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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1901)
Oolllrn nl Ory w.nt your fat hen, intensive forest flros are said to be .r,JSgnrOkl,ointwdHU.l. Thar will be rvlce M the Kpiwo m cbnrvb lef ud evening at 8 .'clock. . . Mrs James IHtrt returned last Satur a., .v.uinn Iroin lew any' visit at HsMkle. , Do not (all to attend tbe elocutionary inuTrUlHiu'" tt tl irg ball Btur- d,y evening. Rtv. Mr. Plillbrook will preach at Yankton and Wtotieior tmt next Hun J,. t the uiuel hours. MIm THIotoon, who will appear at tli nmra nan o""j """"'ii wnetl elooutloniet. Arouse it Itiinrovlna raDldlv K ilia hospital in Portland, and will 0O0Q UO BUIU W iwiwi wvm.w. Mr. K. M. Wharton waa in thli cltv Tiwsusy. Mr. Wharton and family will wiuuva to Hood Klver to reside. RfV. R. M. Jones will hold service at lilt Cjonfrcgaviuum vuurvu, maiijiuun, p,xt Holiday morning and evening, Mr. M. A. Btlne and son. Harry, ar rived down Iroin Monmouth Haturdey .IghttnJ arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jay iMuiing- Mm. F. M. Thorp and children left Tuwdny for an emended vUit to rele tiro 1 AIm valley, on the central KHituern coast. Tba Warren boys came down last dun jar and crossed halt with the ball tmn bars, and found an easy victory. The More iiuod ') to 2. Mr. and Mra. Younger and daughters train thl city thia week wisitttig their mnand daughter, Mr. and Mr. W. II, Powell. Tlivy ara on their way to Ban JFramjisco to reside. Mr. W. B. Dlllard and family returned last Saturday evening from a work' camping trip through Nehalem valley. They were ai far down aa fithhawk, and report a very pleasant trip, Rsv, I.. E. Kockwell, presiding elder, III hold quarterly conference at the Hoolton M. K. church neat Haturdsy at 7:90 p. m., and preach on the HabUtli it II a. m. In the evening be will hold erf Ice at Kt. Helena. At a meeting of the lloulton ichool WI held a low day since, it waa de cided that Huperlntendunt Oupeland iikI wife should be employed to teach thex-lioul for a si mouth term, begin aing Bepteuiber tk'lh. Wash and Wilbur Mnckle and Glen VYstkins pent a few day camping on North Bcappoos creek last wevk. They aid there waa plenty of veniaoo In that country, but they returned with none to verily their statements. The married men wet another Water loo on the ball field I wit Saturday after noon. Tha young bucks pot it all over them, and now there's a lurking sus- fiiclon In the mlnila of tha married fol oi that they can't play much bell, Mr. J. 8. Mow wa in town Wednes day from hi homestead hack of Warren. The gentleman came to eiamlne the plana and speclfU-alion for tha new bridge on hrappooee creek, notice for bida for which appears in thia laaue. At a recent meeting of the local school board Mlaa Uertrude Fiiiley wa elected to tha prlnclpalahip and Mine Lulu tirorve assistant, to nave charge of the school the coming year, it wa deeldwl that sshoul ahould 0ien September 23d. E. E. Quick and Jay Iteming rtarted for Nehalmn Wediiesdsy morning on a camping trip, expecting to ba away Iroin home until run out of tha country by tha vigilance committer. They took no supplies with them, eipccting to forage their living. Messrs. Jam flatten, Pamuel Kin der and 0.11. Knglieh, of Deer Island, were in town Monday forenoon giving oath and other wine qualifying them aelvr to act in the capacity of apprais er of the estates of Klty George, de ceased, and Lydia Barnes, deceased. Don't Imagine because these are hot, summer days that you will not need a food fall and winter suit of clothes. Collins A Oray have a One a tine of samples a can 1- found anywhere In Oregon, and would lie pleaaed to take your oieaiure for a suit. Call and ex amine their samples and get their prices. A chief engineer for tha Northern Vaclflo Hallway Company arrived at iloulton last Saturday from New York to airaighteu out some difficulties that navsartwm among the surveyors near Jewell. The gentleman notified the oflii'lala of his arrival at lloulton, and remained there over Kunday, awaiting orders, a h waa instructed to do. Laat Friday' Astoria Budget aayi: "Itiwi milng with last evening a closed mail pouoh is to be sent from here lor Kaimor on the night train. The only town between Astoria and Portland to which mail can be sent on tha train are (Jhttskani and Kniuiar, but in the near future it is expected clerk will be ut on ao that dlatrihution can be made or every station. Parties desiring to purchase a good team of borne can find what they want by answering the advertisement in this 1mii of "Logging Team for Hale." The horse are six and seven years old, color bay, and weiKh 1700 pounds each. The liorsca are in good condition. Owner has no use for them thia fall and winter. Address thia otllce for f nil particular.' l'rice aiked for the team W0. N k T.. ... i v.A ir..un .Hvtl board, recenllv received a letter con taining the following information, (rem a young lady who waa looking for a school to teach i "I would Ilka to have in refusal of the school aa long aa you re willing to hold it for me, though I can't aav positively that I will not teach, nor positively that I will. If I am mar ried, a I think I will bo, of courae I will not want the school. But you know the old story about' many a slip, and I would hate to ba out of a lob a well as th other." Wednesday evening tha most plaasant ocial afluir of the srason took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hubert, th occasion being the farewell enter tainment of their many friends. After an evening pleasantly spent lu guessing games, social chat and other amuse ments, the company waa Boated at an outdoor table, which groaned under Hi load of goad thing to eat. Mr. and Mrs. BuWt expect to leave in a few day for Everutt. Wash., where thev ex pect to reside, and where the beet wishes oi a noat ol friends accompany tnem "Mr. E. Olson, of Chicago, wa in town Monday interviewing) JudnA Doan in regard to the purchae of a rock crusher for road Improvement purposes. It la likely that the county will buy a crusher in the very near future. Of course, it will be necessary to lay out considerable cash all at ones for annh an Implement. but the good results accruing from the general use of its product on the county roads will more than compensate the vipenattnre. xtiero i Dut one roeinou to DUrsna in tret lino annii roads, and 'that i in paying for good, ubstantial work, and bv mean of crushed rock CL4TNK1HIK NEWS ITEMS. Misses Mosnly d Ferchen are guest of Mis Anna Kngll.l, thi week. Mr English r., of Doer IUnd. is visiting In town in th family of his ion, John UngUali and wife. ' , "TO, I-Bre has moved bis family tofcd llutt'.caiupto look after tl , want ol the men at meal time. We have a very kind lot of young ladles about town, About twenty of them wore aeeu escorting one girl friend over to the depot Tuesday eveu- Tha fninllv nl W ir ni..t i. , , " A.vitaijur, relia ble J"t outside of town, have been down w th tiium pa the past week, but siting me uevtor oi tlio malady at present, ' mMIs Mabel Blackford, of this place, Miss Cole, of Marshland, Misses Burk' head and lliatt, of Mist, loft for Ht. Helena thia i. aii...i . exatuinatlun, The bank of the river Inside the town limit are being well covered now with manufactured cedar liiinbr iil.ii. 1lu.u.l ojrdwood broii((ht from diiruroul locali- uos lor snipnient by steamer or other wise. This is In addition to a con.ider able quantity of the same products hipped by railroad. Thia county is finding plenty of work for iuhhjb at present, T. J. FllPUen has men at wnrk tnill.l. a platform along the river side below th nivervicw uuiiuing. I! intends to have lumber piled on It for convanianna in hipping and to keep It out of water when the floods bring the water over tha bank at that place. The platform! wlllloonaeet with the elevated roadway along Front street running the length of bis lot from tiie street to the river. Albert Merrill has moved an tha Clatskanle to the Miller cabin, intend ing 10 gei out more tuiegraph polos. A number of other nersons on Beaver and CilaUkanie are engaged in the same oc cupation, indicating quite a demand for such article. There are enough pole in and about the water near town now to carry a good many miles of wire, but not enough to satisfy the demand for thorn. Ed Elliott met with an unfortunate and disfiguring accident while working at logging Haturday. A skid which he had placed for a log to go over, was broken bv the weiJit of the lou. one end striking him with audi force, a to knock hi in down, disfiguring hi face considerably and Inflicting quite painful injuries auuui mo nesu ami cnrai. lie went to the hospital at l'ortland for treatment, and the extent and severity of the injuries are not known yet, but It ta imped no serious result will (ollow. J Wl m ,..iiniuni rihd rii ni vi uv.mj. the long looked tor and much discussed work of straightening the ClaUksnie by the government ha actuality be iri. . .....:.)..... 1. 1 ...:...! gun. This week the rutting ol a now channel from a point below the draw image aw icei across to a point oeinw Manila's hoowe, is going on with satis factory rapidity. Here a cut is being made sixty ft-et wide, to a depth of six lwt Ix'low low water, about twelve feet in all, removing at this place about I2.0UO vards of earth. Thia will be fol lowed by another cut of 1500 feet in length from tlie Bureau mill to a point near what is known as the China house, from which about four times as much earth will have to bo removed. Then (ha present channel will be deepened in diflurent places so that a steamer way reach this metropolis at any stage ol water. The work will prove of great advantage to our commurcial interests. r O 1 .... rVituilnnrl ta conducting the teachers' examinations thia week in this city at the school house, agisted bv Mrs. 8. H. Way and Mra. O. L. Hatfield. There are sixusen!...!., lift.. f..r mintv natMtra and one for suite certificate, as follows: Lulu (ieorgeand Painy Watkin, ht. Helen j t.-i ifi..i. ...J I)AaA Ititrlrhnail luiur riiMiii Rim iiuiiiiHw J.UIB..V...., Mint; Morl fihannalmn, Vernoniai Lli xie Wftte, Uel)ocii Bing.nm, Mtboll Uoni. Portland : PhvlIU BUckford and W, A. Young, CUtki6; l. C. AiUrrt, a.... ..w. . ianiiU lilt ft nd Mauuu tiraham, Marshland; Cora M. Shaver, I. L. . Ill L' Lrun, liniversuy ar j n. "7' examinationa continue until haturday. The Robertson log raft, which was re cently built at Wetport, ia etuck fast on the bar leading from the slough to the river channel. The tugs Taloosh and Kicbard Holyoke attempted to tow the raft out on Monday evening's nine foot tide, but the effort proved futtlo. Persona who have seen the raft state that It Is in a bad position and with the river falling it will be impossible to get it out without dredging. ti, itniiltnn M-hnol board has adopted the new books elected by the commis sion and the now book will be in use in that ichool, beginning with the next term, ttepiemuer oum. kwiuh.h law the now book must be adopted in all school in the state wituin utteen mission, and the aooner each district fall Into line in mi siswr mo it will be lor the puplia. l 1V..IK. In fmm Milton crec a Monuay ana rep. , r fr est lire was raging " ib i very uutortunaUs, and reminds Hue every XXlClllSCn HIV unui"'""" be exercised that fire does not alioul ?'0t out. At mis parnwui. .u. a no calculating the damage to result ..i ..i....ia t...a it. nra from forest ores. siwjvu"'i with high prevailing winds. Be careful. The residents of Iloulton and vicinity are to have tlie pleasure oi u ...... ..,!. uiu ni. Anirust iv. to be given by that distinguished trav eler, with numerous recommendations, Mies Lottie L. Tillotson. Refreshments will be ervea. f.vcry""j .... Ed Lamberaon waa down from Scnp poose Wednesday looking after business ,.r. Mr. Lamberaon expect to go to 8n Francisco in a abort time witn hi family for a nori Dancing will be Indulged In after the enffinment at the half Saturday even Ing. Free dance. Mr. T. O. Watt and aister were up from Reuben Wednesday. School Report. .. . . .. nl arhnol dis- rWZZln mr'the month end- tltun - t lng August 0, lOOU . lfl No-of days attendance No. of days absence . g No. Ol limes wruy . , No. of boy enrolled f No. of girl enrolled 88 Total No. enrolled ' 83 Average No. belonging ArB"B 1" LrSnl 'nor tardy during thnthwero:Edgar Foster. Wanda and JWasi.inw, 1 "T? ,Mis-i Ba? Bingham. Marguer OrviUe Liuf. ' Tcher. THROUGH HKHALEM VALLEY. Country Alwunds wi7b Game and Ideal Place for Vamping. To Tin Ewtoe: Having recently taken, with my family, whatlconsider a Very attractive outinir. In onr own county, I am disposod to call the atten tion oi oilier pleaaureseekere to the rout traversed, a I believe it to have boon heretofore overlooked and alighted for leas attractive fields. Our first day's Journey was to th Nn halem. where we camoud for a nounle of dnya, on a little brook about two miles umow nusMurg. nere we lounu an abundance of crawfish, arout, brunli rabbits and other (mull game. The water of the brook, as well aa of some of the neighboring springs and wells, was quite strongly impregnated with Iron. The fields were well supplied with wild berries, and fHrmera from the sparsely settled district sent u thick cream instead of skimmed milk. The cooling shade of an ideal campground added to our appetites, and we left camp with an Impression that the Nehalem in a great country, and deserves several of tlie railroad now contending for its fu ture freights, an imorossion which all our subsequent experience more fully confirmed. Our next day' Journey was along the northern hank of the the beautiful Ne halem, which alternately plunge and glide through the dens forest a if it were jmpolled onward, yet hesitated to leave the refreshing shade. This alter nation seemed to alToct tlie very settle ment along its bunks, and between the attractive little farms the virgin woods at mid tall and thick as Hercyniun forest. After a drive of about ten miles we came to the little villago. Mist, which is situated on tha north side of the river in a very fertile, productive, and pros perous valley. About seven miles below Mist we enme to the Fishhawk. one of the prettieHt trout streams in the state.' stakes of the pending railroad surveys are thick all along the route down the river, and ,tlie early settlers dream ol thrift and activity, where now are only hardinexs, health and Independ ence. But 1 would not leave the im pression that lliene people are not com- oriuiiiy nxeu. Most oi tnem nave good homes, large barns, good stock and an abundance of fruit, vegetables, bay and grain. A two day's stay on the fislinawk needs no description. If camping can be made attractive anywhere it can thern. Add to the attractions already mentioned wilder scenery and larger game, and larger HkIi and more of them, and one can lorni an idea ot tins region. 11. Uiul.l. I. ........ . t.... ...uM.t u.1,1. , 1 1 c l. I r. 1 1 1 1 n k lulls aiiuui .hibiici iti.m, and very near the north boundary of Columbia county. f rom MsiiliawK we drove oacx ny u. 'i.,. !.,..,; .,,! niui.. i,i u.inln. and from there, the next day, by Uohle and leiT Island to St. Helena. We found the road from Claukame to Rain' ier but little used, except in places con venient for hauling shingles and wood to market ; and Die road from Rainier to lioble near I v entirely unused and im passable. To tlie casuul observer there soms no reason why the latter route should not have been up Fcx creek and over to and down Ooble creek, in stead of tlie impracticable course over the Hills and ridges wnore now locaiea. We presume tlie only excuse is some pre-exisnng eix trail. , All of the roads would be greatly iro proved by removal of the timber left standing In the right of way, which shuts out drying winds and sun and is an element of danger to travelera. We were somewhat incommoded on several occasions by dead timber, recently fallen across the road. We account for the un usual amount of it only on the theory that extra dry weather bad given the borer an extra opportunity. There wa a general complaint of unusually dry weather, which seems to be a result of prevailing winds and lack of dew, rattier than hick of lato rains, but there wa no apparent damage to fruit or crops, and tlie observation of my trip only confirm my belief that Columbia countv cannot be excelled in fertility. Thia ta made evident wherever there ia a clearing and cultivation. With proper cultivation Columbia county could sup port a population of 60,000, though one who onlv sees the hills fronting on the Columbia would never think It. vve crossed innumerauie iitue on aifordinir attractive romping places, and found ai Id feed in abundance, but the k I n. Iiirnn nf the farmers along the route would supply ell demands of beasts a well as their owners. One alinnlil take about ten davs on thia trip, and with proper energy he could secure door ana near, in auumou iui.c.jr of small gmne and dsn. u. a. u. Verifying Occurrence. One is justified In singing the praise nf (loin in hia countv. The commercial wnrth nf the timlier lands here has never been overestimated, and the claim ot the moat sanguine were founded on fact, and the statement i.. , In hv the xealoua advocates of the county's future were not overdrawn, as recent occurrence demonstrate. Deeds were filed with the county clerk this week conveving title to lands in tne vi niniiv nl (Johle at a much higher price than any yet paid for Columbia county timber lands. Fred Henderson, whose Kill anrna laid some distance back of ii,, anhl Hid tract this week for (3800, n.l I,.,., Knnnedv sold the timber on 100 acre for (4000. The purchaser is a r-lilenmi irentleman. who acea far into the future and is willing to pay what timber is worth. Those transactions seem to mean, too, that operations on the Ooble logging road are not long to nitml. The onoortiinities for making money are too plentiful and too certain to admit of a protracted tie-up of that enterprise. Columbia county is all right, aa wa have always maintained1, and the future promises a great ucm. There will be refreshments served at the hall Saturday evening alter toe eio cutionary entertainment. . CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tlte Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bear th Signature of PROPOSAL FOR BIOS. NOTICB 18 HKRRBY U1VKN THAT8KALKD bid. will be reoetveil at the office o( the County Surveyor ot Columbia County, Hiate of OremiD. at the County Court House, emu oounty Md staul iip to 8opfeiobrli, 1901, oil whloh day all bids will be opened, for the construction ot a oounty bridge aorum Fox creek. In the town of iUloler, Orenon, according to the plans arid SpeoKloatlon. now on rile In the office ol Hie County Survivor also lor the construction ol a oounty bridu'e across Hoappoose creek, near soappoose. Oregon, aconrdini to the plans an d specifications now on ! In the olnoeof the K.i.h hldder la reuuested to deposit wlih his hid ave por oeut of th. amount of such bid, whtoh Shalt be fortetted to the oouii v In case the award Is made to him and he fulls Juea leols or refuses for a period ol two days a Iter iuoli award Is made, to enter Into theoou tract and le his bond In the manner required by and wthe antlsfnctlon of the County lonrt. provided that the Oounty Court may. In lta dis cretion, reject ny and all blds T mjiB Cmiuty Surveyor. Pitied at 8t. Helens, Oregou, Avujust Wth, 190J- Basebell Toarnament. The organization of the Columbia County Baseball Association waa per- looted In this city Wednesday evening, the purpose being, a the name implies, an association to promote baseball tour nament at dillerent point in the county,. Tlie association will put the ground at this place in prime condition and ask four ball teams to visit and compote for the liberal cash prizes which win oe ouored. it is to ue nopea tins move will lead to other cities in the county taking similar action, and a per manent thing made or tlie association,' when one city then another can be vis ited. It I desired that the tournament take place here, probably Bepteruber 6th and 7th, but dates can be more defi nitely arranged a little later on. The tournament will last two davs, and cash prizes as follows will be awarded: First prize, aw- second, third, KV: ourtb, (10. By such a plan each team competing will be given some remuner ation. There will be four games played, terminating by winnorsplaying winners, losers playing loser. Tlie association is composed of Messrs. W. A. Harris, president; W. A. Wood, secretary; Edwin Ross, treasurer; and O. W. Blakeslev and David Davis. More definite plans will be arranged at once anu given out to uie puunc. xuis is w be mode strictly a local affair, no pro fMaaionnl nlavera bailiff uermitted to entor tlie contest, and the local associa tion hones to receive the hearty support of not only the ball player oi the county, but the people in general, that tills start may develop into something permanent for the county towns. Malor-General Keagley Dead. Nrw Yosk. Aug. 7. Maior-General James 8. Neagley died suddenly at I'lainfleld, N. J., today. General Neag lov waa a veteran of the Mexican and Civil war. He wa born in Pittsburg n 18-0. He wa made a major-general of volunteer for gallantry at Btone river in 1802. He waa a member of congres from Pittsburg from 1809 to 1875 and from 1K86 to 1887. For some years past he had Dracticed law in New xork city. uruiuaruy win jiiioriumuuu wuuw ap pear to be of little moment to the peo ple of this county, but a fact which ia not cenerallv known makea thia inci dent of tome importance, especially to tlie people ol JNenaiem vaiiey. Air. Neagfev wa president of the New York A Oregon Coal & Timber Company, being associated with Mr. Joseph Gas ton, of Portland, in securing options on , . .T . .! 'I I- : x"-l 1 mrm ana iimocr innus in kuhioiu lev. The comnanv was organized nearly a year ago and agent canvassed Kena- lom valley thoroughly last tan lor tne lands, securing about 36,000 acre. As we interpreted tne contracts tuey ceawu to be of any use after July let, th is year, unless actual construction work was started on a railroad from Portland through the valley by that time, which wa not done. This same company re cently filed a charter claiming the use of Kehalom streams lor logging purpose Deea Not Favor Franchise. It is renorted that manv of the ranch- era of Columbia county have signified a determination to fight any corporation that seek to tie up the streams lor tne sole purpose of making monopoly of vne prtviietras Kraiiixru tueuj. unite tt. raid on unnavitrable atreamea com menced people have been speculating on what the outcome will be. Our idea ia that it will cause no, end of litigation and very little improvement to the streams. As that undoubtedly will be the case, with the lurtner evidence mat tne spirit of the law will be glaringly aDusea in imnrovinir these stream, there should be very little trouble in having the lawa pertaining to unnavigable stream re pealed or amended by the state legisla ture. We do not think it right that anyone should monopolize these streams for the purpose of taxing all the timber tributary to them. As people along these streams have right which cannot be ignored, it is only a matter ot time before the situation will become inter esting. It is an attair ol no Bmaii mag nitude to secure rights ot way trom peo nle along one of the stream in Tilla mook county, and when it comes to six teen of them there are going to be some tall protest and hot litigation before people will allow their rights to be taken from mem.-AiuamooK rieauugut. What moat people want ia something mud and gentle, wnen in neeu oi a hvsic. Chamberlain's tstomacn ana .iver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. They are cany to take and pleasant in eirect. f or saie at we ot. neiens pnai- macy. A Minister's Good Work. "T had a awvare attack of billon colic. ont a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took , . A n ...a antiMlv jmrArt " MVS Rev. A. A. Power, of fcmpona, Kan. "Mv neighbor across the street was sick IHV UimiO KUU TT l. U ........ V. . J , J for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or lour day without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him foi Borne days and gave him no roliof. so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that thev had been running on so long that it wttB almost bloody flux. I asked if he had tried Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, 'no.' I went borne and Drougnc bim mv bottle and gave mm one nose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty roinutea if he did not find re lief, but he too a no more ana was en tirely cured." For eale at the St. Hel ena pharmacy. ' OREGON State Fair! SAIEH, September 23-28, 1901. r- "( - GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND .' INDUSTRIAL FAIR. ; BIG LIVESTOCK SHOW GOOD RACING IN THE , AFTERNOONS Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Good Muaio. Beautiful Camp Urounda Free. Special Bates on Campers' Tickets, uoiue and Bring xonr amines. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For Further Particulars 4ddross M. V. WISDOM, Sooy., Portland Teach Dairying In School. A dairying is and alwav will be the principal industry in Tillamook county, would it not be a good idea to give the rising generation some practical and scientific instruction in our public schools7 We are constantly reading that a farmer, to be successful, must apply science to hi vocation. No one can dlnpnte this, and it appear! to us that if this scientific instruction could be imiiretieed noon tiie minds of boys in rural districts it would have a tendency to make them more interested in farm ing and less inclined to migrate to the large cities. We think a county like Tillamook should have some plan to teach the bovs scientific dairying, for thi is an industry peculiar to this sec tion of the country. If it cannot be ob tained in any other way, why not teach tne rudiment oi practical ana ecieuuuc dairying in the public high school? we nope our peuagogue inenas win 1101 think that we want to multiply their duties and responsibilities, but we think that they and others will see tne logic in employing an instructor especially for that work, the outcome of which would be young men going into dairying with practical and scientific ideas in stilled in them, which probably very few of the dairymen in Tillamook county bad an opportunity ol acquiring oeiore they engaged in the industry, Tilla mook Headlight. Dr. Cawood. dentist, can be found on Wednesday of each week at the resi dence of B. Cox. HOTICe OF FINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underslKned, the ancillary administrator ol the estate of Crawford Hill, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Columbia County, Htate of Oregon, his final account as such ad miutsiraior, ana tnac Monnsy, tne m aay of Heotemtier. 1U01. at 9:80 o'clock a. ID., at the court toon) of said court, In the court house in at. Helens, sain county and atate, has been fixed by the -radio) of said court as the day for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. W. H. PICA R, Ancillary Administrator of tbe Estate of Crawford Hill, beeeaaed. Dated 'alr . '-" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of August Swaneon, deceased. aTivricie ta herkby OIVKN THAT LET- il ters of administration on the estate of A Hia.t Hwanson. deceased, were eranted to the nnilMrslvned on the lHth day of Julv A. D. . 1V01. by the County Court of Columbia County, in tbe orate or ureicon. ah persous naviug visum aKalnst the said estate are required to present taem wltn tne proper voncners. wnuin si a months from the dfttA Of this notice, to the undersigned as such administrator, at his office in the City ol Ht Helens, in aald Columbia county, uregon. uaiea at nt. neiens, imtgon, tins ism ay oi Juiy, a. v., xwi. E. K. QUICK. Administrator ol the estate ol August Bwsn- soa. deceased. 8. Ii. Qruber, Esq., attorney for tne aumistrator. jyivaio NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the Connty Court ot the State of Oregon, for Columbia Connty. In the matter oi tbe estate of Lydia Barnes, de- C(ilfOQ niHB imDERfllONED HAVING BEEN AP X pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Connty, administrator ol the estate ol Lydia Barnes, deoeaaed, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of and all per sons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the rirst publication el this notice, to said administrator, at his home, near Deer Island postotace, Columbia county, Ore gon. KDW1N J. JlAKNtM, Administrator of the estate of Lydia Barnea, deceased. Dated August 2, 1901. 2a30 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter oi the estate of Klzy George, de- ccssed. rnHK ISNDERSTONED HAVING BEEN AP- L pointed administratrix of the estate ol Eliy lieorge, deceased . oy tne iuniy .ounui uw Kiateoi uregun, lorcoiumDia touniy, uuuee is hereby given to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified, as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix, at her home, near Deer Island postonice, In said County ana Mate. EMMA GEORUE. Administratrix of the estate ol GUy George, deceased. Dated August Z, 19U1. auaai NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Aueust 10. 1901. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named settler has filed notice o! his Intention to make final proof in support of Li.-1-lm .n !-.., uM n.-w-r u.111 hm m.H. lore the County Clerk ol Columbia County, at bt. Helens, Oregon, on Kepieinuer xa, iwi, via: jotin BCUiisvis, lTnniestaiu! entrv No. 11.054. for the sw'i of sec tion 84. township 6 north, range t west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said Wilvardins,. Jrisenh Nitsch. Andrew Kenowskl.and Oerhart Morback, allot Valley, Oregou. CHAB. B. MOOKE8, al6sJ0 Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE F0H PUBLICATION. TTMiTE-n Rtatks Lxitn Optics. Oregon Citv, Oregon, July 23, 1901. a.-rrvrirlt Iw lIKRKHV GIVKX THAT IN COM. i pliance with the provisions ot the aot ot Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states of Califor nia nrmrnu. Nevada, and -Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States hvact of August 4. 18U2. W. H. Hacker, of k'nawv. Countv of Columbia. State ol Oregon, has this day tiled In this omce nis sworn state ment No. 6478, tor the purchase of the seH of swV.of swetion No. 7, In township No. 4 u, range No. 5 w, and wlU offer proof to show that tlie land sought is more yaluable for its Umber or atone than tor agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver ol tnia omce, at Oregon uuj or., on Fridav. the lBth day of October. 1901 Ua nnniAM as wltnessMM: Martin Gatsentat. Aug ust Schnllepiet aud Douglas Magill.ail of Keawy, nr.. and John Nelson, of 453 Flanders street. Portland, Or. Any and an persona claiming adversely the above-described lauds are re quested to file their claims In this omca on or oeiore aatu ism uay hi wimwr, a2oll uuah. a. suuuu, itegiater. ' Timber Land, Aot June , 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statcb Land Ornrt, Oreson City, Oregon, July 23, 1901. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVTSN THAT IN COM cllanee with tbe provlnlons ol the act ol Congress ol June 8, 1878, entitled "An act lor trie sale Of umuer laous in ioe oia.ei. ... wiiuwr nla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by aot ol August 4, 1K92, John Nelson, ol 46 Flanders atreet, romano, uounty oi tohiiiio mih. Htate ol Orenn. has thia day filed In this oMce his sworn statement No. 6474, lor the pur chase ol the eK t neVi ol section No. 25, In township No. 4 n, range No. w, and will offer proal to snow tnai me iruu ..upii u,ur. UBOle tor ll llliiwr w Bvu.iv ...... ,w, ,m,., Eurposes, and to establish his claim to said land etore tne Register end Receiver ol this oflioe at Oregou City on Friday, the 18th day of ooto- Der, ne names as wimraw. fca..f. Schullepiet, Douglass Mnglll, Clarence Reed and W. H. Hacker, all ol Koasey, Or. Any aud all persons claiming adversely tne aoove aesenneu lands are requested to tile their cialms In this office on or before said 18th day of October, 190L sioU CHAS. B. MOOKE8, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, (or Colambia County. N. W. Bouulree, pialntlff, vs. Mary Knott, Kllcn M. Knott, Beppie Knott, Wil liam W. Knott, Knpheme Hannum, C. 8. Man nuoi, George u. Moyger and Mrs. M. K. Mey ger, rlelendants. . To Mary Knott, Bcpple Knott, William W. Kuott. Eupheiae Hannum and C. S. Hannum, dolendants, and to all persous having or claiming an tuterert or estate in the following real property In Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: The northeast ouarter ol section 10, township 6 north, range I weaiol the Willam ette Meridian, IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit by August 28. ltl, and II you fall to answer, lor want thereol, the plain tiff will apply to the oourt for the relief prayed for In said oomplaint, namely: A deoree lor a partition ol said real property glvlug to the plaintiff the east one-hall thereof: lor hia oosts and disbursements and for general reliel. Thia summons Is published by order ol Hon. Tbos. A. Moltrldo, Judge ol the above-entitled oourt, duly made aud entered July 8, W01. The date ol the first publication ol this summons, ac cording to said order, being July U, 1901. and tha date ol the last publication hereof, August 28, 1S01. II. K.8ARUKNT. Attorney for I'iamtifT. ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... St. Helens 1 w V VWIfrWVWVV')rWVV 9 OrncE Hoi'BM. fcssa raye Information and Appointments by Mail, g - ROOMS 60 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Boathetat Cor. 4th A Wasb. Streets, 5th Floor, IOHTLISri, OREGON, g TAKE ELEVATOR. . "'. O Quality and Variety Are two very important feature to take into consideration when one goes to procure article for everyday ne end consumption. To our host of patron we are pleased to lay we have quality, Variety ahd quantity. Our large and select stock affords tlie intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to fret the beat bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cntUerj , blankets, oil doming, ieeo, nour, jraruon bwu, urvuaru , garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. Seasonable Goods At onr store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety end quality ol merchandise which at all times is suitable to ths demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes . LOGGER, FARMER, UERCHAHT. General Merchandising Is our especial business, and we have held the fort by offering high qualtty of (foods at low quality prices. We handle ' Household Necessities Supplies for everybody and to meet all demands We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. How is the time to call on POPULAR ST. HELENS, JOHNSON & DURCOOnFCR C.103..... o Manufacturers ..ill Kinds cf Rough 4 Flaarixs; Hustle ...Ceiling; ' AUD ..... ...Ilruen.ln I. ti raker I SCAPPOOSn. - School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shelf Paper. ' School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Ordera taken for Wall Paper From Sample Books -, Portland Prices Books of all kinds. LirWV Pharmacy. ,. (Office, Hood 414 Phones Re,M Fao(iT 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist - TH ST. HELENS, OREGON. DEALERS. OREGON. of and Dealers In o ui Dressed Lomtsr... OOOO ROAD TO THfi MILL. Mill on south fork of Bcnpnoose oreck.tour (P miles from lcappoose station. & dumber delivered at Hoappoosa atatte k or Johnson's landing at 11.00 pet Ss, extt At P Warren station, 11.60. f - - - - OEEttOK 14 tn very beat roads can be had. ii