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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1902)
That Tired Feeling la m Cammmm Spring IMk It's a sign that the blood is deficient in vitality, just as pimples and other eruption are signs that the blood is impure. It's a naming, too, which only the hnzardons fail to heed. . Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove it, give new Jifo, new eour- aire, strength and animation. Thev cleanse the blood and clear the complexion. Accent no substitute. "I felt tired U the time and could not deep. After taking Hood's Banaptrilla a while I could tltwp well end the tired leellnf had gone Thit gr at medicine hu aln cured me ol Mro fula." Mas. C. M. Koot, titlced, Conn. Hamd'm SmrmmiutrBIm prmmtmmm tm An Unpleasant Effect, "Miss Pmilax out? Didn't she get my noto this morning?" "Sure, sor, 1 thought it was a bill, from the face she made." Cleveland Flain Dealer. , Not all coffee, called so, is really Mocha and Java. Some few blends sold as such contain a good deal Mocha and Java, others only a portion, and nianv almost or quite none at all. MOSOPOLE is ALL pure Mocha and Java coffee, blended especially by us for the finest trade. Sold in cartons. If your grocer hasn't, write us, but nearly all high class grocers carry Mon opole groceries. Wadhams A Kerr Bros., Portland. A Feminine Sherlock. Mrs. A. Why in the world do yon leave that little red puff of powder on vour chin? . ' Mrs. Z. For my husband to blow off. You know he is such an observing man. ; Mrs. A. Is there any reason why you should wish him to blow it off? Mrs. Z. Yes; I can detect his breath. Chicago Kews. Rheumatism and neuralgia will not live under the same roof with Hamlin's Wizard Oil. 50c a bottle. BIXLER'8 NEW DISEASE. He Dieco Tared He) Waa Buffering froaa Ural Desiccation. Blxler vti little worded the other night about bis health, Blxler Is always discovering new diseases. If all his dis coveries were real he would be honey combed with aliments. . Ills health would be as undermined as a beetling cliff whose base has yielded to the en croachments of the salty tide. . . This beautiful sentence is taken from an after-dinner speech made by Blxler himself at a complimentary banquet to Col. Tike Wabash, who moved to Okla homa last year for divers reasons. The beetling cliff didn't have anything in particular to do with the Colonel's de parture, but It sounded well and seemed to create an Impression. One of the guests came to Blxler af terward aud said: ''I wish I bad your command of language, old hoy." liixler slightly blushed. "Do yout" he said. Yes," replied the guest "If I bad your gift of gab and a lot of those trlple jointed words I'd stand a little more show when I tried to talk back to my wife." Well, the night that Blxler felt se much worried he got the idea Into bis head that he might be afflicted with brain desiccation, lie had seen soine- thlne of this kind mentioned In the nresa and It preyed on his luiuil. ben you have brain desiccation your bralu- or what passes for It dries up and your skull shrinks at the same time. It Isn't a nice trouble and Blxler worried over it a good deal. Major Crumpet came over to call that evening, and when the Major calls the whist table is always brought out, ana the Major aud Blxler and Mrs. B. and Mrs. B. s maiden sister, Matilda, play ed duplicate. Well, Blxler simply played a shocking game. He couldn't see trump signals, he blocked his part ner's long suit and pretty soon the Ma lor went home In a rage. The next morning when Blxler put on his hat be was horrified to find It loose. Now he knew what ailed him the night before. Now he knew what had ailed him for days back. He was af dieted with brain desiccation. The hat kept getting bigger all the THE BORROWING NEIGHBOR. Salutary Treatment Which Effected a Permanent Core, People who are continually borrow' lug household utensils and neglect to re turn them are anuoylng neighbors. Tha problem of bow to cure them of the habit was solved In an effective though somewhat costly way by one long-auf ferlng householder. Here nre the facts; A new man had moved luto the neigh borhood. One of the tlrat things he did, after getting his goods Into the bouse, was to borrow a pair of steps from Mr, Smith, who lived next door. Then he borrowed a hammer, a hatch' et, screw-driver and a gimlet, all of which things Mr. Smith, being an ac commodatlng man, allowed him to take, and all of which the borrower promised to return "In a brace of shakes." Several days passed, and noue of the articles had been returned. "I'll cure him." said Mr. Smith. About a week later the man came back with the screw-driver, and apolo gised for having kept It so long. That's all right," said Mr. Smith, with a geulal smile, "but you bad bet ter keep It now. I have bought anoth er." With a muttered apology the new neighbor hurried back, aud returned with the gimlet, the hatchet and the hammer. "You are welcome to those," said Mr. smith cordially. "I have bought some others, and don't need them." "But " "That's all right You keep them. They'll come handy about the house." Again the man hurried away, and was returning with the steps when Mr. Smith, who was Just going out. met him. "Why, bless me," he said, "you need not bring the steps back! I have got a new pair." The man kept the things, but be nev er borrowed anything more of Mr. Smith. CONGRESSMAN FITZPATRICK Says Pe-ru-na Is a Splendid Ca tarrhal Tonic. '"''""iM PAYING A DEBT. Gratitude of a Hawaiian Before a Drunken Young Man. I think the' most singular thing that way downtown and pretty soon Blxler I ever happened to me," said a aiau high Not Sudds Enough. Her Mother loo told him you would have to have two days in which to make np yonr mind. Edith (petulantly) Yes. I couldn't believe a man was much in love who, when we were watching out the old year, couldn't get up the nerve to pro pose until 11:30 o clock. Brooklyn Eagle. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup tbe best remedy to use tor their uuiiuzen uunug me imuiiug periuu. Extreme Cruelty. Employer Mr. Slack, would yon like to have an increase in salary? Employe Would I? I should say I would. tmployer Well, let me tell yon, " J-thiinle?8 vou get down here earlier andwork argrear aeai Harder, you'll never get it in the world. Chi cago ?ews. Shake Into Tour Shoe. AUen'l Foot-Ease, a powder. It cure painful, swot leu, smarting, otitis feet, aud Instantly takea the sting ontofrornlfad bunions. At all lrue gists, 25 cents. Accept Mo Substitute. Trial Pack age rree. Auoreas, AUenu.olmsUsU,IBoy,N. Y. Must Be. They were both her friends, of course. "Do you think," asked he, "that she is as old as she looks?" "She tries not to look it," replied sne, "so she must be. Feminine per spicacity transcends mascuilne reason ing. bad difficulty In keeping it away from his ears. He was a desperate man when he reached the ofBce. And then his telephone bell rang. "Is that you, Bixler? Say, this la the Major. Yes, Major Crumpet Don't you know the voice? Say, Blxler, what do you mean by having such a ridlculoua- tn commercial circles in a Western city, who was relating the experiences 'of a somewhat checkered career to a group of friends, "was In Hawaii. 'My father was a missionary In those Islands, and I was born there. I came away at an early age, however, and moat of my life has been spent iu this ly small head? I'll bet It's only a child's country, but when I was a young man, size. I carried your hat home last nignt and It stood up on my head like a collar box on a yellow pumpkin. I suppose you brought my bat down. Well, stay thera until I can hustle your over. That's all." And when Blxler hung up the re ceiver, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, he actually smiled. "THE NEW 8TAR." Bom Unexpected and Tory Start 1 In Chan sea Detected. A little over a year ago the moat re markable "new or temporary star' or modern times appeared in the constel lation Perseus. The star was not In any catalogue, and two days before dis co verj II inwmrnmoU -cuaah tn he shown on a photographic plate of the region containing stars which hare but one-hundredth of tbe light given ont by tbe faintest star visible to the naked eye. On r eo. -, two aaya aner me discovery, it reached its greatest brightness, when It was as bright as Capella, the third star In order of brightness In the whole heavens. It waned slowly and with several well marked fluctuations In Its light, and In two months was on tbe limit of visibil ity with the naked eye. It la still easily visible In telescopes of small size. Dur ing Its, decrease In brightness It changed color from white to dull red, and Is now somewhat greenish in tint The spec trum was at first continuous, such as is and a rather tough jouug man. too. I may aay, I went back there once ou a visit "Tbe first thing I did was to get up roariously drunk. While I was in this condition an old man, a native, persuad ed me to go home with him. lie took me Into his house, bathed my bead, gave me some strong coffee, and talked soothingly and kindly to me. 'Old man,' I said, 'what are you do ing all this to me for?' Well,' he answered me. TU tell yon. The best friend I ever had was a white man and an American. I was poor drunkard. He made a man of me, ana, i nope, a Christian. AH I run or ever hope to be I owe to him. Whenever I see an American in your condlt'on I 4ttf nfec avln. ntt t cnn -fm-hflU, Oil flC- count of what that man did for me.' "This is a little better Kngliab than he nsed. but it Is the siihstaiice of it What was the name of the man?' I asked him. "'Mr. , a missionary.' " 'God of mercy!' I said.. 'He was my father!1 Gentlemen, that sobered me and, hope, made a man of me. It is certain that whatever I am to-day I owe to that poor old Sandwich Islander." Congressmen T. Y. Fltenatrlck. Hon. T, Y. Fitxpatriuk, congressman from Kentucky, writes from the National Hotel, Washington, P. C, as follows: "At the solicitation of a friend I used your I'eruna and can cheerfully recom mend your remedy to anyone suffering witn catarrn or wno neeaa a good tonic."--1 . Y. FITZPA KICK. A oad Ton Is. Pe-ur-na ia a natural and efficient nerve tonic. It strengthens and i stores the activity of every nerve in the body. Through the use of Pe-ru-na tbe weakened or overworked nerves resume their natural strength and the blood vessels begin at once to regulate the now of blood according to nature a laws. Congestions immediately disappear. Catarrh Cared. Ail phases of catarrh, acute or chron ic, are promptly and permanently cured. It la through its operation upon the nervous system that Pe-ru-na has attained such a world-wide reputa tion as a sure and reliable remedy for all phases of catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Fern na, write at once to Or. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice free. Address Ir. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Explained. "And haven't vou Bot any more money?" asked the sweet young thing selling chamss at the ciiurcn iair. "Yes; I've got a dollar,'? loIuoUnt lv admitted tha unfortunate but truth ful vrttmir mutt, "lint I nut it In the sole of my stocking before putting on my shoes so as to have something to pay my oar fare huu.e." Brooklyn Eagle. f IT eWensntlr firs. J ST5?S r 1 1 9 altar rust .1st', nssnf Mles'.ttreel Nsrw iLtlnr. aid U ru k . oet;w im e, ufca.U.aMM,ws..'reHri -- HU Idea of frUndihlp. "The best way to destroy your en- amies," said the man witn a genua na ture, "is to make them yout t lends." "Yea." answered Senator Sorghum, thonahtfullv. "but sometimes that costs a heap of money." Washington Star. ; J'lso's Cure, for Consumption Is an Infal lible medicine for coughs and ookii. n W. 8ihuil. Ocean Orove. N. J ., Feb. 17 1MJ0. welcome," replied the lat- wiwr, o( 0r redding day. d in a whisper; "It you Mf Grumbler Well, yt ife, don't let my wife see nmni M , u if u j,. A FARMER'S EXPERIENCE. Ofoaon Blood Pti-lflam ia rightly named, because it purifiea the Kven by the light from a glowing solid uiouu auu tones up we Douy. Not Conclusive. He I suppose yon know I'm singing at your church now. She No, I didn't. He But surely your brother Jack told you I had joined the choir there. She Oh, yes; be did tell me that. Philadelphia Press. or liquid body or from a gas under pressure: then bright bands were formed, which later assumed tbe form and position of the bands In the spectra of nebulae. All these changes were ex pected, as they followed closely tbe his tory of similar stars In recent years. But within a few months most ones pected and startling changes have oc curred wbtcb have made the star once more the chief object of Interest In the sky. Tbe nebula which surrounds tbe star, or Into which the star has been changed, baa been successfully photo graphed at several observatories which are equipped with telescopes of great power, and it contains several centers of condensation whose positions are shifting so rapidly that their motion can be detected In photographs taken but several days apart Careful at tempts to determine the parallax of the star shows that It la lnnnnrpclnhlp- tha oesiroyea ana ttie tender nerves exposed, star, therefore, Is at a very great dis Cancerous sores develop from very triflinz to a-11CI-a- ex xtrrxinMa A-K;? 1 ,1 ,JT I I ' be no doubt that the actual motion In c aoeeroa ores face, neck or breast, though they are liable to appear upon other parts ii me ooay. wnen tuey Degtn to spread and eat into the flesh, sharp, piercing pains are felt as the underlying tissue is a little watery blister on the tongue or up, a ware, moie or Druiae ot some kind becomes an indolent festering sore, w mcu in time degenerates into cancer, "Ten years ae-o I had a aore on my left temple, which the dootors pronounced a eaneerona nicer ; It wonld itch, burn and blood, then scab over, but would stayer heal. After takina- S. 8. S. awhile tna sore bee-an to ' ' ' v &''' disehara-e, and when "f?7 I all the poisononsl -Fj.' 3 matter had paeaed 1 'J? the nebula Is greater than anything heretofore detected. The velocity must be as great as that which light travels and tbe nature of such a motion Is aa mysterious as that of light itself. Already the theories which attempt to account for the birth and life history of the various bodies In tbe universe are being remodeled to Include these newly discovered facts, and the new theories will probably suffer later re jection when more facta are found which conflict with them. Tbe mys teries of the universe become more un- One Cow 8k I u. An lntsance of military thrift and of a red-tape system which Is not pecu liar to Germany comes from the Prus sian war office. In ISM the guards were breakfasting hurriedly. They had. on the previous dny, fought the buttle of Boor, and bad accomplished, alto gether, a nine days' march. This was not tbe era of canned meats, and to each regiment had been allotted a oer tarn number of cattle, which bad been killed, skinned and cooked; but while the men were still eating, scouts came in with the news that the Austrians were near at band. . Tbe men got Into marching order, and in a few minutes were, In rapid advance toward the enemy. The Gren adier Guards, conspicuous always for their dispatch, hurried to such purpose that they failed to secure the skin of cow which had been made over to them for rations. When the official who was responsi ble for the value of tbe hide came to ask for It, It bad to be reported missing. Inquiries were set on foot, evidence was collected, and a voluminous cor respondence lasting fourteen or fifteen months failed to account for the skin. There had been a cow. She had been made over to the guards. She had a hide. The hide was government prop erty, representing a sum fixed by offi cial tariff. The government must be credited with that sum. The hide was not forthcoming. Who should be re sponsible for Its cash value? It was at last decided that the colo nel of the regiment should be held re sponsible, and a year and a half after tbe conclusion of the Seven Weeks' War he was requested by the war of fice to remit the sum of three tbalcrs. the price of one cow skin lost by the Mow Miny Bundle Cta You Bind for a Dollar? To the Editor: Dear Sir I noticed in your last issue an article headed "Point on Binding Twine," in which you call attention to the fact that the farmer should figure on how many feet he gets for a dollar. Anyone, without much thought, would know that is the important thing, and still we overlook it, being caught by the old bait of cheap price. It is not a question whether the twine costs 10 cents a pound or 20 cents a pound, but the es sential point is how many bundles can we bind for a dollar. I-ast year I was deceived in thinking that the Standard Manila was a Manila twine that would go 600 feet to the ponud, which impresHion I got from the donler, although he may not posi tively have stated that as a fact, but Wlws X do bMr w 4KV 4h ,csi It at the end of harvest was that the total cost of my twine was more, although it was lees in price per pound than it for merly bad been when I used the Red Clover Leaf brand of Twine, which we all know costa more per pound, but which I am now convinced is the cheapest and most satisfactory in the end. We htfve all used it lor a good many years with pretty general satis faction, but, in this as in other tilings, we feel that it is necessary to make a change, in order, as we Imagine, to bet ter our condition, and mott generally find that the change does not accom plish what we expected. the Manila twine, being cheaner tier thousand feet than Sisal, from patriotic motives we ought to use it, as all the Manila fiber in the world is produced in the Philippine Islands, and it is cer tainly to the interact of the Pacific Coast farmer to develop trade with that country as much as possible, and I have read that all the Sisal comes from Yucatan, with which country we can have no trade from this coast, and as long as it does not cost us anything to be patriotic and trade with our own col onies, why shouldn't we do it? "FARMER. Anxious Only About On Thin J, The ghastly rider on the white horse stopped at the gate. "I am Death." he said to tne sien man who was watching from the win dow. "You are tor and added value your life vou tvina vour horse to that tree. She'd never let anybody do that.' Philadelphia Press. . The Spirit ol Strife. Edith What makes you look so downcast, Ruth? There must be some thing that's troubling you. Ruth Tell you the truth, Edith, my married life has been a disappoint ment. Before we were married all the girls were after Charley; but now it doesn't appear that any of them want him. I should be so happy if one or two of them would only try to steal him away from me! Boston Transcript, No Need te Worry. Professor Snore is very abMentmind- cd. His son rushed Into his study one morning and exclaimed: "Just think, father! I've swallowed a pin! What shall I do?" "Ah, well," replied the big man, "don't worry about it. Here's another pin." Weak? I suffered terribly tremely weak for It Th. doctors said my blood i turning to wster. At last I ywo Ayer's Sarsspsrllli, and wis soon feeling sllriRhtsMln. Mrs. J. W. Flals, Htdlymt, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Dorft doubt It, put your whole trust In it, throw away evcrythmgeise. Aik votir doctor what ha thinks of Avar's Biiriue. Us n.s.llb...nlilsraai SVttroiir msrfiH.... Fuliuw els earn aaa . .Ill b. '")J-2Vl, co.. ta-ell. Ml-. Em Forced Out Tha terrible calamity that baa befallen a lr ciniiil" huu. . A. W. Matlma t'o.. Pueblo's lursiwt oloihiora, wun an mtaliliMlicd reputation of over year fur oarryln only the blttluwi srerlre of tiien'a, buys' anil rhil. (Iron's t-li'lhinie, alum, and rurnlahliiia, Were fortwd from thnlf tiullilluv, whfi a liHumt ovr their hand without lira vlmia nntlca, Juat nt the time whnti tlmlr Imlftbleaiiea fur this euaon'e guoils fell due. Nnt-bflns able to find nnthar lortatlnn. In I'uelilo ailiiiet to 1!hmmi of their liirtta stock at Ihla unritiitmto tlina they were eomiwllwl to move their stork where they could reallaa on It qulrkly, to nave their imil name, anil rhnso fort, land as th baat place, frwttiht rains be Ins cheaper than tu potnui In the Inter ior. Their Immenae stock of l.DI.OOfl worth of men's, boya' an1 ehlldniu's clothlnu, shore and furnlahlnaa, has twun moved Into the lata aturvroom. 107. FIRST STREET Bet. Washington and Stark, Portland Oregon, where thia mnaninoent slock will be old out at ramil for 33; Ssi Dty. Mrs. Grumbler Today Is the annl- needn't you Whs Could Blame flinv Ethel (coyly) What a pretty mouth you havel It ought to be on a gin s face. Jack I seldom miss an opportun ity. Princeton Tiger. Buoaics. A BolcI Knee. Cenllemsn I have ertat pleasure ia bearing tesri avny to tiie merits ol M. Jscubs Oil. Some nm, set, I hod s large ssrelllng (oral on mv knee which ceased much psin snd Ismencts, It got so bod that I was unshle to hiliow mr etutayaMM. I tried almost everything- without receiving beaent until I tita M iscona tm. I eot relict rrom the hrst simlt. cation and bclors RaMhtng the nrst bottle I was able Uung almost impossible, sal had almost lost the use my leg. I I can assure rse that I shall recommend St. Jacobs nave a cnance. Olretwttor eetliferlfnn than anything oa the marks, at anything lis l- pen, b rue Ihry are mails of g,1") material, to stand on-gon rtwls" Iron vorn-r on borilf. brat on ahdlta, heavy eet-nml-growth whwle, screw! rims. It yotl Waut to feelsttre that yon ars gi-inng your mon ey's worth, ak tor a " H 14ns" ot a "Mitchell'' (Uenuey) Buggy, We guar antee them. MrVeAWI, learte A JYavof O. value, ttpokaae, Boles. ronlaoo, Or. to resume my duties sou the second bottle completely cored me, which belnre using St. scobs I hi seeoied ol ray leg. I can a Oil whenever I Yours truly thankful, W. WALLACE, .N.J. Today is a sood time to beein fif von have not aheadv done so) to take Voseler's Curative Compound. That netvout trouble, that dull headache, that bad taste in the mouth when awakening in the morning with the usual offensive breath, that poor appetite for Ineakfaxr. indigestion, dull, heavy feeling of the stomach, that tired feeling are all evidence of a weak digestion and Impure blood, which can bo cured permanently by taking Vogeler'g Curative Compound. Tha vuioj ctiea-'iea oy tnts marvellous medicine are not fictitious or temporary, bot are real, radically complete and hence lasting. Send 10-aay to tbe proprietors, St. Jacob's Oil, Ud , Baltimore, Mci, for a free sample WttlCs f W, tm aWHtiittf . Itw tlTf titruam 04 mm Wm tmtmr taUMj nalsMltaule., 1mm, 740.706 Mr. 1, 500.720 Nr& Hmnu Mar ThM JAuNni tm i ffifi-A. PER CENT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS' COST FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. This Is a tremendous ntrtno, as we were eon a I tiered very close hiivoie hy the trade. Kou cannot atlre"ltn what a gmat reduction Ihla la until you see the giKla and prices. Don't Miss This Rare Opportunity of fetttns the blgnteat harfHtn In rluih Ins, (umlahlnse, i., over ntVvrvtt to the pt'ntila of I'ortland, aa you may never tie able lo et a chum- ik title aaaln. Ha lo sr we it unto a fw price to ahuw what tremendous eai'rtnrvas we are making. Just think ot th followltts priialium, and remember that all jguuila prliml In thla advertisement can be bought tank any time during th all A tin suit ot Men's Clothes, all OflO tn mati'h J)c3u Till suit la twaltlvely worth llltii, or your money refunded at any time during the ml. Men's Kin Suite and Overcoat a, Ti nn In rhnlsnta and Mi-otrh iiinhla d1-,90 Worllt IS. nr yonr money refttnded at any tint dtirlnc tha sal If you are nut satisfied. Men's splendid Unit and Overcoat. In valour, tin finish cctaal- ft QC mere: all else jJ,03 I'nltlvlr worth tU, or your money hack. . Silk and aatln-llned T)re Units and Overeats, In plain. Check and t7 QQ striped rtilorlcga J70 They ar poaiuvelv worth lL Men' estra flit trw Bull and Over- coal. In all in IB lest styles a ml shadea, neavy ana tin lined, en mil in and the timet IW tailor-made 0 AO ferments for,, i 4laviiu ton't fall to ask to the aartnenta. Men's Sneat Waterproof Overrwai. mek- coat : worth I3 to S Don't fail to them. Men's fine Dree OQ 1'nnia ., ytJC Worth IIH, or your money refunded. Men' fin Trent aera. for Bitnday wear, in worsted and fancy trUx (TO Ofl at C.OJ era suarantee tlrkct on every aQ QQ r. IlllflVU mm VC ,1., A I MLDOUGLAS l,3S'SH0ES t 1 On Way of Savins,. Bachelor So you're married, ehT I suppose your wife saves you a pood deal of trouble? Benedick Well, she saves ever lit tle trouble that comes to her during the day so that she may bother me with it when I come home at night. Philadelphia .Record. HEALTH RESTORER. JUSEIT' BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY rotiiaud, Otegon. rounded ls7 l Rem School for Bon. Military and lunal Training. Writ for Illustrated Catalogue, ARTHUR C. NEVVILL, Principal Oil Aft afiV T svMvW4 Ul, 1,H nii.r than qtuirtsif ot m rctiiury lit rto- Utl'.A ot W. 1. Jk'UflM1 HIkmm fur ittl. tMiaJuft. tutti ffMr liu iN.tvd all othr nilei. Iboy mtm worn bjr vw Nn la mil tat tons ot (if tiian vtijr oilier ink, !rmu they ar th only hhtm thai la irry ny 4VukI tiliin4 d,uf nhiMNi, ihry mtm th MtaihUftl of Ih wotlti Thl U th rMtn We Is. huglst inkM rd Milt mt um $ .t.M) tt f lJJO hi ihsfstt any other two mitufiMtturrs. A trial oottTliKw yi thj mtm hw awia w ih world. W. L DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Bold byta IVmglej stores In Amerlean Cities ana best alius dealers erertahere. rI!T10V Tksrssrssa.esW.a.s. glss sens aa4 selee sissisee sa seuea. floa, Ay rneif, ff rest, erfr. Jtsetraeg t'vtatiaiM res. '. U IX)K1I.AS, llro.kton. Mass. SKfJ or money ,12c 29c 39c 8c 3c 12c 3c I'lMltlvely worth le. M and V. refunded, lloy" flneait rtult and Ovea- tfe) in roata, worth K. M and If $ O Doya" Untie and Overcoat. CO 00 worth K54 4sC30 Thousand of t'hllilren s Bulla to choose from. I.iwd pair of Boys' Kne Pent worm it Men' beet quality rilufor-Ns 1,'nlaundereit Hlilrta, worth 11.. rin Kresi Hhlrta, worth tl tn Men's fine 811k Kmhroldrd Bue- lipildera, worth 7u Oiwd Heavy Hm-ke, worth Ski , truer a.ikiu Nevlillne In all shade, worth from II Men tlttmlkervhlef, worth ifeo i atat'klntoahr-a, odd Tnat and odd Vests at your own tr.-: 3 other rtlde, loo numerou to mention. Men's Fine Underwear at tens thaa half the coat ol production. SHOES. (Small.) Men's Velour Calf, worth CtO, J Mn' fine Vlri, Kangaroo and ling l if. worm KM, t Xen'e rnrdovan and Kangaroo Wells, srurth i "i. al . .. . Men' flnret Welt, la VIH and i air. regular su.uu etioee, t , Boya' and Tout ha' Kangaroo I'alf. worth 11 Ui at .. Utile (lent' N worm at . These are all liii-tiwtut ld goiula. Io not confound thus with so. railed eloalns-out aalee, etc. This Is a Ufcltlmate Sale W must raise th money nerramtrv to atlnfy our creditor' clalma IVeltlvely no (node wild, and no on allowed In th building until WEDNESDAY, HAY ai At 9:00 A. M. BAt.R POSITIVKI.T CUWK9 BATUIt DAV NIOIIT, MAT tl. A. E. Nathan 1 Co. 107 First Street Between Washington and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, ORIiUON. Mall order carefully filled. Railroad fare paid on all purchase of tdi.ui or Sobby Hhoe. $2,48 $2.98 Wlllnw $3.39 $1.29 98c Summer Resolutions ?uB Kccloy Carol Burt relief from liquor, opium and tobacco habit!. Band tot particular! to Keetey Institute r.::V.M:ri; STRONG Kit AND BKTTKR TIIAJf COMMON HAIXtN'K's OR ANT OTIIKK MKHRV hOX NbW PATENT FOLD1NQ BERRY BOX. NoSlarle.. NoTackon.lU.. SAMPLE BOX FRHH. LAMBnPSfiN. PfiDTl ami. no , .. . ,, wv ei si rnt-mt - aif v w9 m. r. . p. Urn. x 1-101. WMEII wrttlns; to adeertleere please BMlm lilt eaoer. tot 71 Year McCormick hat mantifactoreJ macKi, . ior Harvesting; the cropg of the world. about thirty bottle, contlnning- It for soma time after the sore bad healed, to be i bis sue poiaon was out or my sys- e 1 . nin ea bo Blg-n or tbe cancer ta year. fDSSPHUS EEID. Oant, Audrlaa Co., Ho. ia strictly a vegetable remedy, and, while poasesointr nurifvinir I and healing properties that no other medicine does, contains nothing that could derange the system. While cleansing the blood tt also builds up tbe general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or other blood trouble, send for our free book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write to us for any information or advice wanted; ere make no charge for this service. TM fWIPT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, SA. fathomable the deeper we are permit- Grenadier Guards. When the sum was ted to explore them, and as knowledge increases the extent of that which still remains to be explained Increases also. -Professor Winslow Upton, in Provi dence Journal. paid, the subject was at laat officially aroppea. Censorship of Comic Papers. Foreign comic papers are being sub jected to a strict censorship In Ger many Just now. A special lookout Is being kept for those published In America which contain pictures con sidered disrespectful to the kaiser. CUtS tonttii ALL fcU (AIL Si a vouKa DjrufK 'X sutes uooa. in time, roia dt nrtjptrints. i. Use I J Cigarettes for Hulwcrlbers. El Pals, which Is a pushing paper of Buenos Ay res, offers to give every subscriber for three months an .equal value In cigarettes, so that the cus tomer gets $3 worth of news and to bacco each for the one price. Insect Food. Those who object to eating meat at the term Is usually understood will he Intersted In learning of a new move ment whose leaders oppose the con sumption of beef and mutton, hut are equally hostile to vegctarlnulam. A French entomologist, M. Dairln. Una discovered a compromise whleli he cor dially recommends In the shape of In sect food. He speaks on the subject with authority, "having tasted several hundred species of raw, boiled, fried. broiled, roasted and hashed insects,." But the most popular insect food of oil, he declares. Is locust flour, which the Bedouins take boiled In milk or fried and served with rice. Gossips are people who go around stabbing reputations In tbe back. Paradoxical though It may seem, It is bard to touch a close mau 'i1 y1 irIal Always Bonn ht lias borne the aitnia. turo of Chan. H. Fletcher, and l.a, been marie under per-onal aupervljlon for ov So Tars. Allow no one io deceive yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations ? and What is CASTORIA CaatoriA la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Par. Korlc, Drops and Hoothingr Syrups. It to Hwnfclt contains neither Opium, Slorphlne nor other Nareotlo substaiico. Its afre Is its fruarantee. It destroys Wnm and allays FevcrlahneHS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wheel Colic. It relieves Teethln Troubles, MircsConitlnint: and Flatulency. It asaiiSilates tVxeSiuSSlSSi ntntnu ,,.,.! i !.,..... ,V.. " "K"iaies tbe IT " TTS 1 TT TT " The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of T7 km mv: m' In Use For Over 30 Years. vsie eesieawe. e. su..w eraerr, aes vans em. d'Cr,bt, ta FINEST CATALOGUE EVER PRINTED. atria ior on FREE to A. H. BOYLAN, GtnerAl 1, . . .. ' ivtcrmick Hrvtr Co, PortlanJ, Or.