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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1902)
IM)! rXT AIT CP VJliliAJvJiN iUlijl - . - - - vnil . !.. i.wt,.nw lit St. Helen. Oregon, M second-class mail metier. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issued Every Fhihay Morning By DAVID DAVIS, KlMTUB AMIS I'mrUSTUK. 8CBSCRIITI0M PRICE: One copy one year, in advance tl.00 But uiuntlie 60 COUXTY OFFI0BKS. Representative Norma Merrill. Clalsksnle J num..... Joseph rl. loan, Kamiet Clor J. O. Watta, si. Helen Bherifr K. 8. Kalian. St. Helen Treasurer , K. rUwe, St Helm Sum. ol School I. H. Opeland, Honltoa Amnor .Martin While. St. Helens Rurrevor B. Little, Iloulion Ooroner Dr. H. R. Cliff. St. Helena Commissioner j ' .P. A. Frakea, Scaopo. va, nwsourg MARCH 21, 1902. THE COMING COSVESTIOM. As every republican in this county is aware, we are upon the threshold of a county convention, when a list of men will be chosen to represent the party before the voters. Candidates are either openly announced or arc trying their chances, and plans are made lor the campaign by both parties. Higher matters than the selection of a county ticket are engrossing tbe attention of many of our political workers. These matters should not be permitted to carry antagonism into the selection of tbe county ticket. Republicans of this coun ty havealwayn fought harder for ouuide parties thau they have for their neigh bors and true friends, and this spirit has arisen to such a degree that danger threatens. Which ever way thia ten dency leads, and may have power to nominate every man on the county ticket, it will be wisdom not to act the part of tyrant. The minority must be recognized. Compromises must be effected. There should be no high hand playing, but the best interests of the party must be served. In the excite went of a convention things are some times done that would be considered foolish in cooler moments, but which might cost the loss of a man on the ticket. But tickets are often practically made before the convention is called to order, and at such a time wisdom may be nsed. We desire to support tbe ticket, as we have always done, ardent ly and earnestly, and there is a pleasure in advocating the cause of strong, houest men, who have been selected because of their fitness to represent tbe party. Competition is just and there should be a keen rivalry among the delegates of the numerous different precincts in favor of men of t heir choice, and to se cure a fair representation on tbe county ticket, but not only the beat interests of the party, but the best interests of tbe county should be kept in the tore ground. Let's lay aside thia strife over outsiders and outside interests and guard well and with strict fidelity the matters which affect home interests first. THREE NEW STATES. There is a chance that three states will be added to the roll of the forty-live before tbe end of the present conjrresa. The House committee on territories has, by a unanimous vote, directed a favor able report to be mat on tbe bills for the admission of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona to statehood. The Okla homa bill baa already been reported and others will be reported in a few days. Tbe action of the committee shows that the bills are likely to pass the House without serious opposition. A tight will probably take place against some of there bills in tbe Senate, but the chances are that all of them will pass. The advocates of all three meas ures have joined forces, so that they will Have whatever strength can come from onion. There is no valid reason for opposing New Mexico's appeal for state hood, and of course Oklahoma won tbe right to admission several years ago, although she is tbe youngest of the three. New Mexico bad a population of about 194,000 in 1901, which is about the number required for a representative in congress from the states. She has been a territory for over half a century. Oklahoma had 398,000 inhabitants in 1900, or enough to entitle her to two votes in the House of Representatives, though she has been a territory for only a dozen years. Arizona is the smallest of all tbe terri tories, having only 122,000 population at the time the census was taken two years ago. As ber growth in the decade, how ever, was 106 per cent, the chances are that she has in the neighborhood of 130, 000 people now. The outlook for all these territories is bright. This is par ticnlarly true of Oklahoma. As tbe sil ver issue has beeu shelved for good there will be but little incentive for opposition to the admission of these territories. Partisan reasons may sway some votes, and this may delay the admission of some of tbe three. Oklahoma, even rith tbe new accessions made to ber W.....I.,;,... ;.. iuoi . k ,: ,' by the republicans, though tbe demo- in b .P-P': T.he P"Pr ee ls for cms have the better chance in both ne 11 legitimate and logical Arizona and New Mexico. Counting purpose, and the reqnest to suppress a lour electoral votes for Oklahoma ! waiter of public interest is as unreason three each for the other two territories, I ' wold "S0?4 th' mer Kn a....,. i.i .i I.. i chant suppress the sale of a staple article ,k. ..i,nL. r ih. ih,..!of president by the admission of the three territories, yet this win naruiy De sui ficient to give tbein the election. Leav ing partisanship aside altogether, there is no reason to oppose the admission of any of these territories. Tomorrow, convention day, promises to be a lively day. There are many candidates for each of the offices for which nominations will be made, and siime must be prepared to meet defeat. It is impost-ible at this true to forecast with any degree ot accuracy wno is in the lead lor the places. iue ineuoij , rivalry that exieta is indicative of a unanimous support of the ticket, when nominated. There are good men and true aspiring, aud it will be almost im possible for the convention to err in its judgment in making selections. Last year the United States produced ! 185,000 tons of beet sugar, sn increase of ; 108.0UO tons over l'JOO. Forty-two ' factories were in operation last year, j wiUi nine in coorae ot eonrtraction. Factories have bn established in nine- ...i... Ti.ia ta . .11., ,,f tha must, io young iudustiries in lue coun try and one of the most important. ! A advance of a dollar or two per 'thousand in the price ol lumber will .perhaps be utwstislactory to moat ol the '. valuable commodity, but , a a general advantage to Oreijon the advance will be moat welcome, u win add more tbau 1,IKW,000 to the value of j Mie annual output ol the mills ol Ore gon, and but a amall fraction of this , sum will be exacted from lumber buyers within the con tinea of tbe etate. Lum ber is too cheap, and it will stand sev eral advances of a dollar or two per thousand, and Mill fall far short ol malt intr rinant'ial atonement fur the reckless saennce ol one 01 our greatest natural ! resources. In making- the Drice of tini- ! ber land $6 and $7 per acre, and the trice ol lumber 7 to IS per thousand eel, we are almost giving away a heri tage which in a few years will double, treble ami quadruple in vaine. No man can please everybody, and it is folly to attempt to do it. A little ex perience soon teaches a wise man this useful truth. Let a man be sufficiently critical of his own conduct and then do -.(,,, he thinka riht- He need not ... . Th- ,!; WVlIf Will JIHUIIbVyilllVlll .IV f.WHV is Quick to censure, quick to praise, but quickest to forget. 1'olticans think that by swaying with the breath of the moment they can perpetuate themselves in the affection of the multitude, but the true leader is the man that does his own thinkins and stands by his own con victions. He may lose favor for awhile but in the long run he wins and be keep the respect ol all men. Okkoox has a good example to follow in the state ol New York, which tsap- propriat ing a million dollars a year to bulla good roads, uther states in tne nnion are spending hundreds of thou sands of dollars annually to better the condition of their highways. It is as serted that the Massachusetts highway commission, which is empowered to spend 50,000 yearly in building and im proving roads in t hat state, has saved the rural population of Massachusetts from 33 per cent to 60 per cent in the annual outlay for horses and vehicles; and the increase there in the value of real estate as a result of tbe couimia siou'd efforts is said to be enormous. Ths following editorial appeared in last Saturday's Oregonian: "Columbia county was one ol tbe counties of the slate heavily stricken by "hard times," due largely to official mismanagement and defalcation. It is gratifying to learn that prosperity has returned to it in full measure. This is fully demon strated by tbe fact that the county is square on the bonks of the state treas urer, that all warrants have been called in, and that by April 1 it will have a caoh surplus ol flU.OUU in the treasury. Compared with the financial manage ment of some other counties (naming no names), this is a fine showing of bus iness and officialism working in tbe public interest." Timbre land of the United States is go ing at the rate ol 40 miles square an nually. Tbe available supply will soon be exhausted, and wide awake timber men realize this, and are now turning their attention to the Pacific uortbweal forests. AFTERTHOUGHTS. The Easter lily comes from Bermuda, which is also the favorate haunt of tlie onion. Admiral Schley's loops on the prairie are far more skillful than those he ex ecuted at sea. It is fair to presume that Lord Paunce- fote would rather be relieved from gout than nis position as ambassador. A basket picnic has just been an nounced in Nebraska, the first of the season. Score one for Col. Bryan. The annual report of the Pennsylvania railroad company is a valuable chapter in Uncle barn's oook. ot prosperity. Prince Henry's opinion ol American cooking will have to be revised a good many times, be has tried so many kinds ot it. Many ol the old-time minstrels are passing away, but their jokes will con tinue to do business at the same old semicircle. When Gen. Fnnston gets before ths Philippine committee in Washington he will be likely to have a very lively tilt with Mr. Patterson. Prince Henry has greatly enjoyed his volksfest on American soil, especially the nnavoidabi and incidental touches of American interpolation. In bis latest romance Mr. Frank E. Stockton succeeds in making one more delightful combination of tbe lunatic, tbe lover and tbe buccaneer. Print tbe Jews. Very frequently of late subscribers to this paper nave made personal requests that a certain item of news be suppress ed, and tbe paper has in a few instances complied with the requests and either cut ont entirely or so mutilated state ments of public interest as to strip them of both literary and commercial valoe. Occasionally a subscriber or advertiser gets mad and quits because the paper has ret used to comply wttn a seinsbly unreasonable request. The news is tbe paper's capital, its stock in trade. Upon its ability to faithfully report the news hinges its success or failure, the peo ple buy the paper for the news it con tains and the advertiser buys tbe space solely for tbe purpose of conveying bis statements to the subscribers. It some times happens that tbe very man who, for personal reasons, bss requested the suppression of a news item, will prove the loudest bowler when some private matter of bis neighbor's is not mention- couimerre. Tbe paper should be reasonable in all things, but it must print the news. If the public and pri vate life of a man is clean, no truthful publication concerning him need be suppressed, n, on me contrary, mere is anything about bin) that will not bear the light of public inspection, the people ought to know it. Hilton bagie. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth you may know that yon need a dose of Chamberlain's 6tomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse vmir atiimaf-h. imnmm Tour annetinn and make yon feel like a new man They are easy to take, being sugar coated, and pleasant in effect. For sale at tbe St. Helens pharmacy. It is not often in this day that anv- J body says advertising doesn't pay- Some forms of publicity are too expensive for the reult they bring; but without some publicity nobody but the burglar can succeed. The fact that a man has a sign over his door is proof that be thinks anvertiaina : pays, ins newspaper ,s a; mediant which a man can nse according , ins means or nis aesire. ana 11 me: u . .!. K .l.l ' it will pay according to the space nsed. j liA HO K TAX rAVKIlS. LI at or Persona raying $tOO and Over In This Comity. From the current tax list we have taken the names of persons and corpor ations who this year will pay taxes in this county to the amount of 1100 or more. There are sixty-four in all : Northern Pacific Railroad Co. .f6.283 20 A. A C. Railroad Co 3,11 63 O. A C. Railroad Co 1,148 09 Muckle Bros 757 11 Kdmundllall 619 t K. It. loss 636 18 Frank M. VVarren 617 S Dean Blanchard 449 53 8. Benson 4fi8 63 Thos. and W. I). Connell 401 SO Star Logging Co. . . . 422 18 J. S. Oiltner 425 81 W. C. Noon 381 48 R. L. Barnes 298 66 Barrah, Clark, Corbctt 247 63 O. N. A P. Railroad Co.t 290 29 Chas. Hegele aJ 80 Amv M. Homans 2tt i'S A. King 224 84 S. A. Miles 294 68 Pac. Tel. Cable Co 203 09 G. W. Smith 210 00 S. Sibson 24188 Balfour, Guthrie Co 208 18 Mrs. E. M. Watts 206 48 Western Union Tel. Co 249 81 A. L. Maxwell 226 23 G. W. Mc Bride 210 90 A brain A Knox 156 42 Chas. Anderson 187 94 Ball A Hodgkiua 122 17 A. Barber 132 36 K. O Bryant estate 156 71 J. W. Blodget 157 20 M. J.Corey 109 12 James Dart 16166 John Dibbles 129 24 W. H. Dolman 165 94 Dolph, Prescot A Okes 115 27 Mrs. B. M. Freeman 136 00 B. i. Giltner 101 68 Hewett Investment Co 106 21 Wm. Honevman estate 161 07 F. IX Honevman 106 96 Christina Johnson 135 47 Sarah E. Lamont 115 20 N. Merrill 129 98 Frank Merrill 116 72 Oregon Wood Co 135 18 James Quinn 104 60 Reeder A Aikens 186 62 C. E. Rnnyon 103 25 U. F. Moeck 170 85 TheMaygerCo 148 50 Investors Mort. Seo. Co. 146 62 King Real Estate Assn 127 68 Hannah Tyszkiewics 134 33 G. R. Voaburg 150 27 Burt West. 129 76 118 18 104 11 182 68 Fred Wilson F. M. Warren.... 1. L. White I. G. Wikstroro.. A. W.Wright... . 102 01 104 72 Iadastrial ICotea. W. D. Plue, of the Rainier sash and door factory, purchased the cargo of 400,000 feet of redwood from the wrecked r rencn bark, Henrietta. L. 3. Meserve bas been appointed re ceiver lor tbe uongar Lumber uompany. of Frances, Wash. The affairs will probably be straightened out amicably in a suori time, Fluhrer Bros., ol Mayger, the shingle manufacturers, have installed a Lane machine, and report business as excel lent, with good prospects. This nrm won the first prize in Chicago and Umaba expositions on the superior qual ity ol their shingle. Can't Keep It Secret. Tbe splendid work ol Dr. King's Ne Life Pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thou sands bless them for curing constipation sick headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion. Try them. Zoc at the ot. Helens pharmacy. OABTOni Bsantas Th VM foi Haw timm BagM Bigaatais af Tbe Vice of Nagging. Clouds the happiness ol tbe borne, bnt a nagging woman often needs beip. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backacke and weak kidneys have used it, and be come healthy and happy. Try it. Only doc. t ne St. Helens pharmacy gaaran tees satifaction. One test of a good farmer is that hit soil is as productive as it was ore or ten years ago. A better test is when it is more productive. A supreme test is a case wherein the farmer takes charge ol a worn-out farm and in five years time makes it more productive than it ever was. ne nave personally Known lar mers who could successfully stand all these tests and msny others. We are still furnishing the Weekly Oregonian and Mist together for a year lor only fz.uu. bubsenbe now. You will never wish to take another dose of pills if yon once try Chamber lain's Stomach and Lier Tablets. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. OABTOrtXA. Bwitos A im M ' "wm game Bigastait r Would Smaab the Clwb. If members ol tbe "Hay Fever Asso ciation" would ne Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, tbe club would soon go to pieces, for it always enres this malady, and asthma, tbe kind that baffles the doctors, it wholly drives from the system. Thousands of once-hope- less ennerera trom consumption, pneu monia, bronchitis, owe their lives and health to it. It conquers grip, saves the little ones from croup and whooping congh, and is positively guaranteed for all throat and lung troubles. 60c. 1.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens phar macy. This will save your Life. By inducing you to cse Dr. King's New Discovery, Consumption. Coughs and Colds. ! The only Guaranteed Cure.' KO Cure. NO Pav. Your Drao-. : gist will warrant it ABSOLUTELY CURES Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, hooping Congh, Pneumonia, ran jM&tioa of toe Th matan dT Jmn . a IHIAL HOTTLES FREE. 1 Regular 6ia 50 eeata and L0Q Good for Astorftf. The outlook for the working men in Astoria aud especially tlye skilled work men, was never brighter than at pres e nt aud the indications are that there will be an immense amount of labor to be performed during tlie coming su in ner. In fact the winter moniha have been exceptional in that particular. All the manufacturing plants have been working full lime, while carpenters and others m the building trades have beeu steadily employed. Now houses are being erected both on and over the bill, and many old oies in various parts of ths city are being repaired. The exten sion of tlie street car line both east and west, with the manufacturing enter prises thst are to be established at Smith's point, will cause many new res idences to be built between now and next fall, providing employment for hundreds of workmen. Astoria Budget. MCETINONOTICC. HOl'LTON CAMP NO. SM, V.OODMKN OF the Worm, meats sverjf aalimtny ulaht In Perrv'i hall, Houliuu. O. Auiokun. C. c. Fasn Kkt, Clerk. SHINGLES FOB SALE. J . ni'PONT HONS, MANUFAC (urr. ol Vallev. Or., ara prepared to up- ulT the toral demand with as iroad quality of snlualMas ara manufaptured, and at (iricvsas low a oiher dealers, delivered at Uuulton, r ren. Columbia City or KU Helens. Addmwa or ders lo J. Dunont A Sons, Valley, Or. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE County Tacaa's Orrira, Sr. Hblsks, Oa., March It, WW. XTOTICB 18 HKKKBY CilVKN Til AT Al.l. ! uupald County Wsrranu ol Columbia County, Ore pun. which have been presented and endorse.!- "Not Paid lor Wsut ol Funds." will be paid upon presentation at this ortlce. Interest will not ba allowed slier Uit data. KUW1S Hons, f7ioT Treasurer ol Columbia County, Or. SUMMONS. Id ths Justice's Court (or Union precinct, In tolumbta emintv. Oregon. Gerhardt MorUach, plsiuuff, vs. Andrew Kenmkl. dcfendsnL To Andrew Kenoakl.'the above-nameS defend- INTHB NAMF. OF THE STATE OF ORKUON: you ara hereby commanded aad required to appear and answer the complaiut (lied herein sxalust voa. or or belore lath day ol April, 1WU, and II tou (sil to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will take judgment tint you (or the sura ol tUCkii. uxrether with the costs and div bureemenia herein, and will apply to the Court (or an order that all the personal property at tached herein be sold lo ssti.ty plaiinilTe de mand. This summons Is puulinned by order msde and Hied by me, dated February Will, 1WU. The data of the flrM publication berwol Is the 7lh day of March. l'-M. tha same to continue ones a week lor six (6) consecutive weeks. R. COX, Justice of the rear. Schnabel A Sen n she), attorneys (or plaintiff. niminn n nnirtn f t WAITS fi rmh OUR SPECIALTIES ! Hard Wheat Flour, Shorts and Bran. We can save you money. a ocappoose, - urrgoii. a Oriental Hotel Ecosxs BuinUT, Paor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS At Reasonable Fioi'ax. Visitors met at steamer landlnf and gnesu' baf- gajre looaeo alter. COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. ST. HELENS, : r OREGON. ESTABLISHED 15 77. ....1X0 JOHN A. BECK PtALXR IK Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. 30t alurrisoo at. Bet. Front A First, PORTLAND. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -MAXrPACTl'BEBS OF- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. Wc manafactare flrvt la rough .timber for H purpotsM for the irale, which we tell at a uiott rvaaoaabie figure. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. TAJiKTON, OREGON. AT. I. MOYER. T. S. WALLACE. -THE St. Helens Hotel Wall acc 4 More, Paori., Is Again Open to the Public. Meals Served on Rhort Notice. Beds 2d Cents, Meals 25 Cents. FEED BARN IK CONNECTION. BOSSES TO BA T 10 CENTS. St. Hilenb, : Oheooh. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD OO TO THE Clatskanie Drug Store FOB TIIKIK Drugs and Medicines CHOICE Toilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. E. HALL. Fropmtor CLATSKixit : : Obkoon. HavHiK Kan on Chamberlain's Cough Uemcily. lMwoeu the hours ol eltvii oVIock a. in. and closing H' "'f'1' on J''"" naryanh, l'.Wl, A. F. Olttrk, tlritiwist, mail 8rfnp, V., sold twelve iMt ol Chuuilwrlain's CoiibIi Krinwiy. He save, "1 never handled a medicine that old belter or gave Ix'ttor iatisltwalon to my customers." Thia Keiuody has lawn In general uw ,n Virginia lor many years, and the people there are we I ac quainted with its excellent qualities. Many ol them have teatitled to the re markable cures which It has effected. When you need a good, reliable medi cine lor s cough or cold, or attack ol the grin, nae Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and vou are certain to be mors than pleased with the quick mire which It af ford, lor tale at ths 8t. Hvluu phar macy. We have on hand now stock 0( blank receiot books of our own manu facture. These receipts are roomy and each book contains one hundred blanks. O Basis tkt Blgaatsis af .BTOIIZA. ill Kind Yot Ha Wwjti A Printer Greatly Hurprlsml. "I never was so much surprised In mv life as I was with the result" of using Chamberlain's I'ain Halm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of ths Aahevilte (N. C.) Uaiette. "I contracted a severe case of rheumatism early laat winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several thing for It without benefit. One day while looking over ths tiaxette, I notioed that I'ain Balm was positively guaran teed to curs rhentnatlxm, so bought a bottle of it and before uaing two-thirds of it my rheumatism had taken its flight and I have not had rheumatic pain since." Hold at the St. Helena phar macy. We furnish Tub Mist and Weekly Oregonian for $J.0O a year. Lockjaw From Cotwebs. Cobwebs put oo a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thing to put on a cat is Ruck len's Arnica Halve, tbe infallible healer of wouuda, ulcers, sores, skin eruptions, burns, scalds and piles. It cures or no pay. Only 26c at tlie St. Helens phar macy. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tbi Kind Yon Hate Aiwajs Bacght Bears the Signature All kind of commercial job printing executed at this office. NOTICE Or riLINO FINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICr 18 HEREBY OIVEM THAT ON THE 7iO day ivt March. A. I) , IWU. I dulv Alrd Intheoouuty court ul Columbia county, In the stata of Oregon, my tlual account of all re celptaand disbursements as Uis administrator of tba saute of Klley Attains, deceased, auJ that the eoiinlr conn of aall county has set Tuesday, the 14h day April, A. U IftK. at ths hourui 2 o'clock In the afternoon ol that day at the conntv court-hou In the city of Kt. Heteus. In said county, as ths time and plara lor nearlny objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. This notice Is published la Ths Osaeox Mist by direction ol tne un.ler sined as administrator and of the said county court. K. B.oUH IC. As administrator of ths ratal ol Klley adsms, deceased HI. lieleoa. Orefoo, this Marrh Uih. A. D . 1WM. 8. H. Oruber, Esq., attorney fur administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTlrH IS IIKRKRV GIVES THAT I HAVE been, by the Honorable Couuty court ol Columbia county, 'li-exon, appointed auanllan of the eittate of alahala fowler, an Insane per. aon, and that all persons having, claims ee!itst aaid estate are required to present the ssme. properly rerirled, lo me, at tbe office of E. K. Quick, in at. Helens, ores ou, wlintb sii mouths from the date of this notice. C. r. roWLKR, Guardian n( til estate ol Slahaia fowler, an Insane person. Dated February 21 , 1901 ttlm'Jt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEKKBY OIVES THAT TlfE Snal account of my administration ol tlie state of Henry V. Glaus;, deceased, with wvll anneied. has been rendered lo tbe County Court for Columbia county. Oregon, for settle ment, snd that Monday, the 7th day of April. 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at ibe eourt-room ol said Court. In at. Helena. Omron. have been dnlv fixed by said Court as the time aud plar. for the settlement of said final account; at which time and place any pcrsvn Interested in said esiats may spoearana me nis .injections tu sat a ac count, aud contest the ssme. Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate oi iienry c iiracR. aeceaaeu. fated rcbruary 21, 1ju3. !Im21 ADMINISTATOR S SALE VTOTfCK IfT HEREBY CIV ITS' THAT THR is uaderalgned administratrix of the estate of Anson j. (irate, deceased, under and by vlr tueof an order of sale made and dated Januarr 7th, lw by the County Court of Columbia County, Htate of Oreaon. will, at tha frontdoor of ths court-house. In HI. Uelene. Oreaon, stthe hour of eleven o'clock, in the forenoon on Hat urday, tha ZM day of March, Ixuj, proceed to offer fir sale, and will sell at public auction, lo ine nixneai oio'ier. mr caan, toe inuowinawle- erribed premises, to-wlt: The uorthwest quar ter oi section jo. towoinip six uorta Ol rsnge ttre west of the Willamette meridian, ooutain log lUl acres of land, more or less. MARY M.ORW10, Administratrix of the estate of Anaoa 1. Orwif, deceased. baled tiili 21ai day of February, 1902. Oraham A Cleeton, Attorneys fur Administratrix, til mil SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the stats of Oregon, for Columbia County. M. 1. Kinney, plaintiff, vs. 1.0. Wlckntron. Alice D. Wick Strom, bis wife, and Charles Andrews, defendants To I. O. VMckstrom, Alice l Wlckatrora, his wife, and Charles Andrews, tha above-named defendants. IS THE NAME OP THE BTATE OF OREGON : Yoa and each of yon are hereby re-iulred lo appearand answer the complaint Died against you In the aboie-enlltled suit within the time hereinafter staled for yoa to do en, or the above named pi si nl iff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, which Is in substance that a certain tax deed, executed by the sheriff of Colombia county ttsaid defend ant, I. U. Wlckatroni. dated Nay 22nd, Int. and recoraeq on stay zstn. law, at paxes w aim of Vol. "W" of the records of shertlTa deeda of and for Columbia County, Oregon, and for tha west half of section nineteen and the sonth half of section thirty, in township five north of range on west of the Willamette meridian, and In Columbia County. Oregon, and also a certain quitclaim deed execute! by defendants, 1. (i. Wickstroro and Alice I). Wlrkstrom, his wile, to delendant, Charles Andrews, dated Novemiier 5ih, ileal, and recorded Iecemter. llth, Iwl, at page XU of volume "Y" of the records of deeds of and for Columbia County, Oregon, and for said south half of said section tnlr y be canceled and neld to be null and void bv a decree of the alMive-enlitled court, and that said plaintiff have a decree of said court luieinig nis tine to an ot saia real estate here nbefore mentioned, and requiring all said de fendants to convey their intercuts In said real esiale to plaintiff, and also that plaintiff be de creed to be tbe owoer of all said real estate In lee simple, and that defendants be decreed to i have tut right, title or lutere.4 in or to the same j or any portion thereof, and also thatn a nt iri nave aim recover oi ana irom aeiennaiila in costs and disbursement of this suit, and have such other rcllel as In eonltv mav anoear itut. This summons Is published In Th a Okrook Mist once a week fr six weeks, pursuant to an order for such publication of the same, made by Hon. J. B. boau, the County Judge of I'olainMa Couuty, Oregon, dated Kebruary 7ih, 1VU2, and directing the publication of the same in said newspaper for said time, and th dale of the flrt publication of this snn.moni Is Kebruary Isih. IVXi: and you and each of yon are required to appear and answer said eomtilaint on nr km- Inn the last day of said period of six weeks I from said dal of the first publication ol this j summons, namelv. on or before March, 1902, ' or lb plaintiff will spply lo the ab ,ve entitled -, viiv.m, buui, mi ,na reiiei iiere- Inbefore nwutioned. JOHN H. asd A. M. SMITH. Altaraaya for Plaintiff'. c AVcgelaUe Pwparalionror As slmilaUnfl itwroodnndBcfiiiJa- Promolcs Digc3lIonCheerruI re9saisiRest.Conta.ns. iwlihrr as ium.Morplune nor ruiittai. OTNAKCOTIC. AsaassaW Aperfccl Remedy forCoillp Hon, Sour StoniiKh.Diarriwai Worms .Convulsions .Kcwrish nrss imdLoasorSlXEP. racSimiW Signatur of vew vnnK. 1 DUCT copy or wAPtet PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATT0RXE Y-AT- Li IP. Offlc with K. I. Quirk, CT. flEt.LNB, : I ORKOOH. Will give best parsons! stlcnllon to all legal matters entrusted to u. Will pracllc In all th Stat and United Stain Lourta. W. H. POWELL, ATTORXE Y-A T-Li IF. niTY unrraicT ArromtsY. ST. HELEN, ! ! ORHdOX. R. P. UBAUAM. T. J. Cl.tKTOI, Attorneys-at-Law. Sot Marquam BuiUIIng, Portland Oregon. Columbia Coanty baslness will reoelvt prompt aisenuon. J. W. DAT r. B. DILLAKO DILLARD & DAY, ATTORXE Y8-AT-L1 U Office nest door to Courthousa, HT. IIKLKNa.OllKtiON. General practice In courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstract mad directly from county records. Dr. PMwin Jloss, Physician and Surgeon, ST. 1IKLKN3, OREGON. Dr. II. K. OifT, Physician and Surgeon. 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNONIA, OREGON? A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER li RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. iTATIO!. DAILY. r. u. 7 no Oi a jo S M 44 I to S M OS IV 7 10 00 10 on 10 20 10 30 A. M. a no t 03 t is t an 40 w 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 s 10 67 11 on II 1 II m J'. i. a. r. m. 40 S 36 20 S 00 7 64 7 4 7 as 7 211 17 7 02 S 42 k2 20 10 .0 l.v Portland A Ml 10 TO 4 Ul W 2.1) .... Hobl ... ....Rainier .. ... Pyramid.. ....Mayger... ... (lulitry ... . . Clalskanl. 10 OA U at no 20 12 02 m X7 a 17 a 07 ? v 7 4A a.4j 71.2! , Marshland. . Weal port... 7H7 si 90.SI ')4 V9K ....Clifton... ....Knappa... . .. Hvenson... ...John Kay. Ar. Astoria .l.t All trains make close, connections at Gobi with Northern Pari no trains to and from lb Kst and Sound point. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot, at Astoria with I. K. N Co ' lost and rail Una to and from 11 waco and North beach point. Passengers for Astoria or way point must flag i(.iiw niiuiin., trains win slop tn lt pfta nger off at iloulion when coming from point astasia Af la iKI aY aa 0n. Pass.Agt.. Astoria, Or Stealer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taesdav, Thursday aad Sat arday at 7 . nt. for St. H$l$n$. Kalama. Carroin Foirt, Raim'tr ant , Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nedv and Vridav as a m. Whart foot of Salmon 8L H. IIOLMAN. AgenL sr.jawws I S ..JUS- I eSassisssI I &m ) THE NEW YORK STORE is Has Just roceived Summer Goods, Shoes, 2 Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. g Us, MORGDS, 4 : vwiicr imimng, Mam street, St. Helens, Oregon. iUiUiUiUiUiUiUsUiiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUI lliliiilgiii&l For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years IP HEAT I UEATI MEATI f -AY Till- City Market 8r. Hblbni, ObkuoM LINDSAY A MOITON, P0P'3. -PKALsaa in- Fresh and Salt Meat. Citjr trails, lotrgrltia; camps, loam- loau ami raurorui camps supplied. Oklla-KS ril.lJCD ON SHOUT KOTICI. AtttI On 1a ATI T uwioaiuuii BRINN BOTHERS, PROPRIETORS Only th best of LidQors and Cizar: Kept in Stack CYRUS NOBLE And other rrpuUr hrmrxit) of vh!4ifa luii ft) in noi-i, WEINHARD'S BEER OB draaghl. "Tom Bentoii" Cigars. All tht nwrp4n and tbr pop 0 UMr 7rwuwts FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Hteghkirt. staafsr. RAILROAD TIME. Leave Rainier dally 'except flandav) for Port land, at A. St.. drtin( from Ht. Helens at! o rlock. Keinrnlux. leave Portland at 2 S3 P. M., arrivlrm at at. lilen at 4 4X Fa!iCDzers and Fast Frciiiit, IORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR BT. BtJ rOK PORTLAND, D4ILT. -TIAMtH "America" y Wn ffT'ti ii m .i m i M mmm biocgo nouie Ieavs Kt. Melons. . . . 8 :80 A M Arrive at Portland. . 10 .30 A M Mj-ave lonianii scaur in Arrive at Bt. Helens. 6:00 P M M PAslE AO CE( f J Will Carry Nothing- but raesen- 9 a ger and Kast f reight. f 4 KM UOOD, ntaaisr. M Cf VVVVsxxsvrvjil large Invoice of ', AA jw & Art n ism u mmi M Msrvava aawsaav. am vm am.