General Debility Day In aira out thers ii tint teellnj ot weakness that makes a burden of Itself, Food doe not strengthen. . SWup Joc not retresb. It Is bard to do, hard to bear, what should be easy, vitality Is on tb ebb, and the whole system suffers. . For this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalise the blood, gives vigor and tone to all Urn organs and functions, and Is positively unequalled tor all run-down or dehllltatea conaiuons. Hood s 1'lLU sure eaastipalloB. osatv ToM the Whole Story. Mistress (to servant about to leave) Mary, what kind of reference shall I write for you? Mary Oh, say I stayed with you for six months; that 11 do. . Inclusive. She No, I can never marry you. All our family is opposed to you. He But you are not She I said all our family. This sifaataf ia ea every bo at tha geaatM Laxative bromo-vuinine a mm a mm ia Art and Nature. Miss Prude Yes; our choral society is going to present a comic opera, but I won't take part. They expect rne to wear tights, but I could not do that, ' ' Miss Sharpe Why not? You might get them padded, you know. A Fins Memory. "Brown must have a bad memory; he has owed me S10 for two years." "You are mistaken; he has very good memory; he always goes across he street in passing your office." Mothers will find Mrs. Winlow"t Sooth ing 8vrup the best remedy to use lor their children during the teething period. No Gnat Leu. Innkeeper (after wagonload of hunt era has departed) Silas, did you find room in their wagon for them six cases of beer and the can o' whisky? Silas Yes, got everything in er gash all hemlick!- I (ergot to put in their guns! "What, ye dad-vummed oh, well they'll never miss 'em. The Charges. Willie Pa, teacher told us to be prepared tomorrow to tell what meter the "Charge ot the Light urigaoe is in. Pa That's easy. Gas meter, of course. Shifted Iht Rupofulbtlllv. Deacon Elderberry My dear Mrs, Crabtree, if only halt the money spent in millinery were devoted to the church ! Mr. Ciabtrec Oh, my! Cut the milliners won't reduce their prices. 1 Uawscmry. Teacher Now, Tommy Blinkina, if you had two apples and wanted to give Johnny Frecklenose one, you would toll him to take the larger one, wouldn't you? Tommy Naw. t Teacher Why not? Tommy Wouldn't have ter. He'd take it anyway. His FalHtr Abe Drives. First Boy Your folks ain't as rich as ours. My father and mother go driving every day. becond Boy My father drives every day, too. First Boy I don't believe it.' w hat does he drive? Second Boy Nails. Tee Anxious, "I see they are embalming pet dogs now," he said. "Oh, isn't that lovey," she ex claimed. "That's what I'll have donetoFido." "Just the thing." he returned, sud denly growing enthusiastic himself. Uive him to me and 1 11 have it done today." ODD HOTELS OF JAPAN THEY ARK VERY DIFFEREN T FROM THOSE OF AMERICA. 8om ftarprteoa They Centals far the Occidental Trtmlir-Xtsh Served la Grate Rosa, bat Hatha a ad Wash' iasr Caaveataace Are Paella, ms hrauMth Cared. Mo flta er mi 11 fllv after Srstl'ttertf Nr. Klles'sGresl Nam Jlesterse. Send for Pit KKS-.J. trial hnttkMrftreu m. Ku'S.U.wiArclidL.rbilttelrkM.i' Th Sams Old Cry. "I wonder what Eve said when she found she had to leave the Garden of Eden," said Mr. Grumpin's wife. ' "It was just about what all women say when they are starting on a jour ney. .She complained that she didn't have a thing to wear. Egjsactly. "What are you doing there?" cried the farm dog as he observed the hen in the coal bin. "Oh, I thought this was a good time to lay in coal," cackled the hen. Bawara af OtBtaaaat far Catarrh That Coatata Maraary, As nerenry will rarely deetroy the sense of snaeit ua completely derange- ins wrnoie sys Irm when entering it through l ie mucous sur faces, fciueh ante lee should never be need ex cept on prescriptions from reputable pavsf elans, as thedamage they vlll do ia ten fold to tbe good you ean possibly dartre from them. Hail s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. 1. Cheney Co, Toledo. 0.,eoniins no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direeUy upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Jn buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure tou get , the genuine. H Is taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney i Co. Testi- soonlals free. Hold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's family Fills are the beat, Secretary af Confederal Navy. Col. James Q. Milner, who died re cently at Milford, O., was once secre tary of the navy lor the confederacy. He died very poor, yet before the war was one of the richest men in the South. LADIES WAMTEB By an old reliable Arm to do Kattenberg, Embroid ery and all kind or Fancy Work for us at home. Steady work and good pay. steady or leisure hours. 'or Information send stamp to Partsiaa Keedle wark Co., as Dearborn at., Chicago. 111. Culinary. are only two "There cooks." "For instance?" "Those that can't cook cook and those that can won't." kinds of and cook will and rorgtts Where the Place Is. Small Harry had lost his pencil, his mother told him he should have ft place for everything and keep everything in its place. "1 do, mamma, ' replied the little fellow, "but sometimes I forget where the place is." . Sight Unseen. Bertha Fret! Hart is- going to marry Bessie Light. Edith ou don t meun it; For mercy s sake, what could lie nave seen in her? Bertha That's what I say. Do you know, I suspect he must have courted her over the telephone. A Fartana ta Ha Given Sway. A noted nhilamlmmist has decided to give away liis fortune 10 charities nnrf itoubt iiiucii goon mill tie accomplished There is another acenrr that has also complisbeti much good, natnelv. Hostet- ter's Stomarh Bitters, tiie medicine wit fifty years of cum back of it. It promotes apfietitr, insures digrMion, cures' tirsprn sis, regulates the liver and keen the bowels regular, also prevent belching, heartburn or rlalulent-v. Dim't ftiil 10 try it, but be sure and get the genuine. They Miss No Chance. "A woman was arrested in New York for sleeping on the eras. " "I didn't suppose the New York police farmed out the grass privileges. too. wholesale Troubles' "Father," said the small boy "what is polygamy? The old gentleman made sure that his wife was listening before he answered. "Polygamy," he said, "is the name given to the method of acquiring trouble by wholesale. TOO MOW WHAT YOU AM TAKISG When tou take Grove's Taatelesa Chll! Tonic r printeu on every ply Iron and Qnl- beeause the formula Is plainly printed on erei bottle suowinr that it ia simr una la a Usuries tonn. Ko Cure, N Pay. sOc, ' Her Silence Explained. This is the way he wrote to her: "Molly I have not had a line from for three weeks. Have you thrown me over?" And this is the way she answered him: "Jhon Hain't you hearn tell that lam on a sick bed, where I am slowly a-dyin', an' can't write a line to save my life, you fool you? Cold Comfort Nervous Passenger Captain, what would be the result if this boat should strike an ice berg. Captain It would probably shiver its timbers. UnraUuL "They say the Missouri ra is an ungrateful scamp. " HOW SOT" "He cuts his best friends." bug Sick Headache Quickly Oared. - Indication, bad stomach, eonstlnatton. sick headache. That's the program. Next program Cascarets Candy Cathartic, iuslant relict Druggists, we, ZAl, 50c. A Boy as Fencer. A national fencing competition has just taken place at Bologna, and the championship was won by Signor Ataillio Monferrito. This maitre d'armes is only 12 years old. He fought the most celebrated Italian fencers and beat them all. mm I 2 IT!'. I P and OLD Bad Circulation is the cauae of most of the ills that come with old C With advancing years there is a decline of strength and vigor the machinery of the body moves with less speed and accuracy. Because of the weak and irregular action of the heart the blood move more slowly, become impure and lose much of its life-sustaining properties, and muscle, tissues and nerves literally starve for lack of nourishment A slujrsjieb. and polluted circulation fa followed by a long train of bodily ailments. Cola feet, chilly sensations up and down the spine, poor appetite and digestion, soreness of tie muscles, rheumatic pains, hard and fissured skin, face sores, chronic running ulcers on the lower limbs and other part of the body these and many other disease peculiar to old people are due to lack of healthy blood and imperfect circulation. Restoration to health must come through the building up and purification of the blood, thus adding strength and tone to the vital organs and quick, healthy action to the circulation. 8. 8. 8. being strictly a vegetable blood remedy and the best tonic, nuke ft the most valuable and efficacious of all medicine for old people. It is free from all mineral ingredients, and mild and pleasant in it action. It cure blood disease of every character, even those inherited or contracted in early life. As the system gets under the influence of 8. 8. 8. there is a marked improvement in the general health, and a richer and purer blood begin to circulate through the body the appetite improves, and there i a softness and elasticity about the skin that you have not noticed for years ; ore begin to heal, pain in muscle and joint grad ually cease, and you find that it is possible to be happy and healthy even in olcf age. ' Our medical department is in charge of physicians who make a study of blood and skin diseases. If yon would like to have their opinion and advice in your case, write them all about it and you shall receive such information and advice a yon want. This will cost you nothing. Other have found our medical depart ment of great benefit to them their cure being much more rapid at the result of acme special directions received from our physicians. Don't be your own doctor when you can get medical advice free. Book ess Stood and Skis Disease mailed to all who desire it. . , TWS SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA OA The native Inn of Japan offer sur prises to the Occidental traveler. The tun building ia of Japanese architec ture, of two stories, and generally rambling, tor a bouse which ha been t all prosperous will have had addi tion made from time to time to ac- coniniodate the Increased patronage. The front door I In the day time mere ly a pauel with paper window, which Is pushed aside to admit guests. Mine boat stands smiling In the aperture, sua lr it I winter a large brasler Is placed In the midst of the drat apart ment, which would correspond to the office or exchange of one of our hotel. The brasler contain email stick of charcoal, and give forth little heat Several newly arrived Japanese trav eler will generally be sitting about It on cushlou on the floor, chatting and rubbing their hands over the tiny blaxe. Before euteriug you must sit down on the step and take your shoe off, no matter how cold the weather, for the "tatauU" (mat) of a Japanese lun and the polished floor are kept a Imma culately clean a a private house. When the shoe are off and delivered to an attendaut, a little amah." or maid, lead you through the room on which the front door open, along passages and by several twist and turns, and along corridors, possibly up a flight of stair, to the room which la asalgned to you. It Is entirely empty of any furniture. At one side 1 a tiny data, or wooden platform, ou which may be a carved stand, perhaps of teak wood, aud on It a vase with soma plum bloa som or green bough, arranged ac cording to the Japanese conventional style of flower arrangement The only other ornamentation ia the room will consist of a "kakemono" or two, with pictures or writing, on them. These are the banging scroll that take the place In Japan that our framed pic ture do with ua. The wall or the room are finished In a soft green or brown, and the wood work I left the natural color. First of all the "amah' bring out some flat cushion for the guest to sit on; then she bring a "hibachl" from down stairs, and puts In It lighted coal and some fresh stick of charcoal. The next thing 1 tea, and thl 1 daintily served In little cup on bronze stands, and with It some delicious cake of bean paste, or else wafer which fair ly melt in your mouth. Now, If you hare arrived late, come the question of supper. The meal In these Inn are always served in your apartment There la no such thing a general dining-room. In thl or In a private house. There will be another long pause, during which the room may be slightly warmed by the heat from the bragier. but when cupper la brought aud the screen le thrust aside by the little maid the cold comes rushing In again. The Japanese pay no attention to cold air and draught, even In the dead of win ter. The maid kneel In the doorway when she open the screen, for it would not be considered etiquette for any one to enter a room standing. The meal I placed on a tiny wooden stand, often beautifully lacquered, one stand for each person, and all the courses are placed on It together In beautiful little dishes. Nothing 1 ever served with more exquisite taste In the most luxu rlous American hotel than In the poor est Japanese hostelry. Just as the most poverty-stricken Japanese often lire In more aesthetic surroundings than msny of our rich people. When It becomes dark the room Is lit by a square paper lantern on a blgb wooden stand- By the light the Japa nese read and sew In the evening. though tbey are gradually Importing and using many of our kerosene lamps. which give a better light At bedtime the "amah" goes to a sort of clothe press or chest of drawers set In the side of the wall, and produces the bed. which Is simply a series of soft quilts called "futons," snd which are laid on the floor, one on top of the other. Down coverings are placed over these, and In between the sleeper crawls. Sheets and pillows such a w use must be brought by the guest who require them. While the guest at a Japanese Inn eat In the seclusion of their rooms, the bath and washing arrangement are public, and here one may encounter any of the other guest of the bouse of either sex while performing one' abla tion. To say the least, this Is ex tremely awkward, but It Is accordlna- to Japanese custom, and the same thing Is found in the private Japanese bouses. OETTINQ TO A FIRE. TbeAaaerican Fire Depart sura ta' Solea- did Mora and Their Tralala F. S. Dellenbaugh writes an article for St Nicholas on "The Quick Horse," devoted to the training of horse for the American Are departments. Mr. Dellenbaugh say: When a Are breaks out In America, It Is necessary to reach It at once. The telegraph was brought Into service In sending the alarm. In Munich ome year ago the method la vogue was to hang out a red flag by day and a red lantern by night from the top of one of the Frauenklrcbe towers, on the side In the direction of the fire; but In America such a system would hare resulted in the destruction of the whole town. The telegraph I the only thing for u. But It Is not enougk to know Immedi ately the exact location of a fire; It Is Iso necessary to reach It Immediately. The steam fire-engine was a splendid machine, wltb steam always up and everything In readiness for Instant de parture, but bow to secure this Instant departure was a question. Horses were kept standing In tbelr stalls with the harness on, but tbi wa not quick enough. Each second's delay meant loss of life of possible million of prop erty destroyed. Bo the first swinging harness ws Invented: a harness con trived In such a way that, while al ways attached to the engine or other apparatus, It could be nude to drop In- j long and prosper."' statttly oa the horse's back and fasten there, This seemed le solve the ques tion, but there remained on more step, snd this was the training ot the quick horse. Not only must the engine and the ham, and the men and the bone be ready, but the horse must be In tbe harness at once the operation must be as nearly Instantaneous as human In genuity and brut Intelligence together could contrive, Ia every fire-engine house la the United State to-day, therefore, we may see and admire the "quick" horse, sleek-limbed, clear-eyed, with sn alert, Intelligent air, standing not far from the machine of which he Is the moving power. The casual visitor saunters la. Us thinks the life of a fireman Is a quiet and easy one, Judging from the appear ance ot the quarters. AU Is serene. Tbe machines are Immaculate In polished brass and red paint Some of tbe men are reading, others are playing a game of checkers. Suddenly there Is a tinkling some where, ana the stroke of a gong. A snap, a click and through the wide open doors the various machines fly, one after another, until the visitor view In astonishment an empty house. It Is Ilk magic a wonderful "transformation-scene." He gasea up and down the street but the galloping procession has vanished a If It were a dream. The quick horse baa done hi duty, and once more exhibited the power of organisation and training. Within tbe time required by tbe firemen of tbe old ea time to throw open tbe engine-bouse doors, the complicated machines of to day are throwing water oa the flames. and the brave Bremen, having scaled the building wltb the agility of acro bats, are dealing well-considered blows against tbe Ore foe. In almost every city there Is a practice-drill at least one a day In ths engine-houses, and tbe visitor may have an opportunity ot Inspecting the admirable development of the Amer ican Are system and the One horses so splendidly trained. And he may also have an opportunity at the same time of lamenting that other branches of our public service are not conducted with equal efficiency. INDIAN WORDS ANO NAMES. Chaaaea la fpelllac that Have Marred Their Meaning. Commenting on the changes which have been made in tbe orthography of Indian names "and the expressed be lief that historians and literary people have surrendered tbelr right and duty to maintain these verbal relics In tbelr purity, the Montgomery (Ala.) Adver tiser says: Ths statement Is true, more's the pity. As tbe Indians bavs no written language, tbelr local names were acquired by the whites by sound only, and often by Illiterate wbltea who had little knowledge of the arts ot spelling and writing. For this rea son there Is little uniformity In tbe orthography ot Indian proper names. Even the work of Intelligent scholars Is open to tbe same objections. Tbe vocabularies of Indian words In Ala bama prepared by Schoolcraft Galla tin, Compere, Wright Adair, Bart ram and others all differ In spelling, and often In pronunciation, so much so that sometime It Is difficult to recog nize a name when It goes through so many change. Tbe various Indian dialect were the moat expressive of any In tbe world. Every name wa significant, whether It was of an animate or Inanimate ob ject and the name given plainly indi cated Its meaning. Unfortunately the sound a well a the orthography and expression of many of our Indian names have been sacrificed In the ef fort to simplify the word and to make them conform to our system of spell lug snd writing the Euglisb language. Tbe general government, too, or tbe PostofHce Department ha sacrificed mncb of tbe euphony and meaning of our Indian names In order to bring about simplicity and uniformity. It has accomplished this end, but baa done It at the expense of meaning. Many names of postofHces In Alabama have no significance ss now spelled, but as tbey were originally written any one familiar with Indian words would know Just what was meant to be ex pressed. However, we must admit that Indian words have not nndergoue more changes or modifications than have many of tbe words taken from the European or other old world languages and dialects. Tbe people of the Unit ed States and tbe government Itself are formulating something like a language of our own, and if the change carries with It a total hiding of tbe original significance of many words, it must be accepted aa one of the results of tbe march of progress. But we must be permitted to express regret that so many of our native namea have been Improved entirely away from tbelr originals. Jetrereon at Seventy-two, In Florida, where Ponce de Leon failed to discover tbe Fountain of Per petual Youth, Joseph Jefferson seem to have found it" declare Jame 8, Metcalfe, In tbe Ladle' Home Journal, He I a picturesque figure. His ruddy cheek and bright eye give tbe He to hi 72 years. He Is slender, but not with tbe leanness of age. His hair, mostly black, streaked only here and there wltb gray, and in length showing wholesome contempt for the fine art of the barber, blows about In the breeze. Ills fingers are as quick and deft at knotting a line or adjusting a sinker as those of a boy on tbe banks of a stream, and he enters Into every detail with boyish enjoyment. Ills fishing he alternates with landscape painting, writing and the care of plants. In none of these pursuits does be claim professional skill, but be brings to them something more than professional zest. Mr. Jefferson Is a very absteml oua man. In eating, aa In other things except occupation In the open air he evidently believes In moderation as a means to well living and long living. He did not Join In our after-luncheon smoke, stating that If he bad not given up tobacco a good many years ago he felt sure that be would not be with us now. Whatever tbe secret of his long and useful life, It Is safe to say that every one of bis counties friend and admirers would be glad to lengthen It by a fulfillment of bis own Kip's fa vorite benediction: 'Here' his health snd his family's, and may they live- Vf&zi la A dull, throbbing pain, aooomparjl! br sens of tenderness and heat low down ia the side, with an oooaalonsj shooting pain. Indicates Inflammation. On examination It will be found that the region of pain shows sunt swell ing. This l the first stage of ovaritis. Inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leak, my sister, you have It Hxed at one why not pay the sem respect to vour own body You need not, you ought not to let yourself go, wtw oa of your owa sea iff V Mas. Anr tjnom. holda out tha helping hand to yon, and will advise you without money and without price, Mr. Plukham's labora tory I at Lynn. Mas. Write a letter there telling all your symptom and get the benefit of the greatest experi ence In treating female lit. "I waa suffering to such aa extent from ovarian trouble that my physi cian thought aa operation would b accessary. "Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound having been recommended to ass, I decided to try It After using several bottle I found that I wa eared. My entire system wa toned np, and i (nfferwd no more with my ovaries." Ma. Amra .rros,Troy, Mo. Reuurinf, Old Gentleman (to railway porter) Porter, tho rain is dripping in from tha lamp hole all over my clothes. Porter (remwuringly) No, eif! it's quite watertight, I assure you. That's only the oil leaking. " Connecticut snd Clocks, The first clock manufactured in this country were by Eli Terry at Ply mouth, Conn., in 1793. The manu facture soon became extensive, and Connecticut wooduit clocks were fam ous all over the country. Tk Beat rreaeripilaa for Malaria Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grore's Tasteless Chill Tuulc. It la simply iron and auluine la a tasteless tonn. Ko Pure. Wo fay, fries Me. And New Look al Him. "See that magnate over there?" "Ye. What of him " "Well. SO years hito that man ar rived in New York with only a million dollars in his pockets." MitchdU f" -- FlRrfHAClIlllERYlllFiifLlFS EW 88? t ' si Mssllile Hi HitM, Beat material. ! pro. ITi 'wSttirVu".. Ui mi Taylor Bis,, t o.llaJ,Or. '.kjit . ?""" tHimSS Ulli'Ml, Ur4 SUieiCe, PUii4, On, Where do You Sell Your Hides? W alwsr pay lit Highest C'isss. L. FJastlok A Co 76 Front St., cor. Oak, Portland. Or, sfsf MKT If? ftT9 Tb rsrfeotloa of Wall Haaier, will dm fllrf ''MUlLjMlJ f W'oushsle.ks.s.wcurbyib.bur.iing.f..,',, LAND PLASTER frf ents waa ted In svtryjowa. TltC MtAMAHT 00., fortrfUih street, FmHlm4, GEtSLEH PATESiTG' COMPANY. Gh&tnbci of G&atssiCFtto? PORTLAND, OmaON, If? In'rf.iW' 'J". smintrtre. Also n.,.".,;" t.tsnd delruil. HlsuHs1, n2 iS!'"'."1 1' Mini- her,:- r;. 'z r tlluwe.1. Writs lot o,,,ViS k rrsnch Bank Clecutst Oold. The Hank of France compels cue turner checking out money to accit at least one-fifth in gold coin. to otina A COLD IS on a At Take laxailr Promo Quinine Tablets. AU tmisu roiiind Ihe moni II II fails to fur, fc W.Urow'ssisnalure Is on each bus. , IIU Choke, Kind Old Man (to tramp) Kow, why don't you team a trader Tramp Well, I would, !r, it I knew of one bettor than this. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must tear Ignatur of i very A Chilly Pelllloa. "Deacon Sniff seems to have cold totiiprramciit." " les; he proved lor rain once and it hailed." Ualll's Pekaol. st Mrnlo Pars. Ran Mateo Conn it. Cat., wllh Its tratiilliil, siirrnuiKllnss, perfM-l elimate. rarelui suiirvision, tliorouerii Instruction, complete lalioratorles, ami gymnasium, easily Bisintalra its inmIiioii lit tne Irons tanks ul ichools lor tr on the ravine Coast. Irs U, lioltt, fit, 1' , Principal. Snuffed Out. Friend What became of your poora called "Light, Beautiful Light?" Poet (sadly) llie editor turned it down. A Rcbuk. "You don't expect to be famousJ" said the pugilist. I had entertained ambltlion In that direction," said the young au thor. "But you don't do anything but write." "It is my writing that I depend on." 'Nonsense I The idea of a man ex pecting to get famous by sitting down and wiggling his fingers over a piece of paper all day I It' absurd!" a take a aa CARTERS mi Dizztmis rot iiucumtf. rO! TORPID UYtI. rOI COMSTIPATirjI. roitmswiui. raimcoMiHtxiei JOHN POOLE, Portland, Orrgoi, runt al Morrieoa Strsat, Can give yon the best Urmia, is Buggie. Plow. Holler and kntim Windmills and Pumps n, iMfj Machinery. See a before baylns. svth t orpa. I'msttnuuni elsins sum is. Summir Keaolutlon " ' liiV itccloy Cuts Sure relief lie Honor, ovinia an4 imum haMla, aeaaiotaaiitauuna tttif iittjisn. "'Zi::z7z SOB v. h. s:,:ua la (MM lime t0 ear rslim Itronrhllls sn4 I m,toiM ,' Our rem is susnaisoa, if CO., Buffalo, , T. Th Proper PUwi. Landowner (to lrrp.i.r)-.l)oi'i youHH,t,at sign: ".No Fishing I, these grounds?" TrfHn-ir I ain't fishing is th, ground. I'm fishing in the ,,iP,. MskiKg Up Dm Pats, "Somebody calls 1 tent ion to lU fact that every new wr shin U tfc. queen of the navy," "I rallicr flunk that the tramperi that turned over the other iluy is U,t joker,' I'lto's Cur can tint be ion h.M, of ss a cuueh cunt J. IV. O lltus 3a Third Ave., MluiieaintU, Minn, Jsa 6,llA. CURB SICK HCACACHC. SCHOOLS ANO COLLEGES. bishop soorr academy. Portland, Oregon. Thirty-second year, A boarding and day school. Military and Manual Traliili.e;. Opeus 11, lisil, with a lauuiijrof 13 eiiasnatonl l, hea, who employ BiooVrn melhuu sad uuuaisianu buys, iiiasicatea catalof ua. ARTHUR O. HEWtLL, IVeWaW. I. San Francisco Business College FULL COURSE, JoOUXX ' Writ for Catalogue. M. r. at. 0. a, aa-ise. IV"K welling 1 1 bmuUm this papaea svsjrtttar plawa Th Secret Ballot. First Tmniir Blret if I lib) di here secret ballot, A limn shouldn't be ashamed to let it l kimwn ttluf he votes for. Second Tramp No, tie only Tint dat ought to be kept st-on t is de mm he get for liia vote. . 9f0tm ttm 0MrA anaf tsBr 4Y Ihm tfstM. Laisttve Mrotaauliiln 'IshieisriifesreMS naeoay. .Xosma, Ko ray, frlrsaiwata A Superior Baby. Proud Father Jenkins told rnelo day that their baby coo so loud tint you can. hear it all over the lunik Proud Mother I hmx Hurry, ltd you didn't forget to Ml him (list eric so loud that it can uehMfdsl! over tho block; if ho doesn't it he can ask the neii;hloni. rsT I DE87F0HT. D017ELS lohaeiu't s regular, hsaliaj swsf af koweiaetery Sar.riHl'raslra iirelllM. "l-t fcvwsla "a, aa ! well, rorsa. In ttm Mi 3 AYeedable Preparalionfor As similating ftieFoodandlkCula ling IticSloioachs aMBowils of fcJIsfcsU 22 Promotes Digcslionheerfur ness and Rest.Contalns nelllier Opium.Morpnine nor Mineral. wot Narcotic. AtvftfouA-smjapmm ffVrPfAeJMaV - A perfect Remedy rorConstlna Hon, Sour 3tonrah,Diarrtvia Worms .Convulsions .Feverialy nesa and Loss or Stcan Facsimile Signature of NEW YDPK. EXACT COPV OP WRAPPER. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of ftootitbl, sUtft, OKti IWrrrM ak .wwtM fjiMtr mtta mum w Candy CATHARTIC A. lNpai. PUftt, frfnt TBfQMfc2"i FMI ItlCkan Waakan nrlirliiat. rUr, 19 frM MIUiiW fklMl Xrttl.l (in tWstlfll. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLBf Am In Use For Over Thirty Years tms eesiMWT. eeMa em, , Of Court. "What did the lawyer y you exiiluiiiwl your chso torn"11 Bskml Airs. Itnxter. ., i "ife said it was foes-iblo," W1"1 Mr. Baxter, Ifazsrdln aa Aawr. A poet in the New York 1 rIiis some pathetic verses In tins qu tioning style s , . , "Why hould I wocp at the bsrri cadoT , .ii Why hould I weep at tho borT Hi Other Nsntci. i Church DW-you know that St) j ha a name for his automobiler Gotham No; what is itr J "Why, heoallitlal'iip i "Well, that isn't what hecall , when it broke down ten mil any habitation," f Th flnsacUr, ' Gaul Say, loud me flO. will ! I'll give 'It back to you today. it to decide a bet. . ; K I one All riulit. Here yo What waa the bet? . ... i Oaul Hmithcr bet me w could not borrow f 10 from y'v ;,.uli Biruis 'fssusi ouoo. In time. ( '! I I'" ;V