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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1902)
Jill Humors Are impure matters which the skin, liver, tuineys and oilier organs can nut take care of without 'help, there i such au accumulation of them. They litter the whole system. Pimples, boils, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, tits of indiges tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's SarsaparUla and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone and invigorate, the whole system "I had salt rheum on mjr hands so that t eonld not work. I took Hoods Sersaparllla and it drove out lb hamor. I continued its tin till the tore disappeared." llu I (a O, mow, Komlord Falle, Me. SmrmmmmrlUm Nsr4 Luck. May Wood by Oh! pshaw! that's just my luck I My new coat's black and here my uncle's gone and died! Sue Giddy Goodness! What are you complaining about? May Woodby Why, if I'd only got ten a light coat, I could wear one of those swell mourning bands on the sleeve. Philadelphia Press. CATARRH CAJTWOT BR CURED With local applications, as they ran not rack the seat of thedisrase. Catarrh la a blood or eonatitutionaldispese, and in ordar -to care It vou must tak Internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh i'ureie taken interualt)r,endac1siinectlv on the blood aud mucous anrfacea. Haifa Ca tarrh t are is not a quack medicine. It was . prescribed by ono of the best phyetciaas in thia voviury kit years, ana 18 a regular prescription. It is composed of tbe best tonics known, com bined with the beat blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfscea. Th nrfM combination of the two ingredients is what pro. umi "mi m wwuueriuiiwiutauicuruujoat(airr&. scuu iu( leatimuiiiais, irvc W. jr. t'HKNK V A CO., Proprs., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c Hails Famii Pills an tea bast. Cool. "You don't get such poetry as was written in days' gone by," said the re gretful person. "Of course you don't," answered the smug modernist. "There is so much days gone by poetry already on the Market that there is no further demand for it." Washington Star. Hamlin's Wirard Oil knocks the spots off your throat when it is sore, and pre vents diphtheria, quinsy, etc. Rod. "When the lecturer made a gramat ieal error, it brought down the house," said Miss Gurley. "I don't think the houee bad been well brought up," commented Mrs. Gurley, gravely. Detroit Free Press. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'a Sooth Ine; Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children daring the teething period. Warn Within. , "Mercy, see the dog drink I Why, he's almost emptied that pail of water. What's the matter with him?" "Please, ma'am, I think he ate the moostard plaster you left lyin' on the kitchen table." Clevealnd Plain Dealer. - BOLD JJLACK BART PICTURESQUEV HIGHWAYMAN OF CALIFORNIA. The JeVjll ana Hyde Career of (Mage Robber Who Terrorised the Pacific Slop and alluded (he Officials for Man j Years Again at Work. i fir "Sr. - ')A" BLACK BAHT. There Is good reason to believe that Black Dart, the boldest and most no torious highwayman ever kuowu In California, Is ope rating again. The Ave robberies of stage aud coach on louely mountain roads in northern California and southern Arlioua during the last few mouths have abun dant earmarks of the fauious lone highwayman of the Sierras. More thau this, two of the passengers In the held up singes kuew soiueihing of Itlack Bart when iie held ceutral California In terror 20 years ago, nud, from his speech and figure, are sure that their robber Is the Uoted baudit. Moreover, no oue seems to know what has be come of him slui-e his release from San (jucntiu prison, where he had been sentenced for eieht years. Tho trial of Black Bart for highway robbery In. Visalia. Oil., In .May. 1SS4. revealed a mass of Information about this uuusual bandit For 17 years high way robberies by Black Bart bad taken place at Intervals and in least expect ed localities, all the wav from Port. land. Ore., to Yuma. Aria. His arrest came about In this wav. In March, 1884. the stage coach that traveled the rough road over the deso late hills and through the looelv gulches from a gold mining camp In tire sierras to Jlnrysvllle, Cal., was held up by a masked, lone hlirhwav- man, whom the driver and all the pas senger recognized by his manners and speech as noue ether than Black Bart The veteran highwayman had reduced his mode of robbery to a science, and when he had quickly harvested a erors of gold watches, purses and bits nf Jewelry, he shouted to the driver to go ahead. so. the officials who participated In Black Bart'a capture before, but that tht ac complished stage robber Is again at work and will oue more lead the of ficers of the law a merry chase before he is apprehended. NAGGING. On of the 8lu that Destroy Home Comfort. There la oue exceedingly disagree- Ohio habit iuto which some people fall without scemtug to uotlce It. This Is nagging. They cannot say what they have to say and thou let It alone, but keep peeking aud pecking at it on ev ery occasion aud If occasions do not arise naturally, they make them. In this naggtug, sarcasm, or irouy, bear a leading part, a tiling may he said once or twice as a pleasant raillery. In a geulal humor, but wheu repeated over aud over it ceases to be fun. It then cuts. Sarcasm la a two-edged tool; It cuts nud wouuds the oue at whom It Is aimed, aud it Irritates and rougbeus the one who uses It. It Is a dsngerous tool for one to use who wishes to le either kind or just It comes easily to the lips and the lu tellect takes a certain kind of delight in aptness. Ingenuity or sharpness. Its use grows on oue. At least the habit becomes so habitual that It Is used uucousclotisly. However good-natured oue seems to take it. It Is almost cer tain to leave a sting; there Is a wound that hurts. Struggle against It as oue will, there will often be an Impression carried that some part of it is meant In earnest. Too ofteu do all of us wound the feelings of others by carelessness in speech. We cannot too carefully guard ourselves against the nagging habit It rasps and weura out the best of dispositions. Let us endeavor ever to make our speech kindly, even when obliged to find fault "A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword." We shall nevei err by speaking too kindly. These naggers are often kind at heart and would not willingly wound another. They have formed the habit uncon sciously aud are not aware of how frequently they Indulge In that kind of talk. It does not occur to them that any one may take a further mean ing than they hare meant, or that any part of It will be taken seriously. It is unavoidable, however, that this Is Tito Duty What suffering frequently results from a mother's Ignorance or more frequently from a mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter i Tradition says "woman muat snf r," and young women are so taught J'here is a little truth and a great deal f exaggeration in this. If a young woman suffers severely ahe needs treat tent, and her mother should see that h gets it. Many mother hesitates to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion : but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. ilnkham'a Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., and secure from a woman the moat eilioient advice with out charge. CLTOiVltMC OL!. YHJWO TH , ' w 7'K...o..''f a f ' s fir 1 V, f-tv ' - ' i ' ' f E P"' ' J-T.7-.fa. .CMS' " Mrs. Autruat Ffalurraf, of South Bvron. Wis., mother of the vottnir lailv whose portrait we here publish, wrote in January, 1S90, saying her daughter had suffered for two years with irreg ular menstruation had headache all the time, and pain in her side, feet swelled, and was generally miserable. She received aa answer promptly with advice, and under date of March, tOTl), the mother writes again that Lvdis K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound eared her daughter of all pains and Irregularity. Nothing In the world equals I.ydia E. Pinkham'a great mediciue for regit latinir woman's peculiar monthly troubles. At Explained. De Swell How is it, every time 1 order a pair of trousers you make them just a little shortT Tailor Whenevjr I send a statement of your account, you are short; I meas ure you accordingly. Chicago News. A MEETING WITH BLACK BART. I do not believe PUo's Curs for Con sumption has sn equal for coughs arid colds, Joan F. Botes, Trinity fcprinrj. Ind., Feb. 15. 1900. Bostoa Browainjitcs. Mrs. Gush How do yhu do, MandaT How did you like the reading of Browning at the club last night? Mrs. Bluff Oh, pretty well. But I didn't like the wsy her dress hung. Mrs. Gush Nor I, either. And it seemed to me she might have held her book more gracefully. Boston Trans cript. rrerrn mm fM,Afuaa arrrnt X HOW I Im thm Tlmm tm USE IT. 1 ) She Knew It "George Goslin declares that he wouldn't marry the best woman alive," remarked Mr. Spatts. "Well, be won't," assented Miss Frocks, "for I have refused him." Philadelphia North American. If Poison ivg are among ths best known" of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To touch or handle them quickly produces swelling and inflammation with in tense itching and burning of the skin. The eruption soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever : but almost aa soon as the little blisters and pustules appeared the poison had reached the blood, and will break out at regular intervals and each time In a more aggra vated form. This poison will loiter in the system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before yon can expect a perfect, permanent core. iNiiirc's Airi,.tc FOR 'Ni fire's Msobs, is the only curs for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Mow is the time to get the poison out of your system, ss delay makes your condition worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. 8. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (Ca.) Caa Light Co., waa poisoaed with PaiMsi Oak. He took 6alphur, Arsenic aad earlsus other druira, and applied esternally numeroua lotions and aalvea with no benefit. At times the ewetlinrand ioBanoutioa was so severe he waa almost blind. For eight yaars the poison would break out every season. His condition was much Improved after takioa; one bottle of 8. S. 8 , and a few bottles cleared Sla blood of the poison, aad II evidences of the disease disappeared. Pevtnl IfS sflSM imIvhimI Klt knowing when or how. Explain your case j determination to lead a new life be was fully to our physicians, and they will j sentenced to San Quentin prison for cheerfully give such information and ad- : only eight years. He was a model pris rice as you require, without charge, and oner, and be earned all the commuta we will tend at the asms time an intereacv. U,. 1.1. . , . ......... . , , : ..vuv v. ui. 1 u 1 1 1 1 V. lor ZUUU CUUUUUl, Wg hook on Blood and Sluu Diseases. .. hPPB foil In Jnlw ISm a ing, he said, until he got some money from Eastern relatives, when he meant to go to Seattle and earn an honest lie log. Then the man disappeared. -teal I When the coach had rumbled out of sight on the way down the mountain side Black Bart turned his attention to splitting open the wooden box con taining the Wells-Fargo Express Com pany's treasure. Something must have disturbed the highwayman while be was gathering up the money from the treasure box, for when the stage coach passengers had armed themselves at the next station and hurried back to the scene, later In the day, they found among the debris of papers, empty purses and wrappings of parcels a linen cuff. The robber evidently bad dropped It in a hurried fight to bis refuge. The' cuff was turned over to the ex press company detectives. They found, after weeks of Inquiry, that the Indeli ble laundry marks were those of a Chinese laundry on Bush street In San Francisco. When the detective bad learned from the Chinese laundry man that the marks on the cuff Indi cated that It belonged to one Charles El Bolton, a regular patron of the laundry, tbey set about to bunt up Mr. Bolton. It came out that Charles E. Bolton, who owned the cuff, was a quiet, unobtrusive, spare man of about 50 years. He lived in a modest and quiet boarding bouse, where sedate, old-fashioned business men had rooms, and every one there was his friend. When a detective went to Hve In the same boarding bouse be found that Mr. Bolton was a studious man, lived a correct lire, was a reader of new books, dabbled in poetry, and every few weeka went away to visit one of the several little mines about Califor nia In which he bad Investments. Bol ton was an expert whist player, and evidently be bad traveled far aud wide In bis early life. His bobby was water colors, and be spent whole days In painting bucolic scenes alone In bis rooms. Then wuerj be bad dined In style along with fhe other bachelors In the boardiug bouse he went alouo to the theater, where he took the least conspicuous seat He never got mall and never sent letters, but be devoured the daily newspapers at times. Never theless It did not take the detective long to connect ibis quiet, polished gen tleman with the most dreaded outlaw In California. For 17 years be bad kept half the sheriffs aud constables, a lot of detec tives, and all the United States mar shals In California ceaselessly watch ful for a fresh deed by Black Bart He had many a time walked down to local bank carrying a snug fortune In his gripsack the proceeds of a re cent affair out on "the road" past hundreds of San Francisco people, while they were excitedly discussing Black Bart's latest hold-up. The outlaw was convicted and be cause of bis confession and apparent The nagging habit Is the real reason why some women find it difficult to re tain servants. It Is for the sharpness of their tongues that some really ex cellent people are avoided and disliked In society. People dread tho tongue lashings that slip so easily from the lips and without real malice, but they, nevertheless, cut deep. Let ua put a guard on ourselves and see that this habit of sarcastic speech and nagging la not ours. The Chinese have n say-. Ing that "A man's conversation Is the mirror of his thoughts." There is a truth In It. If we habitually talk iu a certain way, we grow to be that way In character. Milwaukee Journal. Cot Thtm All at Once, Sue Brette I see it stated that if the eggs were equally divided among the inhabitants of the country, each human bein would get 141. Foote Liglite Gracious me! I got that many one night while on our tour out West! Yonkers Statesman. WELL LIGHTED STORES. Th M. A. M. Arcs art Cauiinj Quite s Stir. Nothing is more annovins than a poorly lighted store. From the time of old tallow dips millions of jieople have been bothered by insufficient litilit when the evening comes. But now it seems tho whole question is settled by tho beautiful, brilliant, economical "M & M" Arc Lamps that are Incoming so popular. They are cheap, too. Writo to C. W. Lord, Portland, Oregon, for a circular telling you all about them. You'll be triad vou wrote. Aactits are wanicu w every town. Tht Literal Mind. Little 5-yca-old Margie was out walk ing with her mother recently, snd find ing it difficult to keep up, site raid : ".Mamma, are you a stepmother? " No, dear," was the reply. " "llntwhat made you think I was?" "Because you take such awful long steps," replied Margie. Chicago News. I i Cants B!Uti lit Oil fait! t Bess confn Byron, Tastes uooo. I f to time. Bolrl hr droiri.Ts. I rift a a. -saais ife.i' aai When a Man Falls Down. Slippery sidewalks tend to briug oui emphatically one of the peculiar sides of human nature. No matter how much the fall Injures a man physically, it seems as nothing to the damage to bis self-esteem if perchance bis misfortune happens to be witnessed by some one else. The first thing the unfortunate does after picking himself up Is to look all about him wltb an idiotic sinlie on his face, just as If he took the who! thing as a joke, but anxious to see if any one has seen his tumble. If there happens to he some one n':ir by who has witnessed the full Hie htnil vanishes, and there Is n display of tt'tii per that is ludicrous. It l bis last t thai suffers. It Is pounded of brush ed, as If that hat was rtKiousili!e fui the humiliation, or as If he could g-i square with the hat by a "rotighhousc" sort of brushing. If, however, no ine l In sight, aud no face Is seen at a win dow, the unfortunate goes his way af ter a few preliminary limps, as If the thing was a matter of-course Incdleur. that must be taken good nsluredly In common with the other trifling affairs of a lifetime. The result Is about the same when a soft, slushy snowball, hurled by a small boy, finds Its mark on the brosd bnck of an otherwise dig nlflcd person. Washington Star. A Smnrt Man's Clever Ruse. "I saw your wife In a car with you we otuer day." said a friend to the gay Wall street broker. "I thought she was going to stay South over the boll days." She thought so, too," and the brok er smiled. "She was with friends down there for a long time, and kept writ ing me not to tell her to come back Just yet" "How did you manage It?" "I didn't write for her to come back. I Just sent ber last month's gas bill. It was for 11 cents. ' She got here two days later, and ber trunks have been coming In on every train since." Then tncy both smiled. New Xork Press. Multiplication snd Division. Bodrick This is a wonderful coun try for arithmetic. Van Albert Think so? "Yes. They make two one st Niag ara and one two in South Dakota." Chicago Daily News. Laillaa Can Wear Shoos One slie smaller after twins; Allen'a Foot Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, echini feet, lit (trowing nails, corns and hunlona. Ail time flats aud lte stores. 2. Trial package Kit KB bf mail. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Xe Jtor. New York. " A Pertinent Query. Magistrate It has been proven that you struck your wilo, and Defendant Well, judge, I stood her Dossin' as long as I could. Magistrate That doesn't excuse you. She is the weaker vessel, and you should Defendant Weaker vesrel. eh? Then why does she carry so blame much sail? Philadelphia Press. Tunnel Under North Channel, The estimated cost of a submarine tunnel from Wigton, Scotland, to Lame. Ireland, twenty-three miles. Is $50,000.- 000. There is no Immediate prospect of IU being built Subsidizing Manufactories. Under a law passed two yeara ago the Hungarian government may subsi dize almost any kind of manufactory. With her first onffHcempnt ef nf. i.i There Is no doubt In the minds of Imagines life for her has Just begun. is"iii in' is- " ii s ' i T. JACOBS OIL is tec MAM. Ussd for go Years. The Oreat Pain-Killing Remedy. Never (alls to Cure. PHFtj'M ATI5rt, SPRAINS, STIPtNKSS, SCIATICA. M-l PAl.tilA, BOkH.MiSS, LU,1BA(jO, CrltST COLM, And All Bwllly Aches and I'alns. There la Nothing so Good. ACT5 Like MAQIC. Sold in 25c and 60c Sizes. ST. JACOBS OIL (Limited), BALTinoee. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrlrjon Street. , Can trive vou the best hnrfnina- in Buggies, Plows, Hoi lent and Kngines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machinery. Bee pa before buying. M. P. IT. V. Ma. 11-190S. WHICH writing t adnrtisers plsaas tssoUsa this papas. Lots.-I.ovs is life's key of gold.- Rev. Dr. Lowry, Baptist, Kansas City, Mo. Your Soul Bllml.-Keep your soul shut long euough and your soul will go bllnd.-Kev. Dr. Vau Dyke, rrcshyien an. New York City. Cultivate Bellef.-The Christian should cultivate belief, or go out of the busluess of being a Chrlstlaii.-ltev, Dr, Mceser, Baptist, Worcester, Mass. Organised Hypocrisy. Legislation without religion Is organized hypoc rlsy. The wealthy should look to (hair owa coudltlona. Iter. V. S. Mackay New York City. Discretion and Zeal. -Discretion with out teal Is slow paced, and teal without discretion is strong-headed; let teal spur on discretion. Kev. W. J. Holts- claw, Baptist Atlanta, Ua. At Little Chlldreu.-To enter the kingdom of heaven we must be as little children. The child completely and thoroughly trusts Uod.-Itvv. S Bryant, Methodist Washington. D. C. A Moral Truth. No man can kuow moral truth until be (celt It lis must think and kuow before be can realize hit full obllgatlou.-Hev. I. W. Joyce, Methodist Bishop, Pittsburg. Pa. A Book of Moral Laws. Man will al waya believe in the Bible as a great literature, history, t health book and a book of moral laws. Hev. H. W, Thomas, People's Church. Chicago. 111. Christian Couscieuce. The Christian conscience should be a guide. There are certain methods iu legitimate business that a Christian cannot practice. Rev. W. 0. Partridge. Baptist, Cincinnati, Ohio. I'Tietiiisiiip.- r riemiswp delivers us from selfishness, strengthens us iu th hour of temptation. It Is a shield In the days of success, a help in the hour of trial. Itev. Dr. Levy, Hebrew. Pitts burg, Pa, Two Strongest Passions. The two strongest passions of human nature love and hate are both npi waled to In the name of religion. Although oppo site, both are claimed In the service of religion. Itev. A. S. Carver. Unitarian, Worcester, Mass. The Divine Man. It Is possible to make Jesus Christ too much a Clod and not enough the divine man who lived his divinity among men as tin evidence that God can dwell ntid work among men. Kev. J. A. Itoutlthaler, Presby terian, Indianapolis, Ind. Test of Church Meuihcrshlp. The church hasn't yet reached tip lo the full doctrine of Jesus Christ, but the t!ay la coming when the test of church mem born hip (ball he whether a man love) his fcllow-uian. Iter. Dr. Italnsford. Lplscopallan, New York City. Best Wisdom. The liest men of each age have regarded the fear of the Lord as the best wisdom, but there have been different sects, each fulfilling the needs and Ideals of Its age, laying stress on the different points of religion. Kev. Dr. Uadlcy, New Haven, Conn. Never Outgrown.-Chrlst can novel be outgrown or lost to us. Forever ade quate and changeless In himself, he is the prophecy and pledge of a perfected character and an Immutable destiny to i all who will behold and follow blm. Rev. J. R. Boyle, Methodist, Phllndel phis, Pn. Christiana. If we are not Christiana In the enlightenment of to-doy (lod will hold us responsible according to out light If we are not "forgiven." aud hence hsve tho forgiving spirit, wo are self-men, not Christians; Christ men. Rev. A. J. Stone, Presbyterian. Baltl more. Md. Immortality. Immortality baa no conditions, and the thoughts and the acts of the Individual can In no way affect It. Immortality bns nothing whatever to do with good or evil. Oood or evil merely determine the future state of the consciousness of the Indi vidual. Iti-v. r. F. Mason, Spiritualist Brooklyn, N. Y. Restore Our Judaism. By arousing ourselves from a sleep that may result In death, by throwing off for t while all present Interests, by looking at con ditions not only as tbey affect slugle individuals, but aa tbey are destined to affect the great hotly of Israel, we tball yet be able to restore our Juda ism to Its ancient glory, so that It shall continue to do Its great and noble work for humnnlty.-Rev. J. H. Greenstone, nebrew, Philadelphia, Pa. Selfishness. It Is selfishness In every Instance that makes tho hard hearted man. He comes to regard himself In a clsss by himself, and by his reasoning, things not allowable for others are permissible for him. It Is perfectly possible for a nation to become kind- hearted, at well as It Is for an Indl vldual to become so. Argument and sophistry can harden our national heart Rt Rev. K. Burgess, bishop. Long island, Brooklyn, N. V. Distribution of the Beautiful. Tht distribution of the beautiful In dally lire unconsciously is an Incitement to ward beautiful thoughts and a licautl ful character, and a barrier against ugli ness of mind and deformity of morals. Immeasuarble, Indeed, the Influence ot this modern art movement upon the morals of society. And because tin moral background of our world li whiter and purer than ever before, the lines of corruption are now nsHiiiuhig unwonted hues of ugliness. Itev. Dr. Mills, Congregatlonallst Brooklyn N. Y. sMtsswMi Asthma "On. of my dsuhri bad terrible case of asthma. Ws tried almost everytblnf, but without re lief. Wo than tried Ajrer't Cherry Pectoral, and three and ons-hslf bottles cursd her." Emmi Jane Entiminger. Lanvllle. 0. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Tares slue i lie, tas II. AUsTenuea. Csnsnll tiMt doewr. If he sera take H. th.Tlo aa be late, If ita toil; m aol ta take It. the aunt take It. lis kiseve, KltlilM. ra era wining. J, U. SI SR VIA, SAWVil. wwi Lease H r7..VlfSl"ffllLf UUAKANTRKD. USED AND SOLD EVIRYWriCpm lift J ifjKVarrjs V T a S a? 7 IHd H W H W J ff"! eropa, good H Jl sropa utake mors sua. W f to in ere o earli year the I Sropa and customers bave I I grown greater. That's tits I I 1 searst of lbs Ferry fame. I I I More ferry's leads sold I 1 and sown than any ntliar A I 1 kind. Mold by all dealers. JW i I Ann fUKM. jS4 I ' Ds M. "erry Oo. JF ft V SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Gt. Helen's Hull PORTLAND, OfteVOK. A Boerillnsj ami Hmf Kehmil forflMs. Has a Normal Klntleritiirten Training Depart. mailt, whleh liaa asKearaia realiisuna for tin Smarten classes, The Boer. line Dtartmat Jtrovlilee s eheerhil and well arranged horns or yuans ladles, lor Catalogue ot ether In formation apply to V MUM sagAriOlt TKBBKTTt, Prlnolpei. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY fottlaud, Ontjiin. fouadsd MM l Hotni School for Boys. - Military ana angai TralBiRt. Writs for Illustrated Catalogue, ARTHUR C. NliWILL, Principal don:x get weti Tfhl ORKINAls Vf. A 't r y ifn an aa.a a mm vs. Wl a-bv CLOTHING- ham m km at yPUjow BT-TEiL I VI IM ON SAL& "rM eWWes lees. ssnjpM cvcRYWitcRt, tymil n..AinX. CATAlOCUf i mt SKftmi FULL UNC OT 6AKWNT3 AND MATS. AJTOWCgCO,P03TON.nA33i M V - mnraaiMiinanpsisiMsitmi.r..i i.kwi vaSTtesi tlialaliiaaaaaMiiaiiUirl(HitMUMBi JKMtM lawaaas a asM IB ImM sshnsi laeesistss.tae ri. mmimammmmmm . tif7-":".ia Pairs. iWWj,gjw,W Ptr. , liM)I:l,riG,7iJiUalrn. ffwimMf n fimm Qmit4 im font FMrft i li?tlssxfw, aWlliniffiHn' fa onnii aiuw titan ftttr Mtt two .sn'('r it Mm w trtrt. W, I lKtutiM H v aim! mt fthusM tA,tmi aku t tJtla Uk lsVML 4Ut 1 iduO aIusmi ul iHhM IlittkrtV. tslti UlltMl (O UU fUsK M I lly 111 MUWtNU ItVul iwra ot sjrnintwj "J bVmi w eHsssk, HI. Camn Vit mm4 ftrnthrml I rtvea f ifswi mmm ) fi tat). W. m t. "Mil l.lsM''MsMtoMMlM I Iff. .llWW t. "Mm klsM" MatSt U tMjtMjJ t ami I 91, rir. 4 mimIm ih W.1Z. lw)Vlsmt, Wkt-a, MwM, Don't be a Drudge Vou can do your washing in an hour ith my Washing Tabluts. No rubhiiiit. No acids. HtMitl CO ciiits for pttrksun and instructions. W. O. POWl-LL. Box 606, Portland, Oregon. i 1 PsMs(ll f'SUIHl In sffnttAWlirl aaff JLmW M n' fontai tlawi muf othr LT V f jf C' ArrtsHlt-tv 1 fsrrsj ( ret, 1t 1 WinnroelU!rf fcaO 1 I Jv A llM UtMlU'-tluu ul om nful.Tt sai. In jl We Will Give You FREE 2 Hyacinth Bulbs Or 6 Tulips. Together with our Complete Catalog; ! for 100a. If you will stmii ns a mail order, no matter how small. Writo us, ! snd mske your selvctiona from our Cat-1 slog. HprinKtimo is here, and it it timo for planting. r i sLa brmlU'-tiou at vw i-lui.'. a p in... 1 j ivuvsusj suiurat. eJniudoaatt "or ft? Cewrts) fmatiuthtAi as thm. m .si,as, e.jt IS SM.I''"' saHlMI a 1 lusi, BS .KtN IMl.iM s tnnJl lattftttute to'llT fvtoteiw loU euttl Ut -f"" vvnM. !- with our grrttl ,llt Plilrtaflll aslafn 1 fH BSM ft t al ftl.u r mm sw4 sit j?. t'r4,r..iil wiff Wfm m tiM I S. la stAwia. Vi nut today. JOHN . tSLZIl IEI0 CO.. is Crease. Wis. 3 LAMBERSON Sew Year Resolutions ft" Ifccioy Curo an reUas b era lie , epl a a aad ismjs astls, Saat. lue aarllsmlassss Portfand Oregon roeioy loitituu, z::?:.'; IN YOUR POCKET! Toil Find the Difference ;n rmt pnrss. wtiii-ti arm ou haee f atnt or aprar the rmtsts. qutrkljr ilcsiroyliij all m iniii 111 cnmpariaon hi ine e.wMi n will -to, 'a Kvar lrilflnrr and Maatltl. Srn...,! 11. -prevents mortality. iiiit.-i h in itt,. i,m m - " " V" earns, morn eggs pro.lm .Ml. FOKTLAHO trCO OO.. tSt frmmt S1rmt. eVrfavssf. Or. Ooaasf Agtm. roesbeck's Lice Killer iK'Jsril aire Tour Chickens. 1 PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD 11 If- 2IV rsutllAN ITStt-MOD S.....U.1M Mora Work . ,-nust Z,ZT.' MUk, MOOS l attM yukaer M alee this , eel " roltage. BOo end tl.OO. mkk. nan orow oood fob itiihtku calvks. "' sinnsnT to., t. Pant, Minn. l.rrrrV-fvj 0Ti.asin: I hare been feeding year Pansaiaa -mr innm. Snow a Nonconcluutor. According to experlmpiits condiictcd T U. J an bbi; n on Mont Hlunc It Is not necessary to erect poles for siring ng telephone and telegraph wires In snow covered countries. If the snow Is fev ers! Inches thick It serves as a good Insulator; tho wires run simply lx lultl down and he ready for trmismlHslou of messages. The desire that every town man lis to some day live on a fnrin is rwtllj due to a longing to get away from the neighbors. A'cf?elable PrepnraiionrorAs slmilalinf thcFoodandHegula ling Hie Stomaclis ond Dowels of Promotes Digeslionrhpcrrur- ness and iKsttontains nclilicr Oiiiiim.Morpluiie nor Mineral, 1VOT NAH C OTIC . sajwsiiwss - Jlf- jl- Aperfecl Ucrnedy forConsiipa Jlon. Sour Stoirarh.niarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .reverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Siflruilure of NEW vnntr Lpj n.r-M. sapassaL.ssis For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WUssra W J BaBBsaaBj.aasaBSSsHBsw AM In Use For Over Thirty Years in II th imtauh MttAHv, miW riisi rrr. tWtn aWJ alraW MmmM At