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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1902)
tons Dry.jruoist, scaly tetter, all formi of eczraia or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed fivui humors, either inner ited, or acquired through defective digestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying- medicines is dangerous. The thing to do is to help the system discharge the humors, and strengthen it against their return. Hood's Saraaparilla permanentlr cured J. 0. Hines, Franks. 111., of ectema, from which ht had suffered for acme timet and Alius Alvina Wolter, Box 112. Alcona. Wl.. of pint plet on her fact and back and chafed akin on her body, br which abe had bees rreatly troubled. There are more testimonials in faror of tfai treat medicine than can be published. K . . Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Don't put off treatment Buy a, bottle of Hood's today.' ENJOY BEING Pmmlljr that runs day and ulirbt, with three SNAKES TAKE TO FONDLING LIKE " ,. .- KITTENS. Diamond-Back Rattler Are Oood Pete WhenMantlUd Hlsht-They Will Not Strike Unleaa Surprised or Hurt, and A! way buriuK Their Hauler. "Ob! Aren't they darllugs! May hold them a moment? , 1 should just love to; they are so cute." The speaker was a comely, matronly looking woman, . well, though some what showily, dressed. She was one of a motley crowd that stood before aa exhibition platform in a dime museum, Ou the platform sat a garish young woman, who, ou the show bills, was the peerless Circassian beauty." She wore very short skirts, as real Circas sian beauties always do, and ber high heeled satin slippers and crimson silk en hose were undoubtedly Imported from the wilds of Clrcasslu. 11 or balr stood up In a great mass, like the boll of a ripened daudellon. It was proba bly a wig, but It was the orthodox style of beauiy for the dime museum "Clr- caah." At the feet of the beauty lay the "dar llugs" which bad evoked the woman Tbey , Inordinate Vanity. "Jackson loves to sea his name in print, doesn't he?'' "I cKsmiM saw an Wfcv tha mnm- in, uttr ha wan married, he eot ud at , visitor's Bdiulrlng exclamation. B o'clock to read tha wedding notices , were not babies, but s pair of big dia tn the paper." Town Topics. - - jmond-backed rattlers, the deadliest of the rattlesnake tribe. Safely caged In Allan's root-Kasar , . , ,.. ,,i,t ,in It It the onlv care lor Swollen, UmarHnf, - " ' "? t , BurnineVSweeilnir Feet, Conn and Bunions, j UO harm, but St each of the hourly ex- AkIt far Allen's Krtat-1 S!W. a DOWiltT to be uii,ti .1 1. l. r;. .h...n lnt th. hM. At all firunlsts and ; """" 8"" "''" ' " Shoe stores, 2.' Sample sent FRKii. Address Allen a Olmsied, URoy, Sr Y. A Fid to Own Shooting. casslau beauty would take the venom ous reptiles from 'their den, fondle them snd, as the museum patrons ex- It has now become a fad to own ;" "" " oeauiy toosea somewnat auspiciuusi; at the woman who had made the re quest. ' "Don't," she exclaimed. "They're the most poisonous of all snakes and their bite means almost certain death. The managers would not allow you to touch them and It might cost you your life." "Huh! I ain't afraid." was the re ply. "I was In the business before you was born snd handled eunkes that was a deal trickier than rattlers. Water moccasins, black and puff adders and venomous reptiles from all parts of the world. Once," she sdded proud ly, "I owned s cobra.", The woman on the platform Incontinently surrendered and allowed the visitor to take her ptts. which, the stranger fondled as a fond mother would a baby. , '"Oo wouldn't hurt mamma, would oof she cooed as the ugly, flat head of the rattler lay against ber cheek. The snake darted out Its forked tongue, but It did not spring Us rattles. The glitter of its beady eyes showed that It was fully conscious of what was taking place, but It evidently enjoyed being caressed by the veteran. "Even the most venomous snakes are harmless as long as they are treated right" said the woman. "They love to be petted and stroked. Just as a cat does. If they sre tormented, they are likely to strike. Battlers are the easiest of all snakes to handle, for they won't bite without giving warning. Nearly always they will coll for a strike, and Invariably tbey will spring their rattles, 'I was in the business nearly fifteen years. In that time I was bitten more than a score of times, but It was al ways because of my own carelessness. I always kept antidotes st hand and never suffered from a bite more than most persons would from, the sting of bee. Snakes have always been one of the best cards In museums and side shows. In nine cases out of ten the reptiles are bandied by women. The act proves more attractive to the public than when they are handled by men. Besides, women take to snakes more readily than men. Perhaps tbey in herited that from old Mother Eve," and the speaker laughed at the suggestion. New York Sun, shootines In the South, where this vear it is said that the birds were never so plentiful. The shootings are as extensive as those of Scotland and among the owners of parks of this kind In North and South Caro lina are many New York millionaires. Shooting parties are given during the winter, the guests being taken down In special cars. , ; i Heartache Thia Horning! Ten cent;, after eating too much, drinking too math, will prevent that morning torture Carrr a box Ca?arets in your pocket. Drug' fists, lio, 115c, too. Soundi Like Yankee Humor. Frederick Villiers, the well-known war artiBt and correspondent, tells of having seen the following sign . in a prominent hotel in an Australian town where water . was scarce: "Please don't use soap when wash ing, as the water is required for tea." biats or Ohio, cnx or tolsdo, j Lucas County. I Faunr. J. L'utxtT makes oath that lie ts the senior parter ol tbe arm of F. J. Chekkt A Co.. doing busmen tn the Citr of Toledo, Count? and Mate aforesaid, and that said firm will par tneeomol ONE Hi: NUKED DOLLARS lor each and every cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use o( lUu'i Catakrh Curs. FRANK J. CHKSEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in me presence, this sth day oi December, A, D. IMA. 112 1 notary PUc Ball's Catarrh Cnre Is taien Internally and acts directly on the blood aod mucons suriaces oi tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. ' F. J. CH ENKY CO., Toledo, a Sold by drnrgtsts, 7oc BaU'sftunuy mils are the best Stevenson's Neglccld Crave. A New Zeland paper reports that Robert Louis Stevenson's grave in Samoa is overgrown with weeds and Is in some danger of being lost al together. Many persons used to visit It, but it Is said that the yearly aver age is now something like six. I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con sumption has an equal for coughe and colds, Johii F. BoTsa, Trinity Springs, lud., Feb. 15. 1900. Waiters Arithametic "Walter, I find I have Just enough money to pay for the dinner, but I have nothing in the way of a tip for yourself." ' . "Let me add np the bill again, sir." Moonshine. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'g Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. '" A New York Joke. Gunther K. Ackermaa is as bald as a dishpan, notwithstanding the fact that be is yet a comparatively young man. 'as to different shifts all day except Sundays and holidays. But If the bankers should ask for clean money Congress would be glad to furnish the extra printing. The reform for clean money proceeds slowly. One bank nearly always be gins. Sometimes the bunks let It bo known that In their womau's depart meuts only new currency will be paid out , The tunovntlon Is usually infec tious. The department knows that when oue bunk starts others will fol low. FORTUNE FROM COMIC SONG.. Popularity of the Composition Means Money to Coinpoaer. The actors who bsve made tbetr fame on one play, tbe authors whose reputatlou rests upon one book, or the orators w hose celebrity is connected with one speech, are not nearly so nu merous as tbe singers who have be come known through one song. The recent death of "The Great MeDer uiott," who will go down to posterity as the singer of "By Jlugo, We WIlL" the song which made the term "jingo- Ism," a familiar term in the Kuglisu language, recalls tbe story of mauy of these one-acbleved Individuals. The most fickle and difficult to un derstand people In the world," said a theatrical manager a few days ago. are the comic-song public. Sometimes a song, wltb absolutely uo merit to rec ommend It, will go like wlldtlre, while, on tbe other hand, some of the most clever and catchy songs ever written full as fiat as a smoothing Iron. A song will sometimes be sung by a musli-hall singer which will seem to have In It no more of tbe elements of popularity than any other song. Yet suddeuly It will become all the rage, aud wIH be hummed and whistled by thousands of people all over thecouotry who never heard the name of the sing er, and perhaps never put their foot In tbe music hall. Probably, then, a year or two later the same singer will ap pear with a song quite as taking, ap parently, as the first one. yet It will fall to create the slightest stir, and will be a dead letter, except to those who have beard It lu music halls." Instances of the accuracy of this gen eralization abound. .It was Miss Lot tie Collins who first sang "Ta-ra-boom-de-ay" In a Loadon music ball. Few thought it was a song out of the ordi nary, even those who heard It, yet within a few days all London was Buried Treasure Trick ' Worked, j American consuls in Spsln rscervs frequent complaints from their coun trymen that they have been swindled by the old burled treasure trick. Tbe victims ars Induced to advance money for the purpose of recovering sup posed large sums burled by political prisoners. i Smoking a Marching Tonic. Experiments have been mads in the Swiss army on the effect of smoking on tho march. The results were in favor' of the troops that were allowed to have their pipes, and, moreover, their discipline was better. ' No Cull for Btrllntn, The Berllners do not play golf. There is a golf links near the city with a clubhouse, but it Is not parton Ized by the natives and It is left for the exclusive use of foreigners "mostly elderly Englishmen." one of them told me. W. K. Curtis in Chi cago Record-Herald. Encouraging Practice, of MuMge. Upward of 70 London physicians have expressed their approval of society recently formed oy women which holds periodical examinations In the theory and practice of massage ana issues certificates. Tafl Met Induce Baldness, , A London writer claims that tha tall hat induces baldness and creates a liability to insanity, Bnldniya, which Is so universal In what ar called tha upper classes, lit contrast to the hair-covered scalp : of tho poorer, is mainly due to the tall bat Manufacturing In Mississippi. .' Tha State of .Mississippi Btands pretty near tha lower end of tha list of manufacturing States. When tha count was taken last year there wore only 16,433 wage-workers in the State and tha production was valued at $40,000,000. Oraduitt la Blanket Costume. Anna Parker Coxdaughter of Quannah Parker, the notod Comanche Indian statesmnn, who Is married to a white man, has donned her blanket and taken up wild reservation life sgnln. She is a graduate of the Car lisle Indian school. POllCEPREIllY RESCUES A CONNECTICUT WOMAN FROM HORRIBLE TORTURE. Mrs, William Cutter, ol Hartford, tha Victim, Tails the Story In an to Unite, A Terrible Ksnerlenee. "It was horrible," said Mrs. Cottar. "I almost wished for death to relieve me. But help came in time and I am very grateful. "Tell you the story? Tea, indeed. I never grow tired ol telling it. SeV' eral jeurs ago I was taken with neural gia and eullered untold mi wry. I tried a great many doctors and several remedies with the result that I found temporary relief but I was not cured and begun to fear that I nover would be, "men roiicentun Heuiy, who is a neighbor of ours, recommended that I try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and I did so. I thought that the first box gave me some relief, and my husband insisted that I keep on taking them. I did and I can truly say that these pills are the only medi cine that ever permanently benefited me. "I uped to have to give np entirely and lie down when the nnin came on humming It, and It was not long before j My face would swell up so that my yes it naa Decome as ramuior as "Uod ! would close. The oi 1h have cured all WESTERN MONEY 18 DIRTY. Eastern Cities Grab the Maw Currency Issued by Treaanry Department. The bulk of tbe paper currency In clr- When asked a few days ano cttlauon throughout the west la well the cause of his premature worn and often exceedingly filthy by baldness. Secretary Ackerman re- reason of Its long use. A crisp new piled: -wnen i was on tne btar, in bill Is a curiosity in most Western John Kelly's time, the politicians who communities. The currency Is kept in UOCij I vail o k vus0 vuibv w vi v ta customed to spinning' me around on my head for drinks." ' -: EGZEEffA'S- 3 ITCH iS TORTURE, Eczema ia caused by an acid humor in the blood coming in contact with the skin and producing great redness and in Bammation ; little pustular eruptions form and discbarge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is hard, dry and fissured. Eczema ia any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooze out and set the skin on tire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as long as tne poison remains in tne blood it will keep the skin irritated. . BAD FORM OF TETTER. 'For three yean I bad Tetter on my bands, which caused them to aweU to twice tbeir natural siie. Part of the time tbe disease was in the form cf run ning sores, eery pain ful, and causing tne much discomfort. Four doctors ssid the Tetter bad progressed too far ; to le cured, aud they i could da nothing for tl tne. I t:olc only three ' tviitlp MP. s a .,t was coiwp'etely cured, a afro, aud I have never since seen any sign of mr old tremble." Mrb I B. JacaaoH, 1414 UcCee St., Kansas City, Mo. 8. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison, tools the blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy kin becomes soft, smooth, and clear. cores fetter, Ery I sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and alt skin diseases due to a pois oned condition of the Send for our book and write us about your . case. Our physicians have made these diseases a life study, and can help yon by their advice ; we make no charge for this service. All correspondent is conducted in strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, SA. W X. blood. l"iiiMaai icrtfc ALL tlSrTAILS. . S Cuub Syrup, fastes Good. Use I In time. Bold br druKtftsts. circulation so long that it will hardly bold together, while It Is redolent of the foulest of smells. That which Is returned to tbe Treasury Department jfrom Chicago for replacement la said to be tbe worst of alL It Is so bad that the employes of the department stub bornly try to get assigned to desks where none of this ragged, filthy cur rency Is handled. Those who have ta bles where New York, Boston, Phila delphia or Washington money la ban died are considered very fortunate. From these towns come money for re demption which is practically new. ; Many banks In tbe East make it a rule to never put out old money. Many of the bills from Washington have never been folded. . The chief of the redemption division explains that a New York bank which would pay out such money as Is handed over the Chicago bank counters could not do business. Its customers would not have tbe soiled and ragged money. Many' go further and say tbe filthy money is dangerous. The facta do not bear this out There never has been a case of contagious sickness In the de partment which could be traced to con taminated bills. - . Tbe reason why the West gets dirty money and tbe East gets clean money rests entirely with the banks. The Eastern banks supply new currency because their customers refuse to han dle the other kind. Tbe Western banks give out dirty currency because tbeir customers do not protest. It costs tbe banks extra to get new money. It costs 20 cents per' $1,000 to send old . money- to the department for redemp tion and Its costs tha same amount to get the new bills, a total cost of 40 cents Tbe Government pays tbe ex pressage on sliver. The banks say that tbey would be glad to furnish new bills if the Government would pay the ex- pressage. Unquestionably tbey would. But tbe Eastern banks find It no bard- ship and are glad to pay the express age to keep tbe new currency on band. If all tbe banks In the country would suddenly decide to use only new bills over their counters the bureau of en graving and printing would be unable Save the Queen." It Is said that there are at least a dozen singers of comic songs who are known in the profession as "one-song men." The meaning of the title Is, of course, that they have sung oue song which completely eclipsed all of their other performances. For lustuuee, Charles Coborn, tbe man who sung "The Man That Broke tbe Bank at Monte Carlo." made more money out of other songs, but for one person who knows one of bis other songs probably a hundred know this one. . 1 Other familiar Instances of the one song success are Anna Held's "Won't You Come and Play With Me?" and Ernest Hogan's "Who Said Chicken In This Crowd?" Both ef these have I sung many another song, but none of the others has bad such extreme pop ularity. The authors of "Little Annie Kooney," "After the Ball Is Over" and other equally well-known songs are almost unknown, yet In many cases their one song carried them to tempo rary fame. New York Times. NEW KIND OF RAILROAD TIES. Booth American Mora Timber to Be Tried by Pennsylvania Uoud. The Pennsylvania Ballroad Is soon to begin an experiment with a new kind of wood for ties. Orders have been placed aud several consignments of tbe material are now on the way from South America, says the Philadelphia Ledger. As soon as the vessels ui rive preparations will be made for placing the ties at points along tbe main line snd i and around Philadelphia. Tbe ties sre of Mora wood, and come from British Guiana. , It ts claimed for them that tbey will last fifty years, tbe tim ber being exceedingly hard aud pos sessing the quality of durability. The present ties last from three to ten years. The purchasing price alone for each tie of the Mora wood is $1, aud the delivery price about $1.50. The coat of the white oak ties, which the road has been using, is about 73 cents each. There have been many experiments made during the last twenty -five years to procure some material for ties that will stand tbe severe tests from heavy and fast t rattle, but thus far no suc cessful results have been attained. Many patent preservative processes have been resorted to, such as cneml- cals to preserve the wood, cement en cased In steel and steel plates bent into oval or semi-naif moon shape. Just now the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Hallway Is experimenting on its main line, near Sandusky, Ohio, with a design of steel ties constructed from old worn out sixty-flve-pound steel rails. About $00,000,000 Is now spent annu ally by the railroads of the country for renewing worn-out ties, It being esti mated that 112,000,000 new ties are needed each year. Tbe total number of ties now In nse on the railroads of tbe country Is calculated at 780,000,000. Tbls demand Is so great and the here- tofore sources of supply are so nearly exhausted, says tbe Black Diamond, that tbe International Society of Arbo riculture bas undertaken to encourage the growing of catalpa trees, with spe cial reference to tbe need of crosstles for American railways. White oak, canerack, white cedar, chestnut, pine and redwood, which bave up to -tbls time been used for ties, are becoming ! too costly. If not too scarce, to supply the demand from tbls source. Tbe so ciety suggests that the catalpa be planted along the right of way of Tall road lines, not only ss s future source of supply, but as a means of adding to the pleasure snd comfort of trsvelers. Ties from tbls wood, it Is claimed, will last tblrty-flve years. this and I bave bad no return of it for the last thre years. I keep the pills constantly on hand as I believe they are a wonderful household remedy. "To Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I owe all the comfort I have enjoyed for the past three years in being free from neuralgia and I am glad to lie able to recommend them," Many who are now tortured with neuralgia will read with interest the above statement which is beyond doubt as it was given over the signature of Mrs. William Cotter, whone husband bas been Democratic regii-ter of elec tions in Hartford, Conn., for over 10 years, and who is well known through out the state. Mrs. Cotter, who lives at No. 42 Windsor ctreet, Hartford, ia the mother of a happy family, and is now enjoying excellent health. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People will not only cure cases similar to that of Mrs. Cotter, but containing as they do, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood snd restore shattered nerves, they have proved efficaciou in a wide range of dis eases. They are an unfailing specific for such dixeapes as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neraulgia, rheumatism, nerv ous headache, the after effects of the grip, of fevers and of other acute dis eases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of . weakness, either in nalo or female, j Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are sold by all dealers 6r will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box, six boxes, two dollars snd fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. ' Oiltnlal NavtltlM. . Among 'tho novelties are found tiny Oriental Jugs and vases, decorated In I colored characters proverbs from 1 the Koran or selections front Omar; Khsyam. These are filled with per-1 fumes, some of Oriental otior aud otu ars violet, lily and carnation. Crest Tobacco Combination, The greatest tobacco combination ever formed Is called the Universal Tobacco Company, capital $75,000,000. It claims to be Independent and the field of Ita operation Is Great Britain and Europe. An Ontario HotlplUL Ontario will soon have a hospital for poor consumptives. A Mr. Mas sey bequeathed the alto of the Institu tion and $30,000 toward tha building and furnishing ' fund. The Grand Trunk railway will carry patients to the hospital free of charge. Uncut Genu. Tha fashionable woman seems to find use for auy number of uncut gema. It is one of the season's fads to have a buckle, a brooch, cuff but tons, pendant, and umbrella handle to match, and for these, turquoise, sapphires, amethysts and moonstones are employed. Guilt la London Pirki. As the winter advances the gulls Come up the Thames In great numb ers tn search of food. They have al ready invaded tbe parks, much to the alarm of the ducks, who find to their cost that these hungry Intruders rob them unmercifully. In St. James' Park there are hundreds of these waifs. From the bridge which crosses the lake they may be seen floating on tbe water or circling overhead. uttering plaintive scream aa they dart about in search of food. Pall Mall Gazette. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of ee FastSimlla Wrapper Biliw. ggI iviois yczj to ptiMIcit my Idttar atatlng tho grant! effect LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND has had on my hoalih. 1 u 4 v M 7 .... "" ' "I wasauff ering to such an extent from ovarian trouble that hiy physician thought an operation would le necesNnry, Your medicine having been recommended to me, I decided to try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My system was toned up and I suffered no mora with my ovaries. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the greatest boon on earth tosufforing women. "Mrs. Anna Aston, Box 13, Troy, Mo. Ovarian trouble It lerlous trouble Every woman knows this. Frequently the bas ovarian trouble whs she thinks she has only s " pain In the M." All st ones she finds herself suable to walk. ' She ts a ilck woman. An operation, dangerous sod expensive, is the ututft procedure, and, st beet, ihe ens expect merely to gather together the shattered remnants of health after S tedious struggle. Many times this it necessary and minv timet It It not. It It wis for every woman to be convinced that every Uckarhe snd sldenchs, every abdominal sain, indicates something wrong, snd something which will sot go awitjr itaelf or be driven away by hard work. It Is slao right for every woman to know that for every disorder of the feminine Vcirctrtblo Compound it the perfec t treatment, that it Is the medicine always eat to as snd always certain to kelp. When your health and perhap your life it at take. It It wit to pin by a remedy which hold the record for the greatest number of absolute cures of female ill and which it recognited by the profession to be the greatest tnmlicin for women ia the world, snd accept something tit which you know little or . nothing about 1 , Read th records of cur (n th Utter Ilk Urt. Alton's printed regularly la tail paper, and If you art sick, do sot b satisfied to talt a tuhttltut for Lydfa Em Pinkham's Vegatabla Compound, Jf '5000 flFl'f ADII We have deinilttd with mmmmmmmmmmm will fw pld to sny per. eon who can Snd that Hit show tmmionlal Inter is not -miln. or was rnihlUhnl brfont ebtatninf the writers perlal permlwloa. I.vni K. yiNBHAM M atuvina Co, WHAT IS A SUCKER? IP IT BEARS THIS TRADB MAM IT lV TMft ftEftT WATtvaoo OILED COAT IN THtWOHLD. iw1?2aSfln'TW WTHttSvCMIMHUThU CATAL00E fRCS JH0WIN4 FULL LINt Of GARMENTS AND HATH AJ.T0WER CO.. BOSTON. MA35.s JCH001S AND COLLEGES. 107O A Hum Toa fax Boyei WrKm few Hlumlrmimm' Omtmlirun II IU. tin IV I'Oilll.ANO. St, Helen's School for Girls. Thtcir-thlrd rar. Comm.4lnnabiiltit Inira. Modem eqiiliimfiiit. AraiiVmlo and collets prupsrainry ioure. Sfw clnl rnurne in uviali? n.t art. Ilhie. trall csisIkiiii. All depattmrnta will reopen V' trmtatr It. . MISS HI KANOR TKniirTTS. Prtnclnal, Ferry' Beads make I crops, sjood eroiw make more cut. toniers so eavh year th eropa and customers bave trown (rrater. That's ta secret or tne Ferry ranis. More Kerry's Heed told and sown than any other kind. Hold by all dealer. ItMSrfu Annual raa. O. SS. Perry Oo. Detroit, Mloh. Sew Year Resolutions KccSoy Curo TA lUk CARTER'S c Th Popular Whit Skirt. While the black separate skirt is quite out of date, the white separate skirt is just the thing worn with waists of the faded pinks and bines, white and biscuit colors now in vogue. The point to be observed is the blending of the one into the other. . In this way it is poHsible to bave a variety of evening effects with but slight expense. Such a costume can be worn on all dress oc casions where a very elaborate toilet is not necessary. Suicide in the French Army. According to a French army paper, suicide is more common in the French army than any other In Europe. Of the annual death rate in all branches of the service suicide accounts for 5 per cent. Tear assail am4 aa eaey -ts taks as saga roi ieaoacnEi FOR DIZZINESS. FDR IIUOUSIESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0NSTIPATI0R. FOR SALLOW SKIR. rORTNCCOMPLEXIOR oasis vaivsa HwersAvt , TgetaMsyWe5w6 aanasnBarsue i mm Pa. i Its etj I 'uely CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Farmer's First Profit It saade Id hit selection of seed. Send let Our Complete Annual Cata logue for I902, FREE! II contains full directions lor eardro work end many useful tabli-sfur Ike farmer. No one ..lis better Set'ds llian LAMBKHSUN'S SEEDS. LUMBERSON - Portland Oregon are telle! bem llqae, opium and taaaee awls, aenaiMT paitieaiateu finite lnt'llnt. Mo,.. I to 44 William ESTFOimiE BOWELS If fom bftvan'l tvnulevr, hotltb? nnvrownt of f( Kwi mvatf Jr, ym t9 mics, or will b Kp fuiif ! vptrit, fend Vm wtf'i. tore. In tbn tuwf 'd rtuitjiit ib'io ur flit poipimi, l daitfvrtMift. Tha ftmoothi'su, ), uvmsL fM'rrtH'L witj ui AuMtplufl U .to w i cir mhI elsMUi l le ifPbXS CANDY f f aW CATHARTIC Sw TSAOt MAtt MSMfMO S Ftaasanl ralatar.l, i-oteni. Taste Ooo. r0a l.rvr HKitea. W.stoo. or Urine, iim. too WrM or frre. ample, and pooaJaton oestvn. Address t.Ki.lmlMniiil lMil, m Iwa. MM KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAfi IN YOUR POCKET! Vftll finrl TrlO niffnrenr.n Between ilcljr,lon.TclilceniiUhralthr,eont.ntedlowls. IUU rlllU IIIB UillblCllbC 'ie lrliiKt no NMiiirr to four tnwkai, tin aihar mean, moiier 111 jwiir ,,iiv. ,vm w,u jwii 7 Is a li'ioid to palm or spray the riMt. qiili VIr rlrs rnylne all lice. Tlie nrlr ia rtrillilna tn rnmn.ri,ti 1,1 Hi. nml 11 will .111. mha uraHtwi . riff i-ranni'.r arm iiwaftn rn t to the bllo. chickens -prevents ronrtiilltr. fuMpts Iwien layhet ehen five ul sis mnrtins 010. to no pit tent, more ease proUuced. PORTLAND TX0 OO.. ISM rrmmi JUemmt, rViisse, Or. OosmJ Agmnlm. Groesbeck's Lice Killer Save Tour Chicki MEN AND WOMEN Who want to better their condition, write today for my plan of making money. Large profits and permanent but i nets assured. Lock Box 608, Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, feotot Morrises Street, Can give yon tha best banal nt la Bntrzies. Plows, boiler and Knitioes, Win-imills ami Pnmnn an I General Machinery. , Se as before baying. Nine people out of tea, when tbey cannot think of anything else for a Christmas present, buy two handkerchiefs. A ' IK - A'' 7f x. r M.UURCS 1 - ".a S.urt n nAiiirn vnnii.c rvncit. For Church, Store, Hot-l, lull Hir-et Ll(hting. Thea tmps are ssfe, eco nomical and relia ble. See what users think ol them by audresslnf C. V. LORD, Portland, Or. K. U. S-190S. WBSCir wrltlnf t adTartlear Blraaa sttexttloa this a? '0L The Distinctive Value of Syrup of Figs is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that It acts gently and truly a a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions. The requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for ita production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand for a laxative, simple and wholesome in Its nature and truly beneficial, in its effects; a laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in a naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them. , To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it does not weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore It promotes' a healthful con dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. ; Among its many excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid, or tne robust man. -y ;''.',': : ' Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles of plants, -which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system, when, its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of manufacture which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it is therefore all Important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. 1 u Califorhia mS .YRUP Louisville. Ky. POB SALK BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, San Fratnciaco, Cat, New York. N. Y. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE, 1 1 1 ' imili 1 1 in 1111 11 r 1111 m n ,, ,,