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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1901)
OREGON' MIST ' t. fnterad at tbs powtofllce nl Sjt, HMens, Oreeoo. M second-elsss wtui waiter, COUNTY OFFICIAL rAr(f.K. Jjisusd Evsar Friday Moiodu By PAVIQPAVIS, EllToa AUD PBOI-IUKTUR. ' fiUBSCIUPTON PRICE: Out copy one year, in advance. , . ix month an I COONTY OFHCRRS. fieprrsentatlys. fum A'lers.. fherlfT Treasurer.. iuit. ol Schools A - Xoraaa McrrUl. Clankani ...Joenph B. Voan, Kamier J. 0. atts, 8L Helena ...... 8. HJWl. St. Hulefei IT Boss. St. Helena ..I. U. Ccpaleiid. HoMlWu ...Mania Wbiw, t Helens a.mnnr A. B. Little. Uoulton Cower '........Dr. H. .llfr. . Comreleelooeja y .P. A ,f rakes, , Cass, ntlsbura: MARCH 22, 101. With Mrs. Nation and W. J. Bryan for competitors, the average newspaper man will, vary likely, find pretty thin scratching in his line of business. Kixa Eowako and fat Crowe seem to have formed a three-cornered partner ship with the setting sun, and to have Retired to that blissful stale so tenderly .described by Mr. G. Cleveland as in- pocooos desuetude. It bevins to look as thourh Uncle Sam sraa not properly weaned from his 'mother conn try" after all. England has ?ain formerly told ns ws cannot build the Nicaragua canal, so it is very lkeiy tnat we won't. I does not require any extraordinary Jiereepuon to auconr m many otow lioles in Bryan's double-leaded editori als as were noticaablein his long-winded campaign speeches. The Commoner ja getting commoner every day. Scams is pleased to indulge in a 'great deal of mnd-alinging and alleged aarchasrn at Oregon and Portland in particular, bat it u observed that when Beattleitee want a good steamboat they come over to this state to look for it, and are always sble to find what they want. Enol axd will adopt a protective tariff jtnd try by that means to lift the mort gage which ah has placed upon herself by a stubborn policy of free trade. Bv a little further contact with fhe despised Americans England may learn the se cret of running a self-supporting gov ernment aa wefl sis how to tight a sac eessfal war. Covht Vox Waldbbssk, commander In-chief of the allied armies in China, interfered in toe Angio-Kassian Hostili ties at Pekin, and stopped what threat ened to be a serious clash between the jsoldiera of those two countries who are squabbling over small parcel of land nsids the walled city. The timely in Mrterence ol W)S German general very likely saved the British Hon s sound spanking at he paws of the Russian bear. It orchard ists and fruit-uroducers generally would go to the trouble that many other producers do they would receive better remuneration for what they market. For instance, a dairyman, if be knows his business and manufac tures good butter, will put his sump .on bis article; cheese makers will do likewise. In fact, if you've got a good thing to market, it is a wise thing to take pains and have everything done that will help to advertise the article And the producer. A local paper is just as much a loca) business enterprise as any store in town, yet many people seem to think that it is a benevolent institution and it is run for the fun of it, says the Amesburg News. Now a local paper is the direct communication between storekeepers, business men and the people. When a Jive man has anything to say to the DOODle he usee the AriTufnnn nf a Iiva paper. All business men realize this, ! and those who patronize the columns of their local paper reap sure and quick e turns. By the death of ex-President Harri- i son the country has lost one of its great est statesmen and scholars. Mr. Har rison wss a man of magnificent intel lectuality and rugged character. His plficial record is clean, forceful and patriotic and his private life has been marked by the same devotion to the country's interests that characterized his work as president. He wss one of the strong men of his time snd it is a instterof sincere regret that his voice has beep stilled in the councils of the nation. ' 4ll over the state there appears to lie great activity regarding the question of inducing Easterners to locate at a given point. Nearly every paper in Ore gon has had soioething'to suggest for the inhabitants ot its particular field. and these suggestions are always in the interest ol that particular i'Knen.' This Is all right and as it should be. i Oregon is a good state from top to bottom, , dui certain sections are more developed ! l"c ""' mmg tuatnss done any good than others. In order to advertise any- whatever. I have used one bottle of it fhing it is necessary to use "printers' nd the chills, cold and grip have all fnk," and particularly is this true when : Mt me. I congratulate the mamifaxt ths majority of the papers of the slate l,rers of an honest medicine." for sale are setting forth the advantages of their , at the Ht. Helens Pharmacy. section. We inyite readers of the Ths: j Mist to lend a helping hand In this; G. C. JatiuUh Dead, matter, so vital tq us all, and inform ns of all things coming under thejr obiter va-1 Kews srrived in this city Wednesday tion that will assist in buildipg u and morning of the death of Mr. O. 0. improving the county. - jjaquish, of Keuben, at Good Samari- " W- I tan hospital, in Portland, where dewaaiwl This promises to be the banner year I for immigration toOregon and ths Pacific Nprfhwest. Columbia county should i 01 us death being blood poisoning. De put forth some kind of an organized ! cead had been a resident at Keuben effoit to secure a full share of this iinmi-jfor many years, and had considerable g ration. Many counties of the state are property interests there. His reinains preparing pumphlets and circulars cone I werB brought to this city Thursday morn faining ths information so much de; ' "!?.. d were taken charge of by the Ma aired by these homeseekers about the' sonic fraternity, deceased being a mem vsrious localities of the state. Liberal : ber of the St. Helens lodge. Services jinlurements and opportunities for profit; ! l'erB neUf ip the Kpiscopal church, and abje investment ia also set forth in these . r'lP remsliis laid to rest in the Masonic .pirqulars to interest and direct the ' linelry, fin Germany hill, attention pf these thrifty homeseekers. j " Most comities which have taken action inihis n,attr hsvs sent a representative to Portland to distribute this literature .among tne new-comers on tneir arrival : ,ann, uteiiicpa w bhv, mere ia noi n ,ocif(ity jn the stats thus represented i&Vfttn'Z 'action if f a ixceive vur slisre of Jliis immigration j "mWN JSKKLS 1-1 r . a, . .02 -! -1 j gua canal. T,MS tHtrJ " b.v W fully Drosecute the liutlertaainK. The country fuljv spttniatea the iuct that if. in a t)ig job a n J p expensive one, but s an ajjtitlijsia to this we fully realize 'tiie be i; tit it woulJ be to the country in Jjoth till present and future generations, and in fJme pf war well a peace. Va huvia had tha Nicaragua canal nron- oaition under advisement for iust fifty- one yes ia. It would aecm to ua that this (a auite long enough to deliberate ppon any subject even though it were oue of greater magnitude man tma ,canal. As a matter of eomuierv'ial aa well aa political economy the construe tion of the canal can be no longer de layed with safety to the country' inter ests. Wo ireatlv hope Senator Mitchell will use all his influence in behalf of this enterprise. The present active demand for agri culture and timber lands in this and b'iier neighboring countiea has had the eijtect of developing a certain class of middlemen or agents, whose methods of doing business are, in too many cases, not at all satisfactory to legitimate set tlers or purchase, either, of these landa, and their manipulations too often result in the failure of large and im portant sales. Their favorite system of .working is to approach a prospective seller, and by plausible argument, con vince him tliitt they represent a syndi cate of capitalists who are ready to take tne land and pay lor it. men Dy tne use of more suave and persuasive lan guage the agent secures an option or bond for a deed, without paying any thing down . on tne stipulated price. Having by this means tied up the land for a period of from one to six months. the sgent is at liberty to rustle for some body to sell the land to. for in eleven cases out of a dozen he represents no body but bimeelf, and to the seller that ia simply equal to nobody stall. If be should hsppen to secure a purchaser for be land he usually adds on from fifty to one hundred per cent, to the price of the bond, and then by charging the seller five per cent, he gets a commis sion both ways and makes nearly or quite aa much out of the deal as the sWIer. This phase of the operation would not be seriously objected to if the agents would confine their ener gies to making deals and stop "knock ing," but it too often transpires that if aa agent ia unt able to sell a piece of land himself he will prevent anyone elee from doing so by simply going to tne purchaser and representing that ns has an option on the land in question and that if he is not given a slice of the commission the deal cannot go. Natur ally it does not require much ot this kind of jockeying to "Queer" a sale and cause an intending purchaser to leave the country in disgust, some of these middle men are a good kind of people to religiously avoid and have nothing to do with whatever. In most cases they represent notiody but themselves, have no money and an always looking for tne oest ol anv deal thev may make. It will be found much more satisfactory to deal direct with legitimate purchasers snd to eigu no bonds or options unless the seller receives five or ten per cent, of the purchase price at the time such instruments are signed. Beabea News, Jfetes. James Mnckle, of Portland, was In town Wednesday. John Burba was attending to business matters in Portland ijonday. John Canbay and wife, of Kalama, are visiting friends at Goble this week. H. M. Fowler and Frank Bishop, of Goble, were passengers on the Kellogg Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Welton. of Portland, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welton rriday and Saturday. J. J. Calvin and fa mily moved from the Butts house to the house lately oc cupied by X. V. Watts. Mr. J. M. Butler, late of Roy. Wash.. will take Jacob Severson's place as sec tion foreman at this place. - Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. D. C. Dun can, of Portland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Pearce Monday. Win. Connor. Mrs. J. F. Trindle and Mrs. Ray . Watts were passengers for Portland' on the Kellogg Wednesday. Mrs. Ida Hackett and daughter, of fCalatna, were the gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. John Burba Tuesday snd Wednes day. G. C. Fowler has sold bis home place of 80 acres to Samuel Hendersons for $1,350. Mr. Fowler and wife are now living in Neer City. Jacob Severn, who has been section foreman for the N. P. R. R. Co.. at Gob'e. for the past eight years, haa ac cepted a similar position at Roy. Wash. He went over there Thursday and his uunuy will go on about iuesday. Saturday evening Mrs. J. M. Lind say and daughter gave a surprise party in honor of the birthday of John hi, Lindsay. The evening was spent with games dancing and other amusements. Refreshments were served and a pleas? jnt time was enjoyed. At an adjourned meeting of the citi zens of school district No. 20, held in tie oeuben school house March 18, J. Kennedy. James Kennedy and Mr. ink were appointed a committee to view the different locations lor a school Elpuse, and report their jSndings to the licgal voters at some future date. At Hsaeal ffleallelna far Lm Grippe. treorge W. Waitt. of South Gardiner. mesne lost inr,eresi i pitai uierjritr, 1 notwitljjtHuJiug Kn(cljuwl' causeless ef- , forts w ilisourage if', lipr have we losf; faith in thin country's' ability to sucressr I Me., says : I hare had the worst couirh. cold, chills snd irrio and have taken lot of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy been for nearly two months, suffer-j "'8 from a crippled foot, the direct cause j The lingering cough following grippe ' cale for One Minute Cough Cure. ForlVisi all throat and lung troubles this is the ' only iiaruilras remedy that gives iru- invuiuie results. I'reventsconvuinption. For wile by N. A. Perry, Houlton. PEKS0XAL A$U LOCAL. ir. Willis Morse, of friends here Sunday. ftaleui, visited Mrs. W. 1). Connell, ot Deer Island, visited Portland Monday. 4 daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles CUrk, of Warren, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Matthews, of the Houllon house, visited Portland Wednes day. Mrs. S. S. Way and Miss Wiuuio Way, oi I'onutnd, spent Sunday witi irienui here. ' - ,. Dr. Cawood, dentist, can be found each Wednesday at the residence of R. Cox. Mr. A. Stump was down from Scap poosa Wednesday attending to business matters. Mrs. J. W. Day returned last Satur day from an extended visit in Northern California, Dr. McLaren and Martin Both, of Rainier, were in the county seat Wednesday. Mr. Frank Brown, of Yankton, was attending to busiuees matters in Port land last Monday. W. H, Conyera, the well-known Clate kanie atiormty, transacted business in St. Helens Friday. ' License to wed was issued Saturday by County Clerk Watts to Dora Pulliani and J. 8. Pulliain, oi Mayger, Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach next Sunday at the Deer Island school house at 11 a. m., and at St. Helens at 8 p. m. Mrs. Younger and two daughters, of Monmouth, sucnt the week in this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Powell. Mrs. W. B. rUlard was called to Port land last Friday to attend at the bedside of her mother who has been critically il for several days. Mr. Cleveland, of Astoria, and a for mer well-known pedagogue of this county, visiied friends in this place last Saturday. Emery and Bert Milla came over from Nehaleui valley Monday and continued on to Oregon City the next day in search oi vacant utno. Mrs. Alma WUlis-Beegle, of Ketch ikan, Alaska, is here visiting with her mother, she will remain several weeks. Uiltsboro Argus. The weather the past week aras all rignt, out u we do not have to pay dol lar for dollar with a high rate of interest for it, later on, we will feel in luck. The big O. R. A N. bane. Wvatchie. Captain Ned W hitehead, is loading 250 cords of wood at the Oregon Wood Com pany's wnan, tor tne i. K. -V Com pany, at Ilwaco. Mr. J. 8. Mow. who has resided on the Weed place, above Vernonia for sev eral years, haa removed to bis homestead back of Warren, which place will here after be bis poetoffice. Messrs. Saxon Bros, have lust finished paintingandkalsominingthe interior of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox. The result is evidence thst the gentlemen are adepts at their business. Herb Howard, the Yankton, sawmill man, was ia town Wednesday morning en route for Portland. Herb reports the sale of one of his Isrge draft horses to A. S. Graham, of Marshland. Allan Robinson and wife have sold to F. Donohoe and J. Dodson, of Chehalis. Wash., 160 acres of timber land, near Pittsburg, for (1,500. The transaction was consummated Thursday morning. Mr. T. B. Wallace was in from Peris Wednesday and informed a Mot re porter that he and Will Moyer were soon to open a first-class music house in this city. Their arrangements are all about completed and expect their goods to arrive from the East in about two weeks. They have rented the St. Helens hotel building and will occupy it with their goods. The high mogul ot the mail service was at Houlton Monday making arrange ments for some changes soon to be made in the arrival and departure of mails from the local offices. The Houlton Vernonia carrier will be required to de part from Vernonia at 6:30 a. ru., and arrive at Houlton at 3 p. m. The St. Helens-Houlton messenger will depart from Houlton at 3 p. ni., and from the St. Helens office at 3:30 p. m. The local Northern, due at Houlton at 4:12, will take the mail instead of the through Northern, due at 6:38 p. m. We are not advised when this program will go into effect; but soon, at least. The stomach controls the situation. Thoee who are hearty and strong sre those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food yon want. If yoo stifler from in digestion, heartburn, belching or any stomach trouble, this preparation can't help bat do yoo good. The most sen sitive ntomachs can take it. For sale by N. A. Perry, Houlton. OABTOniA. Batata. Tbs Hint Yw Hwthrm EoajM A Horrible Uaiwreak Of large sores on mv little danehter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. I. Iabill. of Moreantown. Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo com pletely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for eczema, tetter, salt rheuin, pimples, sores, ulcers, and piles. Only 25c at the St. Helens Pharmacy. N lariat Was Her Termr. "Iwouldcongh nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex amlriii, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would couyh frightfully and spit blood, but when all oilier medicines failed, three 1.00 bot tl; of Dr. King's Ner Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c aod 31.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Phar macy. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ft Tbs Kind Yoo Kara Alwan Bought Bean th 8ignator of Reopened to the PoWic Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKKSLEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Fffontf) At Kkabokaulk Tioiikk tors iflft at etramrr landings aiP guests najrgsce looked after. THE OLD STAND HT. HELENS, : ' OBEGON. REAL (STATE TKANSKfUS. Over 33,000 Worth of Property Sold la Febraary, Th Hat ot rati ut triuufem la tliU onuiity tor the month uf Kbriinry tusht'ftt much no- tlvliy In the rlty liwmeii, wliteh. uo doubt, tn mHHi la tie exuoodixt both iu .umbar of imiii fvn him! total of tnrtlturUoni. Ths ggrgte for Fattrunry was f.13,&U, aa loUrnri: Fb I. Q a Amen, IruntM for Rii A me., u W U Marrk'V. lis ii. e tl 1 1 1 00 tab 11 John Bav(ii Ut tUnth Tlmouay, igo ncrvs lo wu -St, i f r . 100 09 Fh 12. Muuroo hurlonl and wlf to B l Kuutaml ASMntham, w Uof nwU, w V, of w . ne It, to T, r TOO 00 fvb L K Ballar unt lo Aaron J - Kl ly. I kikI UU acraa la aeo &, t 4. r 1 00 00 Frb JoUu tiavar and wlla i XVin llm ker, S of an aoo . aud a H of u Si, : Hi, tufc ra TS00 Feb let Kmh Brand el al lo Edwanl I. Naylor, W of aa H d w Hi of aa ae It, Ip 4. r partition 150 00 Fab , C U CapuM and wile lo Lucy BulU, lot J, blk t ud H lutarwt In lot 4, btk 1, Columbia City 8 13 Fab IS I olumhu county to M lloth, aa slKtiea of II lllanchanl, lamia of 1 Bou chard aold for uiea . . 1 00 Feb J -W H polman and wile to W II Phllllpa, iW of aw J ao , t ft. r , quit claim M SO Feb l.-Chai Kpey lo M W Uray, eeUof aecSO, tl &, r i ..1000 00 Feb 8 Emeraon to Aarun Kelly, 4 and &S 100 acre lu aeo 6, to 4. r 1 400 00 Feb . F r Foster au wile to Mary A Link, ne U of aw U, aeo U; p S, r i SM 00 Feb 1. S M timhain and wife to o K Klll ou, lie 4 of nw and uw ot we W, aeo aa, to 7, r S. Umber del-. 1000 00 Feb l.-U W Gay lo Will EUay.aeVof aeo . iu, too, r a. . i kj eu Feb 11. Valentine Ullnlevkt lo Mary t.lin- lecil, e l mx 27, tp A, r s 80 00 Feb 14. twine to Frank UUuim'kl, M ii aec X!. to 6, r S - 1W Oil Feb 14. Wary Ulluieckl to aauie, aame 700 00 Fab IS. Jeuule V Uraham to S Ueuaou, e I, uf u aeo S3, ip 7, r 3 W0 00 Febil. ValKUtine (iljiileckl and wife lo sillier of Mervy. ae aec av. tp S, r 3 X 00 Feb a. Wmt: Adama toK W Floater, w i of w V. m 4, to 4. a r 3 w 200 00 Feb Jo.-vilal AndcRton and .wife to J N Klce and Harah K Kuitor, ue of aw W ami lot 3. aec 10. Id 7 r 4 - 300 00 Feb 3. Carl A Htmpel and wle to Geom 1.1 ipen. n or ftet- aec ai, aim n?) oi swV. of aec 33. Id 7 n. r 4 wext. bond.... 14. Urcar Howe to Nanov M Fitlloti, lot 1 to IS. bloc 11 lou ft to S.block ts. Neer City 00 Il.-Naiioy A llackor to ra Barker. et or ac'4, acc tt ana n oi nvt oi aeo iu, tp 6 n. r & wear, quit claim ... 76 00 .Andrew Johnson ajid wife lo LediaJ Schmidt, ac' of arW of aac 14, V 3 n, r 3 wet 00 00 30.- W m Lad.l and wife to KB Klllott, wl. of and nW ot of aec 11, IpS n, r 3 we . . . 7S0 00 23 Thou LlKhtloot and wife In UeoK S Foeter, kiU I, U, U aud 13, blk 14, Near City 900 00 25M Link and wife to John Metrics. ae of iw'iolwll, Ipln, rl went 490 00 1. Martha s and l-barlea K Morton to W H Merrick, e, of aec 30, tp ft n. r 3 weK 300 00 ix. n n jaorion to o Alien, e oi aur 30, tp t a r 3 went- t!00 'Jl-DouKlaa MaUland wife lo Wm Hack er, e', ol te of aoo ra. tp u, r wet 700 v E. 3f Moyer lo w u Moyer. w' ol aw a ot aec .1, ip o n, r a weoi. 1 00 33 00 7103 14 A Neer and wile to Uacar Howe, lota ft, S and 7 and A, blk 18. Neer t Itv 21. Robert Nf ill olid wife to Wm Hacker, 'tS of e-i of M C 'JS. tp ft a, r ft weal S.-0reiron Wood Co to J W Kuowles,3 acreiln Perrv 0 LC. bond '.'-W B fhllllps and wife to J 8 Umber, a U of of s, ip 6 n, r 3 weal SB L Pollock and wife to S A Aral, e of ec of aeo 4. ne of ne. of fc 3. w 373 00 100 U of Iffh' of aec. a), to ft n. r 4 weal SfiO 00 jp it j raraer to r uonnnoe, aw oi aen of ee 'J3, d' of ne' of aec '. twla of ne'. of aec M. all iu ti ft a, r 4 wet 1000 00 37 C L Parker and wife to J Do ben n and F Poualloe. u1, of naV, aai of net. ne? ot ei. kc 3; w1 of aw'i of aeo JJ; '. ol V. .J aec of c'i of aec M. 'Km at of aeo 33. to ft n. r 4 W--3300 00 37 F M Parker and wife to F Donahoe ana j liobaoa, wm or ao'4 ana eVj ot aw ii of aec 3ft. ti ft n. r 4 weit 1000 00 U-Kainler ludse Softs. K of P. to Pyth ian HuildloK i Cem Amu, 1 35.100 acraa lu ceineury m Kalnler . 1 00 -8 K Mouuolnnd and wife to F and Kuiie V. Alronl, nc!- of m! ol aec Ip 7 a, r 3 went I. 3W 00 3 Shcnff u Tboa Morris, n If of ne, nr of nr?-v aeo ip 7 n, ranj 3 went J ixirena a Smith to E Brady, iw'4 of see a. tn fi n. r wot boo w d -hcrifl in J Btewart and T McMahau. aev. oi 4ec lo. to 4 n. r 3 w: lax deed . JO w Sheriff to J Stewart and T McMahan. nit of iiU of ec 36, S of w; ol aoo 13, Insn. r 3 weal 33 31 Sherlir toJ Stewart and T MoMahau, W oi m?4 ot ew'4 ot ac n ; ne;4 oi nV oi aec 28, ip 4 n. r 4 weo ... II 53 me to aaxae. e!4 oi nei or aec v, to a n, r 3 .-e a . U 6S S Heme to aame, e1 ot nw! and Iota 1 and 3. aeo 30. tp ft n, r 1 weal 18 37 13 J N Me, iheriff. to T H Bartlett, of w., and lii ,ol aH of ice S, Ip 3 n, r 30 11 Sy vTranrTand wife to Dkloc, e'i of at'i oi! ace 37, tp 7 n, r 4 weal . . 47ft 00 23 slier lit to B H Neer. at, of ne!4 of aec 11, tp ii. r3 weal: tax deed 3ft G sciindtke and wife lo (ieo Keller, sr 6ft acre in aec 1ft, tp 3 n. r 3 weat .. 12 J F 1 1mmoney and wife to J Backaa, 10 acre In ec 33, tp 7 n, r 3 weal 100 00 is K Trow to Western Cedar Co, wol nei of aec 33, tp 7 n, r 3 went, bond..... 19 W Te Uand wile to 1 Elacublatler, wV of nw'i, of ne4 of ace 1ft, tp 3 n. r 3 went 100 00 23-1. H 'Pica and wile to E L Naylor. eK ' of at hi And w44 of ae of aec 14. to 4 n. r ft aeat : partition 150 00 4 Voorheea he rs to J J Schmidt, unit claim (iced to D L C of 1 Voorbeea SftO 00 18 BO Voas to 8 Benson, neV; of aec 28, tp7n, tl went 1138 33 11 a Witta and wife to LO Knapp. ae of nej of ec 11, tp 3 n. r 3 weat; bond... IS A in ebb and wife to S3 Boeder and ) M AtkJii-t, part of Honaer D L C... 10.000 00 19 Kama to (. Iota 8 and 4. aee 10. aod lots 1 aad 4, sec 1ft. IP 3 n, r I weat 1000 00 21 Anne Waahhurn to Mauds F ilreen naxen, lots blk 24. Columbia Cllv S3 00 1'nited gule a lo Geo W Foaa, patent; United Mtate Charles Kiper. patent; united Statea to B L Pollix l patent; t'ollou Blatea to Benja min F Talbot, patent. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Tseaday, Thuraday and 8at snlay at 7 a. n. lot ff. Htlent, Kalama. Carrolfa Point, Ramitr ana" Ktlto, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed no tday and Friday at 2 p. m. Wharf foot of Ralnjfln 8L H. HOLM AN. Agent. Timber Lejjd, Act June 8, NOTICE FpRPUBLICATION. UwiTKn Statki Land Opeica. Okeiion f-'lTY, Oregon, March 1. l0l. N'OTICK IH HKKKBY filVhX THAT IS t.OM oliance with the Drovlr.lnna of the act ol Oongrcwof June 3. 1HT8, entitled "An act for the nalt of Limber Undid in the tttafis of Cnlf- forula, Oreron, Nevadn. attd Wuhlmrton Terri tory," hi .-.ti;ii'lii u hII the Public LaiiI Hut by act of AuRint 4, IWri, Jdwar4 . Olwii, of I'ortUntl. ?ountr of Multnomah, tat ot Ore gon, baa tha dar filed lu ihla ofljre hi worn atatement Ko. f&A, tor the ptirchiise of tbe N.K. of Jon No. m, In toM n.hlp Ifn. 4 N., mnee . U. 47 T , SHU Will WHVr U7Hil VV BIIDW inn Htsj land aoiiibt f mora valuublo for iu tlnilr or atuiie than for agricultural purposeA, and to ea tabllafa bit claim Ut aald land before the Kfrla terand Iterefver of thia uiTjce at Oregon (Jity, urevm, on wednennny, tne z&i day or mhv, iwi. Me namea aa wUneHa: O. X. l-aveuder and W. W. Allen, of Vernonia, Columbia Cohulv. Oregon, aud Q. W. Steve uh and J. Q. htevenn. of Portland, OreKOn. Any and all pernoiia elalniinaj ad vera I y the above-deacrfbed land are re)uett ed to rile their efaima In this office on or before aaid 'il dy ot May. l'H. mHml7 , CHAti. B. MOORK8, Retrlater. TejF1Synjl ey, ejuaai ayii tSV AAA WOU rORTLA.tD, palliY. -team en AInerica,, Willamett Slongb Route Leave Ht. Helens. ... 0:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M I-ave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at rH. Helens. :00 P M FAKK SS CENTS). Will Carry Nothing but Paaseii Itcrsaiiil Ks"t Kreift'it. It I Hi Ml Ml i H M H M u JA.TISiM t,OOU, Mavalor.' oi iwmius Salve ore liable to cause Wood poisoning. Leave lliem al-wo. The original lias the name DwWitt's 1K)H the ojt and wrapper,' Ills a haruiU nnd Ueajiug salve tor skin diseases. I' piles. Kor salehy V. Pe,rry, JlouHon- t$SGHrS HpTICE. RYVIRTUKOF ADK:l OF AWIONMKNT mails ,bj UBdttmlsiia.1 by JfrsnjiU . Honrlvl oil the 1 day ol Ma. . ' Uhdvof Mawh, IWI, at 11 o elwk s. in.. Ill Ironl of lla't;our lluiiaa rtnnr In M.llelns. Columbia Oouidy, male ol Oreipiii, I will cll ' publle anetloa the douatiou land alalia ol C harles William llonrlcl, In lection. 31 and , lwiililp 4iorth, raiute I wt ollhoWll am e Murldlsn. and and l li r u ol lha weal end ol lot 7 In laid aectlon 33, all lu Coliim. blat.'tuily.4)rKon,l ' JTA i'i in't to a morisane of Jolin u. Ilenrld, for "d lutereivt theroon at ths rale ol 10 per caitt per antiumNluoe January ISIIi, iswi. Wald aW will ha caah, It) ver cent al ths day of aale, aiul fho bal ance upon the confirmation ol the sals by Ins Clrcvlt Court ot Bute pt Oregon for the Couuty,l MiHinomah. )fV. K. Hh.NKfid. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Pepartmetit of lbs Interior. J,iu orncs at Oaauos ''""v0!' f,.o March 3. JOtH. NOTICE 1 HKRKHV O.JVKN THAT Til B fiillowlns nameil aelllfr ha flleil nollce of hla tulenllon to mak Anal proof In snpimrl i of hla claim, and that aald proof will bo maju be- lore the it ouniy uera oi miiiu uiun, , luuibia lounty, at St. Helciu. oreion, on April lit It. HWl, via; I Little, surveyor, W uieet at Jonn ivraiu , w moNKKtoWshii! iar's residence, March ), WOl, to view of ' and S 4 HW k, aec . Tp N., K3W. He. nainva Hie following wiim? In prove hlaoon tluitoua rcaldcnrs uimh aod cultivation of UI laud, vli: William Karlli. Wlltord. Ml cr, Jot SuUleakl and Stephen Umia. all ol alley, yt. Timber Land. Act Jttue 8, 187. NOTICE FORPUBLICATION, United State Und Oin.-a. Ornon City, Or.. Maroh 13. WOl. Toc 111 I4KUKIIV ill VKS THAT IN CUM IN pllance with Hie pro'lalniu of the act ol cttarc oi June 3, erjntled "An act for the sale of timber lamU in the tales oi t aiiiornia, Oreon, Nevada and Wuhlnxton Territory," aa exieiuled to all the Public ud Staiaa by act uf Atui.4. 113. John W. U'svell. of Vancouver, county of t larko, aiule of Washlnatop. haa Ihla dar riled In Ihla oltli'S hla eworn Ktalemenl No. m r... ih.. i,nrli.uiA tlui north U oi eolith- weat U ol aectton No. Is. In Uiwahip No. ft iiunn. raiiae oi. wc., im i ".,, ... ahow thai the land louahl la more valuable for lia timber or atone than for aarlruliural pur Luees, and to eoubllah Ida claim U) aald land belpra the KegiMer and Keceiver of this nines at Orrou Cltv, Orejron. on W(dudy, the fttt dnyof Jnne.iwi. lie uanieaaa witiiuaea Alvl Howell. John Parker. A. Parker and Lloyd Detrlik, .f Pltl-hurf, OrcKoii. Any and all ponu olaimlna adver.rly the above deecrllied Innda are requeated lo Ble their cMma In tuts omce on or nature aaiu aq oay ui jtuie, CIIAeI. B, M(' tn in it's, k-utcr. NOTICE rOHVBLICA,TION, Department ol Ike Interior, LaHu orru s at Orioon city. Oa. Februaty ISth. lil. VfOTfCK IS HKKKBY tllVKN THAT TMM 1 following-named ae'.tler haa Mlad notice of hla Intention to make anal roof In aupfmrt of bi claim, and that wld proof will ie made be fore the Keeitrrail Koceivar at tyregou tJlty, Uregon, on April ll, 1301, via; UKOROE B. JOI'NHOIf, Homeatead ead entry Ao. 10.IWI, for the B'i of NWU, ' NK'-, and K'4 or K'.. aectlon 33. Ip 4 north, range 4 weal, lie uauiea ths ' of towuahiD miiowms wiiuaaima to prove nia ivsmuuow re Idence upon, and MUltlvatlun of. auid land, via; Kalph Rouen and J. A. McDonald, of Vernonia. Oreion. and T. J, I'hlmaii and John 1 1 oca. of Portland, uregun. CllAS. B, tfUOKKS, t-Uuxa Keg ltr, K0TICS m PUBL1C4T10H, Department of ths Interior. Lamp drriti at Uaauos Citv. Oa., MarghSth. IU01. VflTIfV. 18 1IV.HKRY GIVKM THAT DIM l followlng-uanied aeiiler haa nivl unllca of hla Intention lo make tins! proof to support of nia claim, aud lhalwid prooi wilt ut maoe o. tore the County Cleik of I'olumbia Uouniy. at A em Mb. UUI. via: HAkTIN fit TfcfcN TAT. Hnmeatewl enlrv No. I0M3. for the RE K of the N K '-, nectlou :M. Tp 3 K, K ( W. He names the loiiowing wltneaaaa to prove nis mntiiiuoua res idence uDan and cultivation ofaaid land, via; Johenne Boeck, '. C, Klchiuau, U. H. Thruon and Oeorge Situ, all of Keawv, On-icori. mIOaas etrlater. UOTICe TO CtifDITORS, N TOTICK IS HKKKBY THAT THK undersigned haa this day been appointed administratrix of the eatate ef Anaoa i. onsig, deceaaed. All persona having slMn.a agaiuat aauu eataie win preaeni ute aame w me at viata- sanie, ore eon, on or noiore aia (nouuie irtim tne oral publication ol una notice, Amliiiralrl, Dated Ihla 4th rt.v of March. 1'jUl. H. P. (in ham, Attorney for AdmlnlatralrU. mSaA ADMINISTRATOR' 9 NOTICE. Estate of Riley Adaroe, decawed. XTOTICE IS HEKKHY UIVKS THAT LK.T leraolaalmlnliilrailonon tliesatalsnf Kiley Adams, deceaaed, were granted to the under- IiiMi uu til, wo ' ,i..o n, ,, by the County Court of Columbia County. All peuoua bavins elelme aa-aiu.i aald estate are required loeihiblt them lo rpe for allowance, at my omce in the city of St. Helena In aald county and state wlthfn U meiillu after ths nate ui una notice or incv anau oe inrever barred. This 31 .t day of Pebiaary, A. D. lwil. E. K. IIUICK. Admlnlatrstnr of ths a.tate of Hlfay Adamt, dacenaed. B. H. Uruber, Ailurney lorAdinln. lilralor. M0TICE TO CH(PIT0HS. In ths county court of ths H(aM of Oregon, tpr Columbia County. In the matter of tbs estat of Cyrus R. Poles, deceaaed. qMlK UNDERHKJNKD HA VINO VKVH AP Ji poluted by the county court of the Htate of Oregon, for Columbia County, admlntatrator of ths estate of Cynu It. Bnlpa, deceaaed. notice la hareby given to the creditor of. and all iiereaua having claims again! aald deceaaed, to present them verified aa raotiired by law, within els mouthf after the drat publication of thl notice to aald W. 1, Caae, at hla residence at Plttatmni, Oregon. W. fa, CASK, AdinlnUi.-ator of ths estate of Cyrus B. Boles, deceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Administrator. Dated February ISth, 1301. qOTICC TO CREDITORS, la the County Court of ths State of Oregon, for Coltimb County. I a the matter o lbs patatf of rred Koblc, do- eeaaed. T'-HK I'NDFBSiaKKD, HAVINfi BKKK Ap pointed bv Ihs County Court of ths Stats of Oregon, for Columbia county, admliiLtratrla of the eaute of Kred Koble, deceaaed, notice la hereby Riven to the creditor, of, and all peraotis havlusclaima ngalnat aald decenaed, topreaent mem, renncd aa by law required, within six months after the first publication of this notice to aald Anna Koble, at her ycaidencs at itguben, Oregon. Dated March 1Mb, lisil. . ANNA KOBLK. Admlnlitratrli ot the estate ol Fred Koble;, deceased. W. H, Powell, ajuirnuy for Admr. ehtabiihhkd 1S72. ..1W0 JOHN A. BECK DBALEIt IN Watches, Diamonds, Sil.erware, .... JEWELRY.,.. Repairing a Specialty. 207 Morrison St, Bet, Front & First, PORTLAND. Brinn Brothers I CAFE ST. HELENS, - - - OREGON. NEW PLACE. If vail wiint uimcthliiK nood In ths line of whUky try SHAW'jBMALT ' Only Hie boat of Liinornnil Ciprs Kept in Stock: OPEN PROM I A 12 O'OLOOK M S A. M. TO MIDNIGHT. sv4vsv COUNTY BUSINESS BATTERS TAX CRUT1PI0ATIMI AMIUNKl, MAtN OKOKHKI OI'RN. lijtouor Llfsnse (Jrautes and Cennty .Officers' Books Eutujned. l'ruceedinirs ot the county court of thn state of Oregon (or Culmubla county, t ih conUr March. 1001. term. Olllcers present, Hon. J. M Dn, Judge: P. A. Frakes and W. 1). Case, cmitiiW(nersj J.U. WatU, nlfk,aud K. 8. llattsn, snerin. Due proclamation being made the M lowlnir urot-eedlngs were had: . . I'oTition of A. B. Mwlft et al lor a road, read, aud 4. II. Tarbell, W. H. Beaver aud Jacob llegelt) wereiK)lnted viewers, snd A. 11. J.ittle, surveyor, to meet at the resldcrius of A. It, Swiltoti Aprils, 1001, to vie aud survey said proposed road. Report of viswaiM oa Kappler road read llrst time. Jteport of viewers on Jl'inn road read flrst time. , ivililon of John Parker et al tor a county road rsad, snd John MoAdatn. O. E. Wonderly and Jsines MoAyeal I h.m totftttit.Ml viowAra. and A. 11. "i'r . " - . ---, - went of tss sale certificate No, 13, Lr M1.28, allowed. Application ot II. T. droves for as signment ol U sale portillcnUt Ho. 609, rejected. Application ot John Btewart for as slgntnent of tax sale certificates Nos. 464, MkH and UT1, for )HI.M. allowed. Report ot viewers on tjtiiok road read flrst time. Petition of U Fluhrer lor liquor M' Cain ax for Oak lolnt precinct, allowed. Petition ol O. W. Lane, ol Mist, for county aid, allowed In ths sum ol 4 per month. Petition of Ettle Vanblarlooru for ad ditional aid, rejected. Report of viewers on Quick road read second time. No objections or bill lor damages being tjlml, the report was ac cepted and road ordered opened as prayed (or. Report of viewers on Kappler road read second time, Rill (or !0 dam ages having been filed by Mrs. E. . Fssnn, Ueo. Kelly, I). J. HwtUer and 0. E. Hall were appointetl sppraisers, to meet at the residence of E. . Faxon March (, 1001, to assess tlie damages. Report of viewers on J. III. Hrinu road read second time. Bill lor 175 damages having been filed by Frank II row n, Ueo. Kslly, I). J. bwltser and 0. K. Hall were appointed appraisers, to meet at E. H. Faxon's March U8, llWl, to assess the dsrnsges, if any. Books ol ths sheriff, treasurer and dark ws re examined and approved. The road funds apportioned to ths various road districts to be used to July 1, 1001. as follows: No. 1. 1400; No. i, 31 75 ; No. 3, 3o ; No. 4, tVtOQ ; No. 5, 400 ; No. 8, i76; No. 7. I76; No. 8, 17?; No. 9, $260; No, 10, .I75: No. 11, 1176; No, 19, tll!6; No. 13, 1260; No. 14, No. 15, i76. Court adjourned without day. ri f HI. i 14, At?.etauk Prrparationrof As similating rjKFotxJaivlBetfiila ting Uw Stoaada afslikwela of in Promotes DigcalionCheerful- ness aru Kest ccniains neiiher Opium.Morpluiia norMiuexoL 'OTlMARCOTIC. A perfect Remedy forConstlpa non.SoiirStonwh.Diarrtioca Worms .Convulsions, Feverish ness and Lobs or SLEEK Tar Simils 5irmlurs of XEW YORK. r sfarT si VH tXACT C0fy 0T WSAffTJI. t I A 1 - - iiuw uoui BE YOU H recorda i HURK it Wa 1 Sm ..,. ,.,u cioiieuipiaie ouyiiiK land or loanina money oo real ejtale aeeiirlty, lean nn niau'a word, but In.iai upon knowing; what the record ahowa reaardhui Ihs title. Aa Abalraol I. ss saaentlal aa adcoil, luaMon haylnit It. We have the only act of abalraol nooka In the coaiity. All work prnmpllysseouted and astlalnctloa piarauttHMl. if you have property toltiauresfvouaseall. Vt'sars Siietiu for ths beat Sre inaiirance compaiitaa In the world, If TOU have properly for aals Hat II with ua and ws will Snd a buysr. E. E. QUICK & CO., Main Stmt THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN -Clothing- I i 1 Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. Cooper Uuilding, MaJn Btrout, St. Helens, Oregon. 3 is S 7 HUeks to the lloiuf Paper, NottUK tbo fact tlmtinwiv mumr breti niuu lu um large ulties take tli. (MI nuer in their old home, the I'bll, ndelplila Rewiiui suysi "1'lie IichiI of luigo Market street wliolrsuls buslnots house, a uisn i)W advanced lu ycNrs has Ix-en a regular subscriber to otic uf ths HiHiksi'otiuiy pajairs lor (Kty ymirt lis wuiild'nt give it np lor anything, Itu gets uimiw real eujoyiiiinil Iroin it than (mm snytlilng ho reads. A Oslly silitlun has been started within Uie lHt teJi years, but lie iloes'nt want that Us only gets ths weekly edition, which prints gossip ol a personal niiturs (roni tits towns throughout ths county, U will pore over this by the hour, and his eomments on the vurlons Items ot news are often amusing, Hoarcely a name Is mentioned that lie doesn't say, "Why 1 usetl to go to school with his fatbor,1' or ''I once licked his uncle Jim lor tying my clothes ui, when ws used to go swimming In the Nvshamlny." ' MeiiTlsis far tmu,,,, "I hitvs no hesitancy In raoomniendlug hsmlHirlaiu's Cough Rstnedv", says CI V P, Mora n, a well known and popular oaaer, oi i euirwuiirg, va. v navs "Ws have given it to our qfillilren when troubled with laid coughs, also whooping cough, aud It has always given perfect satis, faction. It wss recoiumsndod to nis by a druggist as the best cough mediclns for children ss It contained no opium or other harmful drug." Hold at ths Ht, listens Pharmacy, 20-Acre farta for Vale. My farm, about one mile from Goble, together with stork and household f. forts, Is tor sale at a ruasonshle figure. Nine acres cleared, orchard ol forty-five trees, running water, team and harness, two fresh cows. For particulars ad dress, Oxoaos PrrsiMHxaox, nilQall Oobla, Oregon. Their promptness and their pleasant effects make DeWltt's Little Early Risers most popular little pills Whcra- ever they are know u. They sre simply perfect for liver aud bowel troubles, Fur sals by N. A. Perry, ol Houlton, steward fur Iol Hog. Irish setter dog, light red. ten months old, suswers to name ol Don ; lost from Muuryman. rancti, ncappooea; dlasp ueared atmut February 10th. Reason able reward for return ol dog or any iniormauon vonruruiiig mm. J. V. HossTMAM. Blrlkea Itlch Flad. "I was troubled lor several years with chronic Indigestion and nervous de bility," writes F, J. Green, ot Lancas .... V- it v .. . I . , . .... awr, II. au rwiiiwu iiciiw mi nil til I began using Electrie Hitters, which did me more good than all ths medicines I ever used. Trey have also kept my wife In excellent health lor years. Hits says Electric Hitters are just splsndld for (enisle troubles; that they ars a grand tonic and invlgorator lor weak, run-down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try tliem. uniy mjr. Matisisotlon guar, an teed at the Ht. Helens Pharmacy, for Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years ths aiwraua eeweairv. nia, veaa am. the A t If . rni a- w your i iner la all rlehtr R..ih that It la ths COIUi that sovsrna, It la our bnalneiie to aesreb His :rda and ahrtw what th.i ,o.i,.in i .iutl..n in lnA ST. HtLtna. OR EOOM