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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1901)
What arc Humors? They are vitiated or morbid fluid conrs- Ins tha Teim and effecting tlx tissue. Tlaey an commonly duo to defective diges tion but an sometimes Inherited. ZIiw do Uf luaai'eat themselves T la many form ot cutaneous eruption, alt rheum or ec tenia, pimples and boll, and in weakness, languor, general debility. How an they expelled? By Hood's Sarsaparilla which also builds np the system that ha suffered from them. It Is the best medicine lor all humors. The Leader's Definition, "What Is a contract r asked the young; hopeful. Hia father, tha great labor leader, looked up from his paper and smiled with pleasure st this evidence ot a de sire for knowledge. "I'm glad you asked the Question. my noy," he said. la Dii Pockets, Mrs. Hard run Do you hare to ask your huBband for money? . Mrs. Sly No, Indeed! Mr. Hardrun How generous of him. Mrs. Sly Yes; It Is awfully good of him not to sleep la his trousers. Ohio State Journal. Two Scottlih Newspapers. The most influential newspaper In Scotland is the Edinburgh Statesman, and the oldest Is the Dundee Adver User. They are edited, respectively by Sir John Leng and Charles Cooper, both of whom are Englishmen and na tives of Hull, Yorkshire. CRITICAL PERIODS- In Woman's lifo Are Mads Danger ous by Pelvic Catarrh. . Kalltloa Losing Grana. The country is becoming agitated orerthe uiemeni mat religion la losing ground. This results in countless discussions until the agitation runs its course, and still re ligion flourishes. It is ouly useless things that deteriorate. The liiiail nwinimimla. "There is consider- tion of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the PEOGRESS OF PACIFIC COAST STATES NEWS AND COMMENT THAT INDICATE A STEADY FORWARD MOVEMENT IN OREGON, WA8H , INQTON, CALIFORNIA AND IDAHO. able misconception as to the meaning Jf-' stomach strengtbener, lies in the of that word, and It Is well that you j ff th' ihl.'Td f?nfty iu spite 2211 " thln tnlu ?h!elfo?a you are still young. A contract Is. something that binds the other fellow without affecting you." Chicago Post Tils atgaatare Is ea every box of the geaalae Laxative BromoQuiaine i-awe. the esasaay that eessw a MM la ease Vqr Beet the Typewriter. "I can take 100 words a minute," aid the shorthand writer. "I often take more than that," remarked the other. In sorrowful accents; " but then I have to. I'm married." 'BOWS THIS fever and ague. and malaria. Queer Japanese Custom At the birth ot a Japanea baby a tree Is planted that must remain un touched until the marriage of the child. When the nuptial hour arrives the tree is cut down and the wood is transformed Into furniture. Had Them Ready, Debt Collector I called to collect those bills which Mr. Snips, the tailor, sent you. Mr. Squills You are per fectly welcome to them. Here they are all in one pocket. rOU KNOW WHAT TOD ARB TAKING When von take Grove's Tasteless Chll! Tonic, W eflerOne Bandied Dollars Reward for en JM.u"lUl .toranlais plainly printed on every ea ot t.SSwM3toHili boul? showlne that it js Iron end Qui atai-hCare. """""""HB0 oyUS nine in a tasteless tern, KoCuie.Ne. Par. We. Catarrh Care. - w. I. chenbt A Co., Props. , Toledo, O. We the ondarilgiiBd. here known F.J.CheoeT tor the part IS rears, and believe him perfect: aoaorabie in ell boaineea transactions and on-eclatl- able to earry outany obligation made by their Arm. . : Wholesale Kmnfiita, Toledo, Waldino KinnamA Mai TIM, WboleU Drugviaie, Toledo, a eM'sOsUrrh Can at taken lnternally.aeting flreeuy oa the Mood and mueoua anr'aeseol uea-atem. Price ?6c twa bottle. Sold bvali dratjrlsts. TesUwoaiaiafree. 7 . JtaU's Family Pills an the best. Knew His Ground. Stop that reporter. Aid What! Don't you want to have him send home an account of your heroism? No, II don t want to be an American hero for a week, and a punching-bag for the rest oi my me. Mrs. Mathilda Rlchter. Mrs. Mathilda Kichter, Doniphan, Neb., says: "1 aurrerea irom catarrh for many years, but since I have been taking Pe ru-na I feel strong and well. would advise all people to try Pe-ru-na. A 1 used Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin while I was passing through the .... . . . change oi lite, l am positively con vinced your beneficial remedies have relieved me from all my ills." I'e-ru-na has raised more women from beds of sickness and set them to work again than any other remedy Pelvio catarrh is the bane of woman kind. Pe-ru-na is the bane of catarrh in all forms and stages. Mrs. Col Hamilton, Columbus, O.. says: recommend Pe-ru-na to women, be lieving it to be especially beneficial to tnem." Send for a free book written by Dr. Hartinan, entitled: "Health and Beauty." Address Dr. Hartmun, Columbus, Ohio. If you can't say anything good of a man you can at least have the courtesy to alt around and hear other people say had tnmgs. The Hither One. 1 "Can any little boy In the class," i aid the teacher, "tell me what Is meant by "above parr" Ffofund silence, and the teacher aid again: "Tommy Jones, perhaps you can tell me what's 'above par? " "Ma, I guess," said Tommy. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth. ig Syrup the beet remedy to nee tor th Oidren during the teething period. . Pieo's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a couch cure. J. w. O'B'aiiir, 322 Third Ave., K, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. Tight Across th Chest. "See here! You are always laughing at my expense. "Weil, that's all I can do at your ex pense. Tae Baa Preacrlptlon rr Malaria A Good Enough Way lor Him. "I wouldn't cry like that, my little man. Well, you can cry any way you want to; this Is my way." "He Was Spry. Customer (to waiter) Here, John, take my order ox-tail soup, roast lamb, fried sole, green peas, onions. tomatoes, cucumber, mince pie, cheese and coffee, and be spry about it; my He Took It Host So sorry you have to be going. Quest Indeed, I am too. By the way, I'm not sure about my train. It something, but Host's Eldeut It's 9:32. Pa said he hoped you'd take that one. Philadel phia Record. TO CURS A COLD IN ONK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AO tmrflBta refnnd the money if It fails to cure. IL W. Urors'a sifaatim la on each box. ZSc They Always Look It Biggs There goes Stoneyfellow, the multimillionaire. He's a self-made Jiis and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless train leaves In exactly six minutes ""","-' """P'V iron and quinine in I a tasteless form. No Care. No p. Frjca 50c. I Holding Hira Guiltless. He Have not all my actions shown you that I love you? She I'm sure I don't know. Papa says yon are not answerable for your actions. Harper's Bazar. Mrs. Biggs Well, anyone could see at a glance that be lent tailor-made. Chicago Dally News. Ona Wa flta ar ofPr. KliaalOl-at Nam for SAME ft. trial bottla an tlimumtd-Ml Arch at, WiilaaalaMa, Pa FITS' attar anatar' laaa, Saaaft Me. Ba.1 Aa 111 Wind, Etc Mrs. Pepprey There's that Miss Nexdore pounding the piano. Mr. Pepprey Tea, the landlord will be here shortly, and well use that aa an excuse to have the rent reduced. Philadelphia Pres. QISTFOTul 0017SLS Wff Urn'! m wtnUar. bwUthy iwiiwiH of nj mrmrj tar, rem it tick, or will b. Keep font fcuaia pmm turd k mil. aoro. ia the tULavpes of twiant payal or 1U polKm. tes terimroai. Th warn mis iw tuw as 10 wutsi CAMDV Jrroew thm Baata ancf ftcwa Off ( CWat. Laxative BromoQalnine Tabiru ,nr a mM in one day. .No con. Mo Pay. Price 2Soenta The Intricacies of It "Why didn't you study the time table and then you would not have missed your train?" "That was the trouble. While I was trying to traslate the time table the train pulled out." Braadlag and raadlag Micro baa. The I rite tinea are foil of disease (ems that nunuKHTiiifli uKureroua in constipation. 26e, eoe. Coroolalioa and Comfort Who is it that does not wish to be out in the open air or alive in some field of sport, whether it be with the bat, rod or gun ; whether we go coast ing over the hills and vales on the wheel, or sailing over rough waves or into serene coves, it is all sport, and the springing muscles seem to need it. It is bound to happen that some mishap will occur." Thus it is that when we have sprains in abundance; light sprains, sprains that cripple. sprains that give great pain, sprains that rob us of sleep, but sportsmen of all kinds have come to know that there is nothing bettor than the old reliable bt. Jacobs Oil. Have it with you for use; you may rely on its cure of the worst sprain and restoration' to the comforts of life. Drncgiati, 10c, I Tiresosae. . Tm so tired," she sighed to the wo man next door. "What doing?" "I've been the last four hours at the I photographer's having an instantane ous picture of the baby taken." He Conldn't Connect Mrs. Handout I think a little water would do you good. Hardened Hobbs So do I, mum. But folks ain't giving away Amalgamated Steel Stock, not much." His Favorite. CASTOR I A For Iiiuta and Children. Tha Kind Yea Hare Always Bcjgtf "What Is your favorite play?" asked the friend. "Ordinarily," answered Mr. Stormlngton Barnes. "It Is Ham let. But when I need the money It la Uncle Tom's Cabin." Bears tha Signature of Unfamiliar. The Squire I don't seem to know your face, my man. Do yon live about here? Old Rustic Tes. sir. But ver see. I am i orten at toe public ouae! Punch. When He Failed. Clarke Mr. Shlverly is passionately fond of art. Miss Jameson Tes, and yet not found enough of It to stop painting. Gigantic Coal Deposit. Perhaoa tha larsest body ot coal that has ever been discovered In the United States In the last twenty years I that on the state boundary between Washington and Oregon. Thta great body of coal land is located in Asotin Countv. Washington, and Wallown County, Oregon, and is easy ot accees by way of Asotin, the county seat i Asotin County, thence by way ot Ana tone to Hanson's Perry on the Grande Ronde River, which Is the dividing line between the two state at the point mentioned. This body ot coal crops out at points very close tosether for a distance of twelve miles on either side ot the river and there are thousands of acres that have been filed upon under the home stead laws, that now show fine coal prospects. There sre other thousands of acres that have been covered by local men with coal land declaratory statements, and still other land that has not been covered at all, but which show strong coal measures. This body ot coal 1 lignite ot line quality, improves and changes to bituminous at greater distances from the surface. There are also many indications of natural gas and oil, but no prospect ' . ' Million Dollar Irrigation Plant Field work on another big Irriga tion enterprise in Crook County, Ore gon, will be started soon. It contem nlntna brlmrlnsr under irrigation a lit tle valley on the upper course of the Deschutes River known as Walker Hasln. The basin Include about 100 000 acre of sage brush land and about 60.000 acres of that area can be brought under the proposed irriga tion system. The oll Is exceptional ly rich and t free of stones, water only being needed to make It Ideal furmlntr land. But tha altitude Is about 4,600 feet above the sea and the temperature Is so low that only tne hardr crous flourish there. It I adapted particularly to fattening cat tle for the market The Oregon De velonment Company, with an author ised capital of 11,000,000 will conduct this irrigation enterprise. Eastorn capitalists will supply the money for it. but a small amount of the stock being held In Oregon. A surveying crew has boen put In the field to lo cate routes for dttcho and make esti mates of cost of Improvement. The water supply will be taken from the Deschutes. The proposed Irrigation system will be on the east aide of the Ing has been done for either. In the ' stream, the west aide ascending to the coal deposits the local men have run several tunnels and sunk shafts through twenty feet of solid coal. In fact have found so much eoal that but little dlgeing was required to get It- There ia no question but that the de posit Is a very large one. These coal measures are fifteen mile from the mouth ot the Grande Ronde River. This river is not navigable, but the Snake, into which it empties, has a regular line of steamboats running to the mouth of the river, aud the mat ter of getting this coal to market would require the building of a road for fifteen miles to connect with boats Cascades. With Irrigation, that sec tion could hardly be surpassed, It Is said, for farming and stock raising. Tha land has long been surveyed by the Government but almost none of It has been taken up by settlers. A strip ot timber lies between Walker Basin and the forest reserve, but that was scripped a few months ago by Eastern timber men., Walker Basin Is about 30 miles south trom Prlnevllle. Revel Attaint. The Quen of Holland, It I feted, li a total abstainer, and ostentatiously refuse, on all publlo occasions, to par take of wine. The Qun Is a patron of tha Total Abstinence Society and of the Women' Boolal Purity League, and it I ald 1 among the most active ot worker. " Wantsd Ruily Shots. One of Mams' little Mauds had a pair ot ruot hoe, and h thought it would be nice tor her to have a pair of that kind. So when she and her mother went to the shoe store, and the clerk brought out some black ones, she said: "That I not the kind I want, mamma; I want a pair ot ruaty one. Trouble Cither way. Mr. D Good Why aren't you going to churoh? . Mr. De Good Last nunuay me rum leaked, and three or four drop went down my back. Mr. De Good The root na ueeu re paired lnc then. Mr. De Good Huh) Then they'll be wanting money to pay for the repair. New York Weekly. AOreatMsn. I count him a great man who Inhab its a higher sphere ot thought. Into which other mon rise with labor and difficulty. Ha ha but to open hi eye to see thing in a true light and In large relation, while they must make painful correction and keep a vigilant eye on many sources of error. He is a great man who is what n is from nature and who never remind u of others. Emerson. Toe Smart "Huh!" exclaimed Mr. Rox after reading hi morning malt. "Our boy' r .V ' ;A.. . 5 Ik 1 Mm. yA Cia-ran, I VentU aHreet, Aamtiwry, Meet, T&Sa lfftw sVtMif sf omrvy faf mnavanvltm to thmflmmn of mil St&k Womon, ' I suffered with Inflammation and tailing of the womb and other die agreeable female weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would last from eight to ten days and would have to go to bed. I also had iead one and backache moat of the time and stub, bearing down pains I could hardly walk aeroea the room at times, I doctored nearly all the time for about two years and seemed to grow worse all the time until last September 1 was obliged to take my bed, and th doctors thought an operation was tha only thing that would help me, but ' this I refused to have dona. 'Then a friend advised ma to try the Pink ham medicine. Which I Aid. and after naing the first bottla Z began to Improve. I took in all five bottles of matter?" asked Mrs, Dctp-Sea Fishing by Electricity. W. B. Mead, the New York million aire, pro poses to catch flnh by tem- i porarlly blinding them. He has fitted Hn.r ft l. nmhnhl that a rail- out touT boats, each seventy-five feet blamed smart' What tha Rox. "I worte to him the other day that I thought It would be kinder for me not to remit the check he asked for. Now he writes, 'Dear Father, I shall never ferget your unremitting kindness." Philadelphia Press. Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used three pack age ot Hana tlv Wash, and I am as well now a I ver was. 1 am more than thankful very day for niveur." Ma. Psaxs Casts, 9 Merrill St, Anwsbwry, Mesa. fgi wtm seM f Ala fwea7e. SlKWaJrWara avewMtfceev , ffSim 1, ffcsAAawst MfidFmtf s r-s road will run through these coal fields In the near future, as they sre on the route mapped out by the Burlington tor rescuing the Coast, where the best possible grades can be secured down the Grande Ronde River. The Oregon Railway and Navigation Company has already run its preliminary survey through this coal region, and It would appear, that the day Is not far distant when snug little fortunes may be real lied by those who may have the good Judgment to get bold of properties la this district, either by purchase or original location. Indeed the differ ence In price at which it may now be bought from the government overi that which must be paid for It as soon as the railroad is completed, would mean 100 per cent profit on the investment. The act of March 2.1878 (Coal land law) requires the payment of ten dol- long and will send them to the Pacific Coast In this connection he haa con sulted leading Yale ecological profes sors and other leading scientists, and had them confirm his theory that the Yale submarine electric light flashed in tne eyes or the nan, will blind thorn, csuse them to coma to the surface and then land them In the nets which win be hanging from the boat's side. Yale scientists have told htm deep sea fishing will be revolutionised by tnis new method. Each boat Is to have a separate electric plant of Its own. The dynamo, directly connected with a new type of petroleum engine. Is to be placed with Its switches near the engine, permitting the engineer to attend to all conveniently. Wires are to be run from this point to different parts of the boat to supply the current for a new portable naval search light projector, to De used in finding buoys, FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. tsWhi nggjHta-,, I fVt and only nerfoet blower ant tar o.i tba market. ttd for circular. Mikhail, Ua-ia Slaver Co. Portland. Ore. wwiibla la build. But awlarlal. llMl ana. eorltoa. llN( flnlali. l.lvbiMi rmiBiu,. n.vwn. jroara' eiparlolHM. Ml I OH Kl. I.. f,li i I Talu Sia., fvrtlajul, or JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, feet of Merrtae Street Can five yon th beet bargain In Buggies, flows, Umlera and Kuuies, Wlti.iujills and I'linin an I tiaiierai Machinery. See u before buying lars per acre, if the land Is over fifteen i !tc- 'or sTeneral illumination and for miles, and twenty dollars per acre lfl,"ur uu" suumanne arc lamps the land is fifteen miles or less from a i m "eTe.ral. "ousana candle power completed railroad. I . Wulcn r to do the actual fish- There seems no doubt but that the i '" Burlington system in extending Its line to the Coast will pass down the Grande Ronde River, and through the center of this Immense deposit. There is fine timber, gold and sliver, agricul tural and grazing lands in this imme diate vicinity and the natural resourc es afforded by thl particular section could support a community of ten thousand people without any connec tion whatever with the outside world. Summer Resolution 5a" ilGoIoy Curo Sure relief bam liquor, opium end tebaose aablla. Sand lo particulars ta ant. PilitAbl. fvxmt TutjtOwf TVinw V.f. mmn Kan4 ta 4ia wniiu. raver SioMn. Weaken, or ttrlpe, Wa. r tOa. Writi , SIEJ Willie IS, Ave., MaeS Slda. on neeun, Aoareea I npta, and booklet on KEEP YOUH BLOOD CLEAN m. r. m. u. Oa Against the Hone. "There's on good thing about an automobile." "What's thatr "It doesn't try to run np to every watering fountain it comes to." Puck. a. 37-ieet. Easy Come, Easy Co. The man who creeps along bent over, with his spinal column feeling in a condition to snap like a pipes tem at any minute, would readily give a great deal to get out of hia dilemma, and yet this is only the commonest form by which lumbago seizes on and twists out of shape the muscles of the back. This is commonly known as backache, a crick in the back, but by whatever name it may be known, and however bad it may be, 10 minutes Battleship Construction In the Writ Work on the vessels of the United States Navy snd on one for the United States Army is delayed because of the present labor troubles In San Fran cisco. The Union Iron Works haa con tracts for six war-ships and two sub marine torpedo boats. The most Im portant of these war vessels Is the battle ship Ohio. She was launched few months ago by President Mc- Klnley. Moored close beside the Ohio Is the monitor Wyoming. She was launched last September and Is not yet completed. The torpedo boat destroy ers Preble, Perry and Perry Jones are also at the Union Iron Works, and the work of altering the boats has not been started. The transport Sherman has been at the Union Iron Works tor over six month. Reel Ertate Values Climbing. I The site selected by the Government ior tne new federal building In Seattle cost the sura of $174,750. This lot messures 184x240 feet, and upon It will be erected a building costing $750,000. The latter sum Is the original appro priation, out ueatue people Insist that It Is too small and the Indications point to an Increase of $250,000, or one million In all. Twenty years ago this piece ot ground could have been pur chased for $2,800, a circumstance that tells the whole story of the growing Importance of Puget Sound cities. As a reactionary transaction, a corner lot nv reer. square one bioclc from this reaerai site was a few day lator sold for $30,000 cash. Anothnr hia- Hai closed the same day was the sale of tne uonneuy Hotel In Tacoma for au.uuo. - OrB Worth $200,000 a Ten. A wonderfully rich strlka wa made IOIAUSSE & PRIMCE, 7 nd 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon. 3 telephone, Oek ISBl. All Kinds Carried in Stock. Catalogue Furnished Upon Application. not hi 10 a WW Will W food It eases Naae ley see Keeea ttwa lejinf. It tares RMa, .iumw. javnf wncaa, aaa auk la vtae) greWi V Kaaaa naawM Ortna. ,nl rvr Imii xt rw ritiiwiin rtJuiTRv r.x)i, T ?aae aaiekaae amnawanae dytrif , and. afur 1 ; ar rr rKuaaian rouLTRV rno laatkatiaaaaeaeiaraiMieaiur. o a. Ktuow.utak, Mad. St. . HO Cueat AsonS, furtlaad, Oregon. FOOD f f less, Clwlsra ene AD f tl a. Prke2icaaHs. I aa- ftwr 4mmi I m .r waive ,hpiM4 fata Va M I Mil P.. M. Ill .1.1. w ' Prom bad to Worse. Brown Do those dogs nn your way (till continue to howl all nlghtT Jonese No; the dogs have given up in disgust since our twins arrived on tha scene. THE TRAINED HURSE All Sh Took. Oowanus I had $2 In my pocket last night, but this morning there I only a penny or two. Did you need aome money for a spring shirt waist and take It, Arabelat Mr. Oowanus (astonished) Yes, but I only took $1,881 "umioumij ,-;u S1T1KB was mB(ie I a f . tlfl i a lately in the old Virtue mine, eight All UCCIipatlOll WilO HtlfaCtS v i. i 1 . j , vreauu Big Sunnytide Canal Extended. The Washington Irrigation Company contemplates an extension of the Sun nyelde canal to the Prosser district, Work will probably begin some time this Fall. A new line of railroad to tap the country east of the Yakima vv SSN wrltln -Jost t advarttaare pUaea tale papaa. Thirteen Stories. O'Hoollhan Phwat wud ye do If yez wort fall off this rufe? O Harrity Faith, O'id make up me mind goin' down Ohio State Journal. River is also under advisement. The vieorous rabbins- with St. Jacobs Oil' road will leave the main line of the on the afflicted part will drive out the, CT orlnra -acmc at rrosser and con trouble and completely restore. It is ""-''"" uppeniBn aner extend a thine so easilv caueht. it m bii ' Ln "TOUBn lne. Bunnyslde district may. wondered at why there is not more of is, due Decaune ii. is bo easily cured oy St. Jacob Oil may be the very reason that we bear so little of it, Hi PDF are very Eczxma, TETTE. PsealASlS, Salt Rbbuu, AcnB and a great many other diseases of like character are classed as skin diseases, when they could just as properly be called blood diseases, for they undoubtedly originate in the blood, like Cancer, Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, etc. ; the only real difference being in the intensity and nature of the poison. The more serious diseases, Cancer, Catarrh., etc., are caused by some specific poison or virus, which is either inherited or in other ways gets into the blood and attacks certain vital orgsas or appears in the form of terrible sores and ulcers, while the milder and lees dangerous skin diseases are caused by blood humors or an over acid condition ef that nuid. These acid poisons, as they ooze out through the pores of the skin cause great irritation, with intense itching and burning. The eruption may be oi a pustular kind, with excessive discharge of thick, gummy fluid, or the skin mat be hot, dry and feverish, swollen and fissured. Skin diseases, whether they appeal ' f am anaavft.Il. a.J . .1 i a . ym.pies fur speoiao as a eura for Bcseme, the moot Imtatlsa- and annoying dlsoaae, I think, that sUea Is heir to. I was troubled with it for tweaty-nve years, and triad many remedies vna no a-ooa aneot. Aner nam your medicine short Mine I think X am entirely relieved. Tea earn e-ive this statement any pnblleity you saay desire, as It is voluntarily made, more to aaaaa auauoiod toaa notoriety ior myaelX. Very reepeetfully. IV West Central. Wlohita, j Bourjtoia Mrs. Bulgore But they fashionable, are they not? Mrs. Swell man Fashionable? Most l assuredly not. Why, they permit the care of their children to interfere with their social obligation, His Favorite Dish. "What is your favorite dish?" In quired Mrs. Frontpew of the Rev. Longface, the new pastor. She felt snre It was chicken, but It proved not "Er-the contribution plate," answered the Rev. Longface, absently. become more deeolv rooted and intractable the longer neglected, the skia in time having a thick, hard, rough and unsightly appearance. You can hide the blemishes for a time with cosmetics; and washes, lotions, soaps and powders may relieve temporarily the itching and burning, but eventually the . .... . porea oi ine sicin become so clogged np by this treatment that the poisonous matter thrown off by the blood cannot pass out of the system, and settles on the lungs, heart or some other vital organ and endangers life. To purify and build up the polluted blood is the right treatment for skia diseases, and for this purpose no other medicine uf so deservedly popular as S .8. S, It is a perfect antidote for all blood humors, and when taken into the circulation, gently but thoroughly eliminates all impurities and puts the blood in a healthy' normal state. The skin can't remain in an irritated, diseased condition 'when nourished with rich, new blood. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetabla rented v, and the safest and best skin beautifier. Write our physicians it you hav blood or akin disease, and they will cheerfully advise yon without chars, - TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. OA. Charity and bookbinders covers a multitude of faults. Every man is like the company he is wont to keep. Euripides. Toe Cruel. "False! False!" shrieked the hero of the latest dramatization in falsetto tones. '. "Do you say that to my face creamed the heroine. "I say it to your very teeth!" roared the hero. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Several thousand acres will be added to the cultivated area of Yakima Val ley by the completion of the new branch canal. Moiuier Steamers for China Trade. The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany has decided to build two im mense steamships for the Pacific and China trade of about the same size as those now building at New London, inn., ior the ureat Northern Ra 1 way. They will be of 28,000 tons, or three times the capacity of an average ocean treignter. He Couldn't Lost. Jones Do you object to your boy playing football? - . Smith No, indeed; the policy is made out in my favor. Still Worse. She Were you out In Monday's bllz- xard? HeNo. I wa but in Tuesday's talk about Monday' blizzard. Special Trsis for Potatoes. A special train of about 40 carloads of potatoes left Stockton, Cal Septem bcr 1 tor the Middle and Southern States. The demand for potatoes, onions and cabbage through the Mid dle States is large, owing to the drouth, and hundreds of carload will be sent there from California this year. Local dealers are paying from $1.50 to $1.69 a hundred pounds for potatoes on tne river bank. Thl shipment Is the largest single con signment of potatoes ever sent out of the state. Anthracite Coal Is Found. A prospector who had spent several months In the "Cascades brought out recently a number of samples of coal, which he found early In the Summer and which he says is true anthracite. He states he brought out sample ear lier In the year and sent them East for analysis, and that the examination by an expert bears out his Idea of the character of the find. He says he has located a vein thirteen feet in thick ness which is practically free from slate. It Is located up the Natche River. Tha mine baa been noted for rich nocketa or shoot of ore. The one Just opened I larger and richer than any hereto fore discovered. It ta on the 400-foot ievei. ure has been taken out of this mine In times past that went as high as $100,000 to the ton. The ore which Is now being taken out Is said to be 50 per cent pure gold, which Is over to the ton. The extent of tue new discovery is not known. Sesttlt's Biggest Building, The largest buildlntr avar arnntail In Seattle will be put up shortly by the Moore Investment Company for eastern capitalists. This building will cover the entire block on the west side of Second avenue between University and Union streets. The frontage will be 360 feet and the depth will be 100 feet and will cost $250,000. One of the requlremtns of the lease is that me investment Company will be ob liged to put three additional stories on the building at the expiration of tne nrsi nve years. New College for Sooksne. A new society, having for Its object me eHiaoiianment or a atrnna- now college In Spokane and minor schools for foeders In the surrounding towns u tieen organized in Spokane. It will be known as the East Waahlngton and North Idaho Education Socletv. nr O. W. Van Osdol, of Spokane, Is presi dent. The school will bo under the aireciion ot the Baptist denomination. Veneering Factory Completed. The veneering and basket i v plant of the Portland ManufAttnrina uuiiiui;, luraiou at oi. jonns, is near ing completion, and the owners are working with energy to get the factory in operation. Most ot the machinery has been placed. 'About SO men will De employed at the start. - Big Steel Plan! Resumes. Information comes from Irondale. across the bay from Port Towsend, Washington, that the tedlou and enor mous task of putting the blast furnace there In condition for operating again, after ten year of Inactivity, Is almost completed, and the Pacific Steol nnn. pie are now figuring on the date for starting up and renewlnir tha hi i. dustry that in former year menat so Many Refined Girls. Many girl of education and refine- merit are turning to the profession of traineu nurse a a mean ol liveli hood. It is a serious ocoiinati ion and a responsible one, lor the word of an experienced nurse carries great weight in matter relating to Im. n,nlii.uinn ,.-:.! ... . .wi.iu, in ie tins iaci tnai prompted an interesting interview mill. I' ll ' I ..... isa n-Huirvn nasn. oi Nnrtn ana riaitwjurg avenues, Burlington, Vt., published in the News of that city, lo a reporter she said j i nau been caring for a nut lent atuauny ior nine months without rest and was run down and tired. I had very little arnotite and snma. times I would skip one or two meal anu not icoi it at all. While visit ing in Boston an abces formed back of my ear. I had no strength although I was alway drowsy Bleep ...v. uv, aroiji id rairoin ma arrui. I came home I had seven alwiaa nn my back near the waist line and was nnablo to Bit up much for three or lour months. The doctors h treated me mid I had blood-poisoning from which I would never recover." mat must hsve been verv dis couraging, " said the reporter. It was. It took all the Ami. it inn out of rne for awhile. Hut one day, when I wa fee 1 1 no: nnrt.ini. lnr!. pondoiit, a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink I'illa t... pi! leopio. ene was taking them with benefit and thought they might also ii- iniiB. i oougntBomo at once ami REPAIRING FENCES. Make the I'flirA I haI nmA 1 . , ,, if I J OI 1,10 l""" I found I was gaming strength. Mr appetite and digestion improved and I felt rented after sleeping, instead of being tired as I was formerly. I soon becume entirely well and ..1,1.. t Bunie my duties." "Then you believe the Pi,.u viu. cured you?" "I am certain theviliii ..,t 1 1. tend to keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale People by me all tho time, so that I can take them if needed I recommend them to my patient, a well as to every one who is suffering from anV nnmnlai.,! 1 . . derangement of tho blood or nerves " much for the business men ol 1 Port will L aV vT ?? 1 doa!"', or Tow,ed, and which promise. Pto ' p fi. 60 bring about a repetition of that con- tl la Z .a I boJ.! ; tlx hox dltion of affair. 'if',"', by "ddreing 'Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Bchenectady, N y By Using "Anchor Clamps" Tom Can Your Fences as Good as New. Every time a man goes out in morning and looks around hl nlare he thinks of his fences. Are they in good condition? Are they what ia needed? Will they Jastt Those questions he ask himself, and many time he finds himself in sore strait a to what to do to provide himself with economical and durable fence. The matter of fences is the largest and most Important item of necessary expense to the land holder. There are thousands of mile of old barlied wire fonco in tha north west. The wire is fnirly good in them half as good as if it were new. And yet because tha wires have saggedand some of them have become loosened from the posts, tho fence is nearly worthless. It is when the wires are loose and wabbly in barbed wire fence that dumaee is dmia to stock. . Have von ever nnticml a tnnn In that condition T A few unrieht stave and anmfl "Anchor Clamtia" will rptmii an nhl barbed wire or smooth wire fnr- and make it as good na now. It makes the fonce as rigid and firm as when now and will make it last for years. Now is the time to eavn mrinnv. Wire is high, cxeostiively high, and an entirely new fence ia nn nrrwmiiiva affair if you got the Iwst. The best is one composed of all largo and strong wireH which cost more at first but will hiHt forever. You can get along without buying a new fence for awhile by repairing the old one. The "Anchor Clump" is the only positive fence look, on the market It pre vent, sagging; it prevent, looso wires; it can be used on any kind of wire; it is simple, can be applied by ny one, and it is chcan. It will imv vou to send for free sumplo and full Informa tion to the Portland Anchor Fence Co., 742 Nicolai St., Portland, Ore. Trouble. Trouble would be a great deal easier to bear If those you dislike were not having the best time of their Uvea, Just when you are going through it, Atchi son Qlobe. r II turns Wilt Kt'liflVkf Tali 11. Cuuah arup. Tutaa Good. TJjBS in uma Kil Br dluiMlMa. .'1 . Hi w