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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Portoffice at 6t. li lens, Oregon, m second-class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Imi'SD Evsrv Fiiday Mobhim Bt DAVID DAVIS, EUITOU AND PltOPRIKTO. SUBSCRIPTION PHICB: One copy on year, in advance. . .(1.00 Six month 60 COUNTY OFFICERS. RepreeanUtlve Norman Merrill. Clatskanie J unite. Clerk Sheriff Treasurer Supt. of Schools. AHMOf Surveyor... ...... Coroner .... Commissioners I Joseph B. Doau, Kalmer 4, u. watts, hi. Helena R. S. Hattan, St. Helens E. Rom, St. Helena .1. H. Copeland. Houlton ......Martin While, St. llelein A. B. Little, Houlton ....Dr. H. R. Cli IT. St. Helen P. A. Frakee, gcaitrtouae W. D. Cue, Pittsburg y mrown business, while your neighbor la attending to nil, and your ohanoei of wearing a crown will be greatly im proved. The hypocrite, the vile gossips, and the assassins ot character will all burn together ; and if you don't want to , burn with them, atop lying about your neignoor. A UIGH-CIiAHS CRIMINAL. Supreme Finance Keeper Thompeon, Supreme Holder of the Pocket Book, or I whatever may be hie title, anyway the eupreuie treasurer of the Knight of the : Muccabeee, of Port Huron. Michigan. who recently appropriated $57,000 of the oruer-a money, nas made a lull con if a ion. The confession a made by Mr. Thompson has been published and dia- iriDuteato the a u Dominate bodies and members. While this was a manly way for him to do, it does not settle the defi cit and crime of which Mr. Thompson is the unfortunate cause. He has com mitted acrime and in the name of law and justice be should be made to pay the penalty. His motives perhaps were not those of the criminal the burglar, tne tniet, the highwayman, it is ot a higher class than that. Thieves, like all other professions of men and things are divided into grades and classes. We would not class Mr. Thompeon with the man who is found guilty of lifting an om ncn iroin her roost, or removiug a parse from an old woman's pocket; no, his class is much better than this. The nature of his crime is best explained in his own confession. He said he only PabUc Statement. As was promised at the time when subscriptions were being solicited for prise money for the baseball tournament held here in September, that a public statement would be rendered in regard to the matter, the mem hers of the asso ciation have prepared and submitted this report. The statement could have been published long ago, but it was de layed from time to time i rxciipts. ...$118 00 ... 0 SO ftnruwrtntlrina. Refreshment stand Total 121 80 DISaUBSKMIKTS. Priiee i $100 00 Umpire BO Balls 6 30 Fixing grounds ., 7 60 Music S 00 NOTICE OF FINAL SCTTLtMCNT In the County Conn ot the gtMt at Oregon, In aud (nr Columbia Comity. In the matter ot tlie Ksiate of John Farrow, decease!. XTOl'ICK ISnKRRBY OlVtCN TH AT A. NKV In, the administrator ot the molate l John Farrow, deceased, haa rendered ami presented lor muK iuviit, and tiled Hi said court. tal nnal account ol till administration of said estate, and that the tb day ol January. HHU, at one o'clock p. iu., at the Court-room In Hie court- nouse in et. nvioaa. in said County and state, haa been duly appointed bv the Judire of aalrt Court, for lite settlement ot aald account, at wntcn time and place any person liiterenleil in aald estate may appear and objoot to aald llual acMiui wiu tue avttiempui tnereoi. ud!i7 A. N KV1N, Administrator. .121 30 Total The members of the association desire to thank the people of the town for their iiiwrauiy auu assistance in niasinir tne tournament the success which it proved to oe. OASTOIl Bean the Ha alls Y tian sliwrc BcngW aUgaatar r KOTICe FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Laud Office at Orextiu CUT, Or., v.. t oAaw inAt NOTICB 18 HKRKBY UIVKN THAT THE following-named eetilnr haa Sled notice of hit Intention li make final proof In tinoort of hi claim, under Section rail, R. 8., anti that aid proof will be made before the Register and neceiver ai urea-on i.uv. urevon. on January &u irai via. RANDAL P. BURNS, Homestead entry ri.7flu. for the eeW of section 13, township 4 north, ranee 4 west. He named the followine witneaitaa to nmve his ooutiuttoMa reuueuee upon ana cultivation or aaia leuit via: Samuel P. Ballard and Warren A. Wood of Pttuburx. Oregon, and John Roberta and Sa lathlel U. Uchoouover, of Vernonla, Orewon. osjhi viiAS. a. auuKaHi rteitiaier. We have on hand now stock of blank receiDt books of our own maun- v v ay i eaca dook contains one hundred blanks. DECEMBER 13, 1901. THE MESSAGE. It rean ires considerable time and really some degree of patience to care fully read such a voluminous document as a president's message to congress, and the recent message coming at a time when a busy newspaper man'e time is engrossed with other matters, we had not time last week only to briefly peruse th subjects t res ted. However, snmmary of the message may be of interest to many of our readers, hence tne following remarks : The external interest of the United States naturally occupy a place of espec ial importance in President Roosevelt's message. The president urges a "sub stantial reduction in the taria duties on people all over the land had entrusted to his care money that thousands of hon est toilers bad worked bard to earn, save and donate lor toe nenent of the widow and orphan. Mr. Thompson was com paratively a rich man, but there came a time when financial ruin stared him in the face. He was on the verse of ruin. To save himself he "borrowed" $67,000 oi tne Maccabees' money as a final vain investment. The money failed in the Rurpose of its investor. All was lost, ow some of the leading Maccabees are starting, or attempting to start, a move ment among the membership of raising a popular subscription to make good the aencu oi me nnsnce Keeper, tne man who is paid a handsome salary for his iron Die in Keeping tne funds entrusted to his care. This is a movement that this, or any other order or fraternal so ciety should not tolerate. It is anar chism in that its purpose is to evade the lust punishment ot the law. What an incentive such a thing would be for other men to commit such crimes) lo in the same manly manner that he has confessed. This will prevent like crimes in tne future. Cuban imports into the United States" .. .ill :va Ka Vi ! i rv nu aa fast ml nit aa far aa tlicw fM nwnArwl fnr I stead of making good the loss, the mem' it, s constantly Increasing measure of of . Maccabees a grand old .Jit .. ;. ju tk. ..ii. order with a noble Duroose shoald being of the ho'memaker must be the veJ onf. .take .U Pon, thm- test of the success of the government f've8 to eee. this traitor, defaulter In Hawaii and u onn of the means tn I a"niwou, is puuiaiteu. ii mm meet this end a land policy should be adopted, nd receive his just punishment based as cicely as is practicable on the homestead laws of the United States, and says that the material welfare of Porto Rico must be guarded as carefully as that of any other part ot the country. He calls attention to the abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer convention of 1860 througt the new treaty wnicn ne nas just signed, and which is to be sent to the senate at once; urges congress to take advantage ot this circumstance by a prompt passage of an isthmian canal bill, and points out the need of imme diate action providing for the laying of S Pacific cable. The Monroe doctrine, which, as be expresses it, is a declara tion that there must be no territorial aggrandizement by any non-American power at the expense ot any American power on American soil, should be main tained by the nations of Central and South America, aa it is by the United States. On the strictly domestic issues the tn sage is equally pointed and direct. Publicity, with govermental power of supervision and regulation, is recom mended in the case of the trusts; reci procity, but only so far as it can be had without injury to domestic industries, is urged by the preservation of the forests and the adoption of an intelligent sys tem of irrigation is favored ; the immi gration laws, being inadequate to the work of excluding undesirable incomers, should be amended ; the merit system in the civil service, particularly in our insular possessions, should be extended ; the breaking up of the tribal relations among the Indians is favored; action for the upbuilding of the merchant marine is suggested, though subsidies are sot mentioned; a secretary of commerce and industries, to bave a seat in the cabinet, is recommended; the amend ment of the interstate commerce act in the interest of the general public is fav ored, though the development of the railroad system should not be interfered ritn ; a reduction ol revenue is urired : A. J. Snell wanted to attend a oartv. but was afraid to do so on aocouut pains in nis stomacn, woicn ne feared would grow worse. He says, "I was telling my irouoies to a tauv iriend. wno said : 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Keeuedy will put vou in condition for the party.' I bousht a bottle and take pleasure in statins: that two doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. Snell is a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. Thii remedy is for sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, corns, sore feet and stiff joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, scalds, nous, oicers, skin eruptions and piles. It cures or no pay. Only 26c at the 8t. tietens pharmacy. Foils Deadly Attack. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, In the County Court of the Stats of Oregon, In ami lor v.oiumoia motility. In the matter ot the eatats of Ell U. Foater, deceased. XTOTICB IS If KRKRY OIVKN THAT TUB ll uudersianed. administrator of the estate oi nil u. roster, neceaaed, haa nirn in aato court his It nai account of his administration upon aald eatate, together with his petition lor discnanta, and that the Hon. J B. Poan, Judire of said ooltrt. has appointed Janaarv Ikh. liau. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., aa the lime, and the court-room of aald conn, tn St. Helens, Or,, as the Place, for the hearlna of aald dual ao couut and petlilou. at which time and place anyone Interested may appear and abject to such final settlement and discharge. T. C. WATTS, Administrator of the estate of sit a. Foater. deceased. niw.l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot the Interior. Land OlMoe at Oregon CHy, Oregon, November HO. 1901. NOTICB IS BKREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named settler has fllad notice ot hia Intention to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tne Kestawr and rtocetver, at Oregon City, or. esua, us 4uuerj iMn, iwi, vta: NELSON J. TL'SANT, Homestead entry 11,029, for the net" of section 18. township 6 north, ranae 9 west. Ha names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reaiueuce upon anil cultivation ol aald lano. els: Oeorxe Archibald, Jay Archibald, lleonte atonn sua neurr naaecr, an of uonie, itrexott. uojiu UUAS. B. atlMlKtS, KeKtater. Rev. Irt R. Hicks la Not Dead. Noiulil,.iuinlini a widely onrrrtnt rumor that the Kv. Irl R. Hioks was dead, ho never was in belter health, and never did a harder and more sno mwieful year's work than that just closing, tia hua tnat nutmiliitnil his large aud splendid Alinitnao tor 1H02 and with his staff ot able helpers, haa brought his journal .Woaus and Works, jusuy for ward into international reputation, tot a quarter of a century Mr. lliuk has grown in reputation and usefulness as the people's astronomer, and forecaster of storms and the character ot coming seasons. Never were his weather fore casts so sought aftur as now, his timely warning ot a drouth this year having saved the people iroiu ions nitit smiurun, Millions oi bushels of wheat were har vested through his advice to plant crops that wnniii malum eanv. liie Ainori ill Mrtalulv stand bv Prof Micks, wnen it costs uieiu so itttie anu the benefits are so great, (lis fltttt Al manac of 200 Danes is only 26 cents, and hissulendid family fciurtial Is only one . .." .IT. . , dollar a year including tue Aiinauao. rend to YVobd ano Works Pithlihiiino Co., 2201 Locust street, St. Louis, Mo. A Million Voloes Could hardly express the thanks of Ho mer Ha Lot West 1'oint. la. Listen why A severe cold bad settled on bis lungs. causimra moat obstinate couuli. Several physicians said he had consumption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use ur. Klnir's New Discovery for Consumption and writes "it completely cured me and aaved my life. I now weigh 227 pounds. It's positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and lung troubles, rnce 60o and $1.00. Trial bottles tree at the St. Helens pharmacy. Roosevelt and the West. As the policies of Roosevelt are re vealed from dav to day it becomes more and more apparent that we have a pres ident with a broad and enlightened un derstanding of the West its history, its possibilities and the wishes of its people. Since Mr. Roosevelt entered the White House he has indicated to visiting delegations that his administra tion will favor: The speedy construction of the Nicar agua n canal. A he laying of a Pacific cable. Congressional action for the reclama tion of arid lands. Protection of the beet engar industry rgainet Cuban sugar and the sugar trust. Re-enactment of the Chinese exclus ion law. 'My wife was so ill that rood physi cians were unable to help her. writes M. M. Austin, oi Winchester, ind., "but was completely cured bv Dr. King's Sew Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 2oc at the bt. Helens pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tie Kind Yoa Han Alwajs Bought Bears the Blgoatore of I TP sf2 i ' Timber Land, Act June s, 187s. K0TICE FOR PUBUCkTIQH. TJnitsd Statu Lahd Orrtcs. Orexnn City. Onrnn. Nov. Tth. 1901. XTOTICB IS HEREBY OIV'KN THAT IN t:oM 1! ptianoe with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juna t, l7S, entitled "An act toy tne sale ot iimher lands In the States of Califor nia Orerou. Nevada, and Washlnalnn Tarrl. tory." aa extended to all the Public, l and States or eot oi August , itnu, Jerry Zandkuller. of Keener, County of Columbia. Htale of Orevon as this day Sied In this office hia sworn stale. ment No. iAw, for the purchase of thesckof the swV of Section No. 7, in Township No. I n. Range No. s w. and will O0r omof t .how that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone man lor agricultural purposes, and toestauusn nia claim to aald land before tne negister ana Receiver ol this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 27th dav of Janu ary, 1902. He names aa witnesses: Albert Ford and Frank Wortman, of Vernonla; August Schuieplet and Martin Outaentant. nf Kav. Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adverse ly the abore-deacrlbed landa are requested to file their claitna in dita attic on nrhii,rHiM vtn aay oi January iwz. CUAS. B. MIX IKES, uioin Register CHILDREN'S COUGHS ANO COLDS Recommendation of Well-Known Cfllcage Physician. in isvor uiese policies, as thev an- p roved Mr. Roosevelt's vieorons utter ances for national expansion. Spokane Spokesman-Review. DON'T BE A "KNOCKER." Astoria in common with nearlv ever other city in the country possesses a tew lnaivmuais wno may De termed as knockers" and who are, or at least, id- pear to db opposed to every movement, the object of which is the upbuilding of the city. An exchange gives this class oi people some wholesome advice when it says: "The thing to do is to pull to gether; help one another, help the ward, help the town, help the state, help the uauun, iietp yoursen. prosperity of one is the prosperity of all. Pull down your neighbor and' you poll down yourself. Put a wire across the path of pruKran anu you'll urea a vour own back. Jump the rich man and you'll be poor CITATION. In the Connty Court of the 8taM ot Oregon, (or m wuiiiy ui n u it u l a. In the matter of the Kstate of Angnst Bwanaon. To Swen Pereaon. the father ui aald attaint Swsosoo, and to whom It may concern, greet- TN THE NAME OF THE rfTATB OFORKOON: A You are herebv cited and rsMiulrMd ti,ariM.ap u oe county twin or tne state oi tiregon, tor the County of Columbia, at the Court-room thereof, at St. Helens, In the County of Colum bia. OU Friday, the ISth dav of berotmhar liall. at 1 o clock. tin the afternoon of that day. then . t ..t . . . . I aim men hjmuw v'suh, it any exista. wny tne cotic and safe in the hands of the most sw'-i of t of section i, township flve north I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate. une great uniK 01 tne western people constricted cougns, witn direct results. I prescribe it to children of all aires. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and conghs and bronchial afflictions. It is non-nar- the establishment of the census office as I indeed. Oppress the poor and you will permanent branch of the government is favored ; rural free delivery is praised and action is asked sustaining the de partment in remedying the second-class mail abuses; while drastic legislation is wanted against anarchism. Those who bave been accusing the president of "imperialism" will be greatly surprised to learn that betakes ground against any increase of the army at this time, but be says its efficiency mast be put and maintained at the high est possible point. The continuance in our policy of extending the navy is com mended, on the ground that this is not only necessary for the preservation of our own power and for the defense of the Monroe policy, but that it is abso lutely essential in' the interests of peace. The country's militia laws are declared to be antiquated and worthless, and he reccommends that the organization and armament of the militia in the several states should be made identical with those of the regular army. A few elo quent words are given to the centennial celebration in St. Louis in 1903 of the Louisana expansion, which "definitely decided that we were to become a great continental republic, by far the foremost power in the Western hemisphere," and it is urged that "the citizens of St. Louis, of Missouri and of all the adjacent re gion are entitled to every aid in making the celebration a noteworthy event in our annals." The message is compre hensive, vigorous, pointed and eminently auQLocujry. tt in tne expression OI a e, puoiic-spiriiea and virne American. suffer from poverty. Be helpful, big- ueartea ana oroad guaged. mere is nothing that hurts business so quickly as the prominent presence in the world of a tight-laced claw-fisted, hawk-eyed, cat-footed, bog-hearted, penny-sqneez ing, man-hating cross between a glue pot and a vinegar fug, who never spends You neighbor is just as good as you are. Your neighbor is no coarser than you. Your neighbor is just as truthful, lost as honest, just as sincere aa von. and is possibly not half as big a lying m yuu i c. xuur ueignoor is net as religious, jus as virtuous and in every way just as much right to inhabit the earth as vou. Your neighbor has a right to eat bis pie with a fire shovel if he likes; has a right to attend church or stay at home, just as be likes ; has a right to punish his children, goa-hshing on Ditnuay, smoae a pipe, Keep bis lace clean, or do lota of other things, and it is none of your business; and you are not appointed, elected or chosen to set yourself np to judge him or his. You and your neighbor are made of the same Baud ; live id the same sunshine ; are governed by the same laws; and as long as be attends to his own business you should attend to yours; and as long as yon set yourself up to gossip about your neighbors, or scalawag others, just be cause yoa can And somebody to listen to your hypocritical criticisms, yoa simply advertise yourself as a three-story idiot. Stop lying about your neighbor; stop speaking unkindly of anyone ; attend to dollar, unless be ninety-eight cents Budget. dollar and in sight." Astoria 'Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, it often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk health to get a cov eted gem. then let her fortify herself against the insiduoua consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boscbee's Ger man Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal tne anected lungs and bronchial tubes and drives the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, bat it is s certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. Yoa can get Dr. 6. (i. Green's reliable remedies at the St. Helens pharmacy. Get Green's special almanac. unproiessionai. a universal panacea ror an man. mas. mast it. Mklkndy, m. u., rn. ii., unicago, in. This rem edy is for sale at the St. Helens phar macy. FOR JSALE. FORTY ACRES OFTIMBEK LAND, SIMILES from St. Helens, which fnrmarlv hjtlnnaad to the Bennett estate, lying In the nw'4 of iw of section 6, towushipt noith, r 1 west. In Co- mmoia county, rnce V7ao. Apply to owner. J. H NUKTun, racisc Grove, Cal. of ranee tmn araal rl ,H UI ill.n,.ti. in Columbia County, State of Oregon, should1 not ha sold in order to pay the claims against said estate, taxes and costs and expenses of ad ministration aa In the petition herein Is prayed for. Witness the Hon. 1. B. lloan, Judge of the Coanty Court of the State or Omnn Inr lha Comity of Columbia, with the aeal of said Court affliwi.thlsllh day of November. A. I) . 1901. ISLAL.1 Attest: J. Q. WATTM. MM 13 Clerk. 8T0CX FARM FOB SALE. FOR SALE, AH EXCELLENT STOCK AND dairy ranch, located on mainland side of Willamette slongh, Ave miles from St. Helens. There are 870 acres, more or leas, in the nlare. which is capable of producing a living for W or utv oeau 01 aioca. oamcient meaoow on wnicn to cut ISO tone of hay yearly: daily boat for the city paasea place st 7 a. m.; 26 head of stock fur sate, ror lurtner particulars call at place or ad dress II KB. C. SELENE, Cars Btr. America. 8U Helena, Oregon. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, November IS. 1901. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE following-named settler haa Sled notice of hia intention to make ftnal proof In aupport of hia claim antler Section 2301 B. 8.. and that aald proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver ai uregon iiiy, uregon. on December so, 1901, via: jinn Homestead entry 12.(12. for the eeM nf section I 24. township 4 north, range t west. He names tne lonowing witnesses to prove uls continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: James 8. How, Josephine Tompkins, Lara r. Ellaon and HalvorOUen, all of Warren, Ore gon. i;iiab. IS alOOKKH, nzzazi Kegister. Timber Land, Act June I, KITS. HOTICt FOR PUiUCATIOK. tJSTTSD 8TATSS LAUD OWCB, Oreton Citv. Oregon Knrmlai 11 lent. N OTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT IN COM pllanoe with the provisions of the act of Congress of June I, IKS, entitled "An act tor me aaie oi timber lands in the stales of Califor nia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri tory." as encoded to all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4, 1HV2, Iva B. Btranahan, of Portland, County of Multnomah. Bute of Ore gon, haa this day Sled la this o!Bce hia sworn statement No. &M1 for the purchase of thee of K of section No. S, in township No. 4 north. range no. a west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mora valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of tbla office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ftth day of February, 1UW. He names aa witnesses: Mar- liwi, Htni wti Dtuv, oi roruano. ir., and John Parker and Albert Parker, of PltU burg, Or. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above-described landa are requested to Ale their claims In this office OB or before aald Eth day of February. 1902. chad. a. auoKis, Register. nl5j24 NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIR- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the matter of the estate of John Kennedy, iivn:eaaei . NOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUB80 ant to an order of the Conntv Court nf the Slate of Oregon, for Columbia County, duly marie and entered on the 2nd day of December, Hot, the uuoeraigned aa administrator ot the above-entitled eatate will on and after the 13th aay or January, u, proceed to sell at private sale and upon the terms bereinbelow set forth the real property belonging to said estate In aald order of the coanty court act out and herein described aa follows to-wlt: ine southwest quarter of the southwest qnar- Deer Island Notes. Herman Usher was a visitor of hia sister, Mrs. Gaittens, last Sunday, W. J. Kinder haa returned to Portland again and has gone to work for Inman Toulson A Uo. Mrs. E. Merrill has been confined to ber bed for several days, but is some better at present. Mr. P. J. Ungated, of Tacoma, and Miss fsellie I'ayne, of IHier Island, were married in Tacoma on the ZUth of Nov ember. Mr. and Mrs. Hegstad will make their home in Tacoma. Saved at Grave's Brink. "I know I would long ago hnve been n my grave." writes Mrs. o. II. riowsom of Pecatur, Ala., "it it bad not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of iudisestiou. waterbrash, stom ach and bowel dyspepsia. But the ei eellent medicine did me a world of good Since using it I can eat heartily and have gained 36 pounds." For indiges tion, loss oi appetite, stomach, liver and kidney troubles fcleclric Bitters are positive, guaranteed cure. Only 60u at tue et. Helens pharmacy. A Lumberman's Lament. The Mason county (Wash.) Journal says that a boarder In a logging camp wrote the following special effusion : "Backward, turn backward, oh, time, in your flight; feed me on gruel just tor tonight. I am so weary of tole-lenlher steak, petrined biscuit, vulcanised cake: oysters that sleep in a weary bath, and butter as strong as Uoliath of Uatb: weary of paying for what I can't eat: chewing up rubber and calling it meat, Backward, tarn backward, how weary l am ; give me swipe at grandmother's lam : let me drink milk that hasn't been skimmed ; let me eat butter whose whti kers are trimmed; let me once more have on old fashioned pie. then I'll be willing to carl op end die." Bean the Kgaatar si ABTOTIIA. TIN Ins VaiJfaisiAtwg BaaX A Good Cough Medicine. (From the tiaaetle, Toowoomba, Australia.) I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine, f have been suffering from a severe cough for the last two months, and it nas effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recommending it. W. C. WocKNia. This is the opin ion of one of our oldest and moat re spected residents, and has been volun tarlly given in good faith that others may try the remedy and be ben tiled, as was Mrs. Wockner. This remedy is sold at tne ot. Helens pharmacy. Bears the aVgsataie af ITOZIXA. Tin Kmi Yot Han Wotts BaijK EoTABMBHED ...1901 JOHN A.. BECK DEALER IK Tlsltors from Mlssoari. Of the marriage of Col. P. E. Dolman, brief notice of which was given in this paper last wee, tne i-ike uounty News, published at Louisiana, Missouri, says : Col. P. B. Dolman, a prominent cit izen oi Butte, Montana, and Miss Effie Carroll, daughter of the late William H. and Elizabeth Carroll, were married at the home of the bride at 809 North Carolina street, at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning, November 26th, by Rev. M. H. Kerr, of the First Presbyterian church. The wedding was a quiet event, no cards being issued and only a few intimate relatives and friends being present. The bride is a most estimable and ac complished young woman, who by ber many kind and charming ways has won a host of admiring friends. Col. Dol man was formerly a resident of this county, where every one that knows him is his friend. The News joins their many friends in extending best wishes for futnre happiness. Col. and Mrs. Dolman left immedi ately after the ceremony for 8t. Helens, Oregon, where they will visit his brother. Wm. II. Dolman, after which they will go to Salmon Falls, on 8nake river, where he will eneas is develoointr soma gold mines." XT iil a.'u" " 'L V?"?1' J-JXE ter of section twinty.four my. and the north , .... yuu..., ' yium- ., 011.rtr nl lha nV.nkat... iu .oiumuia county, uregon, lor tne pu bia. made and entered ber. A. D. 1901. in the matter C. Jaqulsh. deceased, the onderslgned will after the 13th day of January. 1902. sell at orf vate sale for cash In band, the following-described real eatate, belonging to the estate of O. C. Jaqulsh, deceased. In Columbia County, Oregon: The west half of the northweat quar ter of sectlen 13, township S north, range 2 west; also about twenty (20) acres described aa fol lows, situate In the Coanty of Columbia, State of Oregon: Beginning at the northwest corner of section 18 township north, range 2 west; thence south 40 rods; thence west to the Columbia river; thence down aald stream fol lowing the meanders thereof to the boundary line between sections 12 and 13; thence west to the place of beginning; save and except about 30 acres sold therefrom: also one acre of tide land In front thereof. Parties desiring to pur chase may consult me at Reuben, Oregon. RAY E. WATTS. ' Administratrix of the estate of 0. C, Jaqulsh, rooae of Paving off the outstanding claims and riahta ot said estate unsettled, and the charges and ex penses aad accruing charges and expenses of administration. The above-deacrlhad real nronartv will ha old by said undersigned administrator to the nigneat mailer lor cash In band, to be paid on the dav Of Sale, all in nuitDinia tt aaM nrdar of aaidcourt above mentioned and subject to the confirmation and approval of aald court. .... l. A. tlHAWUiat, Administrator of the aaLan nf Jnhn ITannanV deceased. Dated this tth day of December, 19il. First insertion December 13, 1901, last tnaertion January 9, 1902. IU). deceaaed. 13)9 fVVVWaarVVVWaan KjatfcatfajfAi afar star. afV afW SftS aa aCMLaty CITATION. In the Connty Coart of (he Stats of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, In the matter of the estate of Anson J. Orwlg, deceaaed. To Luclan H. Orwlg, Delia M. Lludgren, Leon a at Graham. Anna B. Orwlg, Sadie K. Orwlg, Clifton 8. Orwlg, Herbert H. Orwlg, Jennie li. Orwlg, Charles N. Orwlg and Harry E. Orwlg, heirs of Anson J. Orwlg, deceased, greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Columbia, at the court-room thereof, at St. Helens, In the County of Colum bia, cn Monday, the tth day of January, 1902, at 1 o'clock, In the alternoon of ihat day. then and there to appear and show cause why an order should not be granted to said administra trix to sell so much of the hereinafter described real estate of the said deceased aa shall be nec essary, to-wlt: The nw of section 20, In tow l shipS north of range 6 weat of the Willamette Meridian, In Colnmbla County, Oregon, to pay the liens and debts of said estate and the ex- Esnseof admistratlon. Witness, the Hon. J. B. oan. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregw, for the County of Columbia, with the aeal of said court affixed, this 2nd day of December, A. B., 1901. HKALi Attest: J. 0. WATTS, dsJJ Clerk. "V, H H H M H H H H H H H H H H M FOB PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAM ER "America" Willamett Sloagb Route y Leave Bt. Helens. ... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland ..... 2:30 PM Arrive at 6t. Helens. 0:00 PM FARE SO CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight. . JfA9.Es) GOOD, Blaeler. M H H H M H H H H M M H H Watches, Diamonds, Silferware, JEWELRY.... Eepairing a Specialty. m Morrison Bt. Bet. Front A First, PORTLAND. A Special Movement In watches is Holding Bros.' celebrated 17 to 21 Jeweled special. It will stand more jar than any other move ment on the market. We guarantee them to keep perfect time. The... Jew'I'r Being Bros. 43 Third St., Portland. asasssassssam Ymm0m!T7!!i7umt-w mil. tw.i. awafctnisailTf - jj--' cr" .... - -..,ivH!,i.-iiii iiMiaimfflniwwi. j : fTltlWllrtll.ll.Tfi "i ltf table Pwpawlionrur Aa slmllaiing tticroodandBcuia Uiig the S tjjmachs and btwels off rromotes Digcstlon.Clieerfur ness and Resi.Contflins nelllaT Oirium.Morphiiie norMluctaL Nor Njuic otic. Aet JaaaV- j.'in'Vsawfw kS' Aperfecl Remedy forConsJlp non , Sour Stonvach.Dlniriwca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish" nest and Luaa Of SLEEK TacSurate Signature of NEW YOIIK. - H EXACT wOPY OT WRAfPCa TiS rk s-a tie. For Infanta nd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of ff I II a r mm AW J 111! M IV ... In Use For Over Thirty Years vwa MaraatHt eaisawv. asw PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, iTTOlLYEY-AT- L.i W. ST. ntSn wlU I. HELENS, K. Qulek. I OHKOON. Will (Ivt beat personal attention to all lecal matters tntrustrd to me. will nraotlos In all sue mats ana Ultiteu otaiea tiurta. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. btrvtt inaratcT attobkiy. ST. HII.KNS, : : OHKOON. K. p. Ohahak. T. i. Cut stow, Attornej8-at-Law. Sot Marquam BullJInf, Portland OratoB, Columbia Coanty baaiasas will raoalvs nrarant aiieuuon. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLARD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-JL1 W Offlre neat door to Court house, NT. U KLKNlt, OHKUUN, General nraetirs In eourta of Otason or Wash tnstou. Abel records. atracla pa4s dlreetly Iron oouuty Dr. Edwin K088, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OBKOOM. Dr. II. B. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. HELENS, OREGON. ST. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKaNIE, OREGON. Dr.CL.IIatfidd, Physician and Surgeon. VEKNOMA, OKEGON. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTUND-ASTORU ROUTE. Art7aFftn if) SiioicrlinE Uruor. Pacific Dssa at sua Chlraso rortlaisd Hiwl.l ooa n. vta It un t-tnstou. Atlantis K sprawl I.AOp. ni. via If uut-iDgton. RL Paal Faal Mall lit., ra. via Spokaoa TIMft SOHir.titit.rm FKtat rXiHTLAMU. It V .t. hat.... t Bonn. tJlnatia Kan sas City, Bt. Unils, Laioafo anu aaav Salt latka, Denver, Ft Worth, Ore aba, aau eaa City, SI. tula. (Jluoaavaud aaat. Walla Walla. Lawte- too, Spttsaue, Wal larw, I'uilniaa. Mlu-i Beapolis, St. Paul, liuluth, Mllwauka,! Cbloaso and last. Aaaivs Saoal 4:a. Ba. 1:10 a.m. J.a.i ocKAit axb arti:t ksi IMM rOUTLArsn. I p. I Dallv Ka. Sunday p. tn. Saturday 10 p. as. Sa. m. (.Sunday Ta. ra. Toes Thur aud Sat. Lv Itlparta :ta. n dally ax Moa, All salllns dates aob-j ,fMti cnanse. For Han Fraiielauo-. Ball every live daya. Oolumbla Rlvar To Astoria and Way tauatusa. Willamette River, water neruilttliK. Oreton City. Newtiert; Salem, twvsllls and Way laod'.s. Willamette and Vam- hlll Rivera, OrenoB City. Dayton, aim nay-iauutuxs. nafce River. Ulparle la Lewlstoo. i p. B. Kx .Vu n. unday 4 M o tn. Ka.Hunday I so d. m. Mon. Wed aud Frl. Il.y.ftew'toa dally at rone. sa. sa Moa. 8TR. "BAILEY QATZERT." Daily Bound Trips Sxespt Sunday. Thronah mnnvittMi Mitt, naoooiia irom 1 1 Mt at-n atul Ivina H...h it.. i n , . W hi I, (,-oilar LlneTlckeU IntonihaiiaeaMs with a., ta 1., auu v. 1. company iicsevs. TIME CARD. Leave Portland Leave Astoria .7 A, If. -7 V. Ai . The Danes-Portland Ronte. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Between Portland, The Dalles , and way points. TIME CARD Leave Portland Tries.. Thnra Bat e i u Arrive at The Dalles aame day P u Leave Tbs Dalles Hun., Wed.; Fri.. 7 I 3' Arrive at Portlaod same day at 4 P M MEALS THE VERY BEST, This Route haa the lrandaetaaa!. A.t tlona on Kartb. LANDIKO AND OFFICE: Foot of Alder Street. Both 'Phouss Main IM. ronnHD, Ubiuom. E. W. CBICUTOM. Utnt. Pnrtlant . t. . T'tsa A Babsbs, agents, Hood River: J, ....... antui, vanciraver; WOLFOao VVvibs, agents, White Salmon; Joh . FlLLOOa. airent. Tha DolU. . a v Taylob, ageDt, Astoria, ' ' ' A. L. CRAIO, General Passenger Agt., Poktlamd, 0a. J STOMA COLUMBIA RIVER li RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. r. u. 700 I 06 I 10 I sa s I M S m t It 17 10 00 100s 10 -a 10 M 21 A.M. 00 00 1 1 SA 40 M 10 00 Mb 10 10 10 91 10 SS 10 07 11 M II IS It SO 0 mi 6.S rsa.Ai &S.S lU.S M.i 71.2 7S7 M WI4 III STATIONS Lv Portland Ar .... uttitie ... ....Rainier ,. ... pyramid.. . ... Mayaer... . ...Quluey ... ., Clatskanle. .. Marshland. ., WestrtortM. ....('Illton... ....Knappa... ... Svanson... ...John lav.. AiA,t'?-rJ"uJiV aaao trr DAILY. 31 a a.m. I r. a. II 10 40 10 06 f ta tm t as s 00 SO 7 64 'JO 7 12 7 M I Oi T IM 7 17 t7 7 0a S 17 sa I 07 I M 7 f 0 7 4 10 All trains make rltwa eonnaotlonj at (lottla with Northern fartlllo trains to and Iron the Kast and Souud polnu. At Portland with all trains leavins Union depot, at Astorls with I. H. A N. Co.'a boat and rail line la and (rum II waco and North Beach polnu. Paasensnra for Astoria or wav nol nlamnat Sac tralna at llotllton. Trains will atttn to lat nas- seiiitsts off at llotllton when coming from points J. . maiwat. Oen. Pass. A St.. Astoria, Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lsayas Portland on Twaeday, Thuraday and Sat rday at 7 a. m. for $t Hltn$, Kalama. Cairoirt Punt, Ralnif ana stut, . t .. , Arrlvlnir at Portland Monday, Wed ueaday and Friday at II 0. m. Wharf foot of Salmon St, II, HOLMAN.Afsnt. Clatskanie and Portland, ROUTE., Til IS s 11 1 i THE NEW YORK STORE j IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN ' 3 ! ' STEAMER 8ARAH OIXON. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thursday at 5 p. at., for Clatskanie and way land ings; Sunday at 6 p. m. (or Oak Point, I- BCTURHIHO J 1 Leave Clatskanie Wednesday and Fri- ,d"7 t',4 P' m- ide pwwHtingi leave Oak Point Monday at t) p. m. S-Clothing Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc, g : Ciooper BuUding, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. I