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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Portoffice at St. H-lcns, Ureiton, fts secomt-class ntnil matter. COuWTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issubd Evsrv Khjdat Morning Bt DAVID DAVIS, Editos akd PaoriurruB. SUBSCRIPTION PBRB-. One copy one year, In advance. ....$1.00 Six mouths... 60 COVSTX OFFICES. Repmanitatits Norman Merrill. ClaMurenle ....Joaepb . Lioaa, Kamier J. O. Walla, SI. Helena ....R.O. Hattan, St. Hvlena B. Mom. M. Helena I. II. coneland. Ilmiiton Juuu.. filers: Nherlrr... Treasurer Gin, ol ticbooU. . Ammmr 8inreyor.. Coroner CoiamMonera )' ....Martin While. St. Helens A. II. l.tttht. Houltoa ..Dr.H. R. Clltr. St. Helens r. A., Kappo.e W. D. Can. Pittsburg OCTOBER 25, 1901. rVTV BS STATU TAXES. Columbia county will pay next year .0108 imt oent of all the monev eollevtad by the atate from the various counties as atate taxes. The state tax is not now levied as formerly. The new law oro- vides for making the levy on an entirely different principle. It has been the cus tom to levy a percentage on the total taxable property of the county. Until 1906 the levy will be based on the aver age valuation ot taxable property for the past five years, and by this method for the current five years the share of Co lumbia county will be as given above. After that time each county's share will be figured oa the average expendi tures, roads and bridges excepted, dar ing we current nve years. That is. the expenditures ot all the counties will be added together and each county's share will be the proportion that each bears to the whole. As this proportion is, so will tbe atate tax of each county be fig ured. For iustancc, if the state desires to raise $600,000, the proportion from this county would be .0106, or (5,300, which is, perhaps, about tbe same sum as would result from the 3-mill lew on the present valuation. Curry county will pay the smallest percent, being but .0040, while Multnomah will pay the tarveet, being .8123 per cent. This plan of levying tbe atate tax will endure tor five years, when another order of things will be operative. Article 4 of section of the new law reads as follows: "In order to ascertain the proportion of such taxes to be paid by the several counties, said state officers shall ascer tain from the reports of expenditures of the several counties, on file in the office of the secretary of state, the average amount oi wo expenditure ot eacn county during period of five years; and each county shall pay such propor tion of state taxes as its average amount of expenditures in all of tbe counties of the state, sncb computations to be made by said state officers in January, 1905, and in Jannary in each fifth year there- alter, until tbe January, 1805, compu tation use Fntnre Tax Collecting;. The following is a synopsis of the law regulating tax collections hereafter, which was passed by the last legislature : Tuxes paid ou or before March loth succeeding the date of the levy will be allowed a rebate ot three per cent, pro vided that the rolls reach the sheriff prior to that date. Taxes paid between the 15th and Slot, both dates inclusive, will not be allowed Beck Crasher Arrived. The Western steel rock crusher and engine, recently purchased by the com missioners irom jttalt A vo., oi I oft land, arrived in good ahape and will soon be put in operation, and before many months Cowlita county expects to have roads that will be a pride to the taxpayers and catch the eye of new em igration. Foir years our commissioners, 1 1 avv aaitvaaw mi e . as saw ewo umviiilifK I lFwu t l7 iiiviueifB, WI false economy in building roads. They any rebate, but neither will any penalty spent hundreds of dollars each year in of interest be added thereto, building and repairing dirt and plank Taxes become delinquent after the roads that were never passable during first Monday in April and there will be the winter months, when they were added immediately thereto a penalty ot mostly needed. The following year they 10 per cent and also interest at the rate were repaired again at a large expense of 12 per cent per annum, in addition to with the same results, but they have the penalty. If one-half of tbe taxes learned by investigation that crushed are paid on or before the first Monday roc is tne oniy economical road to in April, tnen me payment oi ine re build. They may have to spend as uiainder may be deferred up to the first roads as they have formerly spent in paid it shall become delinquent and sub- uiree years on we present roaas, but jeci to a penalty oi iu per cent ana in when once built, with a little repairing tercet at the rate of 13 per cent per now and then, it is a passable road at all annum from the first Monday oi the STOCK FARM FOR SALE. BUI Nye m Datrrman. times. In a period of five years it will prove far less expensive than in the past. The oommitnionera are to be con gratulated on this movement. Kahuna Bulletin. A Flak Story. Wm. Bidgeley, Perry Watson, Wm. handle ana a. rorter. four boys who md provides that tax sales shall be wore the blue together in the brave days I made not later than March 1st ot the ureeedina- Aorll. On all personal property taxes the law compels the sheriff to make levy and collect tne same alter April 1st, unless one-half thereof shall have been paid on or before the first Monday in April. The law compels the sheriff to sell all lands on whicD taxes bave not been paid of old, concluded it was a good time to go Celling last week, so tbey went down to Sauvies island, near where the Colum bia and Willamette ioin. That has many little lakes on it which are filled by high water, but do not connect with year succeeding that in which tbe levy snau bave been made. Property will be sold to the persons bidding toe lowest rate of Interest, and certificates will be issued therefor, and deeds given to the property three years the river when the water is down. They after such sale, unless the property shall . -- 'V I nave ueeu eoouer rmeemea. then they tried another which did not seem much more than a big pond. They made one sweep through it with tbe seine and caugbt such a multitude of fishee that after getting the help of three other men, the seven of them were un- Freak Faratlag. For freak farming Indiana takes the lean, instead oi depending on corn, able to haul out the seine-load of fish. BU, farmers are devoting their time and Thev drew it in to shorn so the could I .-..J... :.;.. -i . i- . . . . . -J,. v .t.l'l. vuuao, wvwmiv, IW . j ."Ir. i rV-iT . "if ' I bits, irogs, ginseng and noxious weeds. Indiana has six large skunk farms. wanted, still leaving a lot behind. The four each took what dressed about 100 pounds of the best carp and cat. and all say they never saw such haul of fish before. This is their story and as we haven't seen any of the fish we won't vonch for it. bnt as no old soldier would ever be caugbt stretching the truth in telling a fish story, it will bave to eo. Forest Grove Times. and the industry is becoming so exten sive that a "trust" baa been formed. The pelts are valuable, bringing from $1.60 to $2.50 apiece, according to color, tbe darker colors commanding the best price. At New Harmony, in Posey county, there is a large family of Angora cats. Herman Eoler, of that city, haa made a fortune in them. There ia one leach farm in Indiana. and that is probably the only one in the country. For many years the farmers thought peppermint weed noxious. Today there are three big peppermint farms in In diana, tbe largest being located in St. Joseph county. Tbe greatest demand lie proportion of the state taxea to be paid bv the several nonntiea ahull ce " based on the assessment of the several counties for tbe pan five years." Admiral Dxwrr is growing weary of uis uiquirr, am aaas uiu tntnga be hurried. If the investigation had been teit to tne aomirai he would bave fin ished it before breakfast and to the en ure satisfaction of the public. Columbia county ia out of dht nrl the St. Helens Mist felicitates itself and the republicans of tbe county noon tbe bappy condition, which has been brought awmi, aa in nanon county, oy republi can officials. In fact, tbe circumstances of Marion county fit Columbia very nicely. Salem Statesman. Them is a law in Oregon to tbe effect that all persons doing business for the state, in advertising for bids for any kind of work, material or produce, must insert in tbe advertisement a clause giv ing Oregon's produce, manufactures and materials ot any kind the preference. Where it is impossible to secure what is required wiimn our own borders, it is rendered obligatory upon the party tran sacting tbe business lor tbe state to ac cept that which is partly produced or uwnuiaciurea witnin the state, where the prices are such as will warrant it. How often do we see advertisements for bids on state contracts without any ref erence to the clause that gives our own people chance. Tax secretary of the interior has handed down a decision of great import ance relative to tbe tenure of homestead claims. He holds that the homesteader must actually live upon the land nied on or his entry will be null and void. A person who haa a home- aiead entry can go to some place and work to earn a living for a time, if nec essary, but his borne must be on the land, as nothing else will take the place of residence and improvement. Those wno ten nomestead entry men that tbey need only to go to the land occasionally and stay over a night or two in tbe cabin erected as an excuse for a dwel ling, do injustice to tbe entrymen who must lose tneir claims by accepting it. Because some entries are made and the land patented under such circumstances, when no contest is entered, it must not oe lnierrea tnat tbe law requires noth ing more than a cabin, little fence, or clearing and an occasional visit to land embraced in a homestead entry. Caeertala Knowledge. This brief effusion was left in our of fice this week by an unknown, and is consequently fatherless: "When one realises tbey are only lis tening to "maybe," "perhaps," "I think so," and their own imagination, it manes tnem teei as n they were livmar v.n,ea tmm tK m.nn.,n. n in a soap bubble, knowing: the in dated I air will soon col lapse. Thousands are the colors more solid The successful drifting on the craft of uncertainty and peppermint farmer realises from $75 to "" u8 f iou iron) eacn acre oi his land ueueve evcryiuing is cuance. li you were to ask them if the sun waa going to rise tomorrow, tbey would say "per haps." when any biblical student could answer the question positively. These thoughts of "don't know," poison the very atmosphere in which they live. we snouiu nve on certainties ana in as surance. We should talk facts, know things are so before we assert them. This brings firmness of mind, inspires courage and self-reliance. We want to establish our life on realties, for this quiets anxieties and one becomes calm and happy and enjoys the atmosphere of knowledge." "Amo.m Afterthoaghts. A SocTBXur democratic paper haa this to say of President Roosevelt: "The finest trait of the American char acter is love of fair play, and no better illustration of the force of it could be naa than is lound in tbe public attitude toward President Roosevelt. . A few months ago he was the object of good natured raillery. His exploits were re garded as something ou the Munchausen order. He seemed better fitted to chase tbe wild beasts of the rocky West than to fill tbe post of statesman and presi dent of the senate. How Mr. Roosevelt nas not changed. He is still Teddy, tbe Rough Rider. But tbe people have changed. Teddy is now president of the United States, He is new to bis job, and the job is not an easy one. The people want him to bave a fair trial and do the best tbing that is in him ; and they will not put a single block in his way; on the contrary, they hasten to smooth the path, hoping most sin cerely that he will make a success of his career. We have not ear rendered our opinion, political or otherwise; we are as true as ever to what may be called our politics, but, for tbe while, we lay partisanship aside and say: 'Go ahead Teddy 1 Win out, if you can!' " Emma Coldkan says she has been in vited to write for several prominent monthlies. Are there to be yellow mag azines also T ukcu dam s steam railroads this year embrace a mileage of 194,321. When the trolley lines are added tbe grand total ia something prodigious. A "Saktiaqo victory" may be defined as one extraordinarily brilliant in itself. yet a constant source of trouble and hu miliation to those who won it. . Skvkhtim new artillery earrianna hav been established along the coast of tha United States. Uncle Sam's men be hind the runs will ha mn rnimamna and highly trained, a precaution that will tend to preserve peaceful conditions. Clremit Ceart PreceediBr. The following business waa tranaTtd in the circuit court since it convened on October 16th: O. Melville vs. Goble-Nehalem Rail. way Co. ; dismissed. Petition of assignee of Dean Blanch-, ard to make deed to tbe county for road purposes ; allowed. Security Savings Co. vs. Goble-Nehalem Railway Co. ; default and decree. H. West VS. O. H. Lemon t-. nlaintiff allowed to amend. Ron n tree vs. Knott; plaintiff allowed to amend. 8. A. Miles vs. EL N. Smith; confirm ation of sale. J. Haybnrn vs. Erickson; confirma tion of sale. Muckle Bros. vs. St. Helens Bnildino- Ass'n. ; confirmation of sale. is. K. vjuick vs. Peoples; foreclosure. Con vers vs. Bryant et al : decree for petition to establish lines as formerly and U. W. Clark appointed referees. F. Merrill vs. F. A. Smith: default. C. G. Caples vs. F. Vivian; dismissed. Richsrdson vs. Horst; dismissed. Yager vs. Ysger ; decree of divorce. Mover vs. Mover; decree of divorce. Wells Fargo Co. vs. Columbia county ; counsel to file bnefs. Pulliant vs. Sandstrom ; judgment on verdict. Black vs. Black: motion to file ernaa bill allowed. Bryant vs. Convers: plain tiff allowed until first Monday in February to file bill of exceptions. G. A. Hall VS. John Lindhnrv ; motion for new trial overruled. Notice of ap peal in open court. avans vs. Kvana ; deiauit and decree. Badger vs. Badger; decree. H. R. Cliff vs. Ooble-Nebslem Rail way Co.; judgment for plaintiff. Seal Estate Transfers. Jaavs Adanu to Edward Ljdrlnoa, asW ol atfiol lections, tp7o. r wmt....: 100 Barbtold bain to Elsie Baohlold and J no lacnbiatter, aei of ae of auction 8, tp Is, r2wat ?. HO 00 J. R. Bueklar to A. Michael. 10 aeras la uwii of acctloa at, tp u.t I weal 1 Jataei Coakloy to t. E. DuBoia, uM of uwl-i and im ol nH and neH ol awU aud n of ae)4 of auction 27, tp t n,r I weat t S00 w. a. conrera to . Beoacra, nli ol ae ol aection IS, tp a, r 4 weal.. . 400 J. K. DohertT to Emllv Dobalbower. lot 6. block S7, Maeck'a addition to Rainier. . 490 00 r. riunrertaj. a. vuuoia, t'A ol nw'l and ei of wi ot section 2L tee n. r I weal ; a 00 Wm. riuhrer to J. B. DuBoia. seU of aeo- iion a. tpSn, r weat 7. 600 Fullerton bain to mlly Duncan and Mary Girweil, Cooper D. L. C 100 cvaaie ana Era uaJl to nannle B OorT, vi. acraa in oii ol uwii oi aaclion a. to7 o. . "eat KM 00 X. A. Uarvay to C. H. Johnaon. BeM of ' of aection li and oM of nwM of aection 13, tp 6 n. r Sweat. . . 00 00 Henry Jobna to E. Martin, Jr. wV4 ol neW auu ct oi u.?i oi eBcuon a, tpn,rt weat 9000 00 C. H. Jones to Thomaa and Bun Mum. rre, X men in eeeiion S4, tp S n, r 4 w 125 00 Konnan Merrill, admr., to Harah K. Bat- m. acraa in lot l, aacttoa IS. to 7 a. 900 00 e. j. anicneii to t. w. r. Bice, lot I, block 7, VernoDia J( 00 i. w. Maserre to tl. a. and Tbca. Meaerre, ueH of aection 17, tp 7 n. r t weat. tim ber deed 860 00 vnaa. atayrer to wm. Koberta. SO aeraa IB ntii of aection SO. tp 8 n, r I weat 100 00 reter aieacner to uiemena and Mary Hea ther, mshi ot am'A and neM ol iwii. ol aection 29, tp7 n, r 4 weat 640 00 Jamea and Chaa. Mnckle to Annie Co,H intereat in lot 4, block U, Bt. Helena. ... OS 00 mm. Mcuoruua to J. IL. IMlBmt, W'A OI H aection 22, and U of nwli of aection 27, tpe n, r 4 weat .. Mary W. Mewaome to Elizabeth Low, par cel ol land la block 16. Ikihhl. Adl- tlon to Kalnier M. C. reteraon to Andrew Peteraon, K In- tereat In ol aection IS, tp S a, r 6 w A. Fateraon to M. C. Peteraan. T,tjy. nf ma ijh u, . u, , a west . . . IW FOR PAT J?, AH KXCKIei.KNT STOCK AND diry ranch, looAleti1 un mnlnUnd sli t Thrj vr $70 iicwft, wort or Umt in the W IIWl M MAKMla HHtHVtVUI MIWIIIOW VII WHICH to out 150 ton of htty yr.y; isitlv boat IW tX city ptuBa piacwa ( 7 . tu.; 25 htvtd of rttwk Ur stu, rtriurUirpmculAricAli Anm MKH. C. Cr Mr, Amirlci r at. Uin, Orrnttt, FOI fOITLARD DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. KoogtHf. . MatHn. RAILROAD TIME. T . r l.nlai ilttllv laimitl In.i1.t1 fc BVue. elriinR irom st. Helena ais land, at A. M o'clock, fteturnli M- arrtrluf at at. leavea tVitilaad at 2 1 P. leleaa at 4:44. Passengers M Fast FreijM. rOETLAND LANDING, TAYLOR 8T. rry w mtin o. TtTn t but ahb sau. rrarLi AND rAMCT GROCERIES Hardware, Feed, Dry Goods, Notions AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE CU I OOWN-COUNTT PEOPLE SHOULD TO Glatskanie Drug Store rOBTBKH Drugs and Medicines When I was younn and used to roam around over the country, aittlmrlng watermelons in the lltfht of tlie moon, I need to think I conlJ milk anybody's now. hut I don't think so now. 1 do not milk tha sow unless the SifM Is right, ji t niare r ad- and it hasn't been right (or a good man v .fiiK.?Ui rears. The last cowl tried to milk was a common cow, born in obscurity, a na of a self-made cow. I remember her brow was low. but she wore her tail hlirh, and she wai haughty, oh, liamrhtv. I made a commonplace remark to her, fkna that la nand In tke verv best society one that need not rive ouVnse. I said "Bo" and she "Soed." Then I told her to Hist" and she "Hitted." But thought she put too much expression m u. Just then I heard something crash through the window of the barn and fall wltti a tinul icmiiliiir uiimou tne outside. The neighbors came to what It was that caused the noise. They found that I had done It In getting tnrougn tne window. I asked the uelnlibors If the barn was still standing. Tbey said It was. Then I asked them If the cow was injured much. They said aha seemed quite ro bust. Then I requested them to go In and culm the cow a little, and see if Ibey could get my plug nat on ol ner Horns. When von have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that yon need a dose lot cnamueriain's etomacn ana wver I Tablets. Friee, 25 cents. Samples free at tne Bt. Helens pnarmacy. Women and Jewels. Jewels, eandy. flowers, man that is tha order ot a woman's rj references. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power W UV .K. WVUHIII, ATVU IUH greatest of alf jewels, health, it often ruined In the strenuous efforts to maks or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk health to get a cov eted gem. then let her fortify herself against the Inslduona conseouenoea ol coughs, colds and bronchial alTecliona by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's Ger man Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early suites and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drives the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain care for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr, (i. U. Green's reliable remedies at the St. Helens pharmacy. Get Ureen's special almanac CHoica OABTOniA. iBeenti. ., yf l lm 1m fan Hiwfi tftgM Hgastaie sf Xm liti 1m Km Hhwyt Toilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. C. HALL Prtpnotor Clatskamib : Orkoom. c oo woo l oo C. aw Thoa. h. Parker to A. L. Parker, iU ot mii of iwWof aection 2S, tp 6 n, r 4 weat ooa. mivjonn to ttoDert Bnrcb, parcel of land in tH of aection 22, tp in, r ( tso oo Brain-Food Nonsense. weet 100 00 Fannie Quigley to A. J. Qnlgley, nwi ol aM of aection , tp 7 n, r 4 weat 200 00 Leoiarwnmttka to B. VanClere and C. K. Palmer, eei ol twH ot aection 14. to a, rt weat 700 00 at. a. naniora to tne nearer Flume Lumber Co., D4 of aeJ4, and aw)k of mbi and neii of tm of aection 12, and nwvi of aection 13. to 7 n. r 4 weiit. and ae!4of aection 7 n, r J west.,. eOOO CO Annie Beaman to u. w. and G. H. John son d4 of nwW of aection 36, tn 7 n, r 2 weat, and eX ol nel and eU of nU of neii ot aection at. tp 7 n, r 2 weat 1900 00 Maliaaa Berern to A. Mlchell. lb acres In neX of aection 82, tp 8 n, r I weat 100 00 rfonn toive to joaepn timilam. lot f , aection 34, tp 8 o, r 4 weat 975 00 u. r. van.ominitjurg. to V. H. Jobnxrn, "lA ot mAi and eK of awU of aection 28. tp n, r 6 weat 800 00 oaenn nattao to r. A, rrasea, new ol noH. ot section 21,1(1 n, r I weat. tax deed... M 00 enenn nattan iow.j. ueiu. aeM of ne'i ano nev. oi aei ana lot x, section 4. to 6 a, r I wert, tax deed ; . 17 0 Sheriff Hatun to Susie B. Ulllard, mX ot aection 32, tp 7 n, r 6 weat, aherifTa deed 4S1 00 Sheriff Battan to John Stewart, various parcels of land, tax deed 412 00 ouerin iiattan to r. Vivian, lot 1, block JO, lot 10, block 27, lot 10, block 20, Co- lumola City, tax deed 4 20 Sheriff Hattan to Joaapb Uarburo. aetl of aection 34, tp S b. r S weat 17 46 Sheriff Hattan to D. ;. Finn, sw'i of tee tlon J, tp n, r weat. tax deed MO 00 ouenn nman to Ja. I. nttcbeil, lot 0 block 7, Vernonla, tax deed S 00 Sheriff Huttao to John Stewart, lands on tax aale, tax deed 36 10 Sheriff Hattan toe. A. Miles, vU ol tt'i of section 14, tp4 n, r 2 west, fax deed 60 00 Geo. K. Cole to Jainea Walts and S. W. wnehl, MX ol m ol aecUon i, tp 4 n, x 3 west j C. r. Haywood to WmVcampbe'li,' loli'i! and S, block 7,2nd addition to Vernonla Sheriff Hatun 10 8. Benson, lota 3, 4 and 6 and sek of tivrX of section t, tp 6 n, r wesi, mens a ueea ..1000 00 1 00 Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -MAjrcrAcrtmcBi op- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We marra factors arst-elaas roairh lomber ror wi pnrpoaea lor tne traue, which ws aeu at a most reasonable ogure. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill. $6 Per M. YANKTON, OREGON. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus Drought on by eating cuenm I bers." says Id. E. Lowther. clerk of the i district court, uenterville, Iowa. "I thought I should surety die. aud tried adosen different medicines, but all to I no purpose. 1 sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy and three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy Is for sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. A Special Movement I In watches ia Beldlng Bros.' celebrated 17 to 21 Jeweled special. It will stand more Jar than any other move ment on the market. We guarantee them to keep perfect time. The... lew'I'r Belding Bros. 43 Third St., - Portland. MEAT! MEAT I MEAT I City Market St. Uzliks, Okiook LINDSAY MOITON. PROP'S. Clatskanie and Portland .ROUTE.- -DBAMBS W- Fresh and Salt Meat. r I City trade, lowing camps, steam- Doats ana raiiroaa camps applied. OBDERS VILLKD OH S1IOBT MOTICI. STEAMER SARAH DIXON. Leaves Portland Tuesdav and Thnradav at 6 p. m., for Clatskanie and way land ings , ounuay at o p. m. lor UaK folnt. nwrimwifa Leave Clatskanie Warlniusrla and tTrt. day at 4 p. m tide permitting; leave I i ouiv atonuay at o p. m. Tbe Kind You Hav Alwnya Xloaght Mid which has ptm In an for over 80 jreania haa borne tha isrnatnra f ana KM heen mtvaa anaer Mi pt. onal iaprvl8loa sinoa Ita Infonow, Allow no one to deeeh-e yon tn thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jast-aa-eood" are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlanta and ChUdren d per lenee asratnui ISxperlntenta What Is CASTORIA Gaatorla is a harmleia auhatltnte for Castor Oil, rare, gorle, Dropt and goothlu Syrups. It la Pleaaamt. It con tains neither Oplumt Morphine nor other Kareotlo uhstanee. Ita age la Ita vuarantee. It destroy a Worn . tnd alloys Feverlshnesa. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Trouble, cures Constipation ud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChilIrcui's Panacea The Motlier's Friend. CCNUiriB CASTOR I A ALVVAY8 Bears Uxt Eittura of ar Mr . M .LJsaiiiHLsif i yi jrjr mut j1 The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, 1TT0JINJ2Y-JT-JL1 W. Offin with S. I. Quick, ST. nm.KNS, i t 0KKUON. Will ilrs bat mortal allanilon to all lairal mattt ra antmslMl to aia. Will practice la all ma (Hats ana unilau atataa lourls. 13 W. H. POWELL, ATTORNE Y-JT- JLi W. Dsrt'TV tiiirraict attobncv. ST. HI LENS, i i OKIOON. R. P. (.iaAiiAM. T. J. Cutrrc Attorneys-at-Law. SM Maniuaxa Butldlag, Ponlaad Oracoa. I. W. DAY DILLARD & DAY, OSr next door to Courthouse, BT. Htil.KNe.OitUOM. nroortfa. Dr. Edwin Itoss, ST. HELEN'S, OREGON. Dr. II. It. Cliff, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. . Hall, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon, VaEBNQNIA, OREGON. W. D. BfOVIK. -THE T. B. WAIXACS, Owl Saloon BRUM BOTHERS, PROPRIETORS Only tha best ol LiprsaMCi.ars Kept ii Stock CYRUS NOBLE And other popular brands of whiskies always In stock. WEINHARD'S BEER ' on draaght. . "Tom Benton" Cigars. All the Ittfeat nwnppri nd other pop- 0 UISJ (UUlClal. St. Helens Hotel Wallacb a Moybb, Paors., Is Again Open to the Public. Meals Served on Short Notice. Beds 25 Cents, Meals 26 Cents. WD BARN m CONNECTION. TO HAT 10 CENTS. HORSES St. Helens,' Obroom. GEORGE L. PERRINE ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimates famished on application. All wora guaranteed. CLATSKANIE, ! ; . OREOON. I si wsrajk, BUHrill lit- SherifT HatUtn to W. W. Blakmler, lots 1. 12 to 23, 7t0 00 2, S and i. block 42. and lota block 42, and lota 1 and 3. block . Ht. Hlens, tax deed t 70 Another ridicnloaa food fad haa tmon branded by the most competent author- ltiee. They have dispelled the silly no- viuu hi uu amu oi iooa is neeaea lor brain, another for moscles, and still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspepsia. Too must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, tbe favorite medicine of the healtbv millions. A lew doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Shearer have liver to healthy action, purifes the been visiting in Washington county for viuuu, aim you leei ouoyani and several aays. vigorous, iou can get Dr. ti. li. Green's united states to O. W. Badger, patent: same to Henry Johns, patent: aame to Johu W. roster, patent; same to Mary Bleacher, patent, aaine to B. D. Felifs. natent: same to I. T. Dana. nat. cut; earn to J. V. Davis, patent, Frem Deer Island. W. D. Con hell was a passenger for As toria this week. Mrs. Charles Hugh, of Astoria, is vis iting Mrs. Gragg this week. TBpriranaa. M as anr-wearwm aji mji mm am FOB F0BT1.AJID, DAILY. j r " ska.a. tj "America" f reliable remedies at the Bt. Helens phar macy. Get Green's special almanac. OA0VOHZA. Basrstbs "' Has) Ahwr BOCfM Ss SJS2 sf tW Fred Adams has secured a nositlon with the N. F. bridee carpenters, and has gone to Boy, Wash., with tbem. For swains, swelling and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. . I H N r Willamett Slonli Ronte . Leave St. Helena. ... 6:30 AM Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:80 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 P M fare to CKis ra. W1U Carry but Passen gers and Fast Freight. GOOD, master. H M K8TABMRHKD W72. JOHN A. BECK DKALEft ItT WatcUcs, Diamonds, Silieriare, ...JEWELRY..,, Eepairing a Specialty. 07 Morrison M. Bet. Front First, PORTLAND. Oriental Hotel Kuobhb Bt-AXcsLsr, Paor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS AT RlASOMABliX FlOUBS. Visitors met at steamer landlns sod tueeta' baav sa looked alter. ' COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. ST. HELENS, s , OREGON, WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTUND-ASTORU ROUTE. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Dally Bound Trips gseept Sundar. Throtish Portland eonnaetlon with Mtmmer i. T na. lumen rolnts. 3f ltf,a.CU" i',J,J':,,,'eu ntorohaBiteal.le with TIME Leave Portland. , Leave Astorla... CARD. A. M ?F.Bl The Dalles-Portland Ronte. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." Between Portland, The Dalles anil way points. TIME CARD Leave Portland Tnaa.. ThnM a. . u Arrire at The lialles aame ay..:ZT.t P. U tears The Dalles Hun., Wed.i Prl.. 7 A M Arrlrs at Portland aame day atTrTjt K u B. MLB THK VERV BIST. tWThls Roots has tbe Oraudest sotnle Attrao- LANDING AND OFnCI: foot ot Alder Mreet Both 'Phones Main SM roSTLABD.OasaoM, E. W.CbiOHTOM. lunnk PnrlUnJ . T . thb 4 Babnks, agenu, Hood Klver: J. 0. Wtatt, agent, Vancouver; YVolpord Wvibs, agents, White Salmon; Jon" M. FlLLOOH. airnnt. Tl.a n.n....' I , Tavuw, agent, Astoria. ' ' BaBSJaaB OREGON Darasv TIM It IM'HKDI'LK Aasiva " a PBuM PtiHTLAN U. saus Chlrajro. ponlaud Halt Lake. Denver. Ft Miievial Worth, Oniaue.S.n us am. bm t;ilr, tn. Umia. s.sssksv via Hunt- Chlnaso and Kaai. IMSUW. VnlH lt Lalte. Denver, PI. n ooVm. '""h. tha,laa . D TlalftnT f- ;". VmU- instoa. L'hkiaso sad Kaaa. L Paal ' Walla. Uwla Put Mall . , w' SOU a.m. lace, Pullman, Mlr- .. vfa neaiiolla, m Paal. i. Sooaana I'nluih, Milwaukee. 1 ! Chlcaso and aaal. . OCIIAS ANsVlVKM M'HKBULIl , rmmM ranTt-Awis. All aalllns dates sub- . . . ' ' shanse. . - p. BS. Pur Han Prauolano 4 B, St, Hall every Aredars. UsSunoe. Oelumbl. H.r J?.'. To Aatorla and War Ka oiindar L tandlnsa. IU p in. - vVllltmttU rllvBr. m n n ,fn"d.T 0BX:li"v?;;MTa,i,; -& S a. m, 4:B p. m. , Tues.Thar, Corrallls and Way- Mon. v4 and HL Laadlnss and Frl. " Willamette and Vam T a,.d.W. gS"vr,'..nSrjT- ' I.v. Mparts (nake sjhrsr, Lv.Uw'loa :., dallral I 1 B I par la lo Lewltlcn. 1 1 a. m. A. L. CRAIG, Genera! Passenger Agt., Pobtladd, Obi. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER tl RAILROAD COMPANY. r a 1:471 IK.1 07 IIS 4 'i i:m i :4S '67 17 DAILY. r. u. SIMS I UA ! I SS 144 IU S M ton I 7 It 00 I0(M :Wt10 8:Olp.ll A.M. 00 OS IS ISO 40 AO 10 00 10 10 10 11 to m u m II to II u so 0 1.4 4S. 5r W.3 S.t' 71. a 7S7 MS not M.4 WSl aTATiana Lv Portland Ar .... uobie .... ....Rainier ... ... Prratnld... .. Msruer ... ... .(iulttry .... ., Clatskanie.. ,, Marshland.. .. Westport..., ....Clifton.,., ....Knappa... , ... Mrenson..., lArAatorla.v! DAILY. A, at. 11 10 19 On S3 ISft SO tn ton tw 117 I 17 IW IS r. . 9 IW I 30 IW 7 M 1 ? t 141 S I I 10 All trains make elnea annnaAtlona al tinble with Northern Paeldo trains to and lron the nut and Bound nolnu. a. Portland altk all trains learin Union depot. At Astoria with I, K. N t o.'s boat and rait line to and Irom II waoo and Horth Beaoh polnu. Paaaenveraloe Aatona n v. . ini nnit las1 trains at lloulmn. Trains will stop to let p sensera orT at Houlton when oomlnf Irora polaU westolttoble. J. c, Mtva. Ben. Pass, A at.. Astoria, Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taaaday, Thursday tad Set ardayatTa. n.lor St HtltHt, talamt, Carnir fwrt, Kainltf mm gess, Arrlrlnret Portland Monday, Wd neaday and Friday at 2 a.m. Wharl loot ol Salmon St. H, IIOLMAN, Assnk itiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMwnrtifTirffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiifiiiim I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. i Cooper Building, Main 8treet. St Helens. Oregon. wuiuiuiuiiiiuiaiuiuiiiiaiuiuiuiaiiiiuia f