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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1902)
hi t. i -i nil w i ' jM 11 lUXJXl' iU.l.tJX .l'.iiifri'd t ih IVftoffire at St. Helena, j rei. . ! c i .-.,inl.clwi mail matter. i OOU'MTV OFFICIAL PAPER. I.jiim) lv";v Khihay MomS'rSo Br i KS-:iN.fcX.jH. ABBERT, l'UlHiV.tU PfeOPBlKXOftl C&M'KIPTION iv "in' year, in advance, . i tn -"(iv ih' year, in advance ii.uu ;N'it if :.'h- ........, U ....... 60 , : ji:i.Y n, IT " lv " X.'if ruV.i.oiiont of J. G. Watu vih the nili.v ol coautv clerk cloaca it l.onoiaLlo and industrious career of Jrnir ye-ars faiiMuTserviwto the county. il'revi'WR to liii election to that plaoa b iad btvo.I served several terma m 1 fcounty . school saueriutendent, and be aj)r;iBtii the '"unorij conferred. When ajr. -Watt Aa elected clerk Colli irii i county was plastered with an in-Uibtedm-w of from 150,000 to $60,000. ' HVithin thrve years tlie'unty treas urer vs "p-iyinr, off county warrant reseiited. f jr endorsement. While the credit of ttiia condition is largely due to the able business management of Judge Doan and the conpty couimis aioners,: the clerk, materially assisted brintr about this result. While the clerks of other counties were leav ing the detail work to clerks at the ex- tens of thtf county, Mr. Watta fcouti njjally, and closely watched the affairs of the. Mr. Frakes, the retir ing commissioner, waa an excellent guardian of the county's interests, and iiis successor, Mr. Colvin. also ia successful business man. Columbia iiounty ' stands high among the conn ties of Oregon on account the able fi nancial management of it county board. This is the result of having capable county officials, who are not dbtniriated by political bosses. Com. atiiseioner Case also cornea in for his share of honor. . ' W. "S. ShaUenforger, second assist- ant postmaster general, has iven no tice to postmasters, that in all Western states, including Oregon, that persons living along star mail routes are en titled to the benefits oi free box deliv ery. This information will be of espec ial interest to many reeidenta of Colum bia county. The contracts that went Into effect Jnly 1, 1902, for the perform ance of mail service on star routes pro fide that, in addition to carrying the mails 0 the various poatoffices, the car tier will be required to deliver mail into all boxes and bang small bags or aatcb-' iris containing mail on cranes or posts that may be erected along the line of the route, under the stipulated regula tions of the department. I Any person living on or near the route and not within the corporate limits of any town, or within 80 rods of any poetoffice, who desires bis mail deposited at a given point on the line of Jhe route by the carrier may provide and erect a Suitable box or crane on the roadside, located in each manner as to be reached conveniently as practicable by toe earner without dismounting from ..the vehicle or. horse, and. such person shall file with the postmaster at the postoffice to which his mail is ad dressed (which shall be pne of the two poatofficea on the route on either side' of and nsit to the box'. and crane), a re quest in -writing for the delivery of bis mail to the carrier for deposit at the designated point, at the risk of the ad dressee. The small bag or satchel M above-described, as well' as. tbe box qr crane, aoust be provided by the per son for whose nse it is intended with out expense to the department. - ' .P It shall be the duty of the postmaster at every such postoffice, upon; a written a written order from any person living pn or. near tbe route, to deliver to the mail carrier for that route any mail mat ter placing m the respective satchels. where such are used, the mail for tbe persons to whom such satchels belong it instructions as to the proper mail box or crane at which said mail matter shall be deposited ; but registered mail than not be so delivered unless ex press!; requested by the addressee in bis written order. . No mail matter so delivered to the carrier shall be carried past another postoffice on tbe route be fore being depoiited into a mail box or hung on a crane or post. . The style of the box or satchel to be nsed is left to the discretion of the party to be carved i' '-'.'' Warrea Happenings. llui glorious Fourth ia now a thing of thegast, and once more everybody is utijjuigduwu to wink. A basket pionio BiveA in the gi-ovs on the Noon farm was pretty well attended ile-pite the rain 'which fell daring most of the- dv, The ice cream souial given at the wliool honw hall in the evening was largely atr tended, A short literary program was render!, after which a very enjoyable evening was spent. A few celebrated at Portland, while others spent the day at 8cappoose. Henry Duncan and family returned from Newberg lat Monday, whore they uau oeen to ceieoraie tne rourtn. N. F. Baker, oi Vancouver, and John ana juanwn siavens, oi sort Columbia come home to apt-nil the Fourth. A meeting of the ladies of Grace church was called tst Tuesday after- nnna ai me nome oi Mrs. M. A. i)rr tor the purpose of organising? a l.Adies Aid to lety. I he billowing ottWra were eieciea: rresuicnt, Mrs, J. 8. ilacoti secretary, Hies J.illie Beaver; treai-urir, Mrs. Henry Larseu. The sopiety will hold its first meetingJuly 2nd; at the nome oi airs. i. ai. uou. Mrs. Belle Cardine.t) and children, of I antteies, vain., arnven at this place last Friday, and wiii spend a hort time viHitinsr witn her another: Mr: Mv ' Mrs. . Hadev and litiU lUnohur nt Portland, came down and celebrated the fourth at this nlace: a so soeiita few days vi.iting wfth her husband, who is (iiq uiarKuifcn on ine moon iarin. Airs. Frank Oofield and son, also spent a few daps visiting with relatives, and re- turueu nouie Monusy. William Hibbs, who Is emplored on the Moon farm, met with a serious ac cident last Sunday evening;. While nerving gome cattle he accidentally fell, lurowmg nis wnsi ou( oi joint, also urea mug me none in toe wrist. Rev, M. J. Ballantyne held services si tne urace cnurcn last Sunday morn ing ana eveiude. His next anmiint. ment will be on third Sunday of this montn. in the morninir at 11 o'clock 1 1 -. . aua u me evening at 8. W ill Bacon left last Monday for tha isoiumoia, where ne will work (or some time. Mrs. Minnie Pleasant and children, of cranio, visiiea wun me lormer I sis ter, Mrs. E. Harms and family, a few days last week. Miss Olive Ellis; who has been spend ing the past two weeks with her friend, Miss Mollis Sundby, departed for her home in Portland last Saturday. . The Fourth of July celebration waa held in the Clark store. In the even ing there was a program consisting' of music, recitations, and' an oration by H. H. Clark. The latter exercises were held' in the school ' house. A large crowd was present. The Ladies Aid of the1 Methodist Episcopal church 'fur nished ice cream', cake and fruit, and cleared good snm of money. Rev. tew Dairies left Tuesday to at tend the Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. He expects to be absent nniil the 19th' However, he willretnrn next Sunday long enough to Mill his appoint- lUVUb. Nim Baker came home from Vannnn ver, Wash., to celebrate the Fourth. He returned Sunday to resume his work: The Kind Ypa Have Ahroys Boafrht, and which liM been in use tor over so years, baa , borne tno altrtuvtjire or - and lias been made under bis per Vy ''. sonal supervision since its Infancy iCA44 Allow no arm tn dftcAive won iuthls. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but) Experiments) that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against I&p&lment. What is CASTORI ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Faro Koric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups; Jt is Fleasatit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NareotiO substance. Its age is Its iruaran.te; i It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures liarrhua and AVlnd . Colic. It relieves Tthlnsr Troubles' cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates' the Fowl, reirulates tbe . 0tdntech and Bowels, giving healthy and Natural sleep - The Children's Panacea The Motl" F,nd 1 CCMUINE CASl?0fiM WAYS Bean the Signature of 7 The M You flaye Always Bought In Use For Over 3V Years. mtm Fourth with Mrs. Eobert's Houlton." Mr. and Mrs. parents at James McNaughton, of Ternonla Plck-Ups. ine Eiorious nourth was not vorv 1 ! I . -. ""K'j reieoraiea nereaooou. Mftnv of our people had intended to go down me river 10 naiai, Dut the heavy rains prevented. However, onr bovs and voung men came to the rescne hv firin I - , i . . . J .a iewnviiuu iota oi cracxers, ena ingup with a game of baseball in the af ternoon O. C. Spencer took the Mororan oirla out to St. Helens Satosday last. It was their intention to' go to their summer pome at naavies's Island on the same evenng, G. F. Bice, the new contractor, took charge of the mail route between Ver- nonia and Houlton on the first of the montn. Mr. Kice himself does the work at this end of the route and, for mo present, muara lucxer will con tinue at the Houlton end. Bert Roberts, of Houlton, was in tbe Nebalem a day or two last week. T. B. Densber made another trin ftfii. the third time for the month,) to For est Grove, last week. Mrs. J. W. Walters, who has been in California, near Sacra mento, for a year past, came in with him. Mrs; Walters does not like Cali fornia, It is too hot for her, the ther mometer having gone on to 108 in the shade, where she was. Arthnr John son and family, with whom Mrs. 'Wal ters was living, will -remain awhile longer. Hans Chnstensen and part of tbe family, and U. 8. Melhnger and family, of the upper Nehalem, spent the Fourth with friends and relatives, near Cornel ius. . ' :, ; B. M. Ward, Win, Perry and Cleve Mellinger, Guy and Bay Mills and other young men, who have been on the to Cathlamet, were visiting frieuds in this vicinity Sunday. f , W. D. Sattcrlee had a fine vouna mare killed by the Northern Pacific train Sunday afternoon, near this place. Mr. and Mrs. William Dohertv. Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Was ser, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Jordan, Henry Ktffhlnan Mr a ,! Mrh T f Mmi Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fowler. Mr. 'and Mrs. E. W.' Fowler, the Misses Louise Morel, Kittle-Lindsay, Fratie and Hat tie Kohl, Myrtle Towson, Mabel Foster, Messrs. George and Paul Morel. Henry Wasser, William Meachnm, Fritz An- uaer, Kohl and Henry liamer attended the Fourth of July celebration at Rain ier. The G, 5. & T. Railway sent their first raft of logs to Portland Monday. ' 8upmMi, J cms ; F. A. Moore is Chief Justice of the supreme court of. Oregon. St. Helens . people congratu late her fellow townsman, . Txcr is having a good time on Pa get' Sonnd. w " - ' ---4" ' The State Normal school at Monmouth reports tbat the demand for i(s gradu a,tes during the past year has been jnuch beyond the supply.- . Graduation from the Normal, practically assures a place worth from $40 to $100 per month.' The students take tbe etateexaminationi during the regular course and are easily able to pass on all subjects required for state papers before graduation. The school has a well : equipped training department consisting of a nine grade town' school and a tvpical country '-"'"''' ;. i wet Columbia workins in tbe loffirimr camps, came home to spend the Fourth. All report plenty of .work with good wages. U. G. Beeghlev went out to Portland the latter part of last week, and brought home a fine new hay rake. Little Miss Margaret Bynon, of Se attle, came in with Omar Spencer Sun day, for a visit With her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Emmons and other relatives, ., Mrs. Palmer, widow of the late W. H. Palmer, has gone ont to spend the sum mer with friends, near Hillsboro. Mrs. O. M. Malmsten is this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eva West, near Greenville. - Gust Gustafson came in Thursday of last week from hie work in the logging camp, back of Goble, and comforted the home folks until Monday morning, when he returned to his work. Rev. J. C. Emmel. the newlv in. pointed here, is broken down in health, and has gone to his country home, near Springbrook. for a few weeks Emmel had a severe attack of th rin tn iwflif Ua L. i.i. " ... ...I, . roil urn, iu a se riously exhausted condition, He thought that he would soon rally, and accepted work at the conference. How ever, he does not gain strenghth, and ia compelled to give .tip his work for the present, at least. This Imvm th. church without a pastor aeain. until Mr. Emmel recovers, as we trust he may soon, or until tbe elder can find some one to take bis place. i Real Estate Transfers. . - The following deeds have been filed in tbe county clerk's office for record during the past few days. . ; , : , fci Emma E. Anderson and husband-to 1'eon 4 Pelton Com nan y. wf of nwi and e.1, of e,k of nwi of section 20, 7,2, 1200. Sarah J. Baker and husband to Sarah , Tyacke, n of nwSl and !i of neti of section 21,4, 4, $! William Eccles and wife to J. W. Meserve, right of way on se'i of section o, , a, si. , W. A. and Roy Edirerton to J. E. Hall, quit claim toseW of section 6.6. i, iuu. Thomas and Jane Morris to Georse Morns, nw of neji, sw4 of new of sec tion $6, 7, 3, $125. Nellie and E. P. McClore to J. E. Halt, se4 of section 6, 6 3, f 100. Anthony and Kate M. Nennack to Benson Company. aeVi of nwV. of nw, i4 of ne! of section 10; of nei oi section V ; i of ne ot section 10: 'i of nwW, sw' of section 11. 6. 4. $2850. Nellie and Louis F. Pearce. to Sarah L.Tvack. nLjJofnwWand w4 of neS of section 21, 4, 4, $1. Ernest F. and Mary E. Snvder to Sa rah L. Tyacke, n of uw and w of ne of section 21, 4, 4, $1. Frank and Anna Tracy to Azariah Sonle, lot 9, block 8, Vernonia, $160. Fred and Charlotte I- Witimn tn M. E. McFarland, e'A of awH oi section 32,7,2, $2. ' Omar and Margaret J. Bryant to the Benson Company, tract lot section 8, 7 4, lou. " The Damt Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar .to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says: "l-ast summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according o directions and with satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quickor than the former attacks when I used other rem edies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. Eor sale at tbe St. Helens Pharmacy. Cut this out and take it to Dr. Ross1 Drug Store and get a box of Chamber lain's Stomach Liver Tablets. Tbe best physic. They also correct disorders of the stomach. Price 26 cents. PROFESSIONAL DR. I), a STUART, DENTIST. I ST. HELENS. W. P. M0YKR. ORIENTAL HOTEL. S. H. GRUBEK, ATTORNE Y- AT- L 8T. tm.H with . K. Quick. HBI.KNS, : i OltKdON. Will sir bl wrtmniil siiwhioii rosiiivn nottirra emiuxi.-a la m. WIII irolk-e III all Hi (Mitt and lilted Hiaim "wTliy POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LW, UKI'l'TY 1UNTSIOT ATT1RNKY T. IIKI.F.NS, 1 : OKKUON. T. S. WAM.aON. St. Helens Hotel Wai.mi's a Movks, I'hoi-i-,, . Is Again 0mmi to tbe I'nMic. Mi-itla Hi'rved on Short Notice. Iltnts 2) IViiih, Meals Sift tVnts, trrt) H ASS IS COSrttCTtOll. HOtSSS TO HAY 10 CENTS. St. IIki.ksh, 't Ohmios. AaSaMsAft was DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD UOTOTIU . . . .-SO (jiatsicanie Orru-s Niwwias Buira. Notat rustic. W.C.Fischer, ATTORNEY-AT- Li IV. HAI Kit. : : :lii:it) . U. P. Gkaiiam. T. .!. Clkktok. v Attornc.v. .lt-liiuv. '.-0J Mrtiinm nulUllrn FnrtlMut Orexnn. Colnmhla -"nty iiini will rvU pwmpt Itoiitlon. i. W, DAY W. . P'M.ARl" DILL.VUI) & DAY, ATTORNE YS-1 T-L I W Ofllc nut door 10 Cowttamins, NT. HcLENS. OKKUON. Grnral l.rxollc In miiruol Otwron ot Wa.h- Ingtou. AlMiravu made dlramljr Iran rouuly rvoiirUH. Drugstore -KM Til SIM fy' Drugs and X Medicines Tcilci Articles add Perfumery Or. J. I. HULL, PnpniHf Cmtkkanir : : Oaon. -AT Til a- f City Market! St. llutNi,OaM)H LINDSAY & KORTON, PR0PJ -DKAklEHS IN. at Fresh and Salt Me; City trade, I'wrluit camp,,, i boats and railinfiH eL r- iiiltw osi.ana rikutt on Dr. Edwiu llass, Physician and Surgeofi, ST. ttM.r.XM, UKCUIIA. Dr. II. U. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. cf tii't two iuriiu - Dr. J. K. Hall. Physician and Surgeon. CLATbKAMK, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. y'EBNOSlA, OgKrtON. Notakv PlISLII. CoNVSVAJICtNO. o Bwntks JSigutus' f ' .STOniA. t Iu Kind Ttw Haw Uwm mgt . . Mavea A Woman's Life. To-hav Biven 0D woufd have meant death fortMrii Ixiis Cragg, of lurcheter, mm rot years sue nan ennurwl un told misery from a severe lung trouble and an vbrtinate cough. "Often," she writes, "I could scarcely breath and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's ew Discovery for Consumption and was completely curwl." Sufferers from Co.ughs. Colds, Throat and Lung Trouble needs this grand remedy, for it never disi-apoints. Cure is guaranteed by the St. Helens Pharmacy. J. B. GODFREY, Dealer in Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts. ST. 1JKLENS, r Stanwcod & Sherman Bros. -MAMt rACTI'MKKS Of- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. Wit mannfactur. !. rftii.l. Itimiwr for all (tirin fur ill. irw'tr. llth wv Mil si rnclc lii.ut.. Dinioiisiou Lumber, i'rice at tlu Mill. $6 1'cr M. ' VANK TO.N.OKKGOV XST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIVER iiRAILROAD COMPANY. ORKUON, Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Ut.H Portl.nd on Taenlar, Thnrlj inrl At nnUy .1 7 a. m. lor St. ftlint, Kaluma. Cairir$ fint. Rginitr and ase. Arrtrlnent I'urtUnit ijonrt.r. W4. llndu) .ml KMd.T il i p m. WBwf fnitot B.lmon m. II, HOI.MAN. Asnl. to Don't Fall tq Try This. Whenever an honest trial is trivan Electric Bitters for any trouble it is rec ommended for, a periuament enre will surely be effected. It never fails to tone tne stomache, regulate tbe kidnevs and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorates me nerves and purity tne bloou. tt's 1 wonderful tonic for run-down svatems Electric Bitters noeitivelv enrea k'iiln.v IT, it. ' ,,. . . . buu wver irouoie, fiouiarn iMsoraers, nervousness, Hltieplessness, Rheums tism, Neuralgia and expels Malaria, BatiHtactlon miaranteed bv the fit. Hal ens fharmacy. Only 50 cents. KsTAPMHnan lk72. ' DAILY. BXUMI.S a ji J I'r 5 'TATIO!j OAlLV. Si A -"- ' A 1. Ji, ;. owl salooo Mir in b,i (. Ijpars and Cigars Kepi is y - CYRUS NOBLE Ami "thef p;ntiUr hn.M, rflhlih, I IH 1ft 111 tit. L "" (W-MHAnb'S BEER "Tern Eenton" Cigars, FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iral K.ULRUAp TIMC. I'K Kslnir4l!v (.se.pi tnn,ifc,vl 1,A .1 ft A. M.II.WM, tmm Ht' oe.-li. k.mrninx. Iwm bislsa-!) PasseDEer? ail Fast rrclrjt P!JITI.AND LA N RING, TAY10I IJ r. . 7 in ni 1 A II i .VI ni l! w. .0'.iril.nil At II in t-n. ua r l It..' to M.V 40 I at in in) a: 4 i la 10 ihl. . .K.Uil.r . . ryi.inM. ... M.vsar , .. iiuflicy ... . rt.l-kniil.. IS V .J t .m .n i: 0: a V) S M A no 1 M 1 t 1 3m 7 7 IT 7 l "America" Willaamt SloQh Routt ...1MU FOiSALE. TT'KiHT HKAI OF JKRHEV MILCH COWS. A.J AVfiy 10 m. Hola;iple, Kaluler, Orcfon, Z. and Louva Bryant to the Benson Company, tract - lot in section g, 7, 4 6. A. Brown to L. L. Lahgley, nw of ne of sect.ou 3, 4, 4, less t, acrs fl. , ' Thomas L. and Jesse D. S. Cole to John S. Stewart, of section- 19, 6, 3, 1000. "I am using a' box of Chanilwrlain'S li. l 1 r. .i 1 . ' 1 . . niuuiacu s Aiives Aaoieis ana nna mem tbe best thins- fort mv stomach I evnr used," says T. W. Robinson, Justice of tna reace ,L,umis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct' the disorders of the stomache but regulate tbe liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pwaeant in enecr. race ia cents per box. For sale at the Helens, fhar- luacy Benbea News Jfotes. Dan Dillard. of Arizona Samuel Mann this week. .-, Miss Tena Uatzka. of Portland guest 01 sir. ana Mrs. William tnis week. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts spent the 11 visiting 1. u Doberty Need More Help Often the over taxed orrans of diares- tion cry out tor neip by .Dyspepsia's pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, Ad ver liompiainis, uowei Disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. wri i m it. .iii m. " .. Bving-s new i.ue rins. iney are gentle, borough and guaranteed to cure. 25c at the St. Helens Pharmacy. N0TICS OF FINAL SSTTLSMSNT. N-OTICE Ig HEREBY OIVEM THAT THE undenlKned a-luilnl.tratrli ol the elle of Annou J. Orwltr, deoeiue.1, hu alert with the clerk ol the County Court of tha Mate of Ore gon, for Columbia county, my report and Anal aciKiunt In tbe wlralnUirdUon of Mid entitle, and that the Judxe of said court has rlxed MouiUy, the 4th day of AniiuM, at 11 o'clock A. M. of .aid any, and the courtroom of aald Court, u the- li me and place for the hear, lnit ol aald report and account, at which lime aud place any and all penonit intereaud in aald ue may appear and object or content the aame. ... .... , .J MARY M- ORWIO. Adminlatratrlx of theotale of Anaon J. Or- Wlf( 4at3CDUt?fl Dated till. 30th day of June, 190-2. Mraham & ( Icetou, Attonift. for the Admin latrstrix. " , r . - MEETING NOTICE. HOULTON CAMP NO. WOODMEN OK the World, meets every Haturnay night to P.rp'. hall llni.l.f... f- u... I. r. '.' ' Faau fati, Clerk NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. -Office of County Surveyor, nT Hp.l,tnn. On.. fllVKN Till. , VTOTICB IB HEREBY fifVUil Tll i.niin.T niirvpvi.p wilt An ih. 'ii.i .1 July, lmK. iiibfllvide accord ina to the law ol iwil aecilon so, townalilo 7 north of range 2 wot. r will. ...... 1 1 - n iiiwiiciw HrnUMUl. Dated July I. IVOZI W. T. WATT. '' County Surveyor. 1903. AT THE of SHINGLKS t on BALIS. T. DVTWl OM, sjris-OLE MANHFAC fJI turttrK.of Vall.v. Or., an npnn.r tn ...n. pit in. local (leinanq wun aa sow! quality of ahlnalwi aa vre mAnulactnred, and at price, aa t.jw wi uiiinr ufsaiera, ueuvewi at itouiton. War ren, i;innmoia t;uy or hi. Helena. Addreaaor. uoru, valley, or, ' dors to J, Dupont CITATI0H. In the County Coart of tbs 8tato of Orsgoo for .V.UI.IlllO) vuiiui;, loth matter of. the eatale of Elvira Ann Beara. decoued. To Mary K. Krv. Erank Aeara. VraA V n.u uu an nem, iieviaea or nerannt lnteremed m .ne .uove eataie, wnetuer a jowu or un known: ' . T N TUB HAM EOF THE STATE OFOKEOON, a tou are nereDV cltea and nvitiiPMl in . n.i appear In the County ;ourt of the elate of Ore gon, for tbe County of Columbia, at the court room thereof, at the court hona. in th. th. um county of Columbia, on Monday, the 4th day of Auauat, 19W, at 10 n'riock In the forenoon of aald day; then and there to ahnw naiiuii it .nu i-., wiij an uruvr ii aaie anouiu not be made " I?1?. '"I '." ."le trillion filed herein by . E. Hall, admlnlalratnrof .aid mimi rn. ,i.i miuipi iiiuviiui iu. i.oreiu.iier aeacrihed aa tate a ahall be neceaaary, to-wlt: lota 6, 7, , i., iv, 'zd ana si in tne Maygar D. L. C. lots II and i) in the E. Ii. Hrvant D. I. c. and i,.t a i aectlon S. all In townaliln 7, north, ot range 4 weat.of Ihe Willamette Mertrfl.n ....".j and plaited by A. B. Utile, county aurveynrof aald count, and tiled In the Circuit Court of tiiviHttio in sreKon ior oiumDia couitty( Ore gon, April 7th, 1902, a of Deeember 27th. 1901 Alan lota A In Viliwlc a. 1m. 9 in hlub v j. tot 1 In block 8, all In Bryant's flrat adrt'lllon to ciatiikanle (or Bryautvllle), as appeara by by the plat thereof now on fll. In tha rnun At the Couaty Clerk of aald Columbia county. Ore gon, all of the above deacrlbari nron.rtv aituated In Columbia county, (Heron, to par the coau and expeuaea of administration of aald eaiate aud the claim therein. Wiineaa th. Hon. J. H IWi.n Iml a, .i.. Couaty Court of the Mate of Oregon for Colum bia County, this 80th day of June, 1902. jnia citation la pabllihed by order of the Hon. J B. Doon, Judge of aald Court, mads aud t tt t ljI fun. Qa.1. SrtIA dated June 80th. 1902. n. limhaui. Attornav for Adralulttratrtr JOHN A. BECK Dr.Al.EK IN Watches, Diamonds, Silyerware, ...JEWELRY... Repairing a SpeciaUy. 7 Murrtasn 8t. Hal. Front 4 FlraU PORTLAND. l!; 10 21 7I.J.I. V.lp.irt.,,,i a j 7 IT B.J ' , J7 10 m 7 J .... 'Illlotl ,. 37 7 M,W Tj looo! 7 as..,..Knanr a IT' s KM . .... to! i, at m ... itn.. I i! s ,vi W Leavs St. Helens: . l ! II l tft.4-1 John Dy. . 7 M a .vi k. A Arrive at I'ortlan,) fUVTvtLfl' , tj Uav. l" t'aml All trnlii. m.k cIim ennnei-tlim. .1 i.olil. Arrive at Hi. I Men. with .n.the rn I'aeiile to and ironi th. j Ka.l ami iun.l poltila At Portland with all i train. Imtiug I'nmn it.'t. at A.torla Willi t, i R. A N t'o. a i-i.1 atvl rati tin. u aud from It- 1 wai:o and Norlh IICM-ri fniiuta. I'aMienKenfor Aatnrtaor war poltni uut flag will .mil In .1 urn. ng.rHiirl at llouM'in wiirn coming Irum point. train, at lloultna Tram, t wutof UuWe. J. C. .ttavo. ri.n. Ian. Ae . A.niHa. Or 10 30 .til llvlena H W f JI FAME SO l l.1i. WIII Carry Nothing hill I'aiwi. er and r a.l r reii(bt JtlSKa 4.00D, Tlaat.r. N0TIC& FOR PVBL1CAT10H. Depanraent nf ih. Inl.riov Uud Office at Oregon City. Or.rrm, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE followloe iiiimed acttlcr haa filed notteeof h a Intention to make Anal proof In auiipuriof hi. claim and that wld om4 will tie inad, hr fore the County Clark of Columbia County, HL Helens, Oregon, on August JO. luw, via: , ALBERT k. PARKER. H. E. Ko. U.SI9, for Ihe NK of wtlon 1, T 4 name, the fT.lolng wltneanea to prove hla continuum renlilenre uon and cul- ' -1 P. BalUrtl Miiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwsiiii,WWsimWmwmwiiiiij THE NEW YORK STORE 11-- !.. .. . ii.. juat recriveil a large invnli ol livatlon of .alii land, a Ji via: Katun nn K.tierta and Char e RniMri. n) .-. ...... 0reK,1- CHAB H. JIIMIRKS. ' m'VJ4 Regl.ter. tOTICE FOft PUBLICATION. r , Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Or.. MOTICE M HEREBY rVlJHAT,THlt itil i. '"."'"f-name. aetller baa flled nolle, of h alntenllou to make tln.l proof In anppottof u,''.hLn,,,n".","f "J 1"""' be'nibTb: fore the rnuntv nrir ..I ivi....i.i. tit. Helena, Oregon, on Aiiguil 2nd, 1902, vij NICK DUPONT, H E. 11702. for Ihe ew'4 of aectlon 2, town fhlpS north, ranges went, He name, the f lowing wlineae to prove hla ennilnuoua real, deuce iiipon and cultivation of aald land, vl Ivo vtainbcki!, of Warren, Oregnu; Vrcd r ioruir. oi vaney, uregon; Aaron Kelloy, of Hei.n.:V)rVir ' "'"Um Loula Nicotnl. who mud ,.nl-l ..iH. .l above entrv Mitv !ilt. lytri i. h-,.i... olted to appear before tin, county rUriVof Co lumbi.eo.mty, at at. Helm,., Oregon, on Ail gM.t2iid.l(lir2, to .how t-anw why iaid proof wuuiu hui w ninif en. Cll AKLEa B. MOORES, Kelater, J Summer Goods, Shoes Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. H. MORGUB, 1 Ver Building, Main Street, St. Helen, Oregon. rTlraher UM, Act June . 1S7. 0riCt FOR PUBLICATION. t'KITltj ST.Ti. La an n.,i VOTICE'iaRKB'Y'THVr 11 Pllance with Ih. n.i,hL V .JI":' NOTICE OF FINAL SCTTLEHENT. trtate of Omron, hl final account ol bla adini j ..........I upon aio entatc, togeth.r with hli Hiul report and petition for dl.trlbiitlon of the realdue of aald eatate, and for the Mitleiaent ol hla aald account: and that the Hon. J. B IH)an Jiidga of uM court, ha. apimlnted Mou1y th. 7th day of Ju v. Iho-a at u.. .,-,.i...t S.- V ternoon of aald day a. the time, and the court i.ioin hi . am court, at tne court-houe In Ml Helens, Oregon, aa th. place, of hearing aald final account and a.i,t n-i j '. '..TV"1 for the dlatrlbutlon of th. re.ldue of ,.fd e,,a t. and the aettlement t.i th. .. ' lA. . "l" and le objection, in wrlllng to the ..rue o mnv "..i inyn. a. clon NOKR. " Executor of th. mi., .i u.. . Iecad. W. ii ."1 """'. a I urn tarlih t,''"... . Consrea. June" "rTu Z i"! ih. l. ..I Hah., ,;. in th.'nutA7 .'StiS, -, L ". . .', sad Waahlngtoa T-rrl Sil'emi "L-ia.'" '"l.h' .'.Vn X tmnuSvi uH. In ownahTp sfx 'Jo h" ihTtu."i 7r"1' "C i""1 Proof l iow' li -n?!,"Jj SHt.? AMgtiat, 190-J. o. MUOBES Rcglater. NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land OIHce at Oregon City, Oregon. XT0TICEI8 HERERV mvS"Vf.". 11 following named aettlur haa Hied notlcu if h elnlenllon to make final pr.f It ,np o Lc' !?'. "i." P""' will mids be. .....,.iii, vmr. oi Loiumo a countv at Kt Helena, Oregon, on Auguat 2nd. 12, vl: IVO WAHBKKE, E. 12TMM. for th. i .. - ship a n. range 2 wea I.e nSrth. 'fiuM"." Dupont and Fred Floete , Va ! cy, Oreion- a CHARLES B. HOOKER. N T .r5,'J? HfRKV "IVKN, THAT UNDER on Maturilay, July 12th a. ii, k "'"'"Hon. .11 t.! l aii ainas Ol commeri-ai l,h ...!... i.. Sieciited, t this oflice ' ' ml. . .a ih. foihTw ;"h: aaWs'toy.'h.r- "J!":""' MispAi lo wnah p riMinlier nvn ,,i . 7 """en m,l,an,Hi.-,..i,i u!m "' I""' niiM(.r t.. i .."""?"' quarter of .Hi, rang, .1 w ,.77,, J lii,,ml'"r "f" "0'ith tinted In ilieenJ.f.ii",'1 'ne'bs meridian, the suite of Oreai, ' n" "lon In loriiwof a,. .., , . Not lid yeara ... , .- man aiv n.. .i. .. . ...nn irum iiain nf ..i. .....ii , . r: "orren payment, to C ilZT V""i P"- 'nt'liie.l XPU K. ,Ti.1"ld-, Bu,,h 1m sold, only. ' ln n'1 tu all the ptopony AiKSfcj'- "W Orawo. .1,1.! KM Ma t:tt iu,Z . . '' of Wr Wn.Mt Ih. inerealier win, i,,,,,," V' , ,wo i:ini Dr Alio... Oregon aw, mum pacihc Dseaaf TIME 8cHEDt7I.ES " ma from Portland. Chicago Portland salt Uks, Danvar. Ft. Special Worth, Omaba.Kan- ..),,( 00 am. aa. City, M. Loula, ,wrm via Hunt- Chicago and Bart, lugtou. Ksnnas ks, Denver, Ft. S:80n. ra. Worth. Omaha.Kaa ,,u.- vla IkW J" ,;,,F. M 'nil., 'k lugtou, Chicago am la L HI. Paal Walla Walla. I SWU- Kam Mall Ion, Spokane, V..I- :!. m. lana, Pullman, Uin- J OtaS. via neaeilla, at. Paul, flpukana I'nluih, Milwaukee, Chicago and Ewl. OCESN ANIMUVLH M HIiBllt , BO.TI fuUTI.AND. p.m. Dall x.Hniiday . p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. Sa. m tl. Sunday 7 a. m Tuea.Thur. and Hat. I.e. Rlparla; ' win. m. dully ex Mon, All .ailing dates tub- jeot to manga. For Kan Frauclwio Hail every five day. Columbia Rlvr To Astoria and Way taauiuga. River. water permitting. Orcaim Cltv. Newberg, Halem, CorvalU aud. ay-lanil g.. a- scfatuiSar and Yarn hill Rivera. Oregon City, Dayton, ana vay-iatiuiuge. Snake Rlv.r. . Rlparla to Uwlalon. 4. MA. fA. Ui.ttulliW S-90P. : Sinn, wf aud rn- Lf.lWl Sally" 7 00 ,i Moo, A. L. CRAIG, O cnersl raeti(ttr Agt., I'onTtAfn, 0