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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1901)
Entered at tit Pnetoluc at ft. H Iclta, Oregon, iw second-class until matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. ItllllJKD Evkmy Fbiuav Mokkino IW DAVID DAVIS, ' , EDITOR AND l'BUl'HIKTOR. ..Jl .00 SUBSCKUTIOK PRICK: One copy one year, in advance, , Six months........... ........ COUNTY OITICKRS. Representative. ....Norman Merrill, Oatskanlo Juutre. ........ ...Joseph H. Ooau, Haimer Clem ,, Htierlfr Treasurer ,, Bniit. of Schools.. Aimmot. Burvoyor., Coroner...... . Coinrainionen ; . .J, u. wail. m, ziuieus .....R. S. Hattau, St. Ht-lona K. UokS. Kt Helens . ,.,.1. H. Cnneland. Houltou ....Martin White. St. Helens a. b. i-mie, n.minm I 1 1 U 1 . , . .V u ll.lun. 1 Heieue V.'., , . P. A. Praise. W. . Case, Pittsburg NOVEMBER 15, 1901. KEORETB TUB SURPLUS. From certain sources there is com plaint, of course, about the surplus of cash in the United States treasury, and the same element that lammed the biases out the surplus on hand March 4, 18)12, ia exceedingly uneasy lest there will be few extra dollars on band to add to the country's independent, wealth and strength as a nation. The following from the Astoria Budget shows the ten dencv in that line: "There is a twiners! and just demand for the reduct ion of the enormous sur plus in the treasury. When the treas ury overflows seekers for government bounties and favors of many kinds at the ex range of the stiver men t swsrm the capitol and often their raids are suc cessful. The surplus vanishes and takes enough along with it to leave a aeticit. We have many federal taxes that should tie abolished and others that should be reduced. A surplus is not only unnec essary bat mischievous." The democtatic idea in 1892 was that "a surplus was not only unnecessary but mischievous," and that party being in power, proceeuea loruiwim so ais penxe with the "unnecessary" surplus, and a "catright" wail went up from all over the country, and the results we all know too well. The same thing applies to county affairs. A few years ago the debt of the county was considerable and the wail that was sent up because of it was almost deafening, and because there ia no indebtedness at the present time a wail is again being made to pldnge the county headlong la debt again. The nation can better stand little "unnec eesarv" surplus than a necessary deficit. No doubt there are some instances where there should be a redaction of tariff, but the country is not prepared for a repetition of the E. Q. Mills tariff scnedule. it can reasonably eoougti De depended that when the proper time arrives the republican party will take care of this matter in a manner similar to Its care of public affairs in the past, entirely satisfactory to the nation, finan cially and otherwise. The affairs of the country can be handled more satisfac torily with a surplus on band than they can be with a deficit on hand. In 1892 everybody was employed. In 1894 Coxey's "army" was marching to Washington to demand relief from con gress. Such an experience as we bad in the years from 1892 to 1897 ought to be qnite sufficient for one generation. If that did not teach wisdom it should teach it. If we had had sense enough to let well enough alone in 1892 we would have escaped the terrible misfortunes of 1894. Let the tariff, under which we are prosperous, alone. ANOTHER VIEW OF IT. The Astoria Budget is dealing with the question of the extensive holdings of timber land speculators, and its ex pressions are at considerable variance from the sentiment contained in an ar ticle published in these columns last week, taken from the Grant's Pass Ob server. Tbe Budget says : "The best interests of Clatsop county are not conserved by the accumulation ol large timber land holdings by a few rich corporations aud individuals. The tendency, unfortunately, has been that direction during the past few years and these parties appear inclined to keep their holdings for speculation in place of allowing them to be developed This works a two-fold injury on tbe community in that it retards the milling industry in the district and also pre vents the holders of small tracts of land from logging their timber aa many of mem are unable to get it to the market ana forces them to sen to these capital ists at exceptionally low prices or allow their boldiuga to lie idle, a thing that many ol them cannot attord to do. About the only thing available to rem edy this state of affairs is to raise the assessed valuation of this class of prop erty and compel tbe owners to pay taxes on it proportionate with the prices at wnicn they hold it and not based on the figures which they paid for it. Bo long as these speculators can escape paying taxes just so long will tbey refuse to dis pose ol or develop their property." We are inclined to doubt the entire logic of either of these articles, however, something good is said in each of them. The owner of a ISO-acre tract of land, as a rule, is nnable to do anything with it, in a sense of creating commercial ac tivity, yet, on the other band, the best interests of the county are menaced by tbe extensive holdings of the individual or corporation. Where the little fellow can't and the big fellow won't the only recourse is as suggested by the Budget, maxe the lands held for speculative pur' poses pay its good, round share of the burden of taxation. Both conditions are unfortunate and not calculated to subserve the best interests of the com munity in which such circumstances exist. Where the extensive holder does ntiiize the timber the community is always greatly benefited. Pbesidsnt Boobkvklt has decided upon an innovation in his message that will materially lessen the length of the document, as well as add to its readable- nesa. It has for years been the custom for each member of the cabinet to write that portion of the president's annual message dealing with affairs nnder them, consequently a large portion of the mes sage was a duplication of the annual re ports of the heads of tbe executive de partments. President Roosevelt will change the rale and write bis entire message himself, leaving out the depart ment details which congress gets in tbe annual reports, and devote it only to ueh matters as he wishes particularly to call to tiie attention of congress. The innovation is likely to be popular. Anothes life insurance society secre tary lins betrayed hia trust anil left Ms fraternal ami business associates to suf fer a loss and the public to renew their cunuluaions that all such attain are frauds on the face o! thein, a well an deep down in the inside workinwi of tlietn. The chief secretary of the Mac vnliees ha just acknowledged a shortage iu liia accounts of $57,000. and what are we going to do about Itt The only tiling left ia to sutler the loss and con tinue to encourage thieve! of that clam j by our monthly contributions lor mem I to equander aa they see lit. It ia a high uu,t!v that prompts a man to insure ov : ins me. it is an rxnibitton 01 iovo. a ttian may deny himself from motives of pure sell interest, aa when he refrains from the iudulgence of an appetite which he (ears may binder or ruin his business proepecta, but when he insures his life no such motive operates. The ! motive is for ' another's Rood, lor an -.),.,.. hannineasL otnere nappmess. A policy ol lite in- ' surance is a silent witness of a man's love for bis family, and many a woman who has opposed her husband's purpose to insure, sheds tears of gratitude over the certificate after ha ia dead, and con fesses that his love waa wiser and stronger than she knew. Conditions have become such, however, that a feel ing of nusafety aiexea au honest-pur-posed man and shatters hia faith in any and all insurance societies. It seems to have resolved itself down to the condi tion that there are none honest; no, not one. But this love prompts us to trust again aud meet the same results. Tuk Thanksgiving proclamation of President Kooeevelt is characteristic of the man. His reference to President McKinley is suggestive, and it will occur to all thoughtful winds that the nation has occasion to rejoice and be thankful, even in its great sorrow, be cause the departed president bequeathed to tne country a gooaiy Heritage. An other occasion for national gratitude is in the fact that the man who presides at the White House today is not only only honest and God-fearing, but he posesses the courage and ability to faith fully carry out the work, left so well in hand by his predeacessor. While the day of national thanksgiving will be tinged with sorrow, it will be filled with hope, aa well as with a determination to honor the memory of the nation's dead by loyalty to principle and a disposition to serve the best interests of humanity. CUPPED AND RKPIUNTED. Matters ef a Loral Satare Feand ta Oar Exchanges. The Pelton-Armxtrong Company has just completed their logging road on the Beaver, and have moved camp No. 1 to that point, which will be known as camp No. 6, says the Gazette. . This road ia one of tbe most substantially constructed logging railroads along the Columbia river, and the grade is such that the cars will run down to the Eiochoman of their own accord, and still is not so heavy as to cause the train to become unmanageable. It is esti mated that 126,000 feet of logs can be transported over the road daily. The Pelton-Armstrong Company ia the most extensive logging concern on tbe lower Columbia river, and with extensive im provements made this season thev will be able to place the largest output of logs into tide water next season of any company operating on the lower river. Astoria uauget. District Attorney Allien, who has been resting in seclusion since bis re turn frem Bt. Helens, was seen this morning by a Mews reporter. He says that the people of Columbia county are fully impressed with the belief that the Northern Pacific will at once build their Scappose line to Pittsburg. It runs through the new coal mines that are so promising. Sometime since it was stated that the Northern Pacilic bad called privately for bids by Portland contractors to be put in by October 15. Nothing wss heard aa to the result. Mr. Allen says that St. Helens on last Saturday voted bonds to the amount of $4000 for a new school-house in that dis trict. She feels the impulse of the new Bcappooee branch, which will build up and develop the entire county and help St. Helens. Astoria News. An old-time sportsman, who was fa miliar with the greater part of Sauvie's island some ten or twelve years ago, and who revisited it last week, says there haa been great improvements there since the residents have engaged in dairying on a large scale. Tbe nasty. tall yellow weed, which at one time seemed to have taken the island by storm, is rapidly dying out, and has al- uiutfc entirely uinappearea. v egeistion on the island is luxuriant. On the high est land the white clover and goose grass is half way to one's knees, and forms magnificent pasture. The wild grass on the low land does not make much growth after tbe fall rains, but there is a fine stand of "sour grass," which cattle do not care for in the summer, but which, since ii nas oeen toucnea oy tne irost, they are devouring greedily and find luxuriant pasture. The people on the island are taking life easily, just milk' i,.i.,....j n: . which appears to be a very nice way of maxing money. uregonian. A Fable Up to Date. An elacky younar doe. seeing a bear chained to a poet, began to bark at the animal. It made the bear more or less warm nnder its collar, but as the chain was stout it couldn't eet at the doa. The pup, seeing it wasn't getting hurt, became more impudent and finally con cluded that it could do what it pleased with that bear. Turning to some fellow dogs it said "Just watch me now while I bite a chunk out of that bear." But as the pup rushed in to take a nio out of the rear quarter of the bear, the bear got action on the pup with a rear paw. When a friend of the pup picked it up and laid it on a pile of straw where it could die easy, he aaid : "If that dog had followed the advice of a lot of Deo- file who stand away back and work their awe telling what they would do if they naa tne cnance, ne might have main tained a reputation foy several years vet uui ut uviug vunsiuerauie oi a uog. Big Bay ef Tinner Land. Among: the recent sslea of timber land in Cowlitz ecrantr. Waahintrton. la that of a tract of 4000 acres by A. T. Bliss to weyeraaaser, tne purchaser of the Northern Pacific timber lands. The price paid was (22 an acre, or 188.000 in all. The tract is rather remote from navigable streams, and the Dries, thera- lure, is oonsiuereu a gooa one oy timoer land men. The purchase lies in town : i . " '. . ship 3 north, ranee 10 west, where a railroad will have to be built to render the loes available. Althonsh Weverhanasr in the rennbwt Owner of over f,OCO,000 acres of timber land in Uregon and Washington, be is said to have agents out in all directions pick-lug np all the desirable tracts fonnd for aale. The purchases are evidently being held for a rise in values, ss no move is being made vet bv Mr. Wever- hausor to set np sawmills on any of his urn,.. ...,.;.. cel.. : .. ' , . :ill SMIUieilrlUlie. AIIVJ IfritTC Ul 11111" ber land has been steadily advanmnv for the past three years, and fortunes have been made by investors who bought to sell ngitin. There is no alin yet of an abatement in the demand or of the ten dency to lower prices. Fuugeat Paragraphs.: Before warrlssro a man considers hia best girl a little dear; after marriage he usually considers her a littlsextravugant. The spinster carries a wstch to enable her to luistuind her time, and the mar ried woman fur the purpose of timing ner nusuana. If the part taken by Americans In the naval battle of Santiago requires a board of inquiry, Spain Is right to drop the matter wiuiout a worn. Drain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food ia needed for brain, another for muscles, and still an other tor bones, A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your foot! may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspepsia. You must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taxing regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifes the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. O. G. Green's reliable remedies at the St. Helens phar macy. Get Green's special almanac. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, constipation and headache. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. STOCK FARM FOB SALE. T7OR BALE, AS EXCELLENT STOCK AND V dairy ranch, located on mainland side of Willamette slough. Ave miles from 8t. listens. There are 570 acre, mora or less, in the place, which la capable of producing a living for HO or 109 head of Mock, Sufficient meadow on which to cut 150 tons of hay yearly; daily boat for the city pauses place at 7 a. m.i '26 head of stock for sale. Fox further particulars call at place or ad dress MRU. C. 8ELKNK, Car Str. America. 81. Helena, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 RKRKBY UIVEN TOATTHS UN dersigned has been, by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Couuty, eouflrnted as executor ol the estate of Susan K. Hhattm'k, deceased, and legally appointed as such execu tor. Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, with tbe proper Touchers, ai my residence, at Bcappooae, Oregon, within six months from the dale thereof. Dated Kovera twrS,19ul. THOMAS A. CLONINtiEB, Kxgcntor of the estate of Sssan R. Shattuck, deceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Executor. nSdS K0TICS OF Ft mi SETTLEMENT. In the Conny Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Colombia County. In the matter of the estate of Elmer X. Whit ney, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THEDN dersigned administrator of tbe estate of Kloier K. Whitnev. deceased, that he has Sled in the offloe of the County Court of said County, his Anal account of his administration upon said estate, together with his petition for flual settlement of said estate, and that the Hon J. B. Doan, judge of said Court, has designated CJ.. r , u 1. ,1.11 . V. .. I n .iiwht im.TUiw.1 win, i i, n. ,uo nuu i vi . o'clock in the afternoon of said day, as the time, and the court-room of said court, in the city of St. Helens, Oregon, aathe place, for hearing eaid petition for final settlement and discharge, at whleb time and plaoe anyone Interested may file objections In writing, if any they have, thereto. O. K. WHITNEY, Administrator of the estate of Elmer B. Whit ney, deceased. Dated at St. Helena, Or., this 8th day ol November, A. D., 1901. node CITATION. In the County Court of the Stats of Oregon, tor tbe County of Columbia. In the matter of the Estate of August Swansea. To Bwen Persson, the father ol said August Swanson, and to whom it may concern, greet- IN THE SAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon are hereby elted and required to appear in the County court ol the Stele of Oregon, lor the County of Columbia, at the Conrt-room thereof, at St. Helens, in the County of Colum bia, on Friday, the ISth day of December. Mil. at 1 o'clock, ;in the afternoon of that day. then and there to show cause, if any exists, why .the swi oi sw4 oi section i, townsnip nre nonn ol range two west of the Willamette meridian. In Columbia County. State of Oregon, should not be sold in order to pay the elaims against said estate, taxes and costs and expenses of ad ministration as In the petition herein Is prayed for. Witness the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the Conntv Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, with tbe seal ol said Coart affiled, this 12th day of November, A. D., i901. ISEALI Attest: J. Q. WATTS, nladtf Clerk. Timber Land, Act June ,W78. KOTICe FOR FUBLICATI0. Ukitkd Statu Liiro Owes, Oreeon Cttv. Oregon. November 12. 1901. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT IN COM pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Jnne t, 1S7S, entitled "An act for tbe sale ol timber lands in the States of Califor nia. Oreeroo. Nevada, and Watfhlnston Terrl. tory," as eitended to all the Public Land States oyscioi August , WW. iva . eirananan, ol Jortland, County of Multnomah, state ol Ore gon, haa this day filed in this office hia sworn statement No. 6541 for the purchase cf theeH of se oi secuoa no. e, in townsnip no. 4 norm, ranee No. 8 west, and will offer oroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its, timoeror stone tnan lor agricultural purpotea, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this oflice at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 51 Ii dav of reDruary, lvtri. He names as witnesses: Mar Ion Varner, and Cora Blake, of Portland. Or., sua eoua rsrser ana iiioers rarser, oi ritts burg. Or. Anr and all nersona olsimine ad. Tersely the above-described lands are reqnested to file their claims In this ofhoe on or before sai a sin uay oi w eDtnary, iwz. nl5j24 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Timber Land, Act June , W78. KOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. TJviTgn Btatss Lard Orricc, Oregon City. Oregon, Nor. 7lh, 1901. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN THAT INI :OU. ll pliance with the provisions of the act ol Congress of June , 1H7S, entitled "An act for tne sale or ttmner lands in the states ol Califor nia Oregon. Nevada, and Washiiurton Terri tory," as extended Wall the Public Laud States oy act oi august e, IB'.'., jerry zandkuiler, ol Keener, County ol Columbia, state of Oregon, haa this day filed In this oflice bis sworn state ment No. 6&, for the purchase ol theseUol the w'4 of Section No. 7, In Township No. i n, Ranve No. A w. and will offer Droof to show that tbe land sought la more valuable for Iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aaid land before tne Ree-ister and Receiver of this ofllca at otmah City, Oregon, on Monday, the 27tb day of Janu ary, iwu. ne names as witnesses: Albert ford and Prank Wortman. of Vernnolaf Amo-iisi Bchulepiet and Martin Qutsentent, ofKeasey, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adverse, ly the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this oflice on or before said 27th day of January lfstt, CHAS. ft. MOOKES, i sm)i Register CITATION. In the Count? Court of the State of Oreeon. for the County of Columbia. In the matter of the estate of O. C. J squish, ds- To Marjr Archibald, Reuben, Or.; Sarah New comb, CottefreOrove, Or.; Netta Ourrett, Kan kaiiee, III,; Martha Campbell, Oreat Park, III., and Hutch Janulsh, (iafnsville, Oa., and all others known or unknown, greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE BTATK OFOREOON: Von are hereby cited and required to a li near in the Couutv Court of tha hului nf rr. koii, for the County of Columbia, at the Court room thereof, at St. Helens, In the County ef Columbia, on or before tbe 6th day of Decern ber. 101. at 10 o'clock In the fnrniwin nt thai day, then and there to show cause wby an order should not be (ranted authorizing said sdmin tstratrlx to sell the real estate of saM described as follows, to-wit: The west half of the northeast quarter of section 14. townahlnsnnvth of ranee 2 west! also about twenty acres de scribed as follows, situated fn tha nminiv nl Columbia, Stats of Oregon, beginning at north west corner of section 13, townships north of ranire two west: thence south so mria. than... east to the Columbia river; thence down said stream following the meander thereof lo the north boundary line, save and except about thirty acres therefrom, aud also one acta of tide land In front of said property. j Witness, the Hon. J. B. (loan. Jnd nl tha I County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the I oiiruy oi loiumina. witn tns seal of said l ourt amized, this isl'h day ol October, A, L. HEALJ amesi: i u, vta t le, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the eotala of A, M. Tlchenor, iloremtHl. XjoiK K JH HRRRBY tUVKNT THAT LKT- il terser administration en the entiife of A. M. Tlt'hetmr, uet'eaacd, wore granted to the Un dersltciied on the 2nd day u( Ootulwr, UKII, by the Cmuily Court ol ColuiuU Cuuuty l lli male of Oregon, All persona having claims atrutnttt the ahi estate are reoulred to oresviit them. with the proimr vouchers, within six months intra tne date ol tins notice, to tne umierKigiuHi, as administrator, at his oihee. In the Ctlv of St. Helens, in said Columbia County, in the State ol urenon. natea at live mty of mi. Helens, ore- son, tuis vtn usy oi uctooer, a. u iwh k. k. oilier. Administrator of the estate of A. M, Tlchenor, deceased, ts, rl Umber, Kq. attorney lor tin administrator. mint ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Columbia County. in the matter of the estate of John Kennedy, nwcastni. Nt OT1CK IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE underattt-ned has been anuofnted admlntfr traturof the estate of John Kcimedv. deceased. by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia bounty. All pertiiaa havln claims against the estate ol the ssld John Kennedy, deceased, are hereby untitled to present the same to tne unoersigneu ny neiivery to j, w, Watts at the County Court House, si. Helena, Oregon, llhtu six months from the date hereof, L. A. BRANDHS. Administrator of the estate of John Kennedy. aeceasea. uatea uutooer to, jhil 4. r. iingau, attorney. oismn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Oittce at Oregon Clly, Oregon, October 11. 1001 XTOTIOR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 following named settler has tiled notice oi his tmention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said nronf will be made under section n, k. oeiore tne rtegister anu ru cetver, at Oregon t'lty, Oregon, on November w ivoi, vis; H. K. no. u,7iv, by WARREN A. WOOD, for the H of null of auction 1, tp n, r west. He names the foliuwlug wltuesaes to prove his oontluuoua residence upon aud cultivation of said land, vis: 8. 1' Ballard and John Roberta, of Pittsburg, Oregon: R. r. Bums, ol Hudson, Oregon, and David B. P-arich. of Oregon City uregon. oienzi units, u. ttogister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, October laih. 1001. .TOTlr: 18 HKRERY OIVKN THAT THE i following-named settler has filed notice of his Intoution to make nual proof iu support of nts etaiin. ami mat saia proot win oe maoe De fore the Couutv Clerk of Columbia ftouuty. at St. Helena, oregou, on november win.iwt, u: ALBERT FORD, Homestead sntrv T2.9X. for the e' of sets' of section it; tS ol ne'j ol secllon 28, tp i n. r S west, ne names me following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation oi said land, vis: ueurge r. eniun. jay Burt raw. Jerrv Zandkuiler. alt of Houllon. Or.. ana rrans wortmau, oi vernonia. ur. ozMiai lUU n. jsuwhes. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT XTOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN ll dersianed. admiuistratril of the estate of rrea Kobte, aeceasea, that she has men in tne ofheeof the County Court of Columbia County, uregon. ner nnal account oi ner administration upon said estate, together with her petition lor flual settlement and discharge, and that the Hon. J. B. Doan. ludse ol said Court, haa ap pointed Monday, the ind day of December, ltlol, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, aa the time, and she conrt-room of said Court, at the oourt-house, in St. Helens, Oregon, aa the place. of hearing aaid account and said petition for final settlement and discharge, at which rims and place any person interested may appear and nie objections in writing to aaid account or any nortion thereof. ANNA KOIILE. Administratrix of the estate of Fred Ruble, de ceased. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, October 4, iwu. w. n. rowell, administratrix a attorney, WATTS & PRICE BUY AND SILL STATU AND FANCY GROCERIES Hardware, Feed, Dry Goods, Notions AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE 4 utaiJinruoc, vicguu. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE 8H0UL0 Clatskanie Drug Store -FOB TIIKIB Drugs and Medicines CHOICE .. Toilet Articles and Perfumery Ok J. e. BALL, Pnprittor Clathkanic : : Obkooh. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -MANUrACTUKKBS Or- Lumber y Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We mannfacf ure first-class rough lumber for all purposes for the trade, which we sell at a most reasonable figure. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OREGON. .ktlkAAAAA.aVAJk.JkJt.aulil'li sVa I'OB POBTLAItD. DAII.V. H C 3 ' B1! XX m s m vv . uAmerica, fj h ; , - ... h h Willamett Slongb Route l H . - . r 1 ii M Leave Bt. Helens.... 6:30 AM H I iS Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M k. .1 I-ave Portland 2:30 PM H f i Arrive at, ai. tieiens. o :OU r M r i F i ' ' FARE 60 CErl'I'B.' ' f Will Carry Nothing but Psssen- F i 91 gurs anil Fast Freight. Wi JA-TIEN GOOD, Master. frVvvvvvvvvvvw AAA-ssaiwjaTaT jOul Thoug-liU In Pantfranhs. - Arlxona has launched a campaign for statehood ami will carry it riRtit up to tha door ol the Whlto House. Pulptrla ncknowtctltfci ita tnitbtlttr to deal with the bandits, except on their own terms, General Greely reports that the army signals employed In the l'liilippluea were very iieousnful. The sains i-itiinut be said for the navy signals at Bantiago. The great meteoric, shower which has been due for several years Is now an nounced for a positive appearance dup ing tiie present monin. So many surprising things have been developed rotmrdimr the BantiHito cam paign that Hp in might get something out of It by ordering an investigation Senator Jones, of Nevada, announces that Hi silver issue Is dad, and that he haa renewed his allegiance to the only political party that Is alive. In the first four months of the fiscal year the government revenue has ex ceeded ripenditurts by 17,3(11,170. The republican surplua sticks, as usual. Loads of eold and silver are hauled through the streets of Cripple Creek almost unobserved, but let a man enter town with a load of tleh or potatoes and the whole community will surround him. If they should cense to murder, the anarchists would be forgotten unltras they resorted to -some other crime. It is only by eross outrages asainst the law that they occupy public attention. Kurooe'i production of auimr this vear will be 5,028,:2o4 tons. In view of such an output It is unreasonable to say that the bvet sugar industry cannot be estab lished in the United States. Captain Clark says Admiral Schlev, with the Brooklyn, -engaged four of the Spanish cruisers at one time. He should be court niartialed for so rashly exposing such a valuable ship. G rover Cleveland thinks that It would be better tor the world if there were less of this mad fortune chaaing and more fishing. Hat anybody who has been as successful chaaing fortune as r. Cleveland haa can afford to go fish ing. In foreiirn exports during the first nine months of the present year the United Htates has headed the list of all the nations of the world. The agiire- gate lor tins country is 1,h,iu6,ihi, Ureat Britain standing second with $1,- 1)18, (Ha, 70S. utir foreign exports are nearly 1,U00,(X)0,000 year larger than in ioio. OABTOniA. Bears tie y 1M MM IW HWt iffn UOqflf Kfaataie ef . Women and J e write. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that la tne ornvr oi a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of uniejity power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all iewels. health, it often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them If a woman will risk health to fret a cot eted gem. then let her fortify herself against tiie insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections oy tbe regular use of i'r. Boschee's Uer- man ciyrnp. it will promptly arrest consumption in its early staires and heal the a lice ted lungs and brouch al tubes aud drives the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can eet Dr. ft. (i. Green's reliable remedies at the St. Helens pharmacy. Get Green's special almanac. OABTOniA. Beers tie A ' alM tOSJ HW mm gOtga llel Kind Via Him Atari Blgsstars f When you feel that life Is hardlv worth the candle take a dose of Cham berlain's Htomach and Liver Tablets They will cleanse your stomach, tone np your liver anu regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. OABTOniA. Besrstfcs y IM HM 1m Han shrrri BagM A in ainn ins nan mm oigiatsis of GEORGE L. PERRINE ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimates furnished on application. All wore guaranteed. CLATSKANIE, : : : OREGON, ESTABLISHED ,..1001 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. . 207 Morrison St. Bet. Front First, PORTLAND. i A .Special I Movement In watches is Beldlng Bros.' celebrated 17 to 21 jeweled special. It will stand more Jar than any other move ment on the market. We guarantee them to keep perfect time. Belding Bros. The., Jew'l'r 45 Third St., Portland. Clatskanie and Portland ...ROUTE 8TEAMER SARAH DIXON. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thurstlsv at 6 p. m for Clatskanie and way Ian lngg j Sunday at 5 p. m. for Oak Point. HKTUBM1KO J Leave Clatskanie Wedneadav and Frl ,.a7 ,4 P- "J-. tide permitting! leave Oak Point Monday at b p. ta. , K! i 1 I AVc getaUle Preparationfor As similating irtcroodanttUcffHtn Uiigtt5tuuiuclaaislDtwv!isof Promotes Dige9tion.ChccrfuI ness and Rcst.Contali neiUar Silum.MorpUirie norWiuwal OT UAH C OTIC. sbaWts&aV- ajf4ayBfWfftsaV asm i i A perfect Remedy- rorCottttipft Tion, Sour Stomfixh,DiarTboa Worms ,Corrvul8tons,Fevt;rislv ness and Loss or SLEEP. aasasaasaaaisBsaaaaMaBssBSBBSasataeaasaa TaeSimila Sigrtalurs of . KEW "YD1IK. -s-W PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT-li W. Office with E, K. quirk, st. nui.Ksa, : ( OKKUOS. Will live beat trviia! attention to all leaat matters entrusted to me. Will praeilce ia all tne state anu i iineti mate etirt. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT- JLi IF. pcri'Tif maraicr Arroaaar. BT. HELENS, i t ORECION. It. t. Gkaiiam. T. J. Clkxtok Attorneys-at-Law. 306alarquam Dulldlne, Portland Oregon. Columbia Coonly business will receive prompt eitciitiuu. t. W. DAY W. B. P'LL A Kb DILL A ED & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-JUi IF Offiee nest rlnor to Courthouse, ST. IIKI.KNe, OKkA.ON. Ileneral nraetlee In courts nl Oreinn or Wash liiatou. Abetnuita mule dlrevtly from couulr rewnu. Dr. Edwin Koss, Physician and Surgeon, 8T. HKLKNS, OltEGON. Dr. II. It. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNONIA, OREGON. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND ASTORIA ROUTE. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Dally Round Trlpa Except Sunday. Through Portland AnnnM.tlnH will, a... ... SKtir0iii!""n.,1.ffo.'"l "oath Points. X h,!lit"" i'1.? '''"" ' with v. ... ... mum v . a . wumpany i icaets. TIMC CARD. Leave Portland .. Leave Astoria ...... -7 A.M. 7 r. m. Tiie Dalles-Portland Ronte. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." Between Portland, The Dalles and way points. TIMC CARD Leava Portlanil Thm Tl. a., . . . Arrive at The tialles same day...."": 8 ?' m' Leave Tho Dalles sn Wed.f Fri I? I" m' Arrive at Portland same day at "".4r 3' MCALS THC VCRV MCST. 'This Route has tha annilul U.... I. . ., 11,,, . it..,i m. ours!- LANDING AND OFPICB: Foot of Alder Street. Bath 'Phone Mala BRI. E. W.CaiciitorJ, agent. Portland: Pa a. . Wyatt, agent, Vancouver; Wolpobd A Wvaas, agents, White Salmoo; Joiw M. tiLLoojt, agent, The Dalles: A. J. Tayuib, agent, Astoria. " EXAT MPT Of WKAMCS. mfmttmnfwmmmmnTfiftifi!fmnfnfiifffl!if!ifi THE NEW YORK STORE : s IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Cooper Building, Main Street. St. Helens. Oreimn. I i rttif ;wn For Infanta and Children. Bo Kind Yon I! Always Dehi Boars tho Signature ma esprraea eeaeaev. ant naa err. Oregon UfslOftPACIHC hf Use U' For Over Thirty Years mm U lEtill lat TIMIt at'HKIltM.ttH Aaaivs roa Kltoll PoHTLANO. raoa Chleago- Pnrtlamt Hall Uke, Denver. Pt Hiwlal Worth, Omaha Ksn . ooa in. aas City, hi. Louie, " "P1 via Hunt' Chlcsfoand Kaat, tugtou, Atlantic . . . K presa driver, Pt S Uu n. m. onli. Omaha, Kan- . via tiuu " '. M. ji'ils. ., logtun. I lilcego and Kast. at PsmI u'alla Walla. Uwls- rastUall ton, Stsiijaiie, Wa. S.00P. m. Isie, Pullman, Mlu via neapulta. it, Paul, ' Knokana Duliitb, Milwaukee, epuaane t,l(c.M K.,t mwn poaruna. Alt sailint date sub )e't U change. . I p. ta. For Han Kranctst'o Psa. Hall every Ill s days. ICguiuiay Columbia River m ul.f. Ji".. To na and Way Ks sunday Wffctu. landings. Willamette River. . ... a. m. tiregou Ulty. Newberg. JJz,ufc. ta annday M.em A y(.T i.m ,. K.eumley a. m. 4 Wp m. Tuea.Thur. Corrallls and Way- Uou. Wed and Set. 1-au.llnns anil Prl. . WlllameteMe) vam" ' 7a. m, hill Rivera 80 p. m. Tues Thiir. Mon Wed audaat. Oregoa f'ltv. patten, ,4 and Way landiugs. Lv. Kiparla Snake River, Lv.liw'toO 1:40 a. m. dally al dally Rlparia to I.ewlstnn, a au a. m. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agt., Pobtlamd, Oaa. S STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER Jul RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILV. iTATiona DAILV, SM r. a. 7:00 a m a 30 a m a u S hi S fta (IK IV X7 io m 10 tw 10 20 10 no Lv Portland Ar A. if. II 10 10 OA r. m. I 40 H 110 a oo TM 7 4 7 M 7 7 IT 7 W 41 M 'J0 10 S 00 0 .. itunie .... ..Helnler .,. ,. Pyramid., . Mayger.... . tlulnuy .... Clatskanie,. Marshland.. West mi rt.,,. ..(Illloii.... ,.Knan,a..,. , Hrensnn.... John Iiav... is Umi t 86 !U 40 IM.ttl S O) 1 frtl.l 9 61 aa t m ) t it m a ta a H7 a n 107 7 a 7 4ft 10 00 t!H 10 10 M.i 10 111 171. 10 Kft !7B 7 10 07 IHTI.O ii o mu ii is ;im.4 II SO tlwlli Ar. Astoria .Lv; All trains make rinse ennnenttons at OeblS stllb Northern Paeltle trains to and from the Kast aud Mound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union de)t. at Aslorla with I. H. A N Co. 's boat and rail line to aud lroul II waco and North ileacb imiuts. Passengers for Astoria or way points must flat trains at Houlton. Trains will ,,,n ly. lat nss. seugeia olT at Houllon wheneomlna from points West of Oubls. J. 11. Matsra. Osn. Past. Agt.. Astoria, Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taeaday, Thursday and Sst rdajratla. m. for St. Htltn: Kalama, Carnir$ Feint, Ralnitr ana' Klo, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed aesday and Vrlday at a d. m. Wharf foot of Salmon Bt. H. HOLMAN, Asent.