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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1902)
jtjat trJ!rfuati Momma by ' J2 3 ' H. (1ABBERT, ' 'Coi-"f roriTO. 1 PERSONAL .Kb&ea3as! jmiM r. it. waro, 01 Portland, wit Ja town ytrdy. Ed Mendwnhall, a Well known Tort land attorney, wa In th cttf jetterday ' Frank Clrk, prominent resident of Beuben, wa In town Wdnedy J. D. Frry, ot Portland, Yltlted hi pother, Mr. Jame Dart, Unnitajr . ' John Qllmor fpunt Aunday with bl family at Frkulc. Mr. M. J. Oray ha returned from jew week vlnlt to her tun at Beattl. Hon. George Nolan, on of the beat known attorney of Astoria, wat a via- lor in Uia city Wednesday. MIm Elian M. Watt, of Scrppooa, tiilted friend In Portland, (ha Aral of thek. Richard Cos la Improving to tba ec tont. that be 1 now aula to venture cut on tbe atreete occasionally. Mr. J. B. Watte, of nVppou, baa Mtorosd from La Grande, where aha yliited bar mother for a few dayi. Mr. Ilenry Morau and aon, Fred returned the first of the week from ft day anjourn at Umf Beach. Mr, tianoan Tyaigkervlr wa over (roo bar Bachelor letand lartn Wedoee- iMJ. William Brian went out Into the country Taeeday to take bl annual va cation. WlilUin-Flubrer, of Mayger, th plo tter thing! manufacturer, waa In 8t. Helen Batarday, Clyde Uri, aon of J, 11. Urie, of tloultun, waa brought huuie from iiranue me oral oi U week, very 111 Willi typhoid fever. II. H. Clark, superlnteiidrnt of the Noon (arm at Warren, wa a vlaltor in the city Frl.lay. He report every, tiling prugrvwini favorably at the (arm L. W. Van Dyke, who U putting lu the new machinery In Dnpont' thinr mill at Valley, apent Saturday and Bun day at bla ho tie here. 8. tleoaon, of Portland, wa home- bound paaaenger front C'latakani Mon day, whore he had bean looking after hit logglnf and lumbering Lew FlUgarwtd, of Veruonia, waa in town Tuesday, having brought out Mm. Do , wno waa on her way to Oak Island, to vialt bedabghler. Mia May Whitney, wbo haa been viiiting her brother, C. E. Whitney at Clatskani for few day, returned home Wednesday. Engena Blakealey aUrted for Wolf Camp in the Nehalem yeaterday, to Join the QuIck'Domlng-Blakealey camping party. Dr. J. E. Hall, ot Clatakanle, wa in town Tuesday, and attended a meeting oi tbe board of petition lainlner, of which he ia a member. Rev. E. 8. Pbilbrook went to Long Beach Saturday, where he will aupply In pulpit of the Congregational obatch 'or a few weeka. Attorney B. P. Graham, ot Portland, waa in town Monday on attendance be fort the probate eourt. U apant Sun day at bla old horn at Marshland. John Atklna, wbo haa been receiving treatment In Portlaud hotplul for a few week paat, returned home the lab tor part of laat week, but I (till very "k. Captain and Mr. E. Oopeland, of Portland, went ont to the Bock creek country in the Nehalem laat Saturday, where they will camp for a coupl of week. ' Mrt. I. H. Coneland. of Houlton. who bai been viaitlng her perente, Mr. and Mm. Wild at Albany for th paat month, ia etptcUd home th latter part fthia week. Dr. W. JT. May, of Baker City, preal dnt of the St. Helena Light A Water Company, accompanied Mrt. May and "lighter, watjn town for a couple of hyt during th first of th week. Mrt. M. C. Younger and daughter, Klnei Iva and Nora, who had beta via ting the former' daughter, Mr. W. H. "well, for th paat two week, itartcd i" their return trip horn Saturday. Joteph Dobblna, of Qulncy, wa in 5 mesaay. He na to aiatinction I0 being the onlv man inr alerted to ll OffllW M,,nt. la, rVtltimVI. fi t w .vi m yj j uuD I a vviuwwiw joty, who declined to rv in that .opacity. I Mr. David pvl war down I P inland over. Sunday. They I ;J nov to Oregon City toon, , t? Pavl haa' bomna connected F! th Enterprise. Mr. Davl hag j 1 tleltlng hr for vral day. iih?By Yn of Halalor, wa ! C r,,l,ort tlm yeaterday, and ra hit logging camp running under y now, and I putting into th "f ,B n vrag of About eighty log jy--CathUtnat San, V, Dwrell, former weident of 8t. W u htr' beno of a C' h,n h made a ihort vltlt In St. ilT' , HU htl,M B- M- Pr. i W re,ldent br. and built th tegwcapwb3rMr-.r I 5 Qulck( Doming and W, water. Allen Harrl.on.of PertlaiHl. ... ii. town Tbnraday looking after tbe meneaiuer Haaoot, and mad arraog menta with 8. Convad to ran tag to I iruiu doiui during low Woodland New. ... ana ivmma Waener. adltnr nr Woodland New, haa been very 111, under go' ranent irom a phyalcian In i oriiand tor three week, but th paper -r,r-.y ,a( WMI cngnter and new- tier man r. n.A.I. f m ..... v..wiin u. i, Hooghklrk, of th eteaiuer jraida, accompanied by Mr rioognaira ami aon. went to B.k reea in tn Nehalem country Tueaday, vunmp lor a couple of week. They cam np from Rainier Monday, and got u ny atari meaiiay morning, E. Hall, of Peoria. III.. arrlMl 8turday, and I viaitlng hi daughter, r. a. uaue. Another dauirhter. Mra. Ollv Carmack. came over with from U Center, Watb., for a ihort vlelt. " "M wn zi year line Mr. Hall had aeen Mra. Cade, and 18 year line he laat met Mr. Carmack, J. Pnpgnt ami lilt wife, Mr. C. Du- pout, th competent poatmlaatrea at Valley,.wra in town Saturday. Mr. Dupont elated that her sun, Leopold, bad given a very enjoyabla oclal dance lew evt'iiltirt prevlout. which well attended by iieonle for mile. around. Nick Dupont ataled that the Yankton telephone line would proba bly be extended to Valley, durlni the coming aeaaon. Valley ia growing In Importance, now that the ahingle mill a oeing equipped with better Dower fa- clhtiei. BASEBALL v TOURNAMENT in Baoonj Annual Baseball Tonr na- ment ol Columbia Connty to be held at. oi. Helen, Auguat 21tt . 22nd. and 28rd promise to be a grea ter lucceti than mat ol latt year. Th flrwt data abo va mentioned will be added to th two later uatet, if th content of th entered team I eecorod. Othnrwlt It will be held on tn 22nd. and 83rd. Fly team have entered th contett uiauiania, Bainer, Bcappoone, Var- noma and St. Helena, betldei th ladi ' game, and more tlm I needed to prop erly play 1 th entered game, betide t t..u m ...... ... . "" ne ine iooi race, Doat race, oicyie races and tennit playing. 8ecre- ury w. A. Wood atnte that th prleet will be raited, It he entered team con tent to a thr day tournament. Al eady Indication ore favorable that the attendance and interest will de much greater than last year. Any further pertlcolare at to rule, entries, etc.. can be secured from W. A. Harris, chair man and W. A. Wood, secretary. Theelty council donated 120 to the prise fund. The ladie team of Rainier and St. Helen are daily practicing and Manager Stevent, of Scappoote, is drilling a ladie team at that place. St. Helen beat Scappoote latt Suudnv In game of baseball by a score of 10 to 2, However, Scappoose haa won three games out of Are with St. Helena, and consequently ia ttill ahead. SCHOOL JAITERS. Aaaaal Connty Teachers' IsMtltnte t U HeMrJ Clatakanle Aagait 20, ; tl and 18. Two of the instructors, who will ap pear at thia Intlltute, Bute Superin tendent Ackfman, and Professor D. A. Grout, principal of th Park school. Portland, are too well known to require an IntroUuvtlon. Th other instructor ia Preetun, W. Search, a prominent au thor and traveler, th following excerpt givst an insight into hi qualification : "Profetor Search look and feel a bom on the rostrum. Th first im- prettlon hi gndlence receives It that here 1 a, roan of inflnenco, a man of power, a man who has seen lb world and who ha traveled with hi eye open and one who know how to tell what he ha een and thought. He is convinc ing ipeaker and hi eloquent plea for forth rlghta of Individual child will never be forgotten by all those who beard blm. To attempt an outline of an address to rich and full of auperb philo sophy it futile. These wbo misted bear ing thit aecompUehed orator, will be pleaaed to know that hla services have KaAM U(.ul I tm m f. ... . I. .. . . L. . "WttW, RUU J l m HWI kU ed the servicS of this distinguighed -lee tureri a great credit to tbe Normal School." Lewiston Daily Iribnne, (Idaho) 52S3ESS The Oreson Stnte Fair thia year prom' itet to be tbe grandest industrial expo sition and livestock show ever neld on the coast. Tbe fair hat been good the put two year, but it will be better this year, lxin i tan to tee it, isii uvsee it, A DIRECTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICIALS. Complete List of the Officers and Postoffice of the Clerks of Columbia County School Districts for the Year Beginning June :6, 1902, and Ending June 15, I93- am or CUR. NAM or DIBXCTOBS TIME TO IMVI. Tllai VtARH. TWO TKARB. rotTorncK ADOBKas ' Or CLRBK. 1 M i F.nglert 2 11 P Watkln.... 3 J A Holmlay 4R P Burnt .. B H C Tk-henor. . . . tl Mell Morgan. . . . TCCCIark S I) W Freeman. . . .HAD Hladay .... IV r tirah.m. . , iKH Mekr jlOW Mlllngr . San Hlanchard. tlfoha EH holm. , . , ig, Albert Hi tfrt ... 1. 0 K Brant 7 J E Iow joOHHitt 1.1 1 R Ileadlee JtiTC WatU 51 W D Caae l N D Pf tron 2iFred Flnhrer 2 Ifenrv DrJeaeay , 8fl W Rarnr yCMra W J Zillman 27 K B Throop iHT W (Jraot. ...... 2iM M rVmla ...... WSFred Brlgas gl WF Ulatt JiK.telle Meterve., Xi Mra E M Kyter. . , IM Herman Srhmltt. SflDarar Walaanen.. Sfi'ieo Makintter... 87 K A Bncher 8 W L Brown. 88 K N Clark 4(1 Oliver Anderson. . 4! Joseph Nitch... .. 42 P Wanstrom 4.1 J TJhlman 44 f P Yoang K Ilenry OUhn .... 4Uohn Jnlma 47 K O Rhanahan. , 4 W B T'mooey. ... 4')M Unit... 50 frank Lonkey.... 81 A M Parker 62 A B Meilia MW Q Wood MjOu Hegel tA Harvey Anderson. .N BOlwa 7J A Mcintosh Harry Weet W F HlauBhter. . . . IK 8eunrt A O Atten I'J Ponliam IChris Richardson. . IN F Baker .... W K Van ... WOrant . . fownph Diaon ,...WP Micleay .. rMTonfcer.. .... ALCIark II Chrittenann . . ...MM Franklin... ... rred Wilaon ... Albert Wood.....". . . . Mra Louit Boeck ... Jared Wilwm.... ... li W Jortian ... 1 W Parker... . ...OBurria . . . lieo Engnlhart. , . , .. A Elliott,... ...I BJonea. .. ... fj Krirkaon 4; ...DMagill..... ... WtlHam Tate ... P Wahhnrn ...riRHvde, ...MM Harvey .. William Luck ...lW Richardson.... . .. Nancy Oore . . . loaeph Anet . . 1'haa Makineter . . I Nnnbanmer .. I W Olrt . . . L Meeker ... E Erickeon . . . L Dnpont ..AM Berg ...OL Ayr.. .. W A Young . . . 8 O Schoonover . . . John Anundi. ...... ... Albert Baker ...0 Graham . . . 11 SfhmidHn .. A Blrkenfeld ... E ENirkerscn ...US Lvon ...AM Randolph ... John Berdahl . . . A Bergeron ...Andrew Anderson.. ...DM McLean W T WatU H R Cliff (ieorire Merrill k.) B Annlne. , Norman Merrill... I 11 Aklna . Mas Berg . A E Harvey I' Louaixnont . H LColvin . b'U Caplea . Klleu Mills . F M Fowler . lintt Hull I. Leonard R N Lovelace William Wood . Thoa Petti john K Wondnrlv . H M Fowler... ... A H Powell. .. . .. . Hunt Peterson. . . , . J W H-ifimann ... . VJ Peterson... , . Rail Overli. . . . . . W J Zillman Mr L Mf t'herton. , tO Rablnski William Dotaon.. . (1 LTarbell IH Hiatt . MraLM Little... . 0 Snvder HCGorw Ohaa Lauren William Link. . .. R Anliker V H Nienatedt ... U W Clark Wm Devlne J Floeter 0 8 Andermn. 0 Ssuervein.. .. . . W R Holmes E S Schoonover. . KdDavev ... 8 B Roee TO Tirooney E Heinsar 1 W Lane 0 B Malmaten.... OF KnowUta Ueo Johnson Fred Lareoo R Thomaa. ....... P Salmi A R Foote . Thoa Clonlnger , . Edwin Roes . . Jut Oaithen H It Dibble .IE Hall . J D Brown .UTOrewell W S Shearer . Uuttav Lana . W BColvin ... . Geo Graham M R Eramona. .', . . W M Perry . . . S PShcelev ... CHOwena ,,. . (loo CrriirRn, . . , . M Wedrick . . . WC Elrkman....:, . Jennie Mnrrit J M Lindeay EJMilla OH Wilson Min Ptorkenbarg. . . ffm Prlnsle Ot M Dohbins bliverNeleon W B Dereberry J 8kna J C Severn BB Mason E A Fisher J W Meeeive W H Kveer d A Jobnaon Caleb Kinnnnen.... (i C Fowler. . . , GoHlieb Anliker.... A C Zieler N A Perry Eric Matunn John Walchock E E Hogbarg . OC Mover d W Jones A Smith Olef Anderson Alex Sword J F Ti money I B B rutin Ben Blrkenfeld A Early , J M Hill A J McDonald H T Bennett. Peter Bergeraon . . . . A Kan tola M E Morgan........ . . .Scappoose . . ..hi. Helens ..Deer Inland Hudon . ...ClaUkaoie Kauvies Warren Fiehhawfc . . . .Scappqoae . . . Maryland ...St. Helena . . . . . Vernonia . .Rainier Vernonia . . . Clatakanie ...... Rainier Vernoaia ....... Keatey Rainier , Reoberj- ..PiWehors; Mitt Qalncy ...Clatekame ....... Keatey,- , ... Scappoose Mayger .....Yankton Mitt Deleua Kyter .Deer Island . .Clatakanie iGohle Ooble .. ... Apiary Houlton . . .Clatekanie Valuy .. .Fishhawk .. . .Yankton . .. .Clatekanie . . . .Vernonia . . .Clatakanie . . . .Vernonia .. ...Rainier AlWou . .Mist . . . .Vernonia ..Mist . Bacons ...8t. Helens .Kist . . Marshland ' ....Weetport Joint district Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy ha a world wide reputa tion for its core. It never taila and It pleasant and safe to take. For salt by Edwin Ross, Druggist, Lett. Sl at U.I.U a n.inbp Mill July 8th ladiea' navy blue cloth jacket, trimmed in oiaca nraiu ana tur. rmuer May at St. Heient pot torn ce. Mas. N. E. Dolman.'" TOCKQ LADY'S LI MI BAVKD, At Panama, Colombia, by Cbamber- lain' Oollo, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Dr. Chaa. H. Utter, a nromlnment physician of Panama, Colombia, in a recent letter lUte : "Last March I had aa a patient a young lady eisteen yean ot age, who had a very bad attack ot dysontery. Everything I prescribed for her provea ineueotui euu u iv inv worse everv hoar. Her pawnt war ure ahe would dia. - Sh bad beoom ao weak that ah coald not turn oyer in bad. What to do. at mi critical mom ent wa a tudy lor me, 001 inougnt w Ohamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy and a a laat resort pre scribed it. The meat wonderful result wa effected. Within eigni nenra mam (u.,llnir much better: inid of three dava ah waa upon her feet and at the an,j o( on week wa entirely well.' Edwim Rom Druggist, For sal the were driven "enalem W. to Wolf Camp country Monday, nheywlllUyl th. .bad., hunt awr ft ItMlr a in J il I L ; 00l opply of eatable, I WTw ,, .nu,on A- 0on,, y'6'" ire 'oriea ami other liter- 1 Wailh. Mnnkl. .u . utlnginth. : :i.u" "lBm ou" Y -lUIII, Waktro 5 youo- mm Iroui Loium- bia county at onco to prepare tor poei tiona in tbe government service rail way mail clerkt, letter-oarriera, house and departmental olerka, etc. Ap ply to Inter-State Corre. Int., Cedar Rapid, 1. H.Morgu. ol the Hew York Btor. haa a lot of South American eilverware, .olid, that will laat forever. . The lint comp'ri;. 21 eel. of different article., nseful and ornamental for tba tabto. When a customer cash purchase amount to he i on of the aeta. The oiler ia a .pecial Hi..ntlor cath. and the arUcle are guaranteed (olid lilver. IN THE COURTHOUSE Addition to th Coart Honse. -An addition will be erected to tbe court house aa soon as th lumber and material can be secured for th struct ure. , V. W. Clark, who ia to do the work, ha ordered the material, and will begin oparattons, a soon a it ar rives on th pound. The structure it intended to make room tor th new book sate, which th county cwgrt had built k order iu the East, fhe struct ure will be built over the wing' addition to the county clerk' office, and will vir tually be an addition to the therifT of fice. Th room will probably be larger than the clerk' office wing, but th ex tra ipac underneath, will be used for a porch. Th at It to be used to keep aacur valuable record books, for which there ia now no room in th vault. A door will open into th room from the iheriff'tofBca, wjiore the af will be installed, whh$ also will serve a a war king room for the connty surveyor. Ia the Circuit Coart. William Fluhrar haa filed aa attach ment autt against Thoma W, Nordby, et al, over troubl arising from a ahin gle mill deal. Dillard A Day are the the plaintiff attorney. Thnit which wm Bled by Michael Peter against C. E. Brigga on July 25th, ha been compromised. Probat Court. County Jndga j, Poan held the reg ular monthly taiga at probate court last Monday, and the fallowing order were made: , In tbe matter of the Alvira Ann Beer, estate, an order of Ml waa made. In the matter ot th aatat of John Frits, deceased, a oitatiaa wa ordered to the heir. Tjjtabearimjf of objsctiout to the final account of Cbare D. Hollander, .de ceased, was set for September 5th. In the matter ai the estate ot Chariot B. Fisher, deceased, Emma A. Fisher, administratrix, a citation was ordered issued to the heirs. - In the matter of the estate ot Anton T. Orwig, deceased, the final account of saary j. urwig, administratrix, was approved, tei tstnt Transfers. """" C. V. and Ella E. Anderson to th Colombia Timber Company, a of wJ4", section 21, 6, 2, t200. Thomas L. and Cynthia A. Lindgran to The Sag Land Improvement Com pany. w of ue and e,i of nwli of sec tion 18,4,4,8500. Charlea L. and lassie P. Conyert to Albert R. Miller, to! of ne.W of section 83,7,4, 1200. H. A. and C. E. Corliss to W. A. Harrit, lot 10, block 11, .St. Helta, U Ol and Mra. O. Christina. JSoickwn to The Benson Logging and Lumbering Company, timber of o ot section 31, 7, 8, and wi of section 31, 7, 3, $1200. Maggie and Jamea Elwood to Horace Irvine, e) of w of section 10, 5, 5, 6). Ida May Urri to W. A. - Harris, lot lO.Wock 11, 6 Hulene, 81. Skrah Emma and Frank Merrill to Mabel E. Page, lot 1, block 3, Clata kanie, 400. William Melllnger to W. A. Harris, undivided i interest in 6,76 acre in nw; of wi of ection 4, 4, 1. , ' F. and Emma Vivian to Patrick Hughea, lot 1, block 29, lot 10, block 27 and lot 10 block 29, Columbia City, (3j. W. A. and Anna M. Wood to Charles E.Davis, block 0, Dobbin' addition to Rainier, $625. We are still fnrniihing the Weekly uregooian ana mist together tor a year on 1 j fi.w. ouoacnoe now. 1 LOCAL Ice cream at th pharmacy every Sat urday. Bee Collin A Gray when yon want to bny goods. Mr. J. B. Godfrey has returned from a vltlt to Mr. Weat at Wcstport, George L. Paul, editor of th Corvalll Getett, wa married a few day ago to Mia Julia M. Warrior, ot that place. Ex-County Judge D.J. 8wlUr itre roofing and renovating th two Muckle buildinga, adjoining tha King black amith (bop. Merit win: Collin & Gray el goads, which can be sold on their mer it. Call on them whsa yon need any thing- they will treat you well. Postmaster N. A. Perry, of Houlton, loat a valuable Jersey cow laat Friday morning. Tba animal waa on the crossing, and was caught by a passing train. The Houlton Building Association haa the framework of its two-etory building up, and i waiting for the rus tic t arrive from Tarbell'a mill, when th atrnctur will be enclosed. Connty Assessor Martin White haa completed the assessment of the St. Helen district, which complete tba work in the connty for tbi year. Th office I now busy with th aaaelament roll, and Miss Maude Decker i making one of the copies. Henry Colvin, of Marshland, i. put ting ome good logs over hi new road, on which tbe Font Grip Wheel it being operated. Mr. Colvin pot iu one tree recently from which he cut five 40-fovt log and one 64 foot log. Tbe lofB waled 20,000 feet. While cruising tin bar in Lewis county recently Neil McDonald of Aberddea found a cedar wicn meatured 47 feet 8 inchea in circumference and 120 feet to the first limb. McDonald any this U tbe largeat cedar be ever caineacnwt. Kelso Journal. Ex-County Clerk J. G. Watte, of Scap poose, was in the city Friday trying to purchase some finishing luiniler, but tailed, aa the mill around here ahip their lumbea in large lo.a to Portland and tbe east. It seem itrange that their ia not some of it laid out for local use. Clate- Kanie Chief. Assessor Martin White waa called to Gladstone, near Oregon City yesterday to attend the funeral of tbe lata Natuan Tingle, who died there of paralyai. Mr. Tingle waa one of the old time residents of Columbia eoonty, and waa for many years a resident of Quincy. C. E. Whitney, a former well known St. Helens boy, opened up a' restaurant at Clatekanie last Saturday in connection with his lodging house and bar, and had a big patronage from the atart. In fact, the tablet were fairly crowded all day. Hi lodging room have been re furnished with iron bedstead, and the beat furoitare, Don.t fail to give him a call when in Clatakanie. He .haa pur chased the lota and building wich he occupies. The preponderance of evidence is in favor of the fact that Walter , Blakealey killed a deer, near Wolf Camp, early Tuesday morning. Three-quarter of the veniion waa tent borne, and reached here in the evening. Aa additional proof that the deer waa killed the hide and bullet bole were sent along. A petition will be presented to the postal departmental Washington, ask- lug for the establishment of a postomce at Ernoka, and the appointment of Mica Lou A. Roger aa postmistress. Er noka ia in thia county, six miles south of Vernonia. A special short ronte will probably be established to supply thia I office with mail. Deputy District Attorney Powoll wa called to Rainier Sunday night by the new. that there had been a cutting scrape. It -wa learned on reaching there that was only a trivial affair, and that the marshal had made the required ai rente under the provision Of a city or dinance. H. C. Place; a sewing ma chine agent, had slightly cat U. C. Kelso, engineer of the steamer Reso lute, during a quarrel. 1 i - A grand ball will be given the city iu St. Helens on Friday uight, August 15th, under the management, ol George Webber, of 8U Helena; ' Mathews O'Connor, of RidgeGeld, Wash., and Edward Kaiuiuh, of Kt. Helens. The Jioor manager is Luther Wilson, 'of Ridgefield, Wash., and L. E. Post, of tha same place, will have oharge of th music. The tickets, including supper, will be 81 25, the latter to be served al the St. Helen hotel, under the man agement of II. W. Cade. At th second trial of Frederick Viv- ian,'iCharged with assaulting John Har ris, held in Justice Watkiua' . court bat' unlay, .the jury returned a verdict ot gnilty.'aod a tine of 150 wa imposed The attorney a for the defendant, how ever, gave notiee oi an appeal to the circuit court.. Deputy District Attorney Powell and W. B. Dillard appeared for the prosecution, and W. T. Hume and George A. Hall for the defense 1 55 fcffe-? jSJs"'"? fcSSts-Sfe-'t'S'SrStfe: ; T.- ; j 1 Wauled- 1 1! n YOUR TRADE! i We Expect to 6et It By giving yon Jntt a little more for year money than , . yon can get elsewhere. Wc Eipcct to Keep ft Hy telling you a anility of good that will invariant .' , ' gfye entire aatlstactian. ' NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods v BUT ALL THE TIME. . DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, ! St. Helens, - - - Oregon. ST. HELENS V ; A Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable . Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. ' REUBEN. ' Mr. J. O. Muckle and Mrs. lieorge Brice, of Furthuid, were the gwMla of Mr. and Mr. T. (J. Watts Saturday and Sunday. William Duherty and wife visile! Venoouver and Portland Sunday, Jame Kennedy, sr., ia visiting at Kelso, Wash., tint week. Charles Krateki and family visited Kalama Monday. Mis Mary Clark and Mis? Mary Beurer returned home Tuesday, alter a tew days visiting in Portland. Clark Bro. made two shipment of ahingle thia week. Messrs. Bailey A Brinn at Houlton are making a tpecialty of tbe best pradeg i HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Pablisher- -Rtgniw 25-eiit KoielsOnly 10 Gents VayVV tVevfv uuw iuoui Your iiuer s 4- BE YOtX 8TTRK it it t!l right? Ronnkr tbat a It the CO KMi&yiau mveriM. 11 n our nuineM in seren ta - w nconim . n.i .how aihat Usm I.. mmiImi in l.nd rai mien, ii )ou eonirrapiate beyinK una or lotnlMMnone j o tl- , j uur sMurhy, tafco no sun's word, but Insin ufua knowing what W th- word shows remrdioar tbe title. Aa Abstract is as evmriitl iu : a deed. lOkUt on bavinK it. We have the onlr set of abstract (M books in tbe county. AH work pnBpilyezmutd and tMotioa ft) autnuteed. If you Have property (oiuaurariveosacall. Wean ft' ueuu lor tbe best Are insurance romtwniealu the world. If vou W hare properly for tale list It with us aad we will Ond a buyer. . ; E. E. - QUICK CO., ? : I New Methods of Gold Filling : j nphi b'thtt latest and most scientific method of Gold Filling No Hammering. No soreness ot the teeth, and none of those Dreadful Headache follow this Painless method of Quid Filling. K Dr. KNODER, Dentist, 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon ' & go WO' PHOKst! JOffice, Hoon 414 , 9,Ti9 'f?! Orcs Hoiks. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, . Information and Appointments by Mail. Kooma W and 51 , Washington HMg., Southeast cor. 4th Wash. f r-t A PORTLAND, OREGON. Y Take levator to Fifth Floor. . .. ; V I GOLIglNS t& GRAY I sv- THE PEOPLKS' MKRCHAM Carry a thll stonk of awple and fiincy DBY GOOPH, BOpT AND. -SHOE?, LEATHER, HAROWVUK 55 WOODEN WARE, TISWARE, GKANITEWARK; CR(CKE!i V. v STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, FLOUR, FEED,. GRAIN, HAY, OIL MEAL, LIMi:, GLASS. OTIS PAINTS AND SIMILAR WAKES. v Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS; . - - OREGON. 3 Just Look At Her. Whence came that uprightly ti-v, faultless nkin, rich, ruay complexitui, smiiing fucc. She look good, fcelnpiotl. Here.a hvr secret. She ti.sea Dr. KiiiKd New Life 'Milt. Result, all or it mm iuve, urscfaiion nxxi, no nenuuenos,- no (nance lor nines." try elf. Only 25t St. Heieus Pharmacy We futnish Th Mtar T4-ito-Jalx. ADMINISTRATOR'S SOUCE. NOTH'E IS ItrHKBV (JIVKN1 Tt AT TK iinilerHlKitctl has Im'ii duly Hfipoiniod bb tha com ii emit oj tbe Htaiv u orvvnu ur (tulumbia Cuunlr aitniininlratDr it th .wrj.. 1,1 them VOOr- Jol Alexander, tGeaMl, ami hat 'ii-liiio'l u J iwnimli. .Ml iHiNuns tiavuxr tlaiiil i.n,i k t.l-itc will .rf.hlit tHl! HlililC iu Inf. vfil.ip'l Ht .it. litmus, (trrtfim. wUntn months hotu the dAte ol Uic fnv ptttmtrtU'.n ot this notice.