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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
, Eczema How It reddens tba kin, Itches, au.aa aim amies i Home li tetter, milk crut or alt rheum. Th sufierlna from It ! sometimes In tents; local applications are resorted to tby mitigate, but cannot cure. It proceeds from humors Inherited or ac quired and persists until these, have been removed. Hood's Sarsaparilla positively removes them, lias radically and permanently cured the worst canes, and Is without an equal lor all cutaueoua eruptions. iouD I hi LU ara tha beat cathartic. filca.ttc.titC , t Ukt The ib All. "This year will be the greatest in onr history." "How do you knowT" "Well; why shouldn't it be? Every other year baa been. Indianapolis ftews. ., . Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnalow'a Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their auuran vurtug an tociuiug penou. Fearful Thought A shadow crossed the young man 8 face. "Can it be that we will make mistake in marrying?" be queried, anxiously. "How you frighten me!" erxlaimed the maid. "Let's have another wed ding rehearsel right away." Philadel phia Kecord. T Fannanantljr Cn a. So Sta at WW .unas 119 alto Ural lr awof Ir. Miaa'allraat Na a Xartorar. Send far F Bab. wOuial bottle and treat. aa. ua-a. u.uaa.i.. ardi,riaaauk t Explained. It seems to me," aid the young housewife, "there s entirely too much water in the milk yon serve." "It won't occur again, ma'am," said tba foxy milkman. "You fee, the farmers' man has been giving the cows too ranch salt and it made 'em very thirsty. The farmer's got a new man now." Baltimore Kews. Shake lata Toar Kkeae. Allen's Foe t-Kmsm. a no rder. It earn painnil,aw lea, smarting, narvoua feet, and instantly Mate faceting out of rorita and bunion. At all Drug (lata, IS cettta. Aocept No Hubatltnte. Trial Pact ace Free. Addreaa, llcaS.OImted,lKoy,". Y. Stum Laundry ia Siberia. "An American company recently shipped a complete steam lanndry out fit to Vladivostok, Siberia. It ia the first of its kind in that part of the world, and will be capable of handling 4,000 pieces of linen a day, with its washers, its centrifugal wringers and its large mangel. Why suffer yourself, or let others suf fer pain when relief may be had at once by using Hamlin's Wizard Oil. New Remedy. German physicians are applying a new remedy lecithine to the cure of diseases which require treatment of the nerves and nutrition. Lecithine and its compounds are said to have a tend ency to increase weight and growth. The grocer who wants to sell yon a Baking Powder of a certain brand be cause it is cheap, generally has very little to say of its quality. Poor, cheap, alum Baking Powders are worse than none at all are positively injuri ous to health. By a chemical analysis, Monopole Baking Powder tests higher in quality and purity than any other sold in this country. Try it and if yon don't think so your grocer will refund your money. If your giocer doesn't handle Monopole groceries, send his name to Wadbams 4 Kerr Bros., Port land. Easy Problem ia High School. To see objects at a distance of 100 miles the observer must be standing at height of 6,667 feet above the level of the sea. The rule is that the dis tance in miles at which an obbject on the earth's surface may be seen is equal to the square root of one and a half times the height of the observer in feet above the sea level, allowance being made for the effect of atmospheric re fraction. , A Sly Dog, Mrs. Woodby (mournfully) Ah, yes, the fire was most disastrous. All oar family heirlooms were utterly destroyed an irreparable loss, in fact. Mrs. Peppery The ideal And didn't you have them insure- at all? Phila delphia Frees. No Monty In Bicycles. Of all the bicycle factories in Ger many only six paid dividends last year. Fifteen large factories are on the point of going out of business. a Catarrh bas become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complsint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it Very soon becomea so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes snd spray a are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. docs. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. T. A. Willia a, a leading drr-foode mat cfcaat of Spartanburg, s. C, writea: ' For yean a aaa a eeverv eaet or aaaa) Catarrh, with all the disagreeable effects hick Satan to teat lenf to teat aad welch aaa ilfa mleful and seadurable. I lid aedttlaea sreecribad bv leading- phyaiciana and awnted by ambars ml frtenda, but without SHI :tiaf any setter. I i betas to take s S. a. II bad the daalrad f V U ba aft taklaaT etanteem t ) wattle- la nay oatnioa S S. B it tba only audi- taat will enect a permanent care Is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known, and the great. I est of all blood medi cines snd tonics. 'T 1 i? nw sew ia aaa f Catarrh." v If yon have Catarrh don't wait until it beceme deep-seated and chronic, but be gin atones the uae of S. S. 8., and send for eur book on Blood and Skin Diseases and writs our physicians about yeur cat t tilt SWOT wtCI'IC CO., ATLANTA, kT hTMtaeiice -MO iiivennonl Three electrical furnaces of BOO horse power each have been erected at Ca inonica, lu the north of Italy, where the manufacture of pig Iron by the Staaaano patent will be engaged la The Chinese court may appoint six foreigners, expert specialists, as au thorities on International law and finance, and on military, naval, parlia mentary, domestic aud governmental affairs. South Australia possesses one of those rarely occurring sink-holes, the bottom of which lies below the level of the sea. An expedition, led by Pro fessor J. W. Gregory, has started out to investigate this Australian depres sion, which Is known as the Lake Eyre Basin. One object of the explorers Is to obtain light on the unexplained na tive traditions concerning giant ani mals said formerly to have iuhablted the basin. Not long ago the perfectly preserved body of a man was discovered in a sealed-up cave lu the French Pyrenees, where stone was being quarried. Be side him were some Implements of stone and s drinking cup made of bark. There were also the. remains of a fire, and some bones of animals, which fell Into dust soon after being exposed to the air. The body was wrapped In what Is probably the skin of s rave bear. The man must have been large and athletic. The Cunard Company has ordered two new ships Intended to excel any hitherto planned In their ocean-going speed. Twenty-five knots, or 28.S miles. per hour will be the contract speed, to develop which engines of 47,000 horse power will be required. The turbine principle may be employed Instead of engines of the usual form, and this is expected to afford a very desirable ab sence of the vibration which la so dis agreeable to many passengers In the swift ships hitherto built Several methods of applying electrici ty to hasten the growth and develop ment of vegetation have been tested In Germany. One plan Is simply to elec trify the air about the growing plants by passing a current through a system of barbed wires from the points of which the electricity Is discharged. An other way la to submit the seeds to an electric current before they are planted or sowed. Both of these methods are said to have given favorable results, but the best plan yet tried Is that of passing a feeble current of electricity through the soil, a market gardener near Faterson. X. J Is said to have trebled the productiveness of bis beds of carrots, beets and other vegetables by sending through them a current de rived from the power cable of a trolley- line. A Hungarian chemist has discovered that some of the salt lakes In Transvl vania present the peculiarity of a layer of warm or even hot, salt water, be tween two bodies of colder water. Thus In the iledoc Lake the surface temper ature m summer Is about 70 degrees. but st a depth of a little more than four feet the temperature becomes 132 de grees, but declines again to 66 degrees at the bottom. The surface water Is fresh, but the warm water beneath is intensely saline, and the explanation of the difference of temperature Is that. since the specific beat of salt water is less than that of fresh water, the salt water Is more easily heated by the sun. and Having risen to a higher tempera- tare than that of the overlying fresh water, retains its beat because the fresh water prevents Its escape by radiation. It Is suggested that some nse might be found for these natural reservoirs, or aCL'iulators, of solar beat. DAMAGES WERE RECOVERED. Kmployojent Bureau Ha to Make Good Uoum by Theft of Domestic. une morning a lew weeks ago a dentist with a large and lucrative prac tice in Paris, awoke to make the very disagreeable dlitcovery that a maid whom he and his wife had engaged some days before bad flitted, carrying away with ber all the money and jew elry on which sbe could lay her bands. together with gold which be nsed for professional purposes, and last not least, a goodly collection of sets of false teeth belonging to or destined for diffeent patients. One of these. Indeed. Is said to have been the prop erty of a former minister of world wide reputation, while it Is even assert ed with bated breath that a certain tooth, which had also been annexed by the girl, who Is evidently no respecter of persons, had garnished the mouth of a policeman who Is In such nn ex alted position that be acknowledges no superior. tte tbat as it may, the robbery was extremely annoying, since, besides the loss of the valuables, the worthy dent ist was placed on the boms of a di lemma with regard to some of his most eminent patrons. The maid had been secured by blm and bis wife at a registry office, by which sbe had been warmly recommended ss a young woman of the utmost honesty, who bad recently come up from the coun try, and was therefore without guile. So ber employers Imagined that tbey bad lighted upon a veritable treasure, snd great was their disappointment and Indignation when tbey realized the extent of the dlaster wblcb bad be fallen tbem. Their wrath Increased when the den tist betook himself to the prefecture of police to report the theft and to stimulate the energy of the authorities. He was shown the photograph of the glrl,wbo had been "wanted" for some time, and with good reason, for, as one official put It, "yours is the eighth place wblcb she bas cleaned out In this way. and we have been looking for her for months." "But," objected the dentist "at the registry office, where I picked ber up, I was told that she had Just arrived from the -country with the best of characters." "Well, that Is a good Joke," replied the functionary. "Why, we bad sent a photograph to that very bouse with a note to the effect tbat we were In search of ber, as she bad committed seven robberies.' They packed the young woman off to you instead of to us, although we, too, sad a plat Tor bt-r wuicti, when she' is cangiit, sne will keep for some time." On the strength of this disclosure the demist took Infill action against this particular servants' registry office) claiming damages to the auiotmt t'400. The case has come In' fore the civil court of the Selue. with the re sult that fllOO has been accorded to the plalutlff, the judgment settlug forth that as these ollloos enjoy regular monopoly It Is their bouudc duty to be careful and not to welcome all the adveutnrers who may apply to them. Meanwhile, sura the 1-omlou Telegraph's Paris letter, the thief ba successfully defied all the exertions which have been made to fiud her. WIVES AND BEATINGS. Woman Discos the Atnouut of Abase Their Hex Should Kndttre. , "How much beatinit should a wife bear before she made up her mind to leave her , husband?" was oue of the main subjects discussed to-day at the women's conference of the In-IIls- Name Society lu All Souls' Church, a Madison avenue and 00th street. lu the opinion of Mrs. Louise beymour Houghton, editor of a religious news paper, the wife should submit rather than leave her husband to be at the mere of bad Influences. Mrs. Houston said that, although there were times In the present state of society when a divorce seemed neces sary, a blither and more Ideal state would make such a thing impossible. She called attention to the stormy do mestic life of the uronhet Hoses, In order to show to what extent one part ner should bear with the indiscretions and the sins of the other. The sentiments produced a sensation. and there was a murmur of dissent One of those present asked If the woman Injured by an Intoxicated hus band should remain with him. Mrs. Houghton said that she bad known many noble wives and mothers whose husbands had beaten them every Satur day night The speaker said that It would be better for the family If the Injured wife had the grace and the strength of mind, and, above all, the love for her husband, to bold to her family relations. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Grannls suggested that such treatment of a wife on the part of a husband was degrading to the marriage relation. Mrs. Houghton an swered that one soul could not degrade another without that soul's consent. She said tbat she bad known In the lower walks of life of husbands who bad beaten and ill-treated their wives. and tbat after all, they had come around all right; whereas. If the wives had left their lords snd masters, the men might have gone Irretrievably to the bad. What I wish to ask," said Mrs. Ar thur Smith, "is, bow long should a wife submit to beating before she leaves ber husband?" "Mrs. Houghton, If I understand ber correctly," replied Mrs. Grannls, "said there was no limit Now, there was John Wesley, whose wife dragged blm around the house by the hair of his bead. It seems to me that It would have been more dignified bad be resented It" New York Correspondence Baltimore Sun. Fatal Mistake. A new member of Congress was very anxious to get upon the good side of Su perintendent Smith of the botanic gar dens, so that some flowers and potted plants might be sent to bis home. As every one knows. Smith Is a fine old Scotchmen, who worships the memory of "Bobble" Burns, and has probably the finest and most complete collection of editions of Bums' works in the world. When, therefore, the new member went to Smith be resolved to say some thing which would please the lover of Burns. When be entered Smith's li brary he looked with Interest upon the books. "I always did love Jlmmie Burns' poems, remarked the new member. "1 never saw such a fine collection of his works. I think Jlmmie Burns was of the greatest men who ever lived. At this point Mr. Smith could contain himself no further. 'Jlmmie' Burns:, be exclaimed, angrily. "Tommy W-sh lngton! Sammy Bonaparte! Get out!" And then the new member realized that be bad made a mistake. Washing ton Post. i At an Abnormal Angle. Any one who rests bis head on a pil low and bolster while be Is sleeping Is slowly but surely committing suicide, says a French physician. The only nat ural position for a man while sleeping Is the horizontal one, and the first thing to do In order to accustom one's self to it Is to remove the bolster. Within a few months one will be able to sleep much more calmly than ever before, and, moreover, the general health will be much improved. This statement Is not made lightly, but Is tbe result of long experience. The next step Is to re move the pillow, for not until then will tbe circulation of the blood be as free aa it should be. Tbe pillow and bolster keep the bead and neck at an abnormal angle, and consequently tbe sleeper' entire body remains during tbe nlgbt In an uncomfortable position, and one which Impedes tbe free course of tbe blood through tbe vessels and organs. A Trust There, Too. But" e say to the Intrepid polar explorer, "do you not fear tbat you will become depressed for lack of borne ties and home customs while In the frozen north?" "Oh, I don't know," he carelessly re sponds. "Why, it Is very homelike up there. Fresh meat Is quoted at fa a pound." Baltimore American. In the Campaign. "I believe," said the candidate, "that the 8tate wants me." Perhaps," replied his friend. "But the voters may reruse to honor a requisition." Atlanta Constitution. "When I die," said a man the other day, "I don't want any one sent for. I don't want a crowd around to see me die, and I want to be buried as quietly and quickly as possible." When you abuse any one, and your listener says nothing when you get through, how flat you feel. ' If you work for a woman, you have to earn every cent coming to you. NATIVE OF MARTINIQUE. Kaapreaa Josephine, Wife of Nepo!e, Born There, Of especial historic Interest Is the lib fatod Island of Martinique, whose blackened, lifeless ruins tell tbe story of a fiery visitation exceeding tbat of Pompeii. It was on this Isle of tropical luxuriance tbat tbe Kuipress Joseph ine, first wife of Napoleou Bonaparte, was born In 1753. Her father came from an estate neat Blols, France, emigrating to Martolqus and locating In the little hamlet of Trola-Uets, to serve as a naval ottlcet under the Marquis de Beauharnals, then In command of tbe Island. Het mother. Rose Claire des Verges de San. nols, belonged to a family which bad likewise settled In the colonies. A long, low building, set In tbe midst of a picturesque and richly wild growth of wood and tangled shrubbery. was the home In which was born the child, Maria Josephine Rose Teacher de la Pagerle, destined to one day grace the court of an Emperor. Iler days of childhood were spent m this smiling atmosphere and It was here tbat the warm, free, generous M 1 BIBTHPLACE OF JOSEPHINE. characteristics that made her the re cipient of a nation's homage and love were Imbued Into ber nature. She bad servants to attend her every wish from he time she was able to lisp a com mand. Her life was free from care; there was nothing but laughter and gaiety for the youthful Josephine. She was really a queen before sbe could talk, an empress In face before she ever saw tbe shores of France. But as sbe advanced In year her life became more ruffled with the ares and disappointments of the world. When but 16 years of age she was married to the Viscount de Beau harnals In France. The marriage prov ed an unhappy one and the couple were subsequently divorced. In LOU she became tbe wife of Na poleon Bonaparte and until be separat ed himself from her to marry Maria Louisa In 1SOO, she followed him in bis checkered career with unfaltering love nd devotion. By her Invariable good ness sbe won the hearts of tbe people nd even tbe admiration and esteem of ber opponents. When Napoleon dl- orced her. the crowned heads of Eu rope offered her protection and estates, but she remained at her former court Malmalson until death claimed her 1814. Her remains now rest in a arble tomb within tbe church at Kueil WINDS LIKE A WATCH. In Santa Anna, Csl., is a uiau who has built for bis own use an automobile tbat Is certainly a curiosity. It Is built on ibe Waterbury watcb Idea. Its pro pelling power comes from " a huge spring. There are three other smaller springs from which power Is also ob tained It uses no fuel, and all tbat Is necessary to get It ready for tbe start Is to work a lever wblcb winds up tbe spring. The Santa Anna man bas made nu merous excursions on country roads with bis curious little machine, and has never bad a breadkdown. Tbe en tire machine weight but 410 pounds, and It has attained a speed of fifteen miles an boar on a level road. It Is not good at bill climbing. Tbe machine will run under ordinary circumstances about ten miles on one winding. Tbe Inventor does not clnlm that he has made any great discovery, and does not propose to build machines for the market. He built this one for bis own use and amusement. Are You There? If a story told In II. A. P. be true In all particulars there exists a man who has cause to regard the telephone wltb an unfriendly eye. It is related that one evening when Prince of Wales, the King was at a public dinner at wblcb be was to speak. During the meal be told an equerry to send to Marlborough House for a book, to which be wished to refer for a fact. Tbe equerry gave tbe necessary In structions, and the hotel manager rang the royal residence up on the telephone. After he had made himself understood there was a pause of many minute. He rang again, then again, until ni last, losing all patience, lie literally shouted: "Are you there? What In the world do you mean by keeping Ills Itoyal Highness waiting? Can you find the book or not?" To his angry expostulations came the quiet answer, "We are very sorry to keep you wait ing; we are doing our best to find the book, which shall be sent on at once. Please tell my father this because he i so particular." Tableau! Hazarding a Cinesa. "They axe all talking In Hoston about the greatest beauty at their horse show." "Some out-of-town girl, of coursc." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Book Agent (at door) Are you tlk boss of this house 7 Henry Peck No; I'm tbe boss' understudy. Talk to a hundred dlffureut men, on uny subject, and you will get a Imu dred different. opinions. mi !--xi j i m' atJB jjfcl MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the United States Treas ury Recommends Pe-ru-na. ,,...!..... I. Llewellyn Jordan, medical ex miner for the U. 8. treasury depart- a. a- l I".,!,. aa.K. a. ewl! iaa.rrt I and who served three years at West Point has the following to say of Pe - Allow me to express my iran.u.o . . .t.. to you lor the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. Ona short month has brouiht forth a vast change nd I now consider myself a well man after months ol sv i wring, r enow sufferers, Peruna will euro you." Peruna immediately invigorates (lie nerve centers which give vitality to the mucous membranes. Then catarrh die- appears. Then catarrn is permanently cured. A free book written by Or. Hart man on the sublect of catarrh in Its differ ent phases and stsges, will be sent Iree to any address by "ITie Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, unio. Catarrh ia a svstemstie disease cura ble only by a systematic treatment. A remedy that cures catarrh mutt aim directly at the depressed nerve centers. This is what Peruna does. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peruna write at ones to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your raw and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, president of the Harm tan Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. She'll Slag tUrullar. A charming young lady, who glories In the possession of a wealth ef bright auburn-colored hair, is tbe teacher of a Sunday school clans. On a recent Sabbath the rector made the announce ment of a hymn to be sung, and, rising, waved his bands, and the oigsa pealed forth. "Now," said he, "ready sing." A small and precocious youth in tbe young woman's class said: W by don t yon sing, M Ira Frisbee" Me? Ob, I never sing," replied the teacher, smiling ber prettiest. But," exclaimed tba boy, "the minister says yon must. Didn't he just say, 'Now, Keddy, sing?'" Smelling salts and numerous other restoratives had to be used to bring the teacher out of her faint. Companjitlea. Highblower My fimt daughter mar ried a poet, my second sn artist, and my third a railroad magnate. Dimpleton And which couple is the most fortunate? 'Oh, the first two of them. They are supported by the husband of the third." Life. Surprise. "Were yon surprised when I pro posed?" he asked. 'Well," she replied, thoughtfully. 'I was not so surprised that you pro posed as I was thst you did hot propose on some previous occasions." Chicago Post. Trie Frtadem Seimtd Qtiisr. 'Of course yon were given the free- doni of tbe city?" Yes," answered the distinguished visitor, "but I had to keep so close to a regular schedule, under the strict sur veillance of so many committee, thai it was hard to realize how free I was." Washintgon Btar. AVcCelablePreparalLonfor As similating ibefoodandReffula ling the S toinachs andBowels of Promotes DigeslionCheerfur ness and Rest.Corilains neither Opuim, Morphine norneral. Not 'Narcotic. JtmttfOUISiNUILHKHM A-w Smi- i-Xwbss 55k. s--T ' SaWPwwT Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa Tlon , Sour Stonwh.Diarrlioea Worms .Conwilsions.Feverish nr st and Lobs of Sleep. rue Simile Signature ef NKW YOHK. iSeMU fin M B HI 1 f I li IKii 1 IBEIiii Manas! la Di Cellar. Po, ooljari ara of all sorts of seml-prt)loui stones In sffectlvi ids Him. -On. fa-blonabla rtyl- tool man, rows of coral bead. ,w th . 1 clean of brilliants. A mmm -.-...r of Imitation p.arls,wiUia I.rvampln. Ilka buckle In front, the whig being . . . n... .mi and the eyas of Ol OU'l UIM. blasliig red stones. Dundanaltf si sa Invmtor. Tim Karl of ruindonald, who If oom Ine to Canada In command of tba W minion troops, won distinction is a aoldlsr In South Africa nd lias given i.i. ..,ntrv noma valuable military in vsntiotts, notably the lniudonnld gun carriage. JU married Miss v inniirwi li.ak.tli. a We ah Heiress who ownn (iwyroh castle, a beautllul piaca near Abergele. A Msdul Rtquflt. An omnivorous reader down In Ksn- t wrote to Senator Dohoe for a copy r v.rv document issued since mo . . , .i mailt was established. "I .m anrrv." nniitsred Iebo. "but I all tlia irawill earn iirrwimui. - ' busy." Washlngtun Pt. iwwM Uyer-yueer imng aoou. .... ... j .'ll-r. W -bout ItT i Mver inttr. let. . uhuhrii .. , ,.. j Roes over it to urowo u.. v...- : cago News. - . A Wsndarlnf. Rlvsr. p , , , ,, , Chinese . " ' -1 . . f 23 . ,.., m01ltn , 6oo miles ; 'f . mo((th cf im, ' In Himory ef Dr. Johstoa. Dr. Johnson's long association with the Strand, London, is to I commem orated by placing a beautiful stained glass window in St. Clement Dane'a cbapel. THE TWINE 8ITUATION. Marks! Mai 8n AdvtMlnj snd Prlcsi Are Firm Some idea of the magnitude- of ll.e sales of twine may be gained from the fact that during the first nine months of the current fisrat year, the value of fiber imports Into the United States was nearly 23,000,000.00, Northwest who hvery man in the has to do with the harvesting of crops . ia interested in this matter. Many I have pursued the old time policy of: "wait ng" for a break In the prices be- , fc fore they buy their twine, but, for 0.. Cbs 0p4..0.U, many reasons, this year prospects are1 "I h asmly wates," olwved thst prices will remain practically un-, traveler, "the camel is Indeed h changed, and certainly not lowered, alahle." as aa the fiber for this harvest's twine i "Oh, yes,' replied the Arsb, nos has been already purchased. Home of chslsntly. "I have heard It referrwj the largest houses have sold all the tho anl-moblln of the desert." - twine they will ba able to protltieo for Golden Penny the coming ha rveat, and are therefore j "u .,. out of the market. In a few instances it is known in the trade that Irand- Ing salesmen and manufacturer have cut wholesale prices In order to Induce dealers to enlarge their orders for im- plements, etc. Hut this has not been o largely done as in former years, aud probably will not anecl general prices at a I. Prices hav. rarely been so firm a. at present ; that is to say, there has . " ",tl." 'h"iin Ui eatabliahrd prices. In pant seaaons at .in miniu, iii.HHiRviumr.iiHi jii,im complained frequently of cutting by competitors. Just now no complaints of this kind are hoard. , To sum up the situation tlieie Is not In the fiber prices any warrant for re ducing the quotations on twine, and it probably is the beat advlea that can I given to dealers generally to suggest that they do not hesitate in baying all the twine they need at the present msrket price. We note that the sales of Rtamlard Twine are not nearly so heavy this year ss they formerly were. This is only a repetition of all past experiume, that when an an article is gotten up to de ceive or In Imitation of better one, it la ahIu - n i . ... t n . . I ...... I . I iKIa .lrf r ..... ....... ..... ... i.i. im w.ny iu,iufi u. tuna w.ten it !) found out and is forced down to its in-! trlnsio value. TKONIiKR AND BKTTFR THAN COMMON tUIXOCK ' 08 ANY OTHKR MKKHY BOX NEW PATENT FOLDING1 BERRY BOX. K.-UP-, Vm."' U-' "- SAMPLE BOX FREE. lMBnRSON. PORTLAND, OR. , tf&iiii e tJHiiri For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years .AW AW Gray Hair " I have used Aysr'i Hilr VIor for vsr thirty years. It has my scslp lrt from dandruff and has prevented my balr from rum. Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayers Hair Vigor it Is a hair food not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black look dead and lifeless! Butgraduallythcoldcolor comes back, all the rich, dark color It used to have. The hairstops falling, too. It M kettle. AH srefllaM. If eur dragglal eannnl n. end til ene dollar and we .ill aanraai r.m a bottle. Heame ami alia tea nana t rour nearest einreaa nnTce. Aitilrua J.C. AY-HlX.,ml,Mk Hew It Was Dens. Mid th timrl. "I'll match yon. girl, "to tell whether I'll accept yimor not.' "Alas," replied the fy intoj ' "you are more than a match for m," Thus, by bis compliment, , tj, her. Cliltago Pout. Might ftiv Went. Casey to Caosidy, who has Inst Mi hit arm in an accident) Oh, myl 0b, my! btitOi'm sorry fur ye, man. Citssiiiy i tit, ititi riiure, urn la luck. That was the arm 01 was vto. ciliated on, an' '! JUt beginnln t hurt n.t." Philadelphia Press. lis Wat Next ! the Came. 'Tut not your trust in riches," said the clerical looking man in tlit ruttj ctmt. ":' "I don t," replied the liwnoroni. looking Individual, "I ut my rkbti , in trusts." Kxclutnge. Table Talk. Mrs. KldJer Ho this Is, really, rti. fil ial honey. Where th it come Irumt Mr. Kidder I understand it It Itslhured from artificial llowers by arti ficial 1hm. Mis. Kidder The Idea! -ptila Pres. ri.n..i.i. , . , ' . . , ! T ijn " , 01 ' !, , ! ... , , . .V"'".'"?.": 7 V ' . " ou' 1 a"a Iwml" " i ur .woai. AcseunUa) fee. .., ,,,,., UIk . ,,, , lW fc n ,u 0, ,lr ,h mirowl,.. ,. rb fc 4 Bwm. nyhow.-ludiam.Hi. News, BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY retUaad. Ura (on. fuunJail 1 loon School for B:rt Military and Mimil TnljiTJ. Write lot llluatrsletl fatalnina, ARTHUR C. ISli WILL, Principal Summer Resolution TAItK Till ICocloy Curo Sura relief from li quor, opium ami tubeete Bawie. eeua lur tarticuiara w jKeeley Institute Hoved la 4SO WlllienH Ae.. fv.tmnd, Ors ST. . M. V, la. ss-ltet. m I WKN writing tosMlveitiserselwue I " siie ie rir. a an a ) BUGGIES. fllva holir all.iarilnn than anritilnf . tha markat at aiiyllilnf Ilka th prl.w, tw rauaa Ury ara tn.h of amid material, la aland "on-mm riuula" Iron n.irr on tMKtlaa, hrara nn ahatla, havr aiH jrowlh whavla, n'rawKl rlma. It Tu want t ralaiirii that ynu ara aculne rr tnon ?'.. w""h. ak tor a ''Htm tlna" or a "'' (Uanuar) Uuaiir. Wssunf antaa ttaain. " " MHahmtl. Lmwlm A Mfrmr Om. aaatua, Npokana, Bolaa. rorUaaa, Or. WE HAVE THE LEADERS Milwaukee Mowers and Victor Rakes W want to -wn1 you rnUtogu TBKt .un atop u im. J. A. FREEMAN, Qenl. Agt. 2P0 Baat Water St., PORTLAND, ORB00N. Walter A. Wood and Mlnnls Extrt j I I