The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 01, 1901, Image 4

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    "Straw Shew Which Way tht VM Blew
And th constantly increasing de
mand tor, ana steady growth in popu
larity of, St, Joob Oil among all
elassat of people in every part of the
civilised world show conclusively
what remedy the people um for their
rneumatiam and bodily aches and
pains. Fact apeak louder than word
t and the fact remains undisputed that
' the sale of St. Jacob Oil it greater
than all other remdioe for outward ap
plication combined. It acta like mag-
io, cures where everything els fails,
conquer pain.
Their Ways.
Toss If you don't love him, why
oun i you let mm know KT
Jeta Well, he (end me flower
and takes me te the theatre, you
Know, ana-
iess nut, gracious, I can't see
how you can play with hit affections
that way.
Jess Play? I call that "working"
' There It mm Catarrh la tbia teetloa of the
country wun en oilier SIihm put together,
and until ib UM (w TMri tu uppowd to be
inauranle. For a (rent Bur year dootore pro.
minora It local aieeeee, end preKribed local
remediea. and of eeemanU? fatting to ear
with lose! treatment, pronounced It incurable,
(Menr tH proven oetarrhto be eeonmltu.
' tlontldtMue, and therefore requires eonitita
. tlonal treatment. Hall'e CsUrrh Cure, man
ufactured by r. J. Cheney A Co, Toledo, Ohio,
I the only constitutional eureon the market.
It la taken internally in dome from 10 drone to
a teaspnonful. It acta directly oa the blood
and uiuooui rarraoee of the tyuent. They ones
no hundred dollars (or any can it falls te
cure, ettuu tor circular ana tenunomeia, is
r. j. en .Mi CO, Toledo, a.
Owner' of Utah Flocki Bring DanufA Sulfa
Against the lathe Authorities.
Salt Lake, Oct. 28. Utah sheep
men who had so much trouble with
the Idaho authorities early in the
summer over the question of erasing
Utah theep in Idaho, have begun
suits in the Third district court to
recover damages. There were nine
suits filed in all, eight of them for
damages to the flock and one for
malicious prosecution and damage to
character. The aggregate amount of
damage claimed is f 34,47.
With the exception of the com
plaint of Sbafer, the allocations are
all similar, and state that on or about
July 12, 1901, the defendant un
lawfully took possession of flocks of
sheep belonging to the plaintiffs and
grating on the publio lands of Oneida
county, Idaho, and that by reason of
the action many of the sheen died.
and strayed, many lambs were prema
turely born and a large amount of
wool was lost.
'Did Folehunter have anv success
on his Arctic expedition?
Oh, yes! He succeeded in Betting
back." Puok.
Bold hf DniKrista. tie.
Bella Family nils are the 1
Rve-T man. woman and child anSer
lltv Wlh colli. a-lhma. eruun. ut-
uonla or cotuutunttoa to writ ua
Amrrku Lang Balm Pad Co., Chattanooga,
From Milwaukee.
"Yes, " said the haughty young wo
man wno was a colonial dame as well
as a 'Daughter of the revolution,
my great-great-grandsire fell . at
Bunker Hill."
"Ice or banana skin?" inquired
the polite young man from Milwau
see. Cleveland P Iain Dealer.
Supremely Restful.
"I wonder if there's any laaier oc
cupation than fishing. "
well, yes looking at people fish
ing. "Brooklyn Life.
NO family, shop, ship, camp or per
son shonld be without Wisard Oil for
very painful accident or emergency.
Bonis Naggus, I am writing
story I would like a name for. It's
somewhat on the plan of "Ships
That Fast in the Night, but I want the
title to be as different from that as
Naggus How would "Elevators
That Pass in the Daytime do? Chi
cago .tribune.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winalow's Sooth,
toe Syrup the best remedy to use lor their
oituaran daring the teething period.
, l ou can depend on that man's
keeping his promises," said the close
political adviser.
"Yes," answered the practical pol
itician, "but which promises is he
going to keep, those he makes to me
or those he makes to the voters?"
Washington Star.
rive p
file alterant iT',jnrrr kh '.ar n.
lUatonrr. SeuarorFKBK-AMtrtlbotu.aaltrae
ke. Ja,iLH.lUa, ArchPauaealahie.I'a
any Cane. H. eta or
at , i
"Bill.can you lend me two-pence?"
"What, a amy question , to ask I
why if I had two-pence, wot 'ud I
be doiu stand in outside a public
outer runcn.
Looked Ahead.
He If you didn't love me why did
you marry mer
She Because you were the only
man I cared to be divorced from.
Brooklyn Life.
Qaieer Appellation Gives te People ef
Ita Varloaa Fectleaa.
Although ; tbe Australian colonies
have now been linked -together In a
commonwealth. It Is not probable that
the nicknames bestowed by one prov
ince on another will be abandoned.
Tbe Inhabitants of New South Wales
have long been known as "corn
stalks," sn allusion to the length and
sllmness of the average young New
South Wales native. Victorians are
known as "gumsuekers. with refer
ence to the gum that Is found on many
native trees, some of which Is relished
by juveniles. "Crow-eaters," as ap
plied to the South Australians, owes
Its origin to statement that In times
of drought the wheat farmers of South
Australia are driven to the source sug
gested for food. "Wheatflelders" is
more euphonious name sometimes
used for tbe same province. Tbe
Queenslsnders are known as "banana
landers," that tropical fruit growing
there abundantly. Western Australi
ans are known In the east aa "sand
gophers" or "gropers." The Westra
Hans themselves group all the other
states Into "t'other side," and call the
residents "t'other alders."
Tasmania, the green little Isle that
la much like England in climate and
other characteristics. Is generally re
garded aa very quiet and rather be
hind the times, and la referred to as
"the lsnd of lots of time," "the land of
sleep a lot," tnd so on, while the In
habitants are called "Tassles" and
Jam eaters," the latter being an Illu
sion to the great fruit production of
the "tight little lland."-London
Leisure) Hour.
' Aopollatlona Oivem to People of
ate Vartona Pectlona.
Although tbe Australian colonies
have now been linked together In a
commonwealth. It la not probable that
tbe nicknames bestowed by one prov
ince on another will be abandoned.
" Tbe Inhabitants of New South Wale
nave long been known aa "ccro
stalka," an allusion to the length and
allmnesa of tbe average yonng New
South Walea native. Victorians are
known as "gumsuekers," with refer
ence to the gum that la found on many
native trees, some of which la relished
ny juveniles, -crow-eaters," as ap
plied to the south Australians, owe
Its origin to a statement that In tlmea
of drought tbe wheat farmer of South
Australia are driven to the source sug
gested for food. "Wheatflelders" I
more euphonious name sometime
used for the same province. The
Queenslsnders are known as "banana
landers," that tropical fruit growing
there abundantly. Western Australi
ans are known in the eaat as "sand
gophers" or "gropers." The Westra
liana themselves group all the other
states Into "t'other side," and call the
residents "t'other slders."
Tasmania, the green little Isle that
1 much like England hi climate and
other characteristics, is generally re
garded a very quiet and rather be
hind tbe times, and 1 referred to a
"the land of lota of time," "the land of
sleep a lot," tnd so on, while the In
habitant are called "Tassles" and
"Jam eaters," the latter being an Illu
sion to tbe great fruit production of
the "tight little island." London
Leisure Hour.
IT IS THft ftetT,
3rrK ruLLUNe or aARMtrfrs un hats.! I
I vrv ck w, PI3 1 un. n A3.4i
Aaaaala Btorr ef the Taaaeaa Teaea
Wheat Me Vat tat the tteaata,
Gen. Sam Houston of Texas was th
most picturesque, figure in tbe Senate I
during my first year of service at
tbe capttoL writes Oaluaha A. Grow lu
the Saturday Fost Like Benton, b
waa very fond of young men, and soon
cam to count me as "one of the boys."
Ouly tbos who were youngster in the
'40 can realise the Interest people tell
In Houston In the day when hi part
In the struggle for tbe Independence of I
Texas waa atlU fresh la the publlal
mind. Visitors to the Senate chamber
Invariably asked to have him pointed
out to them, and they were never dis
appointed In their hero, for he
large of frame, of stately carriage and
dignified demeanor and bad a Uonllk
No passage In Houston's career was
nobler tbaa tbe heroic stand against
disunion which marked Its close, while
of his kindliness of nature and gener
ous helpfulness to those In distress on
could recall stories sufficient to fill a I
Near Qulncy. 111., there was a stretch
of country known as the "Indian
tract," to which Houston held title,
ract many of the settlers thereon, a
careless pioneer brood, failed to search
out One of them called upon Wil
liam A. Klchardson, long a member of I
the House from the qulncy district and
subsequently a Senator from his State,
confided to him that he had Inadver
tently settled upon 161) acres of Hous
ton's lsnd and that all he was worth
stood In Improvements on It He want
ed Klchardson to see Houston and
make the beat terms that be could.
Richardson upon bis return to Wash
ington told Houston tbe story and ask
ed what be would take for a quit claim
deed to tbe 1G0 acres.
: "What sort of man la thla constitu
ent of yours wbo hss blundered upon
my land?" asked Houston.
-a good, square, nonest man," was
the reply.
"When I turn him off my tend 11
reckon he and his family will be beg
gars?" Richardson nodded.
"Wbat'e thla farm worth nowf
asked Houston.
"Improvements and all. about 10,
000," was the response.
"What waa the bare place worth
when you fellows went on It?" queried
"About 15 an acre; S800 tn all." an
swered Richardson.
-uooa reiiow, this man of yours, I
Richardson r Thla after a moment's
"Beet In the world." said Richardson.
Tel blm to send ma SS00 and I'll
make him a deed."
In due time the $800 reached Wash
ington In the shape of a New Torlc
draft Richardson sought Houston,
who, having executed a deed, took the
draft and Indorsed It
"You say this man of yours Is a good
fellow?" be asked, thoughtfully.
"Couldn't be a better one," waa the
emphatic answer.
"Send blm back this draft and tell
blm Sam Houston has changed bis I
mind. What can you buy a good sad
dle horse for In that country?" He
was told that g200 would do It "Well.
then," said Houston, "write to your I
friend and tell him to buy a first-class
saddle horse, about 4 years old, and
keep blm for me. When Congress ad-
lourns I will go borne with you and!
ride the horse down to Texaa."
Without delay tbe man In Illinois re
ceived back his draft and bought a
saddle horse, tbe best he could find.
Just before adjournment Houston!
sought Richardson. "Ton aay the fel
low who's got my horse Is a tiptop good
man?" Richardson again declared him
one of the best In his district "Well.'
said Houston, with sigh, "I should
have liked first rate to see him and also I
my horse, but aa affairs turn out I
must go straight to Texaa. When you
get home go over and see this man and
tell blm to sell the horse and do wbat
be pleases with the money. And. by
tbe way. Richardson, I wish you would
write and tell me If It was a good horse I
or not."
JOHN POOLE, Pottlmnd, Oregoa,
festal Horrlan Street,
Can rive yon the best bamina In
jjuggiet, riows, Boilers and Engines,
Win.imills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
titer tf Not Heard.
Politician (arranging for musio at
a political meeting) Isn't that a
big price? You may not have to play
half a dozen pieces during the whole
Brass Band Leader But, my dear
sir, we have to sit there and listen
to the speeches. Tit-Bits.
Summer Resolutions
Mtj Institute, r,7.rV.VuWrSi!
I am snre Piso's Cure for Consumption
Mae. Ti
Saved niv life three vemra
Uosbihs, Maple street, Norwich, k
teh. 17, 1900.
Hoe. ! Has baU bearint in tnrn.tabi.
Y., Turps freeljr to tbe wind.
"JT.L"'m"nm '"rust in wheel, Inmrinr
llrhtett rutin nr iit-IIHo. '""."
. . -- -mm rvaemnc
Aa Fteeul V '7 , " ."S""1. m Pwr ,or pumping.
Aa eternal Vow. GaWanlied alter maklnt. Put th
-Edith-I suppose he swore to you 1 pwTpTi&ja."' BO
'till the earth grows old and the .f.1!! jeiHetor; perfect regulation. No
of temperature, and crow weak, -i.v.
Kepalrs alwafi on hand.
The TJenrper.
1 1st don't like my sister, sn'
1 wisbt so a go swsv.
My sister sin't bin hejr long, cos
cue only com t day.
My sister ain't got enny hair
Upon her head a-tall;
It's 1st sll red es It kin be.
An' round as enny ball.
My sister has such teenle eyes,
An uttle weentle hsn s;
Maw tslks f her, but I don't think
'At she 1st underttan s.
My sister she can't tslk a-tall,
Bit more'n she kin By;
But you 1st bet she makes a noise
When she starts io t' cry.
I set my ptw where she cumm'd frumt
'Nen he 1st IslTd st me,
An' sed he found her In th' wudds,
In a ole holler tree.
My maw she loves my sister more
'N she dux me, I know.
An' 'at's the very reesun I
Don't like my sister so,
I jist don't guess it's enny use
Fer me to make s fust,
Cos paw he set my sister she.
Will make her Bom with us.
Boston Post
I " I
wax ttr. I
farm jnrtr.
aeiJiisiiiia. WV' ' M
mrAM00$ ts,4 a
L.kajsiMaWys fera-j
KAtem ae.
CKIlD'i er
11 jraeiifflr mttUKt Mu"
1 mmmtKUu mtr tint., as. '
I r- 1 I I
f W W a. .sviwwsaiiieiieejs.!,.:- w-., , ' :r ,. , -.'"-m. ji i..wiiwNssasj. .. mmm
"V '" aal Blf'''ll N'Bsi L alwaw1"11' '
"f ill M1 I
luftf mn ajMSM.' eeMM '
si'Z. jHpi minim, ,amf-J
inwmu 'law' ttmtt. '
If Ml'"'iJfelvl
atr Mtt t nr. mtSm 1
tss MW fMW. VWW i
- r ff- i
ti I f)Ji ta lit.
A II i?J ) limn Amu
kV 11 i f f IJ 1 awemaeir
C.Hy. BROWN; " f
42a.PImb-Av.4 (Cj) '
51. Louis, Mo. ' . A ImF"
; ' ' -- : - If. :
.WWlaeaaMfcaW s1tlsela1W
k. Kic. arecnvllle," J. T" Qood Luck."
" Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," Brandy win,'
Jolly Tar," 3Undard Navy," "Planet," "Nep
tune," Razor," Tennessee Cross Tie," Qranger
i wist."
(Two ' Orangw Twl tag. being equal to one ef other, mentioned.)
Our new illustrated
FOR 1902 V
hwiulnclud-anyafttct not shown here, Itwlii cohlatn the
I kAA.AJ V I. a . a
."" iu.u un o rresent ever o nered for Tag, and will
be sent by mail on receipt of poetare two cents.
(Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, tool.)
I- : , ,
Our offer ot Presents forjags will expire Nov. joth, toos.
Writ your nam and addrees on outside of packages
Containin Tags, and send them and request foe Present to
stars grow cold," and all that?
ithel Oh, longer. He swore to
love me until that Chinese indemnity
was paid. Judge.
t.mi ti. .- it ait Iwt' tL. I i
t brtin. TaUja tiooo, ymt
In tin H-'.tt bT rtrt-r:-'
Tbeaa th nut era .mih mnM .u
Then why not buy a STAKr
PCRtiamo, oncaoM.
X. r. H. V.
Mo. 4 ISOl,
Untidy Ixradon.
A London medical journal say the
Knglisn metropolis is possibly th most
Inconvenient snd most nntldy city of
JKurope. xne streets are either muddy.
slushy or dusty; they are littered with
straw, cabbage leaves, newspaper post
ers and omnibus tickets; tbey are con
stantly being grubbed up for aome rea-
A Prayer.
Not for the silent chief whom Death
Uently and teduously keeps
Within a splendid calm ; naught mars
Hit well-won laurels where be
Bather for him who newly stands
Half startled on a slinnnrv hnipht.
Like a strong falcon which some
Unnooded rudely, whom the light
Floods unforseen, but who shall prove
a wiue-wingea strength 1 ITor him
we nrav :
Give him such wisdom swift and keen
He shall restore us Yesterday.
Dillon, Georgia,
A Suggestion.
' No, I'm not very well impressed
with the house," said the prospective
tenant. "The yard is frightfuly
sman; more s nardly room for a
single flower bed."
"Think so?" replied the agent;
mil er mignten't
vou use foldinc
.am Ak. tw.l . . I 43 1 I a 1 1 t.i i . . . o
" umroia v. iwr, coais and I ueuei jrnnaeipnia rress,
outer goous are oeuvered across
footways at all hour of tbe day. So
lung as London Is governed by, or
rather Is dependent for Its due regula
tion upon, a number of bodies all Inde
pendent of each other, so Ions; will
nuisances of various kuds continue.
Power of Niagara Falls.
an total undeveloped energy of NI- Times,
agar rails is estimated by electrical
experts to be 8,000,000-horse power.
She Knew.
Mistress Did you tell the lady I
was out?
Servant Girl Yes, ma'am.
Mistress Did the seem to have any
doubt about it?
Servant Girl No, ma'am ; she said
she knew you wasn't. Glaseow
Faith In Him.
Towne Do I understand you to say
that Spender' cose was really a faith
Browne Yes. You see the doctor
and the druggist both trusted him.
Philadelphia Press.
"Doet Mr. Blimmina knnm
bdoui norse races?
"No," answered the man, with a
failed and experienced look.
"How can you tell?"
"By the fact that he's willing to
bet on thnm " W.h;... a. '
... . . .,,i.ft,un omr,
my now
Tbe chewing gum trust cause mora I
jawing tban any other. .
Brsve Mother,
Kind Lady And does your mother
let you go out alone at night?"
.Little man Yesm'm; maw ain't
afeer'd to stay by hersolf.
Pretty, But
Fay How do you like
VtTal I
May Its very pretty.
"Do you really think so?"
"Yes, indeed: I was lust cre.9:v in
g uue line ii wnen tney came into
tasnion two years ago."
Te Fit tht Disease,
Little 4-year-old Mabel oomlna- Intn
the room one day and finding tbe
baby with one end of a door key in its
mouth, exclaimed : "Babv. ialr tw
key right out of your mouth, or the
first thngyou know von will havi
the lockjaw." Glasgow Evening
Times. .
Thirteen tt TsMs.
Mr. B.-0h, Charles, we
never sit down with 13 at table.
Mr. B. Pshaw I I hope you are not
to superstitious as that.
Mr. B. No, of course not, but we
naveoniy iz dinner plates, Phila-
ueipma evening JJulletin.
Social Importance.
"Mamma, how can you ask me to
marry mm wnen he has no social
position T'
cut, my dear, he tells me he hat
inaae a minion."
nut even with that, it will take
iim a year to get Into society. " Lifo.
A Quick-Stepper.
"TTm'o a nln. 1C1 1 ..
- - ""V" " ti taw nim
..j.., nuu uio uuaier eayi l mav
Hair a. mM , . , .
.--.v .... BOng. W0U1U you
flrfvisu ma in t. lait
"That depend upon your eye for
horse and hi ear for music."
Brooklyn Life,
Worked Both Ways,
lift i .
its a poor rule that woji'twork
7. Z t3"', t,,e 01(1 8tleman
as he stood the boys up back to back.
aim operated the rn or tt...
...t. . " "'
v-..8iiB uue or ine other of them
going and coming. Chicago
Cnough, But Not Saffltltnt
-Mamma What' the matter Wil-
lie? Didn't you have a good time at
the party?
Willie "Naw!" '
"Why? Didn't yon get enough to
"Yes; but I didn't get too much.".
Herd to Identify.
1 'Jimmy's hair," said the
V!r, laying out his
. A Report .
He How it the now cook getting
His wife Well, I had to discharge
her twice this morning, but since
then she's been doing fairly well.
Ves, Darling.
Mother (drilling Teddy for hit first
party) And now. darlinsr. what it a
greedy boy?
Teddy A boy who want every
thing 1 want. Tit-Bits.
Useful Mr. Oreen.
Young Ladv Oh. Me
know what to do with Efflel She'
so miserable because she hasn't had
her donkoy ride. Would vnu mind
giving her a piok-a-back? Punch.
Aa Extrivtjent Affair.
"Molly, he said, "if I ahAnl.1 rlia
first, I want VOU to km that I'm nra.
"Moray on US. John I inal mav I
W a ton then I" Atlanta Constitii'
A here.
"Who is the horo of this piece?"
ked the man who was coming out
the theatre. And the maneirr
thoughtfully replied. "The man who
is putting un the monetr." Washine--
ton Star.
Thst Prlendly reeling.
Miss Olive of St. Lou ie Wa o-nt
absolutely pure milk in St. Louis.
miss Wabash (of Cliicaeo. Yet.
one advantage of living in a
Baltimore u,iZ ."""""T lKe ifiach family can
aiwmore American. keep a cow of H own. -
A ' - 7. ' . . ' J '"ft
o mes aitor trie game, "and this la
faeiv nuBo. ana tnt iTam ...ii
m.1"?. 1f? nger to'count