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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1901)
No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the house keepers of America. No other article of food has received such emphatic commendation for purity and wholesomeness from the most em inent authorities. The great popularity and general use of the Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority. Jbt " Royal Baker and Paatry Cook containing orcr toe most practical and valuable cooking re ceipt f rre to every patroa. Send Boat! cmid with your tell addreae. Avoid the Imitation powder. They are aold cheap becauee they at made Irom alum. But alum is poiaoa dangcroue tu um m lood BOVA1. BAKINS POWDER C, 100 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. . Cava Hin Time "Unhealthy. "You haven't explained how you "What's your man' specialty?" came to have Mr. Smith'", chickens asked the mayor of Hot Dog. in your possession, said the judge. I "Liftin' horses," said the advance I m trying to think, your honor," ; agent of the strong man. ANECDOTIC OF LORD WOLSELEY. How H Hal pad to Claar Up a IW efHcw la th Sondaa. Any on who hat known what it la to wait day after day In soma out of th world nook for letters which wr all the time safely reposing In some ne glected corner of a sleepy postofflo can appreciate the atory that la told of Lord Wolaeley by Mr. Nourae, who waa with her Majesty's forces through the Soudan campaign. At Korti Nourae went Into the post office to look for some letters. The pout master wss a native and not much used to handwriting. Ho made a super Octal examination of a big pile of let ters ana papers, aua said there, was nothing for the applicant Nours asked to see the pile of letters, and while he was looking them over a man with nothing to -designate his rank came Into the office. He took In the situation at a glance. "Let's clear this thing out," be said. They Jumped on the counter and pro ceeded to "clear It out" by flrst bun- dling out the postmaster. Then they began a careful examination of tb poatofflc, and found It congested with j mall for the army. They searched ery nook and cranny, throwing the let ters for each regiment Into a different ; pile and heaping up all the newspapers i in tne center of the room. Then they ! went through each pile and separated I It Into companies. Before night every I letter was In camp and distributed, and , the next day the papers were out I Nourae did not know the name of his ' companion In the benevolent deed, and ; when he asked the answer was, "They can me Charlie." Some time after Nourse found it nec- i easary to see the commandant and, j sitting near the tent to which he bad j been directed, be saw his companion of , we postomce. "Hello, Charlie!" be aald. "I'm look lng for the commandant Where shall i I find blmT" I "Well" said Cbarl!e "yon won't have j " 'oo far. I'm the commandant Come Inside and have a bite to eat and l drink." Scientific Feneration, "Professor, how did you come to propose to nie in the face of my con tinued ititlifTerenreV "I proceeded on the general propo sition that whatever a woman seem to beano isn't." Another Leap to Fame, "My couKitt retry, the inict. like Byron, awoko the other morning to find himself futmms. " "How did it happen?" ''A man who had committed stti- f cido had, when they found him, one of Percy' pieces in his liocket I Nearly every iwtper in town nion-i tioned it. " I USD,6S9 1'Joass Havtmon rmmtormd tokmmlth ky lytilm E. finkhmnt'm Yogo tmbl Com$ounH. Ttimlr Iff torm mro on film mint iv thfm a rarer man f to hm taot, not a mmrm bommt. When a mmm Vina 4mm boon muocmful In owing mo many woman, you cannot welt my without try j Iwgr It" I tto not kallovo It wUI hmijt ma." ALL, MET WITH MISFORTUNC replied the accused. "Give me time. "Very well," replied the judge blandly. "Six months." TO CCKX A COLD ITU OXB OAT 1 Laxative Brone Quinine Tablet AH Iranian reond the money if it fait to cure. L nr. QroTe'ecif nature ia on cacb box. tie. The Source. "As for the clergy, they're a pretty poor lot," said a grumbling layman. "Yes," returned the bishop, "some of them are poor indeed. But con-! sider the stock from which they come! V i . i . s a uu awt we nave to mate tneru out of laymen. ' Take Garfield Tea lor eonitipa tion; it bee thia to reeommend its it is made from health-giving iwrua and it atuely cares. Well," said the niavor. "I shore t " w Lord Wolseley. Touth's Com- admire yer gall fer ownin' up to it, : PMon. but I'll tell you beforehand that lft in' ( hosses is a mighty unhealthy game ! in this here seciton." j I do not believe Piso'a (Jure for Con-' sumption has an equal for coughs and i colds, Jobs F. Botes, Trinity Springs. lud., Feb. 13. 1S0O. j Ons Good Thing. j is one good thing about ' Poor William. She (petulantly) I don't tee why you should hesitate to get married on $3,000 a year. Papa says my gowns never cost more than that. He But, my darling, we must have something to eat. "Oh, William 1 Always thinking of your stomach!" Plaaaaat. Palatable, PwUat. Easy to boy. eacy to tae, easv in action, rut in reaulte t'aacarete Caudy Cathartic ideal liver regulator and intentinal tonie. Ail drug-! a, -, ww. "There this classical music," remarked Mr. Meddergrass. "You can start or stop anywhere you want to without spoil ing the sense of the music." "He has built what he calls a Queen Ann villa, but it strikes me as beings tawdry imitation, merely." "Extremely, tawdry! Why, the roof doesn't leak, even." rw th Oamtti aMxf rWa Off thm OaJaC Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tableu ear a sold la as day. .Ho cure. No Pay. price 2 cants. Work on Lonjftllow Memorial. The fund for a statue for Longfel low park, in Cambridge, has reached $816.44, and work will be begun on ine meomnai early in the spring. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's 8ooth lny 8yrup the best remedy to use tor their children daring the teething period. The Irony of Fate There is the "irony of fate" in the fact that Rear Admiral Cervera got bis promotion to be vice admiral in advance cf either Sampson or Schley, whoso ships destroyed his fleet. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5s Far. Madia Wrapper Below. Tavy si all am aa aaay to taka as mm CARTER'S roa IEABAC8L ni BIZZIRCU. roa nuousiEtt. FOI TOSPIB uvu. FOI C0MSTIPAT10R. roi tAuaw sui. rei meeMPtxxioi 'iwtaMaycSwAd CURE SICK HEADACHE. Beyond His Limit "Do you ever have moments, Mr. Spoodlekins, when it seems ss if you couldn't think of anything?" Vt by, I nevah thought of that. me nvsio, crop. nff. nCffit tions oa the skia. Liiil. I iaaid throat, copper colored nlotchea. i"lw-f swollen glands, aching muscles I. 1 snd bones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this ioleat destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible core for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cues the worst eases thoroughly and permanently. K CeiCflei Ctsli ilVXJSX Eive Etti N wtfse. rU ... tkeir treat met UsI mm mo wood: I was re-tlinar rmri mil tkv uw; aiy luir ca He oat, aicers apprai laroat m.m4 mouth, my body wu alms mim ssoper colored tlotchcs and Th BMf PrtMeriSwloa for Malarial ChllU and Ferrer t a. bottle of Groreg Taateleae Chill Tonic It it imply iron and quinine In a Uateiesa lorm. Ko cure. No Py. Price bOc. red in my offensive Chinese Era. The "Chinese era" begins B. C. 2697, with the accession of the Em peror Yao, who first devised a calen dar for the Chinese dividing the year into 365 days with an extra day every fourth year. Active man by I a rye manufacturing bvmae; iW.OO in eaah paid for 12 daya trial ; promotion and permanent petition if eetiafactory. Ad- areaa u. b. r. im., ru t;neatnut St., rhilada. Dangerous Business. Tourist Why don't you offer a FaTy air.n7r..'rt.rr .T 1" wid for the desperadoes who nave beea ao worae ; only thoae afflicted aa I was can anderaund my aniTerinfa. I had aboat Seat all hope of ever being- well again waaa a l try at. D. B Vat aauat eoafaaa I bad Utile faith left ia any SMdioiae. After takine tae third battle I Botked a eaange la aay caadi tioa. Tbia waa truly aa aoaraia(, aad I deter aiiaed to lire S. S. S. a taaraut-b trial. Praal M taattiaaeaatbeimpiaia- f eat waa rapid ; . S. a. seeaiea la baea tae dia- aialetaly aader ne aai X S awkSat atrol : (aa aaraa and F aiatra baaled aad I waa f aaaa free front all aifai . T tbe dlaorder: I bare keen atraas aad bealthy ever aloee. If w. Smitb. Lock box tiL, Noblenuia, lad. i is the only purely vere I table blood purifier known. i,ooo is offered for proof that it contains a oarticle of BMicury, potash or other mineral poison. Bead for oar free book on Blood Poison ; h aontaiBS valuable information aboat this disease, with full directions for seat treatment.' W charge nothing for nudes at advica ; cure yourself at home. 1M awtn tPtetrio co, aruNTa, u. robbed the bank here last week? Sheriff Why, if they thought there was any money in the county treasury, they would come back and rob that too. BlmnlieltT. strength and parity combined in Garfield Tea, the herb medicine that curea consti pation and liver troubles. Then He Swore Off. He (producing cigarette case) Do you object to cigarettes? She Not at all. I don't blame the cigarettes I only object to people who smoke them. I j U..iS All Cdc ixitS. I I j Bait boogb bnin, Taaua ttoud. Dm t I: in time. &t! br drciffirtta. f a ..m . rmaii 3( n-:. .-a This algnatare ia oa avary box of the gaauine Laxative Bromo-Otiinine Tablet. tb taaiady that iwa a cM Ib waaa Slay ! I Shopping. Shopman This matches your sam ple perfectly, madame. I Customer It certainly docs. It couldn't be closer. Shopman How many yards do you wishT I Customer Oh, not any, yet I You see, this is the first shop I bre tried. uermany has 1300,000,000 Invested in electrical works. rmiaaelpbla makes 80 ner cent of i our ingrain carpet a cat aoout half-grown can devour : twenty mice a day, or 7,300 a year. owi was snot 400 miles out to sea by the captain of the British steam ship Ethelreda. No other case Is on record of a land bird having Bown so rar from shore. Blnco the national park at Yosewlte. : Cal., has been established and hunters are forbidden to shoot game, tbe bears have become so tame that they run along the roads In front of the stages. ana come quite close to the valley ho tels. Fighting a well established newspa per Is a costly undertaking. Typo graphical nnlon No. 6 has uncondition ally declared off a strike against ihe New York Sun which wss begun sev enteen months sgo snd has cost the printers $123,000. In an effort to drive the English spar rows off the telegraph and telephone wires In Cincinnati a current of elec tricity strong enough to kill a man was turned upon tbe wires, but the birds did not move and seemed not to be Injured In the least. Only two of the thirteen bills intro duced Into tbe Kansas legislature st the request of organized labor have be come laws one, providing for the es- j tablisbment of Vee employment agen cies throughout the State, and the other requiring seats for women employed in factories and store. Ko lees than 140,000 homes are held free of debt by southern negroes. These have been estimated at an ag gregato value of $140,000,000. Tbe hold Ings of personalty by the race are prob ably worth more than the realty. . Il literacy baa decreased among them nearly 50 per cent In twenty years. The New York State factory Inspector says In bis report to the legislature that there has been vast improvement In tenement and dwelling bouse work shops, but that much remains to be done. He pointedly refers to tbe fact that "men who hold their beads high In the business world and presumably some also In the religious world ladl recti y traffic In tbe very Ilfeblood of their fellow men." Tbe United State labor commission er sets forth some very Interesting facta. Aided by machinery, he says, 4,000.000 men tarn out a product which would require the labor of 40,000,000 men if produced by hand. In America the advantage derived from machinery t about twice a great aa In Kurope, so that tb actual production of the United State I equal In productive power to 100,000,000 Europeans. With labor-saving machinery one generation of men can do the work of four or five generations of band workers. eaeareUtlott Relative to I be Naiaabar Thirteen ttnsularly VertSad. "I would not sit down to dinner la party of thirteen," said a broker who Is credited with plenty of "horse sense, "for the simple resson that 1 don't In- tsad to glv coincidence chauc to play into tb hands of superstition, Moreover, 1 bar had oa very disa greeable experience along that Uo. Ia tbe early spring of ISiW 1 wss on of bscbelor party gotten op to glv tb usual send-off to friend about to com nit matrimony. There were fifteen ef us Ia tb crowd, but at the last moment two were called away. That reduced us to the fstal number, which aobody noticed nntll w were sealed at tb table, wthea a desperate effort wss aasd to scar up another guest, but no on ceuld be round. So it laughed tb msttsr off and went oa wttk th fun, bat there was a palpable undercurrent f depression and several f tbe boy acquired lachrymose jsg which, next to the English cmte newspspers, are addest thlsis In tb world. "If yea r not familiar with tb terms I will explain that a lachrymose Jsg Is th stsg of Inebriety at which man tells you tb story of his life and weeps on yoor shoulder at Intervals of six months In th narrative. However, to get to th point, two of the fellows present died In 1806, aad th wsy tb circumstance demoralised nearly all th others was simply amaslng. la several of them It effected a total chsage In dis position. Th death of distant rela tives, petty misadventures In business, occasions! attacks of sickness and a hundred and en ether Incident of everyday life were all charged up to tb blight ef thirteen, and flnaliy. about a year aad a half later, I beram tired of hearing that sort of stories that I task tbe pain to collect statistics- on another stsg party given within a few weeks of ours. A even doten hsd beea present and th net result was Two deaths, three business fsllures, one lost a leg and one lost aa eye la ac cidents, on embezxler skipped out, one divorce and two niee gone to tb dogs through drink. This wss not s party of hoboes, either, bat average cbsps sbeut tow, sod their cstslesu of disaster put an end to further crosklng over our thirteen supper. All the ssme, I don years for a repetition of the experience. Life's too short for sll worry not strict ly necessary." New Orleans Tunes- Desaocrat. It INKHaAI.jiJ Ve riot Able Compcund Is a positive enr for all thoae painful Ailments of Women. I will entirely cure tha vraraft ffoemn af Female Complaint, all Ovarian troubles, inniintuatiun and v li-aratton, railing and I'lsyla. oineutaof th Womb, and cotuaaoant etpiuai " eaanoaa, aua Is peculiarly adapted P"...' ' ntadioine eured ate of tar- ? rlbla tauiaie lllneee. wsr ktaa. M. K. Mcllsb, I Coneotd n-, Bmloa, Xaaa KvaM Srwaal works for oldlsr In onto, Africa. TH great loss ef II f suffered In at sacking Boar iatreachmsnt la Bouln Africa ha lueplrvj Walter Severn, an Cngllsh artist, to Invent and patent form ef movabl breastworks, by th a of which b think fortified kopje tight N captured without much dun Bar to tb attacking party. Th breast work eBlt of steel plate, mounted q bicycle at such a angl that bul la's itrifclBC the will be deflected tip- ward. Tk raven tor ha tb word of ataxia, th ATat gUBinr, that th Not t k Dlvuljitd. KmIi What waa tha cashier fliwt forT " Da Pale For giving away enai the trsilo secrets, I boliov. ' ,w Kssh You don't sayT 1)0 Sales Yes j ho told on 0fU,e customers that th bow waaanoM block head, and tli bosi overhead him. tttxcT-ravoor biotcui sshsi.b. Backache. It has earad mora eaaea of Baekaoha and taucorrhoa tlian any other ra toady th world has aver known. It Is almost Infallible In such case. It dissolves aad expel Tamora front th Uterus In aa early alaire nc ueTeioptnont, and cnecaa any taouacoy to ranrer,ua unnidra. traessBi Your V.tfatable featpound re I T ntord a ribrntd Tumor fro a, aty - wnmb attar doetora failed to flea nsllet. Stna. B, A, UIMBABO, Weatdala, Ma Stamp Novelty. Stamp collectors bsv a novelty In the shape of Cspe Colony stamps Issued In tbst portion of the colony tbst ha been annexed to th South African repub lic, for a time at least. These sre the regulsr issue of British stamps, across the fsce of which have been stsmped tbe letters "S. A. R." snd tbe value of the stsmp In Boer colnsge. Deslers bare not yet been sble to secure the specimens. In sny number at least, snd there Is a fancy value attached to the bits ef printed psper that makes their actual worth to collectors an unknown quantity until some one ascertains how msny of them have been Issued. New York Times. A Uttle Sermon on Habit. Tbls is what a minister bas to say about habit, etymologic-ally: "Habit" la bard to remove. If you take away tbe first letter, "a lit" Is left If you take off another letter, you Oil have a "bit" left While If yon taka off anotber th whole of "it" re main. If yon remove another It Is not "t" totally nsed op. All of which goe to (how that If you wish to get rid of a bad habit you must shake It off altogether. ' The Heaviest Railroad Train. A locomotive of the Pennsylvania Railway recently drew a trsln about three-quarters of a mile long, made up of 180 loaded coal cars, from Altooim to Harrlsburg, 132 miles, In twelve hours. The weight of tbe trsln behind the tender wss 5,212 tons, the locoino tlv weighing 104 ton. Thl is said to have been tbe heaviest train ever moved a long distance by a single locomotive. BLOOD WAS THIN PATIENT TREATED FOR HEAR DISEASE AND CONSUMPTION. Bat tha Dlngnoela Was Wrong Vf ben th Blood Waa Knrlchend tha Symptoms Disappeared. Don't wait until your friends nre dead to glv them flower. Prom Preibytcrian JvvrmU, PhiUi , Pa. After years of patient and intense suffering, Miss Gertrude Gilbert, of 3201 Dauphin street, Fhiladelphia, ra., has recovered her lost health and is today a rosy and blooming specimen ol young womanhood. To a reporter she gave the following ac count ot tier case: "I had been sick for a long time, when a memt urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People. Previous to this three doctors had treated me. Tliey diagnosed my trouble as heart disease, together with con sumption, and prescribed accordingly, AH this medical treatment did not benefit mo in the least. I was in a terrible condition. There was scarce ly any blood left in my body. My chief trouble was weakness, and after laborious efforts to get up stairs almost went into a faint and on sev eral occasions thought I was going to die. i "So little blood had I that my ears were almost transparent, and m v complexion was as white as a sheet. can scarcely describe my senations. out alter repeated treatment by my physicians 1 became thoroughly dis couraged. It was at this time that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills were recommended to me, and I procurred a bx. Before had finished it I began to feel the benefit to my health. This gave nie encouragement, and I began a sys tematic course according todirections. At the end ol the seventh or eighth box, in addition to having a sufficient quantity and a better quality of blood in my veins I was relieved of that shortness of breath and quick heart action which had been my chief trou ble. My appetite returned, and I was enabled to do my daily duties with a cheerfulness which I had never before experienced. I always, a a prevent- ve, keep a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in my room. They are all they are represented to he, and to them, and to them alone, do I owe my res toration to health," Bigncd. UKKTJRUDE GILBERT. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Company.Schcnec tady, N. Y. Price, 50 cents per box; 6 boxes, $2. CO. Bearlne-down Feellner Womb troukli-a. famine pain, weight, and harkacbe, inataiitly ralievad and parm. nently cared by lie as. Under all etrcana. stances it acts in harmony with the laws mat sovern th letnals sysMm, aad is aa nartnieas aa water. Baobaehe aie after tailax tha aaeuad buttle. Year medietas b eured ate wbaa duetnre felled. Maa. Saaaa HouTaia, t TTl Hloek, Uorham t Uwoil. Ma Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menatraaiiona, Wak neeanf the 8toma.-b, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous l'roeuation, li earache. General Debility. rand atedlolne f" ' , la a I thankful Cat lb gnA 11 bas do Bia. M. J. w. J.. ? Carolina Af-, Jatnalea Plain (Bo. ton), Msae. I am Dizziness, Faintness, Extram Laasltude, "don't ear" ana "want to b left alone" feeling, excitabil ity, Irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, fUtulenry, melancholy, or th " blues," and barkache. The are etir indications of Feiaal Weakness, aome derangement ol th Uterus. T troubled with IMaalneaa. Readacbea, runtaeae, Dwelling LiniL. Tour Biedielne eared ate. Maa. Si Bin K. Baaan, Bftflsapw, Ma. Tb whohe atnrr, however, la told la llluatratad book whlrh go wttk sb bat. tie. tha moat complete traBtle a feaoaj oiyplalat, rr BubllakeaU ve eurad by Mrs, Plaaham'i medietas. BlBa. i. jowna, i Ultlaten, H. W. Kidney Complaints and Ilackache of eitAer itx the Vegetable Cnmnonnd alwavs enre. The vegetable coat. Ijdlt E. Pirdhim'i Ltw Pilii tun CtltttfpitJts, Sick Hsadsch. 25. dut nd la sold by all igglata or aant by ll. ia foraa of ni ce laeagaa, OB ia eelpt of I ompmdn frmkt Von ean addrie inetrlftteet eoaSdaae. LtiiU B. PUMa BIB. to, Lyaa, Baas, Didn't Nctd On, Clara, an itu!ov flvini machine ! has Iwn invented." Well, you needn't get one, Clar-1 ence. lull break ennuirh lirin a hrnn 1 now. " steel plate need aot weigh soar than It or ill pound to th stjuar foot. so that th weight oa ra bk-ycl will aot b mar than that of a ordinary soaa. It Is tDUnded that th movabl shields shall b pushed ahead f th attacking column by a number of troof men, detailed for tb purpo. They way alto b used to protect th wounded, to form square, and t pro tact man wb ar cutting wire. They can be rmovd from th whel aad transported by wagon, and, when prop erly arranged about th aide, they would transform a transport wagon Into an armored car. Traveling; in Colonial Day. After tb period of walking and canoeing bad It dy In colonial times, nearly all land travel, for a century, w on horseback, just aa It waa Id England at that date. Ia 1072, there wr only tlx itsge coaches la th whole of Great Itritaln. ami a man wrote pamphlet protustlng that tbey encouraged too much travel. Iloston then had on prlrat coach. Women nd children usually rod srited en a pillion behlud a man. On way of prog res which would help four person rid part of their Journey wa what waa called tbe "ride aud-tle" system. Two of th four persona who wer traveling started on their route on foot; two. mounted on tbe saddle and pillion, rode about mile, dismounted, tied th horse, snd walked on. When th two who had started oo foot reached the waiting borse they mounted, rod on psst the other couple for a m:ie, dla- mornted, tied and walked on; and o on. Knglaad's Army and Maey. It wss rawnitly stated that Kitsjland-. army and tiavy is Inadequate to i,n,h.,i! defend herself from a sudden oiwKh? KiiKlalid Is, In this lii.lsnee, Mite t I"'!)' vldusl Who allows dlsnax lo creep m. T. system thrmiKli sioinarh to ,. ineriy nixeai me iuin tasen into It T strengthen th stomach there la tintlil,,. better than ll-ulelier s rltinnsoh llllu It cures, eoiisttiMiilu,,, tlon, liver and kidney trouble, snd i , tonlu Is Incomparable, raturi f National Park. Tb Vlcksbttrg national park will soon be complete a far a the cqui. sition of land 1 cnneornetl. It fvill comprise in all 1,231 acres. Itj, proptiscd to restoro all military feu urea that marked it in th itruggl of 1803. r IT) renaaMallf fra. o Sn er !, rllW lllw i'l!".inf l 'llti nT3 Hwkim. .Sfer 9M SK .ltUI lee. be. a. II, Ms, LU .ai arutet. HuimtMZHt A Dttp Cutter. "I wa out in a revenue cutter, list night," remarked Dukane to Gasweli, "I thought you went sleigh rid. ing?" " V ell, it made quite a out in revenue." Is beat tin Is enre rattnk, Hrouobllia and I'onaumutiaa, Our remedy ia guaranteed. SL r. o. twiia, - mm W. H. SMITH CO., Mhfoll HIP YOUR SADDLt Dft! THc ORIGINAL.' POMMEL V DtBrS AMD SABDI II, ' " in Twe 1 SH0WW4 ftlLl. 1-hNe Of 6AMtNf5 AND HATS A.J.TOrVeWtO..P03mW.nA3 w MAfiPCST STORtl uwees" cATAttwuej mee IF! Kr.l.'1'JPENSION aiCKFOSO. WasMaaiaa, . 0.. thee mil n, .ueuui. S t.n... a. StbN. II.Vu tl eVthtorpe. 1'roseuatinff slaiait sine leTs. M. r. M. 0. a. -Ib V'IS wrIUn. V waatlaa thia aapar, I a eartlaar Bleaes Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Mitchell Bicycles ADVANCE THRESHER CO. rsttoty, Battle Creek, M It nig en. $25 $30 $35 $40 OXFORD, DEFENDER nd DUNLOP TIRES DnnlopSieel KlBte. Afents Wantetl. Full i.lne of Sundries, Send for Catalogue. rOD KNOW WHAT TOIT ARB TAKIMO When von take Omre'a Tsataleea Chill Toole. neeauas i tne formula Is rlalnly printed on every bottle abowln that it la alarnly Iron and Qnt nine In ktssieleea form. No Cure, No ray. Mo. A Rcalbt "fio you let your leading man go?" "I had to." answered Mr. Storm. ington Barnes. "Ho was too realis tic in his ideas. " "Interfered with your work on the stnge?" o not on the stsee. in the box office. He wanted real monev. " HOW TITI: Mitchell, Lewis I Slaver Co., First snd Teylor 81. PORTLAND, OK. trench Uouse, Portland, Oregon. To bs Pratperoua, Us tb "ADVANCE" THRESHER Th sreateat money-maker. For prices and calalMNue eea "Advanoe'' saenta, or writ Advaoc Thrtsfttr Co Portland, Or, Or writ M. E. and E. T. Kay, VUbur, Tits, V? offer One Hnndred Dollars Reward for an eaae of Catarrh that can not b eared by Hsu1 Catarrh C'aru. r. I. C.1ENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wt thflnDdmiVllMt h. lflln.H 9 1 tf'hAnM lrr tiiO neat IS veara. tn tiAllAVAhlm m,ImIw bonnraUr In all bualn aa tranaantlom and fln. nClaP ' able U r. . mil an. nt.lln.lil.n. mMilA WaWTATSU!, Whoiewlo UritsirliU, Toledo, '). Wai.niHU, KmaAN A MasviM, U n,,...l. n.M TnlmA It Z7sllsCatarrh Cure lat ken' nr-nall uilnl IreetiTon the blnml n mm .n.fM J tbeavat-m. Pri -m ?r- M. i'ita t a h Ti ""i'" ' est intonlula free. ataii'si-amilypiil. r-fh'IwH. PORTLAND'S FUTURE. R. L. Cat Predicts 150,000 Popula tion and Say All Bye Ar Pointed Thl Way. Portland Is growing faater today than st any time in IU pant hlatory, and will bare a pouu. latlon of not lens Irian Wl.uw In ISUS. 1 ant offering blueaa snd rr.litmce properly today at prices that will psy M per cent nee ins years. Csll on or sddreas R. L. CATC, General A sent ol the Hawthorne P.atate. Phone Oak loos. tl) Chamber of Commerce. 1 On or two hnrse: tlaea S, , 10 and i t. Csll eS Mct:orniltHt agent, or address A. H. HOVI.AM. (lea. Agt., Parllaad, Or. For Catalofua and Prices, POULTRY Insanity lb Great Britain. For the hist 10 years there has been an increase of 2,000 annually in the number of Great Britain ' insane. Bf.STFQI.TEi! IMS 00 If yon beven't a resular, beeltby moreaieat ef tb bewe e.ary dar. yuu re alok. or will be. See rear bawaia open, and bo well. Foroe. ia tae inaaeef rloleat aarale, or pill polnori. le eanaerona. TSa ',B)M,tftftst, eaati.t, anriat perfect war of aaoulBa tae ac la claar aus clean law taw """"-a Ja'Sa, VWASSatajiN Ssuniiinu a1 NETTIMC. JOHN POOL P. Pnnlmnit rirn ' tnf from the toanufaotnrer. Fries la lull rails 'i a fee t wide. Ire feet lone ...H rooiot aiorruon street, Can give yon the best bargains in BngKie, l'low. Boilers and Kngines, Wlu.inillls and Pumps and General Machinery. Be ns befor buying. in " - - . a u a a " t. All Kindt of Wire snd Iron Work. PORTLANO VVIRI IHON WORK! I Front t I'orllaad, Oraaa, NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCES! W'M, Anchor Clamos and Uorlirhts. Tm Old Fikci. jsaSawl Qnat Comblntilon olStuofth and Bttuty , Ta Amcbo Fsscs. T Tm Tt Bums." sr'ew"' PBfAa. bu-4ii . See Our Anchor Clamp lop would bs snrprUcd It you anew how little it would co.t you to fli up that old fence. Hatter scud for aome nnmmr iiampe snd t'prigtiia, and wire fence I pslr of our tdnrhsra, and mase vour old i look ItSaa new one. , ANCHOR FKNCE looks so nice snd ' " l""f "itl farmers sometime! .... .. n ipuiv o nigo priced, Uu't, tbouih. It wfl,i"j;nI' Falatable, Potent. Teste qpsd no (toed, Kerer sicken. Weaken, or Urlpe. trie, "toe Write for free aample. and booklet on bealts. Addreea Stwtlea . r,ur, cthaea, Seewnl, San (art. SSM KEEP YOUR BL00O CLEAN mm CUSf Bsross Usixo, ft - L'LiMB jT3 cattle, Sheep and Hot; Tight, it Nsvsa Burs slier olotlni FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74 Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Write for Prices snd Catalogue. Aisnts Wanted In Krery Town. Chas. L. Mastick & Co. 75 Front Street, Cor. 0k Portland, Oregon. CASH BUYKK8 OF I1IDKS, PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignment, solicited. Pay l,vht market ml.e. PROMPT BETUKN8. D-alers in and Finding. Befer to W;is, Fargo A Co. Bank, Boriland, Oregon.