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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1902)
OREGON MIST Enterf-d t the I'oHiifflw ai ft. Helsue, Unyim, a second-class wait matter. Ihsiid Evr.y Fioat MoMiso Br : KEELKR H. Q BBKRT, Editor and J'sowuiitoii.-. ' erBSCBIPTIOX PRICE: One copy on year, In advance. . Six months k 1.00 JULY 25, 1902. COUNTY OFFICERS: Repnr tentative , Martin Both. Rainier Judm.. .JiHenn B. lou. Ratlilef Sheriff Tmnm . But. ol schools. Aaaeeuor Surveyor Clora Cimmlaatonsra J jOvooer I. Httan, St. Helena .r. r.oe, 8t Heleun ...t. n. Copeliinil. Honttoii ..Mar'ln While, Bt. Heleua ....w, T. Watts, se-iuionae ,. H. Hfmlfn n, Miyser. ,.H. L. Colvin. Miirshland W. D Cue, Pitthur C. E. Dait Ji, St Helena STRAINS AT A GNAT. The Rainier Garotte finds cause for yrievoas complaint boenae the Mist ' complimented the County Court on the fact that Columbia county was out of debt, although four yesr agq thre was n Indebtedness of letween 0,000 and $60,000. It wails and gnashes its teeth because there ia no opportunity to give vent to howls of calamity, and by in ference, inoana IW-ause Columbia county is prosperous. It directly be rates the County Court for not squan dering the people monoy. or o ins the county funds broadcast tiiat the peo ple, or the favored ones, may gather up the manna. As for the credit given ex County lerk Watts, he aided miterinlhr, along with Assessor White and other county Officers, to keep d urn the expenses of ' the county. These officer are entitled to credit, and politics does iot cut any figure In the matter. Ha anyone ever charged that Sheriff Hittun was extrav agant in his official capsoity T The editor of the Gazette is extremely anxious for some one to say something against County Clerk Henderson. Why this is so, is a pntxler. The Mi-t did not support Mr. Henderson's candidacy, and consequently d -es not expect any lavors from mm In a linnm-ml way The afisT does contend, however, that thus far, Mr. Henderson ia proving a capable and accommodating official, slid not a word bss been beard sgeintt him If the Uaxette put in less time at bor ing the county court and county officers for "pie," and devoted row of it reading space to the up-bniMing of the various sections of Columbia county, it might have less cane for making a personal attack on it subscribers, as it did a few weeks ago. While a newspaper ahonld be tme to its political convictions, it? readers do sot want to hear local politics discussed and warmed over 62 time dnring the year. For a time after a cKiopaign. people like a rent. There i a time for politics as well as evemhinit c)-e. ' - If an Eastern iuiuilrjirt arrives in the ennuty, ehouM not ewrv xt.ju take pridH in telling him tVaf rhec-mnty I has no indehiedn"s and ihsif the tax ! levy and assessed valuation are low. Is there any politic in these things? A newspaper Hio'tld have other pur pones than to whine tifte.- otS.-ial "pap," as if it were the uliimau? object of all things. WBY, NO SALT, SALT SALUUN. It is a peculiar isei tfiat bnt very lit tle salt salmon it put by 1'acitic coat packers at this time, although it wax ' 0'.ie time a stapl..- arti. le of export to Eastern markets,, and tbt-ie w as a Urge home conuuip"ioii. A St." Helens cooperonce did a good busing making smuion aits ana txtrrels, hut closed np Lis shuplong ago, for cold storage aupa rttus and canned salmon boxes are now the principal enclnres of the Chinook for nisrki'ting purposes. Persons in a position to know, say sh it there is an inquiry ami demand f ,r alt sslmon for which there is no supply. There are said to be many inquiries iu various sections of Oregon for salt salmon, snd iu the East there ie an org.-nt demand. Albert Tozier, late president of the Na tional Press Association, stated that while at Charleston this summer, be met a dealer, who enquired why suit salmon were not packed in Ortsron at formerly; tbat he bad ii.auy lta from d. . I . I VP. Ilfl UM.I..I l.lllll.a In..... I ...1 !, .. . i.w.. ,v, wl) iH,i,iM, Salt salmon brings a good price, and i wliy utckers do uo not put up the proil uct iu this way is not nnderstoad. Ueorge W. BiU, tUe ntw receiver at the Orngon City land uftiwt, ia proving a nery capable odicial, aud will b of val uable aasiiitaiiue to H gister C. ii. Mooivs. tibu. . William tinliowsy, who been the clever receiver for nearly si years past, has fonneil a law partner ship with Gilbert L. Hedges at Oregon City, and will make a specialty of the land business. - It would be a valuable precaution for Bt. Helens people to look well to the noes on the roofs of their houses. The well known Watts residence wa burned at Scappoose a few days ago by sparks from the chimney starting the dry uioss into a blaze. Tracy bus disappeared from view, and Sheriff Cudihee knows not which way to tnru in the chase. However, ii it reported that- be has again showed in a logging camp on the Sound. John W. Mackey, the California mil lionaire, who diet In London last Sun day, waa the last ot t'e uuartet of be' natua kings. The Kehaleui woods are uiia mlira wilh Umber cruisers, who are putting a tain on the timber eiuinis sought to be purchased." . . j COUNTY COURT. Regular July Term 1902 John B. Roan, Jmlge, and V. D. Cm;h and H. L. Colvin, Commissioners. Be it remembered, That t a regular term f the County Court of the 8tat of Oregon tor Columbia County, begun ami held at the Ourt House in the City of ft. Helens, it. said County and State 60 ou Wednesday, July iiiid, 1808, and be- iug the lime fixed by law for holding a regular term of said Court, wben were! present. . Hon. John B. Disn, Ouuty Judge, Hon. 1VA. Frakes, County Commis - a. it n tt ... n -i ." vo,,nl' i di nr... n ... iii,.l w. vt, vA'iiiivjr viva. K. b. Uatiau, S ier.iT. iue uroclauiatioii being made the fol lowing proceedingi were ti1 : I Journal was rend tor May term and appruvrd. iu the matter of extending time for reluming tne aanisuieiit roil lor the year liW2 It is ordered by the Court (hat the time for n i iruing the assess- i nieut roll by the snaesor be and the 1 same isnereoy ex e.iaeu until tne nrsi!te St Helens rharmacv. iKIJKU.tT IU WtUWI IrV f til , WtWfOI .h,- 1902. lu the matter oF qualifying of road su pervibors Uu tins day the lollowing road supervuiors piesonted their certio Chios oi election With the oath ot otlioe aiiaclied thereto and tile the bond re quired by the Court, wuicti is uuly ai- proveu : Clay Clark, ri-rm in bclitnitt, K. M. Lovelace, j. . Jilel linger, J. 1. Art-nioald, James Kilby, John M. Kwidick, i ii ii ii it it ii tt I it .i 6" ii t tt ii tt ii lu July 3rd, Second Pay. In the matter of ftual settlement with road sup-rvisors On this day the fol toamg supervisors accounts were ex amined, approved, and their bondsmen released 4roin any further liability: Euiil Waseer, Ko. 6; W. L. Brown, .o. 7. Rebate of poll tax It appearing to the Uourt that t red Trow bad paid hie poll tax tor iyui upon two different as sessments, it ia ordered that the clerk uraw a warrant in favor of said i'red Trow in the sum of $1. Petition of Rice Bros, for permission to use apart oi the county road for a skid road asross the West side of the Atkins place in Road district No. 6. Pe tition grrnted upon condition said skid road does not interfere with travel along saia roaa. In the matter of the assignment of tax sale certificates Nos. 904 aud 1394 Pe tition of J. A. Krum for assignment of Uxsale certidcates 904 and 1304. waa granted. Monday, July 7th Third Judicial Day. In the matter of the conntv offierre- eleot qualifying On this day the follow ing county ofhoers-eicct presented their crriiUaatee of election with their oath of office attached, and also tile their re- pective bonds according to law. which are approved by the Court, and said of- u i r it uui r ijjsutucu iu meir respeci iveotticcs"; II. Henderson, Countv Clerk. - 11. S. Hattan, Slieriff. Edwin Boss, County Treasurer. V. T. Waits, County Surveyor. E C. 1'iclton, County Coroner. Also comes ii. L. Colvin and presents hie certificate of election and takes the Tilth of office, and is declared duly in stalled as County Commissioner. The following road supervisors-elect, present meir certificates of election with oath of office attached, and lite their bond as rfquired, which are duly approvea: J. F. Graham, road district No. 11. Oliver Wilson, " " " 13. John A. Krum, " " ' fl. Thomas A. tirewell, " " 2. . Petition of O. Hunter for license in tioble precinct 0. E. Hunter having filed bis petition aud proof of notice as required by law and presents the re ceipt of the treasurer for the sum of I'M) for a liquor license tor the period of six months from the 7th day of July, 1902, for tioble precinct, it is ordered that said petition be allowed and license issue to said Hunter for the period of six months. E. B. Elliott, road supervirar of dis- Uict No. 10, having preiented bis final report as such supervisor, the same was examined by the Court and approved, and his bondsmen released from any further liability. , . . " Application l -Thomas Cloninger for pn i chase of old decking plank from the Scsppoose bridire for the sum of 2, the Court being advised in the matter said application is allowed and the clerk or dered to issue a receipt to Thomas Clon inger upon the pavment of the sum of2. Tuesday, July 8th Fourth Judicial Day. Matter of settlement with road u t'i visors On this day the accounts of ! Kot'l Hupervisora K. B. t'ayne for ,T - Ch.,?!., iV" sa ?J!!Lfi 1 ..j v, . mhwikiiuui . . . . , V A " loruina j. u. i iani lor is were ex- ainined by tlisConrt and approved, and their bondsmen released from further liability. Hatter of the appointment of road su pervisor for District No. 8. On this day comes Li. w. Kicnaruson, supervisor elect for dis'rict 8, and states to the Court that he has removed from the district and therefore is anable to anal ify, and the Court being advised in the matter accepts said explanation, and de clares the office vacant; whereupon' it is ordered tnat John 11. Urainer be and is hereby appointed road supervisor for district So. 8, and that be qualify ac cording to law. Wednesday, July 9th Fifth Judicial Day. On this day the following-named su pervisors presented their tiual reports, which were exsmined by the Court, al lowed and approved, and tqeir bonds men released irom any lurther liability: Herman Bcbtnitt $4, 8. M. Rice (i. W. Richardson H, J. F. Graham 11, John Boxler $12, O. H. Wilson $13, James Adams $14, and J. P. Sbeeley $15. Thursday July 10th Sixth Judicial lay. Petition of Western Union Teloeraoh Company for remission of taxes iu the sum of $2i 85 allowed. Ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue warrants monthly iu payment of the salaries of the various county offi- J cers. I The accounts of the sheriff were ex amined and checked np. On this day the clerk presented the following claims for scalp bounty: W. C. Eicbnun $12, J. A. Hay $4, and A. Birkenfeld $2, which were examined and approved by the Court. Matter of apportionina the road money to the several districts togethe I I with the araounta on hand ami over' t drawn, tho ttac hnlanf )." be uhikI ; N. unhand. Am I niipor. Ownlr'n. Bui touts 1 I20H.40 8 4 ft 60 00 lSliSj 75.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 67.47 ft'J W 30.S5 100.00 (66.20 43.JW 101. W 42.V3 14. .20 1I.8M 17M !7 8 'p ,10 i U i S : j ( 142 83 7.47 9.85 4.40 60,00 2.r8.00 mV14 101.41 105 01 87.00 i 90 2.5.44 100 00 109.S5 KM. 46 76.00 201.41 100 00 10591 luit.oo 15 112.00 . .. in tn matter ol placing the new UnfcH is ordered thst the Oountv i Judge be and lv is herebv anrtioriswl to : have tho safe projinrly placed upou its r,no1' Vhereu,Kin, Court adjourned without i-iy The Uest Mnlmrnl for Ht rains. 'ir. V. H. Well, the merchant at Pit Tark, Long Island. N. V.. savs; "I always reixiinmend Chamberlrin's ram Bnlin as the best liniment for strains. 1 used it last winter for a severe lame nee in'the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quirk rvieu aim curw it enecien." or sate at Seal. Estate Transfers. C. A. Brown to Silns L. latngley, tract land in sec 8. 7. 4, 2U0 . Chas. C. and Eunice A. Clark toleo. A. C'lork, ne oi sw of sec 28, 0, 2, 100. .... , Wm. H. and Xaney E. D .linan to Ed win Rons, quitclaim, tide land, eic fronting lots 13 and 14, blk 10, St. Hel ens, 2i6. v Florence and Wni. Finley to The B -n-son Logging A Lumbering Co., eU of nc of toe S4, 6 4, 7ll0. Mnry E. Frye to H. McArthur, lo 0, 7 and 25 of P. Waggoner D. L. C. and lot 6. blk 6 in Bryant's 1st ad to C!ats kanie; also interest in P. Waggoner D. L. C. and E. G. Brvsut D. L. C, $501 A-nnera w. and Phalda Johnson to Horace jeromo, partofey of je of se ' and t of ne of sec 30,6, 4, 040. G. E. Jaquish est to J. N.' Teal, trus tee, k of ne t4' of sec 14, 6, 2, $000. Henry and Mau le A. Krati to W. J. ZiHmsn, 40 acres in nw M of sec 35, 7, Geo F. and Margaret J. Moeck to F. M. Brant, lot 2, block 39, Moeck't ad, YS. .. ' Adolpand Carvi Olson to Yeon and Pelion Co., right of wav deed across W of nw4 of sec 13, 7, 3, $250. - Tobias N. K vckman to Ashland L nn her Co., quitclaim, w of swl 4 and so 1-4 of swl-4 of sec 27, 7, 2, $1. Florence and Wm. Finlev tn Th Hon. son Logging & Lumhering Co., tK oi ne ?4 OI bw m, O, SUU. Anna S. and Chas. T. Hickert, seW of nw. of ne'i, ne of ne, of e all in sec 20, and the wU of swi in sec 26, all in 6, 4, $3000. I vers Iverson to The Benson 1.. T. Co., swt of swVj' of sec 10, nwW of nw X of sec 15, 6. 4, $800. M. J. Kinftev to J. E. Hiifins. trn tee, n of ne, also n of nwX in sec 11, 4, 5, $1260. 4 Bame to same. ni of ne and n U of nw in sec 11, 5, 5, 1200. . Francis M. and Nellie M. Miles tr M J. Kinney, seJ of sec 19, 4, 6, $850. E. G. Can Held trustee to th Tt..nn Logeing and Lnmberinir Co.. neV of nw : M and n of oeti in sec 9, and uwW of nw in sec 11, all in 6, 4, $1500. J. W. and Annie M. Drsner to Benson Lo-.-irine A l.uinherinir C.n n.U of n and n of ne of sec 9, and hw 4 oi nw of sec. 10, all in 6. 4, $1500. Sidney and Elinor M. Dell to The Sage Land Improvement Co., wtiof se V and sefi of sw M of sec 21. and net" ...! . t .1.) i 7 - . ' ' Virginia M, and John G. Patterson to C. R. E. Co., seX of nwt. s of nci-4', neJi of ne and r of sel-4, all in see sec 20, and w K of sw 1-4 of see Wi. nil 6, 4, $3000. John F Patteron to Anton Biornson. swl-4 of sec 11. 6, 5, $1280. E. E. and 8. M. O'liclr tn JpM redericka Skeena, s1 of nwl-4 and o of swl-4 of sec 7, 4, 1, $2500. James A. Rennick toThn Whiinns rv. Ltd., 800 acres in sees 28. SO. 32 .nVt sa' 6,3, $1. Charles Stnrchfietd. trnntt Plurchfieid, Anna T. Sturchfield to The Hiiitney co Ltd., e of sec 28, n-1 4 of sec 30, nwl-4 of sec 32. K of nel-4. nwl-4 of nel4 and ne!4 of se 1-4 sec 33, 6, 3, tl. v avid C. VVhitnpy, trustee, to Tlie w nitnpy uo., Ltd., 800 acres in sees. 28. 30, 3J and 33, 0, S, $1. Need More Help Often the over taxed organs of diges tion cry out for help by Dyspepsia's pains, ' Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, "r ,-vouipiHinrs, Bowel Disorders. Such troubles call for prompt me of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, . borough and guaranteed to cure. 25c at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Justices aud Constables. - The following Justice of the peace and constables from the various tire- cincts, elected June 2nd, have filed their official bonds as follows : Rainier Jusrice. William fivmonRf constable, F. M. Fowler. a u ou ru j umce, H. p. Ballard : con stable, Albert L. Parser. Beaver Falls Justice. William P.U.ib. ford. Union Justice. H. P. Walk! stable, F. 41. Thorp. - Warren Justice, Jacob Hegele. Oak Point Ju.-tice, O. W. Barnes. Chttskanie Justice. J. M Rla.k fr.r.1 constable, H. B. Haines. Deer Island Justice, George Merrill. Don't Pall . TrrThl.. Whrncver an honest trial is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble it is rec ommended for, a permament cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone tfie stomache, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorates the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver Trouble, 8tomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Rhenma- tisin, Neuralgia and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed bv the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. Only 60 cents. For sale: 160 acres timber land, nV of s)ji of section2, tp. 4 n. r 6 west; $10 per acre. Inquire J. H. Milder, Marsh field, Oregon. . . OABTOZIZA. Bsaistiis f The kind loo Hm Utoyt BoajM Ilgntsn sf The Kind Tott ITavo Always in mm tor over 30 yenrs, V, - and fj-jt- sonal mipcrvlKion iiliioo its turoncy. 7ic44i Aiinw im one to deceive yon In thin. ail r T.nalala Ail vuuutriiviW) ...."- . m Experiments that trifle with nnd eiiditnfrer the henJtn or Iufiutts and Children Experience ouliist ISKporunent. What Is CASTORIA OtwiterlH in i t liartnlew Mtbstltute tor Castor Oil. Pure- -gorlc, IHops nnd Soothing Syrttps. It ia l'lcttswiU It eontalna neither Opium, Morphine nor other NnrcotlO Mibstnnce. Ita atre la Ita sirntee. It doatroys W"11? nd alliiys FeverlMUneaa. It cures Dlarrhoaa and Wind Colio. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatrtleucy. It assimilates the Food, retfulittes the StoiniKh aiid llowels, glvlujr henlthy and natural Bleep. The ChUdreu'i ranacoi-The Mother's Friend. CEUINCASTORIA ALWAYS Bars th Be KM You Hate Always Might In Use For mm rt CORRESPONDENCE. Vrrnonla Plckupn. KvervlKniv and his neiarhlwr are busv this n(fk iu the haytield. The timoer is agaiu full of crmners. These geoti;iiien sre so very mum that olio wo.ild think that they do not know tlieir own imiiiea. lint we supe there iit if some more land sales as a result of their work. Miss Florcrwv K mc, who has been iu li' iilton and Ciai!auie for two months pa-t, came home lust week for a few invf vi it with I lie liome folks, leaving Mnnday inorniiiir lor MkIio with hyr oncle and auiit, Mr.-ami Mri. Keiser. O. C. Spencnr wenl ont to Snuvies' Is land Salurd:iv lust, where he will upend a few week making hHv on tli-i M irji'iii ia-ni. R"ube Svssiuer cain iu last Fiiilny witu a fouf-horne loud of lu'nlier, wtiich he t,-o:ijh t flout the mill of C. LibH, below Mist. 1( whs a long wuy to liuul lumber. . Van Everett K:irlv: of Cditskiuiie. vieitd the home fo k,, A. Eui ly and family eL of nott a f w ilny.i Inet week. TliiaJwthe.hit' time Hint VHn lias been in for ttiiio ins. He is ill t!ie shingle Lti.incns at Cinl-kanie, we uiider.ilund. tj. B. K ite took n lo-td of pimrngiT'f OIlL III lll.lllrjlll 1kBI M.llilul' , .n.r 1.... Mp o..H Mp. I..:..', 1.I.....7 who had been vUiting th Ko-c f iuiily j mother oi u:li: Mrs, Will Sinith; Mrs, l .-nrge Smi'li, Mrs. Kiilgaimuer and their ehildreu ' from Cartie Ruck, Wash- visited the family of liev. A. Hmith.on Piety Hill, Kttct of town, a few days last week. Mrs. Ueorge Smith rnmajneil to hold down their claim in the came neighborhood for a few week. The Huiilh liroiheis have good work at Calle Rock in a sawmill. . . John Rice, w ho has Wen at work on a farm out near Hillitboro for the pait live months, citui home 8unditv, aud will be with ui during the summer. p. F. Baker, who lias beun over in Washington helping in Evungeiluic wo.k, came home Friday last. Mrs. L. S. Redmond is in Portland visiting this week. . ' .. miss Lizzie r.any uwi a week's vncs tion last week from her school, and was with the home folks. ' We notice quite a number of camp ers iu the Nehalem Just at t:.ia time.. It is a good place to come ior a summer vacation. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almostevery neighborhood in the United states and has been told and re told bv ' thousands of others. He savs: "Liihl ! summer I bad an 'attack of' dysenterv and purchased a bottle of CiiiunberliiitiV Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to direction a ml with satisfactory results. The trouble controlled niuch'.naicker Lliftn the former attacks H lieu I other mm. edies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, ;. 0. Kur.siile at the St. Helens l:har'iiicy. , . .. Warren llappenlug. Mrs. 14. F. Baker paid a visit to her old home near Vancouver Saturday, re turning Monday. She was accompan ied by her family, r'. Mr. Clark I having his boat house and boats painted. ' The contract for tiakitins the church and parsonage at Warren was let to Mr. Quick, a Portland painter; He has fin ished putting two coat on the psrson age and it reflects , much credit to the painter. He will now start in on the church building. The camp meetmira are well attondud. notwithstanding the fact that the far mers are busy with their harveat. " Ice cream and cuke will be nerva.1 at the grove Thursday evening, aster the services. J. Tompkins returned home Tuesday evening, having spent two weeks at the Chautauqua at Gladstone park. ' Rev. Dr. Rxikwell, presiding elder of the Portland , district,' Meihodist Episcopal church, will preach at the camp meeting; at Warren Friday and Saturday evening aud, on bnnday after noon. ,., Cut this out and take It to Dr. Rons' Drue Store and eel a box of Oliamlwr. Iain's Stomach & Liver Tabljts. The best physic. Thev also coi rect disorders of the stomach. Price 26 cents. All kinds of commercial job printing executed at this office. '- - WA Boutrht, ami which ba bem 1ms borne Iho !nituro or lias been ninae nnarr v- mid .Tllt-IVirood " RTO bttt Signature of Over 30 Years. ! wtmtn, mwm vom mm. PROFESS OX, IL 1DR.D. B. STUART, DENTIST. ORTKSTAL 110TKL. HT. IIKId-:NS. S. H. GKUBlTlTr jrroiixj:v-.rr-Lir. Ofll.X' with K Y. IJMK . ST: IIKf.KNS, : : OHK'iON. Will slv. bent lrnnl .Tk-irioii InAlllrKil piatlrr rnlrilJiUM In Ulf. W'ii! fnutli-e III mil thetuti' and I ultKl MikImi lunru. ATTOllXEY-AT-UW. mci'ity msTkicr arroRKrv. HT. IIK'.KNS, : utlKi.OS. OrritK Nswhoms Huh.s Nmsv rustic. W. C. Fiwhor, ATTOltXEY-AT-MW. KAINIKK, : : (HtF.tJON. K. P. CiK UJAM. T. J . Cl.SKTOk. AttoiPvs-iM.iiw. 'Mb Marqiium BulUllna Pnnlsiid Orraon ruilumhla Cuanty biulnsw will recvlv prompt trillion. J. W. DAY W. B. U'LMRU DILLARI) Si DAY, ATT0HXE YS-AT-Ll II assi (twr iu r,.Mmiiii, nr. HULKS. okl-...o.. '. '"ml prsrtice in eonria of oita.m nr W tinrtnii Aiiarrmita umili dlrmff frurti i'tiiitiiy rcciirua. iir.Kiiwiiii J. II IJ!1 I U II II II II lTli r iil lll , HT. HEI.KNH, tlkKCDN. Dr. H. K.Ciiii; Physician and Surgeon. ST. IIEI KNH, ORZUON. Dr. J.E. II.ilI. Physician and Vnrgeon. CLATSKANIK, ORW.ON. j ihTaT. UaTflelil, Physiciun and Surgeon) VKRNON1A, OKKHON. Notary Pchuo. Coaveviwian, J. B.GODFREY, Dealer ia Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts, ST. HELENS, . . OltKUO.V. leqo, reachiiig the hitter place at 10 a. ni. on the foliowlnir iluv. Iteturiiing, the Iwat leaves Tol.-do at noon, and Castle Rock at 6:80 in the afternoon, Tue days, Thursdays and hundays, reaching Portland early in the moruiiig. Wliarf foot of Haluion Bt. H. Hol.M AN. A sent. ESTABI.IUllur) " ..'..wri " JOHN A. BECK Pr.AI.EK IS Watcbes, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRy. Reimiring a Specialty. 07 MwrrlaonSt, Bst. front Klrat. POHTf.ANI). mfllEF0RPUmCATlW Dtipartmcnt of the Inlerlor . Lttiiil OBics at Oregon tliy, Orcitoii, XTOTHjK IH MKRKBY OIVKN Vh A TTH E hu i',""?,WI"."un;'i'1 ,"uk'r hH' "'f'1 noli of hla I ltu Uui trt maba Hi.ul n...l 1.. - 7. 1 his cllni and thai aalil iiroii will be uiJ.lo . forr the (iiMiitr i 'l.n. ni..i.,.i.i.,.. m. ilcluiia, oriiton. ou August 30, llaw, vit. ALBKKTU HARKKH, II. . No. 13,!t4, for lh NE'i ol nclinn IS, T. 4 N, H. I W. He namea Ih fl.llo wimiw,,; 10 prove hla couiiiiaoiia rcaldeiice u,ii and cul. llviulim of aa d land. ! .,. H u. ? fr " "T and Hinel Wllkliinon, of Wttalwiw, 'oresi.a John Heueru aud Ulmrlra Kolisria, of Vsrnnuia vrn:"'. 111 AH, B. MOfiKKH. ' ' Itc.l.tfr. ii. i rmi. na mr iit. IIIk'I In rh iirnrj hi 1 wTlll , Steamer JOSEPH KELLOM iSSvS i IM Us, Puitlai.4 o.. Tu,i,.,-. TUiirilav .nd Sul. iX f!.' m" 'r T. I 2 Mum oi .. jn. nir tut i .-i,iri, , . ' r" '"'"rill .iir:mna, St. ,,.., Ka,ama. Carro,,; Point. Raii KSwlX and isiiaurty..!, , Znrw? .tlTLZ," .r. ..nssday sail Krl-liir !',. l.r.ofvi VJ . I. mi-ifKn ''P:i -M " Steamer NORTHWEST rmp'C Leave, Portland Monday, Welne,d:,y l-''iVj;-? V and Friday nights hi at 10 p. n.., for the lk')'tin;" I came IkjIiiU ineritioiml T. H. WM t..vr. .V. It, MovkN. .-TIIK- St. Helens Hotel V.U.t,AUK, MuVUM, I'lf'l'.-., m Again .yn tolhtt ruMi'. Meals (Jet vml mi Hlinil Notice, lied" U i O nte, Meal- ?n t''"'". ni fun is ross tvnoN. whisks TO HA Y W VKSTS. Ht. IlKi.rNs, i Oiii'Uon, oowN-couKrf piVpLtsHouio Clatskfinie Drug Store -Mil TMKIK Drugs and Medicines Tcilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. t. HAU. frtprntor CiTHkANix : : t)i:i"H. nones for, roBLicAium. Ivn-O'iui'l! "f lit. luMTIor. iJOd Jltli es" tlM" My, Or . Jutt. '.'I.t, I fl!. N'ot!ck t-i iikbi:mv li-vi.s nti nil! I mil wn ii ni "'I ' i " " ' ' ! lil liit.m ton f. nit "I ;' '" pi'l'i' i iil-iiii ,ui. Hi. I miiJ i ii-.i wiillw minis l.e I iv. t Hi immi I'lwk of ' jliiwi'li niuH; si H. Hi'llllp, t.i.eauii.i.n A. . uu '.I'll. I.' l. Mi.K i 'i'M. U K lUi'i f' ill 4 "' '-'"?"! ,l,'l,. mirth, ri w"i., " "';" lowing u'lirr vl"ir.e " "V " I,.. WjihI-k. Jut .rr, B. '. iHi'. rr. I Vnilfi. Ore i V.r .ii l.viliu, M.iulmn, O vk'Oi. "' MI'il'"" Ninw. ol M-j l Mp..nil.wliont't rl S'lnl II" nun uir) Mval.i.liwJ t hnrelij pv.1';.'' i-llp.1 iisiarlff.ii ie iini ill ' i-li'it l " luinlLfniinli in Helens. "v kii.i ml, iin .i.i li" e why snl p'""1 .1,01,1.1 hot .alli. H uiinn ,rt.,r NOTICE OFLAND3URVEY I Iff I IVl'lll fur-ry. Jnlj I. Its.1, N'llTli r I.' IH'.I.I'HV I.IVI.N' T M 'Hl. I'omilr will nil July IMUi, II".'. ' -MUlilv ocr olll.K I.. III"! l IH IWI. MVlli.ll tt. T. IN. U J . WHIarasiis Me'Litsu tt, T. WA riM.'I'iulHH' Siiriein. A '8T0.HU 4 COLOMBIA RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. OAILV. ri m it SKII'lMIWS OSIIV. ' j " j 2-1 I -'( '"f.'wTj" 7 l ii ui 'Al j S i ' S 11 ! S M ! n i o I l i !:! in in 1 IS I l'i 3 : l ! . a. ! 'I ii.u li . ii .0 l,v I'iipU.iiiI Ar II 111 D li 9 oa .(,... .i..i,, ....;iuav sr.". 6 Is .t H uli-r , V 1 -1 lli Wl 1 .. It"'. (HI I Mp.. .. "t) :rr . , ,i V 1 'a ; H iy ....t( 1 . in m en . fui'iniim . i i ; . 10 lu M.i . . M.I.HI i . , 7 1 10 .'I H ' H "Pt -rl .. .. :ti , 1 17 in."" ) . ... l-l.flnll ... S S! ! 1 MS III 7 -All ; . ., . kllUDIH... . I 17 i tl 11 ' prfieni., .j ; , I II If S..I i Jiillll IMV. j 7 .V. I Ji II an wis i,r. A-Mfit .1 it! 7 4 ' B ill (If tkr nlre iiiiIiip all an il iliv i .n ll ,Xt 24. wh! ti riino iri i1m, r.m tit rvinr :v. Su. ' lvei I'.inl.nJ n-tiii.l.i uuly al t ill i. in. ' All ir.ln. iniliw rla.e i!oninN'iluii m r.niilp I onu (. . .in. , i, , (irfiii. ii. n i irnni inn K.iipt an' noiiOiI rp'liili At riirilu;nl u nit imln. irurnif I n hi An;" i. t A.init ib I. Ii S.Co'. Imrl wv: itl Una pii-uiner 1 1. J Koiirr io mill r in ft urn kihI N.ovli Kl'lll'll IHlitlt-. Tlinuirh tl.'. i-i.i .'il.l nnd Nil tmirirsi,e t tirrheil throti.'h Nnilli ll.vii U piMUt. fnii.wiiifrr. f,-r .ln- U ur Mrt fiolhl imisl fluf Ir.ln. til liuuM-iu. Iimiii will .NH' in i: p.;. 'i'i:i. ii If al 11. .ii 'Inn trlo-n r.iflii Irrm Mlllta sr-iul UuliU. J '. trlu. . '. Ak;.. A.mria. ttt MnrmmfflffiiifffliffffitifriMntifiimMmiiwrffitfiiiwrifriii ; THE NEW YORK STORE K- Ilus jucf rui iMjil 1 Summer Goods, Shoes, ! Dry f ..khIs, Groceries. Boots. Shoes, Etc. - r. i pfc. mo Kan, (toper ..uildiiig. Main Street, St. HoU'ils, Oregon. ! Tilli'.'i' Am Jtini 1 ;, nonce fiineuauckTioit: Vtun Ht . pa l,i.n Of ru r IIih... n llii ii. u .. ' . on. k. i., HKiiV.nv .(vkv- 1 riuitfc u.ti. ti... . V( Itinn (if that ,.f Vfifltlml "Ail M-'i (Ur trip r-nir oi ufn-' "zzstnzw'' '.. or b';Vi",'!ocu,alJl:r. 0' " KWlr. Aim Jr. till ali, H w Stori'helKr'T" Jn""""l known snulnsi k iowu or tin riMii sla.if l(lh rilthi h!. '' lr His ami 11 In ih K. (i. 1 ,!r, ";. '" "ei'lloii S all in i.;k7. "'. ':.111"' "'I wm. ol Hip Win. .'"!: ' ."nnii and i,1ii..,i JiT,l!.'mli Ii . -I ua nl ...1.1 .' ... " ."' "is .unman hv ... .. . . far; manti an '"u"u '' A.oUi.,Mlt, nin mr.m, .V.vivlii, , WmIiIu ..ii 1 ,V,i i iin ill Lit la 4I.IIIH, ,. ..Hi... 1 ' ' utaiiok " T;.'.;,r ! I iiiiom aiiiiniir In ii... V . reilinri'il In Im. ninl mi. tut Iho Coniiu ;;..i..'V "I "r J In MHllinl.u t ranw I ' in,,. ,.' pniu miiiiiiy, and HImI iM ; ,' ""rnvnr or lli.Biateoior,,,,, H,'lh i.'oun of 1 aim a t. 1. ' r V'"!'iliilila unnntv. I au ... aa aurvmjk.l 1 " . . 1 " r " '"". a ni iici!eii..H : ? 1 u .1 ipiunm lllliiari let 1 (.. , :" "unnJ' ot 1 In hlnrk , all In lr . l,K,k ' "' o ;Ulk,.iii (or ,,,;rvV,',; " ",n 'l'H'lon ! . th. put ,!,, ."''."'I'l'Mri by ; th Coiii.u i:Brk , ,.w 1 '. J 1 Im on,re of , 7 a w. son, all iho ahiue ilBrii, ' . """', T""' 1l,,ir' I 'lia rr """" "' i "n.!ir .irZt, k:A ".-.Cote &:'!::!" . J ,, ..i.,ii iri - .. iMNiiu Mini 1 MfAfl MCATI MEAT! T -AT Tim- j Ci ty Market Ht. Hki km, Omkooh LINDSAY A MORTON, PROP'S. t -DKAi.aas in- Fresh and Salt Meat. City trnde, logging eamps, Htcsui. boat nmi isilroad rampi a silpplleii. J. Owl Saloon muss innlens, PKoniikTons w tmly tns hnU ui $ Liquors and Ciitars KertM CYRUS NOBLE V Ami other Kptilr hrpst ol hl S In .lurk. WCINHAHD'S BF.ER J on ilrrvhl. "Tom Benton" Cigsrs. m .ill Hit lunxl nwis'r seil -itiipr m . alii vr..i'iMl, ma DftaTiiMn ninv bieamer iraiiia C. I, HtaghUrk, Hixlnr, KAfl.ltlUli TlMi-;. I.rntr Krtlu..f ilrllt (pii taw's l.i wl, r A. H . li i"in ,v ii'i'lm't. Nirtii mm', It . M., NrrlvtiiK i m. Hiiih. vru H. tint' ii. ! f. iVr'tMirt it t Si f, i I ... Passcmsfj aai Fast Fnirit. lliUTI.M I.AM'IS'fi, TAYLOR HT. y WW wj"yy ?1 i .iw.Km-A ttix A ink rilHTI tMl, Ult. fd 4Amenca" Vi "" " Lr-nir M. irVirn Arnre at I'ortlaii.l IpTmxs l'urilntiil ... Arrivi' si Ht. ill lrns, A M A M :PpI it hi I' M t M: ftO f it a M. Will I i-j Ni.i inif hui f'..pi, i ra snl t-l F riylit. a r 3. imo( ,4 OREGON Suoqr UHZ akd Umofl Pacific HMH Sr'HKDIII K CHoM r.)KI.ANll. Aasiva rsoM "lull l.akr, buvn n 'iriH. Omaha Kali a riiv, 1 l.'.iii. Cril.'aK.i and Ksi 4 ltd a. is. Hl l akrf. laninsr. H wurih, Omaha, Kan ra. ciiv, P( ,. I'hd asu ami Kfta', HI. I'aill faai Ma It I', ni. vfii kiikana Mailt Walla lawl Ital I1111, Mpniini lin-e. rnll.ii an. l n. litiHiH.IU, 1. 1'iml, 7 00 a. ia. iMIIuni.-MIIWhUkva.', 1 'iuihkh aim Kaal WCfcAN AS,t tllVk ll M IIKu'l Lit H'.H PUIITI.AMI. All .0III11B datea aiib Ita-i 11. iihans. Kur Han ITriilirlprii i. ru. p. m. Sail nvary HtsUava, Hiilly Lx Mimlay k ii 111 Hni unlay Kin. 111. Columbia Hlvar To Aaturl and Way liunlluaa, 4 P. tn. Ki.Stiriita) W llnmrtla Nlvar, water iwrinluinir. irrirnnrTlrriNi-wlans t Hun, is. nalrui, I'orvallla and Ex.fluuilaJ way laud aa. Wlllainatta and Vam hill rtiyara. ) n. m Oiacnn file. Halnn Mini Wad ' 'i M ii) luiiilliisa, and rri ' ,v,lo ulu Snake Nlver. ' llall)' ill 7 fti a. iw, 1, ei IIimm fllimrla te hewltuin, A. h CUAIO 1 I 1 Uellclul J'tMettligfl' Agl PoklLA HPfil -Itaat W aak s 'fl p. rn vlu Hunt-Inmnn.