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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1902)
I OREGON MIST f COAL COHU. aa. efcwi?. niiw (i ls tJutmum. 1M aa - Cm w.aa Nw a sawm l 4o naif as e aanwwa a t SI, .a to trufaa aanw? . - -.WW., Mfl&lll. tW "' OmufKg,"' Tataafaw tvaue F.a--v at tJU . sua atnewwf ti aaantae !a awarrwr m 7Ar tMlaWiasr inyiii ra i RstWSa ajt srta. f Btautess.? T"sw rrwfcbraav aany f SJ im m wary am savwowr. tama nam .iotas f las wee . fcn kas kmt aa aaonST atnmow fc ta COUWTY Of rlCIAL. PAPZP. aa$iitaM'una,IM)ut awawwa ft, "WW ' ao ni k a eaai Ww j Marfe & east' mM titcwanra tv&auu Twa- Imn Erra Fane Knaaoaa R" DAVID DAVIS, rau pratav flllHi Aft VratC Biff" ' . - Y.uMB.M.&M sviaj a ear a JarjBf Ira a -: 1BliBi w tBlfc mmT, -J T ItiilMl till U tUlU B1B W W . j,. ! ecaxrt, ut VJJ KMC an ummrv w isa wit- iwmk ' gsv a askart tajtora ta yui M caA ; UimauMK. ewrwa www . rr A. u - tA tA aiu m?a. &. JL. Bssiw. va lav teas ! J: 2- Oaif .... k j kta t a. : ia. Ti m. Hum raae7 fia- a. iii ii Trim ' ii t t iii i i Biiia i ninT 'M ftiiiMna - ' --. jltua irw aa jrja A C-'aja.. m km -as aarwriwrinw tM( k ka a-w fc am taj " m .nam &.ir Eirsaii 3a trwa'awtit iii- anna ar. H a ItaauMaa kaa aaaa mm . . , iiwiiiiwiiTinT,rr--,""'''"""1"""' """"" "" TIf t atalBVaf"aflV fWSVMM 9bWWCMBVtt4PWU VWVC JSa5aW(BaBfc won '! ' "." ' "" :"" """ " ". " " r"T" . . JaZJ r. iiiiT--iI.ii.Iiiiiti- 'mi,"ii"'mm"'","'"''''"'''''''''" '--"- , . . T7 J v4 ktt fccca WU awdw bltaw. yfJ toajal aptTWai aiM tt IfiCiUkry. (j&ff&ZZ ADtvMMto4aatTFMltlt What i3 CASTORIA C3Mtrt to m hfmbm b-tttU to Cr 00. Pin. ajaj4 PtotaJewrT. I tUttito4- rto MMtljaTiWcto, ft kJt)iF wttturml . Tb CItXVU' Pa3tTli Mother FftottA, CCNUIHE CASTORIA ALWAYS rtewrjata.iiit. KM 7Kt traai i It tua a U ; fnaoi enwt, awi 3W kuat tea. koMiaav; OWm Tar Wimm twvai. 0 tnaiaxawa L!. Zl. .-. 4 nutnaa a fcaa caataaaa. a4 fc :tta-M At"a thai fawt tm . wmtkJt, tvtarami Tsaafiay. TOllXA. fwin m fcaa bara fai!aa6e aa it ? t , unmJortMm itsmm aa tot Wat S Stt.jJr. mkw tnot ant aesa mms Iaata. liaoiSfsa. tia jhat - -"T " Z. - i tixa puna aw aa wv f" j . t. kwa , n.. . ..n- . mirairtta1 awus aaat awm i&aa s ta Mia ftM T-na .'lal nMieiil uiu . txw rw tun. U 4 tan, aa a t3ai fey raaitaa, al U . a tTaat ai bmmmT t ta f t! esr'a teaautroaZ. iaaaa aait aaaca U fejt fttitvar. , soa tut tettt wmwaat Itucaa umv. tkjia rraaa Oawta. $ ltM . ..,.. .-. rac .Ma -wr . - - J : i cssin nniucxs tisot. Far Batfa vara eoth, Xai&tar, f sr Owar CSark HAVE) VAT13, fx. Bdaaav THOS. A. LAWS, Karat taia. rarTrtaaanT ROSS, St. Eiaa. For Coomiawer fLt.CCA.XlS, Kartlkad. Wat. T. WATTS, Seapftx. 7t Corwer E. C. 0 ALTOS, 01e newer vctrr. for Joatiet o( th Peae EXHAED COX- FarCoBtab FKAJkK K. THORP. For Ra4 8-iptfw JOBS G. FLASK. THE TICKCT. Th eoaatr ntrpsbtkaa enwrectiia baa aaet, SaMked iu datjea ad arisarsd. ; Tkia borif waa eooapoted of toe aaoat recavteatativ claai of aea erer saaato- ; bMoaaainiiaroaguriaa in ttuerxjniy, ' and Us reeolt of Ha labor ia auirfac ; Vry to a large aiajority of tbe popi of ' tbe eoonty. In erery iantarxa tfce aaen , aaieeted ara veil Sued tor their reepect-; ra piaee by toe aioere&t oauutea ana 1 qaJiBcatioBe aeeeaaary to mctm at tba miU In.. ,h4 Cfr iiwtni tfcO Mair aAnal clawa " j defeat tomee to aejr of tfa nomineea tt tarill Ba ikm nrt Awl kJri a fvl W aaft BMivvut v btwpv vr.iiM aurw tattered mSnna of tba eaadsdatea aod total lack of iateroat in each otber, la- vanatay were are aet aoo Dae a per-; oaal eaaraat r ? I Barer apeakiBf t btf U otber eaodi- atea wroon tear 01 amine ! iy:rz.z - ,0Tf . hu co-wort er and tfce ; party won bonored biM be m ta ba j ova wieetai, ano ooo pre cacn 01 Bia j leiiow taaoKiaMa w tatt, -weo? tooa rP''"f. partr " b Dim. rt iu ww i wej ere la mM M f M last fiatnr ! , "T".!- . i . 1. j 17'", J00 m?if:bf1 ,n T"" 7r. , r ! Jt Hjao M a ma, De re rewwianw deeooerat. fie bat rw prmnpiea, atxanc pertonal qsalitiea, rote-jettiof ability, political Mifaeity, aad it acbooied ia practical polrtkta, even thropt be a probibttioniat or a pojmiiH. In ail tbeae cjoaiibeatioBf, a a codi)te, foe matt expect to be ereofy elamed by bit ad yertary. A team of candidate too often doea not attempt to atreojrtbeo itaelf by adroeatibc tie beat interest of tbe party it represent. Boeb a coterie it aometiiuea like a football teara. Erery player it anxioo to (nske ran, tooeb dowrt and frandttaod play vitboot tbe aeeittaiKe of tbe otber member of tlie team. Tba cotuwjw-we U tie it in- . i.u. . 1.1.J 1 tb other tide, which bock the line yaieniaUcaily and often kkk a cafe goal. When a coach i employed and team work it commenced the retnlu ara different. Bot few men on the republi can ticket eaa mtfce tlx fight aaieiy vitboot tbe atwittance lA the other can didate and party prltxripl to tnpport him. Tba practical politician doea not underestimate the atrengtn of hi oppo nent, dot doe he overkxk any pottiote maneuver. H doe not take victory for granted until it it certain. None of th candidate thonld qnit working for tb entire team daring tbe campaign and 00 election day a long a tbe poll are open and a vote ha not been caat. With a warm iotereat in party mea orea every republican nominee iboald be given an eaty victory at the poll. Ifowerer, if for peritonei or ether reaa on there are voter who cannot tupport tbe portion of tbe ticket represented by the nominee for tbe aecobd place on it, ve appeal to them to carefully consider th qualification of the candidatea for the other part of the ticket and gije them your hearty tnpport. JiU-i JL- It f believed that tbe Northern Pa eJAc line that 1 DniheI to Vancouver wat not pot there aimply to reach Van roarer, and eventually reach Portland over th new bridir which i to be built aero the Colanibia, bat that it i part of the line whirli it to be boiJt op the north bank of the Colambi, and that tba corning aanimer may vitnet lirely tim in tbit part of Waebintoa, t av. tt aart af On.fn.rn anc & art r- tntmmt mi mm "Wr U my tart-! J tutui v'taltttv;tem ' 1 3fcttaaafca aS ai it it JwS ' ! sai.. Fwraaaui o aaa t ! xMtiei ta u ae ' a, at l f&a s aawct tt itf H IM asauar r5"- ., ..Z ... ,.. - mt i aA TMtm. out kaa taaa sa taa i jamiau that pwsyKa 4 Psrajri far ; avaay yt- r weafss i w tM ti s-. to tr iM amfctcsfc ts Ii(Jta atwrw;,,, bm bats Scac 5 SS t aiUaua. ml V awpaa wT. sunaea BrxBari uo : Mm t 4an a !(ajsB rwwr ta SCjnt. ' .w. Lk taa ba t fctw aarf TaaaiAar qawg ; iaat vat, triac a mrc- u apt-.-.r: to kw taowvaraj aad aea tsee :a fc ianaa ecrrata. Mr. Ca a 5 , erax'.v mbem ' t& irt, ut a r-mrm tautmmptaarlmitmmdiBf to mmm osi to He& ta ; j, vtar. hmtxtm rat urn tis n ta aaraoata auted ia tt trat fcr iot two tati, br b vut iwt!u vci Jt? aaaa ka foatar - Jat taa aoeva. So i-rt ha btf aatil tia pustj M fA. b t- riwJ H i, wraiaN ksr a I.Tir-tyT rfW tiatre i a fem ta r, r?V Caiijrsua. tivat Kcaa;, aad kaa a ftwt !na&2 ' rxul I- koa. ead ki-a 2(9 pru, vto vast met iaat ntk ! boa toat ka aaoec. ia asy - tfcR ( aaatrvnava vd ! to ldasaeeraiie ooa!ic. f denaaua b efcooaa wj - Wis aa U- raMK aa ii r''rrTTZ : m:aa usai wmi ; I tt Li.?ifL2: raenrrais ia m oira. 11 k a rerr ear BMr to eysajwwt Miat ti C"ia!aJtaaur. !a tfc rrnl 4 vba t&e Btt twaatr, Ircavt aad taw, wwtjd b ia w-,tete ttsea'J&a ferni ca aoeaa ymmiiij eatfstai Uat U.-B axjrc trjaa na avDCEvsiaum ataenat at ta Btn. eenij bop the sean cas aoceeed. , Trntehtinae aa4 aeernta of tba . primary mmmiz-r ht'A is u rvf pnxtseta ttrfxvot tha ensaty ataat Bot iota r-rtt of Lb iaee that tt t Uwnr datr to tut oat aad mpi tha earu cate of (xxnieatiniB tor Unt t'A mrpr- nw. fatSicm of tt faot aad evcataia. TVaa eertifieatca of aeisatioa, to ttber with Ite aovptastc of tt aia imev, men be pituoul on fi'i ia tit eneaty - drrt'i office mot la'jer thaa thirty 2yi prior to aicetioa. Ia arxsa of tiMt pro aarta ttttre vera ao Bomi&atioc aade for jomia msA eoeattJiie, bvt is errry . neuet tbe aonBt&xtMv of a road rapr : timr run A kr bea aaade. If web ' s Doouaatkie tu not aiade eaadiiiaMa gtsy be elaearl ob tba lauirjt by pemwur fey orvt teat tisaa tfaroe per test of ait the vrjtert of the dtmnet or prmcitstt. ; Crtificata of aoorioatioa a.o b fid ' Brt ttr t&aa thirty aayt beiore eieetion ; Uy, bot oxnicatiuoa aaad by petitkta ' nay ba Ci at asy time oot later than fii'tera dart prior to esccuoo day. Ia two pratioeta ia tb eoeaty there vert to have bees made Domutationa tor two road toperrnori. Ia cue tow aoaUn' eomisatioca aaar be vaa owenookea Baoa bypetitioa. Eumm in thU paper viH be v-et . Bfc, is- uk fr To-v't Tei- - tzrxm, apta'tiot of the organiutioa of a company beiiMt formed ia Portland or tee parsote) ot 4ee)ociiac u Buoerai int m fef(poote ereek. Tbe p7oprtf in qneetion ia that tonoeriy LJ by Wr. Frank Payoa. Tfaeae WaiU an i laid to be rery raloabie and nt tb.. opeMO, , rtS Tlie Scappoow raoire ar, .ppy Tery rii .jjnw,!. Tbre ia aa aboiviaoce erf 'lttMi iroa and mineral paict depoaited i tfaere, beaidea od proeoeete of ; la tity ill tbote bill. near rkappoote . J ' ' autioa tmcoeoM bank ot waie exiat. fewt tell a that tucb iadieatiooa rrant exaaire derekoent wito aimoet abaoiate aararaate ot and -1 .. r The nrcner tun aeemt nmr to faa 00 foot to determine the (act ia tbe esae, 7 hz wxrialitt held a mate convention a few day ago in Portland and put op tbe following ticket: Governor. E. E. Kyan, of Marion eoontr; aecretary of title, C. W. Barzee, of waaco county ; aute treatarer, W. W. Myer, of Clack- amaa eoanty; lattice of tbe tapreme eoait, C. P. Entbertord, of Harney eoonty; eongrreatman, aeeond district, D. T. Gerde, of ClaWjp eooaty. Other (tate onVr will be nominated by tbe Mace etotral committee. Tbe party an oouoced tbat Rate officer thonld not noui rrr exceedinc two thooeand dollar. per annam a aaiary. Cahww. Sanoa aay abe ia willing to do anytbint; tbe Lord atk, to ort aa it fa honorable. It ia caite evident tbat he would eoctider it diabonorable to "Go 'way back, etc." eetiar JTetiee. There will be meeting held at Yank- M A . 1 1-1-1. i the ahacribera to tbe fond lor trattin ! in the telephone line. All .nbecriUri j reqaeated to attend. Loo Baoca. . I T Xiae Palat Ore. A company is being formed ia tbit city to develop a mineral paint mine near Hcappooee, aboat twenty-five mile from thi city. The mine i on the line of the Northern pacific railroad, and beeao of the superior trantportioa fa eilitie the promoter anticipate no delay in getting the prodact on tbe mar- I . r a T tr i - . , tn. nr. naxiui ncuurnann 1 one 01 the chief promoter of the projet and he ha interewted inember of the board of trade who vill give the scheme thi malady, and asthma, the kind that !bHr eiidoraement. A company with j baffle the doctors, it wholly drive from 110,000 capital i being formed. The i the ytem. Thoatand of ooce-bope-111 1 ne covert aloat MM acre. Already j lesa tafTerer from eontamption, pnea- a patent insu hme has been put id for palverizimr th ore, the machine being operated by a (team Mast under pre-; are of 150 ponnd. Thi doe away with the old grinding proeea. The ma chine vill turn out about a ton of min eral paint a day. Toedy' Telegram. .. Xr. xmt ntm Wat. Tiut prise Ito. A. jJiattanaa. W waa at tta Hwawt e Mr. Imm. hil -. tetwa . Tsrii at awt aaI MiaM a- V - ulta uim uMi titsar art at uuit vat. .Ht vest artr t&a ' Taaty' HnmZtim, aa4 . lnm to Ciiatwaa.. TJtS ftrouj,,,. Va Zrmi. aa4 bar-! uenuaa aiaa a Mr. ar;f B-3i3ai u fats mosa 4 Tail,, of turn too ka Imaaiy H;ir"fc, SLt ST i , k ttaai aad ma act ta let. Htitaaf i t, bta r-jsi-.s.f mcm ia Fa-uaxd aaj Mat taxa. Mr. Prut', vha ka u,. Ca5E, fcriT of Oaa ! u ai'ataia taaiaeat aa, aad tfeiak , - j-,-. Tfa EI b a eaaeu ot ti exiatea of trass- at ...c-U, Xjooty rat&c, March Ht, at I o'okkIl, fc 5 ttektt. Wttwinttad Utat fevet taei cnaro, 11 aay, omit a ia o tberc will be a food cbaaea (or fee "owta" to bar a oeai. Let all rotert ' j kg : Txar. I . LobU H -fbt, vfeo bopit tie Tost Tarxtm .;M ft pnat iaeattbeet. P-. tov. taet f r,. 4,ia &.:e, vta eWa to rsoeed ! year. M feaa. vjtibse "r. f i ttjoenf. H ootvlart of ta aSvr arf UaijavocEtBearHl,,, ka. bee. ao eoureiy aa'uaiartory ton twa v e k, w kere be baa v wt Mr. tbat it wat deetaed at ai- rJey tbe asoet ot tbe tiae, aa be baa ----- ttacv be ba bees a reetoeet bere, to ears a brief , be wasta the Uauiy vitb farm. T arw anrrv to Vm irlB bcl ! Dope tbey wiil retara vbea ve get oar rauroad, at so doe l tbey, vita Basy cjjert, will. At tbe AaVsm predue repablkaa pnaiary eSeetaoa beid at Versoela oa TSinrtday of iat week, C. M. Beefttry, L P. fepescer aod J. a. Mov wtre teat at to tbe eooaty eooreatioa at f Heieot, oat gatordar kat. C. W. Mellinfer vaa u9ZiUiated for anperrinr of nad d'mnet -So. 14; t. O. ."fetoca baa for (acerrMor of rwd dieuiet o. Beegbiey wa recrma-eaded for precinct wmarx wm OMmaaom. committeemaa. There waa a gocd at Mr. H. L. Coivia ia a retidest of tendaoee acd a lively ietemt ia tbe j Martbland, where be baa been engaged work of tbe eoBve&Uca. We noticed , ia tbe keen baaiue lor a great many aeverai of oor former popalirt brethren ' year, ad ia known a a maa of good taking active cart ia tbe work of tbe J boitaea qaaUacauoae. He d-A aot convesUoo. w eeoa tbeaa all back . teek tbe office, bot a majority U tbe into tbe g, O. p. Sdeiegate aeemed to deaue kia aomiBa- C. A. MaSmaten went to Fxeet Grove ! .tZr?LEd Worltl tbe latter oart of laat week to meet hi. ?mZ? JZTVtJJ. brother. FrankUn, and water, Mr.. Liad- fLlff 1 VlLZ 't: "" Mt rp0 eaboata vita tbeir cuter, Mra.1 - . t -!; . . . &oo'Ero;r a i sXr r; Baxtoo, the boy comicf ovr tbe j ,V., ,f k. ,. wiil tntit awfaiie vitb Mr. West, tbea come on into toe Nehalem, where tbe expect to make ber fotore borne. Her bot hand vill come veat again aonte time daring tb ammer or fall. Tbey vere ber two year ago and bought them a little borne, tbe Lewi place, north of town. Franklin Maimtten expert to. vitit itb tb folk a few week and then retara to Minnesota, He waa formerly Nehaleoiite, and may be one again, we unaemaca. Eliaba M. Dow. who had been in dining health for the part two year, and eoonncJ to hi bed lor tbe pact month, died at hit home, two mile north of tova,lMt Friday niifht. March 81. An- other good citizen gone. Had Mr. Iw Hvea ontu May oth. next, he ld bav reacbed hi three (core year and ; ten. He w born near Burlington, Vt., May 6th, 1S32. At tbe are of ten be went with hi parent to Wiarontin. and in 1WM to Iowa, coming to Uregoa ia IHX1, and fettled is tieiem. In 15 be earn to Sebalem valley. Hi trade wa ! that ot a wizoa maker, bat moat iA bia life wa apeut in agriealtare! porta it. ui edacauoa wa obtained in tbe com mon acbool', bat be had read larireiy and wa a man well informed on many (object. He wa a econd eotuin of Seal JJow, tbe great temperabce and prohibition worker of Maine, and beim of PoriUa stock, hi habit of life vere trktly correct. At tbe age of 83 year ne wa married to Mice Jaiiet hhort, of Lake coo tit v. HI., woo (arrive bim. Poor children were bora to thi onion : Jaiio vitb vijoa be ba lived since ? Nebalem; Locio. who "f. f" , V reig, of Bantiam Or., and Mr. Etbel B. Pnngle, formerly of .Vehtlcm, but r year of age; Mr. Locia now livinx at Westport. Or. Tbe funeral service were held at the boioe on Hun day at 11 a, m., being eond acted by Eev. Titeo. L. Harder, mod the remaiD vere buried in the new cemetery jont north of town. Rent in peace. Woald aanasb tbe Clab. If snember of the "Hay Fever Asso ciation" wonld use Dr. king' New Via- jcovery for Consumption, tbe club would 1 soon go to pieces, for it- always cure monia, bronchitis, owe their live and health to it. It conquert gn grip, aave the and whooping 1 Utile one from croup cough, anil ia positively guaranteed for all throat and lung trouble. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free at tb Bt. Helen pharmacy. , easwyna- a t4 twaa? tact at Hon. .a-araa aatmua wnpr o !H.iTZ t taj . liar. ao mm ma yaCM aaJ niwa a ; M s, eatatil. aa ty ' f ts osia twut aajaaa. lan v aa aw . . Mjmua af atanr r' i i7, a r ts , f rra u iavajSa ?- i ncntra ntmant. UralUrt.(isitotif !aii!: Luir d im bat t( bi mm at awatat car ' ttvat aaiar. Ua P t" Cif U aaoi ! i aivecata a B afiacsnaa aa - . , . . b.,-- ; Ltuw ka a ta Eajaaa. vtort, aaatu ; far yw af k va asoastac- aaatar, v&aeft awtk k kaa -J sa j tut ta & k kaa Warta4 a t axa, acuca ua utrm wnEai.j mi1 , ,j -,, f , oacMa can. a4 i mrmm , , ' ... ;n k! Qttt V&AX K ,,5 Ui- Geody sad cri.Ltii y. if ekcted. ia U ' aoeiuoa so wsek ba kaa bees ttea aa ! 2mi to aaxe a etaeaw. na w 100 I veil aad taroraciy kaova by tbe people , uoo boot aa. j aoacau r-va aaasaao. ! Mr. A. T. Law ba beea a reagent of ' thi county rood staay year aad t ' koowa aa a aii of root nriaceiea. boo- j : eat aad tadactrvooa. He K at preaest t J rersdiag at Ctauuaie, ltbotnt btai i bom tt at Ifrrr Itaad. Ey oeraaattioa , ; be it a loerer. He poeaewa grjod j ig-; j teest and i every aty qsaU&ed tot I ' t&t place be ha btea Domtsated to. If j caecucfai ia Ue eiec.ioa tbe peopaa of jt&e eoac:y may rett aaaoied tbe lor tbe place tbe eocfSdeoee repoaed ia bint will in no way be betrayed, aoaaca ros tcaTxroa. Wa, T. Watta, of Bcappoote, who re ceived tbit Domination by acelamatkMi, ' "m a promioent roang maa is tbe eom j monity where he now reeidea and ba : reaided inr bit infancy, heiDg a brother S of tbe prevent eoanty clerk. He ha al way foiowed farming and Kockraia- ing and baa made a uceea of bit oa- dertakiDgt. He bt a practical knowt dff nf rivii eetfineerice. and bit be mutH f Xii.a.M ti.a HhiLm tJ th i office to which be atpire to hi atmott ' ability 1 . w coao""- w bile. P'bP. u tbe least im- i"""''u? "'J , tt 1 no lev a connty office, and the aalt" w aiarrntrKi are jo a im- ponat a tar aa iney go a any otner. The nominee, Mr. E. C. IMlton. of thi city, ha been ia tbe eoanty aboat two year, and U eminently qoalinea 10 rery vy to ably eondoet tbe anaira of " wuicc. Cbroolc Ularrboea. Mr. C. B. Winefield. of Fair Play. Mo., who nfired from chronic draco tery for thirty-five Tear, tart Chamber- Iain's Cwie, Cholera and Lharrboea Remedy did bim mora good than any other medicine be bad ever oaed. For ale at tbe St. Helen pharmacy. W farntth Th Mier and Weekly Oregon ian for 12.00 a year. CASTORIA For Xolkjata tad Cbildreo. Till Kid Yea Wm Atop B::gtit Bears tba Slgnktare of All kind of commercial fob printing executed at thi office. When too vake no vitb a bad taste in your mouth you may know tbat roa 1 need a dose 01 cnamberiam' Btomacb and Liver Tablet. They will cleans your itomacb, improve your appetite and make von feel like a new man. Tbey are easy to take, bei ng uea r coated . and pleasant in effect. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. We are (till furnishing th Weekly Oregonisn and Mir together for a year for only $2.00. Subscribe now. ' int,tl- w ii fctaiw j ' i ti, kV, . iJlilrXul t-a- I bmrut. amuia ui ttJta. sc. liaaaB&ar- a its - -- Ttmm twwrasa ara r:f al tacsa. Bjsissrai a TOnXA.. This wilt save your Llfo. 15 eeiy Curmrrtxl Cur. BT Vr iAJRf- mmlrstfrwtvrt1'e f AMOUTflT CHflKT- lxSweu. AKiata. BratMtJCM l WkjaapiDf CamrX FwaaajOia. or tXJ Ahmntl ct taa TSraaA aaal ' TlltAl. BOTTLCS FKCC Xanbaw aVa M aastt tat IM I J1 - :!0riental Hotel TABLE BOARD AHO ROOMS , AT fijMX-M FxCKZ. I ClatlEICIU MEir HMf. ; sT HiLXSS, 0R&30S. Starts: k Sennas Ercs. ji u tr urTT. ajr mjt ce- Lumber Brifgs Tirniers izi Ties a Specsaltr. W twawlwcar tsam roar trww tor ai twaM lav -m t--4. we ar.4 a t mm HMaaiiinut cmim. Dimea'doa Lumber. Price at the Mill. $6 Per M. T AS ft TO. OBEOOS. BsrraRUJBCI JOHN A. BECK Vhatzx is, Diamonds, SOienirc, ....JEWELRY... Repairing a Specialtj. lt(iwk.iLrnttflnl.r9tTUS. Bowa-covan mm saouu 10 ro rut Clatskanie Drug Store roa run a Drugs and Medicines CHOICE Toilet Articles and Perfamerj Or. J. t. HtU. ranfr CLsrsxtna : : Oaxooa. v. tt. aorta. r. . vallacx. THE St. Helens Hotel Wall acs a Moris, Psort., la Again Open to the Public. Meal Served on fihort Notice. Bed 23 Cent, Meal 26 Cent. ttlD BAM IU COXNICTIOK. HORSES TO BA 1 10 CtJITS. Sr. Hslsjis, Obcoos. WATTS 4 PRICE OUR SPECIALTIES j Hard Wheat Floor, Snorts and Bran. We can save you money. a. CAIlTtrkYVllA I taan.n Bear th Si The Kind You HaY6 Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. j PROFESSIOXAL. sTh. grubek, KiTTORXEY-A T-L.1W.U f fj auk ft. ft. Wrt. rr. KitisMw ok) w:a M tarwatl tttwauaa ailiM ui-n omul k m am pneoc ta mU uwatjitaaaa UlKCru. V. H. POWELL, ATTORXEY-AT-LA frtTf irrk2cr rnrr. rr ftftLX. okioos. t R. P. Gataaa. T. J. Ctarroa. ' j aa xanaia ti.iu. IW4 Oraaoa. i Ciwatr Sa wi.l vwaa i. v. nar m. a. pitxtiD j DILLARD 4 DAY, 'ATTORXE YS-AT-Ll W tsft r ari". 4ir se r"onJ0Maar, rT BtLfNt.Cifcliw.N GrJ &ritir ts ror! Ot" V ak tarL A'u-aci nai duaetir (mat euvmr Dr. Edwin Rons, Physician and Surgeon. iT. HELEN'!, ORKGOS. Dr.ILR.aitT, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr.J.E.Ha.1, Ph ysicia n a n d Su rge o n . CLATSKANIE, 0BEGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNONIA, OREGON. 31 STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER Jul railroad company. DAN. V. ! rTATI.S t ii DAILY. r. a. 7 aa (ft t M I S 90 M OX IV n m m m 01 it 10 m jl m it i Lt Portland AMI l r. a i t u 30 7 &4 7 4 7 7 7 17 7 07 t ti W 10 04 atl liukla M Vt I. t .'! a , so s: . w m ui . M 14 .t' . I It 71 I I, W M 7 7 i 10 7 t . . 11 at w.tii 11 it w t! .. k.lni.r . . , .. HyramW... .. Ma, tar. ... .. .(4uln, ... . Cial.kault.. . MaraliUtivl . ... rnfu.n ... ...Knavt.... .. Svaahon.., , a t 12 VI I Hi t 17 t 17 tot 7 M 7 U John !, 11 to Ar. Aon. ,, AU traltM aili rW nanasrtloiia tt 1 labia US tt.rttbtta racing train m anit Irora th EaM aa Suss p.,mi. At wuh all or'.n '" 1 nMn depot, at Aaiarla wlih I. . a N. Co.'. boat and nil Una tt and from II strosnd Norm twh polni. . laaB(. lor Astoria or war point, must Sat traina at Houltoo. Train, will .ton u 1st f aB(ra og at Uoulton when romlu. (rub uolnia Ora. Past. Ast.. Aatorts. Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Usvs PoruaiMi os Tn1.r. Ttinnrfar and Sat srdaj tt 7 s. a. lor tt , Kalamm, Carrmir Powt, Haiti; ani tain, Arrlrlntal Portland Mondav, Wsd kaadaj ud Prlda, at i a. ia. Wharf loot ofgalwon gt B. UULMAN, Arsnt. I inc. iNtW YORK STOnb " jut received Urge invoice of I Summer Goods, Shoes, Jaw-. I Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. I H. MOEGDB, 1 1 (iier Ruilding, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon- Bintax of mw Mm J jt MEAT I MEAT I NEATI at T- City Market St. H f.r.t, Oateoa IIIB3AT A HOITei, PIOPS. -CXlLXK IX- , Fresh and Salt Meat j r i Citr tra!e, k-e-ir!g camps, tttan boat aaa raiiraata camp (applied. A oaocB rtLUto o taosr on: Owl Saloon SBinn BOTBtSS, fSOFBItmS -Ool, Ik kat of- Liters ani Dears liptiiStsct CYRUS NOBLE WEINHARD'S BEER am Aranahu "Tom Bentou" Cigars. if Alt tb hkumn Rt(M mtuX pop- 0 MlaVf fftWa4v. rOI POITUXB DAILY j Steamer Iraldaj C. I. Mgakii. j RAILROAD TIME. j Ufa Raliilar tail, (oscvpt uniaT)forrWi s l.n.l, MSA, dnwlix " Haly" '' . 0 tu KMutmiii. ! forUsail ' srnvlu at St. UtWtt. si .ti. j Passenzen aai Fast FrsisUit I-ORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR ST ton rotTI.A.10, DAILf. -TtAkUft- "America 11 , WiUamett Slough Route Leave St, Helena , ... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10 :S0 A M Uave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helen. 6:00 P R rAatB M CB.tTS. ti Will Carrg Nothing but Patttn- t. gr and Fast Kreight. I JAMES HOOD, Blaatsr. t trf