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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1901)
'"A""iWriw HOWL. . . ...... .irla of tha niver ! ! Wrt,,Mjr:..-. Boat IWrvlO-. '.. pianua """" ' -rii action of the Wliil- CUW Line Tlif .,,, ,,r Tahoma In n u"u, L nlluv UaUert, ha caused veui , . ilila nmintv. Ilia ijirwBv . j - have ulwnya man goou m. 1 lull II 1 eolll P,t uivooUlnit the Una unless a bet. lit 7tC II." T! Prided. ..i.i. ii W S L .reliant, desire the trade of iAS THviMg 0 Washington 1 'n C river? they must lituka hi ,tlrti,I botwwn WHttklttkum county, "Sill Wlurm. ...U llttl-flllw-AHU.rl hM bwra bad (or the past ?SL ri ml bid. Wr to grow won i.ufl of M.tUir. It t now poaalble ? Wiki-o', county people to tak e V, swift. handom and comfortable .,..( lUmrn'o In the morning and S home on t h wn boat u ?i ..vanliia. U rvie can be had that will I'1"0 w" P00''1". in A$tor!' L t in the afternoon, o thay can do JhiV ahoppln or trading and reinrn bow the "" -v-nlMK. Aitorl may hone to win buck the triMlo alio ha tout, SrTfoit lwln8,k.mokw Kagle. Mr eImU nfKotlutd th leof . .'....( tract of land, iuat north Ii r.n. week to Miller JJro-.. o( V.e. Joe Muserve owned the land The agent of the Wo Insurance com panic bo lioU Pt,l,i,c f'uhier Canny, ol th Vancouver hank, S? UN H'llcy lor UO.0W Wlllbap.lJ la lull. A firav carrr a lata end woll seiwitcd "k pl'er, mowhandle where one may buy almost anything he wmiW. H you d anything cell and ee them. Judge Doan I'err1 the petition for fi nal mttlifiiient ol the estate of J. H. Ri L.r. itmwMMd. Monde. Adnilnie- ..i..P ilieclierumt. bondamen relend ,i entitle lully eettled. Frvd Uvndrlrke, of Terln, bad ones hihltlon here Tumdev the hldee ol three i. u.ii.i,-nta whifh he lied cantured recnntly. Ho rwelveil 2 eitch fur the acalpe, and told Uie bklee lor l eacu. A railroad builder who knowe whereol he ke. etatpe that fir tl outlaet wnoii vrttwn In the United i.t.. It ie ee touch oak ami doee not rot eo eaily under eijual eondillona. Mn. Maye, ol Jlaker Clt. aecreUry and treaxurer l the ft. llelena Water AUvht (k,, waa In town a day or two tliia wwk. Home Improvementa and cliauirwi tn the ayetem are bolngoonUstu-tilatcd. MIm Anna George, formerly of thia eitv, la one of the twenty-flve roung iKillva wlwted in Portland to welcome Mn. McKlnley. The youn? ladle" will .,ni,'hmui In a (toral parade, the decor- aiiuni bring entirely of roava. The new "learner lor the Shaver TramiKirUtion Company la Bearing iv.mi.let in In Portland. Btie will be 1W leet long, 81 feel wide and IS ' deep, and will be DIUhI with powerlul eiigliiva lor towing log radeoo tbia river. MlnaTilllu Muckle vUIUhI relative. In tbia city a lew daya rewntl. Mlaa Mm kle will bo among the graduate ol thecorpaol ntiriH't Irom Hood Hamarl tan huardial. Portland, in the latter part ol Juiip, and la taking a few daya reel before the final examination., A Kahuna which atalml editor printed an Item that "the man who wai hmwliiir the hired atlrl. had letter atop or lua name would be publUhed." In a ciliaena paid up year tn act- few dav. twentv-live tlmir aiilxicriiiiiona. and a vmm. ml i.idl the editor to "ay no at tcntion to foollah atoriea going around." The popular atoamer Totter baa been lnnm hcd aed will bo ready to reaume l,nr run to llwaco in almut a month. haa been built over and I. alimmt a new boat. A new bolter waa plac-d In her, and tba hurricaue deck haa Itwm converted Into leping apart Bii'iita, there being aeventy-tao atate- Klllla on her. Coaat travel una year will likely be very good, " 1'0lte' win get iter enure ot me iraiuo. Jimri Mneker. of thla ulace. I. enioy' lug a vlait Irom hia aon, J. L. Meeker, ol Uuawill count. Kana, who ia ao- comiiaiiipd bv hi. wile, and expect, to remain hum about two week.. Mr. Mt-ckor I. a eucceaaful farmer In the arawehopper atate, and laat year rained 6,0(X) buahela of wlieat and other email grain. Thla la Mr. Meoker'a oral vwi to thla coaat, and the country haa, for him, many lnturcetlng eighta and tea-turca. C'lBCUI'f I'OVBT. negulaa Be.aion Ooenad Tue.dar Korenoon-Dl.poaltlon of Uaaea. Tbe reiiolar Ma term ol circuit court I.1"!. ?l",8'l Tueeday forenoon, Judge McHrlda preeldinif, One proclamation being made by the bailiff, the roll call ol juror, having been made, the following proceeding, were had i The followlna-named lurora wereea- cuaed for the term i U. K. Kl ott. Albert Johnaon. fl. N. Gable, Anton Wlae, W. R. Dodaon, Joa, liherty, Aimer Meaerve, 0. Htump, Mauriu Carr, Irwin Hetfert, J, B. Pun- can. J. K. BlakealBv annntntail halltl for the district attorney. yio granu jury waa drawn. liiaiMHiitlon ol caaea ia noted aa follow i O. Lavender va. I'ltuhurv Mill Co. ; d lain iai.ed. H. A. Mile. va. U. A. MaaaU): die- tnUaed, J. U, Watta va. Uazle M. Brown : da- fault and jnilirment. W, L. l'ulliain a. John Sand.trom: plalntlirallowed until May 17 to Hie reply. U. U. Jauulali va. (1. N. A P. K. K. : dlainlaatMl. J. llooaeh va. J. H. Peteraon: die- miaaKl. Ileeder va, Joy j dlamlaaed. Tracv v.. Adawa: default and fore- cloaure. Williama v. Wllllama; default. Anrya va. Anrya j default. dialer va. Hlateri default and referred to C. K. Uunyon a. reloree. i.arney va. I arney aocree ol envorca. Weaton va. Moeck i motion to atrlka out overruled. Armatrona va. Harria: ludament for plaintiff. Mtleava. 11. N. Smith at al; motion to atrlke out taken under advlaement. Wanty va. Ktatner at al conflrniation. The action ol II. Weal, adminlatra- tor. acain.t O. II. Lemon t. to recover on a note, waa heard by a jury on Wed- ncaiiay. a veruiut lor tne piaintiu wa. returned. The action of Joaiah Weaton agalnat . J.Hwltiter. troatee. occupied the at tention ol tbe court and a Jury all ol Tiiiiratiay. Tiiecaaeoi w. l. rni nam aaainai j Randatrom 1 aet for trial Friday before a jury. On Batnrda the action of 0. A. Hall aealnat John Lindbera A Co. will be heard. Thla alao la to be a Jury case Mr. R. Cox exoect to return on Bat- urday from Olvnuiia. where she baa viaiteu for two week. EOAD TAX EEBADE8. Ownara of Vide Tire Wagone En- . . . tilled to It. , Few rebate bava been made tbu far under the law paaeed at the last aeaaion ol the legialature allowing for the reduc tion of road tax of owner ol wide-tire wagon. The law, which wa introduced by Uepreaentativa McCracken, of Mult nomah county, read a follow: "Tlmt from and after th Drat day of Januaiy, A. D., 1900, the county court or board ' of each county within till atate la hereby authorized to make a re bate each year, lor (our year, on tbe road tax of each pereon within tta county who ahall own and have tn hab itual Hae on the highway ol thi ettaftt wagon or other vehicle for the trana portatlon ol freight and other heavy ar ticle, the tire of which are not lesa than three inche in width ol one dollar for eacn wneei ol men vehicle, and pro vided, further, that tna owner of each vehicle having tirea on not leia than four inche in width upon which there la a difference of at leaat eitfhl incline In the length of the front and rear wheel. wm not come in contact witn tne aame aurface while the vehicle la movimc In a atraight line. hall receive in addition to the aforeiaid rebate, for fonr yeara in hla or her road tax a. aforeaald. ol two dollar. In each vehicle ol tlilaclafl. lor each and every year during laid period mat (aid vehicle i nied opon tna ntgn wayt ot thi atate." " , e i ' farcing Hen to Lay In the orina when the winter' cold I lucceeded by the warm auHthine and the new and tender vegetation, egg are abundant, but nobody call thi forcing tne liena to lay. II w want egga in winter wa muat uee our wit to the end ol imitating the condition ol .pringa cIoboIv aa circumatancea will permit. n e muat ahelter the bene from the win ter'a cold, lurniah them vegetable and animal loud, aa well aa grain, and make them take tome kind of healthy exer ciae to offaet the evil tendendee of the con confinement. When all thia 1 done the hen will lay, not a the reault of any forcing proceia, but because the ooataclca to laying are removeo. The phrase "forcing nena to lay" ii mialeading. It ihould never be aeen tn firint. It Implie a power to make hen ay eirg by aome procea other than cor rect feeding and auch general care a I required to keep them in a healthy and thrifty condition, the condition which ia brought about by the eprini weather and diet when the ben laya (imply became he cannot help it. Mr. C. F. Fowler, who la now maiding at Upper Lewi river, In Waahlngton, 1 in thia vicinity again lor a ahort time. Clatakania intenda to Celebrate the Fourth with a grand baaket picnic and ball. Th modern Woodmen hae taken the matter In hand and tha featlvitie will be under their auaplce. At a BMvial mretlna of the city conn oil liulil Wxlnaailtt cvenimr a reiolution waa auopMHi to oner ino Water Lluht Co. 3,J0 lor tne ay tem. Whether ttie Drowxition will be accepted ia not yet known. Mn W A. tfarrla einecta to leave In a few dev. lor an extended viait in the Kaatami Tanaila. HliB will rail- tivca in Iowa, New York and Michigan, and expect lo be alwcnt until about ChriHtma. Her daughter, Kdna, will actnmpany her on the trip. 1arra. well known along the rlvnr. and ahn. for aaveral month haa served in the capacity ol bookkeeper for the (. N. A P. It. Co., at Reuben, ha accepted a pcaition with hi uncle, u. K. uonahoe, ana may oe canou He I at present located in Portland. Robert F. Fullorton, wbo pent l boyhood daya on Hcappoose bay, but wbo, lor the past ixien ye (ollowing tbe lortune of proepector in tha Kaatern Oregon mining ditrict, greetd old Iriend hero laat fuesday. The fickle goddes ol fortune ha amlled on "Bob" in hi mining veniu, u though he look well and proaperoua no wear, a lew amall srara which he haa re ceived irom the aickle of l-ather Time. ni aknnt two weeka and then return to hi propertiea, eight mile t ituk.p nit which he ia develop ing and which give much promlee ol lur- i i .U.. U. .1m1 Mnamna t liter inurvaaiiig ui m'"u; w"- cheiuer. , - , It I important' tbst people hould carefully look over the mail when taken tu. ,u.inm,-. We have pnbllxhed a recent ruling of the poatal dopartmant before in regard to thla matter, but it i ol uch viUllmporUnoe that it will do good to read attain: "ine r tHwe a fine of 1500 or one year' impri onmeutonany one who, through care- Imaneaa or otherwise, tae o.Uo else mail and fail to return u immeui- ately. Tbia applies to JT i.,.....j.ii valuable mail. People when taking their man run. . -m. .hn..i.i Nomina It before going out ol tha building. It take only a moment and may aave a great deal oi tble; To ay it waa tne ponuaow flgura in tha ruling." . .., Keaary Notea. all that we have, The lateat Irom Uie Bcappooae A Pitts burg railroad camp ia to the effect that the engineer are anrveylng a wagon Mad Irom the eaat approach ol Ihe tun 1 to a point about a mlla eaat ol the Hunker hill spring, on the Bt. Helen and Vernonia wagon "road. It 1 aup poawl that tha object of the company In urvoying a wagon road at that place I to enablo them to take In the noceary tool and iiippllea witb which to drive the tunnel. June 14th ha been decided upon a the dnte for the next meeting ol the Oregon Pioneer Association, at Portland, Those met'tinganre yearly becoming mora llltnrttntinii lo tha aiutoclatiollt'a lUCm- bora. Atuuulance I decidedly smaller each year, aa a matter ol laet, owing to the (funarlnra ol doxiuia ol the Rturdy pioneer who have croaaed the plain to the great beyond. Columbia county haa furnished its quota ol ineioberBhlp 111 1 1 lilt AHalfWtin lion, but the ouoaiiloiial taking awav of one gradually loaem the iiumbor, j Preparation are already under way lor a big Fourth ol July celebration at Houlton and Bt. Helena. The Artisan aaaambly, of the former place, ha taken the niatler up, and will mnke it a pro nounced mca. The plan ia for a joint celebration lor the two town, tho fo tivitio to be had at a convenient point alxmt midway between the two place. One ol the many beautiful grove will . he put in ojadinoia, provided with plat form, scat, etc.. and a mil table puma lr spuria will la provided. In the evening the dancing will lie conducted hi inn largo hall in una cuy, " vo,v brntion nuvcr before equaled will bo hud. Intercut and attention In St. Helen la now centered In outdoor snort reault of tho approaching good weather eaHon. Lawn tennia ia Juat now the attraction, but buaeball la soon to clmin it share of attention. 8oiimj equipage from a former organisation is on band, and a porae ha been raised witlr which tlx Knit ffOOd tf SHI will flkeiy be in readln'eaa to irnm bal. aell rT'cfiTlrt owing to wlih team of other place. tw !, 'd critical lllneaa of Mr. little practice W. D. Connell wa in town Tuesday New good fair price at Collin & uray, Mis May Whitney viaited relative at Clatakania thla week. Mr. and Mr. E. W. Conyer were up from Clatakania Tuesday W. F. Slaughter waa attending to bua- inett affair tn Portland Tuesday. Attorney W. H. Conyera waa attend ing to court mattera weonesuay E. VV. Keasey haa been appointed Dostmaster at Keasey. vice Ella Mc pherson, resigned. Mrs. T. A. McBride and daughter have taken up their residence at the farm at Deer Iiland. Tha Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach at Yankton at 11 :30 o'clock and at Bach elor Flat at 8:80 next Sunday. There will be an adjourned term of count commiaaionera' court beld here on Tuesday, tha 28th ol thi month. Miaana Mar Burke and Florence George, ot Portland, apent laat Sunday in wii cuy vmmia Vtrm. T Hwltaer. Mr. J. W. Day and Mra. D. Devi attended the funeral of lie late John Grove, at Portland, Tuee day, Justloe Cox eaid tha worda on Tues day that made Warren Reed and Lois Bee man and wile, both resident ot this county. ni.irl,-i At tor ne Allen came to town one day ahead of the other member of tha court, In order to prepare matter connected with his official Quue. tan, Allen accompanied him. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne will conduct the Ant anrvk-a to be held In the new Evan gelical church at Warren next Sunday morning and evening, ine puonu very cordially lnviiea to Renublle ll now making trip Irom Portland to Rainier, via tha Willamette alongh, the America going on the way at Portland to undergo ao overhauling, preparatory to atarting on the even-trip-a-week schedule between thia eity and rortiano. Tka wvt v of Mra. Cvnthla E. Ferchen ,i; l ank In Han Francisco, arrived at Columbia City last Friday .ml waa laid to rest near the .rava of her mother, at the Kinder i.w. .i rwr Taland. 8undav last, at -in..k Mr Famhan ia in Alaaaa. ana i not yet apprised oi m aewu w wile, and wn prooamj i ...j nntil ha mtnrn to San tsan- oiaoo next fall, being in an extremely out-of-the-way place. M. .Tnhn H. Groves, of Portland, died at hi home In that city last Sun day, of Bright' disease, after a brief 1 o yeara, wu seventeen days, ueceaaeu father ol a large family of children, all ol whom are well known to the people of thi vicinity. The family resided In this city lor several yearn, "" Irom here to Portland in 1884. The lu neral was conduct! on Tuesday from .i.. ...!,!.. nt hia daughter. Mrs. James Muckle, the remain being laid to ret at Riverview cemetery. " Mr. M. Colllna, manager 6f the Hon eyroan farm, near Bcappooae, who aome weeks ago went East to purchase stock for the farm, reiurneu Beaben Hwi Kotea. P. 0. Marks shipped a cow to Portland Monday, Mis Teniae Morel visited her mother,. at Tide creek, Saturday. T. J. and Marion Calvin started lor Eautern Oregon Saturday. Mra. May Oalvln and Mr. Fred Cam- fert visited Kalama Saturday. Born At Boy, Waahlngton, May 9th, to the wife of Jacob tteverson, a boy. Mr. B. O. Hoadley, of Portland, viait ed her daughter, Mra. Emil Wasser, (Sunday. . : . . Antona Wise and 0. C. Monroe left for Bt. Hlen Tuesday to act aa juror for the May term of court. Mrs. Richard Link wa In the connty seat Wednesday, paying taxes and at- lenaing lO oiner oumeo uiaiivra. Mr. James McNaughton and Mrr. Itav V.. Watta attended the Eastern Star Chapter at 8t, Helena Saturday evening, Miaa Nnllie I'avne. of Deer Island, ha begun the lummer term of school at Mooresvllle. Two schools are now in progrea In dsitrlct No. 20. Elder II. J. Bcbmepper, a S. D. A. minister, ol Portland, wa np in the Kwiuliah settlement and held several service. The elder haa been here sev eral time laat winter. Thi time he brought hi wife and baby along, ihey returned Monday on the Kellogg. Fishermen' License. A a result ol the arrest and convic tion ol a gill net man. last week, who wa hailing without having In hi pos session the statutory license, all the fish ermen on thi part ol the river nave ta ken out a license aa required by law, and it ia believed that all the fishermen on the river have complied with the law In that respect. A full compliance witn the law require that each owner or cap tain of a boat shall pay a personal li cense of $2.60, in addition to which he muat nav Si (or hi net. Messrs. Dillard A Day, at whose oilice applications for license were made, report that 17 appli- ef Inn, hftva llPAll rW.ftivpd. Hnma nf tlm fishermen were Inclined to demur a little to the imposition oi thia tax upon their labor, and there was and atill la. some talk of testing the val idity ot the law, ont ii ia prouaoie mat vmlr ludirment will Drevail in the mat- ' . " . . . t : . : - .l ter, as tne reveuue inus uenveu unu toward enforcing tbe law and protecting the fish. Resolationi of Condolence. Whereas, It haa pleased the all-wise Father to gather home little fearl, a precious Jewel In the home oi our es teemed brother, W. E. Stevens; there lore be it " , , RxsoLvao. By tbe officers ana mem bers of Avon lodge No. 62, K. of P., in ivmvantinn assembled, that the heart felt sympathy ol the oruoers ana mem ber ol our lodge I hereby extended to the afflicted brother and hi family, in ,M aaddeat hour of bereavement. and further that a copy ol these resolu tions ha forwarded to Brother Btevens, a mn. md with the K. of R. & 8., and : ' - .. ... i .. v i :. i i a T.. also tnat me same oe puuusiiou Okkoom Murr. - - IW.A. MABBIS, Committee J. G. Watts, (E. E. Quick. Bilionsnea i a condition character ised by a disturbance of the digestive organs. The stomach ia debilitated, the iiu... tnmid tha howela constinated. There is a loathing of foud, pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated tongue ana vnmitinir. first of the undigested or dimatd food and then ol bile, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- eta al av the disturbance oi me i- h and nraata a health aDDOtite. They alao tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try them and mn n mrtain to be much Dleased with the result. or saie ai. mo o. ik" Pharmacy. Real Estate Transfers. I Steamer JOSEPH IELLCGS Leavsa Fortland on Taeadar, Thursday and Balr I uruujr aw a. ui. wr , St Htimt. Kalama, Carntfa faint, Haimir ana Arrllnprat Portlninl Mondar. Wad muxlny auU Friday at 2 p. in. Wbarl toot ol Salmon 8t. II. KOLMAB. Agent. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor..., BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER ouse-llaising, Etc. Estimates lurniahed on application. All work guaranteed. CLAT8KAKIB, ! ! : ORKOOH, ESTABI.IHHKD inn. . , ...1901 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IX Watctcs, Diamonds, SDyereare, ....JEWELRY..;., Eepairing a Specialty. W7 Morrison St. Eet Front A First, PORTLAND. ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... W. D. MOYKB. T. B. WALLACE. School Supplies, Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shdf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. . Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders takeu for Wall Paper From Sample Book Portland Price . Books of all kinds, - St. Helens Pharmacy. ..- - uuijum- m uiri urrrri 1 1 1 THE St. Helens Hotel O'&OWOrOOWOO'OOOg Wallaci Moybb, Paopa., 5? ... ' - " Is How Repened to the Public. Meals Served on Bhort Kotlce. Beds 25 Cent, Meal 25 CenU. FEED BASN IN CONNECTION. BOSSES TO BAY 10 CENTS. St. Hblmb, " s Obkoo. Reopened to the PaMic Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKE6LEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. card by Day, Week or Month At RSASOXABLX FlODBB. Visitors met at steamer landing and guett baggage looked alter. THE OLD STAND ST. HETJEN8. : J OKEUOJN. OT,p 12 Offick Hourh. a,, mm mm mmmm '"" Stanwood & Sherman Bros. MANUFACTVSKH8 Or- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manafactnre flrat-elaas roush lumber lor all pnrixMM lor the trade, whioh wa. sell as a atou reiKiuw a Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $5 Per MV YANKTON. OBBGOJ". t V Chandler and wife W T Taylo, nW ot uw, ni at awii. aee , tp 6 n, r S w to J R and , ttalunle.... igtoW J 1 H ol nW, i iol aw.n r and wile t too T L Carter to J B and D t Oraham lot V . bl a, ciatssanie. . ... . . . v'l'ii O Darling lo w J fuimwn io and uVU ol w.Co 24, tp 6B, r 4 w. . 1300 00 B B Fowler and wile to C C Moyer, H ..InnU.anoa). tntn. rHW 0 00 C H Johna and wila to A L Rlchardjon, ......... -...V .. . x:l Iri7n.r2w... . 100 1 Jo to A Beenson, H of e'. eae K, .nl U OI IWU teO m.iui.,11..... W i Muello and wile to A I. BlehardaoB, lota t and e, ma a, 101 on i, -nler.and re"! ec83, tp n. r2 w...... J N Rice and wile to A K Buck, parcel ot l.w.A in u. B tnTn.tlW 100 25 00 Rainier Pythian Building A BulMlns Cemetery AwoolaUon to u ion-ra- aon, lot 8, cemetery. For the best and "be thankful.1' . The latest arrival on the bill lwder. Inir on Kook creek valley, U another heir to the estate of J. J. Block. We are pleasetl to record the open'nf of the achool at Keaeer, Thnrsdav, May Oth, under tha manage merit of Mi a Gertrude Iwa, of iWtUnd. Borne thlno' over 20 pupil enrollea. Sabbath aolmol was also oiwlwt t the same place Sunday, May 6th. E. . and N. 8. Keasey aa .uperintendent and aasisUnt; Fanuie i'"wP...,Vn' ' Llllie Cheldolin, treasurer! "'""il chorister. Nearly 80 wero preaent, all of whom wero willing participate In tlia axerciaea, S0"9."'"?. w" 5 ,'. ,(".hr. Rail, of ..'"'.rM; to, mid", but rail, of nien are consmniw .,- . i neraa, wmu" r 3j otherwise, theielore we .i 1 tst grade ol iock, a m m continent give asHurance that Columbia J L. K J and F A Rlchardion to A Rlch ardson. Iota 6 and . bill lot 2, blk 27, Rainier, and eU eo 83. tp 7n. r S w... Sheriff to W i ruilerton, aH ol W awlotaeM, aee 3. tp 1 n, r w. tai ad8uttie'and wlfe'tn 8 tanaoli, eVj o ei sec S. and w ol aw)4, aeo 84, tp7n, f and C "6 WilVo'n'to'lRbeoca Olrii aiii ol acW, see 81, tp 7 n, r a u . . . . . . . . ...... OS to TMorrle, patent; aame toJ ioaa, patent ' OABVOIIXA Basil tks Blgaetai 10 00 100 16 00 MO 00 180 00 Tha Kind Van (law Alwars Socgit COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE N1 home last Satur day witb a carload of animals, which he purchased in Kew York state In the lot were two grade HoUtein'a brought from the East lor uonimissumor We have .tored In our mmorjt' w Oliinaw proverbs, and JlU the Chinaman "cross the sea, ... tnlha readers ol IH w"T. F'Never stop to arrange your hair n a Engllab, would read: - r pearatico ot evil." President WenH TWt , are'atly lo the PrJ'mfw eircumsiamt. "'"-..... i.i tour OT1CK 18 HKRKBY GIVEN THAT Al.b unpaid uoumy niw v. ivT'Kni wid for Want ol Fundi,' prior to November H. WuO, will be paidupon P"" ...... .1,1. IntATAiit will not oe Zh.i. kiiWIN ROSS. ""w"" .i.. - kii v.,..t a.. m8mBl ireaaunsrui vwuuwi.w,. Oouuly, Orei and ennorew 1 .aaasjayaaayayajaaaw SffSIf ISWar Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist o Information, and Appointments by Mail, g ROOMS 60 & 51, WASHINGTON CLDQ., Soutbetst Cor. 4th & Wash. BtreeU, 6th Floor, POKTLAND, OREGOISr. TAKE BLEVATOK. a tT. -JW h .0 Quality and Variety urtTI UPATl IbEATI - - AT THE City Market ST. HK1.KN9, Okkoom LINDSAY A MORTON, PROP'S. '-DKALBBB IS- Fresh and Salt Meat. i City trade, lodging camps, steam boat ana raiiroaa camps aupplied. ORDIBB FILLED OH SHORT NOTICC. Are two very Important feature to take into consideration when one goee to procure articlea for everyday nse and consumption. To our host of patron we are pleased to aay we have QUALITY, VARIETY AHD QUAlfflTY. Our Urge and select stock affords the Intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to jret the beat bargain onerea in una viviuii. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTMG, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glaaa, crockery, cutUerj , bUnklta.oil clothing. feed, flour garden eeede, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. OoM. Exchanired for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Va-1 Notica at Final Stttlamant. NOTICE 18 HKRKBY MYB IBM underaianeil admlnlalrator of the estate ol Kenl. Neer, deoeased, ha" flk-d tn tho office ot the county clerk for Columbia comity. '' Oregnn, bf Hnal report, and account of hie said administration of said estate, and that .Monday, June the Srd. at tho hour of 10 a. m h been Sxcd by the Court for the hearinu of mtid report and account, and ol objections thereto, od for the neUlement thereof. K. E All,c' ... AHmiiiiHLraior oi tne eatiue oi .uj. . ""v ceuaed. ni3m.1l is bad. It ltliougtit aiii." ." ,lt,.,h 1b now ao- .,urty,r.ncn. u. ii ii I illiiiiuniil fan Iw, made lust aoutli of tho ichnol hoiiM, which will bo mora convenient and a much InHtor field tlinil any yet used hero. Not ao much is it expected or desired to have a champion team a it Is to allonl aome nicutis wr outdoor exurdaa and recreation, tlmt the apart is being agitated, but both, probably, will bo the result. antes nave '"'"-mi. ha re- tit it i a circumatance over whicli thero was no coiiyol. ' , county will soon leao an puriiuna. ... stftte in me rwiwu y both butter and beef struma. nf the Drettieat ermona evr printed in ao few words : TTr r:.... hnb i e noon the sil very urfaco of a restless river. ora moment It sparkled with golden tight M It caught the sunshine glory, ami 1 thought how beautiful it wa. Then it went down. down. For a moment the river told mo where it had vanished, it... .ii'unt nn without evenarip- nn its nlacid bosom. And I thought how like our live was tha bubble on !', "! .. v. . n,r,maiit we snarkle in our tin. -Phj-hopeand toil and struct? e, love aim iuhk tUn io down beneatn tl.o aurlace for "ver. In short time the t ny ripploj we hove caused die out, and the great river of hnuianity flow on undisturbed, go let us strive with oar existence to re flect only the Bunshiue, not mirror the clouds above ue." , Brinn Brothers CAFE , ST. HELENS, - - - 0BEG0N. NEW PLACE. If tou want something good in the Una ol whUky try SHAW'S MALT Only the beat of Liansrx ant Ciiari Kept InStDCk . OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 12 O'OUOOK MIDNIGHT. W ! ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. ... .nnnomiicnllig HEKN DULY AP 1 piduted M Kimluintratur of the eftate of OTC. Wiith, deceased, by the County Court of Ute Btaw of Oregon lor Columbia Uounty, and k.. aui. anaiiitad. All Berwiin havinft elalma aKaln.t ldeHta are hereby ''fldJ?MPJ?"-J .v.. . ... m ma at mv realdonoe at Beubu, Columbia County, Oregon, with proper vouch- eiA within nx muum. ''R' kT waTTS, Admlnirtrator ot the ertate ol (. U. '!'. dMed. J. C Moreland, Attorney for Kie, May 8,1001. n.ioiuai. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court ot the State ol Oregon. In la the matter ol the estate of HenryC. Gregg. an'aaar.i. , ..,.T nv MI ITV. dornlRned administrator of Ihe eatate of HeurvO.tiraiB. deoeiwed. wlta win To the reitora of and all persona havlua eUima aaalnst the aald doe.ed. lo pryakiit thein. with Ihe neocetary Touchem, to nlm. at i e "W moe of Mxa-re. Mllard k lie In St. lielrtu, Owson. the aie being the place Hxed by tlie undenilaue I for the transaction ol llio buslneM ol aaia estate, wllhin alamoniha from tho date hereof, . I8WABL 8. ( IKAJj ; Admlnlalrator nf the esute ol Henry U. Oragg. deceaid,wlth will annexed. ,,,.. Dillanl 4 Bay, attorneya tot administrator, i with will aunoxel . " ,T 'America" lillamett Slon0i Route r Leave St. Helens. . 6 :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland ..... 2 :80 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 8:00 P M rABE 85 C EJI I a. Will Carrj Kotliins Vint Pasaeii- gers and f ast r reigns. Seasonable Goods ear r-manm mm. ajnaaraeprM - MCF an- l j tj rOB PORTLAND. DAILY. 9 n ai aTaTaUCD-a fa J r At onr store means that we keep constantly for aalo a variety and quality oflalrchandiee which at all times ia suitable tp the demand .of all well-living people. We cater to all classes , LOGGER. FABIIER, UERGHAHT. General ; Mcrchandisino: ' v ' I, onr especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high qualtty of gofxl" low quality price. We handle Household Necessities Supplic. for everybody and 1 to mnd. We invite examination quality. POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, OKE(iON. . ..mam. o minAnnnPn rTlfX. . " 7 . -a-aVv o I'anulaclurera of and Iiealora hi o M Kinds ct P.sush and Dressed Lumber... lAflliS UOOU, IMaveter. f-mrmm MjajaMMaa -mxm Jfc Jw Wat aw ana ana ai a-n it A Floor! nT- Itaatlc. i..Crlllna; .Blnaenatou Lumber. BOAPPOOSf nnnn ROAD TO THE Mlt-l. Will on ennth fork of Umpp"0 creeli.four milt from KtuwKWealnlioil. . l4inilMr delivered at wrpH liin ot i,,...ii.r .1 Kl ui ni.r M. ejttr At WarreD elation, .' ok mo ON 9