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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1901)
OREGON MIST Ornn, u e-coil-rla m COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ls Erxxt FwT Munstso B DAVID DAVIS, EiirTO AK Paolrwrro. (me copy ess year, in advaocs) 11.00 Six month.. ....v-... ... " 1 COCSTT orriCJSBa. Rttrruu Sanaa mi. ciatht J ....W ....ioaeeh B l"ae. Kmir Treasurer. ............. .. . , isoes, hhw Amm-tc .Mania W'hlt. ih. Mrlma rwr - atmayima a mm vt u. R ': . e. '1 ...W. Caaa. huuui JULY 6, 1901. TREAT ALti ALIatK. "Justice to all anankind. apodal prir ikfna to Bone," most flf.ingly exprvaaea atbai moat Oolambia count peopl hoi io regard to that eoautT collctinf all back taxea and the peoaltr for dehnqoeBC?. Tbera are bundrvda of reqaeata receiTCd hr the county official to remit the pen alty whereupon the delinquent propona to par the original tax, a propositi arhicfa U a trareotT tm hiatice and aa iadica lioa that a belief preraita that the crranty won Id willioglr accept any kind OT a aettletseat. Io tbia ara Btoat happy to aay thia eleaneDt of people are tneeu'er ariUi deaenred rebuke with no keea diaappointmeDt. The injmUca of each a propoaal Uea io the fact that moat, il not all tbe back taxea doe the coantr ia oenng by indiridDala arbo placed noney here arveral jreara ajro ia a epecniatiTe inveatanent, almoat alto getittr aonmudeaU. Cpoa the appear ance of bard timea a lea year ago tax paying vaa selected becattae nope of realizing oa the tRTeatisect bad been almost totally abandoned, bat thia prop erty araa lenlarl aad is alisoat every iostance correctly aaaeaaed; the aaaeaa aneBt roll forwarded to the atrretary of ctate aad tbe amount of tax doe from the county to the etata computed upon the ahowing made apoa the aaaeaaoient roll. Thia tax baa been paid annually by the cwnty or rather by tbe people ' who make a practice of paying Uxee, tbongb eoadirioM be piod or bd. Tbe proportioD oi taxea due iron these tract to the state baa been paid by others, and the prompt and persistent proposals for rebate eboold be and are met with fiat refusal. i'ortherroore. through these nonpay ments the county baa sti-nRgled ander a load of interest-bearing indebtedness, forcing op tbe rate of taxation on those who felt it a moral dotty to meet tbe demand made opoa tbem. Those of ns who bare met theae demandayear after year and borne theae bttrdena are tbe onea to claim favors if any are to be granted. It is all vary well for the pec ulators who ioet faith in the future aad allowed their holdings to become in volved, to anoear noon the scene last an a better condition of things prooiim for the latere, and ask to be released from what is a jatt and rigbteons claim against tbem, bat it is an nnjuat and bold demand. There are, perhaps, some in lances where it will be well for tbe eoonty to coin promise and effect a set tlement upon rational terma through inadvertence and error, bat these in stances are few. The county baa pro ceeded legally and regularly in its ef forts to force the payment of taxea, and we are certain that the came determined spirit that baa characterized tbia work in tbe past will make itself manifest in fntnre transactions. The sale of all these delinquent lands ja to take place next Monday, not be cansa tbe county desires to anjostly treat any individual, but becaasa it claim tbe right to what is lawfully and morally it own. The proper method for these delinqnenis to porsne ia to step manfully forward and pay not only the original 'tax, bat cheerfully reim burse the county for what it baa ex pended in tbe effort to enforce its rights and for its prompt and cheerful pay ment of state tax justly owing by the delinquent property. All EXPAS8IOET EXPOSITION. According to ex-Senator George W. Mc Bride, of Oregon, since tbe World' r air of 1903 "is to celebrate the Louis iana purchase, it can also be said to cel ebrate the principle of expansion, wbicb gives the entente still greater signifi cance." Mr. McBride, who ia one of of the national commissioners of tbe Louisiana fnrchaae Exposition, ha the correct idea on this point. Tbe World' Fair which will be held in St. Louis two year hence will have a significance which bo other great exposition ever held in the United State ha poasessed. With the acquisition of LouUiana began that policy of national expansion in tbe United Bute which has been kept up ever since. The Louisiana ex pansion made the Florida acquisition inevitable, and brought it within six teen year. It made Texas annexation certain by first peopling that region with Americans, and then by inciting them to rice in revolution against a cor rupt and reactionary government. All America's claims to the Oregon country would never have given us that locality bat for tbe Louisiana expansion which f are the United State tbe territory bet ween us and Oregon, and sent tbe set tle across the rocky mountain who establiahed the strongest ot all oar claim and rendered American expan-t kuow " jkiub certain, turn miiu-j ence which gave u Texas gave u also California and Ivew Mexico, through the war which Texas annexation brought, i ne juouieiana rurcnase exposition ot 1903 will, in a peculiarly direct degree, I ''celebrate the'p. iticiple of expansion." All tbe national expansion which the American people have nad) dates from the nnrchase of Louisiana bv Jefferson I nearly a century ago. Leaving out ' Alaska and it island, as well aa all the territorial accession which the country made in 1898, the United States is much more than three time as large ia area as it was when Jefferson first became president, Inst before the great empire west of toe Mississippi was gained. Every accession of territory which has coins since 1803 hs been a logical and inevitable result of that first and great est of all American annexation. This fact will give the Louisiana celebration of li03 a significance beyond that which ell the country's other expositions have had, and beyond that which all those of the future can command. St. Louis fj . . . t.t. 0 WAIl TAX IIEOI'CTIOX. htl Monday th war taxe were rw- itwntM lor the government til year, which closed Jon 30, ( Bmted at ! -5,0s,0l)0. Should rettcoa and i- ; pvmlituraa continue on toe matw eu.1 nrwH prosperous eooauKwi irroau, intra ... uw maintained, ihrre hoo!d b for th ! $ roaml ok for a better condition o4 cuoiing fiscal Tear. ootvithaUcding tba the roada aeema firtuiy aeatrd and tha nxiuofl Usau'ua, a turplua o( f iO.OtoV proiiwa mania ia raoien.Ub5e. Tlva 000. Tbera ia a good proapec that tl j annual oatiar ot puUUc lamia for road J nm!it t. . will I. laravr than tb amount named. Favorable trad ; cotidiuon are r.sil expending, and for- ; eiga traltie m growing. Tins outlook lor crop U excellent, and Mice are wtl ! U9Uiacd. A far at ft forecast can b ,-,4 fVrwa t ha niitint eitnatkn the j equau w u wukh wmw. i and lit treasury ta so strongly ronioeii that it cannot meet with a serioas back' set darina tb next twelve months. Several facts point strongly to a larger treasury inrpina thaa .JU,QO0,OU0 for next year. The army ia in coarse of re daction. Kegimer.ts have been coming noma steadily from tna miappinea. On! a nominal force ja repaired in Porto Kk-o, and before the end of an other year nearly ail AmerM-aa troops mar be withdrawn from Cab. It is twt'tnated that tbe eot of the arm for the fiscal year just ended was 1142300) 000, and of the navy 60,S00,(KW. making a total of C203.0UU.OUU, or fUUJUO.WU more than the argregate of the last fis cal year, isnt to inineae complication uore titan acnoants for the increae. Onr troops hav left China. Probably the war department will not expend more than ilSO.twO.OOO thia year, includ ing snrh public improvements aa it it authorized to continue. Here ia a prob able earing of t,tM),wu. ao material reduction Is likely in the cost of the fiavr department, nor do tbe people ask that the work of naval construction should be halted. To be prepared oa the sea is the wisest economy, and the reorganised regnlar army is similarly a prudent provision. A review of all the factor in the case indicate that there will be a treasury snrptas in thia fiscal year of from 130, 000,000 to (60,000.000. But if a certain period of depression anoold eat down revenue a much a 15 per cent, the re in! ting deficit won id be a small one aad the cash balance is large enough to meet each a call for a series nf years. It ia far more probable that the secretary of the treasury will be taxed to Bod osea for a surplus, and will go oa purchasing unmatured bonds, an operation that adds to the financial streneth and econ omies of the nation. A decreased gov ernment expenditure is iikety in the new possessions, saide from the redac tion of oar military forces there. In a word, the treasury outlook could not be better and never has been better. OREGO.VS XEKDS. Tbe Evening Telegram has been pub lishing eontrifcmtiona about "Oregon's needs." gome of the articles have been written by practical newspaper men, and have been trim and to the point. What Oregon really need, more than anything elae. ia a "null together" spirit. Oregon, for years, baa been the greatest knocker state in the Union of states. It has bean a case of Astoria "knocking Portland," Portland "knock ing Astoria" and the whole galaxy of towns "knocking" Salem, and so on, with the interchange of incivilities run ning between tbe little towns like Uiils- ooroand f orest Urove. Thia "knock' ing" spirit has become chronic. It has extended from town spirit to individual spirit. In Portland, a man with money to invest, baa always encountered the gauntlet of "knocker." If be desired to bay realty, be was told that be would go into tbe bankrupt courts nnlea be nnrchased anm particular niece of nron- erty. As a eonieqaence, he naturally vent to a state wnere the knocker knocketh not, and where his voice bad been atilled by an avalanche of nnity among business men. Washington bas been getting the Eastern immigration. Not, aa many would have you believe, by tbe encouragement given them by railroad companies, but -the fact that they are met by men anxious to do bos ineas with them, and if they could not individually do business, helped others to make a trade. Wben Oregon' peo ple arrive at their bosinea erase, they will get immigration and money. Hilia boro Argn. Let it be remembered that news paper ia not a beneficent institution, en dowed like a hospital or school by some philanthropist. It i pnrely a commer cial undertaking. It mart pay it way or cease to exi?t, just lite a drapery establishment. Tbe original function of the newspaper was to purvey new. It depend lor it revenue solely on it sale. Nowadays, advertisement form the backbone of a newspaper, and new ia published only that advertisement might be obtained. Leading article are undoubtedly of lee importance to tbe commercial success of a newspaper than advertisements, and indeed, thaa even tbe supply of new. Yet it i byiu leading article that the position and weight of every newspaper in public affair are determined. It will be found that whatever influence s newspaper exercises is doe to its supply of news, not to it circulation, not to it display of advertisement, but is tbe prestige it ha won by tbe sagacity, the force, the conviction with which it expresses it opinion in it leading column, and which bas given it an individuality and a personality all its own. It ha been bat few year since a great hue and err went np all over the county against nigh salaried officers, but of late tbe subject has been dis cussed so little that perhaps nine-tenths of the people of tbe county do not know what salary one county official i receiv ing. This i perhap o because every thing regarding county affair i moving long to smoothly that no one stops to register a kick, no matter bow much of of a kicker be may be. Then again, tbe low aalary proposition was weighed in the balance and found wanting. Cheap official mean cheap service, no more so in tbe county' affair than in any other commercial purauit. Good men com mand eood salary, and ffood service ia worth good pay, A cheap article 1 ex- irerueiy aear in tue long run, nence when the county i receiving from its corps of officer value received there i no complaint to register, andtheques- tion of high aalario is an undiscussed topic. A weli-posted Pnget sound log buyer prophesies that within the next five rear red cedar stum naze will be worth 4 per 1,000 feet, fie base his predic- tion on th fact that the consumption of timber in the manufacture of shingles is so enoimons, a compared with the amount available, that the growing scarcity will force the price to tbe figure named. There may be a great deal of truth in the statement. The govern ment estimate place the amount of standing cedar at 16,308,453,000 feet. The annual ahingle production i not far from 4,000,000,000 shingle; or at 10,000 piece to 1,000 feet of log, 400,000,000 board measure is a fair estimate of the amount used by the shingle msnnfac turer annually, and the cedar lumber production is estimated at 100,000,000 feet in round number per year. So splendid road work I f - .Lrm this mr in wan (Mr La (if thai county, on a subatanttal the fmn- rltn for ninl wood roade. The nnaitfru 11a axroeditiir! ewourartn ! and lesrer impassable road will U the ordr next wuuer. Ther la insurocMtnt j wllh In maay diatm-ta upon bK tor i mm rrvTjnuo w nmuij i v-rw.w u Ul enabia a larger pruportWa of tb fanda to ba tiia empkyed. Thkbi never tat a time in the history of this nation when there was greater need to maintain atroogiy the integrity and effectiveness of the public school svKtera. It shoo id foe kept separate and distinct from the away of politic and 1 a. . I . .1 1 . k. it..;.... i.... ...J- ttona of true American prinripiua. If wt want a race of good American citi xeaa, they most get their strong im pressions and convictions at the public schools, where the vast majority of th juvenile population find tneir first stim ulus to variant ambition and need the directing force of calm and natural judg ment and righteous example and whole sale oggeetioa. Yacanox has come to many schools already, and teacher and pupil hav separated for the summer. The time will be spent by many teacher in other occupations, but the children, in many will waste their time in Ultra. There ought to be soma way of keeping the children employed during th sum mer in aosee systematic manner so that w hen they return to school in the fall, uieir scoooi wovk wm seem a piemsnre instead of drudgery. Vacation to child ren, a well aa teachers, should be a helpful change and not a wasteful one. Oregon Teacher Monthly. Tax official who intimated to the employe at tbe state institution that the practice of entertaining friend at the expense of the state for ioog periods of time under the guise of visitor, when these people ahould be e If -supporting, and many of them are engaged in prodtabla employment with private farties, ia a move in tbe right direction, be practice haa been constantly grow ing, but there is no reason why tbe peo ple should support anybody just because be happen to hava a friend who is em ployed at one of the stats utatitaUoca. Tan war department ia experiencing difficult in finding ail the teacher it want for service in tbe Philippine. Up to date, after nearly three month of hard work, only 156 men and women hava been engaged and 400 more are re- a aired by the middle of July. Tbe epartment ha iaaued order that the transport Tbomaa be fitted up to carry the teacher to Manila tbi month, if tbe Sherman cannot be made ready for the voyage, but there are reason for be lieving that neither ihip will be over burdened with teachers. EETE5CK FOB THE TEAR. There is a Sarplas f Seventy Five Xllllen Dollars. WasBTKOTOs, July 2. The compara tive statement of the government's re ceipts and expenditure shows that dur ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, the total receipt from all sources amounted to f&5,848,30a, and the dis bursements to t5tX,UB3.310. leaving a surplus for the year of f7o8o4,8&9. The receipts for tbe year, compared with the previous year were: 1901. 1900. Custom ..238,788,740 $233,164,671 Internal rev'nue 30614.410 296.327.924 Miaeellaneou a . 41,647,157 38,784.063 The disbursement during tb year are given as loiiowa : Civil and miscellaneous War...., . Navy.......... Indians Pensions. ......... .... Interest $122,310,434 144,620,610 er)0.ftlS,37 , 10,896,006 139,323,49 The total disbursement for the year were $-.2,269,159 in excess of those for last year. The monthly atatement abowa that daring Jane the receipt amounted to $50,333,907 and tbe disbursement to $33,04.1,147, leaving a surplus for the month ot I7,Z8,7oU. The receipts were Custom $18,409,378 Internal revenue 25,431 ,&rZ Mtacellaneou 8.493.727 The total receipt for the month were about $1,100,000 lew than last year. The miseellaneou receipt tor Jane include $2,122,841 realized from tbe sale of the claim ot the government against the Sioux City A Pacific Railroad Company. The monthly circulation statement is sued by tbe controller ol the currency shows that at the eiose of the fiacal year, Jane 29, 1901, the total circulation of bank note was $363,742,1 87, an increase for the year of $44,101,744, and an in crease for the month of $7,169,687. The circulation, based on United States bonds, was $323,809,684, an increase for the year of $49,775,134, and an increase for the month of $362,507. The circula tion secured by lawful money amounted to $"J9,851,606, a decrease for the year of $5,63,380, and an increase for the month of $1,807,130. Tbe amount of United States registered bonds on deposit to secure circulation note ws::2fi,.'lH,Z?), to secure public deposits, $103,810,450. Heartbarn. When the quantity of food taken I too large or the quality too rich, heart burn i likely to follow, especially so if the digestion ha been weakened by con s'.ipatmn. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when yon lee I a lull nesa and weiirht in the region of the stom ach after eating, indicating that you hare eaten too much, take one of Chamber lain' Stomach and Liver Tablet and the heartburn may be avoided, for ale at the St. Helens pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Tjifjutta and Children. Tli fki Yea fan A!i2js E::l Bear the Signature of TEAM rofl SALE. ONE SPAN Of HEAVY HOHHB. WEIGH UU0 poands each, snltable for Irsrrlu pur poees. Csn be had at a bargain. Apply at this ofuce for particulars. FARM rOR 8ALC. MY FARM OWE HIUS BACK OP DEKB ISf and; thirty acres In eiilUrstion, good or chard, food building. Apply to i. 6. BAC'HtlEYER, ler Island, Or. real estate: for sale. DO YOU WANT TO MAKB A PBOFITABI.E Investment? If sa cum and boy some food Ojluinwa county real estate. I estate. I nave ins following tracts for sals: All of section IS, t a, r w; also the nM ot section M, tp 6 n w; tne ne oi section &s. e n, t i v: me n of section 16. tp 4 u. r 3 w; the m of section 15, tp 4 n. r J w; afo lr aeres in sections a and ', tpt n, r 4 w; l'0 acres In soother traet, and 10 acres in tb sei of section s. tp 4 n, r 4 w. . 11. OUUllhk, St. Helens, Or. i Tl funn man who fall from a high- ' nui wheel get o!T a good thing. 1 tk kll. .H.l ht,H hnt the 'per gown alwsv get it ia the neck. fh errjirt who girt hi point from arxrt lw n t ahead. Yoo cant tell the age of a bicycle by looting at the treth in tbw apockst bel. A retired merchant goes out of bui neiw, but a re-tired whevl make a freeh start. A man is not necessarily angry when he get bis back up; perhaps b is only a scorcher. Anew wheel come high, but about the first thing th parehaaer doe ia to give It a-weiiclt. Mankind is divided into two clayssea those who ride wheels aad those who ia, then, 5 w v The bloomer halit ia eaail gotten rid ofi all a girl bsa to do inplf pull th string and drop it. The most disgusting sight in the wwld is to see another fellow on a tandem with your beat girl. A bicycle does not eat, a horse doe; but aa ordiuary carpet tack will not let the wind out ol a bora. Cyclists evidently have a poor opinion of pedeittriaoa, a they are cooatantly running them down. It's a wise child that know enough to keep it face straight when it fattier I learning to ride a wheel. Scorching may ran an occasional bicycle face, but nine oat of ten can t attributed to th installment plan. When you want a modern, up-to-date (!Tsic, try Chamberlain' Stomach and iver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in fleet. Price lb cent. Sample free at the St. Helen phar macy. OJa.OT'OXlIA ijtiafwitiMfc$t sf A Good Cowga. Medicine. Many thousand bare been restored to health and faapnineo by the use of Chamberlain Cough Remedy. If af flicted with an throat or lung trouble, giva it a trial tor it ia certain to prove beneficial. Cough that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this remedy and perfect health been restored. Case that seemed hopeless, that tbe climate of famoj health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by iu use. For aal at the St. Helen pharmacy. OASTOniA UtnUm yllniffttwrwfecffi Kgiatm af The Beat Remedy for tttosoacn and Bowel Tronblea. . "I hava been in tb drug burinea twenty year and have sold all th pro prietary medicine of any note. Among th entire list I have never found any. thing to equal Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Iriarrboea Remedy for all stomach, and bowel trouble," vs O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ua. "This remedy cured two severe case of cholera morbus in my family and 1 have recom mended and sold hundred of bottle of it to my customer to tbeir entire satis faction. It afford a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." 'or sale at th St. Helens pharmacy. Timber Una, Act Jon , 17. torice ron mbucatiok. tSrrSD ariTt Laws Omrt. Otwoo l'!ty"Oretr, May It. IM. N'OTICg U HKKEBYOIVI.S1 THAT tti COsf pliance with tfa provisions ol tfea act of Coaaieas ol Jan . l:t, entitled "As art frar Um sals oi tlruWr lands io th 8uim ol Calllor aia, Oreiroa. Nevada, and Wa.bmKWa Terri tory," a axtendsd Io all U PWbile Land stales by in of Anauat . t-ri. atanus redonea. ol Portland, county A Muiln.nsti. Htat ol Ors pn. asa tbia rty iled la Una aatea hi sworn lti.:)ru Sin. for the purchaM ot ia soul oi the t4 mf-i ol ao'-v ne ol sw'-4 of ac tion go. 7, in towmbtp N"u. 4 north, rang No. 4 wot. and wtu oi?r prol to show that tbe land Muirht Is mora valuable tor Its timber or sus titan lor agrietutura! parposrs, aad toewtsollsh hi claim to said Und before the fticer and iiceelverot mis office at Oregon CU. Drtfnn, on Wednesday, Die 7th dsy ol Aur. He name as wlitneses-. W. H. Hacker, Aaxutt mhellMet. Clareuos Reed and Charles Slur, all of KaT, Oreaoa. Any and all persons elalsa isg wivvnmif the above-described lands are re queued to file their claims la this uc oa or ticlore said 7lh -ley ot Ann", IMA. n.17 r"J6 CUA8. B. aluottKa, kaaiftsr. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORXE Y-AT- JLi W. rmi with . X. Quick, Wt. HELENS. : : ORBOOg. Will rtva beet personal attention sn all let! matters entraMed to roe. Will practice) ta all the suta and Lotted state Court. W.H.POWELL, ATTORNEY- AT- LA W. Pkrt'TY PtSTKICT ATTORHCY. 8T. HELENS. ; : OBEOOK. R. P, GaAHAX. T. J, Cwaro. Attoraejs-at-Law. 9(0 Msrqixm BaUdlnf, Portland Oregon. Colombia Coaoty btuineas will receive prompt auenuoo. i. W. DAT W. B. DftXAKD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-A T-LA Y OOlce next door to Coo rthouaa, ST. HCXKKa. OKkXiOS. General praetfe In eottrrs ot Oieeon or Wseh lntu. Abstract saaua directly frosa eouuly records. Dr. Edwia Boss, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. II. It. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELEN'S, OBEGOX. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLAT3KANIE, OREGON. Reopened tojhe Pablic Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. QT. HELENS. Beard fcy Bay, VesSt cr f.fonth ; Aml&MOMAmMtuivMB.' Visitor met at teamer landing and guest baggage looked after. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, : : OREGON. 10OTT tOl'ET. j rraesdtg ttti m th llrst Day ati . Kegalar July Ttrnt j Owinty Hnmi'ionrw' court met In regular srtin vte.lnaay morutng, an the orncvr la-iitg present: Journal of May term read and art proved. Ia Ih matter of the petition ot C. C. Moyer and other for a countv road. Viewer appointed were: G. L. tsrbell, R. Ktpplcrand l r4 llf igga, to meet at the K--d lwting eautp ou July 18, IksJl, at o'clock a. it. The slterit? w ordered to. lesue a desl to Olave Johnson on account of cenifkat No. CM, for th itUol th w of mion In, tp S n, r west; anMKiat to be paid $17.& An ordt-r was mad allowing John Doiart $10 for use of certain land for roevl purj)a. . Th lien held gaint th land of E. N. Emery for th tal of lssrt wa orilered cancelled nprtn th payment of $4.6X A liceoM wa grautrd to O. E. Hunter to evil liquor in Gobi precinct for six month. Vpoa payment of $33.60 settlement wa ordered had in the matter of the i .l. a.. .n i . A l t i is iainn aim mowiviisi isU ttrrgron oemg in retieemer. Tax sal certificate ho. 9T4 wa ordered amtgned opon payment of $31.10. Tb tim for tbe meeting of th board of equalization wa extended to tbe first Monday in October. Court adf korned until Friday, July S. cuTs&isis bsiefs. Breexy Lecal Xte t'hrealclew by Onr Special Beperter. alia Mary Conyer cam down from Oregon City and spent bonday with ber parents. Chris Preisler wa onfortnnate enough to get bis ankle pinched so severely a lav hint off, but b I now doing tight duty. G. W. Barnea 1 th fortnnat owner of a top bogy and now cotne to town with rather greater cuaifurt thaa wben he was compelled to walk or even ride horseback. It la right, too, that th ju"tic should savw himself a much a poawibl in traveling, o a to keep hi head clear for the pu ailing legal proh lems that ma confront bun io tb line of hi official dutte. Tb spring term of chonl closed at Qq incy a few day ago, and Mis t.'ronin, on of th teacher, made a brief visit her before leaving for her bom in For est Grov. Captain 8. II. Stewart and Dr. Hall attended the slate O. A. R. encampment at Forest Grov last week. A an Illustration of th proverb that "a horse is a vain thing for safety," Mr. T. J. t'lippin started for town Hatnrday evening in her earn ire, accompanied by Nellie Law and Stella Knighton, driv ing tbe horse that she ha frequently driven with the utmost confident in It good behavior. For aom unknown rea son, in going down grade, after having been driven a mile, th animal suddenly Ktcaea so niroroasi aa to tend tmem trie dashboard and strike Nellie Law on tb) bead, stunning her into Insensibility for a white and cutting her fac in tore place. ha wa taken horn to her pr enta, A. T. Law and wife, where ber in juries were attended to, and at last ac counts she wa improving satisfactorily Two more of oar eighth grade pupil successfully passes! the required lami nations, Miaae Ida Blackford and Flor ence Fabriaue. Tbi make five achoi ars from our cliool that hay passed tut yerr. 8. Hotter, on of th owner of shingle mill on fiimola a place, wa un lucky in getting hi hand under th uingte aniie wane in mot tun, on (Holi day afternoon, and in eoecMuene bad two finger shortened in Miort order. Fortunately tbey were nor very much shortened, but enough to permanently remind him that "eternal vigilance iis tbe price ot eaiety, in working about a hingla saw or knife, aa well aa la other matter. Hi hand ia th second one mutilated in the brief history of that mill. The Ladies' Aid society I getting covered porch built around th parson age, ndding somewhat to th comfort of it occupant. Th addition to th McGlIllvary real dence, now fairly under way, ia giving that building quite an improved appear ance, a welt a increasing it conven ience and living accommodation. Tb family will soon ba very comfortably located. , - J. B. Jonea suffered tbe misfortune of a broken leg at CJuincy hurt week, owing to a misstep oa a nay wagon, tuia is n active fellow and very greatly regret th enforced quiet wbicb this accident demands, but ba been utiabl to find anyone to take hi place, so make the best of th situation.. On of our thing) mill ha received an order for lour carload of ahingle to be (hipped eoon a possible. Shingle seem to be In demand tbi season. Mia Leota Merrill returned tb first of tb week from Portland, after week visit there. Palm' residence and mill ar now re built and the familiar sound of the saw can be heard aeain. Itetter buiUlintr succeed those destroyed by fire, and it i expected that John will do a more satis factory business than ever. Mi mill ia itnated o be can ship either by rail or steamer, giving him quite an advantage in that direction and the Clatakani river ia at bis disposal for logs. Th Fox Novelty Company hav been entertaining our citisen at Graham' ball for four night with music, light comedy, etc, and is attracting consider able of a crowd. They are shrewd enough to secure better attendance by Instituting a rivalry among th young ladie for a prize. Each person present ha a vote tor the moat popular young lady in th voter opinion, with the promts of a prize to the on securing th largest number, it ; not a new scheme by any means, but excite some interest here. We are unadvised yet a to th result. Tbe company expect to remain over th Fourth. . . In selecting a bicycle, always b (ore and get the best make. Any of the ad vertisement will tell you which it i. ':. o Bssntbs ffgaatof of .0TOXIIA f ita km mmmtt wt Haails . ofc of FinaJ tettlmnt NOTICE IS HPRPByTiIVES BY THE tm. rieralaned. K. K. Quick, as the administra tor of theeatata of John lieii'lrtck, decsaeed, that ha has duly filed iu the oftlreof the County Court ol Colunihla 'Jounty. la (he Ktateof ore yon, his final snnount of hi admlnlttretioa upon tbe said estate, toiret her Witts hlrptiiln fur final settlement, and that the Hon. J. U., Jn'ie of said county court, has appointed aud d-liiiid Monday, lb sth day of Julv a. V.. iwii, at lbs hour of l o'eliick in the after noon ef that dar a the time and the counts conn house In tb city of St. Helens, Is ssld Coltfinbls County la the ftt&le of Orecon, s rhs place of bearlna and seUU-ntsntof said sooonnt ami ptitiou. at which time and place any and ai I persons Interested may sppsar and Bis on in wriuu to the said account and ps- lated at the dtv of St. Helena, 'in f!olniMa fnwiity, Oreon, tills th rd dr of June, A. It.. I'l. ' . K K. ODlOK, Administrator of tne estata of John Bon nr!.j, oeceswo. . u. o ruber, attorney for tbe administrator, M'-V-VW-aawtStoiJ !VJWw.?tv a.eisi .-tatj4s " Tbw Kind Ton IZat A2wTf ta tut for over SO your, " , A3 Ctrttnterfeita, ItultaUong and Jf tst--tTOKl ' tusi baa , llKiHUiieatn tiutt trtflw wit td odAgt)r tt blU of Iia&utU iml Cfilbltslyerlno s4iti IIxprSats What Is CASTORIA fstorb. ta m bamlesa aaltitot tor Cmtar O'A, Iftrs gvrio, Iro,a and ftootUhisr Bynapa. It ia t'lcaaisut. I contalna neither Opium Morpbln nor other KarcoUn (uImUikc. Ita a ta tta tatr0t. It destrofa Wortna atod oibtya FeverUhnea. It eurea DIJrrlvoe and Wind Colio, it guTa Teettlt)flr Troubtea ettroa ConnUtMtUon vod Flatuletwy. It Maimllataa the rood rvyulat th Btonusrh and Dowel, glvlrg- healthy mA ttaturml t0ep. fba ClsUdraa'a 1suwmv--X1o Slottter friend. CEfJOirJC CASTORIA VAYS S9 Bears it Tii8 Kind You HaYO Always BoBght In Usa For Over 30 Years. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -wAxurACTv oa- Dumber Brlifga Timbers and Ties a Specialty. W saaasfartnrs tretnass roorn loin be for all parpoM fur lb uade, nhla wa sail at a axis reasonable Agar. Dimension lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OttKaON. BbTARUSBKD urn. M.1WI JOHN A. BECK PEALEE IM Watches, Diamonds, Sttiercare, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. 7m Morrlssa M. net. Front A rtrst. PORTLAND. Geo. L. Perrine, Contractor.... BRICK MASOil m PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimate furnished on application. All work guaranteed. CLATSKAKIrt, i i i OftKOOH. Stealer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves fortUnd oa Taesday. Thursday aad Sat antay at a. as. star $1 HihM, ". Covrer e'evaf, Hainlt , Arrtvirif at Ponland Monday, Wsd asaday aad Friday at p. ss. Wharf foot of Ssimoa St. B. HOLM AN. Asat w, a. hoy sa. T. . WAIXAC. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallacx a Hovxi, Paor., Is Again Open to the Public. Meal Served on Short Notlc. Bed 25 Cent, Meal 25 Cent. fSSD BASH IN CONNECTION. U0BSSS TO HAY 10 CENTS. Br., j OaxooM. S8SrSSgKSgSS2!eS How About RK TOO BttRg L RK( KI thai reMnls and show lines, ii ytm contemplsta buying lard or loanlus money on rest Mat security, lake no man word, but Iim uihmi kuootnf whsl the reoord shows manlln the title, Aa Abstract Is aa essenlisl ss a deed In.uton having It. Wa have the only set of s!irset booke In the eoanty. A 11 work promptly eseuuted and satlalsutloa rnsrstiteed. If yon bav. pnMrty to liisuresivensaesll. Wsars aiieutsfot the beet Bra Insurance eoniipanlM in th. world. If VPS hav. property fur sale Ust II with us aud wa will ftud a buyer. e. e. auicic 25 CO aV Stmt piiiWTOmmwwmnfrnfKFninmrnfOTiwiiii; I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN . Clothihsr g ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. I g Cooper Building, Main Street, 8t;clens, Oregon. ' II l(. J Ro?i?t ftatl wUci ha& hom Im lora tu Mgnrntur of sv4 saa lK4a mmo trader- U n aoitaJ iUiMjrril3a sine tt laAtacy. AUovr no oa a&mlvt font ia this. Clsatare of V MIATi liATI KEAII -.TTaV City Market St. lUtxni, Oacooa LINDSAY M08TCN, fROrS. ' -VsiUM n- . ' A 1 M s A . am t T. jrresh and bait Meat. r i City trale, lotrglng camp, steatn boat and railroad camp supplied, odkk filuo oa SHoat none. Brinn Brothers? GAFE ST.untxs, ... OSSGOX. ' NEW PLACE, If vo want sorsrthlnf soad fa lb tin of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only Ik bast o4 Llponaul Cigars Kent la stcc. OFtN FHOM A at. TO 11 COLOOK MIDHIOrtT. -cvai asj i "America" Wiilamett SloMli Eoate Leave fit, Helen.... 6:30 AM Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M i i i a .on t U S Arriv at r-t. Helen. fiI' M rAftat CR.1T. Will Carry Nottiinsr but Passen gers and raat Frslgbt, JAHCa eooa, 'lsJlsa'Vi,, alsi sns sTi sfsi sfsi sf nf si sfk af sth aT- ir- Your Title? ta all rUhtf B.msmlwr thai M Is th fnverns. It la our biulnssa to searrh IH what they contain la relalloa to Isna tr. hums, enceon S9 VcVay4j j sTOIt rMtA!vse DAILY. II J aTgAMta k