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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
OREGON MIST Kutered at the I'os-lutlic at M, Helen, Orvgon, an sveoim-clusa mail loaui-r COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. IttSt'EU Evkry Fbibav Mobnwq Dv DAVID DAVIS, j EMTOH ASH PBOMUKTOB. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: , One copy one year, in advance. . , . . fl.00 Six months 60 COUNTY OFFICERS. Representative Norman atari-Ill. CtaMkanl Juuae Clura. ...... .... iheritf. Trttiunsr Sut. of ochoole.. AMMor Rtirveyor Iwmr Coramiaaionera j 4oeph B. Doau, Ktimex u. wtlia, u neivna ....R. 8. Hattan, St. Ili-leaa ., E. Kni.St Helena .....I. H. Copeland, Houllon .... Martin While S- Heleiit A. B. Mule. Houltoa ..Dr. B. R. Cliff, St Helena ,.,.P. A. Frakea, acappo. , W. D. Cat, Pittsburg JVSB 20, 1902. WHTSO 8IUNSITIVET President Roosevelt's remarks in bi Arlington address on the cruelty of lynchers in the United States was so general in nature that the eatery on tbe abject is something of a surprise. The President mentioned no section, and if offence is taken by any particular part of the country it most be for reasons sot creditable to itself. "From time to time," said the President, "there occur in our country, to the deep and lasting shame of oar people, lynching carried on under circrj instances cf inhuman cruelty and barbarity- cruelty infinitely wares than any that has ever been com mitted by our troops in the Philippines; worse to the victims and far more brntaliziog to those guilty of it." Is not that statement true? Who ran venture to dispute it in the light of facts perfect ly well known? As the assertion is known to be accurate, the objection most be that a reference to the matter in public oration is improper or .that the localities where lynching is most com' won, hold it to be wrong to mention their misdeeds. But the masses of the people applaud the President's utterance aa wise and timely, as well as appropri ate. It toacehes a diseased spot in certain states, but that is the business of sound and courageous statesmanship. Between the water cure of the Philip pines and the fire cure of the lynchers there could be no hesitation in making a choice. There has been a few cases of the reprehensible water cure practiced without authority, but lynchers carry into effect the fire core without the slightest fear of arrest or punishment. They pass upon the question of guilt in complete disregard of the laws, tie their prisoner to the stake and burn him alire, taking cars, after the mannar of savages that he does not die too quickly, and thus escape torture. In the World's Almanac for 1902,' page 242, iatbe fol lowing paragraphs : "The lynching for 1898 were distributed as follows: Arkan sas, 17 ; South Carolina, 14; Georgia, 12; Missouri, 6; Kentucky, 6; Texas, 3; Maryland, 2; Oklahoma, 1 ; Washington, 1 ; Wyoming, 3 ; Illinois, 1 ; Indiana, 1 ; Mississippi, IS; Indian Territory, 3; New Mexico, I ; Alabama, 12; North Carolina, 4; Tennessee, 6; Virginia, 4; West Vir ginia, 1; Florida, 1; Alaska, 1; Kansas, 1; Montana, 1. Of the total, 102 were negroes, 23 whites and 2 Indians." The total was 127, of which -113 occured In Southern states. Fourteen occured in Northern states and the territories. The President mentioned no section, but statistics perform that service, and the clamor that has broken ( out is also significant. was not as great as it is now. A record breaking crop will be' gathered II the present prospects are realised, but of course, a change can come between now and the end of the season. Good crops in the leading products would be of special benefit to the country this year, aud the outlook in most staples is bright just now. National prosperity cannot be complete " unless - the fanners and planters share in It. ' . PLAT BALAKIKH. of his oilier, and he shall enter into a (Kind iu the sum of not less than $3, 000, as the court may direct, made pay able tu the county, with three or wore free holders of the eounty as auritiea, for the faithful performance of his duties." It further provides,: "Th nnuntv road master shall have the power to deteruitue when and in what manner the road supervisors of the several road districts in the county shall exnend the tax apportioned to their several districts, and the in' strur.tions of the roadmaster in all mat ters relating to theeonstruction, improve ment or repair 01 the roans ana oriogvs shall be implicitly ooeyea oy toe earn road suneuvisors. It shall be the duty of the count t roadmaster to investi gate petitions lor roan improvements and to report his findings and recom mendations thereon, in writing, to cne Nearly every body is in favor of flat salaries for the state officers. But there laaoood deal of buncombe about the county court." agitation for fiat salaries, and attempts The law makes It obligatory upon the to make political canital out of it. And county court to appoint roadmaster there will arise degrees of flatness when to provide salary for him 5 to require the Le-ialatiire tackles the matter, him to give bonds; to remove him for Tmknth. nu of Ktt Print for In- cause, ana to appoint his successor. The stance. The Constitution says : "The Nw perserihcs the duties 01 tne county rates to be paid him for such printing roadmaster, states specifically what shall be fixed by Jaw, and Bhall neither methods he must pursue in. contracting be Increased nor dimluished during the the "ork ot improvements, and in the terra for which he shall have been elect- expenditure of funds. The court of this ed." The Legislature cannot meet the conuty has not complied strictly with the Sm -iib ,M 1. Mm ; n.ui I law this week or next week, and pass a raw Dairying Id Oregon. One of the greatest industries within the gift of nature within the state of Oregon is just springing into life. It is dairying. The annual catalogue of the Oregon Agricultural college for the years 1901-2 has just been Issued and has thi to say regarding what O. A. C. intends to do in the way of fostering this in duBtry : "One of the purposes of the Oregon Agricultural college is to advance the business industries of the state. It beleived that dairving is one of the most important lines of work that can now be undertaken in Oregon. There is s large body of land in the state which is especially adapted to this industry. For this reason dairying ha been in troduced as a branch of instruction for students in the Agricultural conree, se Derate building has been provided for such instruction and is fitted np with all the necessary machinery for carrying on the work in the most approved way An expert dairyman is in charge of this work Warren Happenings Mrs. Helen Hardrick. of Portland, has been visiting the past two weeks with relatives at this place, Miss Maude Slavens. of Kalama, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pattullo and Miss Brehaut were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. lsbibter last bunday, Ross Adams and sister were Portland visitors last Saturday, Tb? social dance (riven at the school' house hall Wednesday evening of last week wes pretty well attended. A sen- era 1 good time was enjoyed Dy all Dan Slavens returosjd from Fort Co lumbia last Saturday, The ice cream social given by the members of Grace Evangelical church fn )aritcnnnh .;,,..,. h. last J-riday evening was a success. the proposed law submitted to the peo- ltXJrT uuue. wo wuiauio uu imeieuuuui. 1 teeaa win go towards paying on the in' me proposed law might be knocked into debteaness on tne courcn organ a cocked hat by the votes of the people. In this matter, as in all others of Im portance, it is a good idea to "make haste slowly." There is no particular to change the compensation of the State Printer so aa to alter the compensation of Mr. J. K. Whithey "during the term for which he shall have been elected," Any change will have to take effect after his term shall have expired. There is nothiug of this kind ss to the other state officers, but the justice of the case appli td by the Constitution to the office of State Printer would probable lead the Legislature to make any change opera tive after the terms of the officers elected on June 2nd shall have expired. They will probably make the law read that way, whether they meet in special session or in regular session. The tnenv hers of the Legislature can be railed to gether by the Governor. They will obey the call. But they will then frame their laws so as to conform to the Constitution and do justice as nearly aa possible The Constitution is the organic, the foondamental law. Even the initiative and referendum cannot reach that. Let us see further. Suppose a fiat salary law is passed. The Governor is now practically receiv ing a fiat salary. He is receiving $4250 a year in all. Would the new salary be less? It would be $750 more. Probably still more. The Treasurer is receiving $800 a year, His new salary would certainly be $5000. The Secretary of State is receiving $1500 from the State Treasury. What ever he receives in addition eomes from corporations, notaries public, etc He would receive aa direct salary from the State Treasury not less than $6000. The J udgea of the Supreme Court now get $3600. They would be allowed at least $1600 more by the new salary bill, Then some man with a spotted Caypse pony in Umatilla county might be dis satisfied with the salary bill as pasted, and be could get onto his pony and in a call for precipitate action, and this! writer predicts that any person who at tempts to make political capital out of the matter will fail in his purpose. The political platforms have favored flat salaries. There must be flat salaries provided. They will be provided soon and as largely as possible or prac ticable. But all the fuming aud fretting I and attempts at making political capital I out of the matter will be futile. Salem Statesman!. METHODS TUB PtiAN. Tkbkb is no luck about advertising, no chance, no scheme. It is legitimate, straightforward business from beginning to end, from the day the campaign is started, clear up to the close of business t the finish. Advertising is a legitimate reasonable means of gaining an end. The advertisement which appeals heat is (bat which is planned with the greatest intelligence, contains the greatest vol ume of honest intention and speaks in frank, unequivocal words about reliable goods and about .the careful, painstaking methods of those who are handling the business; presents in the best way logical arguments) for the purchase of goods from the merchant In question Thii is advertising that will pay, that cannot help it. - ; The entertainment to be given by the I Woodmen has been postponed until one week later, and will now take place in 1 day evening, June Z7tn. Professor Esson closed a verv success ful two-month's term of school last Fri day. Freddie Dabroe returned from Tscoma last Sunday night, where he had been visiting for a few days with his mother. Veil grange will hold its regular meet ing Wednesday, June Zo, 8:30 p. u. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duncan died last Tuesday, after an illness 01 two or three weeks. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved parents. The exercises at Grace church, com memorating Childrens' Day. were well attended. The different numbers on the programme were well rendered and the Columbia county roads are badly in closest attention was bad throughout. need of improvement. This, webeleive, Mr. A. O. Legrord, of St. Johns, Wn is a statement which no one, acquaint-1 and Charles Kettleson, of Elgin, III., ed with the conditions, will eainsav. were Kue?ta the 001116 ol L"r That all possible exnedience shall be made to place these roads in good P", wn2 tn,e blcJ?'e from .r.A,,.. fn. ,....1 j...: .11 .1 me pores 01 j. o. Bacon s resiueoce on condition for travel during all the sea- xhursdav morning of last week, belong sons of the year, is, we are safe in say-ling to Miss Lillian Larson, will greatly mg, the earnest desire of all. The one oblige the lady by returning it at once. place where there is difference of opinion There is some talk of celebrating the is regarding the method to be employed. 1 4th at this place. A basket picnic Tha method ! the. mmiimnnrt,!,! f I mg talked of to be held in the grove on in Ka .ntiM ,. . a j. the Noon farm. A meeting was held , uCj.,u Tuel(aj,y evening for the purpose of find ine success or laiiure ol the whole enter- ing out how much would be given for prise. or years money and labor have fat purpose. Been expended upon the roads of this Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Baker were bnei- couoty, and there has been liftle if any ness visitors to Portland Tuesday of this improvement. week, also Floyd Puzey and Charles That there should be honest different At the school meeting held at the school-house last Monday afternoon Charles Clark was elected clerk for one yrar and W. t . Baker director for three years. A stereoptioon entertainment was held Ir the present promise is fulfilled the totton crop of 1902 will be larger than has ever before been gathered along to this time. . The acreage is greater than in any other year except in 1901, when It was slightly in excess of this year's figures, but the condition now is much better that it was then. The condition was never, at the end ol May, better than it was at that date this year, except in 1890 and 1887, while the acreage then of opinion upon the way to proceed in the future, is natural and necessary. ho man who baa an eye single to the public good will abuse another who may honestly differ with him in opinion. Personal attacks will acomplUh nothing t the school-bouse ball last Tuesday for good roads ; tbey will only result in even,n"' attracting attention from real Question E. H. Lynch was in Portland one day at issue. last week and purchased a new mowing reaper arrived tor - ... 1 inn rewtn arm with annmvil Tat Um rliuant.. .1, I wherinhebeleive. the argument of the nV'l'K"?'' .2t?Ji promoter is at isoit. ine personality ol her mother and neice arrived from the parties to the controversy, if they Centralia, Wash., to spend some time are honest in their contentions, is of no visiting witn ner, after which tits cemotery was visited aud graves decorated. Shingles are coming in rapidly from Girl's mill, near Helena, and the shingle mill ol Marlon, l'uggan at Co,, on rum pels' place. Mr. Rankin, the bookkeeper of the flume company, at Runyon, was un fortunate enough to come accidentally in contact with a man using a small ax, and received a severe cut near his knee. The annual school meeting this year was conspicuous by the abeuce of the interest usually manifested on such oc casions. The few who were present, however, listened with pleasure to the clerk's report, announcing cash enough on hand to pay all outstanding warrants and the enumeration of over 200 pupils, keeping district No. 5 in the second class. P. J.Popham was elected direc tor to serve three years, and S, C. Tich enor was re-elected clerk for one year. While the matter of beginning of the school term was left to the school board it was rather agreed to begin Sept. 1st and have four months term befove the holidays. Ed Hughes snd family are entertain ing his sister and friends from Wisconsin who are here on visit. I. 6. Davidson is moving bis family to Quincy this week where he is employed. Happy Time In Old Town. "We felt very hnouv." writes R.N. Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when liucklun's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for cuts, corns, bums. bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions. In fallible for piles. Onlv 26o at the St. Helena Pharmacy, PROFESSIONAL. DR.aB. STUART, DENTIST. ORIENTAL HOTEL. ST. HELENS. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNE Y- AT- LA W. nmoe with S. K. Quick. BT IIKI.KN13. ! I OUKOOM. v. ..i .n.niltin to all lwl nation ntnwinl to ins. will nraetlve In all tlu but aud Unlttd St mot uouru. (OS l Va W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-L,lY. pm-l'TY lllSTHlCr ATTORNSY, ST. HKI.KN8, I ORIUION. Orrics Mswiomb Buwi. Notasv rcsuo. W, C. Fischer, J TTORNE Y- AT- LI TV. RAINIER. : t OREGON. R. P. Gbauam. s T. J. CtaxTon. Attomeys-at-Law. m Manjuun Building, Portland Ore son. Columbia Coonly baslnsas will raoolv prompt aitetiuon. For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels, effecting a quick and permanent cure, f or sale at tne bl. Helens Pharmacy. OASTOIIIA, Bainthe " IlH tol Yw Hl Itlwaff tasjjt fifiatai f Saved From An Awful Patn. "Evervhndv rai,l T had ronsnmntinn " writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers burg, Pa. "I was so low after six months ol severe sickness, caused by hay fever and asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of 1'r. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, used it, and was completely cured." cor desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure iu the world, and is Infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy, O Btarsta Blgaatsis ABTOniA, lt Rind Vw Hm Alwys tostfi Virulent Cancer Cared. Startling nroof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by Druggist G. W. Roberts, of Elisabeth, W. Va. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable cancer, ihey believed his case hope less till he used Electric Bitters and ap plied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to exoel bilious, kidnev and microbe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, uiooa aiseeses, :in frnn'.'.ons, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c. Salve 25c at the St. Helens Pharmacy. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLABD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-Li IF Offlr tiftxt door to CnnrthooM, 8T. HKLKNtt, OKKOON. artrieJ nractirsk in tmrts of Oroiron or Wwh- InKtoit. Alwlrftcu wad directly from eouuty rovordt. The Kind Too IIvo Alwayi Doaffht, and which fans btm to um for over 30 years, h borne the Hgnatnx of na HM Dttou nwis irsr onaliaporvitlon nlnce It Influipy. Allow no one to deceive you In thla, .. .ri- imitAtlana end Jnatw-g-ood" ere bat Experiment, thet trifle with end endwirer tj,. health of IniluiU iumI ChUdren-EPW,M3 fttfiUnat EiDeriinent. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is it hnrmleH substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare orlo, Prop, end Soothing- Syrupfc It U Meaiwot. M Sontoln. neither Opium, Morphtae nor other Nestle eubatunoe. IU ftjre la It grantee. It deatroya Wore nd allays FeverUhneae. It cure Diarrhoea and Win Colic It relieve Teething; Troubles, curea Constipation ad Flatulency. It aaaUnltatea the rood, regulatea the Stomach aud Bovrela, fcrivin healthy and natural Bleep, The Children' IaJiaoea--The Mothers friend. CENUINit CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Dr. Edwin Boss, Physician and Surgeon. 8T. HELENS, OKEUUn. SIX vT! W JTf flMSBsMaVr -MW MM The KM You HaYO Always Bought Dr. II. It. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. In Use For Over 30 Years. rt mmmi mm na wr Dr. J. E. Hail, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKAME, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VEBNONIA, OREGON. AND OREGON S!l0lrlJI1l! Union Pacific Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -HANvrACTtiatRa or- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manafartun InMlM, ronf h lumber for all putpnwi lor th Invle, wMob sail at a mMt raaaouablt Bur. Dimension Lnmbcr. Price at the Mill, $6 Vex M. VANKTON, OHKClO.N. MEAT I HEAT I MEAT I City Market St. Iitti, Oaioos LIN03AY A M01T0N, PROP'S. -naaLtas ta- DSVABT rua FOR SALE. IiMCIHT HEAD OF JERSEY MILCH COWS. j Apply lo W ra. Holnapple, Rainier, Oregon. MEETING NOTICE. IJOCLTOV CAMP NO. 656, WOODMEN OF A- a me worm, meeta cverv ttetimlav tt sht in Prrv'a hall HhiiIiah II O.., nm- f J? raau r bants, Clerk. DRIVING HOUSE FOR SALE. OOD ROADXTER. ABOUT OLD. PER. a feutlr avntle. work cither double or ilnle. pdW to or atldreia E. J. fiiua. Deer lilsnd. SHINGLES FOK SALE. Dt'PONT BONA, SHINGLE MANUFAC turen. of Veller. Or., are oreoerert tn mn- plr the local demand with aa (owl qunlllr of hlnclei aa are manulv-tured, and at prior, m low a other dealers, delivered at Houlun. War ren, Columbia City or fct. Helem. Adtlremn or dcratoJ.Dupontt Hons, Valley, Or. Notabt Public. Conveyancing J. B. GODFREY, Dealer in Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leant Portland on Tuetdav. Thurtday and Bat- vruej u 1 1. m. for St. Htltni, Kalama, Carroir$ Point, Rainitr ana Malta, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 2 p. m. Wharf foot of Salmon St. H. HOLM AN. Arent. consequence. VV bt we are all interest ed in is: The best, t) quickest, the sorest and the cheapest way to get (rood roads. At the last session of the legislator a law was passed which contains tbss provision : "At the first regular session of the county court in the year 1902, and annu ally thereafter, it shall be the duty of the county court to appoint a road master or wasters who shall serve one year or until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless said office becomes vacant by resignation, death or removal for cause; aud the said county court, when they appoint roadmaster or niaaters, shall pay a salary sufficient to justify s competent person or Dersons to devote bis or their whole time to the matter of roads and bridges from March 1 to December 1 of each year. Before Clatekaal Briefs. Miss Hsttie Fisher and siter came in on the train Tuesday from Portland, and were met by a conveyance to take them to their home in Nehalem valley. Mr. Kelsey of Oswego, with Mr. Cour ter, of Kansas City, were in town Tues day, and went out to the valley of the Nehalem, where Mr. Kelley has a timber claim. 8. Benton was in town the earley part of the week and took a brief suryev of the timber land, in which he is interested. - Teams are hanlfng manufactured lumber from W. H. King's sswmiil and depositing it along the river bank for shipment. . Memorial services were held jointly hv the Kniohtaand TarliAaof the. vtava. entering on the duties of bis office he I bees, last 8abltb. The orders formed shall take and suhcribe on oath to faith- I at their hall and marched to the church, fully aud impartially perform the duties where appropriate esercise were held, fV svtvfvt 'V'VSAa -f Watts & Price, -DEALER IK- Flonr and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Drj Goods Best Quality Sboes Hardware and Notions cn.,. 1 1 : ChlcaaA- Portland Bpeclal Ml. Dl. via Huntington. Atlantlo Exprew S 60 p. ra. via Huntington. St. Paal Fait Mall p. m. via Bpokana TIME SCHEDULES FltOJI POHTLAND. Watt Lake, Denier, Ft, norm. omana.K.u nu) City, at. Loula, luicaa; o ana aaai. Salt Uke, Denrer, Ft. onh, Omaha. Kan . city, Bt. Ixiult.i Chicago and Kaat. Walla Walla, Uwla. ton, Bpnkuie, Wal lace, Pulluiau, Uln neanolla. Hi. Paul. IMiluth, Milwaukee,! cnicago ani aaat. Aaatvs raoar W. D. MOYta. r, a. wauack. 4.S9B. BV 7 00 a.m. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallace MoraR, Paors., Is Again Opon to the Public. M'al Served on Short Not lea. lleda 25 Cents, Meals 25 Cents. FEED DA RN JN CONNECTION. BOSSES TO HAY 10 CENTS. St. IIslins, : Oaxooa. AIU HIVKM IICHEOl'LE FHOn roETLAKB, p.m. Dallv Kx.Bunday a p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Ez.Snnday 7a. m. TueaTnur and rial. Li Rlparla e:ua. ra. dally ax Han. AH aaillnn datea lub lert tu rbanite. For rtan Frauolaro Sail every Ate daye. Columbia River To Astoria and Way landlnga. Willamette water permlttlna. 'Oregon City. Newhem. aaiem, iirvauu and Way-land'n. Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Orearoa City. Dayton, and ay landinga. anaka River, Klparla to Uwliton. n. m. 00WN-C0UNTY PEOPLE SHOULD 80 TO TIU Id. m. Hi. Sunday Clatskanie Drug Store FOB THKIB 4:Snn.m. Kz.Sunday MD. ra. Hon. Wed aud rn. Drugs and Medicines cHoica Ly.lw'ton dally at 7:00 a. m. ex Mon. A. I,. CRAIO, General Paisengor Agt., Portland, Orb. Toilet Articles and Perfnmerj Dr. J. E. HALL, Praprtatar Clatshu . . Oatoon. hresn ana bait Meat, j City trsds, logvlnf camp, strain- boau aim rallroaui camps supplied. 0RDKRS Fll.lJtD OM SHORT WOTICS. Owl Saloon BR1NN BOTHERS, PROPRIETORS -Only Uit beat ol- Litiiiors and Clsars Kept in Stock CYRUS NOBLE And oilier popular brand, of whlaklri alvara la nwk. WEINHARD'8 BEER on draasbu "Tom Benton" Cigars. All Ittt lt4Mrt nwfpiirta4 otbar pop 4 i4 WHITE COLLAR LINE A swa 4 Colombia river XI RAILROAD COMPANY. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. 8TR. "BAILEY QATZERT." THOS. TALBOT Will xeake the eeaaon ol 1002 at the following place; Monrlavs and Tuesdays at Pat Hncrhea' place. Deer Inland : Wednesdays. Th a re- day sod Fridays at Iloulton ; gatardays aim duousjs at ocappoose. DCBCRIPTION Thoa. Talbot la flva veara old. h with hiu. njaneend tall and while etot on noae: weighs over low pounda; WA banda blah: tired by Wal lace urew, oy uny wnaea; dam tired by Price moot, 2:28, by Aliamont; grand dam by Milton. TERMS or SERVICE Plnirle aervlne. til): apaann S1K r, na tal! at time ol service, balance at end of season ; insurance, (20. W. V. Wixrr, Owner. H. f. MtKIHHET, . Maaaa,,. . Dally Bound Tripe Cxoept Sunday. ThrOllfi-h Pnrtland . Haheotta Iron Ilwaeo and Lone Beaoh folnu. n u a, . ii "r """ "'aeta intercnaiiKeable with . m ... Bug , i. t,uiunanv 1 ICHnu. TIME CARD. Leave Portland . Mave Atioria . .. FOR POIUAND DAILY Steamer Iralda ft . Hooghkirt, Maatar. RAILROAD TIMB. Leave Kalnler dallv litiwii Si,ni4a)ln. Pert. land, at A. M.. deiianina frnra St. Ileleut at( o clix k M., arriving at Keturnlug, leave FnrUand at 1 f. ng at at. Ileleut at Passengers an. Fast FreiiM. PORTLAND LANDINQ, TAYLOR ST. 7 A.M. 7 1, at. The Dalles-Portland Route. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Between Portland, The Da les ana way points. TIMS CARD . rl"n me., Than., Bat 7 A If Arrive at The Dallea aame day ." L r M 1-eave fhe Dallea Kun.. 'irf V !! Arrive at Portland tamo day at"7. p. i. MEALS THE VERV BEST. tT! SSI'lJf?' 0r"dM 8clo Attrao- LANDINO AND 011101; root ol Alder Street. Both 'Phouaa m E. W.CRICHTOlt. an-ent I'r,riUJ THKaA Habmes. aae.ntM llrwrwl ni..i. wJLA"' Y.??!0Ur; wolvobd -...,, Crve, rviiiie naunon : Johm M. Filloom. am-nt. Th 11..11....'; , Tavlob, auent. Astoria. ' ESTABLISHED 1871. JOHN A. BECK DKALER IN Watches, Diamonds, Silferware, JEWELRY.,.. Eepairing a Specialty. 007 Morrlaon 8t. Bet. Front A Flrtt, PORTLAND. P'LY. g I I astovr' "' aSADOowa g STATIONB DAILY. I n " n 1 -o I S S .!! Lt Po",,"" r " "0 ' w J06 064 Uoble .... 10 0ft IM J W MI ... Rainier . w a 20 m m m. SVI'"-.- IM W W.a ... quluey .... I 'jn 4- M OOOjMS ..Clafkanl, J" 7 at J iS 10 M-4 atat.hlani IW 7 5 l 10 Jl 71.4 .. WtiatM I li. ItZ tow Ssa::;:iK"" SB S AH tnlni mftka. nin.. . ' '"'a'',n Union depot. At Aatoria wkh ' alaaa. t- . . f . . a mm. K, AMOflft. Of ftt,Afta.AAaMi tt ..a v.aTi.Na, a.iLV. II li "America" : uuiauicu QlUUgU AUUIO H M M 11 Leave St. Helens . . .. 0:80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland 2 :80 PM Arrlvs at St. Helens. 6:00 P M rAHEOOCRNII. Will Carry Nnthlnej but Patten- ers and rati Freight. JA.nea onan. Mmmtmr. tin SSI, E- "T" I I r . , 1 111 111 111 111 111 11 P.THE NEW YORK STORE 1 It i ouiu m 1 Has just received a large invoice of Dr Goods, Sboes, i Ury Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. MORGcn. i, Main 8tre Helens, 0reg ... ... u8 oireet, St. Helens, Oregon.