In th Hta'e of Calllor ula, Or(na, Nevada, an Wuhlnaton lern utrr " mm aitandad Uiall lha Hablis Ln1 8lba by act ol Auguat 4. 1HM, AuuM T. Mahn. st Aitotia, aouutj ol cmtaop. atate oi vrmnoa, hiu. tht. dmv nla1 In thla nt&cm aim aW4.rtl tat- meut No. exit, lor tbe vurchaae of tha w of aeeilon No. , In towuUlp N. a i, rouge Ho w, anil will offer proof to ahow thnt tha land aoiubt la mora mlnabl for Ita timber or mo Da than lor irtulturl parpoaaa, and to eMabliah bn claim to ax id baforvth Kef inter and Kacalvarof thla offics at Oraoa City, tlrirnii. on Btttnrdav. tiia Bib av ol tfovmbr. ItOi. lie uhn aa wltneaMa: Vldar Marman. of Aatorla. Oraion; ftebaatiaa Olaaer, Jobn Uluersnd Joha Muahlhanaan, ol Olnay, Ore- Any sail all persona elalmlnt al reraalr th abov-oeribed laud are namrJtmA to l thair clatBta ia tht. offioa onorbaloraaaid tb day of Nor amber, 1903. ajoow cua b. wui - tUKUOUt. Ia the Cleralt Court ol h Slat ot Orra, for tha Coanty ol voiumoia. iDMiti Coleuan, Plaintiff, a. 1 1 i . William Cnleauui, defendant, To William Coleman. Defendant. TTuf mt nir THI STATE or ORE 1 aon: You ara hereby notiliad that lb i.i..n,iirheM)in mmm SLiHl a CombiatBt araiiut yoa In th abvre antltled Coart awl -naf. and you are hereby raqutred lo apvaar and nar lit WQ UWPWIH VU W Wl'n. J - J .h.dHu .reH.rttd bv Order of Publication hereof to-wlt: on or before the tenth day ol Oc tober, IfWt ... You are further notified that If yoa fall to appaar and and answer tbe complaint herein or plead thereto, the Plaintiff will eaiia your datVulI to h entered and will apply u the Coart abore-tmntloned lor th relief prayed for In tbe Complaiat herein, that lata tmj, for a De cree forever dbwoWliig th bouii of matrimony ..... ..j.t htwMn Plalatlff and Defend- nt. and that Piaiatio may remime ner inaiaeu i. .uch lbr nd further relief aa to tbe Coart y em meet and jut. .Th rf,la of lha Srat nublicailon of thw rtra- :; V, Krlav Au.0ai an. ia, ad the it publication thereof ia Krirtay, October loin. 1uv . ik. .u i A .Hmmnii. Ik to M bnbl Bheo on Prluay of wk-n week, lor a period oi aiz weeaa between wa , TM. .iininn,,. I. tM n 1 1. It II 11 T iinwr ... noH' orabl Thomaa A. McBrlde, Juili .01 the abore entli led Coart. bawd thla 19th day ol v,D.-t.1"!'-1 a . n a n . j . Bt, iinn a n Attorney for flaiuil SUMMO NS. , la the Cln-alt Courti of th Stat of Oraaon, for th County cniumcia, Ctu M. Lrnrta, plaintiff, -re. Frank J. Lynch, defendant. S THE NAM Of TUB bTATB OF OBKGON: v..a are herahv rrouired to aftpear and an swer th oomplafnt flled alnat yon In the shore entitled ault. within alx weeks from tbe date of tba nret nuniieaiion ot tnia .ummona. rh .k lime . m.H tin itie tentn ov Ol V Plr, Woa. and if j-ou fil to so appear ano anawr. the piainllir will aupty to tne t, the relief Braved In the OomDlaint. towit, - a de cree dbaoilnf the bond a of matrimony now .Tuiln. ' 1 - the above-named uiaintiffand defndRt. aud for a futtker order ehanflBf the rut plalntirr rrom Btta at. l.yurn to ciia :ua M. Fartab, and for sock other relict a to Hon J. . Ooan. Judae ol the Conaty Court of r.i. au m num. ia nanimneo ii. vnr vi uu Colaml-fe County, Onion, on tbe aath day of Auguat, 11KU. . vnnvu.t a ,"i'.lr " AUotnsy. fur PUlntfff. Kotic UmmmtnHr' . In the Conntj Coart olth State of Oregon for Columbia uonnty. In the matter of th ataie of Elrtra Ann Rears, deocaaed. .TOTIPK IS KKRRRY HIVES THAT PUR- 1 auant to Order of the abore entitle.! Conrt made and entered ia eald eaute on tne 4ta m of aaenit. 1HM. I will on riatnrdar. th 7ti Amw nf Santamber. 1HH. at the hour of IS 'loet Conntr Court Hooee in Bt. Helena, Colambia . m m a. i ii ii... u ina iron, nnor m mm county, Oreaon, aell at ptiblie auction to th nisnuat ninuer rorcaea id aaiiii upon auiTnj of deed, all the e-uie. riftht, title and intereat, bad bv the ntld Eliira inn Bears at th time ot her death, and all tbe rtn&t, till ana rnieraat. which her eatat aoQuind tince, by operation of Ikw or ntberwlM. in and to th followin d- rlhMt real nmnerrv situate lu Columbia eennty.Oreiron. towit: Lot in Mock, lot in bloc 7. lot I in dih-k e, an iu Driu r . aridltlpn to Clatakani or Bryantvllle, a tbe same now appear of record in th County Clerk oroce in aeia vouniy ano nw. . l w l.l 10 26 and 11 In th laaae Wit aoner donation land claim aa appeara by the ni.t ,kreof ma1e bT A. B. Little, couutr aur- Veyor, and flled In the Circuit Court of the dtate of Orernn for Columbia county, April 7th, 1904 uol December .liu. . J. E. BALL. AdmlniBtrator of th latate of Klvlra Ann Beara, deeeaaoo. ... UftAHAM At CU5KTOS, Attornaa tor Ad minlatrator, , nonce ran poeuarioK. iun.nm.nt ,.f the Interior. tend Ofics ai Oieson Cltr. Or.. Anauat lSrh. N OTIC IS HKRBBY (HVSN THAT THE lollowina-named aetrler baa lile.1 notice of ht Intention i ma e final proof l anppon ; oi that aaid proof will be made be ta the Beeiater and Recalrer.of Oregon City, onOuobsi 4ih,l03, Tla.: . .. ADOLPH C!tK, H. K. 1SM1, for the aeM ol aecllon as Uiwn ahti north, ranae Sweat, lie namee the lol lowlnc wituaa-aa to prove hia euatinupBa real denee unonaudenltlvatien of aid land, t Ii: (tarhuro Morbwh, of Valley, rtlmoj: Ch, oauerwine. ol Yankton, Oraaon: laidoe Pla nandnn, ol Valley, and Magnuj Johnson, ol Portland. Oregou. roruauu. (,jJltI, jl MOO RES. ReUtar, V9T1CE tOR PUBLICATION " Department of the Interior t Land OOiea at Oregon City. Oregon, Aneuat 1, 190?. ,.av-a vtL-IkVttV f.ivi,-N t-iaT THR 17BTH 1 . .1 I, I... w - - - . , N I'llowlne-uamed aettler has flled notice of r,' .,.. ! nmni tn IllDliort ol hia clam, and that auld proof will be de be fore the Begiater ana uin-ei-" . s- Oregon, on ootober 4, 1IWJ, Tl: WILLIAM It. eiurtn.. . ... , a, . . ( Jubn C. Mullina, Phillip wiann aim kcDonaia. m " VXuKa. V. U IV . . " NOTCE FOB PUBLICATION. PenartBteot ol the Inlorlnr, Laud OlBot at Oregon City, Oregon, f Augltat IS, 1903. XTOTICB IS HEREBY I0IVKN .THAT ' THK lollonina-named aettler baa Sled ni.Ucc ot his ini.nllnu to innke tlnal proof In i npjort bia elaim. and that aal.l prool ;,,e.i; fore the Reciter and Kcceher at Oraioo Uty, on October L UM1. vl: ARTHUR O. HAUOIN. .. i.. in, thA -jtri c of NRti ol Bectlon i 't & N . R ' W. He tiainea the lollowlng wttneeee to prove bia eontlnnuua residence Uamble. Mm. C. Oainlde and Arthur Gamble, ol Uoble, Oregon, and A. 0. Zelgler. ol Apiary, nn. mi iiiainii oi aain mnu. p CUARLK8 B. MOORtSS, RoelaWr. CASTOR I A For Itfanti and Children. Tbi Kind Yoa Kara AIx3is Esught BeaM the glator Of We Expect to pet It By giving you can ge By giving yon Just a little more for your money than you can get elsewhere. We Expect to Keep It . By Belling you a qaality of goods that will invnrinbl giye entire satisfaction. V.' NOTJUBTNOW A Superb Quality of Goods BCT ALL THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR PEALER3, St. Helens, ST. HELENS PHARMACY Patronize a drag store when yoa. want pure, fresh and reliable Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS A Fine Line of Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc, Direct from Publisher--!, egilar 25 ent Novels Only 10 Cents t ,o Hir A -a-n a a-- i iuw nuuui RE YOU BT1RE iiiiec. ii yon contemplate buviir?; irtl or loaning mony oontti artaie neeuritr. take no raan'n word, but iiMt njxun ku-jwlr.K wiiu? the record nhuwi. reKanii8 tbe Eitlc. An Abstract ih k.eventiul ua ttri?da Indston haviux it. We have, the miiv ml oi tttrntraci boot in the iunty. Ail work promptly executed and A!lfaction irtiarauted. If you hare pmpertv tu insure give u a cull. e ar Rgeslt lor iht fir? innufunse rtn)aaicYn lite ok7. U voa hT property toral list U with ua aiui we will tied a buyer. - E. E. QUICK & CO., 1 Main Strtt New Methods of Gold Filling :. pbia is the latent oJ most ecicntiHc method of Gold" Filling, K Hsratnering. No soreness of the teeth, aud none of those Dreadful Headaches; follow tbi Dr. KNODER, Dggist, aW A 0j"rP Orc Hocb Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, ' Information and Appointments . by Mail, , Room 60 and 01, Washington Slrfg., fc'outhet cor. 4th Wash, streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ! VI a a Vi.i a " jkj Xaifcvator to nun rioor. 1 COLLINS 9 -. THE PROPliKS MKRCHANT8 Carry a fulrsteck WwWyirWrVsl IB DRY GOODS. BOOTR AND WOODHKWABE, TIN WAKE, STATIONERY, WATTU PPCn HP A TV TI1V CUVVMi -a. JU'I VBAVts.& ll . a. VAINTK ANT1 Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, Just Look At Her. Whence cam thnt sprishtly step, faultless, skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling lace, hho looks good, ieisgoou. Here, her secret. She uses Dr. Kinga New Life Pills. Kosult, all organs .ict We, digestion food, no hemlm-lies, no chnuce for "bli8." Try them yon r solf. Only 25c at St. Helens Pburaiacy. t ttiT-itJi To atiii .'eltly YOUR TRADE! Oregon, w FOR SCHOOL BOOKS Writing Supplies. X - kwwww I 4-l mJ i uui i iLiwA It In all rixhtT RemembfT thdt H Ii fh RBt'inumm irovern. ii it mr ousinefis to nearpn ine record! mid show whai tbcT frtntafTi In rlttt1nn Ut mnA . ST. HELENS. 0RESSH Painless method cf Cio'.d Filling. 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon 'Pf''.Ba'i0mfe llo" 414 & GRAY 1 - of staple and fancy VAa SHOES. LEATHER. HARDWARE. UKAMTEWAUE, CUOCKERY. - 4 SCHOOL BOOKS, ATT. TMfPAT. T Tf V ACQ ATT O ' ' "iui" aj, liaill AJ . j4m.ijmjm j RIMII.AR WAttbt I - OREGON, a 77 "i .....T .-."'J i DKWISTRATOR'S SO TIC NOTICE 18 HKItFHV OIVKN THAT T nnderslened baa bean duly appointed b the Con iitv Court oj tne Htate of Oregon lor i.oluruhia Uouiity aixuiulalrator of tbe eaiaieot Jacob Alcxumler, aeevaaed, and baa o.iiliilt a iirh. All iwrwua having clkirua aanluat lb auld m.ute tslll u.raent tie nn,i u me dulf verllied at St. Jlt ienn. Omjub, wlibin moniha from Uie date oi ibe brut puullcaUua o tbia nuuee. K. P.. , QtHClf, Adminlrtratof. Jul) JSib, V'. Dacad at et. IteUuS.